Match the words and word combinations with their definitions or synonyms mass media


The Mass Media

I. Match the words from the box with their definitions

Sitcom, audience, commercial, levy, censor, ban, publicity, sequel impartial, licence

1. The people listening to or watching a performance, speech, TV show.

2. To forbid, esp. by law.

3. An official who examines books, films with the power to remove anything offensive or helpful to the enemy.

4. An advertisement broadcast on TV or radio.

5. Not giving special favour or support to any side.

6. A sum of money you pay in tax.

7. An official paper, card, showing that permission has been given to do smth usually in return for a fixed payment.

8. Public notice or attention.

9. Another book or film which continues the story.

10. A TV comedy series which shows the same set of characters in each episode in many amusing situations.

II. Translate from English into Russian:

1. A University of the air.

2. To be on air.

3. Commercial art.

4. A specialist correspondent.

5. To have an insidious effect.

6. Investigative journalism.

7. A TV special.

8. Breakfast TV.                                   

III. Give synonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

1. to run a programme;

2. to start a radio — station;

3. partial;

4. to provide what is needed;

5. to broadcast;

6. to report (the detail of an event);                 

IV. Give antonyms to the following:

1. local;

2. recorded interviews;

3. TV production;

4. An general interest programme;

5. Historical political events;

6. relevant to.                                            

V. Insert articles and/or prepositions where it is necessary:

1. As_____British Parliament has the reputation__________________being «the mother of parliaments», so__________________ BBC is said to be «the mother» information service.

2. The BBC gets complaints from______ both sides of_________________political divide, because this testifies not only_________________________its impartiality but also _ its independence.

3. ______ BBC 2, Newslight will be relaunched to cover the issues of the day___________ depth.

4. LWR — one of the capital’s formost «pirate» radio stations, a following young music lovers, is celebrating four years of illegal broadcasting.

5. Steve is unpaid and works «__ the love it».

6. We have to listen_________ children, read_____ them, chat them their favourite books and TV characters. eat_______ the table them, expect good behaviour them and praise them when they do well.

7. New programmes comply_____________________ certain requirements: all news is presented___________ accuracy and impartiality.

8. The BBC Symphony Orchestra plays  many____________the concerts.

9. Advertising on TV should not detract the value__________the programme.

VI. Continue the list of attributes:

1. TV-cable, …

2.  Interview — live, …

3. Programme — phone-in, …

4. Journalism — ambitious, …

5. Channel — pop channel, …     

VII. Correct the mistakes:

  1. He was listening to a ball-at- ball commentary of the    
  2. The 255 series of the seriel was breath-taking, match.  
  3. What’s in the air tonight? — A cuckery
  4. A life sports programme is more exiting then a programme recording.
  5. Quizze programmes atract wide audiences.
  6. People in this country watch a good deal of seriels.
  7. Day — to — day radio account.

VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Насилие на экранах телевизоров пробуждает врожденную агрессивность у детей.
  2. Каждый вечер мы включаем TV чтобы посмотреть новости в 9 часов.
  3. Многие мыльные оперы нельзя воспринимать с полным доверием.
  4. Часто приходится ехать на место происшествия и вести репортаж с места события.
  5. Сейчас все имеют доступ к телевидению.
  6. Некоторые корреспонденты «раскапывают» прошлое кино или поп -звезд и выливают его на первые страницы газет.


I. Match the words and translate
the word combinations into Russian.(
слова и
переведите на
русский получившиеся

the mass                              of

to broadcast                       entertainment

radio                                  game

a wide range                       programmers
and news

an intellectual                     tabloid

a high-grade                       media

a popular                            station

II. Find the synonyms. 1 word is extra. (Найдите синонимы. 1 слово

to transmit                               to
be on

to look for                               a
long serial

to leave on                             
to broadcast

a soap opera                            to
be for

to cater for                             
to search

turn on

III. Make the sentences with the reported
Напишите данные предложения в косвенной речи)

1)    Jane “I like
intellectual games and documentaries”.

said _____________________________________

2)    Ben “If there is
nothing good on I’ll go online”.

Ben thought_______________________________________

3)     Susan “We will
prepare a report about the most popular writers of the last times”.

added _________________________________________

4)     Robert “I am
going to the cinema on this Friday”.

said ________________________________________

Choose the right answer (
Выберите верный ответ)

serious newspapers in the UK are called …

tabloids                                   b) Sunday
newspapers                          c) broadsheets

Tabloids’ feature is …

a bright format                                b) a big
headline                          c) a cookery article

The oldest quality newspaper in the UK is …

“The Independent”                             b) “The Guardian”                         
c) “The Times”

Many local papers which have only advertisements are called …

free sheets                                   b) free supplements                         
c) free papers

Match the words and word combinations with their definition. There is one extra sentence.
1   Elementary school————         A  examination that American high school
students take before they go to college
2   Primary school —————           В the oldest and the most famous public
schools in Britain
3   Comprehensive school                    С an examination in a range of subjects,
————-                                          which is done by students in schools in
England and Wales, usually at the age of 15 or 16
4   High school —————                 D examinations in different subjects, which
students in England and Wales take when they are 17/18
5   College of further education         E the oMest and the best universities in the
—————                                         USA
6   GCSE —————                           F   a private school in Britain for children of
different ages
7  A-level exams _________             G a school for children between 5 and 11
years old in England and Wales
8 SАТ —————                             Н  a school in the US where basic subjects
are taught for the first six years of a child’s education. 9 Eton, Harrow,                                I    that provides education for peo-
Winchester—————                       not provided by
a university
10 Yale, Princeton —————           j   a state school in Britain for children over
the age of 11 of different abilities К a school in the US and Canada for children of 14 or 15 to 18 years old; used in the names of some schools in Britain for children from 11 to 18 years old

Проверочная работа в 8 классе по теме «Mass media»

Task 1. Think of the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of the different mass media.





























Use the words : it’s a waste of time; to get smarter; to get lazy; to receive information; to find new

friends; to take part in shows and competitions; to put on weight; to stop writing letters to your relatives; to

travel around the world without wasting money; to study at home; to kip fit; to sleep badly after horror films.

Task 2. Match the word and its definition .

a) A program which gives facts and info

about a particular subject

b) A small book giving useful facts

c) Broadcasting programmes ( the news,

plays, shows, advertisements ) for

people to watch on their TV-sets

d) The holy book of Christians

e) A paper printed and sold usually daily

or weekly with news, advertisements

f) A book that gives the words of the

language in alphabetical order

g) A way to communicate with your

partner who might be a thousand miles

away using the computer ( e-mails)

h) A book giving info about everything

i) The process of sending and receiving

messages through the air; broadcasting

programmes for people to listen to.

j) A newspaper with rather small pages,

many pictures and little serious news

Task 3. Give the translation of the words.

8. To come to the conclusion

Task 4. Fill in the words for different kinds of newspapers. Use ex. 34 p.70

Task 5. Guess the profession .

1. _________________are people who invent something unusual .

2. _________________are those who report on political protests, areas where there are conflicts

and other situations.

3. ___________________are courageous people who try to get as close as they can to take dramatic

pictures of some dangerous places.

4. _______________arrange interesting TV and radio programmes and invite guests to them.

5. ______________plan and design convenient towns and houses for us.

6. ______________ give money and other support to create films, videos, performances and shows.

( teachers, architects, correspondents, inventors, talk show hosts, poets, computer

programmers, journalists, reporters, scientists, producers, photographers)

Match words and word combinations with their definitions.

{To predict ; to affect ; significantly ; goal ; innovation ; make a bargain ; to make up one’s mind.

} The aim or object towards which an endeavour is directed.

To influence.

To agree on terms.


To decide.

Something newly introduced.

To forecast.

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