Match the words and word combinations in the two columns and insert

Match the words and word combinations in the two columns.
1) heavy
2) ten degrees
3) to snow
4) beautiful
5) to fall
6) frosty

a) heavily

b) weather

c) snowflakes

d) rain

e) below zero

f) to the ground

ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 5. Step 1. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Сопоставь слова и словосочетания из двух столбцов.
1) сильный
2) десять градусов
3) идет снег
4) красивая
5) упасть
6) морозный

а) сильно




ниже нуля

на землю

1 – d, 2 – e, 3 – a, 4 – c, 5 – f, 6 – b.
1) heavy rain
2) ten degrees below zero
3) to snow heavily
4) beautiful snowflakes
5) to fall to the ground
6) frosty weather
Перевод ответа
1) сильный дождь
2) десять градусов ниже нуля
3) выпадать сильному снегу
4) красивые снежинки
5) упасть на землю
6) морозная погода

Назад к содержанию

Ответ на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 4 по учебнику Английский язык. 9 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)


4 Match the words in the two columns (A, B) and complete the sentences with the word combinations.
1) afford a) to find time
2) consider b) of education
3) kept c) to wait any longer
4) manages d) looking
5) cost e) size
6) break f) arguing
7) small g) the garden
8) exploring h) the promise

1) Alf is a great reader of books; I can’t understand how he manages to find time to do so much reading.
2) As far as I know, the cost of education in different countries is different.
3) Joanna said she would help with the project and she didn’t break the promise
4) We have very little time. We simply can’t afford to wait any longer; let’s get going.
5) If you don’t like your job, why don’t you consider looking for a new one?
6) While exploring the garden the children found a strange plant with funny yellow flowers.
7) It was a house of a rather small size but very cosy and comfortable.
8) They kept arguing and didn’t manage to come to any constructive decision.

Решение 1

Фото решения 2: Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow) 2014г.

Популярные решебники

Ваше сообщение отправлено
и скоро будет рассмотрено

Итоговая контрольная работа

10 класс

TASK 1 Use the verbs in present, past or future simple passive to complete the sentences.

1.Molly always (treat) is always treated like a child by her parents. 2.A new charity organization (establish) ______________the other day. 3. I’m sure this time the plan (not, criticize) __________________ by our boss at tomorrow’s meeting. 4. He says the dishes (wash) _____________ in the dishwasher in a moment. 5. Don’t worry. When you leave, the child(look)____________after byGranny.6.This textbook (often refer)_________ to by all the lecturers. 7. When ____________this old-fashioned rake (buy)__________ ? — Years ago. 8. In our area letters (usually deliver) _________ in the morning.9.Next year three foreign languages ( teach) ————— at this school.

TASK 2 А. Match the words in the two columns to make new word combinations.

1. sign

a) medals


2. exports

b) the property


3. renew

c) lots of problems


4. treat

d) his debts


5. give

e) trade links


6. inherit

f) the documents


7. experience

g) prices


8. pay

h) tea


9. establish

i) their friendship



j) the disease


В. Insert the word combinations from Part A to complete the sentences.

1.The President decided to sign the documents after the agreement was made.

2.China is the country that ______________ all over the world.

3.After a long-term quarrel the boys decided to ____________________.

4.In this medical centre the doctors started to ___________________ with exotic herbs.

5.Last year the Committee decided to _______________________

to all the participants of the race.

6. “Nobody will __________ as it will go for charity”, said the judge.

7. Before getting wealthy they had to work hard and to _________ .

8.As Mr Robinson was unable to__________ he made up his mind to leave the country secretly.

9. Britain wanted to ______ with Japan.

10. To avoid further strikes the government couldn’t afford to_______ on essential goods.

TASK 3. Use the appropriate participles to complete the sentences.

1.The letter (receive) received yesterday wаs from my grandmother.

2.Тhe young man (ride) the white horse is Laura’s brother.

3.Тhe apples (buy) at the market, are very fresh and juicy.

4.Alfred felt tired and (disappoint) by the poor results of this test. He hadn’t got what he wanted to receive.

5.The fleet (defeat) by the Italians consisted of ten ships.

6. The children (play) football were enjoying the game.

7.The train (leave) from Platform 5 is a local one.

8. The problems (discuss) at the conference concerned everybody.

9.The children (arrive) at the railway station were appropriately dressed for the trip.

TASK 4. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences.

1.What in your view are the ———— of travelling by sea?

2.Last year we had a very ——— journey to

Malaga, a————— resort city though

the ———— of our trip was a bit spoiled by the weather.

3. My brother feels slightly ——————-

when he travels by air.

4.Silvia said that her ———— method of travelling is by air.

5. You choose your travels according to your aims and ————-s.

6. I have always been dreaming about ——-adventures,visiting ————-lands and seeing ————— flora and fauna.

7. I can’t give you the ————— you’re expecting to get. I don t know how this

—————thing happened.

8.The ———— device in the centre gives

the ——————s information about

train ————s and —————s.
















TASK 5. Read the text and decide which facts in the statements after it are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

Family Taking to the High Seas

The Koehorst family are setting off on a family adventure of a life time, which will take them to exotic places all over the world. Dina and Pete Koehorst live in Cape Town, South Africa. They have two sons — Robin and Matthew. The elder boy Robin is eight, his brother is five. Dina and Pete are experienced sailors. They say they have always wanted to go on a sea voyage, they have wished to do it for more than ten years.
“We have always been dreaming about the day when we can sell our house and business in exchange for a life on the sea,” said Mrs Koehorst in the interview last Friday. “We suddenly realized it was now or never. Our sons are young enough for us to cope with their education on board. The school staff have been very supportive. They have given us enough notes to use. I think they can last two years,” she added.
The Koehorsts put their house on the market and were surprised when it was sold within a week. Two weeks later they sold their business and looked around for a yacht. They bought just a lovely one. It was given the name of Coquette III.
Dina’s brother Richard Dennison is going to join his sister’s family together with his girlfriend Lisa Templeton. “It’s the right time to go,” they say. “We hope to reach the US by December and will decide then whether to go to the Mediterranean or back to the Pacific,” explains Richard.
The crew will leave Cape Town this week sometime — weather permitting — and head for St Helena. Next stop will be an island off Brazil and from there they plan to cruise the Caribbean. But how are the six people going to cope on a 13.6 m yacht with three cabins for weeks and weeks on end?
Dina said, “That shouldn’t be a problem. We have always lived closely together and Pete and I worked together for years.”

1. Mr and Mrs Koehorst have often been to the sea before.
2. They are planning to be away for a long time.

3. It was Richard Dennison who gave the name to the yacht.
4. The final place of their voyage is Brazil.
5. Pete and his wife began to think about such a trip before their sons were born.
6. They have planned the voyage all together.
7.. They didn’t expect to sell their house so quickly

Итоговая контрольная работа( ответы)

10 класс


2.was established . 3. won»t be criticized 4. will be washed 5.will be looked 6. is often refered 7. was …bought 8. are usually delivered 9.will be taught


A ,B 2) 2h, 3) 3 i, 4) 4 j, 5) 5a, 6) 6 b, 7) 7 c, 8) 8 d, 9) 9 e, 10) 10 g



2. riding

3. bought

4. disappointed

5. defeated.


7. leaving

8. discussed

9. arrived




0 голосов

504 просмотров

Match the words and word combinations in the two columns

1)heavy a)heavily

2)ten degrees b)weather

3)to snow c)snowflakes

4)beautiful d)rain

5)to fall e)below zero

6)frosty f)to the ground

Спасите меня очень надо !!Скорее

  • match
  • words
  • combinations
  • columns
  • heavy
  • heavily
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


17 Апр, 18


504 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

0 голосов

Правильный ответ

Heavy rain

ten degrees below zero

to snow heavily

beautiful weather

to fall to the ground

frosty snowflakes


17 Апр, 18



оставил комментарий


17 Апр, 18


heavy rain ten degrees below zero to snow heavily beautiful weather to fall to the ground frosty snowflakes

оставил комментарий


17 Апр, 18



оставил комментарий


17 Апр, 18

Страница 57

8. Match the words and word combinations in the two columns. – Сопоставь слова и словосочетания из двух столбцов.

Ответ: 1 d, 2 e, 3 a, 4 c, 5 f, 6 b.

  1. heavy rain – сильный дождь
  2. ten degrees below zero – десять градусов ниже нуля
  3. to snow heavily – идет сильный снег
  4. beautiful snowflakes – красивые снежинки
  5. to fall to the ground – упасть на землю
  6. frosty weather – морозная погода

9. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box where necessary. – Закончите предложения. Используйте слова из рамки там, где это необходимо.


1) It is very hot today. It is twenty−five degrees above zero. − Сегодня очень жарко. Двадцать пять градусов выше нуля.

2) I like it when snow−flakes fall to the ground. − Мне нравится, когда снежинки падают на землю.

3) It’s difficult to ski at the temperature of 1 − 2 degrees above zero. − Сложно кататься на лыжах при температуре 1-2 градуса выше нуля.

4) Why are you sitting on the ground? − Почему ты сидишь на земле?

5) Is the temperature of twenty degrees below zero usual for Moscow in winter now? − Температура минус 25 градусов сейчас обычна для Москвы?

10. Write how Jane will spend her money tomorrow. − Напиши, как Джейн потратит свои деньги завтра.

Образец: Jane will spend her money on sweets tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на конфеты.


Jane will spend her money on roller skates tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на роликовые коньки.

Jane will spend her money on tickets tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на билеты.

Jane will spend her money on books tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на книги.

Jane will spend her money on tapes tomorrow. − Завтра Джейн потратит свои деньги на кассеты.

Jane will spend her money on flowers tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на цветы.

Jane will spend her money on clothes tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на одежду.

Jane will spend her money on skates tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на коньки.

Jane will spend her money on skis tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на лыжи.

Jane will spend her money on a bicycle tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на велосипед.

Jane will spend her money on sweets tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на конфеты.

Jane will spend her money on skateboard tomorrow. − Джейн завтра потратит свои деньги на скейтборд.


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  • Match the words and word combinations in the two columns and complete the sentences below
  • Match the words and word combinations in the two columns 6 класс афанасьева
  • Match the words and word combinations in the two column
  • Match the words and word combinations having the same meaning more than
  • Match the words and word combinations from the box