Match the words and translate the word combinations visit

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№1. Match the words and translate the combinations into Russian:

1. guided
2. street
3. delayed
4. travel
5. ancient
6. rent
7. insect
8. hire
a. sickness
b. repellent
c. a car
d. a guide
e. vendors
f. tour
g. ruins
h. flight

№ 2. Fill in: local, breathtaking, excursion, nasty, spectacular, ancient, craftsmen, countless, beggars, candlelit.
1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.
2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.
3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.
4. The view of this lake was really _________!
5. After my exams I am going on an _________ to Kathmandu.
6. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.
7. Near Bhaktapur we found an _________ Monkey temple.
8. Tibet has some of the most ___________ scenery in the world.
9. When we go abroad we always taste ___________ dishes.
10. My uncle caught a _____________ virus when he was in Thailand.
№ 3. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.
1. Yesterday I _______________ (meet) my friends.
2. James __________ (paint) the house for two hours before he ___________ (take) a break.
3. We ____________ (wander) around the town when we __________ (go) into Mary.
4. Jane _____________ (watch) TV while I ____________ (water) the plants.
5. Ian __________ (ask) Tina out yesterday but she 21. __________ (already/make) plans.
6. You ______________ (talk) to on the phone when I ____________ (come) in.
7. Two days ago Betty ____________ (return) the book I ______________ (lend) her.
№ 4. Fill in the prepositions: off, by, in, around, on with
1. I don’t get ____________ Brian. I don’t want to know his opinion.
2. It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ___________ this part of the city.
3. I don’t know how you can get __________ on such a low salary.
4. My plane gets ________ at 10 pm.
5. I must get ________ now or I will miss the bus.
№ 5. Fill in the prepositions: in, on, by
1. We’ll have to go _______ boat. There’s no road.
2. We arrived _______ Paris late.
3. It’s not far. Let’s go ________ foot.
4. When did you last go ________ holiday?
5. How many passengers are ________ the board?
№ 6. Fill in the gaps with the the derivatives
Visit the Lake Baikal, the largest lake in Eurasia and one of the world’s most 1)……..(IMPRESS) natural wonders, on foot. We organise a 15-day 2)……… (TREK) excursion that you’ll never forget. Starting from the 3)………(ATTRACT) city of Irkutsk we’ll take you up the Angara River by hydrofoil to the village of Listvianka where the actual trip begins. The trip involves 5-6 hours walking per day and includes visits to the Obeutikha Cave where Neolithic man lived. Chasovnia Chapel cave, the Museum of Wooden 4)……….(ARCHITECT) and many more 5)……….(INTEREST) sites. Most of the walking is quite easy but some of the tracks demand a good level of 6)………(TRAIN). All accommodation and meals are included in the cost of the trip, but we recommend you to bring a small 7)………(SELECT) of your favourite goodies for moments when you feel like nibbling at something.

11th grade  Unit
2        Test   V-I

Match words and translate  combinations

1.      Sincerely   
                                        a)to the document

2.      Latest                                                 b)principles

3.      Moral                                                 c)diversity

4.      Cultural                                              d)trends

5.      Reference                                           e)hope

Use the appropriate words  to complete
the sentences

at,    by,  in,   on,   to

1.      We
decided to go for a walk _spite _the chilly weather.

2.      They
valued our property _a very big sum _money.

3.      The
cultural diversity _the USA population is evident.

4.      The
police have not found any other reference____those events _victim’s papers.

3. Use the derivatives of
the words

1. Alice said with (amaze) that the letter was addressed to her.

2. That was a (horror ) scene to watch.

3. Walter in ( capable) of making such experiments. He is
not bright enough.

4. Our country lost about
25 million citizens in the four years of (fight).

5. The early sky was a
pale (white ) blue.

4.Choose the right verb

1. Culture is a term
which (is often referred/ often refer)
to literature and art.

2. On reflection Bob
admitted that he ( has visited/ had visited)
Lord Morrison in his castle.

3. The valuable vase (has been estimated/was estimated) at
900dollars the other day.

4. Do you think that
nobody(work/works) on national
holidays? You are mistaken.

5. Mass media sometimes (publish/publishes) the facts which era not

5.Put the
nouns in their plural forms.

1.      We
were surprised to see a lot of old-fashioned (merry-go-round)
in Paris.

2.      Smart
boards are still new (phenomenon) in
certain schools.

3.      We
don’t want to lose all these (species)
of plants and animals.

4.      Jane
loves her (in-law) and visits them at
least once a fortnight.

5.      You
may see (deer) in this park .

11th grade  Unit
2        Test   V-II

Match words and translate  combinations

1.vagualy                                                       of
a heart

2. shape                                                          recognizable

3. flatly                                                          extent

4.certain                                                         denied

5. hardly                                                         familiar

2.Use the appropriate words 
to complete the sentences

Of,       in,        to,      on

1. I can’t say I approve
of all current trends __ clothes.

2. St Paul’s Cathedral is
a masterpiece ____classical architecture.

3. _____ reflection he
said that he was not allowed to reveal the secret even __us.

4. His constant
reflections___his childhood showed how happy he was then.

3. Use the derivatives of
the words

1.Do you think that they
said something (differ) from what
they (actual) said.

2. Kate visited Richard (day) , sometimes twice a day.

3.The (justice) of the verdict left me (speech). I couldn’t say a word.

4. Another tradition is
to give flowers, (usual) red carnations, to
war veterans and to lay wreaths at the war (memory)s.

4. Use the derivatives of
the words

1.He (is constantly talking /constantly talks) at my
lessons! That’s so annoying.

2. Did you see your
neighbor (talk/to talk) with MR.
Hamilton just now?

3.We (have found/found) the keys to the door at
last!- Where (did you find/ have you found

4. If he( joins/will join) us in the studio, he (will have/have) to follow our rules.

5. When he arrived at the
theatre, the curtain (had already been raised/
already rose

5.Put the
nouns in their plural forms.

1.The bride was holding a
small bunch of (lily of the valley)
in her hands.

2. The (passer-by) didn’t seem to notice the big
parcel lying on the bench.

3. (Forget-me-not) are very small blue flowers
with pointed leaves.

4.( Four-by-four) are cars that have four –wheel

5. James was the best of
all the(father – in –law) had ever



1.      1-E,  
2-d,   3-b,    4-c,   5-a

2.      1-in,
of           2-at, of       3-of    4-to, in

3.       1.amazement,  
2.horrible,   3. Incapable,   4.fighting,   5. whitish

4.      1-is
referred,  2-had visited, 3- was established,  4-works,   5-publish

5.      1-merry-go-rounds,
2-phenomena,  3-species,  4-in-laws,  5-deer


1.        1-a,
2-g,  3-b,  4-d,   5-c

2.        1-in, 
2-of,   3- jn, to,    4-of

3.        1.-different,
actually,  2-dayly,  3-injustice, speechless,   4-usually, memorials

4.        1-is
talking, 2-talk,  3-have found,  did you find,  4-joins, will have,  5-had been

5.        1-lilies-of-thevalley,
2-passers-by,  3-forget-me-nots,   4-four-by-fours,  5-fathers-in-law

Test   6 ( Module 6) Variant 1

I. Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

*set off    * snap    * unique     * drove       * lift      * reach     * native  

        * local cuisine

  1. I was cleaning out my room and found some old …………. from our childhood holidays.
  2. Whenever I travel abroad , I always visit the most popular museums  and taste the ……………… .
  3. Did you know that the ………… people of  Australia are called Aborigines?
  4. The passenger next to me ………….  me up the wall  by talking loudly during the whole flight.
  5. When you …………… the airport , ask someone where the airport bus leaves from.
  6. We should …………… on our trip before sunrise tomorrow, if we want to reach our destination by noon.

II. Match the words and translate the word combinations.  Use them in the sentences of your own.






a train

stay off



the  bitten track

III. Translate the following sentences.

  1. Ты получил солнечный удар от лежания  на пляже долгое время.
  2. Исследователи( the explores ) планируют экспедицию на Северный полюс.( The north Pole)
  3. Почему бы тебе не поехать на автобусе в центр города?
  4. Ты можешь подвезти меня до школы?
  5. Это замечательное место для пикника.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

  1. “ You are not allowed to take pictures , “ the museum guide said.
  2. “ Sheila will return the passport next week, “ Brian said.
  3. “ I spent my holidays travelling through Africa, “ Ted said.
  4. “ You can collect your passport tomorrow, “ the travel agent told me.
  5. “ Send me a nice post card  from Paris, “ Carl said to Jenny. ( Tell)
  6.  “ Don`t run near the pool,” the lifeguard said to them. ( Tell)
  7. “ Do you like French football?” he asked Mary
  8.  “ What time does your plane arrive?” She asked him.
  9. “ I can speak German ,” he said.

V . Read the following text and mark the sentences as T( true), F ( false)  or DS (doesn`t say).


Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means of travelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.

Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.

  1. People travel  just to have a rest.
  2. Travelling by air is the fastest way of travelling.
  3. Travelling by air is as expensive as travelling by train.
  4.  With travelling by train you can have a nice meal in the buffet-car and a comfortable sleep.
  5.  If people want to have a rest, they choose travelling by ship or car.

Test   6 ( Module 6) Variant 2

I. Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

*guided tours    * set aside    * nature hike  * boat    *holiday snaps  * give   *majestic    *local

  1. Perhaps you should ……….. some money if you want to buy a new car.
  2. You aren`t the only one waiting in this long queue. We are all in the same …….. .
  3. I`d love to see your ………….. ……….. of Jamaica.
  4. While on holiday I enjoy visiting ……….. markets.
  5. We had a(an) ……………… view of the ocean from our hotel room.
  6. If you are planning on seeing everything in such a short time, I would suggest taking a(an) ……… ………… . They cover a lot of sights in little time.

II. Match the words and translate the word combinations.  Use them in the sentences of your own.


the road


the plane




by air



III. Translate the following sentences.

  1. Он приехал поздно в аэропорт и опоздал на рейс.
  2. Сэлли всегда мечтала о морском путешествии по тихому океану
  3.  Я выхожу из автобуса на следующей остановке.
  4. Я забронировал номер в отеле для поездки в Париж.
  5. Мне нравится путешествовать в зарубежные страны.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

  1. “I`m trying to decide where to go on holiday next summer, “ Sara said.
  2. “I will give you a lift to school, “ Brian said.
  3. “We took many photos during our trip, “ Sue and Jack told me.
  4. “ You must call the hotel to confirm our reservation, “ Mary said to her husband.
  5. “Wear a hat, light protective clothing and sunglasses to avoid sunstroke , “ the doctor said . ( Tell)
  6.  “ Don`t let anyone to carry your bags,” she said to me. ( Tell)
  7. “ Does this hotel have a restaurant?” he asked  the receptionist.
  8. “Where is the nearest bus stop?” she asked.
  9. “ I like travelling by plane,” Tom said.

V . Read the following text and mark the sentences as T( true), F ( false)  or DS (doesn`t say).


Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means of travelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.

Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.

  1. People travel for different purposes.
  2. If people have a business trip they choose the  fastest transport .
  3. Travelling by air is less quicker than any other mean.
  4. With travelling by train you can have  a chance  to watch the exiting landscapes from the railway carriage.
  5. Travelling by ship is very expensive.

выполните тест .
1. Translate the word combinations.
1. Eat candy floss –
2. Go souvenir shopping –
3. Fly in pirate trip –
4. See famous landmarks –
5. Shake hands with cartoon characters –
6. Explore a haunted mansion –
7. Ride on a rollercoaster –
2. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences/перевод
1. you / arrived / just / have?
2. hasn’t / she / yet / packed / suitcase / her.
3. Have / I / to / camp / adventure / an / been / before.
4. You / have / ever / with / characters /shaken /cartoon /hands?
5. Never /I/ seen /robot / have /a.
3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense/перевод
1. I /tidy up /my / room
2. She /eat/ candy floss
3. He /go / souvenir / shopping
4. We / read / this / book
5. They / travel / Europe
4. Correct the mistakes/перевод
1. unactive –
2. ilbelievable–
3. inresponsible–
4. irlogical –
5. ilpossible –
6. imforgettable–
7. inbalanced –

I. Match the words from the columns

1-c  Meet the locals

2-f  buy souvenirs  

3-h  visit museums

4-g  lie on the beach all day

5-i  go on guided tours

6-b  see famous landmarks  

7-a  try the local cuisine

8-d  explore nature

9-e  have time to yourself    

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. She said she liked travelling by plane.

2. They said they had visited Russia the winter before.

3. The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports.

4. He asked Mary if she liked French food.

5. She told me not to let anyone carry my bags.

6. He said he could speak German.

7.  Judy asked Sam if he had ever lived abroad.

8.  Alice said she would be in Brighton the following week.

9. He asked where the nearest bus stop was.

10. She told me she would call me the next day.

III. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. I think, you should set aside some  money in case you want to buy a house.

2. What time will we have to set off for the airport tomorrow?

3. The opening of the new sport centre has been set back a few weeks.

4. Summer has started to set in already, so we can go swimming.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Our family spent a few days at the seaside.

2. There are many boats for hire at Yalta.

3. Hotels offer special rates if you travel off season.

4. You should book your tickets at least a month in advance.

5. For safety reasons, you should know rules for using mobile devices on board.

6. Please send me information without delay.

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  • Match the words and the word definition перевод
  • Match the words and the word definition ответы
  • Match the words and make word combination
  • Match the words and make up 3 sentences with any 3 word combinations
  • Match the words and complete the sentences with the word combinations we live in a