Match the word with its russian equivalent power plants

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Воронежской области

«Воронежский политехнический техникум»



Дисциплина: Иностранный язык. Английский язык

Номинация: тест по дисциплинам гуманитарного и социально-экономического циклов

для специальности:

Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта


преподаватель О.О. Дымова

г. Воронеж, 2017


Данный тест по дисциплине «Иностранный язык. Английский язык» предназначен для студентов 4 курса образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования по специальности: «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта». Тест является тематическим контролем знаний студентов. Уровень подготовки базовый.

Количество часов на освоение программы дисциплины:

— максимальной учебной нагрузки обучающегося — 196 часов;

— обязательной аудиторной учебной нагрузки обучающегося при очной форме обучения — 166 часов;

— практические занятия — 166 часов;

— самостоятельной работы обучающегося — 30 часов.

Целью тематического контроля является оценка результатов изучения темы программы «Устройство автомобиля», проверка теоретических и практических знаний и умений студентов. Тест выявляет учебные достижения каждого студента и позволяет выявить самому студенту имеющиеся у него пробелы в знаниях и принять меры по их устранению.

Тест рассчитан на 60 минут, первые 20 минут урока отводятся на подготовку к тестированию — повторение и закрепление изученного лексико – грамматического материала.

Форма отчета


1.1 a

1.2 c



2.1 b

2.2 c

2.3 a


3.1 a

3.2 c

3.3 b


4.1 c

4.2 b

4.3 a


1 a, c, e, i

2 d, f

3 b, g, h


1 c

2 b

3 b


1 d

2 f

3 g

4 a

5 b

6 e

7 c


1 b

2 d

3 a

4 c

5 d


1 c

2 d

3 a

4 b


1 b

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 a

Критерии оценки

46-40 правильных ответов — оценка «5»

39- 24 правильных ответов — оценка «4»

23- 15 правильных ответов — оценка «3»

менее 15 правильных ответов — оценка «2»

Список использованных источников

1 Агабекян И.П. «Английский для средних специальных заведений».- Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2016.

2 Бонами Д. «Английский язык для будущих инженеров»,- М.: Высшая школа, 2012.

3 Шляхова В.А. «Английский для студентов автомобилестроительных специальностей» (учебное пособие для средних профессиональных учебных заведений), М.: «Высшая школа» 2013.

Task 1 Match the word with its Russian equivalent:


1.1 power plant a) силовая установка;

1.2 power train b) ходовая часть;

1.3 running gear c) силовая передача.


2.1 brake a) двигатель;

2.2 clutch b) тормоз;

2.3 engine c) сцепление.


3.1 chassis a) шасси;

3.2 body b) капот;

3.3 hood c) кузов.


4.1 steering wheel a) стеклоочиститель;

4.2 lubricating b) смазка;

4.3 windshield wiper c) рулевое колесо.

Task 2 Choose English terms below to match the following automobile parts:

1) the engine                      2) the chassis                  3) the body


a) fuel system; d) running gear; g) heater;

b) accessories; e) lubricating system; h) windshield wipers;

c) cooling system; f) steering system; I) electric system.

Task 3 Choose the wright answer

1 The automobile is made up of … basic parts

a) one; b) two; c) three.

2 Most automobile engines have … cylinders

a) five; b) six; c) seven.

3 Most automobile engines work on … — stroke cycle

a) three; b) four; c) five.

Task 4 Finish sentences in the first column using corresponding endings in the second column

1. Тhe automobile is made up of …

a) a power transmission, running gear, steering and braking systems.

2. The power plant is…

b) the clutch, gear box, propeller shafts, final drive, differential and axle shafts

3. The engine includes …

c) a hood, fenders and accessories

4. The chassis consists of …

d) the engine, the chassis and the body

5. The power transmission contains …

e) a frame with axles, wheels and springs

6. The running gear consists of …

f) the source of power

7. The body has …

g) fuel, cooling, electric and lubricating systems

Task 5 Match the following mechanisms with their descriptions

1. Mechanism, which is used to stop the car

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

2. Mechanism, which is used to guide the car

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

3. Mechanism, which engages or disengages the engine and the car wheels

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

4. Mechanism, which is used to change the speed of the car

a) Clutch;

b) Windshield wiper

c) Gearbox;

d) Brakes.

5. Device, which is designed to measure the speed of the car

a) Heater;

b) Windscreen;

c) Kilometer;

d) Speedometer.

Task 6 Choose the wright answer

1.During ….. the intake valve opens and a charge of fuel mixture flows into the cylinder.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

    2.During ….. the inlet valve is closed and the fuel is compressed by the rising piston.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

    3. During ….. both valves are closed, pressure rises in the combustion chamber, and the spark ignites the mixture.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

    4. During ….. the exhaust valve is opened, pressure is released and residual gases into the atmosphere through the exhaust valve.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

Task 7 Complete the following sentences, choosing the correct version


1. The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned…

a) outside the engine;

b) inside the engine.

2. On the inlet stroke …

a) the intake valve opens;

b) the intake valve is closed;

c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.

3. On the compression stroke …

a) the intake valve opens;

b) the intake valve is closed;

c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.

4. On the power stroke …

a) the intake valve opens;

b) the intake valve is closed;

c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.

5. On the exhaust stroke …

a) the exhaust valve opens;

b) the intake valve is closed;

c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.


Task 1 Match the word with its Russian equivalent:


1.1 power plant a) силовая установка;

1.2 power train b) ходовая часть;

1.3 running gear c) силовая передача.


2.1 brake a) двигатель;

2.2 clutch b) тормоз;

2.3 engine c) сцепление.


3.1 chassis a) шасси;

3.2 body b) капот;

3.3 hood c) кузов.


4.1 steering wheel a) стеклоочиститель;

4.2 lubricating b) смазка;

4.3 windshield wiper c) рулевое колесо.

Task 2 Choose the wright answer

1 The automobile is made up of … basic parts

a) one; b) two; c) three.

2 Most automobile engines have … cylinders

a) five; b) six; c) seven.

3 Most automobile engines work on … — stroke cycle

a) three; b) four; c) five.

Task 3 Finish sentences in the first column using corresponding endings in the second column

1. Тhe automobile is made up of …

a) a power transmission, running gear, steering and braking systems.

2. The power plant is…

b) the clutch, gear box, propeller shafts, final drive, differential and axle shafts

3. The engine includes …

c) a hood, fenders and accessories

4. The chassis consists of …

d) the engine, the chassis and the body

5. The power transmission contains …

e) a frame with axles, wheels and springs

6. The running gear consists of …

f) the source of power

7. The body has …

g) fuel, cooling, electric and lubricating systems

Task 4 Match the following mechanisms with their descriptions

1. Mechanism, which is used to stop the car

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

2. Mechanism, which is used to guide the car

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

3. Mechanism, which engages or disengages the engine and the car wheels

a) Clutch;

b) Brakes;

c) Gearbox;

d) Steering system.

4. Mechanism, which is used to change the speed of the car

a) Clutch;

b) Windshield wiper

c) Gearbox;

d) Brakes.

5. Device, which is designed to measure the speed of the car

a) Heater;

b) Windscreen;

c) Kilometer;

d) Speedometer.

Task 5.Match numbers with names of Steering System.

Steering System

sleering knuckle lever, steering knuckle arm — рычаг поворотного кулака

single tie-rod — неразрезная поперечная рулевая тяга

.sleering arm, steering lever, (steering) pitman arm — рулевая сошка

steering knuckle — поворотная цапфа, поворотный кулак

sleering gear — рулевой механизм

steering wheel — рулевое колесо

steering column, steering mast — рулевая колонка

steering knuckle lever, steering knuckle arm — рычаг поворотного кулака

drag link, steering gear connecting rod, steering drag rod — продольная рулевая тяга

Task 6 .What stages does the process of negotiation include?

Match the following negotiation stages with their descriptions.

a. It is important that you carry out some research on your own about the other party before you begin the negotiation process.

b. Key skills during this stage are questioning, listening and clarifying. Each side should have an equal opportunity to present their case.

c. That is the best way to understand the negotiator and look at the deal from his/her point of view. If you have any doubts, always clarify them.

d. Both parties compromise on several aspects to come to a final agreement.

This means that each party has to give up one thing to get another.

e. It is essential to keep an open mind in order to achieve a solution. It is

the final stage where you have decided to work together and established

business relationship. Sometimes it means signing a contract.



1.1 a

1.2 c



2.1 b

2.2 c

2.3 a


3.1 a

3.2 c

3.3 b


4.1 c

4.2 b

4.3 a


1 c

2 b

3 b


1 d

2 f

3 g

4 a

5 b

6 e

7 c


1 b

2 d

3 a

4 c

5 d

5 задание

1.steering wheel — рулевое 4. steering arm, steering lever,

колесо (steering) pitman arm —

2.steering column, steering mast рулевая сошка

— рулевая колонка 5.steering knuckle —

3.sleering gear — рулевой поворотная цапфа,

механизм поворотный кулак

6. steering knuckle lever, 8. steering knuckle lever,

steering knuckle arm — рычаг steering knuckle arm — рычаг

поворотного кулака поворотного кулака

7. single tie-rod — неразрезная 9. drag link, steering gear

поперечная рулевая тяга connecting rod, steering drag rod

— продольная рулевая тяга

6 задание:

1. Preparation.

2. Discussion.

3. Clarification.

4. Bargaining.

5. Agreement.

Критерии оценки:

46-40 правильных ответов — оценка «5»

39- 24 правильных ответов — оценка «4»

23- 15 правильных ответов — оценка «3»

менее 15 правильных ответов — оценка «2»


тест по дисциплине «Иностранный язык. Английский язык.» предназначен
для студентов 4 курса  образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального
образования по специальности: «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт
автомобильного транспорта».  Тест является тематическим контролем  знаний
студентов. Уровень подготовки базовый.

           Рекомендуемое количество
часов на освоение программы дисциплины:

— максимальной учебной нагрузки
обучающегося — 196 часов;

— обязательной аудиторной учебной
нагрузки обучающегося при очной форме обучения — 166 часов;

— практические занятия — 166 часов;

— самостоятельной работы
обучающегося — 30 часов.

       Целью тематического
контроля  является оценка результатов изучения темы программы «Устройство
автомобиля» , проверка теоретических и практических знаний и умений 
студентов . Тест выявляет учебные достижения каждого студента и позволяет
выявить самому студенту имеющиеся у него пробелы в знаниях и принять меры по их

      Тест рассчитан на 60 минут,
первые 20 минут урока отводятся на подготовку к тестированию — повторение и
закрепление  изученного лексико – грамматического материала .



1.1 a

1.2 c



2.1 b

2.2 c

2.3 a


3.1 a

3.2 c

3.3 b


4.1 c

4.2 b

4.3 a


1 a, c, e, i

2 d, f

3 b, g, h


1 c

2 b

3 b


1 d

2 f

3 g

4 a

5 b

6 e

7 c


1 b

2 d

3 a

4 c

5 d


1 c

2 d

3 a

4 b


1 b

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 a


         46-40 правильных ответов
—  оценка «5»

         39- 24  правильных ответов
— оценка «4»

         23- 15 правильных ответов
— оценка «3»

         менее 15 правильных
ответов — оценка «2»

Список использованных источников

         1 Агабекян И.П.
«Английский для средних специальных заведений».- Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2014.

              2 Бонами Д. «Английский язык
для будущих инженеров»,- М.: Высшая                         школа, 2008.   

Шляхова  В.А. «Английский для студентов автомобилестроительных специальностей»
(учебное пособие для средних профессиональных учебных заведений), М.: «Высшая
школа» 2008.

1    Match the word with its Russian equivalent:


1.1 power plant                  
a) силовая установка;

1.2 power train                   
b) ходовая часть;

1.3 running gear                  c)
силовая передача.


brake                                a) двигатель;

clutch                               b) тормоз;

engine                              c)  сцепление.


chassis                             a)  шасси;

body                                 b)  капот;

hood                                 c)  кузов.


wheel                a)  стеклоочиститель;

lubricating                       b)  смазка;

windshield  wiper            c)  рулевое колесо.

2 Choose English terms below to match the following automobile parts:

the engine    2) the chassis    3) the body

fuel system;               d) running gear;                    g) heater;

accessories;               e) lubricating system;           h) windshield

cooling system;          f) steering system;               I) electric system.

Choose the wright answer

1 The automobile  is made up of …  basic

a) one;          b) two;    c)   three.

2  Most automobile  engines have … 

a) five;           b) six;       c) seven.

3  Most automobile  engines work on … —
stroke cycle

a) three;        b) four;     c) five.

Finish sentences in the first column using corresponding endings in  the
second column

automobile is made up of …

a) a power transmission, running gear, steering and braking

2. The power plant is…

b) the clutch, gear box, propeller shafts, final drive,
differential and axle shafts

3. The engine includes …

c) a hood, fenders and accessories

4. The chassis consists of …

d) the engine, the chassis and the body

5. The power transmission contains …

e) a frame with axles, wheels and springs

6. The running gear consists of …

f) the source of power

7. The body has …

g) fuel, cooling, electric and lubricating systems

5 Match the following mechanisms with their descriptions

Mechanism, which is used to stop the car




Steering system.

Mechanism, which is used to guide the car




Steering system.

3. Mechanism, which engages or disengages
the engine and the car wheels




Steering system.

Mechanism, which is used to change the speed of the car


Windshield wiper



5. Device, which is designed to measure
the speed of the car





 Task 6  Choose
the wright answer

….. the intake valve opens and a  charge of fuel mixture flows into the    

the power stroke;               b) the exhaust stroke;

the inlet stroke;                  d) the compression stroke.

….. the inlet valve is closed and the  fuel is compressed by the rising piston.

the power stroke;               b) the exhaust stroke;

the inlet stroke;                  d) the compression stroke.

During ….. both valves are closed, pressure rises in the combustion chamber,
and the spark ignites the mixture.

the power stroke;               b) the exhaust stroke;

the inlet stroke;                  d) the compression stroke.

During ….. the  exhaust valve is opened, pressure is  released and residual
gases into the atmosphere through  the exhaust  valve.

 a) the
power stroke;               b) the exhaust stroke;

the inlet stroke;                  d) the compression stroke.

7 Complete the following sentences, choosing the correct version

The internal combustion engine is called so  because fuel is burned…

outside the engine;

inside the engine.

On the inlet stroke  …

the intake valve opens;

the intake valve is closed;

the  intake and the  exhaust valves are closed.

On the  compression stroke …

the intake valve  opens;

the intake valve is closed;

the  intake and the  exhaust valves are closed.

On the power stroke …

the intake valve  opens;

the intake valve is closed;

the  intake and the  exhaust valves are closed.

On the exhaust stroke …

the exhaust valve opens;

the intake valve is closed;

the  intake and the  exhaust valves are closed.


Тест по английскому языку по третьему модулю в 10 классе по Spotlight

Задание 1. Match the English word with its Russian equivalent.

1 )attend a) условие

2) applicant b) участвовать

3) enclose c) выбирать

4) identify d) требование

5) feature е) подходящий

6) requirement f) посещать

7) appropriate g) характеристика

8) facility h) определять

9) participate i) вкладывать

10)pick out j) кандидат

Задание2. Choose the correct variant.

11) If you aren’t in a hurry , you miss a bus.

a) will fail b) fail c) are failing

12) They build a new hospital here .

a) will b) are going c) are going to

13) It looks like it rain.

a) is b) is going to c) will

14) By the time she gets home, she for three hours.

a) will be driving b) will drive c) will have driven

15) Maybe I to the shop later.

a) will go b) will be going c) go

Задание 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.

16) This time next week I (sunbath) in Sochi.

17) The weather is getting…(warm).

18) My (old) sister got this job.

19) Working in an office is (safe) than working on a building site.

20) Working as a shop assistant was (tiring) gob I have ever had.

Задание4.Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition(in, for, up, with, on).

21) Ann is responsible ___ looking after two small children.

22) They work ___ a small company.

23) You shouldn’t pick ___ younger children.

24) Will you pick ___ children from school?.

25) Tom can’t deal ___ his problems.

1.Match the word and its Russian equivalent.

Fry a. печь
Bake b. поджарить
Boil c. печь, румянить
Roast d. поджарить на решетке
Hot up e. соленый
Burn f. спаливать, сгорать
Grill g. напиток
Salty h. кислый
Sour i. горький
Bitter j. сочный
Crunchy k. хрустящий
Crisp l. подогревать
Juicy m.варить
Beverage n. хрустящий, скрипучий

2.Match the word and its definition.

Dry a) containing salt
Moist b) wishing to drink
Sour c) feeling a need for food
Starve d) wet
Hungry e) an unpleasant taste that is neither sour nor salty
Vitamin f) free from wetness, dampness or moisture
Salty g) having an acid taste, like that of lemon juice or vinegar
Thirsty h) to die or suffer from not eating and drinking
Sweet i) having a flavor like that of honey
Bitter j) natural or synthetic substances necessary for people to
be healthy


3. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

I ( fry bake boil roast ) bread in my oven.
I can( boil hot heat burn ) up some soup in 2 minutes , its all ready.
The meal was ( frying boiling roasting grilling ) in the oven.
Lemons taste ..( salty sour bitter crunchy ).
Potato chips are not .( crisp salty crunchy juicy).
If something is filling , it is ( something that you eat , but you are still hungry delicious something that you eat and you feel full after eating it disgusting ).
Finger food( makes your fingernails grow longer is poor meals eaten in third world countries is slang for a bad gesture is food you can politely eat with your hands ).
Light food is the opposite of..( heavy food rich food bland food junk food.
If something is delicious, you ..( dont really enjoy eating ir think it tastes good hate eating it only eat it for breakfast )
Spicy food includes.( milk lemons chili peppers hamburgers ).
If milk is sour, it is ( delicious too old too fresh from a goat ).
A beverage is . ( cognac an alcoholic drink any drink soft drink ).
All of these are bitter except. ( black coffee strong tea without sugar or milk unsweetened baking chocolate pizza ).
Appetizing means( filling the first course at a restaurant yucky \ jummy ).
Rich food is always .( salty expensive dessert fattening ).

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