Match the word with its definition relationship accommodation

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  • Следующая ⇒

1.relationship (n)

2.accommodation (n)

3.bustle (n)

4.variety (n)

5.crowd (n)

6.sincerity (n)

7.profit (n)

8.reliable (adj)

9.significant (adj)

10.appealing (adj)

11.expensive (adj)

12.sincere (adj) (adj)

A.costing a lot of money

B.the quality when someone is sincere and really means what they are saying

C.the quality when someone or something can be trusted or depended on

D.attractive or interesting

E.when smth. is sincere, honest, true, and based on what you really feel and believe for someone to stay, live, or work

G.busy and usually noisy activity

H.a large group of people who have gathered together to do something.

I.relating to human society and its organization, or the quality of people’s lives

J.the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other

K.a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs have been paid

M. having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future


For his epic fantasy Ronald Tolkien borrowed magic rings from ancient

myths and historical legends. As for Moscow, it had its own rings from the very beginning. In fact, it came into being as a city of rings. Like many ancient cities it

was founded as a fortress. When first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147, it was a wooden fortress on a high hill at the confluence of two rivers, the Moskva and the Neglinnaya. In the latter part of the 4th century Prince Dmitry Donskoy replaced the oak walls with white stone, and later Italian architects replaced them with the red brick walls that we admire today.

Moscow’s second ring, what is called Kitay-Gorod, has practically disappeared. Nothing is left but a fragment of the wall behind the Metropol Hotel and another fragment in Kitaygorodsky Passage near the Rossia Hotel. But if you descend into the underground crossing on Slavyanskaya Square, you will see a section of the bulky white-stone foundation of Kitay-Gorod’s biggest tower, the Varvarskaya (of St. Barbara). Kitay-Gorod was not a complete ring. Its walls, which embraced a neighborhood of wealthy merchants, adjoined the Kremlin on the side of Red Square. The fortress was built in 1536—1538 by Petrok Maly (Pietro the Minor), an Italian architect.

Moscow periodicals of the 1830s wrote: «Laying out boulevards is a happy invention. It has made our old capital incredibly beautiful.»

The Boulevard Ring, Moscow’s third ring, also began as a fortress, White City. It embraced settlements north of the Kremlin all the way down to the Moskva River.

White City was built under the eagle eye of the monarch’s expert, Fyodor Kon, in 1586—1593. Its size and beauty earned it the name of Czar’s City. This largest stone fortress in Moscow was over nine kilometers long and had twenty-seven towers, ten of which served as gates. Today, on the site of these ten gate towers are the ten squares of the Boulevard Ring. On the site of the most beautiful tower of the fortress, the Tower of Seven Peaks, now stands the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Moscow’s longest and shortest-lived fortress, the Skorodom («very quickly built»), was erected of logs in 1592. Two decades later it burned down during the Polish invasion. Instead of rebuilding it, Moscow erected a huge earthen wall on the site.

Two centuries have passed since the earthen walls were demolished, and a wide road appeared in their place. People who wished to build a house along the road were asked to lay out lawns and gardens before their homes. So the road came to be known as the Garden Ring. The lawns and gardens disappeared long ago. Today the avenue is lined with 20th-century buildings in the Russian Art Nouveau style and creations of Stalin’s style.

Moscow’s fifth and last defense line, the Kamer-Kollezhsky Rampart (from the Camera Collegium, the Ministry for Taxes and Fees), was built during the reign of Peter the Great in the early 18th century. It served as the city’s customs boundary, protecting it from smuggling. Only few streets have survived from the rampart and they are not connected.

Like every megalopolis, Moscow is having traffic problems which can be solved only by creating more transport rings. The map of Moscow may be compared to the cross section of a tree trunk with a series of successive growth rings, but Moscow’s rings are secular rather than annual.

In the past Moscow reduced all its medieval fortresses to ring roads. Today it continues to add ring after ring. Its administrative border is marked by the largest ring, the Moscow Outer Automobile Ring Road (MKAD), built in the 1960s. This is a 109-km highway with circular traffic.

The Third Transport Ring Road is one of the largest-scale projects of recent years. Its length is 36 kilometers; 12 kilometers represent tunnels, bridges and overpasses. The Lefortovo tunnels alone are 4.5 km long and lie deep under a historical neighborhood. The capital’s two other rings, serving as a surface railroad and an underground metro line, bring the total number of Moscow’s rings to nine. Devotees of Tolkien’s epic with its nine magic rings might have stopped at this. But Moscow keeps moving on. Now it is preparing for a fourth transport ring, for motor vehicles.


Exercise 1.

A. Find the Russian equivalent for:

the Neglinnaya river, the Garden Ring, the Boulevard Ring, Kitay-Gorod, Metropol Hotel, Rossia Hotel, Kitaygorodsky Passage, Slavyanskaya Square, Red Square, Kremlin, White City, Tower of Seven Peaks, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Skorodom, Kamer-Kollezhsky Rampart

B. Where are they located?

  • ⇐ Назад
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  • Следующая ⇒

Министерство образования Российской Федерации

финансово-юридическая академия

Учебное пособие

по дисциплине


(1, 2 части)

для студентов


и гуманитарных

Москва 2006

Евсеева А.Ю.

Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Английский
язык» для экономических, финансовых,
юридических и гуманитарных специальностей,
Ч.1-2. – М.: МФЮА, 2006. – с.


Рекомендовано к использованию в учебном
процессе на заседании кафедры
языков» МФЮА
(протокол № __ от «__»
_ 2005 г.)

Типография Московской финансово-юридической

Тираж _______ экз.

МФЮА, 2006

С о д е р ж а н и е

I. 4
















II. 66
















Part I. Unit 1. City or village? advantages and disadvantages of different lifestiles

place where you live plays a very significant role in your life.
There is a great difference between living in a city and living in a
country. The living style, the personality, the relationship between
people change according to the place where you live.

in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it
is often easier to get education and to find work, and there is
usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a

there are many social activities to colour your life. When you are
bored you can find a lot of interesting things to do and places to
see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go
to the theatre, cinema or to concert.

What is
more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you
can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All
in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never
feel bored.

for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job,
but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many
of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often
very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap
accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded
and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can
become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every
city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of
all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely
in a city.

seems that city life can be particularly appealing to young people,
who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and

many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have
young children, often prefer the life in the countryside. They make
this choice not only because of the peace and fresh air. The
relationship and the sincerity between people are more close in the
country than the city. The city people think only about money, money,
money… their goals are designed according to that reality. They are
very formal and they are very sincere only when they come face to
face with someone in the upper class. They only have dialogue if they
need help or if they want to have a profit from you. They are never
happy with what they have as they always want more and more.

pure country people are more reliable, helpful, sincere and
spontaneous. They like helping each other whereas the city people
never deal with the other people’s matters.


1. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the advantages and
    disadvantages of living in the city?

  2. What are the advantages and
    disadvantages of living in the village?

  3. What is the difference
    between activities in the city and in the village?

  4. What lifestyle do young
    people prefer? Why?

  5. What do old people prefer:
    city or village? Why?

  6. What is the difference
    between city and country people?

  7. Do you agree that city people
    think only about money?

  8. Why are country people more
    open and sincere then city people?

  9. What do you think is better
    for children: city or village?

  10. Where do you prefer living:
    in a city or in a village?

2. Match the words as they are used in the text from the

UNIT1 and make a few sentences with

  1. significant

  2. living
    a choice

  3. public

  4. rush

  5. fresh

  6. city
    between people

  7. relationship

  8. to visit

  9. to make

  10. to need

3. Make these sentences negative.

  1. The place
    where I live is quiet.

  2. To my
    mind, living in a city has a lot of advantages.

  3. Nowadays it’s easy to find
    a good job.

  4. I like this girl very much
    because she’s very sincere.

  5. This park
    becomes very crowded on Sundays.

  6. She’s very rich: she can
    afford to go to the restaurant every day.

  7. These
    people think only about money.

  8. Public
    transport in my town is crowded and dirty.

  9. My sister
    likes her job very much because it is very well-paid.

  10. Living in
    a city is very expensive.

4. Write down the questions for the sentences from the exercise 3.

5. Match the word with its definition.

  1. relationship

  2. accommodation

  3. bustle (n)

  4. variety

  5. crowd (n)

  6. sincerity

  7. profit (n)

  8. reliable

  9. significant

  10. appealing

  11. expensive

  12. sincere

  13. social

a lot of money

B. the
quality when someone is sincere and really means what they are saying

C. the
quality when someone or something can be trusted or depended on

or interesting

E. when
smth. is sincere, honest, true, and based on what you really feel and

F. place
for someone to stay, live, or work

G. busy
and usually noisy activity

H. a
large group of people who have gathered together to do something.

to human society and its organization, or the quality of people’s

J. the
way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and
behave towards each other

K. a
lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in
some way

L. money
that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs
have been paid

an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in
the future

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Авторская разработка

«Лексические тесты»

к УМК «Английский в фокусе»

для учащихся 10-11 класса

Данный материал
представляет разработанные лексические тесты для учащихся 10 -11 класса к УМК «Английский
в фокусе» В.Эванс.

На каждый раздел
учебника представлен тест на два варианта.

Тесты разработаны
в соответствии с ФГОС и могут также быть использованы для тренировки
лексического материала, изучаемого в УМК.

10 класс

Раздел 1.

Put the words into the

Window         chat                 hang               aggressive       loyal                surf        

1. It is important for teenagers
to _____ out with friends.

A ______ friend is a friend you can trust.

3. The dog was very __________ .
It bit its master and ran away.

4. I am a computer addict. All
my free time I ________ online and ______ the Net.

5. I am not materialistic, but
sometimes I go ______ shopping with my friends in the city center. It’s

Extreme         clubbing         dedicated       jealous            send
               moody       window

6. Sam is not a partygoer. Going
____ is not his cup of tea.

7. My friend is strange today. I
think he is ______, because he didn’t passed his test, but I did.

8. Something’s wrong with my
mobile. It is _____ today. I can call but I cannot ______ text messages

9. No! Never!  I’m not a risk
taker! I’ll never do ______ sports!

10. Peter is a family man. He is
________ to his family.

Раздел 2.

Variant 1.

I. Join parts.

1. waste

2. pay for

3. cost

4. shopping

5. earn

6. save

7. household

a) bills

b) a fortune

c) spree

d) designer labels

e) time

f) up

g) extra money

II. Fill in the blanks with the words
from task I.

1.  Hurry up. We are late. We can’t afford

2. Hey. I’ve got some pocket money. Let’s
do some _________.

3. I want to _________ for a new bicycle.

4. A part time job
helps to________.

5. Tome always feels depressive when it’s
time to pay _________.

6. What beautiful shoes you have! They

7. I am not materialistic. And I won’t

III. Find the definition of each word.

1. pocket money

2. lend

3. borrow

4. credit card

5. cash

6. resist

a) give something on the understanding
that it shall be returned

b) a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc.

c) a child’s allowance

d) struggle against someone or something  (e.g. attraction)

e) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the
intention of returning it

f) money in coins or notes

Variant 2.

I. Join parts.

1. pocket

2. household

3. borrow

4. student

5. pay

6. make ends

7. dig deeper

a) biform a friend

b) loan

c) meet

d) in her pockets

e) in cash

f) money

g) chores

II. Fill in the blanks with the words
from task I.

1.  He moved to the other city and is doing
his best to_________.

2. Where can I get enough money? – Why not

3. When Alison goes shopping she always

5. In Russia people usually _________ when Europeans prefer credit cards.

6. What do you do to get your _______?

7. I had to take a __________ to finish my

III. Find the definition of each word.

1. survive

2. save

3. cost

4. pay

5. earn

6. waste

a) require the payment of

b) continue to live or exist.

c) use to no purpose

d) keep and store up (something,
esp. money) for future use

e) get (money) in return for labor
or services

f) give (someone) money for work
done, goods received

Раздел 3

  1. Match the halves.

1. natural

2. modern

3. power

4. water

5. paper

6. environmental

7. recycle

a) lifestyle

b) habitats

c) pollution

d) glass

e) consumption

f) protection

g) stations

  1. Fill in the blanks.

endangered    down              pollution         consumption              protection      environmental                       reduce           

1. You’d better___ eating so much chocolate. You’re allergic
to it.

2. When I leave the room I switch off the litghts to reduce
energy ________.

3. Today there are a lot of __________ problems on the earth
such as sea and water __________, littering of cities and Cutting ___ trees.

4. ___ of nature is an important question nowadays.

5. Conservation programmes help to save ____ animals.

Раздел 6

      II. Fill in the blanks

healthy                 low-carbohydrate                 grilled             indigestion                 tiredness      minerals         fruit

  1. — How do you like your meat? — _________.
  2. Tomatoes are not vegetables, they are _________.
  3. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and __________.
  4. If you’re overweight eat ____________ diet.
  5. Don’t eat spicy meals with your ______________.
  6. In spring I usually feel ________ and want to sleep.
  7. Regular exercise and well-balanced food will help you be
    _______, wealthy and wise.

Match the halves

1. lack of

2. frequent

3. dry

4. rich in

5. spicy

6. sparkling

7. tooth

a) water

b) decay

c) vitamins

d) skin

e) illness

f) concentration

g) foods

Match the word and its definition

1. underweight

2. snack

3. infection

4. boiled

5. optimistic

6. brain

a) the vertebrate central nervous system

b) an infectious disease

c) weighing less than is expected

d) cooked in hot water

e) food eaten between meals.

f) expecting the best

Раздел 7

Variant 1

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. stage

2. stalls

3. usher

4. curtain

5. aisle

6. review

7. cast

8. subtitles

a) material that can be raised or lowered at the front of
a stage

b) the actors taking part in a play, movie

c) the seats on the ground floor in a theater

d) a passage between rows of seats

e) a person who shows people to their seats

f) captions displayed at the bottom of a movie or
television screen

g) a raised floor or platform, typically in a theater, on
which actors perform

h) a critical appraisal of a book, play, movie

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. theme

2. soap

3. ballet

4. box

5. turn

6. book

7. reserve

8. star

a) table

b) office

c) a film

d) dancer

e) tune

f) tickets

g) opera

h) off

III. Put the necessary preposition.

off       up        down   on        with     for       by

1. Please, turn ____ the radio.
It’s too loud. 2. I’m sorry, I can’t come. I’m not impressed _____ his acting.
3. Jason turned______ Alison’s invitation for the ball. His feelings were still
strong enough. 4. The story was written ____ the famous writer. 5. I like Tim
Berton’s films as they have got a reputation ______ having an unpredictable and
gripping plot. 6. She turned ____  at the party immediately when nobody was
expecting her there. 7. Turn ____ the TV. There is a football match. I’d like
to watch. 8. Turn_____ the volume of the music. I like it.

Variant  2

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. balcony

2. screen

3. musical

4. orchestra

5. heading

6. star

7. reserve

8. theme

a) a group of instrumentalists

b) arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for
the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else

c) a title at the head of a page or section of a book

d) the upstairs seats in a theater, concert hall, or

e) have a principal role in a movie, play, or other show

f) melody accompanying the beginning and end of a film,
play, or musical

g) the surface of a television, or monitor, on which
images are displayed

h) a play or movie in which singing and dancing play an
essential part

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. direct

2. story

3. turn

4. opera

5. it’s not my

6. best

7. music


a) down

b) cup of tea

c) seller

d) line

e) concert

f) seats

g) a film

h) glasses

III. Put the necessary preposition.

off       up        down   on        with     for       by

1. I always mistake him _____
Julia Roberts. 2. The House is surrounded ___ bushes and trees. 3. Katherine
knew that the book was translated into Russian ____ the famous translator. 4.
Johnny Depp is famous ______ his excellence performance. 5. I can hardly hear
TV. Will you turn it _____? 6. The magician turned ___ in the middle of the
living room. 7. He turned ____ helping his brother, as he felt offended.
Laurnce 8.  Jack turned the lights ______, as it was too much light in the
hall, that it made his eyes ache.

11 класс

Раздел 1

delighted                 abandoned                pedestrianised          
well-lit                capital            confused                   
boom             office

1.      On
the left you can see an asylum, the house for _________ children.

2.      Have
you ever heard of Antananarivo, the __________ city of Madagascar?

3.      All
the streets were _______and _______ during the carnival.

4.      I
was ______ to know of his latest decision.

5.      The
children were __________ at the birthday party.

6.      This
new town is ________ with its developing tourist industry.

How do you know her? — She works at our _______.

8.      The
president is _________ not to have another crisis.

fully-furnished           posh              residential          abandoned          
lonely        cosmopolitan             industrial           proud

1. My parents were _________ of
me, when they learned that I had entered the university.

2. There are a lot of _________old
people, whose families don’t care about them.

3. New York is a highly ________
and _________ city.

4. The city is interesting with
its _________ buildings and modern  _________ houses combined together

5. He was standing in a quiet
_______ region with no trees and grass, the houses were run-down.

6. At this time of the day all
public transport is _________, and traffic jams are usual.

7. The newly married couple  moved
to a __________ house.

Раздел 2

Combine the words into phrases.

  1. tap
  2. fold
  3. clench
  4. shake
  5. blush
  6. tremble
  7. stample
  8. peer

a)      head

b)      with

c)      pressure

d)      foot

e)      fingers

f)       arms

g)      in

h)      fists

Match the words and their definition

1)      whisper

2)      stress

3)      adrenaline

4)      depression

5)      self-esteem

a)      to
speak in a soft hushed tone, without vibration of the vocal cords;

b)      the
state of being depressed;

c)      respect
for oneself;

d)      mental,
emotional, or physical tension;

e)      a
hormone produced to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood

Fill in the blanks.

with          ups      sick     down              control                        under             it

Stress is dangerous when you
can’t cope 1)________ it. Of course, built up stress is difficult to stop.
Break- 2)________, exams, problems at work, peer pressure can lead to stress.
Being 3)____ stress  you can loose 4)_________, you feel 5)________ and tired
of life, everything gets you 6)_________. But things are not so bad. Some of
our advise will help you to take 7) ____ easy.

in the blanks

persuade         under               take                 crime               up        stammered

  1. ‘ I-I-I d-d-don’t kn-know
    anything,’ he _____ nervously.
  2. Tom was arrested for
    committing a ___________.
  3. I cant believe they managed to
    ____________ to dye your hair green.
  4. I’m in bad mood as I’ve broken
    ___ with Sue.
  5. You look like you’ve been ____
    a lot of stress.
  6. I’m loosing control! I can’t
    ____ it anymore!

          shrugged         loosing            regrets             sighed             cope

  1. John
    _____ his decision to leave school early and work at his father’s shop.
  2. I
    have such a heavy work! I feel like I’m ____ control.
  3. Janice
    ____ her shoulders, unable to answer the teacher’s question.
  4. Mark
    ___ with relief when he realized that nobody had been hurt in the accident.
  5. Jane
    went to see the school’s counselor because she couldn’t ___ with all the
    stress the exams were causing her.
  6. She
    blushed with __________ at the sight of new people.

Раздел 3

I. Fill in the blanks

pickpocket                  stand up                      vandal             burglar

confess                        grabbed                      right                witnesses

  1. As Cindy was walking through the park, a stranger _____
    her hand and ran away.
  2. Don’t be so timid; you need to ____ for your right to
    express yourself freely.
  3. When Sarah saw that her wallet was missing, she thought
    that a _______ must have taken it from her bag on the bus.
  4. Where’s there any _____ who can tell us how the accident
  5. As there was no evidence to prove his innocence, the man
    had to _________ to the crime he was accused of.
  6. ________ is a person who deliberately causes damage or
    destruction to personal or public property.
  7.  You were _____ to refuse the proposal.

II. Match the halves.

  1. minor
  2. driving
  3. investigate
  4. pay
  5. have
  6. community
  7. confess
  8. find
  9. take

a)      robbery

b)      crime

c)      service

d)      offence

e)      a

f)       guilty

g)      responsibility

h)      to
a shoplifting

i)       no

III. Make up your sentences with the phrases from II.

Раздел 4.

I. Match the words

1)      heart

2)      pain

3)      ointment

4)      blocked

5)      full

6)      write

7)      tooth

8)       stomach

9)      feel

10)  off

a.      rash

b.      nose

c.      recovery

d.      bug

e.      rash

f.       in

g.      ache

h.      a



II.Fill in the blanks

infection         chickenpox
   syrup              feet      vomit    cold             sore          slight

1.      I’ve
got a terrible head ache. It feels like I am going to _________  because of it.

2.      I
don’t think it’s a good idea to see Tod. He caught a terrible _____ and he’s
under weather now.

3.      As
soon as I am back on my _____ again, I join you with your project.

4.      Have
you had a ________ before? – Actually, no… Is that what I’ve got now?

5.      I
feel awful, as my nose is running and my head is aching. I’ve also got a
terrible ____ throat.

6.      My
doctor prescribed me a ______ to ease my cough.

What’s bothering you? – My ear aches. I think its ear _______.

8.      A
lot of people in our office are off with the flu. So am I. I have a runny nose
and a _____ temperature.

III.Match the word and its definition

1.      chickenpox

2.      tickling

3.      dizzy

4.      back

5.      rash

6.      itchy

7.      therapist

a. the posterior part of the human body

b. a feeling of light itching

c. a disease which gives you a high temperature and red
itchy spots

d. red spots on the skin

e. a person who is skilled in a particular type of therapy

f. feeling that you are losing your balance and are about
to fall

g. an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want
to scratch

Variant 1

I. Join parts.

1. stomach

2. strange

3. high

4. running

5. tickly

6. hoarse

7. sore

8. catch

a. throat

b. ache

c. a cold

d. nose

e. rash

f. cough

g. temperature

h. voice

II. Put words into sentences.

Sore     allergic                        throbbing        dizzy                vomit
              heart               infection

  1. Yesterday I had a ____ headache all day long. Even tablets
    couldn’t help.
  2. What happened to John. – He’s in hospital. He had a _____
  3. I feel _____ after a severe disease.
  4. My nose is _____. I think I was blowing too hard.
  5. I’ve caught a stomach bug. I think I am going to_______.
  6. She is seeing the doctor, because she has an ear ________.
    Her ear aches.
  7. Tom is ______ to chocolate. Strange rash appeared on his

III. Change sentences into passive.

1. They
built this house in 1960.

2. A large group of young people joined us
on our way to the station.

3. They
translate books from English every year.

Galsworthy wrote «The Forsyte Saga.»

Thousands of peo­ple attended this meeting.

6. He
never interrupts me.

7. They
did not invite her to the party.

8. She
will give me this English book.

9. Snow
will cover the fields in winter.

10. She always invites me to her
dinner parties

Variant 2

I. Join parts.

1. back

2. allergic

3. slight

4. blocked

5. terrible

6. medical

7. heart

8. stomach

a. bug

b. ache

c. care

d. nose

e. reaction

f. cough

g. temperature

h. attack

II. Put words into sentences.

catch               rash                 high                 voice                throat              running                       stomach

  1. Oh, dear! It’s terrible. Tomorrow I’m speaking at the
    conference. But my nose can’t stop ____________.
  2. Strange ____ appeared yesterday all over Tom’s body.
    Doctors can say nothing yet.
  3. Measles (корь) within adults is
    characterized with _____ temperature and rash all over the body.
  4. He was eating in a restaurant. Then suddenly he couldn’t
    breathe, as something got into his _____.
  5. Why are you talking in such a hoarse ____ to me?
  6. On Saturday it is going to be our wedding day. But I feel
    like I’m going to ____ a cold.
  7. It’s terrible. Everything aches – my head, my eyes, my
    nose and throat, and even my _____ .

III. Change sentences into passive.

1. The
students finished their translation in time.

2. Helen
washed the dishes.

3. Betty
often takes her young­er brother for a walk.

4. I will
make you some coffee.

5. We
will finish this work in time.

6. They
told her the truth.

7. She
promised us an interesting enter­tainment.

8. I
shall finish my work about seven o’clock.  

Somebody has opened the door.

10. The
waitress brought in the coffee.

Раздел 6

Variant I

Match the halves

1. Milky

2. beam

3. sweep

4. send

5. radio

6. broadcast

7. gas

a) signals

b) a message

c) light

d) the skies

e) waves

f) way

g) tail

Fill in the gaps

1)      There
are billions of stars in the __________.

2)      Can
you see that _____ coming from a laser?

3)      Scientists
hope aliens can _________ from space.

4)      The
comet has a _________ which points away from the Sun

5)      Scientists
of SETI __________ through their telescopes in search of ET.

6)      _________
transport information through the atmosphere without wires

7)      Our
TV news ___________ about the situation in Ukraine every hour.

Change the form of the verb

Every day on my way to work I buy a fresh _______
newspaper to be aware of the _________ news. I usually read it sitting in the
underground train. _________ are generally about economy and politics. But
today on the ___ page there was an article about ____________ life.

In the capital there exists a scientific centre studying
______ coming from space. Scientists try to find out if alien ______ exists
in our _____ way.









Find the definition

1. telescope

2. satellite

3. cosmos

4. orbit

5. tabloid

6. press

a) equipment shaped like a tube, used for
making distant objects look larger and closer

b) the curved path
travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such
as the Earth, the sun

c) people who write reports for
newspapers, radio, or TV

d) the whole

e) a newspaper that
has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories mainly about famous people

f) a machine that
has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio,
television, and other electronic communication

Variant II

Match the halves

1. Solar

2. extraterrestrial

3. human

4. establish

5. advanced

6. put into

7. radio

a) race

b) technology

c) life

d) orbit

e) contact

f) system

g) antenna

Fill in the gaps

1)      The
Sun is the centre of our _______________.

2)      Radio
doesn’t work. I suppose _________ is broken.

3)      Scientists
of SETI believe _____________ exists.

4)      __________
appeared 30 000 years ago.

5)      The
first satellite was ___________ by Russians in 1957.

6)      People
of the Earth would like to _______ with aliens.

7)      This
smart house was built with the use of ____________.

Change the form of the verb

Every day on my way to work I buy a fresh _______
newspaper to be aware of the _________ news. I usually read it sitting in the
underground train. _________ are generally about economy and politics. But
today on the ___ page there was an article about ____________ life.

In the capital there exists a scientific centre studying
______ coming from space. Scientists try to find out if alien ______ exists
in our _____ way.









Find the definition

1. article

2. coverage

3. broadsheet

4. planet

5. galaxy

6. spaceship

a) a very large round object in space that
moves around the sun or another star

b) when a subject or event is reported on
television or radio, or in newspapers

c) one of the large groups of stars that
make up the universe

d) a newspaper printed on large sheets of
paper, especially a serious newspaper

e) a piece of writing about a particular
subject in a newspaper or magazine

f) a vehicle for carrying people through

Раздел 8B

I. At an airport                     Variant I

At an airport they usually have some _________: an arrival
lounge (for those who arrive), a _________ lounge (for those who leave).
There may be a transit hall for transit passengers.

Airline perform a variety of activities in the terminal
_____ of an airport, for which they need some facilities:

booking offices, ________ desks,

baggage ______ area, information board and inquiry
offices, telecommunication, etc.

In the airport terminal building a lot of conveniences for
passengers are provided: cafes and snack bars, luggage lockers, ______ shops,
lost and found departments, currency exchange, chemist’s counters, public
telephones, etc.







II. Make up phrases and fill in the blanks.

1. round-trip

2. window

3. departure

4. boarding

5. jet

6. delayed

a) pass

b) gate

c) lag

d) tickets

e) flight

f) seat

  1. I’d like to make reservations for two ________________ to Oslo.
  2. This is your ___________. Your flight is at gate 5 at
  3. If you fly over several time zones you may not feel well.
    This is called ______.
  4. Well, you sit in the aisle. I prefer a ___________.
  5. Jack didn’t manage to be present at the conference,
    because of the ___________.
  6. Don’t go far. Our flight is at ____________ 8, we’ll be
    there waiting for you.


I. Ticketing and check-in.               Variant

The passenger ticket and baggage check for an
international ______ is personal and cannot be conceded to another person.

The day before your journey study again the data in your
ticket: airport of ______, the airline, flight number, departure check-in
time, etc.

Each one of your items of luggage will be tagged with a
serial number and the final destination of your ______. At the check-in desk
you’ll be given a _____ pass. You should keep it at hand and present together
with the other documents to the passport and customs _______ authorities,
until you board a plane.

Jet ____ are usual when flying east. It is considered to
be a true medial condition. Long flights are very tiresome. So you’d better
exercise on a plane. You may walk up and down the aisle, do some stretching
exercises, etc.







II. Make up phrases and fill in the blanks.

1. air traffic

2. cabin

3. departure

4. check-in

5. conveyor

6. flight

a) belt

b) board

c) time

d) controller

e) crew

f) desk

1.      I
handed in my ticket at the _________.

2.      The
__________ showed that our flight had been delayed.

3.      The
___________ kept going round but my bags were nowhere to be seen.

4.      _______________
are responsible for keeping aircrafts from colliding (столкнуться)
with each other.

5.      _______ members provide excellent service to
passengers, ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the flight.

6.      Why?
Don’t you remember the _________? Look at your ticket. We are going to be late.

Раздел 8АВ

Variant I

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. desert

2. waterfall

3. stream

4. mystic

5. ruins

6. dam

7. cliff

8. civilisation

a) a small, narrow river

b) a barrier, typically of concrete, constructed to hold
back water and raise its level

c) a steep rock face, esp. at the edge of the sea

d) a cascade of water falling from a height

e) a person who seeks believes in the spiritual
apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect

f) the stage of human social development

g) a dry, barren area of land, esp. one covered with sand

h) the remains of a building, typically an old one

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. praise

2. preserve

3. honour

4. conserve

5. lost

6. baggage

7. passport


a) belt

b) nature

c) ancient sites

d) gods

e) re-claim

f) control

g) civilization

h) victory

III. Put the necessary word.

Poor                reclaim           control                       flight
              aisle                duty-free                    known symbols          crew                mystic             architectural 

1. The fog is too heave and
visibility is ______.  2. When you are in JFK airport you can buy souvenirs in
a _______ shop. I feel rather tired after the flight and cannot recover from
_____ lag.  3. I would like to have an _____ seat as I’m afraid of heights. 4.
Unfortunately, our ____ has been cancelled. 5. At the beginning of KING KONG
the director is looking for a ship and a ______ that could come with him to the
mystical island. 6.  Air traffic ____ is the room in the airport where air
traffic controllers control flights. 7. The temple was all covered with
strange______. 8. I don’t think that this author is ______ in our country. 9.
Westminster Abbey is an ________ feat, so the royal wedding was marvelous
there. 10. I don’t know any _____ places except for Bermuda Triangle. 11. You
can find you bag in the baggage _____ area.

Variant II

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. pond

2. grassland

3. cave

4. mystery

5. woods

6. swamp

7. plain

8. river

a) an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered
with growing trees

b) a small body of still water formed naturally

c) a large area of flat land with few trees

d) something that is difficult or impossible to understand
or explain

e) a large open area of country covered with grass

f) a large natural stream of water flowing to the sea, a

g) a large underground chamber, typically of natural
origin, in a hillside or cliff

h) an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. water

2. ancient

3. mountain

4. predict

5. forecast

6. check-in

7. duty-free

8. departure

a) range

b) weather

c) shop

d) future

e) desk

f) board

g) canal

h) sites

III. Put the necessary word.

Familiar         gods    hand   mystery          carved            cities    remains          invaders
        cut       glacier             window

1.  Ancient Greeks worshipped
different _______. 2. This name is not ______ for me. I’ve never heard about
this person. 3.  The ________occupied  the city and the battle was scary. 4. As
for me, documentaries about ancient _____ are most interesting on the National
Geographics. 5. Mary ____ her finger heavily while she was cooking, so she had
to call the emergency. 6. Ancient symbols are ______ on the walls of the
castle. 7. Without a _______ life would be very dull, I think. 8. TITANIC
crashed into the __________ at the beginning of the last century. 9. The ______
of the soldier who fought in World War I were reburied and the monument was
set. 10. My son would better have a ______ seat when I prefer the aisle one.
11. Have you got any pieces of _____ luggage?

1) suit
2) family room
3) twin room
4) single room
5) penthouse
6) connecting or adjoining rooms
7) double room
8) triple room
9) junior suite
10) lounger or sitting room
(Am.E, — parlor)

a) A room occupied by one person;

b) A room with one large bed for two people;

c) A room with two single beds for two people;

d) A room with three single beds, or a double bed and a single bed, suitable for occupation by three people;

e) A set of two or more rooms including a bedroom and a sitting-room;

f) A large room with a partition to separate the bedroom area from the sitting room area;

g) A well-furnished and luxurious suite at the top of the building;

h) A room with four or more beds, particularly suitable for a family with children;

i) A room not used as a bedroom, where guests may read, watch television, etc;

j) Two or more rooms with a door to allow access from one room to another.

VI. Study the vocabulary which is useful in de­scribing hotels and hotel facilities. Give your explanation of the words in the list.

Example: adjoining —> next to each other
air-conditioned—» with temperature and
    humidity controlled.
access economy shower
accommodation expand washbasin
amenities facilities sanitary facilities
balcony fee spacious
budget grade sparcely furnished
buffet service high season sofa
bungalows hospitality staff
business center lodge storey
cabin luxurious suite
chain magnificent terrace
conveniences partition toilet
central heating permits (official trainee
connected range view
convertible resort well-furnished
elaborate reasonable within easy reach

VII. Complete these sentences spoken by a hotel manager.

1. All our rooms have c—tr-l-h—t-ng.

2. They all have a w — sh b — — in and a t- — 1 — t.

3. Our single rooms are very c—f—t—l-.

4. Or for real e — — n — my, let’s suppose you have a sales conference. You could d — — ble up your sales staff and put them into t — — n rooms.

5. For something more 1 — х- г — ous, we can offer our special s — — te.

6. It has its own private t — rr — — e, where guests can sit outside and enjoy the view over the lake.

7. I can recommend our Western P — — th — — se. From the b — lc — — у there’s a magnificent view over the whole countryside.

VIII. Answer the clues and find the hidden word. All the answers are connected with accom­modation. The first one is done for you.

1. At the Mountain Lodge small _________ (6)

2. The President stayed in a _________ of six rooms on the top floor of the hotel. (5)

3. If you have a family, you should think about staying in a self-catering ________that has three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. (9)

4. At the Paradise Hotel in Sochi, you can rent a double room or a separate _______ in the grounds. (7)

5. We took our tents and stayed in a lovely _________ which had all the facilities we needed. (8)

6. We stayed in a marvelous hotel that even had ________ to keep your horse in. (7)

7. I’d rather stay in a five-star _______than in a bed and breakfast. (5)

8. Our room doesn’t have a bath, but at least there is a ________. (6)

        с a b i n s  

IX. Give English equivalents for:

1. широкий спектр гостиничных услуг

2. преимущества сетевой системы гостиниц

3. благоприятные условия для отдыха (one word)

4. индустрия гостеприимства

5. просторные номера

6. условия для проведения съездов и конференций

7. участвовать в создании совместных предприятий

8. прибыльность бизнеса на основе франшизы

9. все современные удобства: центральное отопле­ние, душевая, ванная комната, кухня со всеми при­способлениями

10. расширять ассортимент услуг

11. повышать эффективность всех служб

12. иметь быстрый доступ к данным исследования рынка

13. выбрать место для строительства новых корпусов гостиницы

14. снизить эксплуатационные расходы

15. номера, легко превращаемые в деловой центр

16. хорошо оборудованные номера класса люкс

17. место временного проживания (one word)

18. умеренная оплата (расценки)

19. подробные инструкции, определяющие рабочие операции по обслуживанию

20. договор о долгосрочной аренде

X. Translate into English:

Необходимо помнить, что люди, путешествующие с личными или деловыми целями, имеют различные по­требности, так же как отличаются требования к гости­нице у групповых и индивидуальных туристов.

Гостиницы с полным набором услуг, которые могут подразделяться на отели типа люкс, высококлассные гостиницы и гостиницы с набором основных услуг, обеспечивающие самое широкое разнообразие средств обслуживания и удобств.

Время от времени все категории гостиниц с полным набором услуг подвержены избыточному предложе­нию (особенно гостиницы с основным набором услуг).

Размещение экономического класса обслуживает ог­раниченный сегмент потребителей и придает особое значение номерам, которые конкурируют с номерами гостиниц с полным набором услуг.

Службы питания и напитков, банкетинга серьезно ог­раничены, но компании подчеркивают высокое каче­ство предоставляемых услуг.

Доля государственных и бюджетных отелей среди отелей экономического класса делает акцент на низкие цены и меньшие комнаты для гостей или минималь­ные удобства. Государственные отели типа люкс ком­бинируют маленький размер номера с роскошной об­становкой комнаты для гостей.

Акцент в гостиницах типа апартаменты делается на номера, но часто предлагаются также услуги службы питания и напитков.

Финансовые результаты показывают, что гостиницам с полным набором услуг наносится очень существен­ный вред конкуренцией со стороны гостиниц с огра­ниченным набором услуг.

Гостиницы для отдыха предназначены для путешест­вия и должны предоставлять широкий спектр развле­чений и видов деятельности.

Таймшеры становятся отдельным видом услуг, пред­лагаемых гостиничными компаниями, который характеризуется большей сложностью и более длительным сроком обязательств.

Размещение в гостиницах выполняет важные общест­венные функции, но эти функции не могут быть ус­пешно реализованы до тех пор, пока гостиница не сможет работать прибыльно.

XI. Read the dialogue between two former col­leagues working in hotel business, who meet at the annual Hoteliers’ Conference.

John: Hello, Tom!

Tom: How nice to see you, John! I haven’t seen you for ages!

John: No, not since I left the Hyde Park Towers. It must be four years. You’re not still there, are you?

Tom: I’m the General Manager, actually. Congratulations! You’ve done well! Thank you. What are you doing here?

John: Oh, I’m still involved with hotels. I’m a partner in a com­pany that builds leisure facilities — swimming pools, saunas, tennis courts, that sort of thing. I can’t interest you in a pool, can I?

Tom: I’m afraid you’re too late. We’ve already got one. We’ve] made quite a few changes since you were there. We built | a large extension a couple of years age with a pool, fit-‘ ness center, solarium-and sauna. We’ve opened a couple j of tennis courts. It’s a pity we didn’t know about you. We| might have been able to give you some business.

John: Well, I’ve only been there for a little over a year. But tell me, you must be doing pretty well, then?

Tom: Yes, things are a lot better than they were four years ago, that’s for sure. You know there was a take-over about a year after you left?

John: Yes, I heard.

Tom: Well, they’ve put a lot of money into the hotel, and it really looks great now. Our rooms are far more comfortable and we offer the best facilities in the area. So of course we can charge higher prices. It’s certainly paying off— occupancy rates are right up!

John: Well, it was about time. What about those old family rooms in the annexe?

Tom: Last year, we converted them into business apartments and a business center.

John: Really? Good idea. A lot of hotels are going that way.

Tom: We’re hoping to open a suite of conference rooms in the next year or two.

John: Well, the old Towers certainly sounds a different place!

Tom: Yes. We’ve expanded the restaurant too.

John: Who’s the chef? It’s not still Jiovanni, surely?

Tom: Heavens, no! He’s gone back to Italy. No, in the end we hired a top French chef, Marcel. Have you heard of him? He’s been with us for more than three years now, and he has certainly made a difference. You must come and have a meal with us some time.

John: Yes, I must. It’s just a pity I can’t sell you a swimming-pool.


extension, n пристройка; расширение площадей


2. Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then , mark the following statements true(T) or false (F):

    1) The IT Department is increasing. — FALSE

    2) Data processing employees now encode data — FALSE

    4) Supervisors know the employees’ new assignments  — TRUE

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) software — G

    2) code — I

    3) hardware — B

    4) data processing — F

    5) information security — J

    6) online — C

    7) technical support — H

    8) data — D

    9) quality assurance — E

    10) encoding — A

         A. putting secret information into code;

         B. the physical parts of computer;

         C. connected to the Internet;

         D. numbers entered/held in a computer;

         E. checking products for problems;

         F. the act of using information;

         G. programs/instructions added to computer;

         H. helping people use/understand technology;

         I. program language;

         J. the act of protecting information;

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from word bank:

    1) Enter the data into the computer.

    2) The company uses encoding to protect information.

    3) Quality assurance finds and fixes problems in new projects.


2. Read the email about computers available at TEI Inc. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the email about?

         A. The types of work employees do.

         B. computers that the company sells.

         C. What computers the company uses.

         D. the installation of a server.

    2) According to the passage, employees use laptops when they

         A. respond to email.

         B. work on spreadsheets.

         C. process the largest files.

         D. Work outside the office.

    3) Which of the following is not true?

         A. the company has a mainframe.

         B. employees get email on their cell phones.

         C. All employees receive desktop computers.

         D. The desktop computers are faster than the workstations.

3. Read the sentence and choose the correct word:

    1) My PDA/mainframe notifies me when I have a meeting.

    2) I have a laptop/supercomputer to do work on a plane.

    3) John has server/desktop computer because he only uses simple programs.

    4) This computer/server runs programs, but doesn’t have Internet access.

    5) A workstation/handler PC is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard.

    6) Connect to the server/PDA to use that printer.

    7) A supercomputer/handler PC is the most popular machine in the world.

4. Match the words with the definitions:

    1) Workstation — fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

    2) Mainframe — Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

    3) Cell phone — A device that makes and receive calls.


2. Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answer:

    1) What is the guide mostly about?

         A. Putting together a computer.

         B. Problems with computer parts.

         C. Uses of expansion cards.

         D. Repairing a broken computer.

    2) When should the hard drive be installed?

         A. Step #1

         B. Step #3

         C. Step #5

         D. Step #6

    3) According to the guide, what is NOT an assembly step?

         A. Collecting parts

         B. Opening the case

         C. Connecting the drives

         D. Installing the RAM card

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) heat sinkC

    2) RAMB

    3) expansion cardE

    4) processorF

    5) hard driveD

    6) motherboardA

         A. a slotted board with circuits and ports;

         B. a short term, quick memory source;

         C. a part used to cool the processor;

         D. a part used to store large amounts of data;

         E. a part used to increase a computer’s functions;

         F. a part that completes tasks for the computer;

4. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

    1) Spinning blades keep the computer from underlined part. (Fun)

    2) The electrical source directs power throughout the computer. (Power supply).

    3) Joey purchased a protective bag for his computer. (Case)

    4) Can the coded disk reader play DVDs? (disk drive.)


2. Read the advertisement from a computer parts catalogue. Then, mark the following answers as true(T) of false (F).

    1) The keyboard has a wireless connection. — FALSE

    2) The LCD monitor does not require a lot of room. — TRUE

    3) The touch screen comes with keyboard. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

    1.  keyboard — C

    2.  mouse — E

    3.  scanner — A

    4.  microphone — D

    5.  monitor — B

         A.  a device that reads images and sends them to a computer

         B.  a device that displays images

         C.  a device that enters information into a computer

         D. a device that gathers sounds

         E. a device that is used to control a pointer  or cursor

4. Check the sentence that is true

    1) A. A keyboard reads documents

         B. A USB cable connects computers and devices

    2) A. A peripheral is the main part of a computer

         B. A printer creates documents and pictures

    3) A. An input device   enters information

         B. A microphone creates  sounds

    4) A. A monitor input sounds

         B. A touch screen does not need a mouse

     5) A. A scanner displays pictures and words

         B. A peripheral is a device that is added to a computer


2. Read the article about networks. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1. What is the main idea of the passage?

         A. how to set up a network

         B. correcting network problems

         C. choosing network equipment

         D. a comparison of LANs and WLANs

    2. What  can you infer from the passage?

         A. A computer is not functioning during the cycle

         B. LAN routers do not work well near walls of metals

         C. Interference impacts a routers configuration

         D. Renewing an IP address fixes DHCP errors

    3. According to the passage, a LAN ___

         A. assigns IP address

         B. requires a router

         C. links CAT-5 cables

         D. cycles a network

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank

DHCP    CAT-5 cable    router  network    cycle    WLAN  Internet  configuration

    1.  The router lets a network connect to the Internet.

    2. A LAN is a type of network.

    3. Businesses communicate on the Internet.

    4. We do not use cables for our network. We have a WLAN.

    5. Routers need a correct configuration to work properly.

    6. Businesses with a LAN use CAT-5 cable to connect computers.

    7. It is something necessary to cycle a network to make it work.

    8. The DHCP provides different IP addresses for computers.

4. Choose the best definition for each word


         A. a part of a computer

         B. a wireless network

         C. a networking device

    2. IP address

         A. a city-wide network

         B. an identification number

         C.  a networking device

    3. LAN

         A. a local network

         B. a networking device

         C. a wireless network


2. Read the introduction to the operating system manual. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1.  What is the main ides of the passage?

         A. where to locate shortcuts

         B. the advantages of the CCC OS

         C. how to identify and use parts of the OS

         D. types of operating systems available

    2. What can you infer about this operating system?

         A. It comes with free software

         B. Files have to stay in one folder

         C. Menus contain multiple commands

         D. Folders do not maximize or minimize

    3. According to the passage, what does the pointer NOT do?

         A. move files

         B. open menus

         C. start software

         D. minimize windows

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

Icons   desktop operating system pointer windows  GUI

    1.  Use the pointer to choose files and commands.

    2. Small pictures or symbols in software are icons.

    3. The operating system is the program that makes a computer work.

    4. When something is on the desktop you see in onscreen.

    5. An OS that uses small pictures to represent files is a GUI.

    6. You can minimize files and programs in different windows.

4.  Choose the best definition for each word.

    1. Drag

         A. save an icon

         B. close a desktop

         C. move a file

    2. Folders

         A. organize files

         B. move windows

         C. create shortcuts

    3. Shortcut

         A. a type of software

         B. a type of icon

         C. a type of window.


2.  Read the advertisement for a new word processing program. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) Macros determine the layout of a document. — FALSE

    2)TypeWrite 4.0 features customizable fonts. — FALSE

    3) Not all file formats work with TypeWrite 4.0. — TRUE

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) Use a macro to type out phrases that you use a lot.

    2)My file won’t open in other programs due to a compatibility problem.

    3) Instead of writing by hand use a word processing program.

    4) This fie is in a format that doesn’t open in TypeWrite.

    5) Save each document with a different name so you have a copy of each.

    6) The letter’s layout is wrong. The heading is in the wrong place.

    7) Increase the font size to make the file easier to read.

    8) Most word processors offer spell check to help you find mistakes.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. The style you use for this document makes it hard to read.

         A — macro

         B — formatting

          C – compatibility

    2.To write a business letter, use the appropriate document pattern.

         A -word processing

         B — compatibility

         C– template

    3. She did not think that her typing command was saving her any time.

         A — formatting

         B – macro

         C– template


2. Read the excerpt from the employee handbook guide at T.B. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1. The company uses a P093 server to receive email. — TRUE

    2. The company provides webmail for all employees. — FALSE

    3. All employees have multiple company email accounts. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).

    1) Attachment – E

    2) domain name–C

    3) password – D

    4) email client – B

    5) SMTP server – A

         A. a computer that sends email.

         B. a program that saves sends and receives email.

         C. words/letters used to identify companies and addresses.

         D. letters/numbers that let a person access something.

         E. a file that is sent with an email.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. That company that provides access to the internet has very good service.

         A – ISP

         B —  email address

         C – username

    2. I use an email service available on web browsers so my emails are not saved on my computer.

         A -POP3 

         B — webmail

         C — ISP

    3.Enter your code that identifies you on a computer and ‘press’ Enter.

         A — username

         B — webmail

         C — POP3

    4. Most people use a method to receive emails from a server to get their email.

         A -email address

         B — POP3

         C – webmail


2. Read the email from the IT department of TS. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) T.B. Brown Inc. now has a different URL.  — TRUE

    2) The hyperlinks navigate away from the original page. — FALSE

    3) The web site now has fewer meta tags. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (R-E).

    1) Hyperlink – C

    2) Website –  A

    3) HTML –  D

    4) Web host –  E

    5) Web browser – B

         A. a collection of related Internet pages.

         B. a program that lets you look at web pages

         C. a word image that you can clock on to navigate.

         D. a computer language used to make web sites.

         E. a company that provides space for a websites.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) The text used in webpage codes that provide information to search engines gives us high search rankings.

         A — hyperlink

         B — meta tag 

         C — web host

    2) Type a word into the computer program that allows people to look for particular information to find a web site.

         A — search engine

         B – http

         C — website

    3) Our website is very popular on the system of information that is available on the internet.

         A -meta tag

         B –hyperlink

         C – www

    4) The company’s text and symbols that form a web address is

         A — URI

         B — search engine

         C — web host

    5) Please begin the web address with the part of the web address that allows the computer to connect to the site.

         A –HTML

         B —  web browser

         C — http


2. Read the article from Graphic Arts Magazine. Then choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the article mostly about?

         A. why people edit graphics

         B. how to edit graphics

         C. the causes of poor exposure

         D. how to crops picture

     2) According to the article, how can you remove unwanted parts of images?

         A. crop the picture

         B. resize the image

         C. save the picture as a JPEG

         D. increase the number of pixels

     3) According to the article, what is NOT a way to fix a blurry photo?

         A. resize the photo

         B. increase the lighting

         C. save in JPEG format

         D. increase the amount of pixels 1

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

    1. pixel — B

    4. graphics — A

    2. exposure — D

    5. resolution — F

    3. JPEG — C

    6. tint — E

         A images on a computer, in a book or magazine etc.

         B a small dot that makes up part of an image a computer screen

         C a file used to store pictures on a computer

         D the length of time film is open to light when taking a picture

         E a small amount of a color in something

         F a computer or camera’s ability to produce a clear picture

4. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) It’s hard to see the details of this picture. Pease ________  it so that it is bigger.( RESIZE)

     2) I want to edit my pictures .I need a__________. (GRAPHIC EDITING PROGRAM)

     3) I don’t like the background of this picture. Lets_________ it out.  (CROP)

     4) This picture is too dark. Make the ____________ a little lighter. (CONTRAST)


2. Read the email from it department of TB. Brown Inc.  Then, read the paraphrase of the email. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the wont bank.

    Employees often use databases and spreadsheets incorrectly. Use a database to organize largo amounts of information about Clients. A database makes it easy to Search   multiple tables for client information. Use a spreadsheet to perform calculations about sinks data. Spreadsheets are also able to create graphs and charts showing profits.

3. Match the words (1-5) with definitions (A-E).

     1) Worksheet — D

    2) database — B

    3) sort — A

    4) field — E

    5) formula — C

         A to arrange the information in a database

         B a large group of data organized in a computer

         C a mathematical instruction that performs spreadsheet calculations

         D a single page of a spreadsheet

         E a database category that hot a type 01 information

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the Underlined part.

    1) Sue types in a(n) symbol that performs a specific calculation on the line

         A cell

         B operator

         C worksheet

    2) Please arrange the client addresses in a single collection of information a database.

         A table

         B field

         C query

    3) Dave adds up the values with a mathematics spreadsheet calculation

         A worksheet

          B formula

          C database

    4) Jim organizes records in a computer program that organizes information and performs calculations.

         A function

         B query

         C spreadsheet

    5) Martha finds clients who live nearby with a search that locates all information of a specific type

         A query

         B field

         C operator

    6) Some information in one unit of a spreadsheet that holds a piece of information is incorrect.

         A table

         B function

         C cell


2. Read the article from a business newsletter. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What does the Web Development class teach?

         A making a website easy to use

         B improving a website’s visibility

         C using code to program a website

         D how to market a new website

    2) What can you inter about the Web Design

         A Attending the class is mandatory.

         B The first class addresses functional

         C it focuses on improving a site’s visual

         D Its registration fee is less than the Web Development class.

    3) What is the function of CSS?

         A It helps improve navigation.

         B It decreases a website’s visibility.

         C It changes the style of a web page.

         D It expands the functionality of a web

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definition (A-F).

    1) web design — A

    2)coding — C

    3) navigation — E

    4) visibility — B

    5) usability — D

    6) content — F

         A choosing a website’s visuals

         B how easily you can find a website on a engine

         C a website’s programming

         D how easily a user can use a website

         E moving around a website

         F everything contained h a website

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) The website doesn’t work well. I want to improve its functionality

     2) My website locks boring. I’ll give it a more interesting appearance

     3) If you are interested in making a website, take a web development class.

     4) I’m learning CSS so that I can change my website.


2. 1. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

         A to post a job opening

         B to describe a company

         C to start a publishing company

         D to sell a desktop publishing program

    2. Which is NOT a job qualification?

         A the ability to make clip art

         B project planning skills

         C a college education

         D the ability to make layouts

    3. What can you infer from this advertisement?

         A The job pays very well.

         B This is a managerial position.

         C The company is hiring from within.

         D Students do not meet the requirements.

3. Read the sentence pair. Choose correct word

    1. electronic paper/ assemble electronic pages

         Many books are available on electronic paper.

         Desktop publishing specialists assemble electronic pages.

    2. page layout/clip art

         If you need an extra picture use clip art.

         That page layout looks complete.

    3. Electrostatic printing/Offset lithography

         Electrostatic printing is all done with machines.

         Offset lithography uses oil and water to transfer ink.

4. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D).

1. comprehensive layout —  B

2. desktop publishing  — C

3. desktop publishing software — D

4. graphic communications — A

         A. a form of visual language

         B. a piece that is ready for print

         C. the design of a layout using software

         D. a computer program used by publishers


2. Read the email from IT professional at Acme Enterprise. Then, mark the following statements with true (T) or false(F)

    1. Videoconferencing reduces traveling time and cost. (TRUE)

    2. The dedicated system comes with a video bridge. (FALSE)

    3. Videoconferencing works best with low bandwidth Internet access.(FALSE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) My computer isn’t working. No images are showing on the monitor.

    2) Let’s purchase a dedicated system It comes with everything we need for videoconferencing

    3) Only I can edit the report. The videoconference system does not allow document sharing

    4) You can’t hold a multipoint videoconference without a video bridge

    5) The echo-cancellation feature eliminates unwanted

    6) I want face-to-face meeting. Let’s hold a videoconference

4) Write a word that s similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) A high amount of information that a network sends and  receives helps images load quickly on the Internet. Bandwidth

    2) To set up a videoconference system, first connect the equipment that codes and reads signals. Codec

    3) John attached a camera that broadcasts sound and video on the Internet. Webcam

    4) Our offices can hold a videoconference among people in different locations. Multipoint videoconference


2. Read the email from the marketing director of Then, mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F)

    1) has a brick and mortar shop. (False)

    2) TFC Gaming is an affiliate of (False)

    3) Affiliates earn a percentage of sales for increases in page views.(True)

3. Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in the blanks.

    1) digital certificate/certificate authority

         I don’t trust this site, it has no digital certificate .

         The certificate authority will tell customers our site is safe.

    2) page views/traffic

         My site has two hundred more page views today.

         Advertising a website should increase  traffic

    3) FAQs/banner

         Let’s display a new banner to attract attention.

         Check the FAQs to find out about tine company.

4 . Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) E-commerce allows people to shop with businesses globally.

    2) My business is a(n) affiliate of that website. We share profits.

    3) There are many brick and mortar shops on Main Street.

    4) Put an item in a shopping cart and pay for it later.

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