Match the word with a definition a wonder

However, something extremely unlikely happens : those who witness the event do not wonder at it at all.

Not only were amazing new visual devices and technical wonders being offered: invisible worlds were suddenly made visible as if by magic.

One might wonder how children’s pronunciation is influenced by the teachers’ nonnative oral skills.

Little wonder, then, that out of the 254 papers and outlines received so far, it is the best that progress fastest into publication.

Finally, readers with a topological background may have wondered about possible generalizations of our approach to higher dimensions.

As tantalizing glimpses of the fully formed wonders to come, though, they offer a valuable perspective to anyone interested in this singular composer’s musical evolution.

One may wonder what this static criterion means for cut-elimination.

It is little wonder that many elderly people should try to dissociate themselves personally from the false stereotype.

Columnists wondered why a century-old conference paper came in for such blistering attacks.

The reader might wonder about the role of political bias in attending to these petitioners.

It will be no wonder if in the future these sciences advance further and the things which today appear fully ascertained may be proven wrong.

One wonders how a life spanning such turbulent times, and an artistic output extended across thirty years, could remain so unaffected.

You may wonder how the existence of this extra reason could avoid the instability of the reason to which it is added.

With simulations, one must always wonder whether the findings are simply the result of fiddling with the parameters.

Sonbol wonders that «today women are fighting an uphill battle to achieve what their sisters already had a hundred years ago» (p. 80).

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

1. work-shy (adj) describes someone who avoids work because they don’t like it – ленивый — описывает человека, который избегает работы, потому что ему это не нравится
2. work-surface (n) a flat surface for preparing food in a kitchen — рабочая поверхность — плоская поверхность для приготовления пищи на кухне
3. working lunch (n) a midday meeting when you eat and discuss work — рабочий обед — встреча в полдень, когда вы едите и обсуждаете работу
4. workout (n) a period of physical exercise — тренировка — период физических упражнений
5. work experience (n) a period of time when a student works somewhere to gain experience — рабочий стаж — период времени, когда студент работает где-то, чтобы получить опыт
6. workmate (n) a person you work with – коллега — человек, с которым вы работаете
7. work sheet (n) a piece of paper with questions and exercises for students — рабочий лист — лист с вопросами и упражнениями для студентов
8. work permit (n) an official document that allows you to work in a foreign country — разрешение на работу — официальный документ, который позволяет вам работать в другой стране
9. workload (n) the amount of work you have to do — рабочая нагрузка — объем работы, которую вы должны выполнить

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