Match the word on the left with the correct explanation on the right

Олимпиада – 2014                                                             
Английский язык

Reading comprehension

Read the passage. After the
passage you will find four questions, each with three answers. For each item,
mark the letter next to the correct answer – A, B, C – against the number of
the item.

in London

has many large department stores, which sell everything: shoes and
shirts, paper and perfume, fur coats and frying pans. The most
expensive department store is Harrods in Knightsbridge. You can buy almost
anything in Harrods, and you know you are getting the best. Twice a year, in
January and july, Harrods  has a “sale”. Some things are almost half price, and
there are thousands of bargains. On the first days of the sale the shop
is very crowded.

      The smartest and most
expensive shops are in Knightsbridge, but more people come to Oxford
Street, London’s most popular shopping center. The street is more than a mile
long. There are several big department stores in Oxford Street. The best known
are Selfridges, John Lewis and D. H. Evans.

      Oxford Street has the most
shops, but in some ways King’s Road in Chelsea is more fun. This is where
fashionable young Londoners buy their clothes in the many small “boutiques”.

      Marks and Spenser is a very
well – known department store selling clothes, food and other goods for home.
Their clothes are generally considered to be of good quality and at reasonable
prices, but not include the most modern and most extreme fashions.

       There are several big
street markets in London, and many small ones. Some markets open only one day a
week. Go to the Portobello Road on Saturday, or to Petticoat Lane on Sunday. Covent Garden market is open every day. Come here for antiques, old clothes, hand – made
jewellery and many other special things.

store –
универмаг        frying pans — сковородки

coats –
шубы                             bargain
выгодная покупка

     very crowded – битком набитый

                1.    The
most expensive department store is

a)      Selfridges

b)      Marks
& Spenser

c)      Harrods

2.      London’s most popular shopping center is

a)      Covent Garden

b)      Oxford

c)      Knightsbridge

3.      Marks
& Spenser sell

a)      the
most expensive clothes

b)      The
most fashionable clothes

c)      Rather
conservative, neither cheap nor expensive clothes

4.      Covent Garden market is open

a)      only
one day a week

b)      every
day                             c) on Sunday

II. Grammar test. Choose the
correct variant

1.Ann can speak … English well.

     a) on   b) in   c) –

2. She is as … as her mother.

     a) tall   b) taller   c) the

3. John is … pupil in our group.

      a) good   b) better  c) the

4. Mary says she usually … there
by bus.

      a) goes   b) is going   c)

5. What … you listen to

      a) did    b) does   c) do

6. John says … he likes sports.

      a) what   b) that   c)

7. Tourists … sightseeing every

      a) go    b) play   c) do

8. We … games after school.

      a) go    b) play    c) do

9.  We clean our teeth … a day.

      a) twice    b) two   c)

10. We … the film yesterday.

       a) see     b) saw   c)

III. Match the word on the
left with the correct explanation on the right

1. conservative     a) pays too
much respect to social status and wealth

2. reserved            b) gives a
lot of attention to doing something properly

3. polite                 c)
shows care and thought for the future

4. prudent              d)
believes that his own country is better than all others

5. careful               e)
having traditional attitudes and values

6. emotional           f) not

7. respectable         g) does
not show feelings or express opinions

8. chauvinistic        h) has
emotions and easily displays them

9. snobbish             i) has
good manners and consideration for other people

10. rude                  j)
decent in appearance and behaviour

IV. Write an essay about your
native countryside at the moment. How will it change in years?



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Match (1-9) with (a-i) to make up sentences:

1. These days data collection
2. Removing language barriers
3. Over the past few weeks we have seen
4. China and other emerging economic powers are moving
5. It is a time for leadership and international cooperation
6.Education is sometimes
7. Taxes are collected by government
8. Land includes not only territory
9.Every society must provide
a) to set up multilateral institutions
b) from households and firms.
c) goods and services for the welfare of its citizens.
d) referred to as “human capital.”
e) but all of the natural resources .
f) the currency’s big retreat from its historic high
g) is virtually automatic.
h) which must go hand in hand.
i) will lead to increased foreign trade

Match each of the words on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right.
1. vertical a) at a slow, unchanging rate
2. socialist b) going straight up and down
3. standard c) something aiming to share wealth
4. predictable d) something you know will happen
5. steady e) usual or typical
6. willing f) managed by the government
7. obliged g)unchanging
8. constant h) very strict or cruel
9. state-run i) prepared to do
10. severe j)has to

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Ответы и объяснения 1



Ex 1.
1 — g
2 — i
3 — f
4 — a
5 — h
6 — d
7 — b
8 — e
9 — c
Ex. 2.
1- b
2- c
3- e
4- d
5- a
6- i
7- j
8- g
9- f
10 — h

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  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the


1. craftsman a. a person who designs (and supervises the

construction of) buildings, etc.

2. design b. manner of doing anything

3. style c. drawing or outline from which smth may be made

4. to improve d. change position, move

5. architect e. skilled workman who practises a craft

6. pattern f. ability to do smth expertly and well

7. skill g. excellent example; sb or smth serving as a model

8. to transfer h. make or become better

9. morality i. (standards, principles, of) good behavior

Exercise 1.

1. law — a) an official rule that all the citizens of the country must  obey

2. benefit — d) advantage, profit, help — f) keeping safe from harm, illness or danger

4. murderer — h) someone who has deliberately killed another person

5. jungle — g) land covered thickly with growing underwood, tangled vegetation

6. imperfect — i) not complete

7. custom — e) generally accepted behavior in a social group

8. robbery — c) the crime of taking money or other things from a bank, shop, especially by using threats or violence

9. steal — b) to take something that doesn’t belong to you

10. rely on — j) depend on with confidence

Exercise 2.

• закон джунглей  — the law of the jungle

• предписывать что-то  — to prescribe something

• описывать что-то  — to describe something

• обычаи / традиции страны  — customs ( of the country)

• без наказания  — without punishment

• критиковать кого-либо  — to criticize someone

• защищать собственность  — to protect property

• жить подобно хищникам  — to live like predators

 • страх быть похищенным, убитым, ограбленным  — fear of being kidnapped, killed, robbed

• сделать закон необходимым  — make the law necessary

• жить в безопасности  — live in safety

• члены сообщества  — community members

• рассчитывать на что-то — rely on something

• несовершенные законы — imperfect laws

Exercise 3.

Every country has its customs. That’s perfectly true. When I first came to a tiny Italian village I was shocked: everyone was smiling and waving at me. The laws of hospitality prescribe local people to protect the foreigners from any trouble. In daylight and even at night you can go out without fear of being kidnapped or robbed. Though the Italian laws are imperfect  like all the laws, in the country you can rely on open-heartedness and every possible support of the natives. The law of the jungle is for huge industrial cities.


У каждой страны есть свои обычаи. Это совершенная правда. Когда я впервые приехал в крошечную итальянскую деревушку, я был шокирован: все улыбались и махали мне. Законы гостеприимства предписывают местным жителям защищать иностранцев от любых неприятностей. При дневном свете и даже ночью вы можете выходить на улицу без страха быть похищенным или ограбленным. Хотя итальянские законы несовершенны
, как и все законы, в этой стране можно рассчитывать на открытость и всевозможную поддержку местных жителей. Закон джунглей — для огромных промышленных городов.

Exercise 4.

1. We don’t need laws because no country can provide its citizens with perfect laws.

I disagree with this statement because even our imperfect laws protect our safety and ensure our rights as citizens against abuse by other people. Laws protect us from chaos and anarchy that would inevitably arise in our society if there were no strict rules.


1. Нам не нужны законы, потому что ни одна страна не может предоставить своим гражданам совершенные/идеальные законы.

Я не согласен с этим утверждением, потому что даже наши несовершенные законы защищают нашу безопасность и наши права как граждан от злоупотреблений со стороны других людей. Законы защищают нас от хаоса и анархии, которые неизбежно возникли бы в нашем обществе, если бы не было строгих правил.

2. Without laws and customs people would live like predators.

I agree with this. Without laws and customs people would do whatever they want and there would be no means of punishing them. Without laws or rules anyone would be able to take or destroy other people’s possessions without having to pay for the damage or be punished for hurting others.


2. Без законов и обычаев люди жили бы как хищники.

Я согласен с этим. Без законов и обычаев люди будут делать все, что захотят, и не будет никакого способа их наказать. Без законов или правил любой человек сможет захватить или уничтожить чужое имущество, и ему не придется платить за ущерб или нести наказание за причинение вреда другим.

1. compatibility
1. сложность

2. data management
2. определять

3. tables of information
3. создавая объекты

4. complexity
4. представление

5. creating objects
5. надежный

6. reliable
6. совместимость

7. types of links
7. разнообразие

8. variety
8. типы связей

9. representing data
9. таблицы

10. todefine10. управление

3. Complete the sentences with a proper word.

source program compilation
communication the assembly language a file a
high-level language application

1.The translation of … in machine language is
performed using interpretation.

2.People ….. instructions to the computer in
symbolic language and the easier this communication can be made the
wider the … of computer will be.

3.The … process is initiated by typing in a
special command on the system.

4. The program which should be compiled is typed
into … on the computer system.

5. Once the … has been entered into a file, it
can be compiled.

6. The next step is to translate the …
statements into machine instructions.

4. Translate into English.

Си – это достаточно выразительный
язык программирования, предназначенный
для описания широкого круга задач и
имеющий современные механизмы управления
вычислительным процессом и работы с
данными. Наибольшую популярность язык
имеет у системных программистов.
Чрезвычайно привлекательными для
системных программистов оказались:
возможность использовать память
различных типов, введение указателей,
а также возможность работать с очень
сложными структурами данных, применение
препроцессора и удобство работы с
символьными строками.

Unit 12

1.Read the text, try to express its main idea.


A network is a group of devices (PCs,
printers, etc.) or ‘nodes’ connected by communications circuits
so that users can share data, programs and hardware resources. A
network has two main elements: the physical
that links the equipment and
the software
that allows communication.

The physical distribution of nodes and their
circuits is known as network ‘topology’ or ‘architecture’.
The software consists of the protocols,
i.e. the rules which determine the formats by which information may
be exchanged between different systems. We could say that cables and
transceivers (the architecture) allow computers to ‘hear’ one
another, while the software is the ‘language’ that they use to
‘talk’ to one another over the network.

As regards the cables, they consist
essentially of the transceiver – the hardware that sends and
receives network signals. At present the most widely used
transceivers are ‘Token Ring, Ethernet and LocalTalk. Token Ring is
the most common method of connecting PCs and IBM mainframes. Most
Token Ring adapters transmit data at a speed of 16 megabits per
second. With Ethernet, data is transmitted at 100 Mbits/sec. Ethernet
provides a very robust, trouble-free architecture with good levels of
performance. In this regard, Ethernet is the best solution for fast
and intensive activity.

LocalTalk transceivers are the cheapest of
all because they are directly included in each Macintosh. However,
they are a bit slow, which is why most Macs come with built-in

As for protocols, these are rules which
describe things like transmission speed and physical interfaces. The
Token Ring protocol avoids the possibility of collisions. To transmit
data, a workstation needs a token
and as there is only one token per network, holding one guarantees
sole use of the network. With Ethernet there are other options, of
which TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is
perhaps the most useful since it allows different operating systems
to communicate with each other. With regard to LocalTalk networks,
they use AppleTalk protocols. The Macintosh operating system includes
the AppleTalk manager and a set of drivers that let programs on
different Macs exchange information.

LANs can be interconnected by gateways. These
devices help manage communications and control traffic on large
networks. They change the data to make it compatible with the
protocols of different networks.

The words to the text:



сеть, система

tolinkсоединять, связывать



totransmitсообщать, передавать

устойчивый к ошибкам







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