Match the word in column a with the definitions in column b

Контрольная работа для
11 класса
. Spotlight 11. Module 2. Variant 1

A    Match the words in Column A with the definitions in
Column B.

Column A                                      Column B

1 to get down                                A

2 sick and tired of                         B
to make things difficult for someone

3 to lose one’s temper                  C to

4 to give a hard time                     D
extremely bored of

5  out of hand                                E
to get angry suddenly

B    Underline the correct word.

6  I permitted/persuaded him not to go there.

7  He used his effect/influence to reform the
company’s policy.

8  It was hard resisting/committing the
temptation to open the box.

9  What’s come/gone over him? He looks

10  Your scarf  fit/matches your coat.

11  I really need to keep/make things in a

12  I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner, and he
just shrugged/shook his shoulders.

13  Only the worst weather will deny/discourage Jim
from taking his daily outdoor exercise.

C    Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why
or when.

14 Do you know the reason _____  she is so upset?

15  The library is a place _____   you can borrow

16 The day  _____  you saw me I was feeling sick.

17 That’s Peter, the boy  _____  has just arrived at
the airport.

18 What did you do with the money _____  your mother
gave you?

D    Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

19 Mr Richards is a taxi driver. He lives on the

_______________________________________________ .

20 Thank you very much for your e-mail. It  was very

_______________________________________________ .

21 This is the girl. She comes from Spain.

_______________________________________________ .

22  The children shouted in the street. They are not
from our school.

_______________________________________________ .

23 The doctor  is away today. His name is Frank.

_______________________________________________ .

F     Complete the sentences using the words: half,
million, minds, reasons, sevens.

24   Kenny was a really great guy. One in a _______
he was.

25   We’re in two _______ about what to do during our
vacation. We could go travelling somewhere, or we could stay home and fix up
the garden.

26   I can think of a hundred and one _______ why the
he didn’t tell me the truth.

27   Mrs. Smith is at sixes and _______ since the
death of her husband.

28   «Shall we go by car or train?» «I
don’t know, it’s six of one and _______ a dozen of the other.»


A 1-c 2-d 3-e 4-b 5-a

B  6- persuaded 7- influence 8- resisting 9- gone 10- matches
11- make 12- shrugged

13- discourage

C 14- why 15-where 16-when 17-who 18-which 19who

D 19= who 20-which 21-who 22-who 23 -whose

Критерии оценивания

Виды работ

Модульные контроли

Отметка «2»

< 16

Отметка «3»


Отметка «4»


Отметка «5»


Variant II

I Choose the correct word/phrase:
• persuade • get down • cope • bear • dissuade • made
feel guilty

The doctor managed to … my father from smoking.

I didn’t do anything wrong but it … me … .

Jane couldn’t … … all the stress the exams were causing her.

Never let anyone … you … .

Sometimes it’s impossible to … the stress.

How can we …you to join us at the restaurant this evening?

Choose the correct item.

Don’t pick on/at your brother. He’s a bit low these days.

 8. John denies/regrets his decision to leave school early and work at his father’s shop.

9. It
was raining outside, so she put on / put down her raincoat.

Brenda has been missing/losing her friends terribly ever since she
changed schools.

III Fill in the gap with a correct relative pronoun or adverb.

The DVD … you lent me yesterday is damaged.

He doesn’t want to visit school … he used to study.

university … he is attending has a good reputation.

The day … my son was born was the happiest day of my life.

My sister, … is three years older than me, lives in Australia.

IV Choose the correct item.

Helen is studying hard for getting/to get good marks in all her exams.

Laura was in so/such a hurry to leave that she left her handbag at home.

18. Give Richard your phone number again due to/ in
he’s lost it.

She was such/so excited that she couldn’t do anything. 

Helen is studying hard for getting/to get good marks in all her exams.

V Use the word in brackets at the end of each line to form a new word that fits
into the blank.

My best friend takes part in the world………. He is
a great sportsman. (CHAMPION).

I’ve had some …………. nights, so I feel exhausted.

You’ve failed the exam. You should …………… it.

I ……….. do morning exercise with my little brother. (USUAL).

George likes to drink coffee, ……., in the morning. (SPECIAL).



1. dissuade 2. made feel guilty
3.cope 4. get down 5.  bear 6. persuade

7. pick on 8.regrets 9.on 10.

11.that/which 12.where
13.that/which 14. when/on which 15.who

16. to get  17. such 18.  in case 
19. so 20. to get

Task 5. 21. championship 22. sleepless 23.  rewrite 24. 
usually 25.  especially

Критерии оценивания

Виды работ

Модульные контроли

Отметка «2»

< 15

Отметка «3»


Отметка «4»


Отметка «5»


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА(и если не трудно обьясните почему именно этот ответ правильный)

Среди предложений 5–8 найдите сложное предложение с однородным
подчинениемпридаточных. Напишите номер этого предложения.

(5)Надежда кричала, что она потратила неделю на приготовление
праздничного стола и всю прошлую жизнь на воспитание Оксаны и не
намерена сидеть на кухне, как прислуга. (6)Корольков лежал у себя в
комнате на диване и думал о том, что Оксана не умеет разговаривать с
матерью, а Надежда – с дочерью. (7)Она командует, унижая её. (8)И они
зажигаются друг о друга, как спичка о коробок.

Среди предложений 6–11 найдите сложное предложение с бессоюзной
связью между частями. Напишите номер этого предложения.

6)Корольков лежал у себя в
комнате на диване и думал о том, что Оксана не умеет разговаривать с
матерью, а Надежда – с дочерью. (7)Она командует, унижая её. (8)И они
зажигаются друг о друга, как спичка о коробок. (9)Корольков знал по себе: от
него тоже можно чего-то добиться только лестью. (10)Лесть как бы
приподнимала его возможности, и он стремился поднять себя до этого
нового и приятного ему предела.
(11)Отворилась дверь, и вошла Оксана в длинной новой кофте в стиле
«ретро», или, как она называла, «ретрухи».

Среди предложений 16–19 найдите сложное предложение с однородным
подчинениемпридаточных. Напишите номер этого предложения.

(16)Мальчишки – их было человек пять – зазвали Лёвку после уроков
на задний двор, окружили, о чём-то заспорили, и вдруг Медведь, главный
силач класса, охватил Лёвку за шею, опрокинул его рывком навзничь,
остальные с криками «ого-го!» набросились, Лёвка сопротивлялся, бил

ногами, но его, конечно, смяли, скрутили, кто-то сел ему на грудь. (17)И
вдруг раздался громкий треск, будто взорвалась хлопушка или лопнула
автомобильная шина. (18)Тут все пятеро кинулись в стороны, Лёвка
поднялся на ноги, а в руке он держал пугач, который стрелял особыми
пистонами. (19)Шулепа вышел из этой истории победителем, а нападавшие
были посрамлены и впоследствии всячески старались помириться и
подружиться с ним

Среди предложений 16–20 найдите сложное предложение с бессоюзной и
союзной сочинительной и подчинительной связью между частями.
Напишите номер этого предложения.

(16)Мальчишки – их было человек пять – зазвали Лёвку после уроков
на задний двор, окружили, о чём-то заспорили, и вдруг Медведь, главный
силач класса, охватил Лёвку за шею, опрокинул его рывком навзничь, 
остальные с криками «ого-го!» набросились, Лёвка сопротивлялся, бил

ногами, но его, конечно, смяли, скрутили, кто-то сел ему на грудь. (17)И
вдруг раздался громкий треск, будто взорвалась хлопушка или лопнула
автомобильная шина. (18)Тут все пятеро кинулись в стороны, Лёвка
поднялся на ноги, а в руке он держал пугач, который стрелял особыми
пистонами. (19)Шулепа вышел из этой истории победителем, а нападавшие
были посрамлены и впоследствии всячески старались помириться и
подружиться с ним

 (20)ТакЛёвка из человека, которого собирались на весь свет опозорить, 

превратился в героя

Помогите с английским пожалуйста)
A Match the words in Column A with the definitions in Column B.
Column A Column B
1 to get down                 A uncontrollable
2 sick and tired of            B to make things difficult for someone
3 to lose one’s temper    C to depress
4 to give a hard time       D extremely bored of
5 out of hand                   E to get angry suddenly

  • UNIT 1. Fighting Terrorism
  • UNIT 2. Hostage-taking
  • UNIT 3. Countering Terrorism
  • UNIT 4. Wars
  • UNIT 5. Rebellion
  • UNIT 6. Peacekeeping
  • UNIT 7. Investigation
  • UNIT 8. Trial
  • UNIT 9. The Death Penalty
  • UNIT 10. Securities Market
  • UNIT 11. Going Public
  • UNIT 12. Commodity Market

U N I T 10


1. Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B.

  • assets
  • blue chips
  • bond
  • dividend
  • established
  • exchange
  • industrials
  • to list (shares)
  • interest
  • to mature
  • proceeds
  • securities
  • stocks
  • ticker symbol
  • volatile
  • shares of companies manufacturing, producing, or distributing goods and services
  • the shares of a particular company, type of company, or industry
  • a code used to uniquely identify shares of a publicly-traded corporation on a particular stock market
  • to admit a security for trading on an organized exchange
  • the property of a company that has value and that may be sold to pay a debt
  • that part of the money made by a business which is divided among those who own shares in the business
  • evidence of debt or ownership, such as stocks, bonds, etc.
  • tending to be subject to large price fluctuations
  • shares of well-established companies that pay regular dividends, valued by investors seeking relative safety and stability, though prices per share are usually high
  • the amount received from the sale of an asset
  • well-known and reputable
  • an official paper promising to pay back with interest and at a fixed time the sum of money which a government or company borrowed form the person who holds it
  • a place where business people meet to buy and sell shares, goods, etc.
  • the charge for the privilege of borrowing money, typically expressed as an annual percentage rate
  • to cease to exist; to expire

2. Substitute the words in bold with a word or word combination from the box without changing its form.


blue chips




stock exchange



interest rate





ticker symbol


  1. Российский фондовый рынок вслед за мировыми площадками завершил сегодняшнюю торговую сессию в красных тонах. Исключением стали лишь две «голубые фишки » – бумаги «Норникеля» и НОВАТЭКа.
  2. Компания, 100 процентов акций которой принадлежит государству, выпустила в обращение годовые облигации на общую сумму 4 млн крон.
  3. Каждая облигация имеет 6 купонных периодов. Процентная ставка является постоянной на весь срок обращения облигаций и составляет 12.процентов годовых.
  4. Сумма, выплачиваемая в качестве дивиденда по каждой привилегированной акции, устанавливается в размере 1 (один) доллар на одну привилегированную акцию.
  5. PAM Systems – признанный лидер ИТ-консалтинга и разработки программного обеспечения для мирового рынка.
  6. Активы фонда довольно диверсифицированы. Его средства вложены в акции промышленных предприятий , торгуемых на многих финансовых рынках мира.
  7. Национальный сберегательный банк потенциально может провести листинг своих акций на лондонской фондовой бирже .
  8. Несмотря на обвал, выплаты по принадлежащим инвесторам облигациям, погашение которых наступает не позднее 1998 г., будут производиться денежными средствами в полном объеме.
  9. Рынок акций – это рынок, на котором продаются и покупаются ценные бумаги , чья стоимость определяется спросом и предложением.
  10. По итогам 9 месяцев 2007 года выручка компании по международным стандартам составила 888,3 млн дол., что на 33 процента выше аналогичного показателя 2006 года.
  11. Предполагается, что акции фонда Equity Gold Trust будут торговаться на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже под тикером «GLD».
  12. В пятницу торги на американском фондовом рынке носили крайне неустойчивый характер.

3. For each word listed in Column A, choose a synonym from Column B.

  • buy
  • expensive
  • famous
  • fee
  • firm
  • property
  • profits
  • save
  • unpredictable
  • yearly
  • costly
  • business
  • economize
  • purchase
  • proceeds
  • charge
  • volatile
  • annual
  • established
  • assets

4. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.


blue chip


controlling stake










ticker symbol


  1. has become a generic term for “quality” shares.
  2. If you have the funds, an easier and more effective way to gather business data is to work with an research company.
  3. markets, particularly last August, helped boost earnings at the London Stock by 24 per cent in the six months to the end of September to £203.1m, ahead of analysts’ estimates.
  4. Britain’s largest commercial broadcaster, rejected an offer to buy a of 51 per cent in the company from Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
  5. from the art sales are sent back to Kabul to feed and clothe students attending a school for underprivileged children.
  6. The Pacific Stock Exchange recently closed an alliance with Archipelago ECN to offer securities on their new combined exchange, Archipelago Exchange.
  7. Rockland Trust Company currently has approximately $2.7 billion in .
  8. “Although we acknowledge the numerous benefits of elevated energy prices to Caterpillar and other , we believe the price of oil approaching $100 per barrel poses risk to economic growth in a number of economies not reliant on oil exports,” the broker said.
  9. The company’s shares will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the “UAM” beginning Dec. 3.
  10. The 5-year pays 9.35 per cent annually.
  11. Venezuela launched a $1.5 billion debt issue on Monday, including $750 million in international bonds that will in 2038.
  12. A of 4.25 cents a will be payable Jan. 31.

5. Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B to make up possible word combinations.

  • blue
  • board
  • common
  • face
  • financial
  • initial
  • interest
  • listing
  • share
  • ticker
  • shares
  • capital
  • holder
  • rate
  • chip
  • fee
  • value
  • of directors
  • symbol
  • center

6. Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B to make up possible word combinations.

  • annual shareholder
  • controlling
  • demand and
  • established
  • interest
  • mature
  • stock
  • listing
  • par
  • well-
  • stocks
  • payments
  • meeting
  • bond
  • supply
  • costs
  • stock
  • value
  • established
  • exchange

7. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. Northern Shield Resources Inc. is pleased to announce that its common shares will be listed for trading today the Frankfurt Stock Exchange the symbol N9S.
  2. Regulators are probing whether Citigroup traders manipulated the market by selling 12.4 billion euros ($16 billion) of European government bonds before buying them back a profit.
  3. South Korea’s Lotte Group on Friday denied a newspaper report that it is talks with S-Oil Corp. for a possible purchase of a controlling stake South Korea’s third-biggest refiner.
  4. Capital Bank Corporation announced that its Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend its common stock of $0.06 per share.
  5. Traders worldwide deal stocks and currencies over Reuters’s electronic-trading systems.
  6. Non-executive directors are threatening to resign from their positions the board at supermarket group Morrisons over its failure to appoint a chief executive.
  7. Renewable Energy Holdings PLC said chairman John Baker has bought 40000 shares 63 pence apiece. He now holds 40001 shares the company.
  8. Budgeting prevents you from running into debt that you will definitely have to repay interest.
  9. Holders of Preferred Shares are entitled quarterly fixed cumulative dividends equal to $0.3187 per Preferred Share.
  10. The owners of this preferred stock can convert it regular stock for $14.48 per share.
  11. Legends tell that millions of dollars gold were secretly recovered from the collapsed towers.

8. Substitute the words in bold with their synonyms from the box.














  1. The bond pays a rate of 6.71 per cent and is open to those with a minimum investment of £5000.
  2. European equities fell on Wednesday, after losses on Wall Street, but Sanofi-Aventis was sharply higher after successfully defending the patent on its Plavix blood thinner.
  3. Zimbabwe’s leading manufacturer of packaging products MegaPak has secured a contract to manufacture and export 300 000 crates to Zambia as the company broadens its foothold in the exports market.
  4. Members of the Belarussian Currency Stock Exchange entitled to trade in securities are stockholders who are professional participants in the securities market.
  5. Foreign exchange traders have attributed the shilling’s latest rally to dollar flows from agriculture and tourism, plus an anticipation of large capital flows into the country.
  6. Sentiment surrounding the banking stocks, which have been very unstable since the credit crisis developed over the summer, remained very changeable.
  7. Recently, the board has received several preliminary expressions of interest to buy the shares or the property of the company.
  8. The firm is optimistic that its partnership with a reputable company such as will yield results, which will exceed all its expectations.
  9. Transeuro Energy Corp. (OSLO:TSU) is pleased to announce that it has issued 150 bonds (the “Bonds”) each with a face value of $100 000.
  10. HP has reached the $100 billion mark in yearly sales.
  11. K12 plans to float its shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “LRN.”
  12. Gap Inc. (NYSE:GPS) today reported that net earnings for the third quarter, which ended November 3, 2007, increased 26 per cent to $238 million.
  13. In a statement filed with the Hong Kong stock exchange, the company assessed that production suspension over the two-month period would result in loss of output of approximately 55600 tons of methanol.

9. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.








  1. The super- Subaru Justy has gone on sale, offering low cost motoring with lots of extras for £8495.
  2. Automakers have the technology to improve fuel .
  3. Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged voters to judge him on his ability to deliver long-term stability.
  4. Hit by rising costs for everyday necessities, some shoppers said yesterday that they plan to on gifts this year.
  5. The declining dollar could contribute to rising inflation, said Guo Tianyong, an economist with the Central University of Finance and .
  6. say, however, that the idea of a regional currency for the United States, Canada and Mexico is highly unlikely.
  7. European Central Bank executive board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi said the US justifies a stronger dollar than is reflected in its current value.

10. Complete the word forms chart.

Noun Agent Noun Verb

Помогите решить

A Match the words in Column A with the definitions in Column B

Column A Column B

1 can’t take it anymore A to be under a lot of stress

2 to get things out of proportions B to go crazy

3 to build up C can’t stand the pressure

4 to pull your hair out D to make situation worse

5 to feel the strain of E to create something

B Underline the correct word.

6 She permitted/persuaded me that it was true.

7 Shrug/shake the shoulders and say I don’t know.

8 The two boys fought until one gave in/up.

9 These shoes don’t fit/match, they are too tight.

10 Her ideas have gradually got effect/influence in the company.

11 The aspirin will help your body resist/dissuade infection.

12 Take/make it easy! Everything will be alright I promise

13 Only my personal diary can help get off my mind/chest.

C Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why or when.

14 The house _____ Mozart was born is now a museum.

15 I can’t remember a time _____ I was so happy.

16 The reason _____ I didn’t call you is that I’ve lost your phone number.

17 The woman_____ is standing at the window is our teacher.

18 This is the book _____ I read last year.

D Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

19 Mary’s got an elder brother. He is a football player.

_______________________________________________ .

20 I am reading the novel now. It is very interesting.

_______________________________________________ .

21 I talked to the girl. Her car had broken down in front of the shop.

_______________________________________________ .

22 We often visit our aunt in Norwich. It is in East Anglia.

_______________________________________________ .

23 The man forgot his umbrella. His father is a professor.

_______________________________________________ .

F Complete the sentences using the words: million, two, sixes, reasons, six.

24 It doesn’t matter to me how you do it. It’s _______ of one and half a dozen of the other.

25 My grandmother was the kindest and sweetest old lady ever. She was one in a _______.

26 The workers were at _______ and sevens after the company announced that it was going out of business.

27 There’s one hundred and one _______ why I should leave you!

28 Kenny is in _______ minds about what to study at university. He’s interested in history, but he also likes the idea of being a lawyer.

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