Match the word and the word definition parking

помогите пожалуйста срочно
Match the word and the word definition
1. parking zone a. a person who is on foot, not by car\bike etc.
2. pedestrian b. white stripes on the road. Peole can cross the road on it
3. Zebra crossing c. a sign on the road
4. Traffic warden d. an area which people use for walking
5. Pavement e. a name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.
6. Traffic sign f. a place where you can park a car

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Module 3. Getting around

3A. Road safety

1. Match the word and the word definition.

Parking zone

A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.


White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.

Zebra crossing

A sign on the road.

Traffic warden

An area which people use for walking.


A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it


Traffic sign

A place where you can park a car.

2.Say why you must/mustn’t:

wear a seat belt

look both ways when you cross the road

walk on the pavement

talk to the driver

run onto the road

lean out of the window

3.Correct the sentences to make them true.

Don’t wear a seat belt when you are in the car!


Run onto the road to cross it quickly!


Talk to the driver, when in the bus!


Don’t walk on the pavement! Walk on the road!


Don’t look both ways before crossing!


4.Read the text in SB, p. 27 and find the following words:

Припаркованные машины – _______________________________

У обочины – ______________________________

Убедись – ________________________________

Проверь тормоза – _________________________

Поток транспорта – __________________________

Защитный шлем – _______________________

Не толкай других – __________________________

Поручень – __________________

Младше 12 лет – ___________________

Зеркало заднего вида – _______________________

5.Use by/on/in to complete the sentences.

Do you like travelling ___ train?

She goes to work ___ foot.

How long does it take from Moscow to Sochi ___ plane?

I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go ___ bike.

There were very few people ___ the bus.

6.Make the list of do’s and don’ts to tell how to behave in the canteen/at the lesson.

















3B. On the move

1. Put the means of transport into the correct column.










motor boat





2. Ask your deskmate: Can you…?

Use the verbs in the table. Compare your answers. What can both of you do? What can/cannot your deskmate do?

play the piano

read books in English

drive a car


wash the dishes


run 10 kilometers

ride a horse


3. Look at the sign and make as many sentences as possible to say what you can/cannot do according to the sign.

4. Look at ex. 4, SB, p. 28. You are at point X. Ask in turns for the route and give directions:

Sports shop


Pet shop



Toy shop

5.Write English equivalents:

Вам необходимо быть внимательной на дороге


Мне надо идти прямо или повернуть направо на Ленинском проспекте?


Посмотри на знак!


Остановись у светофора.


Припаркуйся перед больницей.


6.a) Read the words.

Are, bar, car, char, far, star, arm, bard, card, charge, farm, starve, art, can’t, chart, farce, start.

Add, bag, ham, can, pan, lab, that, back, hat, pant, lap, marry, parrot, wagon, happy, fancy.

b) Read the limerick. What happened to a lady from Guam [gwɒm]?

There once was a lady from Guam

Who said, “Now the ocean’s so calm

I will swim for a lark.”

She encountered a shark.

Let us now sing the 90th Psalm.

3 C. Hot Wheels

1.Read the text about M. Schumacher and the factfile about Kimi Raikkonen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). If the sentence is false – give the correct variant.

Michael Schumacher is a very famous interior designer. _____

Michael comes from Germany. _____

He can play tennis and volleyball very well. _____

Michael is devoted to Ferrari. _____

Kimi Raikkonen is a famous Finnish racing car driver. _____

His hobby is skiing and grass hockey. _____

2.Work in three groups. All of you prepare a factfile about famous people. Use factfiles in SB, p.30 as a model or make any necessary additions

Group 1 – about a famous Russian writer/ poet. Group 2 – about a famous Russian sportsperson.

Group 3 – about a famous Russian musician/ band/ singer.

Make a short presentation of your factfiles (use pictures, recite poems, let listen a piece of music/song, etc.)

Culture Corner

1. Getting around in London.

Read the text in SB, p.31 and answer the questions.

Is the Underground in London popular? Why?

How many stations does it have?

What can help you find your way in the Tube?

Why do tourists of London like double-decker buses?

Why do black cab drivers have to take a test?

2.Project. Compare Underground systems in London, Moscow, St. Petersburg and New York. Use the following links:

Fill in the table.


Number of







St. Petersburg

New York

Speak about the results.

English in Use

1. Match English and Russian sentences.

Это далеко?

Excuse me, how can I get to …?

Просто перейдите через эту дорогу и

Take the first turning on your left.

идите прямо.

Извините, а как пройти…

I am new to this area.

Just cross this road and go straight ahead.

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to…?

Is it far?

Я здесь впервые.

На первом повороте поверните налево.

Простите, Вы могли бы подсказать дорогу в…

2. Work in pairs.

Student A is Sue (SB ex. 1, p. 32). You need to get to:




Student B is Tony. You need to get to:

Town Hall



Use the map and the phrases to ask for and give directions.

Extensive Reading

1.Read the text and find the following words and word combinations:

Цвет опасности – ___________________________________

Пешеход – _________________________________________

Королевская семья – __________________________________

Символ защиты – ___________________________________

Люди дарят друг другу красные розы –


2. Read the meanings of some colors. What color do you like? Find what it means.


Excitement, energy, passion, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, love, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, aggression, all things intense and passionate.


Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, betrayal, jealousy, illness.


Peace, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, depression.


Energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, demanding of attention.


Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, youth, spring, generosity, jealousy,.


Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, cruelty, mourning.


Security, reliability, intelligence, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring.


Earth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, stability, simplicity and comfort.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Match the words.
e.g. traffic H
1. parking
2. traffic
3. yellow
4. zebra
5. racing
6. seat
7. bike
8. door

A. warden

B. driver

C. belt

D. lanes

E. crossing

F. lines

G. zone

H. signs

I. handles

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Test Booklet Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 3 A (Module 3). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Сопоставь слова.
например трафик H
1. парковка
2. трафик
3. желтый
4. зебра
5. гонки
6. сиденье
7. велосипед
8. дверь
А. надзиратель









1 – G, 2 – A, 3 – F, 4 – E, 5 – B, 6 – C, 7 – D, 8 – I.

Match the words to their definitions.
1 traffic lights
4 cycle lane
2 bus lane
5 parking meter
3 level crossing
A a machine in which you put money to pay for a
period of time in a parking space
B a set of red, orange and green lights used to
control road traffic
C a place where a road crosses a railway line
D part of a road only for bicycles
E part of a road only for buses​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Vocabulary Bank 1
p. VB1

Roads Features
На дороге

Упражнение 1

1 Match the words (A-M) to the numbers (1-13) in the pictures. — Сопоставьте слова (А-М) с числами (1-13) на картинках.

A 3 traffic lights — светофор
B 6 zebra crossing — пешеходный переход
C 13 tunnel — тоннель
D 4 bus lane — автобусная полоса
E 2 road sign — дорожный знак
F 10 level crossing — железнодорожный переезд

G 8 cycle lane — велосипедная полоса
H 12 bus stop — автобусная остановка
I 7 pavement — тротуар
J 9 roundabout [ˈraʊndəbaʊt] — кольцевая
K 5 parking meter [ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˈmiːtə] — парковка
L 1 streetlight [ˈstriːtlaɪt] — уличный фонарь
M 11 school crossing [skuːl ˈkrɒsɪŋ] — школьный переход

Упражнение 2

2. Fill in the sentences with the words below. — Заполните предложения словами, приведёнными ниже.

zebra crossing — пешеходный переход
U-turn — разворот
tunnel — туннель
pavement — тротуар

bus stop — автобусная остановка
road signs — дорожные знаки
roundabout — кольцевая
streetlight — уличный фонарь

1 Make a U-turn, Peter; you’re driving the wrong way!
Развернись, Питер, ты едешь не в ту сторону!

2 Ivan waited at the bus stop to catch the bus to the city centre.
Иван ждал на автобусной остановке, чтобы успеть на автобус до центра города.

3 The streetlight usually turn on after it gets dark in the evening.
Уличный фонарь обычно включается после того, как стемнеет вечером.

4 Don’t park your car on the pavement! It’s for pedestrians, not vehicles, you know!
Не оставляйте свою машину на тротуаре! Вы знаете, что он для пешеходов, а не для транспортных средств!

5 Wait for the cars to stop before you cross the road at the zebra crossing.
Подождите, пока машины остановятся, прежде чем переходить дорогу по пешеходному переходу.

6 Victor drove around the roundabout and tried to find the road to the train station.
Виктор объехал кольцевую и попытался найти дорогу к вокзалу.

7 It’s easy to find the airport; just follow the road signs.
Найти аэропорт несложно, просто следуйте указателям на дороге.

8 The radio stopped working while we drove through the tunnel.
Пока мы ехали по туннелю, радио перестало работать.

Упражнение 3

3. Match the words to their definitions. — Сопоставьте слова с их определениями.

1 B traffic lights — светофор

2 E bus lane — автобусная полоса

3 C level crossing — железнодорожный переезд

4 D cycle lane — велосипедная полоса

5 A parking meter — парковка

A a machine in which you put money to pay for a period of time in a parking space
машина, в которую вы кладете деньги, чтобы заплатить за период времени на парковочном месте

B a set of red, orange and green lights used to control road traffic
набор красного, оранжевого и зелёного огней, используемых для управления дорожным движением

C a place where a road crosses a railway line
место, где дорога пересекает железнодорожную линию

D part of a road only for bicycles
часть дороги только для велосипедистов

E part of a road only for buses
часть дороги только для автобусов


Упражнение 4

4. Look at the pictures in Ex. 1. Does the area you live in look like this? Talk with your partner, as in the example. — Посмотрите на фотографии из упр. 1. Район, в котором вы живёте, похож на этот? Составьте диалог со своим соседом по парте, как в образце.

A: What is your area like?

B: In the area where I live there are wide streets and pavements. There is a zebra crossing for pedestrians and traffic lights too. There is a roundabout, but there isn’t a level crossing…

Как выглядит ваш район?
В районе, где я живу, есть широкие улицы и тротуары. Есть также переход для пешеходов и светофор. Там есть кольцевая развязка, но нет железнодорожного переезда…

A: What is your area like?

B: I live in an area with narrow streets. There are no bus lanes or cycle lanes and the pavements are very narrow, too. There are no roundabouts, level crossings or tunnels.

Как выглядит ваш район?
Я живу в районе с узкими улочками. Здесь нет ни автобусных, ни велосипедных дорожек, а тротуары очень узкие. Здесь нет ни кольцевых развязок, ни железнодорожных переездов, ни туннелей.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

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