Match the word and the right translation

1) to cheat а.. обманывать

2) to hurt b. причинять боль

3) to rely с. положиться

4) to trust d. доверять

A2. Choose the appropriate word.  

At the end of the term Susan had to write a review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.  

2) favourite  

A3. Find the sentence with the Gerund.  

2) Paul was doing the ironing when the light switched off.  

A4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.  

Sam returned home. He was upset because he had got a bad mark. The front door… but he knew his mum was in.  

2) was locked  

Bl. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.  

1) look  

2) invite  


4) rely  

Cl. Write the questions about your city, beginning with the following words.  

1) Where is your city situated? (to situate)  

2) When was your city founded? (to found)  

3) What kind of people are living in your city? (to be)

60 месяцев назад

а. злой 2) angry b. испуганный 3) sad с. расстроенный 4) upset d. грустный А2. Choose the necessary word. (Выберите нужное слово.) Mary has lost her dog. That’s why she looks …. 1) sadly 3) sadness 2) sad 4)sadden A3. Mark the word with negative meaning. (Отметьте слово с негативным значением.) 1) energetic 2) lucky 3) depressed 4) glad А4. Choose the correct form of the verb. (Выберите правиль¬ную форму глагола.) The story … by Sandra last week. 1) was writing 2) wrote 3) is written 4) was written Bl. Fill in prepositions with, in, by, on where it is necessary. (Вставьте предлоги with, in, by, on, где это необходимо.) 1) to travel train 2) to travel foot 3) to argue parents 4) to be trouble Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) her / along / can’t / sister / she / get / with


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Al. Match the words and the right translation.
1) to cheat а.. положиться
2) to hurt b. обманывать
3) to rely с. доверять
4) to trust d. причинять боль
A2. Choose the appropriate word.
At the end of the term Susan had to write a review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.
1) favour 3) favourable
2) favourite 4) favoured
A3. Find the sentence with the Gerund.
1) Aunt Mary has been washing the clothes since morning,
but they are still dirty.
2) Paul was doing the ironing when the light switched off. 3) Look, the fridge is empty. It is worth going out tonight.
4) I heard them quarrelling at breakfast.
A4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.
Sam returned home. He was upset because he had got a bad mark. The front door… but he knew his mum was in.
1) locked 3) had locked
2) was locked 4) had been locked
Bl. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.
1) look
2) invite
4) rely
Cl. Write the questions about your city, beginning with the following words.
1) Where / /__/__/__? (to situate)

2) When/__/__/__/__?(to found)
3) What kind of/__/__/___/in___/__?(to be)

2 ответа:



1) to cheat а.. обманывать

2) to hurt b. причинять боль

3) to rely с. положиться

4) to trust d. доверять

A2. Choose the appropriate word.  

At the end of the term Susan had to write a review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.  

2) favourite  

A3. Find the sentence with the Gerund.  

2) Paul was doing the ironing when the light switched off.  

A4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.  

Sam returned home. He was upset because he had got a bad mark. The front door… but he knew his mum was in.  

2) was locked  

Bl. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.  

1) look  

2) invite  


4) rely  

Cl. Write the questions about your city, beginning with the following words.  

1) Where is your city situated? (to situate)  

2) When was your city founded? (to found)  

3) What kind of people are living in your city? (to be)



A1: 1) -b
2) — d
3) — a
4) — c

A2: 2) favorite

A3: 2)

A4: 2)

B1: 1)look at
2) invite for
3) join up
4) rely on

C1: 1) Where is your city situated?
2) When it was founded?
3) What kind of people are living in this city?

Читайте также

Елизаветинских усадеб зачастую имеют электронную форму, чтобы показать уважение к королеве 

1 riches

1 was (born)

2 went (to school)

3 got (married)

4 started (a job)

5 retired

6 died

7 graduated

1. The most popular
2 the most talented
3. More expensive

Мы портим нашу Землю
стоит ли это того
загрязнение воздуха
так ли это честно
дым и пыль
превращают Землю в очаг
очистить воздух
показав что нам не все равно
обезопасьте наше будущее
скажите сыр!
сажайте больше деревьев
чтобы Земля дышала
растения и животные
любите их всех
будьте щедры
проживите полную жизнь
храните воду
будьте милой дочерью
получайте солнечный свет
для жизни, что ярка
пластик может быть круто
но не будь дураком
он тебя сделает больным
расскажи всей школе
перерабатывайте все
не трать ничего
если не хочешь напряжения
то иди защищать природу

задания для учащихся 3-х классов.

1.Match the words with the right translation. (Соедини слова с правильным переводом).

girl                                                      a).

bird                                                     b).

farmer                                                 c).

doctor                                                 d).

2.Put in the pronoun. (Вставь местоимение.)

  It’s Jack. ….. rabbit is grey.





3. Choose the verb to ask a question to the sentence. (Выбери глагол, чтобы задать вопрос к

likes to go to school.





4. Choose the right pronoun to the words Dick and Mike. (Подбери верное местоимение для слов Dick
and Mike.)

Dick and Mike like to play chess together.





5. Match the word combinations with the right words. (Соедини словосочетания с правильными

in a small town                                           a. what

big dogs                                                      b. when

in the morning                                            c. where

6. Write  three sentences about your friend. (Напиши три предложения о своем друге.)

name is _____________________________________________________.



7.Make the right expression. (Составь правильное выражение.)

I do…….

my teeth

my homework

my books

to school

8. Mark the wrong ending of the sentence. (Отметь неверное окончание предложения.)

In the
evening Mary usually ……       

likes to read

plays with her toys

looks like her brother

cleans her teeth

9. Mark the correct sentence. (отметь верное предложение.)

Do Mike has his tea for lunch?

When does Helen have her lunch?

Does he has his lunch in the evening?

10. Make the question. (Составь вопрос.)    

/ he / does / what / usually / in the evening?

11. Make this sentence negative. Use the pronoun and the word “Moscow”.(Сделай это предложение
отрицательным. Используй местоимение и слово “Moscow”.)

and Jill live in London.



  1. — b;
  2. — a;
  3. — d;
  4. — c.


Перевод предложения звучит так: Мэри потеряла свою собаку, поэтому она выглядит такой грустной.

  1. Грустная = sad, вариант 2).


Переведем слова:

  1. energetic — энергичный;
  2. lucky — везучий;
  3. depressed — подавленный;
  4. glad — рад. 

Правильный ответ — depressed.


Переведем предложение: История была написана Сарой на прошлой неделе. 

  1. была написана = was written. Правильный вариант — 4).


    1. to travel by train;

    2. to travel on foot;

    3. to argue with parents;

    4. to be in trouble.


  1. She can’t get along with her sister. — Она не может наладить отношения с сестрой.

Test 2. Family and friends

Variant 2

Al. Match the words and the right translation.

1) to deserve а. поступать

2) to enter b. поддерживать

3) to support с. заботиться

4) to care d. заслуживать

A2. Choose the appropriate word.

The Smiths were lucky to live in the very centre of the city. Their house was old and it was founded by a famous … many years ago.

1) architect 3) architecture

2) architectonic 4) architectural

A3. Find the sentence with the Past Perfect Tense.

1) Tom returned home and had a tasty dinner and started

reading the lecture.

2) Kate has read all magazines about fashion.

3) When his elder sister came, John had repaired her laptop.

4) All members of the Brown’s family gathered at the table and had an unpleasant talk about making money.

A4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

It was Stacy’s birthday. She … up early. Yesterday she had invited her friends to her birthday party.

1) wakes 3) has woken

2) woke 4) had woken

Bl. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.

1) enter

2) care

3) invite

4) wash

Cl. Write the questions about your friend’s family, beginning with the following words.

1) Who / / / ? (to be)

2) What I___ I__ I___I __? (to do)

3) What kind of I___I___I__ I___ in? (to live)

Тест по английскому языку Faces of London (part 3) 6 класс с ответами. Тест включает в себя 2 варианта по 6 заданий. Вопросы и задания теста разделены на три уровня сложности: части А — базового уровня, части В — повышенного, части С — высокого уровня.

Variant 1

A1. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его

1) shy
2) polite
3) independent
4) creative

a. независимый
b. творческий
c. застенчивый
d. вежливый

А2. Магk the rigl1t answer. (Отметьте правильный ответ.)

Would you like а cup of tea?

1) Yes, I do.
2) No, I do not.
3) Yes, please.
4) No, please.

А3. Choose the necessary pronoun. (Выберите нужное местоимение.)

John Lennon is а musician. Не is famous for … songs.

1) she
2) her
3) his
4) my

А4. Who were these people? Match the name to the right profession. (Кем были эти люди? Соотнесите имя с профессией.)

1) Albert Einstein
2) Margaret Thatcher
3) Charlie Chaplin
4) Mark Twain

a. writer
b. actor
c. scientist
d. politician

B1. Write the dominant traits of one of your family’s members. (Напишите главные (отличительные) черты одного из членов вашей семьи.)

C1. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)

you / like / more / would / some / cakes?

Тесты с ответами, Англия

Variant 2

A1. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его

1) responsible
2) obedient
3) kind
4) sociable

a. послушный
b. общительный
c. добрый
d. ответственный

А2. Mark the right answer. (Отметьте правильный ответ.)

Would you like а cup of coffee?

1) Yes, I do.
2) No, I do not.
3) Yes, please.
4) No, please.

A3. Choose the necessary pronoun. (Выберите нужное местоимение.)

Agatha Christie is а writer. She is famous for … detective stories.

1) he
2) her
3) his
4) my

А4. Who were these people? Match the name to the right profession. (Кем были эти люди? Соотнесите имя с профессией.)

1) Daniel Defoe
2) John Lennon
3) Anna Pavlova
4) Sir Winston Churchill

a. ballet dancer
b. politician
c. musician
d. writer

B1. Write the dominant traits of one of your family’s members. (Напишите главные (отличительные) черты одного из членов вашей семьи.)

C1. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)

you / like / more / would / some / pudding?

Ответы на тест по английскому языку Faces of London (part 3) 6 класс
1 вариант
A1. 1c 2d 3a 4b
A4. 1c 2d 3b 4a
C1. Would you like some more cakes?
2 вариант
A1. 1d 2a 3c 4b
A4. 1d 2c 3a 4b
C1. Would you like some more pudding?

Рекомендуется вначале прочитать конспект урока «We are not ideal students, are we?» (УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English»). В тесте 10 вопросов, из которых два или четыре — повышенной сложности (ввод ответа с клавиатуры). Нет ограничения по времени. В случае явно плохих результатов (меньше 15% правильных ответов) тестирование по теме «Английский 7. We are not ideal students, are we?» заканчивается досрочно! Неудовлетворительная оценка выставляется, если правильных ответов меньше 50% ! Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 7 класс».

                                Test for the 9th form, 3 term

Variant 1

1. Choose the right word.

1. People want to live in an …society.

a)legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

7. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Match the word and its translation

  1. Mugging
  1. Похищение человека
  1. Kidnapping
  1. Кража со взломом
  1. Fraud
  1. Мошенничество
  1. Burglary
  1. Уличное ограбление
  1. Pickpocketing
  1. Карманные кражи
  1. Scam
  1. Кража в магазине
  1. Shoplifting
  1. Афера

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

steal, vandal, judge, criminal, shop-lifting, mugger, fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief,

life imprisonment, fine, community service

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. The train… (leave) at 10 a.m. every day.
  2. I’m hungry. I .. (have) a sandwich.
  3. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (fish) on Sunday.

  1. He… (visit) me on Saturday.
  2. – The phone is ringing!
  • I …(get) it!

5. Choose the correct answer.

1) It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone.

  1. needn’t
  2. mustn’t
  3. shouldn’t

2) You … smoke so much.
a) would 
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t
3)  I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can
4)Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to 
c) needn’t
5)  Well, it’s 9 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must
6) …you turn down the music? I have a terrible headache.

a) could

b) should

c) have to

6. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and answer the questions.

Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, оr stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer ____1(be) just as easy: you_____2 (go) to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you _____3(can) attend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses _____4(be) lively. Collectively Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses _______5(form) the internet of the Enlightenment era.

The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee houses that _______6(begin) to appear in European cities, London in particular. They______7(decorate) with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences _______8 (leave) at the coffee-house door and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

 Coffee________9( be) the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class оf information workers, who _____10(do) mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men _______11)be) not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but ______12(can) afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed «penny universities» in a contemporary English verse which observed: «So great  Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.»

1. What was the alternative of the internet three century ago?

2. What  were the coffee-houses decorated with?

3. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed «penny universities»?

Test for the 9th form, 3 term

                                        Variant 2

1. Choose the right word.

1. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

7. People want to live in an …society.

b)Legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. Match the word and its translation.

  1. Littering
  1. Кража в магазине
  1. Theft
  1. Кража
  1. Assassination
  1. Превышение скорости
  1. Robbery
  1. Убийство политического деятеля наемными убийцами
  1. Murder
  1. Грабеж
  1. Speeding
  1. Убийство
  1. Shoplifting
  1. Сорить на улице

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

judge, shoplifter,  criminal, kidnap ,fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief, life imprisonment, fine, community service, assassination, speeding

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. I’m thirsty. I .. (have) a glass of juice.
  2. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (have) a party on Saturday.

  1. He… (go) to the cinema on Saturday.
  2. – Tim, the phone is calling!
  • I …(get) it!
  1. The bus… (leave) at 6 a.m.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1)  Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to
2) Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 
3)  I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5.
a) can
b) had to
c) could
4) You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

5) I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must 
b) should
c) need to

6) My doctor says I … stop eating sweets.

a) have to

b) can

c) would

6. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and answer the questions.

Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, оr stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer ____1(be) just as easy: you_____2 (go) to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you _____3(can) attend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses _____4(be) lively. Collectively Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses _______5(form) the internet of the Enlightenment era.

The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee houses that _______6(begin) to appear in European cities, London in particular. They______7(decorate) with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences _______8 (leave) at the coffee-house door and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

 Coffee________9( be) the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class оf information workers, who _____10(do) mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men _______11)be) not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but ______12(can) afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed «penny universities» in a contemporary English verse which observed: «So great  Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.»

1. What was the alternative of the internet three century ago?

2. What  were the coffee-houses decorated with?

3. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed «penny universities»?

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: dashulakov2008


Автор ответа: akkulevaa05




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