Match the word and its definition brand

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2. Give the right pairs of synonyms:
complicated, efficiency, technique, productivity, complex, con-
sumer, reputation, producer, essential, manufacturer, appear,
customer, nowadays, goods, at present, extremely, characteris-
tics, increasingly, important, products, slogan, short message,
competitor, emerge, counterpart, strategy.


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
symbolize identity emotional extremely


4. Match the word and its definition:

1 brand A the art of managing an affair cleverly
2 strategy B
an identifying symbol used as a trade-
3 copyright C mark

4 logo D demands for goods

5 market E goods which are the product of a particu-
lar firm or producer

the exclusive right to reproduce, publish,
and sell an original work, or any part of it,
for a certain number of years

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
including, need, throws back, means, can be, publishes, was
developed, appeared, influences, becomes, will multiply, will


enhance, will win, include, is used, to promote, aims, are con-
sidered, convey, must contain, call, can offer, were.

2. Make the following sentences negative:
1. Marketing terms «brand» and «branding» derive from English
«brand» which throws back to Norse «brandr», which means
«fire, to burn».
2. Brand creates company image and reputation at the market of
goods and services.
3. Some authors consider a brand to be a complex of copyright
4. Brand can be a sell and buy object.
5. «Business week» regularly publishes the prices of the leading
6. The idea of branding as a way of product definition was
greatly developed in the late XXth century.
7. Your corporate ID, designed by professionals, will multiply
the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns.
8. Advertising slogan is used to promote a product or service to
the market.
9. Image slogan aims to raise the recognizability of the com-
pany or its brand.
10. Graphic designers offer professional insight into creation of
a unique logo and trademark.

3. Insert necessary prepositions:
1. Marketing terms «brand» and «branding» derive … English
«brand» which throws … to Norse «brandr», which means «fire,
to burn».
2. Brand is a complex of information … a company, goods,
service, including a name, a logotype, corporate style allowing
consumers to define it … multiple competitors, create its image
and reputation at the market … goods and services.


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3. From the legal side brand is a trade mark, defining a pro-
ducer and belonging … him.
4. The idea … branding as a way of product definition was
greatly developed … the late XXth century.
5. Now branding is a strong marketing tool which influences …
company image, its reputation and of course, the demand … it.
6. Corporate identity may also include … customer’s request:
press releases, advertising article, slogan, naming, promotional
7. Naming is extremely important … the company, project or
trademark since it greatly influences company’s image.
8. Designers can offer a vast number … structured techniques
… logo and trademark development.

4. Give the forms of irregular verbs:
throw, sell, buy, cost, become, win, hold.

5. Do a grammar test on Participle I and Participle II:
1. Professional branding is a complicated process of a trade
mark creation (include) target market analysis, advertising ac-
tions, brand positioning means, naming, visual brand images,
brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.
2. Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods,
service, (include) a name, a logotype, corporate style (allow)
consumers to define it among multiple competitors, create its
image and reputation at the market of goods and services.
3. Brand is a trade mark, (define) a producer and (belong) to
4. Branding is a strong marketing tool, (allow) to form a cus-
tomer’s certain emotional perception of a product.
5. Competitions (hold) by the company are crucial for the com-
pany image.
6. Slogan is a nameable short message, (carry) advertising in-
formation about the company, product or service.


7. Designers can offer (structure) techniques in logo and
trademark development.
8. Your corporate ID, (design) by professionals, will multiply
the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns, will enhance
the reputation and popularity of your business in the market.
9. Corporate identity may also include press releases (inform)
on events, promotional campaigns.
10. (select) in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes be-
comes the most important factor for success.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:
1. What does professional branding include?
2. What is brand from a legal side?
3. What does “Business week” regularly publish?
4. When was the idea of branding as a way of product defini-
tion greatly developed?
5. What is one of the main promotional and marketing instru-
ments of any modern company?
6. What is the purpose of corporate ID?
7. What do logo and trademark convey?
8. How can a client recognize a product of a company?

3. Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:
1. The main components of a brand.
2. Professional branding (target market analysis, advertising
actions, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis
of marketing efficiency).


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4. Write a letter to your friend about the problem discussed
in the text.

Internet resources for independent work:


What’s in a name?
In the days when Manfred Gotta was still on the staff of a
Frankfurt advertising agency, he was asked to promote a new
cat food called “Katzensmaus” (Kittys feast). To a German, the
name might seem vaguely silly, for non Germans it is simply
The client insisted on keeping the name and Gotta handed
in his notice. In future, he decided, he would devote himself
full-time to devising names for new products. Friends and col-
leagues were convinced he’d snapped.
But today, at 50, Gotta has his own firm in Frankfurt and
makes a tidy living inventing original names. He came up with
the curious word “Xedos” for a luxury limousine, labelled one
sporty little car “Twingo” and hit on “Vectra” for a range
Gotta produces names for cars, confectionary and tele-
phones and has over 80 corporate clients in Europe, Japan and
the United States. He charges around 100,000 marks for a name
which is to be used nationally, more than twice that for one
which will be suitable on a European scale. Compared to the
development costs of a car or a chocolate bar, it is peanuts. But


the name is a vital part of the image, and often more important
than the colour or shape of a product.

A good name, says professional wordsmith Gotta, creates
positive associations, can be used internationally and it is
unique”. That goes for Japanese cars hoping to find buyers in
Europe and the US as well as for German beer, which is ex-
ported to countries throughout the world. “If you are a globally
active company you need to think in terms of a global identity,”
says Manfred Gotta.

A new product must stand out, at all costs. The more ex-
otic and enigmatic the name, the more curiosity it generates.
Seemingly awkward word like “Xedos” or “Kelts” are not nec-
essarily a handicap. “Better a clumsy name you’ll remember,”
Gotta says, “than one that’s slick but does not stick”.

It’s hoped that, with Gotta’s help, the mascot created for
Expo 2000 in Hanover will become world famous. Gotta came
up with the name Twipsy. He devises names like this simply by
giving free rein to his imagination. He locks himself into a
room with the nameless object for 15 to 30 minutes, examining
it closely and trying to put its qualities into words. This kind of
brainstorming session generally produces several alternatives,
which Gotta then reviews with his staff.

But there is more to word coining than just the creative
element. An ideal brand name should carry no meaning any-
where in the world and match the product. Gotta’s staff spend
weeks doing research to ensure that the world rights to the
name are available and also to find out whether it’s unpro-
nounceable in any language or might come across as being rude
or offensive.

Gotta was paid the nicest tribute ever for “Twingo”, when
someone said the car was as original as its name. But deciding
what to call his latest “product” proved a real headache for the
great inventor of names. He was, he admits, “rather different”
when it came to choosing a name for his son. The boy is now


view more:

called Julian. That may not be unique but it’s got a pleasant
ring and is certainly international.

Active vocabulary of the lesson
Verbs: promote, seem, insist, keep, hand in, devote, devise,
convince, snap, invent, come up, label, charge, cost, slick, stick,
examine, review, ensure, export.
Nouns: staff, agency, notice, colleague, limousine, confection-
ary, marks, bar, powder, peanut, wordsmith, beer, identity, cu-
riosity, handicap. Mascot, rein, brainstorming, alternative,
brand, tribute, headache, inventor.
Adjectives: silly, tidy, curious, luxury novel, corporate, suit-
able, vital, unique, exotic, enigmatic, awkward, clumsy, name-
less, available, rude, offensive, pleasant.
Adverbs: unpronounceable, vaguely, simply, globally, closely,
generally, necessary.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.
Model: clumsy brand name, offensive name, curious inventor

2. Word-building

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
devote notice curious simple



3. Find in the text word combinations beginning with:
tidy …, positive …, several …, advertising …, global …, curi-
ous …, brainstorming …, luxury …, sporty …., European …,
nameless …, pleasant … .

4. Try to give:
a) synonyms to the following words: to charge, the staff, to
promote, silly, luxury, to label, client, cost, devise, awkward,
famous, vital.
b) antonyms to the following words: available, important, silly,
unpronounceable, future, full time, original, novel, suitable,
positive, rude.

5. Add more words to the word tree:

Ideal product name



6. Name in one word:
a) a technique by which a group of people present and discuss
different possibilities in order to find a solution to a problem =
b) goods which are the production of a particular firm or pro-
ducer =
c) to raise or to be raised to a higher position or rank =
d) right or appropriate for a given job or occasion =
e) not polite or courteous =


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f) to invent a word or phrase =
g) a person who buys products, esp. for a company or large
store for resale =
h) a person or thing believed to bring good luck =

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
was asked, seem, insisted, decided, would devote, were con-
vinced, had snapped, makes, came up, became, produces, is to
be used, can be used, hoping, to find, is exported, must stand
out, will remember, examine, should carry, was paid, is called.

2. Make the following sentences negative:
1. Gotta’s staff spend weeks doing research to ensure that the
world rights to the name are available.
2. A good name creates positive associations.
3. Name is a vital part of the image.

4e.xoTthiics kind of brainstorming session generally produces sev-

eral alternatives.
5. Gotta makes a tidy living inventing original names.
6. German beer is exported to countries throughout the world.

3. Give three forms of irregular verbs:
keep, make, come, become, say, find, think, stand, stick, spend,

4. Do a grammar test.
1. In the days when Manfred Gotta was still on the staff of a
Frankfurt advertising agency, he (ask; is asked; was asked) to
promote a new cat food called “Katzensmaus”.
2. He (will be devise; devises; devise) names like this simply by
giving free rein to his imagination.
3. The client (insisted; are insist; insist) on keeping the name.


4. The boy (calls; is being called; is called) Julian.
5. Gotta (came up; come up; is come) with the name Twipsy.
6. He (lock; locks; was locked) himself into a room with the
nameless object for 15 to 30 minutes.
7. If you are a globally active company you (needed; are need;
need) to think in terms of a global identity.
8. An ideal brand name should (carry; carried; will carry) no
meaning anywhere in the world.
9. But the name (are; is; were) often more important than the
colour or shape of a product.
10. He (charge; charges; were charged) around 100,000 marks
for a name which is to be used nationally.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.
2. Answer the questions:
1. What was M. Gotta asked to promote?
2. Was the name “Katzenschmaus” pleasant to the ear?
3. How old is M.Gotta?
4. What famous names are created by M. Gotta?
5. What does Manfred Gotta do?
6. How much does he charge for a name which is to be used
7. How does he devise names?
8. What is an ideal brand name?
9. What products does he create names for?
10. Have you ever heard about this wordsmith?

3. True or false:
1. He was asked to promote a new cat trade equipment.


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2. His son’s name has got a pleasant ring and is certainly inter-
3. Gotta examines the object closely and tries to put its qualities
into words.
4. The client insisted on changing the name “Katzensmaus”.
5. Compared to the development costs of a car or a chocolate
bar, it is a great sum of money.

4. Fill in the gaps:
1. He locks himself into a room with … object for 15 to 30
2. Friends and … were convinced he’d snapped.
3. That goes for Japanese cars hoping to find … in Europe.
4. He devises names like this simply by giving free rein to
his … .
5. This kind of brainstorming session generally produces sev-
eral … .

5. Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:
1. The process of devising names for products.
2. An ideal brand name.
3. Can you devote yourself full-time to devising names.

6. Write a letter to your friend about the problem discussed
in the text.

Internet resources for independent work:



Advertising is a form of communication that typically at-
tempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to con-
sume more of a particular brand of product or service. While
now central to the contemporary global economy and the re-
production of global production networks, it is only quite re-
cently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence
on patterns of sales and production. Mass production necessi-
tated mass consumption, and this in turn required a certain ho-
mogenization of consumer tastes for final products.
Many advertisements are designed to generate increased
consumption of those products and services through the crea-
tion and reinvention of the «brand image». For these purposes,
advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message
with factual information. Every major medium is used to de-
liver these messages, including television, radio, cinema,
magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags
and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising
agency on behalf of a company or other organization.
Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money
on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product
or service include political parties, interest groups, religious
organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations
are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes
of persuasion, such as public service announcements.


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Types of advertising

Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings,
billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack
cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mo-
bile telephone screens, shopping carts, web pop ups, skywrit-
ing, bus stop benches, human billboards, magazines, newspa-
pers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of
airplanes, in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or
overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passen-
ger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains,
elastic bands on disposable diapers, stickers on apples in su-
permarkets, shopping cart handles, the opening section of
streaming audio and video, posters, and the backs of event tick-
ets and supermarket receipts. Any place an «identified» sponsor
pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.

Covert advertising
Covert advertising is when a product or brand is embedded
in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main
character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the
movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise’s character John
Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in
the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo.
Similarly, product placement for Omega Watches, Ford, VAIO,
BMW and Aston Martin cars are featured in recent James Bond
films, most notably Casino Royale.

Television commercials
The TV commercial is generally considered the most effec-
tive mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high
prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during
popular TV events. The majority of television commercials fea-
ture a song or jingle that listeners soon relate to the product.
Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television
programming through computer graphics. In a TV commercial


the advertiser is trying to persuade you to go out and buy some-
thing. He wants to make you feel that you really must have it.
He can use a number of different effects to do this:
• The snob effect. This tells you that the product is most
exclusive and of course rather expensive. Only the very best
people use.
• The scientific effect. A serious-looking man with glasses
and a white coat, possibly a doctor or a professor, tells you
about the advantages of the product.
• The words-and-music effect. The name of the product is
repeated over and over again, put into a rhyme and sung several
times in the hope that you won’t forget it. The sung rhyme is
called a “jingle”.
• The ha-ha effect. The advertiser tries to make you laugh
by showing people or cartoon figures in funny situations.
• The VIP (Very important person) effect. Well-known
people, like actors or football players, are shown using the
• The supermodern effect. The advertiser tries to persuade
you that this product is a new, sensational breakthrough.
• The go-go effect. This is suitable for teenage market. It
shows young people having a party, singing, laughing, having a
wonderful time, and, of course, using the product.

By skilfully using advertising baits, representatives of
business are quite able to exert a substantial influence on the
content of TV and radio programs.

Infomercials are also known as direct response television
(DRTV) commercials or direct response marketing. The main
objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so
that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately
buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone
number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often


view more:

demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have
testimonials from consumers and industry professionals.

This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity
power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their
products and promote specific stores or products. Advertisers
often advertise their products, for example, when celebrities
share their favourite products or wear clothes by specific
brands or designers. Celebrities are often involved in advertis-
ing campaigns such as television or print adverts to advertise
specific or general products.

Media and advertising approaches
Advertising on the World Wide Web is a recent phenome-
non. Prices of Web-based advertising space are dependent on
the «relevance» of the surrounding web content and the traffic
that the website receives. E-mail advertising is another recent
phenomenon. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as
«spam». As the mobile phone became a new mass media in
1998 when the first paid downloadable content appeared on
mobile phones in Finland, it was only a matter of time until
mobile advertising followed, also first launched in Finland in
A new form of advertising that is growing rapidly is social
network advertising. It is online advertising with a focus on so-
cial networking sites. This is a relatively immature market, but
it has shown a lot of promise as advertisers are able to take ad-
vantage of the demographic information the user has provided
to the social networking site. Friendertising is a more precise
advertising term in which people are able to direct advertise-
ments toward others directly using social network service.

Mobile billboard advertising
Mobile billboards are truck- or blimp-mounted billboards
or digital screens. These can be dedicated vehicles built solely
for carrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients,


or they can be specially-equipped cargo trucks. The billboards
are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing
spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while others
change; for example, continuously or periodically rotating
among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are used for
various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world,
including: target advertising, one-day, and long-term cam-
paigns, conventions, sporting events, store openings and simi-
lar promotional events, big advertisements from smaller com-

Public service advertising
The same advertising techniques used to promote com-
mercial goods and services can be used to inform, educate and
motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as
AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation, religious re-
cruitment, and deforestation. Advertising, in its non-
commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of
reaching and motivating large audiences.

Active vocabulary of the lesson
Verbs: persuade, consume, necessitate, require, generate, em-
bed, deliver, rely on, include, identify, own, engrave, feature,
relate, insert, exert, focus upon, involve, employ, educate,
Nouns: service, pattern, consumption, turn, homogenization,
taste, reinvention, purpose, persuasion, announcements, item,
charge, airtime, glasses, breakthrough, content, objective, ce-
lebrity, truck, issues, deforestation.
Adjectives: particular, contemporary, marginal, persuasive,
actual, definite, recent, exclusive, expensive, substantial, de-
pendent, digital.
Adverbs: typically, recently, frequently, strictly, clearly, simi-
larly, notably, skilfully, immediately, commonly, rapidly, rela-
tively, directly, specially, continuously, periodically.


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Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.
Model: to deliver factual information, to generate original ideas

2. Match the word and its definition:

1 billboard A a well-known person
2 advertisement
B a large strip of cloth, hung be-
3 celebrity tween two poles, bearing a slogan

4 persuade C to convince smb to do smth by
reasoning, arguing, begging
5 banner
D a large, high, flat surface on which
advertisements are placed

E a notice of something for sale, for
rent, etc., given in a newspaper, on
TV, or pasted on a wall

3. Complete the network for the word ADVERTISING.
Add as many other bubbles as you like.





4. Word-building

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
persuade consumption marginal typically


Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
attempts, has been, necessitated, required, are designed, is used,
is placed, spend, sells, include, may rely, can include, pays, is
embedded, owns, are featured, is considered, is reflected, fea-
ture, relate, may be inserted, is trying, wants, is repeated, are
shown, shows, are known, sees, buys, demonstrate, advertise,
are involved, became, appeared, launched, is growing, has pro-
vided, can be dedicated, are lighted, are used.

2. Make the following sentences negative:
1. Advertising attempts to persuade potential customers to pur-
chase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or
2. Advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame,
money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and
promote specific stores or products.
3. The billboards are often lighted.
4. Social network advertising is growing rapidly.
5. The mobile phone became a new mass media in 1998.
6. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as «spam».
7. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular televi-
sion programming through computer graphics.


view more:

8. John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly
written in the top corner.
9. Advertising has been more than a marginal influence on pat-
terns of sales and production.
10. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased
consumption of those products and services through the crea-
tion and reinvention of the «brand image».

3. Insert necessary prepositions:
1. It is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a
marginal influence … patterns of sales and production.
2. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased con-
sumption of products and services … the creation and reinven-
tion of the «brand image».
3. Advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message
… factual information.
4. Advertising is often placed … an advertising agency … be-
half of a company or other organization.
5. Virtual advertisements may be inserted … regular television
programming … computer graphics.
6. This type of advertising focuses … using celebrity power,
fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products
and promote specific stores or products.
7. In a TV commercial the advertiser is trying to persuade you
to go … and buy something.
8. The name of the product is put into a rhyme and sung sev-
eral times … the hope that you won’t forget it.

4. Give the forms of irregular verbs:
be, spend, pay, write, buy, make, feel, tell, put, sing, forget,
show, have, have, know, see, become, grow, build.


5. Do a grammar test changing Active Voice into Passive
1. Mass production necessitated mass consumption.
2. Organizations frequently spend large sums of money on ad-
3. The main character can use an item or other of a definite
4. He can use a number of different effects.
5. It shows young people having a party, singing, laughing,
having a wonderful time, and, of course, using the product.
6. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate prod-
ucts and their features.

6. Find in the text all the sentences in Passive Voice.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:
1. Why aren’t non-profit organizations typical advertising cli-
2. What is the main purpose of designing advertisements?
3. What are the major types of advertising?
4. What is the most effective mass-market advertising format?
5. What effects can an advertiser use to persuade you go out
and buy something?
6. What is a new format of adverting that is growing rapidly?
7. Can we confirm that advertising is a powerful educational
tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences?
8. What is public service advertising?


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3. Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:
1. Advertising – a powerful educational tool capable of moti-
vating large audiences.
2. Social network advertising.

4. Write a letter to your friend about the problem discussed
in the text.

Internet resources for independent work:


Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing
or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use.
Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and
production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coor-
dinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing,
logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, pre-
serves, transports, informs, and sells. In many countries it is
fully integrated into government, business, institutional, indus-
trial, and personal use.
Package labelling (en-GB) or labeling (en-US) is any writ-
ten, electronic, or graphic communications on the packaging or
on a separate but associated label.
The first packages used the natural materials available at
the time: baskets of reeds, wineskins (Bota bags), wooden


boxes, pottery vases, ceramic amphorae, wooden barrels,
woven bags, etc. Iron and tin plated steel were used to make
cans in the early 19th century. Paperboard cartons and corru-
gated fibreboard boxes were first introduced in the late 19th
century. As additional materials such as aluminium and several
types of plastic were developed, they were incorporated into
packages to improve performance and functionality.

The purposes of packaging and package labels
Packaging and package labelling have several objectives:
Physical protection — The objects enclosed in the package
may require protection from, among other things, mechanical
shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, compression, tempera-
ture etc.
Barrier protection — A barrier from oxygen, water vapour,
dust, etc., is often required. Permeation is a critical factor in
design. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for
the intended shelf life is a primary function.
Containment or agglomeration — Small objects are typi-
cally grouped together in one package for reasons of efficiency.
For example, a single box of 1000 pencils requires less physical
handling than 1000 single pencils. Liquids, powders, and
granular materials need containment.
Information transmission — Packages and labels communi-
cate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or
product. With pharmaceuticals, food, medical, and chemical
products, some types of information are required by govern-
Marketing — The packaging and labels can be used by mar-
keters to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product.
Package graphic design and physical design have been impor-
tant and constantly evolving phenomenon for several decades.
Marketing communications and graphic design are applied to
the surface of the package.


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Security — Packaging can play an important role in reduc-
ing the security risks of shipment. Packages can be made with
improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also can
have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Pack-
ages can be engineered to help reduce the risks of package pil-
ferage: some package constructions are more resistant to pilfer-
age and some have pilfer indicating seals.

Convenience — Packages can have features that add con-
venience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, open-
ing, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse.

Portion control — Single serving or single dosage packaging
has a precise amount of contents to control usage. Bulk com-
modities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a
more suitable size for individual households.

Symbols used on packages and labels
Many types of symbols for package labelling are nation-
ally and internationally standardized. For consumer packaging,
symbols exist for product certifications, trademarks, proof of
purchase, etc. Some requirements and symbols exist to com-
municate aspects of consumer use and safety. Examples of en-
vironmental and recycling symbols include the recycling sym-
bol, the resin identification code and the «Green Dot».
Technologies related to shipping containers are identifica-
tion codes, bar codes, and electronic data interchange (EDI).
These three core technologies serve to enable the business func-
tions in the process of shipping containers throughout the dis-
tribution channel.

Package development considerations
Package design and development are often thought of as
an integral part of the new product development process. Alter-
natively, development of a package (or component) can be a
separate process, but must be linked closely with the product to
be packaged. Package design starts with the identification of all
the requirements: structural design, marketing, shelf life, qual-


ity assurance, logistics, legal, regulatory, graphic design, end-
use, environmental, etc.

With some types of products, the design process involves
detailed regulatory requirements for the package. For example
with packaging foods, any package components that may con-
tact the food are food contact materials. Toxicologists and food
scientists need to verify that the packaging materials are al-
lowed by applicable regulations. Packaging engineers need to
verify that the completed package will keep the product safe for
its intended shelf life with normal usage. Packaging processes,
labelling, distribution, and sale need to be validated to comply
with regulations and have the well being of the consumer in

Package design may take place within a company or with
various degrees of external packaging engineering: independent
contractors, consultants, vendor evaluations, independent labo-
ratories, contract packagers, total outsourcing, etc.

Environmental considerations
Package development involves considerations for sustain-
ability, environmental responsibility, and applicable environ-
mental and recycling regulations. It may involve a life cycle
assessment which considers the material and energy inputs and
outputs to the package, the packaged product (contents), the
packaging process, the logistics system, waste management,
etc. The traditional “three R’s” of reduce, reuse, and recycle
are part of a waste hierarchy which may be considered in prod-
uct and package development.

Active vocabulary of the lesson
Verbs: enclose, protect, refer to, prepare, preserve, integrate,
improve, require, recycle, purchase, evolve, reduce, deter, indi-
cate, exist, serve, involve, verify, comply with.
Nouns: science, distribution, storage, goods, warehouse, gov-
ernment, reed, wineskin, can, performance, objective, dis-


view more:

charge, vapour, dust, permeation, efficiency, liquid, powder,
resistance, pilferage, seal.
Adjectives: separate, available, ceramic, sterile, single, precise,
integral, applicable, environmental.
Adverbs: typically, constantly, nationally, internationally, al-

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.
Model: to protect goods, to increase the resistance, etc.

2. Word-building

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
reduce performance applicable alternatively


3. Match the word and its definition:

1 pilfer A free from all germs and bacteria
2 recycle
B to treat a used substance so that fur-
3 sterile ther use is possible
4 protect
C never stopping; never changing
5 constantly
D to steal small items or in small

E to keep safe; to guard or defend
from danger


4. Translate the text from Russian into English:
Упаковка – элемент бренда, который играет важную

маркетинговую роль. Грамотно разработанная упаковка,
решает несколько важнейших задач. Во-первых, упаковка –
носитель символики бренда — логотипа. Во-вторых, дизайн
упаковки – инструмент выделения бренда из конкурентно-
го окружения. В-третьих, упаковка – носитель идеологии
бренда. В-четвёртых, дизайн упаковки – важный информа-
ционный носитель, который может «рассказать» о продук-
те. Одного лишь креатива недостаточно, чтобы создать
эффективный дизайн упаковки, разработка дизайна упа-
ковки должна вестись в строгом соответствии с идеологией
бренда, только тогда упаковка будет «работать» на конеч-
ную цель – увеличение объёмов продаж. Важно помнить,
что разработка дизайна упаковки – длительный, сложный и
трудоёмкий процесс, именно поэтому дизайн упаковки
нужно доверять профессионалам в области packaging de-
sign. Но разработка упаковки не ограничивается только
созданием дизайна, огромную роль в борьбе за внимание
потребителя играет также и форма упаковки. Разработка
упаковки оригинальной формы – это процесс, который не-
посредственно связан с техническими аспектами производ-
ства, следовательно, требует от агентства наличия специа-
листов в области индустриального дизайна.

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
refers to, can be described, transports, is integrated, used, were
used, to make, were introduced, were developed, have, may
require, is required, are grouped, need, communicate, can be
used, have been, are applied, can play, can be engineered, can
be divided, are standardized, exist, are thought, involves, may
be considered.


view more:

2. Make up the tag-questions:
1. The design process involves detailed regulatory requirements
for the package, … ?
2. Toxicologists and food scientists need to verify that the
packaging materials are allowed by applicable regulations, … ?
3. In many countries packaging is fully integrated into govern-
ment, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use, … ?
4. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of pre-
paring goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end
use, … ?
5. Package labelling (en-GB) or labeling (en-US) is any writ-
ten, electronic, or graphic communications on the packaging,
6. Some requirements and symbols exist to communicate as-
pects of consumer use and safety, … ?
7. Additional materials were incorporated into packages to im-
prove performance and functionality,… ?
8. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment,
9. Some types of information are required by governments, … ?
10. Iron and tin plated steel were used to make cans in the early
19th century, … ?

3. Give the forms of irregular verbs:
write, make, keep, think, have, take.

4. Do a grammar test using the appropriate form of the
word in brackets:
1. Packaging can be described as a (coordination) system of
preparing goods for transport, warehousing.
2. In many countries packaging is fully (integration) into gov-
ernment, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use.


3. Paperboard cartons and corrugated fibreboard boxes were
first (introduction) in the late 19th century.
4. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and (safety) for the
intended shelf life is a primary function.
5. Packages and labels (communication) how to use, transport,
recycle, or dispose of the package or product.
6. Package design may take place within a company or with
(variety) degrees of external packaging engineering.
7. Examples of environmental and recycling (symbolize) in-
clude the recycling symbol, the resin identification code and the
«Green Dot».
8. Package (develop) involves considerations for sustainability,
environmental responsibility, and applicable environmental and
recycling regulations.
9. Packages can have features that add (convenient) in distribu-
tion, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use,
dispensing, and reuse.
10. Package design starts with the (identify) of all the require-

5. Write the plural form of the words:
technology, country, goods, package, amphora, objective, liq-
uid, risk, commodity, process, logistics, phenomenon.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:
1. What is packaging as a coordinated system?
2. What is package labelling?
3. What natural materials did the first packaged use?


view more:

4. What objectives do packaging and package labelling have?
5. What are technologies related to shipping containers?
6. What does package design start with?
7. What does package development involve?
8. What do three R’s stand for?
3. Work in small groups and discuss the following topics:
1. Packaging – the science, art and technology.
2. Package design techniques.
3. Materials used in package industry.
4. Write an essay about the problem discussed in the article.

Internet resources for independent work:




Interior design
Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which
creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to
achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are func-
tional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants,
and are aesthetically attractive. Designs are created in response
to and coordinated with code and regulatory requirements, and
encourage the principles of environmental sustainability. The
interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated
methodology, including research, analysis and integration of
knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and
resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space
that fulfils the project goals. The work of an interior designer
draws upon many disciplines including environmental psychol-
ogy, architecture, product design, and traditional decoration
(aesthetics and cosmetics). They plan the spaces of almost
every type of building including: hotels, corporate spaces,
schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restau-
rants, theatres, and airport terminals.
Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural
detailing including floor plans, home renovations, and con-
struction codes. Some interior designers are architects as well.
The specialty areas that involve interior designers are limited
only by the imagination and are continually growing and
changing. With the increase in the aging population, an in-
creased focus has been placed on developing solutions to im-
prove the living environment of the elderly population, which
takes into account health and accessibility issues that can affect
the design. Awareness of the ability of interior spaces to create
positive changes in people’s lives is increasing, so interior de-


view more:

sign is also becoming relevant to this type of advocacy. Three
areas of design that are becoming increasingly popular are er-
gonomic design, elder design, and environmental — or green —
design. Ergonomic design involves designing work spaces and
furniture that emphasize good posture and minimize muscle
strain on the body. Elder design involves planning interior
space to aid in the movement of people who are elderly and
disabled. Green design involves selecting furniture and carpets
that are free of chemicals and hypoallergenic and selecting con-
struction materials that are energy-efficient or are made from
renewable resources.

Although most interior designers do many kinds of pro-
jects, some specialize in one area of interior design. Some spe-
cialize in the type of building space — usually residential or
commercial — while others specialize in a certain design element
or type of client, such as healthcare facilities. The most com-
mon specialties of this kind are lighting, kitchen and bath, and
closet designs. However, designers can specialize in almost any
area of design, including acoustics and noise abatement, secu-
rity, electronics and home theatres, home spas, and indoor gar-
dens. Interior designers deal with technical engineering issues
and aesthetic design issues. Those who leave this field usually
choose another area involving aesthetic design. Many become
interior decorators, graphic designers, and computer graphics
consultants. A notable few become architects. Few leave the
arena of aesthetic decision-making altogether.

Active vocabulary of the lesson
Verbs: apply, achieve, enhance, encourage, include, satisfy,
produce, fulfil, draw upon, attune, involve, grow, change, de-
velop, improve, take into account, affect, emphasize, minimize,
aid, select.
Nouns: solution, environment, occupant, response, require-
ments, sustainability, methodology, research, analysis, integra-


tion, resource, goal, psychology, residence, specialty, imagina-
tion, increase, population, health, issues, awareness, advocacy,
furniture, posture, strain, body, movement, carpet, chemicals.
Adjectives: multi-faceted, functional, attractive, regulatory,
positive, relevant, ergonomic, muscle, disabled, elderly, hypo-
allergenic, energy-efficient, renewable.
Adverbs: aesthetically, continually.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.
Model: to select furniture, to develop imagination etc.

2. Word-building

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
satisfy imagination functional continually


3. Match the word and its definition:

1 environment A an answer or reply
2 enhance
B the number of people living in a
3 response particular area, city, state, country,
4 psychology etc.
5 population
C to increase the attractiveness of
other qualities

D the natural surroundings or social
conditions in which people live

E the study or science of the mind
and how it works


view more:

4. Translate the text from Russian into English:
Каждый человек стремится к тому, чтобы сделать свой

дом теплым и уютным, комфортным и благоустроенным,
старается оформить свое жилье со вкусом, выражая тем
самым свою индивидуальность. Выбор мебели в
оформлении интерьера играет огромную роль, это всегда
очень ответственный момент. Мебель должна вписываться
в общий интерьер комнаты, создавая чувство единства и
гармонии. При этом выбор мебели должен основываться на
стиле, в котором оформлено жилье.

Мой дом — моя крепость. Все мы не раз в жизни
слышали эти абсолютно верные слова. Где и в каком месте,
если не дома, мы чувствуем себя тепло, уютно, забываем
обо всех бедах, закрываемся от всего плохого, что вас на-
стигло на протяжении дня, расслабляемся, словом, как буд-
то, за огромнейшей непробивной стеной.

5. Test your Interior Decorating Skills.

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
to achieve, enhance, are created, encourage, follows, including,
are satisfied, to produce, fulfils, draws, plan, must be attuned,
are, involve, are limited, are growing, has been placed, takes,
can affect, is increasing, is becoming, emphasize, are made.

2. Make up the tag-questions:
1. Green design involves selecting furniture and carpets …?
2. Interior designers deal with technical engineering issues and
aesthetic design issues …?
3. Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural de-
tailing …?


4. The most common specialties of this kind are lighting,
kitchen and bath, and closet designs …?
5. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with code
and regulatory requirements …?
6. An increased focus has been placed on developing solutions
to improve the living environment of the elderly population …?
7. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordi-
nated methodology, including research, analysis and integration
of knowledge into the creative process …?

3. Give the forms of irregular verbs:
build, draw, grow, take, become, made.

4. Do a grammar test using Active or Passive Voice:
1. Designs (create) in response to and coordinated with code
and regulatory requirements.
2. Creative and technical solutions (apply) within a structure to
achieve a built interior environment.
3. Most interior designers (do) many kinds of projects.
4. The interior design process (follow) a systematic and coordi-
nated methodology, including research, analysis and integration
of knowledge into the creative process.
5. Ergonomic design (involve) designing work spaces and fur-
niture that emphasize good posture and minimize muscle strain
on the body.
6. Many designers (become) interior decorators, graphic de-
signers, and computer graphics consultants.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.


view more:

2. Answer the questions:
1. What disciplines does the work of an interior designer draw
2. What areas of design are becoming increasingly popular?
3. What does ergonomic design include?
4. What is green design?
5. What areas can designers specialize in?

3. Work in small groups and discuss the following topics:
1. The advantages of interior design profession.
2. How can interior designers create positive changes in peo-
ple’s lives?
3. Private and public interior spaces.

4. Write an essay about your future profession.

Internet resources for independent work:


Interior Designers
An interior designer is responsible for the interior design,
decoration, and functionality of a client’s space, whether the
space is commercial, industrial, or residential. Interior design-
ers work closely with architects and clients to determine the
structure of a space, the needs of the occupants, and the style


that best suits both. Interior designers have to be good with
more than colour, fabric, and furniture; interior designers must
know materials, have budgeting skills, communicate well, and
oversee the ordering, installation, and maintenance of all ob-
jects that define a space. They also have to know about electri-
cal capacity, safety, and construction. This broader range of
required knowledge distinguishes them from interior decora-
tors. Interior designers have to be able to work with contractors
and clients alike, planning and implementing all aesthetic and
functional decisions, from faucet handles to miles of carpeting —
and all this usually must be done within a fixed budget. Interior
designers are hired for their expertise in a variety of styles and
approaches, not merely their own personal vision. Therefore,
they have to be able to balance their own tastes and their cli-
ents’ tastes — and be willing to put their clients’ tastes first. Inte-
rior designers are often asked to begin their planning before
construction of a space is finished; this means that they must be
good at scheduling and comfortable reading blueprints. Interior
design is hard work, but those who do it well find the work
very satisfying.

Postsecondary education — either an associate or a bache-
lor’s degree — is necessary for entry-level positions; some States
license interior designers.

Interior designers draw upon many disciplines to enhance
the function, safety, and aesthetics of interior spaces. Their
main concerns are with how different colours, textures, furni-
ture, lighting, and space work together to meet the needs of a
building’s occupants. Designers plan interior spaces of almost
every type of building, including offices, airport terminals,
theatres, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, schools, hospitals,
and private residences. Good design can boost office productiv-
ity, increase sales, attract a more affluent clientele, provide a
more relaxing hospital stay, or increase a building’s market


view more:

Traditionally, most interior designers focused on decorat-
ing — choosing a style and colour palette and then selecting ap-
propriate furniture, floor and window coverings, artwork, and
lighting. However, an increasing number of designers are be-
coming involved in architectural detailing, such as crown moul-
ding and built-in bookshelves, and in planning layouts of build-
ings undergoing renovation, including helping to determine the
location of windows, stairways, escalators, and walkways.

Interior designers must be able to read blueprints, under-
stand building and fire codes, and know how to make space ac-
cessible to people who are disabled. Designers frequently col-
laborate with architects, electricians, and building contractors
to ensure that designs are safe and meet construction require-

Whatever space they are working on, almost all designers
follow the same process. The first step, known as program-
ming, is to determine the client’s needs and wishes. The de-
signer usually meets face-to-face with the client to find out how
the space will be used and to get an idea of the client’s prefer-
ences and budget. The designer also will visit the space to take
inventory of existing furniture and equipment and identify posi-
tive attributes of the space and potential problems.

After collecting this information, the designer formulates a
design plan and estimates costs. Today, designs often are cre-
ated with the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software,
which provides more detail and easier corrections than sketches
made by hand. Upon completing the design plan, the designer
will present it to the client and make revisions based on the cli-
ent’s input.

When the design concept is finalized, the designer will be-
gin specifying the materials, finishes, and furnishings required,
such as furniture, lighting, flooring, wall covering, and artwork.
Depending on the complexity of the project, the designer also
might submit drawings for approval by a construction inspector


to ensure that the design meets building codes. Finally, the de-
signer develops a timeline for the project, coordinates contrac-
tor work schedules, and makes sure work is completed on time.
The designer oversees the installation of the design elements,
and after the project is complete, the designer, together with the
client, pay follow-up visits to the building site to ensure that the
client is satisfied. If the client is not satisfied, the designer
makes corrections.

Interior designers sometimes supervise assistants who
carry out their plans and perform administrative tasks, such as
reviewing catalogues and ordering samples. Designers who run
their own businesses also may devote considerable time to de-
veloping new business contacts, examining equipment and
space needs, and attending to business matters.

Although most interior designers do many kinds of pro-
jects, some specialize in one area of interior design. Some spe-
cialize in the type of building space — usually residential or
commercial — while others specialize in a certain design element
or type of client, such as healthcare facilities. The most com-
mon specialties of this kind are lighting, kitchen and bath, and
closet designs. However, designers can specialize in almost any
area of design, including acoustics and noise abatement, secu-
rity, electronics and home theatres, home spas, and indoor gar-

Active vocabulary of the lesson

Verbs: determine, suit, oversee, define, distinguish, implement,
decision, hire, balance, provide, increase, focus on, satisfy, su-
pervise, devote, specify, carry out.
Nouns: structure, occupants, fabric, skills, installation, mainte-
nance, capacity, safety, handles, expertise, approach, taste,
lighting, residence, palette, walkways, requirements, prefer-
ences, attributes.


view more:

Adjectives: commercial, industrial, residential, responsible,
aesthetic, functional, private, appropriate.
Adverbs: closely, merely, traditionally, finally.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.
Model: private residence, to satisfy occupants etc.

2. Word-building

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
devote approach functional finally


3. Match the synonyms:

supervise to give official permission to do smth
renovation artistic, pleasing to the eye
license to direct, control, or be in charge of
aesthetic to work together with someone else
collaborate the process of putting smth back into good
condition, esp. after extensive repairs
accessible a method of doing smth or way of thinking
approach easily reached or entered


4. What associations does the familiar word SPACE evoke
in your mind? Put these associations into the bubbles. For




5. Translate the following word combinations:
supervise assistants, review catalogues, devote considerable
time to, the installation of the design elements, the complexity
of the project, existing furniture, an increasing number of de-
signers, develop new business contacts, personal vision, is to
determine the client’s needs, boost office productivity, attract a
more affluent clientele.


view more:

6. Complete the sentences:
1. An interior designer is responsible for … .
2. Interior designers work closely with … .
3. Interior designers focus on … .
4. Designers devote considerable time to … .
5. Designers frequently collaborate with … .
6. Interior designers sometimes supervise … .
7. They also have to know about … .

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:
work, suits, have to, must know, distinguishes, must be done,
are hired, are asked, to begin, means, must be, do, find, license,
draw upon, to enhance, work, plan, including, can boost, in-
crease, provide, focused on, are becoming, must be able, col-
laborate, are working, meets, will visit, formulates.

2. Make the following sentences negative:
1. Interior designers work closely with architects and clients to
determine the structure of a space.
2. Designers plan interior spaces of almost every type of build-
ing, including offices, airport terminals, theatres etc.
3. Designers can specialize in almost any area of design.
4. Interior designers are often asked to begin their planning be-
fore construction of a space is finished.
5. Interior designers must be able to read blueprints, understand
building and fire codes.
6. The designer also might submit drawings for approval by a
construction inspector to ensure that the design meets building

3. Make up 10 questions of different types.


4. Give the forms of irregular verbs:
know, have, oversee, do, begin, mean, find, draw, meet,
choose, become, build, read, understand, make, take, pay, run.

5. Do a grammar test.
1. The designer (develop) a timeline for the project, (coordi-
nate) contractor work schedules, and (make) sure work (to be
completed) on time.
2. Today, designs often are created with the use of computer-
aided design (CAD) software.
3. Designers frequently (collaborate) with architects, electri-
cians, and building contractors.
4. Some States (license) interior designers.
5. Upon completing the design plan, the designer (present) it to
the client.
6. The designer also (visit) the space to take inventory of exist-
ing furniture and equipment.
7. Interior designers sometimes (supervise) assistants who carry
out their plans and perform administrative tasks.
8. Designers plan interior spaces of almost every type of build-

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text
discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:
1. What is an interior designer responsible for?
2. What education is necessary for entry-level positions?
3. What are the main concerns of interior designers?
4. What can good design boost?


view more:

5. Must interior designers be able to understand building and
fire codes?
6. What types of building do interior designers plan?
7. Why do designers frequently collaborate with building con-

3. True or false:
1. Master’s degree is necessary for entry-level positions.
2. Designers can specialize in almost any area of design, in-
cluding acoustics and noise abatement, security, electronics and
home theatres, home spas, and indoor gardens.
3. This knowledge of a foreign language distinguishes interior
designers from interior decorators.
4. If the client is not satisfied, the designer gives him a bonus.
5. A designer, together with the client, pay follow-up visits to
the building site to ensure that the client is satisfied.
6. After collecting this information, the designer goes to the
shop and buys all necessary materials.

4. Work in pairs and discuss the topic “Needs of private
space occupants” using the following diagram:

Needs of

taking a studying socializing sleeping cooking


5. Write an essay about the topic discussed in the text.

Internet resources for independent work:


How to become an interior decorator
1. Train Your Eye
If you’re interested in becoming an interior decorator, you
probably already have an idea about what good design looks
like, or at least what fits your style and taste. However, you can
continue to develop this by staying abreast of the trends popular
in the industry and watching them change. You’ll be able to get
a feel for what’s out there and what’s in style. You can do this
by flipping through design magazines or even by attending
open houses in wealthy neighbourhoods, art galleries, offices of
professionals, etc. Go see what’s there and what people like.
2. Get an Education
Even though it’s unnecessary for interior decorators to have a
formal education, they are expected to know the specifics of the
business. This includes space planning, lighting, furniture and
decorating styles, use of colour, textures and applications of
different types of fabrics, floorings, wall coverings, paint, win-
dow treatments, and use and placement of accessories (such as
pillows, vases, and art). You can learn all this through books
and websites, but the fastest, easiest, and most comprehensive


view more:

way to ensure you learn the essentials is by taking an interior
design course.
3. Practice at Home
It is important to have some decorating experience before ex-
perimenting with the homes of others. Most interior decorators
will work with their own home in order to gain some experi-
ence and develop their style. Even if you only have one room in
your house to work with, you should use it to play with. A coat
of paint and some new furniture positioning can dramatically
change any space. This is simple and easy to do, and recom-
mended before suggesting new ideas to your clients.
4. Volunteer with Friends and Family
Once you’ve tried a few things out on your own, you may want
to consider offering to decorate the homes or offices of your
friends and family. This will be a great opportunity for you to
not only practice your decorating techniques, but also to expose
yourself to working for other people and with their spaces. You
have to remember that the most important thing, when it comes
to decorating, is to make your client happy. Your friends and
family will have input on your designs and you will need to
modify them to their personal tastes, which will be excellent
practice for dealing with clients who might not be as forgiving
as your friends and family.
5. Prepare a Portfolio
Every artist needs a portfolio to showcase their work, and an
interior decorator is no different. The purpose of a portfolio is
to convince a client or a firm to hire you, so, along with your
designs, you should include any other documents (such as let-
ters of recommendation and ‘design boards’, which are poster
boards containing pictures and samples of materials that you
use, like fabrics, flooring, wallpaper, etc.) that will convince
your future employer (client or firm) of your talents. However,
the majority of your portfolio should consist of pictures of work
that you have completed. On every job you should be sure to


take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of the rooms that you design.
Then, from this group, you should choose 15-20 pictures to
present in your portfolio.
6. Get a Job
Even if your ultimate goal is to have a business of your own,
starting with a job in the industry can be crucial to your suc-
cess. It will teach you about the business, not to mention intro-
duce you to clients who, if they like your designs, may stay
with you after you move on. Decorating jobs are available in
businesses like home builders, furniture and house ware manu-
facturers, hotel and restaurant chains, retailers (furniture stores,
home improvements stores, antique dealers, etc.), and interior
design and decorating firms.
7. Start Your Own Business
If you are interested in starting your own business there are a
number of things to consider. Initially you will need to decide
on business matters such as a company name and whether or
not you want to incorporate. You may also begin your solo ca-
reer by working from home. It will save on the cost of office
space, and, since you will be going to clients (they won‘t be
coming to you), it should not interfere with your professional-
8. Establish Relationships with Suppliers
As an interior designer, you will get up to a 50% discount on
the materials you use when you purchase them directly from
suppliers. Suppliers are companies that provide the products
and services that you need to decorate and include manufactur-
ers of furniture, wall coverings, flooring, fabrics, etc. as well as
contractors who do painting, carpentry, and installation. You
need to know the right people and have good relationships with
them because their materials and services help to create your
designs and will be utilized in the homes of your clients.


view more:

9. Get Clients
In order to get new clients you need to market yourself and
your designs. The best way to do so is to network with profes-
sionals who can refer business to you. Word of mouth is one of
the most effective selling strategies, and if you can get real es-
tate agents, architects, antique dealers, art dealers, home reno-
vators, and similar authorities on homes to tout your designs,
you will not only gain a good reputation, but clients as well.
Other effective marketing strategies include creating your own
website with photos of your work and getting publicity in the
’homes’ section of your local newspaper. Keep in mind that
you have a wide range of potential clients: home builders, new
home buyers, wealthy homeowners, professional couples, ad-
vertising agencies, art galleries, bed and breakfasts, boutique
stores, corporate head offices, hotels, law firms, restaurants,
spas, and many other types of businesses.
10. Grow as a Professional
What is popular in the interior design industry is constantly
changing. Trends ebb and flow with the tastes of professional
designers and clients. It is important to stay on top of the cur-
rent industry events and fashions because your clients will. It is
easy to do this by attending trade shows, reading design maga-
zines, and joining professional organizations. Along with vary-
ing styles, techniques and technologies are constantly shifting
as well, which is another reason to be aware of industry modifi-
cations. Your final step in growing your career, if you choose
to do so, is to gain interior design certification, and thereby cre-
ate new possibilities and opportunities when it comes to design-
ing a home.

Active vocabulary of the lesson
interior decorator – дизайнер интерьера
taste – вкус
in style – в моде


professional – специалист
to deal with – иметь дело/работать с чем-либо
client – клиент
to hire – нанимать
portfolio – портфолио
retailer – розничный торговец
supplier – поставщик
discount – скидка
to purchase – покупать
real estate agent – агент по продаже недвижимости
opportunity – возможность

1. Answer the questions:
1) How can a future designer acquire style and taste?
2) Does an interior decorator need proper education nowadays?
3) Why is it considered best for a beginner to choose first cli-
ents among friends and family?
4) What does a portfolio look like?
5) How can a designer start his or her own business?
6) How can you attract new clients?
7) What other recommendations to become a successful de-
signer can you give?

2. True or false:
1) A designer doesn’t need a formal education.
2) You don’t need to work with your home because it’s a waste
3) Only artists and models really need a portfolio to promote
4) You’d better have a job experience in design area even if
you’re planning to start your own business.
5) You’ve got to grow professionally if you want to be a well-
to-do designer.


view more:

3. Read the text and render its ideas in English:
Кое-что современное вызывает у людей старшего по-

коления настоящий ужас. К примеру, стили хай-тек, конст-
руктивизм, минимализм, функционализм, то есть все то,
что предполагает наличие странных вещей и большого ко-
личества свободного пространства, чаще всего выбирают
люди молодые, как мы говорим – современные. Отсюда и
вытекает понятие «современный дизайн», и анализировать
его без отрыва от современных людей просто невозможно,
да и глупо.

Сегодня человек стал гораздо более привередливым,
нежели был когда-то. Он привык много и плодотворно ра-
ботать, а потому стремится качественно отдыхать. Совре-
менный молодой человек – специалист ли, менеджер ли –
как правило, хорошо начитан и осведомлен, что постоян-
ные стрессы без умения расслабляться приведут к ранней
потере здоровья и огромным проблемам. Так что интерьер
квартир, в которых он живет, и интерьер ресторанов, в ко-
торых он отдыхает, начинают играть очень важную роль.
Сегодня современный дизайн интерьера квартир обяза-
тельно должен быть гораздо более широким, нежели поня-
тие «мой дом – моя крепость».

Современный дизайн обязан отвечать массе стандар-
тов, которые на первый взгляд кажутся несовместимыми,
особенно если учесть то перечисление современных стилей
в дизайне, которое было выше. Вы считаете, что удобной и
комфортной может быть только лишь мягкая классика? В
таком случае, вы просто ошибочно полагаете, что хай-тек –
это нагромождение металлических трубок, и уверены, что
стеклянные стулья или железные скамейки обязательно
будут жесткими и острыми по краям. Современный дизайн,
как и любой другой, обязан быть удобным, ведь создается
он для человека, а жить в дисгармонии с собой готовы,
разве что, мазохисты. Следовательно, студии дизайна ин-


терьера должны были решить, каким способом сделать та-
кие материалы, как металл и стекло, удобными для челове-
ка, комфортными для его жизни и применимыми в интерь-
ере квартиры.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words:
to supply, to decorate, to market, to deal with, to purchase, to
hire, to employ, to gain, to be able, to ensure.

2. Word building. Fill in the gaps in the table below:

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

education … … …
… to decorate … …
… …
experience … … …
… to supply professional …
… … …
… … …
purchaser … opportune …
… to market … directly
… … … ultimately
… … … …
… … unnecessary …
… to recommend
… …

3. Find out words synonymous to:
to purchase, opportunity, to offer, excellent, crucial, goal, to
persuade, sample, store, to tout, to gain.

4. Find out words antonymous to:
majority, failure, to save, the best, similar, wealthy.


Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

7.What is the usual path in designing album cover art?

8.What is the decisive argument that can help a customer to make the final decision?

3.Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:

1.Types of graphic design software.

2.Designing a book cover (nature of the book, the audience, today’s market).

3.The use of illustration and photo to enhance the company’s image and respectability (cards, calendars, booklets).

4.Write a letter to your friend about the problem discussed in the text.

Internet resources for independent work: books&where=all&id=83141299-00


Form, Shape and Space in graphic design

Shapes are at the root of graphic design. They are figures and forms that make up logos, illustrations and countless other elements in all types of designs. Using shapes properly is one of the keys to successful graphic design. The form, colour, size and other characteristics for the shapes in a layout can determine its mood and message. Soft, curved and rounded shapes


are perceived differently than sharp, angled shapes. The “white space” or negative space left between shapes will also significantly impact a design. Experimentation and altering of shapes within a design can ultimately lead to the desired result.

Current graphics software has transformed the way graphic designers can deal with shapes. Adobe Illustrator is the most useful tool for shape creation and manipulation. Simple shapes such as circles, squares and triangles can be created with a click and drag of the mouse. Adjusting lines and curves using the tools in Illustrator and similar programs can create more complex shapes, of limitless dimensions. Colours, patterns, opacity and other characteristics of shapes can easily be altered. It is important for designers to master the shape tools within their favourite software, as almost any shape that can be imagined can now be created. Form and shape are areas or masses which define objects in space. Form and shape imply space; indeed they cannot exist without space.

There are various ways to categorize form and shape. Form and shape can be thought of as either two dimensional or three dimensional. Two dimensional form has width and height. It can also create the illusion of three dimension objects. Three dimensional shape has depth as well as width and height. Form and shape can also be described as either organic or geometric. Organic forms such as these snow-covered boulders typically are irregular in outline, and often asymmetrical. Organic forms are most often thought of as naturally occurring. Shape is an area enclosed by a line. It visually describes an object. It is two-dimensional with height and width. Shapes can be geometric with straight edges and angels, such as squares, rectangles, or triangles or circles; or they can be organic with irregular and curvilinear lines. Organic shapes are found in na- ture-seashells, flower petals, insects, animals, people! Form looks like a three-dimensional shape. The object looks as if it has height, width and depth. Artists use shading to create the


illusion of form. The shading indicates depth by creating shadows. Geometric forms are those which correspond to named regular shapes, such as squares, rectangles, circles, cubes, spheres, cones, and other regular forms. Architecture is usually composed of geometric forms. These forms are most often thought of as constructed or made. However, not all made objects are geometric; many designed forms have irregular contours. Nor are all naturally occurring objects organic; snowflakes and soap bubbles are among many geometric forms found in nature. There are some other terms commonly used to describe form and shape in composition; these have to do with what kind of representations the forms have. If we can recognize every day objects and environments, we refer to the images as being realistic, or naturalistic. However, if the images are difficult or impossible to identify in terms of our normal, daily visual experience, we may refer to the images as abstract. Our perception of shape and form are affected by several factors. The position or viewpoint from which we see an object will emphasize or obscure certain features, and therefore affect the impression it makes.

The character and source of light also changes the perceived character of the object. Lighting in a photographic portrait, for example, can make the subject look older, younger, dramatic, or rather abstract. Value (the relative lightness or darkness of a colour) can also define form. Strong contrasts in value within a composition may define the boundaries of forms. Gradations of value, or shading, can also create the illusion of contour and volume. In the same way, hue contrasts and gradations can also define forms. Form may also be defined by change in texture, even when hue and value remain essentially consistent. However, most typically, form is defined by a combination of these factors. Forms and shapes can be thought of as positive or negative. In a two dimensional composition, the objects constitute the positive forms, while the background is the


negative space. The effective placement of objects in relation to the surrounding negative space is essential for success in composition. Some artists play with the reversal of positive and negative space to create complex illusions.

Active vocabulary of the lesson

Verbs: determine, perceive, leave, impact, alter, transform, deal with, adjust, alter, master, imagine, define, imply, exist, categorize, indicate, correspond to, recognize, identify, affect, emphasize.

Nouns: root, shape, layout, mood, software, tool, creation, circle, square, triangle, curve, dimension, opacity, width, height, depth, seashell, petal, insect, cube, sphere, cone, snowflakes, perception, boundaries, contour, volume.

Adjectives: countless, successful, soft, curved, rounded, sharp, angled, current, useful, complex, limitless, dimensional, asymmetrical, organic, visual, consistent.

Adverbs: properly, differently, significantly, ultimately, typically, naturally, visually, commonly, daily, essentially.

Lexical exercises

1.Make up expressions with the given new words. Model: countless snowflakes, to alter the layout etc.












3.Give Russian equivalents of the following word expressions:

другие характеристики, определить настроение, воспринимаются по-разному, сильно влиять на … , современные программы, самый полезный инструмент, создавать более сложные формы, могут быть изменены, не могут существовать без пространства, создавать иллюзию, различные способы, сложно идентифицировать, восприятие формы, создать сложную иллюзию.

4.Try to give:

a) synonyms to the following words: countless, significantly, current, manipulation, complex, alter, various, to categorize, occur, essential, realistic.

b) antonyms to the following words: irregular, asymmetrical, impossible, difficult, positive, background, effective, normal, affect.

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:

are, make up, can determine, are perceived, will impact, can lead to, has transformed, can deal with, can be created, can create, can be altered, to master, can be imagined, define, can be thought, describes, are found, indicates, is composed, see, changes, is defined, play.

2. Make the following sentences negative:

1.The “white space” or negative space will significantly impact a design.

2.It visually describes an object.

3.Strong contrasts in value within a composition may define the boundaries of forms.

4.The shading indicates depth by creating shadows.


5.Our perception of shape and form are affected by several factors.

6.Form and shape imply space; indeed they cannot exist without space.

3.Give the forms of irregular verbs: make, leave, lead, think, have, find.

4.Do a grammar test.

1.They are figures and forms that (will make up; make up; had make) logos, illustrations and countless other elements in all types of designs.

2.Architecture (is being composed; is composed; are composed) of geometric forms.

3.The shading (indicating; indicates; was indicated) depth by creating shadows.

4.Our perception of shape and form (are affected; is affected; were being affected) by several factors.

5.Artists (use; are used; uses) shading to create the illusion of form.

6.The effective placement of objects in relation to the surrounding negative space (is; are; was) essential for success in composition.

7.Colours, patterns, opacity and other characteristics of shapes

(will can; can be altered; can alter).

8.The object (looking; were looked; looks) as if it has height, width and depth.

9.The “white space” left between shapes (will impact; were impact; impacted) a design.

10.Form and shape (cannot exist; will exist; existed) without space.


Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.

The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:

1.Why are shapes at the root of graphic design?

2.What is the key to successful graphic design?

3.How will negative space impact a design?

4.What is the most useful tool for shape creation?

5.What do form and space imply?

6.What forms are called two dimensional?

7.What forms are called three dimensional?

8.What can lead to the desired result?

3. True or false:

1.The character and source of light also changes the perceived character of the object.

2.Gradations of value, or shading, can not create the illusion of contour and volume.

3.Many designed forms have irregular contours.

4.Using shapes properly is one of the keys to successful graphic design.

5.Snowflakes and soap bubbles are among many geometric forms found in nature.

4. Fill in the gaps:

1.Organic shapes are found in nature-seashells, flower petals, insects, animals, …!

2.… in a photographic portrait, for example, can make the subject look older, younger, dramatic, or rather abstract.

3.The … or negative space left between shapes will also significantly impact a design.


4.Adobe Illustrator is the most useful … for shape creation and manipulation.

5.Three … shape has depth as well as width and height.

5.Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:

1.Shapes are at the root of graphic design.

2.The ways to categorize form and shape.

3.Current graphic software.

6.Write a letter to your friend about the subject discussed in the text.

Internet resources for independent work: wwindow=1&prmd=iv&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=PiXBT JWECoHtOZ_Q8dsL&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum= 15&ved=0CGcQqwQwDg


Brand design, development and promotion

Professional branding is a complicated and multilevel process of a brand or a trade mark creation and promotion including target market analysis, advertising actions, brand posi-


tioning means, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.

Marketing terms «brand» and «branding» derive from English «brand» which throws back to Norse «brandr», which means «fire, to burn». Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods, service, including a name, a logotype, corporate style allowing consumers to define it among multiple competitors, creates its image and reputation at the market of goods and services. From the legal side brand is a trade mark, defining a producer and belonging to him. Some authors consider a brand to be a complex of copyright objects, such as a trade mark and a corporate name.

A brand includes the following components: mark name (naming),

2.logotype, symbolising some goods, service or company,

3.corporate style – colours and fonts.

Brand can be a sell and buy object. «Business week» regularly publishes the prices of the leading brands, where the first ten is Coca-Cola, Google and Microsoft. Each of them costs more than fifty billions of dollars.

The idea of branding as a way of product definition was greatly developed in the late XXth century when there appeared high competition and lots of similar products and services. And nowadays the modern market is constant fighting of brands. The more original and individual the brand is the more competitive the product. Now branding is a strong marketing tool, allowing to form a customer’s certain emotional perception of a product, which influences its image, its reputation and of course, the demand for it.

Corporate identity

Corporate identity is one of the main promotional and marketing instruments of any modern company. If selected in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes becomes the most important factor for success. Your corporate ID, designed by


professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns, will enhance the reputation and popularity of your business in the market, and will win the trust of clients and partners.

Here is a full range of services in corporate identity design: Trademarks, Logos, Corporate colour scheme, Type set, Business cards, Stationary, letterhead, Bill and fax forms, Envelopes (European standard, А4, А5), Folders, Website design, adding corporate elements to the existing website, Multimedia presentations, Promotional gifts (pens, notepads, ash-trays,


Corporate identity may also include upon customer’s request:

Press release. Press releases will concisely inform on events, promotional campaigns, and competitions held by the company, and are crucial for the company image.

Advertising article. Rememberable advertising articles will enhance the level of your business.

Slogan. Slogan is a nameable short message, carrying advertising information about the company, product or service. Advertising slogan is used to promote a product or service to the market. Image slogan aims to raise the recognizability of the company or its brand.

Naming (name of the company, site, and trademark). Naming is extremely important for the company, project or trademark since it greatly influences company’s image.

Promotional printings (booklets, catalogues, calendars,


Trademarks and logos

Logo and trademark are considered the most important elements of your company image-building. They convey the essence, character and purpose of your business in a visual form.


The main purpose of a logo is to make a nameable and recognizable impression on your potential clients and customers. For the client to recognize your product easily among other counterparts, it must contain a special detail. We call it a trademark layout that represents your company in a symbolic way.

Logo and trademark design is a complex process. Designers can offer a vast number of structured techniques in logo and trademark development. Graphic designers offer professional insight into creation of a unique logo and trademark – so that your company and your product were the best among others and nameable for your clients. They help you to be in the foreground!

Active vocabulary of the lesson

Verbs: explain, consider, derive from, throw back, mean, define, belong to, consider, include, symbolize, sell, develop, appear, allow, influence, select, multiply, enhance, exist, include, convey.

Nouns: target, analysis, efficiency, meaning, goods, service, consumer, authors, fonts, definition, competition, fighting, tool, perception, reputation, demand, identity, success, trust, request, recognizability, essence, purpose, insight, foreground.

Adjectives: multilevel, multiple, similar, modern, constant, original, individual, competitive, emotional, proper, crucial, rememberable, nameable, vast.

Adverbs: concisely, extremely, greatly, easily.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words. Model: to convey the essence, to influence the perception etc.

2. Give the right pairs of synonyms:

complicated, efficiency, technique, productivity, complex, consumer, reputation, producer, essential, manufacturer, appear, customer, nowadays, goods, at present, extremely, characteristics, increasingly, important, products, slogan, short message, competitor, emerge, counterpart, strategy.











4. Match the word and its definition:




the art of managing an affair cleverly




an identifying symbol used as a trade-





demands for goods




goods which are the product of a particu-

lar firm or producer




the exclusive right to reproduce, publish,

and sell an original work, or any part of it,

for a certain number of years

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:

including, need, throws back, means, can be, publishes, was developed, appeared, influences, becomes, will multiply, will

enhance, will win, include, is used, to promote, aims, are considered, convey, must contain, call, can offer, were.

2. Make the following sentences negative:

1.Marketing terms «brand» and «branding» derive from English «brand» which throws back to Norse «brandr», which means «fire, to burn».

2.Brand creates company image and reputation at the market of goods and services.

3.Some authors consider a brand to be a complex of copyright objects.

4.Brand can be a sell and buy object.

5.«Business week» regularly publishes the prices of the leading brands.

6.The idea of branding as a way of product definition was greatly developed in the late XXth century.

7.Your corporate ID, designed by professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns.

8.Advertising slogan is used to promote a product or service to the market.

9.Image slogan aims to raise the recognizability of the company or its brand.

10.Graphic designers offer professional insight into creation of a unique logo and trademark.

3. Insert necessary prepositions:

1.Marketing terms «brand» and «branding» derive … English «brand» which throws … to Norse «brandr», which means «fire, to burn».

2.Brand is a complex of information … a company, goods, service, including a name, a logotype, corporate style allowing consumers to define it … multiple competitors, create its image and reputation at the market … goods and services.


3.From the legal side brand is a trade mark, defining a producer and belonging … him.

4.The idea … branding as a way of product definition was greatly developed … the late XXth century.

5.Now branding is a strong marketing tool which influences … company image, its reputation and of course, the demand … it.

6.Corporate identity may also include … customer’s request: press releases, advertising article, slogan, naming, promotional printings.

7.Naming is extremely important … the company, project or trademark since it greatly influences company’s image.

8.Designers can offer a vast number … structured techniques … logo and trademark development.

4.Give the forms of irregular verbs: throw, sell, buy, cost, become, win, hold.

5.Do a grammar test on Participle I and Participle II:

1.Professional branding is a complicated process of a trade mark creation (include) target market analysis, advertising actions, brand positioning means, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.

2.Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods, service, (include) a name, a logotype, corporate style (allow) consumers to define it among multiple competitors, create its image and reputation at the market of goods and services.

3.Brand is a trade mark, (define) a producer and (belong) to him.

4.Branding is a strong marketing tool, (allow) to form a customer’s certain emotional perception of a product.

5.Competitions (hold) by the company are crucial for the company image.

6.Slogan is a nameable short message, (carry) advertising information about the company, product or service.


7.Designers can offer (structure) techniques in logo and trademark development.

8.Your corporate ID, (design) by professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns, will enhance the reputation and popularity of your business in the market.

9.Corporate identity may also include press releases (inform) on events, promotional campaigns.

10.(select) in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes becomes the most important factor for success.

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text once again and give the main idea.

The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text discusses the issues of … etc.

2. Answer the questions:

1.What does professional branding include?

2.What is brand from a legal side?

3.What does “Business week” regularly publish?

4.When was the idea of branding as a way of product definition greatly developed?

5.What is one of the main promotional and marketing instruments of any modern company?

6.What is the purpose of corporate ID?

7.What do logo and trademark convey?

8.How can a client recognize a product of a company?

3. Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:

1.The main components of a brand.

2.Professional branding (target market analysis, advertising actions, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency).


4. Write a letter to your friend about the problem discussed in the text.

Internet resources for independent work:


What’s in a name?

In the days when Manfred Gotta was still on the staff of a Frankfurt advertising agency, he was asked to promote a new cat food called “Katzensmaus” (Kittys feast). To a German, the name might seem vaguely silly, for non Germans it is simply unpronounceable.

The client insisted on keeping the name and Gotta handed in his notice. In future, he decided, he would devote himself full-time to devising names for new products. Friends and colleagues were convinced he’d snapped.

But today, at 50, Gotta has his own firm in Frankfurt and makes a tidy living inventing original names. He came up with the curious word “Xedos” for a luxury limousine, labelled one sporty little car “Twingo” and hit on “Vectra” for a range model.

Gotta produces names for cars, confectionary and telephones and has over 80 corporate clients in Europe, Japan and the United States. He charges around 100,000 marks for a name which is to be used nationally, more than twice that for one which will be suitable on a European scale. Compared to the development costs of a car or a chocolate bar, it is peanuts. But


the name is a vital part of the image, and often more important than the colour or shape of a product.

A good name, says professional wordsmith Gotta, creates positive associations, can be used internationally and it is unique”. That goes for Japanese cars hoping to find buyers in Europe and the US as well as for German beer, which is exported to countries throughout the world. “If you are a globally active company you need to think in terms of a global identity,” says Manfred Gotta.

A new product must stand out, at all costs. The more exotic and enigmatic the name, the more curiosity it generates. Seemingly awkward word like “Xedos” or “Kelts” are not necessarily a handicap. “Better a clumsy name you’ll remember,” Gotta says, “than one that’s slick but does not stick”.

It’s hoped that, with Gotta’s help, the mascot created for Expo 2000 in Hanover will become world famous. Gotta came up with the name Twipsy. He devises names like this simply by giving free rein to his imagination. He locks himself into a room with the nameless object for 15 to 30 minutes, examining it closely and trying to put its qualities into words. This kind of brainstorming session generally produces several alternatives, which Gotta then reviews with his staff.

But there is more to word coining than just the creative element. An ideal brand name should carry no meaning anywhere in the world and match the product. Gotta’s staff spend weeks doing research to ensure that the world rights to the name are available and also to find out whether it’s unpronounceable in any language or might come across as being rude or offensive.

Gotta was paid the nicest tribute ever for “Twingo”, when someone said the car was as original as its name. But deciding what to call his latest “product” proved a real headache for the great inventor of names. He was, he admits, “rather different” when it came to choosing a name for his son. The boy is now


called Julian. That may not be unique but it’s got a pleasant ring and is certainly international.

Active vocabulary of the lesson

Verbs: promote, seem, insist, keep, hand in, devote, devise, convince, snap, invent, come up, label, charge, cost, slick, stick, examine, review, ensure, export.

Nouns: staff, agency, notice, colleague, limousine, confectionary, marks, bar, powder, peanut, wordsmith, beer, identity, curiosity, handicap. Mascot, rein, brainstorming, alternative, brand, tribute, headache, inventor.

Adjectives: silly, tidy, curious, luxury novel, corporate, suitable, vital, unique, exotic, enigmatic, awkward, clumsy, nameless, available, rude, offensive, pleasant.

Adverbs: unpronounceable, vaguely, simply, globally, closely, generally, necessary.

Lexical exercises

1. Make up expressions with the given new words.

Model: clumsy brand name, offensive name, curious inventor etc.

2. Word-building











3. Find in the text word combinations beginning with:

tidy …, positive …, several …, advertising …, global …, curious …, brainstorming …, luxury …, sporty …., European …, nameless …, pleasant … .

4. Try to give:

a) synonyms to the following words: to charge, the staff, to promote, silly, luxury, to label, client, cost, devise, awkward, famous, vital.

b) antonyms to the following words: available, important, silly, unpronounceable, future, full time, original, novel, suitable, positive, rude.

5. Add more words to the word tree:

Ideal product name



6. Name in one word:

a)a technique by which a group of people present and discuss different possibilities in order to find a solution to a problem =

b)goods which are the production of a particular firm or producer =

c)to raise or to be raised to a higher position or rank =

d)right or appropriate for a given job or occasion =

e)not polite or courteous =


f)to invent a word or phrase =

g)a person who buys products, esp. for a company or large store for resale =

h)a person or thing believed to bring good luck =

Grammar exercises

1. Identify the following verb forms:

was asked, seem, insisted, decided, would devote, were convinced, had snapped, makes, came up, became, produces, is to be used, can be used, hoping, to find, is exported, must stand out, will remember, examine, should carry, was paid, is called.

2. Make the following sentences negative:

1.Gotta’s staff spend weeks doing research to ensure that the world rights to the name are available.

2.A good name creates positive associations.

3.Name is a vital part of the image.

4exotic. This kind of brainstorming session generally produces several alternatives.

5.Gotta makes a tidy living inventing original names.

6.German beer is exported to countries throughout the world.

3. Give three forms of irregular verbs:

keep, make, come, become, say, find, think, stand, stick, spend, pay.

4. Do a grammar test.

1.In the days when Manfred Gotta was still on the staff of a Frankfurt advertising agency, he (ask; is asked; was asked) to promote a new cat food called “Katzensmaus”.

2.He (will be devise; devises; devise) names like this simply by giving free rein to his imagination.

3.The client (insisted; are insist; insist) on keeping the name.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Авторская разработка

«Лексические тесты»

к УМК «Английский в фокусе»

для учащихся 10-11 класса

Данный материал
представляет разработанные лексические тесты для учащихся 10 -11 класса к УМК «Английский
в фокусе» В.Эванс.

На каждый раздел
учебника представлен тест на два варианта.

Тесты разработаны
в соответствии с ФГОС и могут также быть использованы для тренировки
лексического материала, изучаемого в УМК.

10 класс

Раздел 1.

Put the words into the

Window         chat                 hang               aggressive       loyal                surf        

1. It is important for teenagers
to _____ out with friends.

A ______ friend is a friend you can trust.

3. The dog was very __________ .
It bit its master and ran away.

4. I am a computer addict. All
my free time I ________ online and ______ the Net.

5. I am not materialistic, but
sometimes I go ______ shopping with my friends in the city center. It’s

Extreme         clubbing         dedicated       jealous            send
               moody       window

6. Sam is not a partygoer. Going
____ is not his cup of tea.

7. My friend is strange today. I
think he is ______, because he didn’t passed his test, but I did.

8. Something’s wrong with my
mobile. It is _____ today. I can call but I cannot ______ text messages

9. No! Never!  I’m not a risk
taker! I’ll never do ______ sports!

10. Peter is a family man. He is
________ to his family.

Раздел 2.

Variant 1.

I. Join parts.

1. waste

2. pay for

3. cost

4. shopping

5. earn

6. save

7. household

a) bills

b) a fortune

c) spree

d) designer labels

e) time

f) up

g) extra money

II. Fill in the blanks with the words
from task I.

1.  Hurry up. We are late. We can’t afford

2. Hey. I’ve got some pocket money. Let’s
do some _________.

3. I want to _________ for a new bicycle.

4. A part time job
helps to________.

5. Tome always feels depressive when it’s
time to pay _________.

6. What beautiful shoes you have! They

7. I am not materialistic. And I won’t

III. Find the definition of each word.

1. pocket money

2. lend

3. borrow

4. credit card

5. cash

6. resist

a) give something on the understanding
that it shall be returned

b) a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc.

c) a child’s allowance

d) struggle against someone or something  (e.g. attraction)

e) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the
intention of returning it

f) money in coins or notes

Variant 2.

I. Join parts.

1. pocket

2. household

3. borrow

4. student

5. pay

6. make ends

7. dig deeper

a) biform a friend

b) loan

c) meet

d) in her pockets

e) in cash

f) money

g) chores

II. Fill in the blanks with the words
from task I.

1.  He moved to the other city and is doing
his best to_________.

2. Where can I get enough money? – Why not

3. When Alison goes shopping she always

5. In Russia people usually _________ when Europeans prefer credit cards.

6. What do you do to get your _______?

7. I had to take a __________ to finish my

III. Find the definition of each word.

1. survive

2. save

3. cost

4. pay

5. earn

6. waste

a) require the payment of

b) continue to live or exist.

c) use to no purpose

d) keep and store up (something,
esp. money) for future use

e) get (money) in return for labor
or services

f) give (someone) money for work
done, goods received

Раздел 3

  1. Match the halves.

1. natural

2. modern

3. power

4. water

5. paper

6. environmental

7. recycle

a) lifestyle

b) habitats

c) pollution

d) glass

e) consumption

f) protection

g) stations

  1. Fill in the blanks.

endangered    down              pollution         consumption              protection      environmental                       reduce           

1. You’d better___ eating so much chocolate. You’re allergic
to it.

2. When I leave the room I switch off the litghts to reduce
energy ________.

3. Today there are a lot of __________ problems on the earth
such as sea and water __________, littering of cities and Cutting ___ trees.

4. ___ of nature is an important question nowadays.

5. Conservation programmes help to save ____ animals.

Раздел 6

      II. Fill in the blanks

healthy                 low-carbohydrate                 grilled             indigestion                 tiredness      minerals         fruit

  1. — How do you like your meat? — _________.
  2. Tomatoes are not vegetables, they are _________.
  3. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and __________.
  4. If you’re overweight eat ____________ diet.
  5. Don’t eat spicy meals with your ______________.
  6. In spring I usually feel ________ and want to sleep.
  7. Regular exercise and well-balanced food will help you be
    _______, wealthy and wise.

Match the halves

1. lack of

2. frequent

3. dry

4. rich in

5. spicy

6. sparkling

7. tooth

a) water

b) decay

c) vitamins

d) skin

e) illness

f) concentration

g) foods

Match the word and its definition

1. underweight

2. snack

3. infection

4. boiled

5. optimistic

6. brain

a) the vertebrate central nervous system

b) an infectious disease

c) weighing less than is expected

d) cooked in hot water

e) food eaten between meals.

f) expecting the best

Раздел 7

Variant 1

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. stage

2. stalls

3. usher

4. curtain

5. aisle

6. review

7. cast

8. subtitles

a) material that can be raised or lowered at the front of
a stage

b) the actors taking part in a play, movie

c) the seats on the ground floor in a theater

d) a passage between rows of seats

e) a person who shows people to their seats

f) captions displayed at the bottom of a movie or
television screen

g) a raised floor or platform, typically in a theater, on
which actors perform

h) a critical appraisal of a book, play, movie

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. theme

2. soap

3. ballet

4. box

5. turn

6. book

7. reserve

8. star

a) table

b) office

c) a film

d) dancer

e) tune

f) tickets

g) opera

h) off

III. Put the necessary preposition.

off       up        down   on        with     for       by

1. Please, turn ____ the radio.
It’s too loud. 2. I’m sorry, I can’t come. I’m not impressed _____ his acting.
3. Jason turned______ Alison’s invitation for the ball. His feelings were still
strong enough. 4. The story was written ____ the famous writer. 5. I like Tim
Berton’s films as they have got a reputation ______ having an unpredictable and
gripping plot. 6. She turned ____  at the party immediately when nobody was
expecting her there. 7. Turn ____ the TV. There is a football match. I’d like
to watch. 8. Turn_____ the volume of the music. I like it.

Variant  2

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. balcony

2. screen

3. musical

4. orchestra

5. heading

6. star

7. reserve

8. theme

a) a group of instrumentalists

b) arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for
the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else

c) a title at the head of a page or section of a book

d) the upstairs seats in a theater, concert hall, or

e) have a principal role in a movie, play, or other show

f) melody accompanying the beginning and end of a film,
play, or musical

g) the surface of a television, or monitor, on which
images are displayed

h) a play or movie in which singing and dancing play an
essential part

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. direct

2. story

3. turn

4. opera

5. it’s not my

6. best

7. music


a) down

b) cup of tea

c) seller

d) line

e) concert

f) seats

g) a film

h) glasses

III. Put the necessary preposition.

off       up        down   on        with     for       by

1. I always mistake him _____
Julia Roberts. 2. The House is surrounded ___ bushes and trees. 3. Katherine
knew that the book was translated into Russian ____ the famous translator. 4.
Johnny Depp is famous ______ his excellence performance. 5. I can hardly hear
TV. Will you turn it _____? 6. The magician turned ___ in the middle of the
living room. 7. He turned ____ helping his brother, as he felt offended.
Laurnce 8.  Jack turned the lights ______, as it was too much light in the
hall, that it made his eyes ache.

11 класс

Раздел 1

delighted                 abandoned                pedestrianised          
well-lit                capital            confused                   
boom             office

1.      On
the left you can see an asylum, the house for _________ children.

2.      Have
you ever heard of Antananarivo, the __________ city of Madagascar?

3.      All
the streets were _______and _______ during the carnival.

4.      I
was ______ to know of his latest decision.

5.      The
children were __________ at the birthday party.

6.      This
new town is ________ with its developing tourist industry.

How do you know her? — She works at our _______.

8.      The
president is _________ not to have another crisis.

fully-furnished           posh              residential          abandoned          
lonely        cosmopolitan             industrial           proud

1. My parents were _________ of
me, when they learned that I had entered the university.

2. There are a lot of _________old
people, whose families don’t care about them.

3. New York is a highly ________
and _________ city.

4. The city is interesting with
its _________ buildings and modern  _________ houses combined together

5. He was standing in a quiet
_______ region with no trees and grass, the houses were run-down.

6. At this time of the day all
public transport is _________, and traffic jams are usual.

7. The newly married couple  moved
to a __________ house.

Раздел 2

Combine the words into phrases.

  1. tap
  2. fold
  3. clench
  4. shake
  5. blush
  6. tremble
  7. stample
  8. peer

a)      head

b)      with

c)      pressure

d)      foot

e)      fingers

f)       arms

g)      in

h)      fists

Match the words and their definition

1)      whisper

2)      stress

3)      adrenaline

4)      depression

5)      self-esteem

a)      to
speak in a soft hushed tone, without vibration of the vocal cords;

b)      the
state of being depressed;

c)      respect
for oneself;

d)      mental,
emotional, or physical tension;

e)      a
hormone produced to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood

Fill in the blanks.

with          ups      sick     down              control                        under             it

Stress is dangerous when you
can’t cope 1)________ it. Of course, built up stress is difficult to stop.
Break- 2)________, exams, problems at work, peer pressure can lead to stress.
Being 3)____ stress  you can loose 4)_________, you feel 5)________ and tired
of life, everything gets you 6)_________. But things are not so bad. Some of
our advise will help you to take 7) ____ easy.

in the blanks

persuade         under               take                 crime               up        stammered

  1. ‘ I-I-I d-d-don’t kn-know
    anything,’ he _____ nervously.
  2. Tom was arrested for
    committing a ___________.
  3. I cant believe they managed to
    ____________ to dye your hair green.
  4. I’m in bad mood as I’ve broken
    ___ with Sue.
  5. You look like you’ve been ____
    a lot of stress.
  6. I’m loosing control! I can’t
    ____ it anymore!

          shrugged         loosing            regrets             sighed             cope

  1. John
    _____ his decision to leave school early and work at his father’s shop.
  2. I
    have such a heavy work! I feel like I’m ____ control.
  3. Janice
    ____ her shoulders, unable to answer the teacher’s question.
  4. Mark
    ___ with relief when he realized that nobody had been hurt in the accident.
  5. Jane
    went to see the school’s counselor because she couldn’t ___ with all the
    stress the exams were causing her.
  6. She
    blushed with __________ at the sight of new people.

Раздел 3

I. Fill in the blanks

pickpocket                  stand up                      vandal             burglar

confess                        grabbed                      right                witnesses

  1. As Cindy was walking through the park, a stranger _____
    her hand and ran away.
  2. Don’t be so timid; you need to ____ for your right to
    express yourself freely.
  3. When Sarah saw that her wallet was missing, she thought
    that a _______ must have taken it from her bag on the bus.
  4. Where’s there any _____ who can tell us how the accident
  5. As there was no evidence to prove his innocence, the man
    had to _________ to the crime he was accused of.
  6. ________ is a person who deliberately causes damage or
    destruction to personal or public property.
  7.  You were _____ to refuse the proposal.

II. Match the halves.

  1. minor
  2. driving
  3. investigate
  4. pay
  5. have
  6. community
  7. confess
  8. find
  9. take

a)      robbery

b)      crime

c)      service

d)      offence

e)      a

f)       guilty

g)      responsibility

h)      to
a shoplifting

i)       no

III. Make up your sentences with the phrases from II.

Раздел 4.

I. Match the words

1)      heart

2)      pain

3)      ointment

4)      blocked

5)      full

6)      write

7)      tooth

8)       stomach

9)      feel

10)  off

a.      rash

b.      nose

c.      recovery

d.      bug

e.      rash

f.       in

g.      ache

h.      a



II.Fill in the blanks

infection         chickenpox
   syrup              feet      vomit    cold             sore          slight

1.      I’ve
got a terrible head ache. It feels like I am going to _________  because of it.

2.      I
don’t think it’s a good idea to see Tod. He caught a terrible _____ and he’s
under weather now.

3.      As
soon as I am back on my _____ again, I join you with your project.

4.      Have
you had a ________ before? – Actually, no… Is that what I’ve got now?

5.      I
feel awful, as my nose is running and my head is aching. I’ve also got a
terrible ____ throat.

6.      My
doctor prescribed me a ______ to ease my cough.

What’s bothering you? – My ear aches. I think its ear _______.

8.      A
lot of people in our office are off with the flu. So am I. I have a runny nose
and a _____ temperature.

III.Match the word and its definition

1.      chickenpox

2.      tickling

3.      dizzy

4.      back

5.      rash

6.      itchy

7.      therapist

a. the posterior part of the human body

b. a feeling of light itching

c. a disease which gives you a high temperature and red
itchy spots

d. red spots on the skin

e. a person who is skilled in a particular type of therapy

f. feeling that you are losing your balance and are about
to fall

g. an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want
to scratch

Variant 1

I. Join parts.

1. stomach

2. strange

3. high

4. running

5. tickly

6. hoarse

7. sore

8. catch

a. throat

b. ache

c. a cold

d. nose

e. rash

f. cough

g. temperature

h. voice

II. Put words into sentences.

Sore     allergic                        throbbing        dizzy                vomit
              heart               infection

  1. Yesterday I had a ____ headache all day long. Even tablets
    couldn’t help.
  2. What happened to John. – He’s in hospital. He had a _____
  3. I feel _____ after a severe disease.
  4. My nose is _____. I think I was blowing too hard.
  5. I’ve caught a stomach bug. I think I am going to_______.
  6. She is seeing the doctor, because she has an ear ________.
    Her ear aches.
  7. Tom is ______ to chocolate. Strange rash appeared on his

III. Change sentences into passive.

1. They
built this house in 1960.

2. A large group of young people joined us
on our way to the station.

3. They
translate books from English every year.

Galsworthy wrote «The Forsyte Saga.»

Thousands of peo­ple attended this meeting.

6. He
never interrupts me.

7. They
did not invite her to the party.

8. She
will give me this English book.

9. Snow
will cover the fields in winter.

10. She always invites me to her
dinner parties

Variant 2

I. Join parts.

1. back

2. allergic

3. slight

4. blocked

5. terrible

6. medical

7. heart

8. stomach

a. bug

b. ache

c. care

d. nose

e. reaction

f. cough

g. temperature

h. attack

II. Put words into sentences.

catch               rash                 high                 voice                throat              running                       stomach

  1. Oh, dear! It’s terrible. Tomorrow I’m speaking at the
    conference. But my nose can’t stop ____________.
  2. Strange ____ appeared yesterday all over Tom’s body.
    Doctors can say nothing yet.
  3. Measles (корь) within adults is
    characterized with _____ temperature and rash all over the body.
  4. He was eating in a restaurant. Then suddenly he couldn’t
    breathe, as something got into his _____.
  5. Why are you talking in such a hoarse ____ to me?
  6. On Saturday it is going to be our wedding day. But I feel
    like I’m going to ____ a cold.
  7. It’s terrible. Everything aches – my head, my eyes, my
    nose and throat, and even my _____ .

III. Change sentences into passive.

1. The
students finished their translation in time.

2. Helen
washed the dishes.

3. Betty
often takes her young­er brother for a walk.

4. I will
make you some coffee.

5. We
will finish this work in time.

6. They
told her the truth.

7. She
promised us an interesting enter­tainment.

8. I
shall finish my work about seven o’clock.  

Somebody has opened the door.

10. The
waitress brought in the coffee.

Раздел 6

Variant I

Match the halves

1. Milky

2. beam

3. sweep

4. send

5. radio

6. broadcast

7. gas

a) signals

b) a message

c) light

d) the skies

e) waves

f) way

g) tail

Fill in the gaps

1)      There
are billions of stars in the __________.

2)      Can
you see that _____ coming from a laser?

3)      Scientists
hope aliens can _________ from space.

4)      The
comet has a _________ which points away from the Sun

5)      Scientists
of SETI __________ through their telescopes in search of ET.

6)      _________
transport information through the atmosphere without wires

7)      Our
TV news ___________ about the situation in Ukraine every hour.

Change the form of the verb

Every day on my way to work I buy a fresh _______
newspaper to be aware of the _________ news. I usually read it sitting in the
underground train. _________ are generally about economy and politics. But
today on the ___ page there was an article about ____________ life.

In the capital there exists a scientific centre studying
______ coming from space. Scientists try to find out if alien ______ exists
in our _____ way.









Find the definition

1. telescope

2. satellite

3. cosmos

4. orbit

5. tabloid

6. press

a) equipment shaped like a tube, used for
making distant objects look larger and closer

b) the curved path
travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such
as the Earth, the sun

c) people who write reports for
newspapers, radio, or TV

d) the whole

e) a newspaper that
has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories mainly about famous people

f) a machine that
has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio,
television, and other electronic communication

Variant II

Match the halves

1. Solar

2. extraterrestrial

3. human

4. establish

5. advanced

6. put into

7. radio

a) race

b) technology

c) life

d) orbit

e) contact

f) system

g) antenna

Fill in the gaps

1)      The
Sun is the centre of our _______________.

2)      Radio
doesn’t work. I suppose _________ is broken.

3)      Scientists
of SETI believe _____________ exists.

4)      __________
appeared 30 000 years ago.

5)      The
first satellite was ___________ by Russians in 1957.

6)      People
of the Earth would like to _______ with aliens.

7)      This
smart house was built with the use of ____________.

Change the form of the verb

Every day on my way to work I buy a fresh _______
newspaper to be aware of the _________ news. I usually read it sitting in the
underground train. _________ are generally about economy and politics. But
today on the ___ page there was an article about ____________ life.

In the capital there exists a scientific centre studying
______ coming from space. Scientists try to find out if alien ______ exists
in our _____ way.









Find the definition

1. article

2. coverage

3. broadsheet

4. planet

5. galaxy

6. spaceship

a) a very large round object in space that
moves around the sun or another star

b) when a subject or event is reported on
television or radio, or in newspapers

c) one of the large groups of stars that
make up the universe

d) a newspaper printed on large sheets of
paper, especially a serious newspaper

e) a piece of writing about a particular
subject in a newspaper or magazine

f) a vehicle for carrying people through

Раздел 8B

I. At an airport                     Variant I

At an airport they usually have some _________: an arrival
lounge (for those who arrive), a _________ lounge (for those who leave).
There may be a transit hall for transit passengers.

Airline perform a variety of activities in the terminal
_____ of an airport, for which they need some facilities:

booking offices, ________ desks,

baggage ______ area, information board and inquiry
offices, telecommunication, etc.

In the airport terminal building a lot of conveniences for
passengers are provided: cafes and snack bars, luggage lockers, ______ shops,
lost and found departments, currency exchange, chemist’s counters, public
telephones, etc.







II. Make up phrases and fill in the blanks.

1. round-trip

2. window

3. departure

4. boarding

5. jet

6. delayed

a) pass

b) gate

c) lag

d) tickets

e) flight

f) seat

  1. I’d like to make reservations for two ________________ to Oslo.
  2. This is your ___________. Your flight is at gate 5 at
  3. If you fly over several time zones you may not feel well.
    This is called ______.
  4. Well, you sit in the aisle. I prefer a ___________.
  5. Jack didn’t manage to be present at the conference,
    because of the ___________.
  6. Don’t go far. Our flight is at ____________ 8, we’ll be
    there waiting for you.


I. Ticketing and check-in.               Variant

The passenger ticket and baggage check for an
international ______ is personal and cannot be conceded to another person.

The day before your journey study again the data in your
ticket: airport of ______, the airline, flight number, departure check-in
time, etc.

Each one of your items of luggage will be tagged with a
serial number and the final destination of your ______. At the check-in desk
you’ll be given a _____ pass. You should keep it at hand and present together
with the other documents to the passport and customs _______ authorities,
until you board a plane.

Jet ____ are usual when flying east. It is considered to
be a true medial condition. Long flights are very tiresome. So you’d better
exercise on a plane. You may walk up and down the aisle, do some stretching
exercises, etc.







II. Make up phrases and fill in the blanks.

1. air traffic

2. cabin

3. departure

4. check-in

5. conveyor

6. flight

a) belt

b) board

c) time

d) controller

e) crew

f) desk

1.      I
handed in my ticket at the _________.

2.      The
__________ showed that our flight had been delayed.

3.      The
___________ kept going round but my bags were nowhere to be seen.

4.      _______________
are responsible for keeping aircrafts from colliding (столкнуться)
with each other.

5.      _______ members provide excellent service to
passengers, ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the flight.

6.      Why?
Don’t you remember the _________? Look at your ticket. We are going to be late.

Раздел 8АВ

Variant I

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. desert

2. waterfall

3. stream

4. mystic

5. ruins

6. dam

7. cliff

8. civilisation

a) a small, narrow river

b) a barrier, typically of concrete, constructed to hold
back water and raise its level

c) a steep rock face, esp. at the edge of the sea

d) a cascade of water falling from a height

e) a person who seeks believes in the spiritual
apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect

f) the stage of human social development

g) a dry, barren area of land, esp. one covered with sand

h) the remains of a building, typically an old one

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. praise

2. preserve

3. honour

4. conserve

5. lost

6. baggage

7. passport


a) belt

b) nature

c) ancient sites

d) gods

e) re-claim

f) control

g) civilization

h) victory

III. Put the necessary word.

Poor                reclaim           control                       flight
              aisle                duty-free                    known symbols          crew                mystic             architectural 

1. The fog is too heave and
visibility is ______.  2. When you are in JFK airport you can buy souvenirs in
a _______ shop. I feel rather tired after the flight and cannot recover from
_____ lag.  3. I would like to have an _____ seat as I’m afraid of heights. 4.
Unfortunately, our ____ has been cancelled. 5. At the beginning of KING KONG
the director is looking for a ship and a ______ that could come with him to the
mystical island. 6.  Air traffic ____ is the room in the airport where air
traffic controllers control flights. 7. The temple was all covered with
strange______. 8. I don’t think that this author is ______ in our country. 9.
Westminster Abbey is an ________ feat, so the royal wedding was marvelous
there. 10. I don’t know any _____ places except for Bermuda Triangle. 11. You
can find you bag in the baggage _____ area.

Variant II

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. pond

2. grassland

3. cave

4. mystery

5. woods

6. swamp

7. plain

8. river

a) an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered
with growing trees

b) a small body of still water formed naturally

c) a large area of flat land with few trees

d) something that is difficult or impossible to understand
or explain

e) a large open area of country covered with grass

f) a large natural stream of water flowing to the sea, a

g) a large underground chamber, typically of natural
origin, in a hillside or cliff

h) an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.

1. water

2. ancient

3. mountain

4. predict

5. forecast

6. check-in

7. duty-free

8. departure

a) range

b) weather

c) shop

d) future

e) desk

f) board

g) canal

h) sites

III. Put the necessary word.

Familiar         gods    hand   mystery          carved            cities    remains          invaders
        cut       glacier             window

1.  Ancient Greeks worshipped
different _______. 2. This name is not ______ for me. I’ve never heard about
this person. 3.  The ________occupied  the city and the battle was scary. 4. As
for me, documentaries about ancient _____ are most interesting on the National
Geographics. 5. Mary ____ her finger heavily while she was cooking, so she had
to call the emergency. 6. Ancient symbols are ______ on the walls of the
castle. 7. Without a _______ life would be very dull, I think. 8. TITANIC
crashed into the __________ at the beginning of the last century. 9. The ______
of the soldier who fought in World War I were reburied and the monument was
set. 10. My son would better have a ______ seat when I prefer the aisle one.
11. Have you got any pieces of _____ luggage?

What Is a Brand?

The term brand refers to a business and marketing concept that helps people identify a particular company, product, or individual. Brands are intangible, which means you can’t actually touch or see them. As such, they help shape people’s perceptions of companies, their products, or individuals. Brands commonly use identifying markers to help create brand identities within the marketplace. They provide enormous value to the company or individual, giving them a competitive edge over others in the same industry. As such, many entities seek legal protection for their brands by obtaining trademarks.

Key Takeaways

  • A brand is an intangible marketing or business concept that helps people identify a company, product, or individual.
  • People often confuse brands with things like logos, slogans, or other recognizable marks, which are marketing tools that help promote goods and services.
  • Brands are considered to be among a company’s most important and valuable assets.
  • Companies can protect their brands by registering trademarks.
  • Types of brands include corporate, personal, product, and service brands.

Brand Equity

Understanding Brands

As mentioned above, a brand is an intangible asset that helps people identify a specific company and its products. This is especially true when companies need to set themselves apart from others who provide similar products on the market, including generic brands. Advil is a common brand of ibuprofen, which the company uses to distinguish itself from generic forms of the drug available in drugstores. This is referred to as brand equity.

People often confuse logos, slogans, or other recognizable marks owned by companies with their brands. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct. The former are marketing tools that companies often use to promote and market their products and services. When used together, these tools create a brand identity. Successful marketing can help keep a company’s brand front and center in people’s minds. This can spell the difference between someone choosing your brand over your competitor’s.

A brand is considered to be one of the most valuable and important assets for a company. In fact, many companies are often referred to by their brand, which means they are often inseparable, becoming one and the same. Coca-Cola is a great example, where the popular soft drink became synonymous with the company itself. This means it carries a tremendous monetary value, affecting both the bottom line and, for public companies, shareholder value

This is why it’s important for companies to protect their brands from a legal standpoint. Trademarks identify exclusive ownership over a brand and/or product, along with any associated marketing tools. Registering trademarks prevent others from using your products or services without obtaining your permission.

Special Considerations

Brands aren’t just for corporate use. In fact, they are now also commonly used by individuals, especially in the age of reality television and social media. For instance, the Kardashian family developed value in its brand after gaining popularity from the reality show. The family has, collectively and as individuals, used its name to successfully launch media and modeling careers, spinoff shows, cosmetics, perfumes, and clothing lines.

Experts believe branding will play a key role in the recovery of the corporate world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

History of Brands

Brands have long been used to set products apart over the course of history. The idea of branding may go as far back as 2000 B.C., where merchants used it to sell their wares in different markets. At that time, it was commonly used as a technique to denote ownership of a product or a piece of property.

Branding has been used throughout the ages. In the 13th century, Italians began putting watermarks on their paper as a form of branding. The term brand also refers to the unique marks burned into the hides of cattle to distinguish the animals of one owner from those of another.

But one of the most popular uses was in rural America. You’ve probably heard of the term branding, which was used by cattle ranchers, who used to brand their livestock as a form of identification. Brands started taking off after companies started packaging their goods in the 19th century to distinguish themselves from other companies.

Types of Brands

The type of brand used depends on the particular entity using it. The following are some of the most common forms of brands:

  • Corporate Brands: Corporate branding is a way for companies to market themselves in order to give themselves an edge against their competition. They make a series of important decisions in order to accomplish this, such as pricing, mission, target market, and values.
  • Personal Brands: As mentioned above, branding isn’t just for companies anymore. People use tools like social media to build their own personas, thereby boosting their brands. This includes regular social media posts, sharing images and videos, and conducting meet-and-greets.
  • Product Brands: This type of branding, which is also known as merchandise branding, involves marketing one particular product. Branding a product requires market research and choosing the proper target market.
  • Service Brands: This kind of branding applies to services, which often requires some creativity, as you can’t actually show services in a physical way.

Creating a Brand

When a company settles on a brand to be its public image, it must first determine its brand identity, or how it wants to be viewed. For instance, a company logo often incorporates a company’s message, slogan, or product. The goal is to make the brand memorable and appealing to the consumer.

The company usually consults a design firm, team, or logo design software to come up with ideas for the visual aspects of a brand, such as a logo or a symbol. A successful brand accurately portrays the message or feeling the company wants to get across. This results in brand awareness, or the recognition of the brand’s existence and what it offers. On the other hand, an ineffective brand often results from miscommunication.

Once a brand has created positive sentiment among its target audience, the firm is said to have built brand equity. Some firms with brand equity and very recognizable product brands include Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Ferrari, Apple, and Meta (formerly Facebook).

If done right, a brand results in an increase in sales not just for the specific product being sold, but also for other products sold by the same company. A good brand engenders trust in the consumer, and, after having a good experience with one product, the consumer is more likely to try another product related to the same brand. As noted above, this phenomenon is often referred to as brand loyalty.

Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta were the most valuable brands in 2020, according to Forbes.

Benefits of Brands

Creating a brand provides numerous benefits, whether that’s to a corporation or an individual. Successful branding leads to a lot of impressions. But what does this mean? A company that can get its message across is able to induce and evoke emotion within its customer base. These consumers develop unique relationships with these companies, allowing the latter to capitalize on their loyalty. Companies also rely on these customers to help draw in other, new consumers.

This helps companies build trust and credibility. After all, people are more apt to purchase goods and services (or brands) from companies they know and trust. This gives companies a competitive edge against their competition. Keeping brands in the minds of consumers means a bigger bottom line.

It also helps corporations introduce newer products and services. Since consumers are going to stay loyal to brands they know and trust—and with whom they already have a relationship—they’re more likely to spend when new products are released, even if they’re more expensive.

Let’s use Apple as an example. The company has built a hugely loyal customer base that is willing to overlook the price tag associated with an iMac, MacBook, iPad, or iPhone because of their loyalty to the brand. Many existing customers are completely willing to replace their existing electronics when the company releases new ones.

Brand FAQs

What Does Brand Mean in Marketing?

A brand is an intangible concept that helps people (notably consumers) recognize and identify a particular company, product, or individual.

What Are 4 Types of Brands?

There are numerous types of brands, but the four most common ones include corporate brands, personal brands, product brands, and service brands.

What Are Brand Examples?

Although brands are generally intangible, we often associate things like products and names with brands. Examples include Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Advil, and Tylenol.

What Is the Importance of a Brand?

Brands are important because they create value for corporations and individuals. They also provide a competitive edge in the market against an entity’s competition. Successful branding augments a company’s customer base, which creates trust and credibility, leading to brand loyalty—all of which give a company a competitive edge in the market and a bigger bottom line.

What Does Brand Equity Mean?

Brand equity is a concept that refers to the value generated from a company’s product or service when it is compared to a generic equivalent that is available to consumers on the market. Think of Advil compared to its generic ibuprofen counterparts on drugstore shelves.

The Bottom Line

When we hear the word «brand,» most of us think of logos, slogans, and other identifiable marks. But that’s just one part of the definition. The term brand is actually an intangible marketing concept that helps people recognize and identify a business or person.

Brands are one of the most important and valuable assets that a company or person owns. They can make or break a company, so it’s important that firms do their research before launching a product or service, or before they open their doors for business. Successful branding can help the company attract and retain a customer base, which can lead to brand loyalty while giving it a leg up on the competition.

Business English
( taken from MAKET LEADER)



A. List some of your favourite brands. Then answer these questions.

1. Are they International or national brands? They are International Brands

2. What image and qualities does each one have?

phrases to help you. Image and qualities of each brands is cool and durable, but also made me looks fashionable

3. Why do people buy brands? because, usually known branded items have better quality than the cheap ones

4. Why do you think some people dislikes brands? Because the brands is not reliable

5. How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen? not too loyal, because there are so many brands to be choosen

For example, when you buy jean, do you always buy Levi’s

B. A recent survey named the brands below as the world’s top ten. Which do
you think is number one? Rank the others in order.

Answer :
1. Marlboro
2. IBM
3. Microsoft
Mercedez Benz
5. Coca-cola
6. McDonald
7. Intel
8. Disney
9. Nokia
10. General Electric

Brand Management
A. Match these word partnerships to their meanings.

B. Complete these sentences with word partnerships from exercise A

1. the creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin bride is an
example of …brand streching……….(contoh)

2. Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are
showing …Brand awareness

3. not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spent a lot more on raising
.Brand Image….


1. David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of …product
…… (contoh)

2. A …Product launch.. consists of introduction, growth , maturity and decline.

3. the use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples
of…Product placement….

C. Make sentences of your own using the word partnerships in Exercise A.

Outsourcing Production

A. Why do some companies make luxury products abroad rather than at home?
Because they trust about the quality for the products

B. Read the article and answer these questions.

1. Which brands are mentioned? Do you know which country each is from?
Burberry (Italy), Coach (US), Prada (Italy), Gucci (Italy)

2. Which companies make all of their products in their own country?

Prada makes all of their products in their own country

Made in Europe
By Jo Johnson, Fred Kapner and Richard McGregor
Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already
manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classis
example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing
solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its
last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.
Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew
Sanyo’s Japanese licence for 20 ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry’s
sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time
however, Japanese consumers prefer the group’s European-made products.
Sanyo is now creating to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry
products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza,
where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.
In interviews with the FT, many executives says the top luxury brands will
continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says “
The Asian Consumer really dos believe – whether it’s true or not – that luxury comes
from Europe and must be made there to be the best.’
Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls
Gucci, says it will not move Gucci’s production of shore. Yet some in the industry
recognize that change may be round the corner even for the superluxury brands. Patrizio
Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says:’ The “Made in Italy” label is important but what
we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.’ He therefore
recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in italy.

From the Financial Times
World Business Newspaper

C Which of these statements are true? Correct the false ones.

1. Coach has no longer factory in Puerto Rico. (true)

2. Coach, like many other companies, is outsourcing its product to reduce

3. Some Japanese people choose to buy Burberry products made in Europe rather
than in Japan. (true)

4. Sanyo’s store in Tokyo sells Burberry’s product made in Asia. (false)

5. According to Domenico De Solle, the best luxury products are made in Japan.

6. Gucci is planning to outsource some of its products. (false)

7. Partizio Bertelli believes that luxury fashion products should always be made in

8. Amitava chattopadhyay says that companies need to pay careful attention to
where they manufacture their products.(true)

C. Choose the best summary of the article.

a. Most manufacturers of luxury brands do not wish to produce their goods in lowcost
countries because their believe that it will damage their brand image.

b. Most manufacturers of top brands now produce their goods in low cost countries.
Consumers no longer care about where the products are manufactured.

c. Asian consumers think that European luxury goods are of high quality. The
current trend of making such goods in Asia could damage the reputation of these
luxury brands.

Language Review

Present simple and present continuous.

The Present simple and Present continuous have several uses.

• We use the present simple to give factual information, for example about

company activities.

Coach outsources all its products.
Does Burberry outsource its products?

• We use the present simple to talk about routine activities or habits.
I always buy Armani suits. Do you usually buy designer brands?

• We use the present continuous to talk about ongoing situations and projects.
Sanyo is now reacting to this demand.

• We use present contiuous to talk about temporary situations.
We are testing a new brand at the moment.

A. Which of the time expressions below do we usually use with the present simple?
Always, as a rule, generally, normally, usually, often, never, regularly, sometimes,
seldom, nowadays, when, frequently, every day, now and then, etc

B. Which of the time expressions do we usually use with the present continuous?
Now, today, right now, at present, tonight, tomorrow, this afternoon, soon, in a few
days, this morning, etc

Which are used with both?

Usually (Simple present tense)
this year (Simple present continuous tense)
every day (Simple present tense)
now (Simple present continuous tense)
Often (Simple present tense)
nowadays (Simple present tense and Simple present continuous tense)
once a month (Simple present tense)
Currently (Simple present continuous tense)
at the moment (Simple present continuous tense)
these days (Simple present continuous tense)

C. Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous
forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.a. This year we trying (try) to develop a brand with personality.
b. We usually develop (develop) brands that say something.

2. a. Powerful brand names create (create) strong costumer loyalty.
b. At the moment we looking (look) for a new brand name that suggests something
about the product’s benefits and qualities.

3. a. L’Oreal sells (sell) cosmetics and toiletries to customers around the world.
b. This year L’Oreal investing (invest) over 180£m in R & D.

4. a. The marketing department always keep (keep) within its budget.
b. Because the company made a loss last year, the marketing department try(try) to
reduce costs.

D. Complete the text below with the present simple or present continuous forms of
the verbs in brackets.

At the moment I working (work) for a cosmetics company. We offer a full range of
cosmetic products and sell (sell) cosmetics and toiletries around the world. Our main
cosmetics brand dominate (dominate) the French market and it doing (do) well in the rest
of Europe at the moment, too. In fact, the brand become (become) more and more popular
throughout the world and our market share grow (grow) everyday.
We usually develop (develop) and extend (extend) productsunder our existing brand
name. The brand is distinctive and stands(stand) out from the competition. However, this
year we creating (create) a completely new brand of cosmetics.


Two Promotions

A.Work in pairs. Student A reads case 1 and answers the questions. Student B read
Case 2 and answer the questions.

Case 1 : Harley Davidson.
In 2003 the Harley Davidson brand was 100 years old. Although its brand image is based
on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild
One (1954), the typical consumer is very different. They are likely to be rich, middleaged
accountants trying to recapture their youth. The average age of Harley Davidson
customers is 46 compared with 36 for the rest of the motorbike industry. At the party to
celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was actually Elton John, rather than the
Rolling Stones who many people had expected. This caused many of the 150,000 riders
and dealers to leave the event very unhappy. Although sales and earnings for Harley
Davidson have been increasing for the past 18 years, many people see the trouble on the
road ahead. The problem is Harley Davidson’s typical customers from the baby –boom
generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these customers get older, Harley Davidson may find its
market shrinking.

1. What is the brand image of Harley Davidson? Brand image of Harley
Davidson is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as
Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One (1954)

2. Why were many people unhappy about the music at the party? Because, at
the party to celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was
actually Elton John, rather than the Rolling Stones who many people had

3. What problem could have Harley Davidson have in the future? The
problem is market shrinking, because Harley Davidson’s typical
customers from the baby –boom generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these
customers get older

4. What can Harley Davidson fo to preserve it sales? Should it change its
brand image? Should it look for a new market segments? Should it stretch
its brand? My opinion is Harley Davidson should look for a new market

Case 2 : JCB
JCB is a world-famous engineering company. It was founded in 1945 by Joseph Cyril
Bamford. He began his business working alone in a small garage. JCB makes
construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving vehicles, and
loading machines. Now its world headquarters in England is one of the finest
engineering factories in Europe. The company produces over 130 different models on
four different continents and sells a full range of equipment in over 150 countries. It is
truly a global brand.
JCB’s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the
following brand values :’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’. Adult saw the brand and being
functional. Children, on the other hand, saw the brand as ‘big’, ‘muddy’ and ‘fun’. JCB
made a decision to stretch its brand.

1. Where does the name JCB come from? JCB come from the name of Joseph Cyril
Bamford. He is founded a world-famous engineering company(JCB)

2. What was surprising about JCB’s customer research? JCB’s research showed
that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values
:’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’

3. What sort of products do you think JCB developed as a result of its research? JCB
makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving
vehicles, and loading machines.

4. Can you think of a similar example of brand-stretching in your country?
Useful Language


A. Answer these questions individually. Then compare your answers with a partner.

1. How often do you travel by air, road and sea? I often travel by the road.

2. What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you enjoy? I enjoy my travelling
because I will know a lot of new place, so I have new experience from my
travelling. I don’t enjoy my travelling because I had a worst experience from
some place i trip before

3. Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel?
Comfort , safety,  price, reliability,  speed

1. Safety
2. Comfort
3. Price
4. Reliability
5. Speed

4. Does the order change for different types of travel? Yes. It does

B. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things

which irritate people when flying.

Seats ,trolleys, queues, luggage
Room ,cancellations, food, jet

1. Not enough leg trolleys
2. lost or delayed seats
3. long queues at check in
4. poor quality food and drink
5. no baggage room available.
6. overbooking of luggage
7. flight delays and cancellations
8. jet-lag

British and American English
A. Match the words and phrases below which have the same meaning. For each pair
decide which is British English and which is American English.

1. Subway (H) a. motorway
2. city centre (K) b. lift
3. carry-on baggage (I) c. public toilet
4. one way (F) d. schedule
5. return (J) e. economy class.
6. Freeway (A) f. single
7. rest room (C) g. parking lot
8. elevator (B) h. underground
9. coach class (E) i. hand luggage
10. timetable (D) j. round trip
11. car park (G) k. downtown.

B.Work in pairs. Use words or phrases in American English from exercise A to
complete the text below.

My last overseas business trip wasa nightmare from start to finish. First of all there was a
delay on the way to the airport as there was an accident on the motorway When I got
there I found the lower level of the airport public toilet was flooded. Next my hand
was closed and there were no cabs at all. After long time trying to read the
schedule and waiting for forty minutes, we finally got a bus economy class and found the
hotel, but the lift wasn’t working and our rooms were on the fifth floor.

Air Rage
A. Answer these questions before you read the article.

1, What was your worst experience when traveling by air? My worst experience when traveling by air is when the weather is suddenly be bad. The plane was shaking like it would be falling down soon.

2. Why do some people get angry when they are traveling on a plane? they get angry if their plane is being delayed and the don’t have assurance when the plane will be depart.

Road ragers in the sky
By Derek Brown

Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage
incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many
regular travellers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay
in takeoff, when passangers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac or our hours,
without food, drink or information. Mass unrest is less common the individual
misbehaviour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked
the crew and tried to open the door in mind flight.
The psychology of air rage is a new are o study, and there are almost as many
explanations as examples. Most analysis of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many
people now think that the airlines are at fault. To cut costs, they are cramming ever more
passangers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training, and quality of service,
all o which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there are increasing concern in the
US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm passengers’ health:
cabin ventilation.

I. Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices –
but running them at.optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel.
Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on
minimum settings. Champaignes for improved air quality claim that this
can lead to irritability and disorientation.
In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of
issues is reflected in a number of new internet sites which criticize the airline and demand
better service. One of the sites is demanding an air passengers’ Bill of Rights.
Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive
and dangerous in-flight behaviour, have called for stiffer penalties against the offenders.
Management have also called or legislation – while denying that its cost-cutting practices
have contributed to the problem. But there are some signs, in the US at least, that the
airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatisfaction. Some major lines
have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint for all, and are removing
seats to make more room for their customers.

1 A.I’m really sorry,I can’t take you to the station .Something has just come up
B.Oh,don’t worry,I will take (take) a taxi
2 A.We’ve chosen a name four new low-cost airline
B.Really,What will you call (you/call) it?
3 A.Have you decided how to increase the number of passengers?
B.Yes,we are going to offer (offer) a family discount at weekends.
4 A.I can’t send an e-mail to the travel agent;my computer’s just crashe
B.Write down your details and I will fax (fax) them over for you.
5 A.How’s your daughter?
B.She’s fine.She is going to learn (learn) to be a pilot for the flying doctor
service next year!


1.His flight arrives / is arriving at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
2.We’re staying / stay at the Hilton Hotel for next month’s sales conference.
3.The next seminar is beginning / begins at 3 p.m
4.I travel / am travelling by train from Paris to London next time.
5.The boat is departing / departs at midday so you have the whole morning to get ready.
6.The delegation from China are seeing / see the Chairman the following Monday


1.I’m sorry,I can’t attend the sales meeting tomorrow, I’m going to meet my mother
2.The marketing department have decided on their travel plans for the next month and I will accept the plans
3The trains are delayed because of bad weather,so we will wait until the train is ready
4.Don’t worry if you can’t drive me to airport, I will take a taxi
5.I’ve got the details of your flight to Turkey which you will go by
6.Oh,no!There’s been an accident and the traffic will be very crowded

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