Match the english word to the spanish word

In 1991, Alexander Wolszczan, an astronomy professor from Penn State University, used a radio telescope to time signals that revealed three planets orbiting a very distant pulsar. Located more than 1000 light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo, two of the planets resemble Earth in density, while the third is moon-sized. The probability of life on these planets is low; due to their proximity to the pulsar, the planets endure a constant bombardment of radiation that would render them inhospitable. The planets are probably barren, lifeless worlds, but such speculation is only secondary to the paramount discovery: planets exist elsewhere in the galaxy. Their simple existence is enough to confirm that our own solar system is only one of possible billions elsewhere in the galaxy-and we have the means to detect them.

According to paragraph as above, why are the pulsar planets probably devoid of life?

F. The pulsar bombards the planets with radiation.

G. The pulsar creates extreme temperatures on the planets.

H. The planets lack atmospheres.

J. The planets rotate too quickly.

Question 14 (Matching Worth 7 points) Match the English word to the Spanish word. Match Term Definition la natación A) scuba diving montar a caballo B) speaking bucear C) swimming cantar D) singing leer E) reading mirar F) horseback riding hablar G) watching

la natacion — swimming

montar a caballo — horseback riding

cantar — singing

leer — reading

mirar — watching

hablar — speaking

bucear — scuba diving

Spanish Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles

Spanish Quizzes, Trivia

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Hola! Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Hone your skills, or show your vast knowledge of this great language.

81 Spanish Language quizzes and 1,134
Spanish Language trivia questions.


Happily, I’ve reached another milestone in the quiz writing world with this being my 300th quiz. To celebrate, here’s a Spanish-themed quiz about some of those other quizzes. Thank you and good luck!

Average, 10 Qns, Lpez,
Mar 04 23


Mar 04 23
121 plays


Cognates make it easy for a learner of Spanish to get the meaning of something they haven’t seen before. However, there are also many false cognates lurking out there to make for some very embarrassing situations for the speaker!

Easier, 10 Qns, tiffanyram,
Jan 18 13

gold member

10893 plays


This is a quiz on simple Spanish. The vocabulary is on things in a home and throughout a day.

Easier, 10 Qns, loveoflearning,
Mar 08 13


15781 plays


My fifth ‘quiz de español’! Here are various woodland creatures (criaturas del bosque) of North America (Norteamerica). Match the Spanish name (in ALL CAPS) with the English name. Then read all about some interesting word origins. ¡Buena suerte!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, gracious1,
Jul 16 21

Very Easy
gold member

Jul 16 21
513 plays


This quiz is rather simple if you’re familiar with Spanish vocabulary. I remind everyone that ALL questions are in accordance to the Northern Hemisphere. Good luck!

Easier, 10 Qns, Flitwick,
Jun 07 20


Jun 07 20
14783 plays


Mi cuarta prueba de español—my fourth Spanish quiz! Match the U.S. English word for various foods you might find in «la cocina» or on your «plato» to the Spanish word in ALL CAPS. Then read about the origins of these words. iBuena suerte!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, gracious1,
Aug 26 20

Recommended for grades: 10,11,12

Very Easy
gold member

Aug 26 20
813 plays


You don’t have to speak any Spanish to do well on this quiz. Diego, a bilingual (Spanish/English) student took a trip to Western Europe. Now he has to tell his class about his trip. When Diego gets nervous he has trouble remembering his English.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, dcandler,
Sep 04 20

Recommended for grades: 4,5,6

Very Easy
gold member

Sep 04 20
5644 plays


Spanish, spoken by millions, is the most common foreign language learned by ‘Anglos’ in the USA. Match the English color with the Spanish color (in all CAPS). I’ll tell you a little about interesting word origins afterwards. iBuena suerte!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, gracious1,
Feb 16 23

Recommended for grades: 2,3,4

Very Easy
gold member

Feb 16 23
1286 plays


My third ‘quiz de español’! Here are some animals that you might find at ‘el parque zoológico’. Match the Spanish name (in ALL CAPS) with the English name. Then I’ll share with you some interesting word origins. iBuena suerte!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, gracious1,
Oct 07 21

Recommended for grades: 2,3,4

Very Easy
gold member

Oct 07 21
1094 plays


Second in a series thanks to great response! Here are animals you might find on a farm. Match the English name with the Spanish name (in ALL CAPS). Then I’ll be back to share some interesting word origins. ¡Buena suerte!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, gracious1,
Mar 15 23

Recommended for grades: 3,4,5

Very Easy
gold member

Mar 15 23
1042 plays

trivia question Quick Question


Translate these words from English to Spanish or Spanish to English.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, hammy808,
Oct 20 04

Recommended for grades: 2,3,4

Very Easy

14368 plays


Do you know your numbers in Spanish? If not, you will after this little quiz.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, ladydoor,
Jan 19 01

Recommended for grades: 2,3,4

Very Easy

13283 plays


How well do you know the months in Spanish? Take this easy quiz and find out!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, Bugsred,
Apr 12 01

Recommended for grades: 2,3,4

Very Easy

13434 plays


I give you the food in Spanish, and you try to pick the correct one in English.

Easier, 10 Qns, fh,
Sep 16 08


10539 plays


I recently started first year Spanish, and wanted to make a quiz about what I’ve learned so far. If you know much Spanish at all, you shouldn’t have any problems with this quiz, although some questions might be harder than others.

Easier, 10 Qns, musiclvrgrl87,
Jun 04 17


Jun 04 17
6255 plays


I will give you a food in French and you need to find the equivalent in Spanish. Pierre, who is French, and Pablo, who is Spanish, will help you with the clues. All French words are in quotes. in the instructions.

Easier, 10 Qns, jdfeag,
Aug 28 08


5679 plays


Think you know the words for different colors in Spanish? I hope you do! Take this quiz that gives you a word for a color in Spanish, and pick the only English option that makes sense from the choices after each one. Good luck!

Easier, 10 Qns, shuehorn,
May 24 17

gold member

May 24 17
1710 plays


Music is a great way to learn a language. The title of this quiz comes from a Coldplay song, which can be translated as meaning «live the life». Let’s check ten more songs that can teach us some Spanish.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, James25,
Jun 27 16

Recommended for grades: 4,5,6

Very Easy
gold member

Jun 27 16
1147 plays


You think you know Spanish? Well we’ll see … I’ll give you a word in Spanish and you have to choose the one that fits best. Nouns have the article so you know the gender.

Easier, 15 Qns, ana_moc,
Dec 17 13


8959 plays


This should be a simple test if you know a little espanol.

Easier, 10 Qns, Piecrust,
Sep 13 12


13095 plays


Match the shopping trip items and activities, on the left, with the best place to purchase or perform them, on the right. Items are given in English; shopping locations are in Spanish.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Nov 10 16


Nov 10 16
615 plays


Hola, amigo! Here’s some Spanish I learned at school!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, kelley2002,
Jan 29 09

Very Easy

9940 plays


This is my third Spanish quiz. I’m so glad that you liked my others. Take your time (hint), don’t rush. It gets harder as you go, but don’t worry it’s very simple. Tell me what you think. Enjoy!

Average, 10 Qns, Flitwick,
Apr 22 21


Apr 22 21
8907 plays


This is my first quiz, so I’m starting with some easy questions about animals’ names in Spanish. Have fun!

Average, 10 Qns, Paula^,
Feb 19 10


4171 plays


Match the following Disney songs with their translations in Spanish. These are the official translations provided by Disney, so in some cases the Spanish title keeps the basic theme of the English title but is not word-for-word.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, Ygdjh,
Apr 01 21

Very Easy

Apr 01 21
336 plays


The concept of this quiz is easy; try to translate titles of my quizzes, either from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish. Do you think you can get all 10 correct? Good luck!

Easier, 10 Qns, Lpez,
Jul 27 22


Jul 27 22
599 plays


Do you know your food and drink? Do you know your Spanish? Then test your knowledge with this little quiz. Enjoy.

Easier, 10 Qns, zsb37105qtyz,
Dec 03 12


1216 plays


Match the Spanish word with its English translation. Some good words for Spanish scrabble here!

Easier, 10 Qns, lorance79,
Apr 08 16


645 plays


Spanish is widely spoken around the world, not only in Spain but also in South America. Let’s test your knowledge of this beautiful language. Have fun!

Easier, 10 Qns, Hiyori,
Jan 17 13


1640 plays


An easy quiz using the Spanish words for different countries.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, ladydoor,
Feb 04 15

Recommended for grades: 3,4,5

Very Easy

8513 plays


As a social worker carrying a caseload near the Mexican border, I learned the vocabulary of interpersonal and interfamilial relations. Do you know these family relations in Spanish? If you’re fluent, you may get a chuckle from some of the choices.

Average, 10 Qns, Marshame,
Jan 10 14


2537 plays


Sometimes words in English and Spanish sound similar and have identical meanings, like problema/problem and importante/important. They’re called Cognates. On the other hand, sometimes you can be fooled by the cruel and deceptive False Cognate.

Average, 10 Qns, OwlBullet,
Feb 07 17


Feb 07 17
1164 plays


Again, we’ll explore some of my past quizzes and relate them all to Spanish. Good luck!

Easier, 10 Qns, Lpez,
Jul 27 22


Jul 27 22
338 plays


One of the most obvious differences between written English and Spanish is the latter’s use of accents and other punctuation marks such as the tilde (this guy: ñ). Can you spot the difference this little speck of ink makes?

Average, 10 Qns, lorance79,
Nov 27 15


326 plays


These questions will be asked in English and
require answers in Spanish. Choose the correct

Easier, 10 Qns, Dee30,
Jun 01 09

gold member

4221 plays


Spanish has 3000+ words borrowed directly from Arabic. I’ll give you the Romanised Arabic word and Modern Spanish equivalent. You will need to pick the corresponding English word (i.e. Arabic: «az-zayt»: Spanish «aceite» to English, «oil»).

Easier, 10 Qns, zombipi,
Mar 14 16


638 plays


Within the sentence or question will be a word or phrase that needs to be translated into Spanish. Take the capitalized word or phrase and make it Spanish.

Easier, 10 Qns, pennie1478,
Dec 02 22


Dec 02 22
580 plays


This is my second quiz on Spanish. It looks at the verbs and a few useful words. Have fun!

Easier, 10 Qns, Hiyori,
Mar 07 23


Mar 07 23
1333 plays


I give you an English word and you tell me the Spanish translation. For the next question, drop or add a letter as instructed and rearrange to form the next word. Accents are not used in answers.

Average, 10 Qns, lorance79,
Sep 24 13


531 plays


I will give you the title of a work of art (painting, movie, book or song) in Spanish and you have to find its title in English, as literal as possible.

Easier, 10 Qns, tiye,
Jul 22 15

gold member

281 plays


As in English, there are certain useful compound words (i.e., dishwasher) in Spanish that are a combination of two other words. Identify which word is described. Have fun!

Average, 10 Qns, triviasoprano,
Jan 26 18


Jan 26 18
1495 plays


«Dichos» are sayings in Spanish. Over the years, grandma has collected and memorized more dichos than anyone I have ever met. I hope you enjoy a few of her favorites.

Average, 10 Qns, Koniology,
Apr 02 19


Apr 02 19
520 plays


The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen have been translated in more than 100 languages. Can you find the Spanish titles of ten of them?

Easier, 10 Qns, tiye,
Jul 09 15

gold member

309 plays


The theme of this ‘espanol’ quiz is Animals. I’ll give a definition or hint and you pick the correct answer — in Spanish, of course! Have fun!

Average, 10 Qns, Ace417,
Nov 16 18


Nov 16 18
4087 plays


You have a few words in Spanish that describe an animal. Your task is to guess that animal. Good luck!

Average, 10 Qns, beatka,
Nov 06 03

gold member

2745 plays


Hi! I am currently a Spanish II student in High School and I have a good grasp of Spanish. I won’t go too in depth (hence the name), so here are the basics!

Average, 10 Qns, jackandseth,
Jan 31 13


1726 plays


Welcome! Think you know your Spanish accents? Then you’ll do great on this quiz!

Average, 10 Qns, kevinl75,
Apr 10 18


Apr 10 18
2667 plays


Most proverbs are idiomatic. Can you tell which is which?

Average, 10 Qns, asthore,
Sep 07 13


4812 plays


Carlita is a little girl who got a new doll. She is very excited about this doll and wants to describe every detail. If you know some Spanish, you should be able to figure out what Carlita is saying.

Easier, 10 Qns, nilknarf710,
Oct 02 18


Oct 02 18
547 plays


There are many tenses in Spanish.
This quiz has some of those tenses. I will give you a verb and a tense and you have to put the verb in the correct form of the tense given.

Average, 10 Qns, bldudas,
Apr 16 11


2289 plays


Here is a quiz about places in Texas with Spanish names. I’m doing this completely by memory from 7th grade Spanish class, so if I get something wrong let me know! Good luck!

Average, 10 Qns, Morrigan716,
Sep 14 11

gold member

3924 plays


High school Spanish might be enough to teach you how to describe a broken leg, but if you end up in a hospital with one of these odd ailments, you’d better be truly fluent!

Average, 10 Qns, chicknator,
Mar 05 18


Mar 05 18
2962 plays


This is just like the first one. I’ll give you the name of an animal and you tell me what it is in Spanish.

Average, 10 Qns, wild_gal_17,
May 25 11


7028 plays


Spanish is a vast and interesting language spoken all around the world with different dialects and spellings. Can you take on the basics to this rich romance language?
P.S. Please take your time, some of these questions can be tricky.

Easier, 10 Qns, CollinBlatt,
Jan 10 19


Jan 10 19
590 plays


This is another quiz over the present tense

Average, 10 Qns, benji512,
Mar 12 01


4696 plays


This quiz involves an individual who is having a rough time translating Spanish to English and vice versa as he struggles to make it to a soccer game. The situations that he is involved in pertain to car parts, or words associated with them.

Average, 10 Qns, elcapitano,
Dec 06 11


966 plays


Select the best English answer to match the meanings of these Spanish proverbs. Some items are literal translations and others are English proverb equivalents; hence, choose the BEST answer.

Average, 10 Qns, kabeeb,
Mar 20 18


Mar 20 18
343 plays


This is the last quiz over the present tense. NO ACCENT MARKS!

Average, 10 Qns, benji512,
Jan 30 14


3292 plays


No accent marks please!

Average, 10 Qns, benji512,
Jan 07 17


Jan 07 17
3974 plays


Here, you will be quizzed on random words in Spanish. I will put the word in either English or Spanish and you will have to translate it to the opposite language.

Easier, 5 Qns, Dee2081,
May 02 06


5581 plays


This is the story of Miguelito, Agapito, Paquita and Dolorita and the Spanish proverbs describing their story.

Average, 10 Qns, Babilonia,
Oct 28 13

gold member

244 plays

This is category 355

Last Updated Apr 08 2023 5:46 AM

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: FunTrivia welcomes the use of our website and quizzes in the classroom as a teaching aid or for preparing and testing students. See our education section. Our quizzes are printable and may be used as question sheets by k-12 teachers, parents, and home schoolers.

 ·  All questions, answers, and quiz content on this website is copyright FunTrivia, Inc and may not be reproduced without permission. Any images from TV shows and movies are copyright their studios, and are being used under «fair use» for commentary and education.

  • by
  • – on Jul 25th
  • in Lifestyle

The majority of schools in the United States require its students to learn a second language as part of the curriculum. High school students are often given the option in what second language they’d like to learn and it was once thought of as an elective to round out an individual’s education. Yet, times have certainly changed in recent years and it seems like there are some second languages that are seen as more than just an elective or something to learn for fun. The amount of Spanish-speaking individuals has increased greatly in recent years in the United States and more and more people are seeing that the world has started to change to accommodate towards the Spanish language. Various stores across the United States make sure to announce statements over the loudspeakers in both English and Spanish, customer service lines continue to offer a Spanish-speaking representative and there are even commercials that run solely in the Spanish language.

While there are some people that opted to take Spanish as a second language in school and made sure to keep up with it to become fluent in the language, there are others that can’t seem to remember what they once learned during a Spanish course. Yet, not everyone has learned their Spanish through an academic course since it’s easy to pick up a few key Spanish words in this ever-changing world.

Question 1

What is the translation of “Hola” in English?





This is one of the very first Spanish words that anyone will learn, whether it’s just casually picking up a few words in passing or taking a Spanish language class in school. Because the first letter is silent, there are some people that can be a little confused when they see the word in writing. Yet, it is simple enough for anyone that has a rudimentary understanding of the Spanish language in any capacity. What is the translation of “Hola” in English?

Question 2

What is the translation of “Agua” in English?





This word is another Spanish word that is thought of as rudimentary for anyone that has embarked on learning this second language. Yet, it’s not just a word that would be implemented in a vocabulary test during a Spanish class exam at school. Because it refers to a particular drink, many people can start to recognize it when they’re around others that speak the Spanish language. Yet, it can sometimes be a bit confusing to remember what it refers to in regards to different drinks. What is the translation of “Agua” in English?

Question 3

What is the translation of “Uno” in English?

Ball Game




There are some Spanish words that are actually quite familiar to those that may not even speak Spanish. When seeing this word in print or hearing it spoken, some people can instantly make the correlation to the infamous card game by the same name. This card game isn’t thought of as particularly Spanish since it’s a beloved game that is played all over the world. Yet, the card game actually gives a hint at the meaning. What is the translation of “Uno” in English?

Question 4

What is the translation of “Gracias” in English?

You’re welcome

Thank you


Come in

This is another word that is thought of as part of the basic vocabulary list that should be known for anyone trying to familiarize themselves with the Spanish language. Yet, it’s also a word that is often tossed around a lot when speaking to those in the Spanish language. Some people can get a tad surprised at the pronunciation of the word since the ‘c’ is not a hard ‘c’ and has the sound of an ‘s.’ What is the translation of “Gracias” in English?

Question 5

What is the translation of “Amigo” in English?





This is one of the most recognized words in the Spanish language and it’s often said by those that don’t even speak Spanish fluently. It’s thrown around frequently and has even been depicted on various television commercials since it is so widely recognized. For those that don’t immediately recognize this word, a great hint at the meaning in English is that it is a word that is meant for a close relationship. What is the translation of “Amigo” in English?

Question 6

What is the translation of “Amor” in English?




To have

This is a word that isn’t always immediately recognizable by those that aren’t exactly fluent in the Spanish language. For those that have picked up a few words in Spanish, it’s usually greeting words and utilitarian words that seem to stick in a person’s memory. Yet, this word is actually used quite a lot. A great hint at its meaning is the fact that it’s used in a number of memorable Spanish crossover songs. What is the translation of “Amor” in English?

Question 7

What is the translation of “Casa” in English?





While there are some Spanish words that can be easily deciphered because of how closely it sounds like a similar English word, that isn’t exactly the case for this particular word. Yet, that doesn’t mean that it is truly that difficult to decipher since it has been used a number of times in various television shows and films. Even for those that don’t fluently speak Spanish, the phrase «Mi casa es su casa,» is undoubtedly familiar. What is the translation of “Casa” in English?

Question 8

What is the translation of “Dos” in English?





This particular Spanish word is pronounced with a hard ‘o’ sound and is not very difficult to pronounce as a single syllable word. It’s actually used quite frequently since it’s a number and is often one of the first words that people learn when taking a Spanish class. While greeting words are often the first to be learned when taking a Spanish course, part of the vocabulary list will undoubtedly contain numbers up to 10. What is the translation of “Dos” in English?

Question 9

What is the translation of “Bueno” in English?

TV Show




There are some words in the Spanish language that tend to pull double duty in its meaning. The same can be said for a number of English words since it’s easy to give someone a «present» in the «present.» In this particular case, the word «Bueno» can be used as a slang part of a dialect, which is separate from its regular meaning. Some people say it as a term used in conversation, especially when on the telephone. What is the translation of “Bueno” in English?

Question 10

What is the translation of “Nombre” in English?



Name Tag


There are a number of Spanish words that consist of different parts of actual English words, which can be utterly confusing when trying to translate. This particular Spanish word can be a bit confusing, especially for those that aren’t very familiar with the Spanish language. Yet, it is actually used quite frequently because of the importance of its meaning. This is certainly a word that would be high up on the vocabulary list when taking a Spanish course. What is the translation of “Nombre” in English?

Question 11

What is the translation of “Coche” in English?





Because the Spanish language follows a completely different set of rules than the English language, there are some words that can be difficult to pronounce for those that aren’t familiar with some of the guidelines in the Spanish language. For this particular word, the ‘e’ is not silent like it usually is in the English language. This can give some people a bit of a hard time but remembering this guideline can be helpful in learning the language. What is the translation of “Coche” in English?

Question 12

What is the translation of “Gato” in English?



Tv Show


When people are first learning the Spanish language, there is often a set of vocabulary words that is needed in order to get by with casual conversation. As people start to increase their vocabulary in the Spanish language, there are other words that can help people to branch out in what they are able to talk about when speaking in Spanish. «Gato» is a word that refers to a particular animal and is often known to those that aren’t fluent in Spanish. What is the translation of “Gato” in English?

Question 13

What is the translation of “Perro” in English?





The double ‘r’ in the Spanish language can be a little tricky for some people to understand since it doesn’t have the stereotypical sound of an ‘r’ in the English language. It requires the individual to roll their ‘r’ sound, which isn’t easy for everyone to do. It also makes it a bit tricky since keeping the word with a single ‘r’ gives it a completely different meaning in the Spanish language. What is the translation of “Perro” in English?

Question 14

What is the translation of “Cabeza” in English?





When trying to get a baby to start speaking, it’s imperative to introduce them to different words and their corresponding sounds repeatedly. Once parents hear their child’s very first word, it seems like they’re thrown into a frenzy to get them to start stringing words together and say their first sentence. A great way to help them along is by teaching them the words for the different parts of the body, which is also a great way to learn a new language. What is the translation of “Cabeza” in English?

Question 15

What is the translation of “Puerta” in English?





While there are some words in the Spanish language that are pretty straight forward in how to pronounce it, there are others that can be a tad trickier for people unfamiliar with the dialect to pronounce. In this particular case, some people can get a little hung up on how the ‘r’ sound coincides with the ‘t’ sound. There is a bit of breathiness in how it’s pronounced, which helps with how authentic it sounds when spoken. What is the translation of “Puerta” in English?

Question 16

What is the translation of “Jefe” in English?





While there are some letter sounds in the Spanish language that coincide perfectly with the same letter sounds in the English language, there are other letter sounds that can be a tad trickier. In the case of the word, «Jefe,» the ‘j’ is pronounced with the ‘h’ sound in the English language. People can sometimes get a bit hung up on the ‘e’ sounds in this particular word but once spoken, it’s often oddly familiar. What is the translation of “Jefe” in English?

Question 17

What is the translation of “Corazón” in English?





Not all words in the Spanish language have an accent mark included in the word but those that include these marks have a distinct form of pronunciation. The last syllable of the word is the part of the word that is accented and is the correct way to pronounce it in Spanish. The ‘r’ letter is a hard sound that is more like the letter ‘d’ sound in the English language, rather than the ‘r’ sound. What is the translation of “Corazón” in English?

Question 18

What is the translation of “Siempre” in English?





When learning the Spanish language, it’s not just memorizing vocabulary words that makes an individual fluent in the language. It’s imperative to practice listening to and speaking the words that have been studied in order to place them in the right context and understand their meaning. For this particular word, people can get a little hung up on it because of how it sounds when spoken. This is especially true because of the word containing, ‘si,’ which is a completely different word in Spanish. What is the translation of “Siempre” in English?

Question 19

What is the translation of “Trabajo” in English?

Co Workers




This is another Spanish word with a bit of a tricky pronunciation since the ‘r’ sound is more similar to the ‘d’ sound in the English language. Pairing it right next to a hard ‘t’ sound can be tricky for those that aren’t familiar with the Spanish language. The ‘j’ sound is also replaced with the ‘h’ sound in the English language. Despite its trickiness in pronunciation, this is a word that is surprisingly used quite frequently. What is the translation of “Trabajo” in English?

Question 20

What is the translation of “Caliente” in English?





This is a word in the Spanish language that is often used in a wide variety of different situations. Yet, it’s interesting that the meaning of the word is very similar to how the word is used in a wide variety in the English language as well. The pronunciation is far more straightforward than some of the other more complicated words in the Spanish language, apart from the ‘e’ sound at the very end of the word. What is the translation of “Caliente” in English?

Question 21

What is the translation of “Hermano” in English?





This Spanish word is still thought of as quite simple, in regards to when and how it would be taught in a Spanish course, but that doesn’t mean that it’s one of the easiest words to learn. One of the fundamental aspects of learning a new language is to learn certain words for describing family members, which is related to this specific word. Yet, the pronunciation is a bit tough because of the silent ‘h’ sound. What is the translation of “Hermano” in English?

Question 22

What is the translation of “Abogado” in English?

Police Officer




When learning the Spanish language, there seems to be some words that are pretty straightforward to learn and others that are a tad trickier. Yet, there are some words that are actually quite fun to say and not just because of its corresponding meaning. This particular word has a bit of a flow to it in pronouncing it, even though there may not be much opportunity to use it in regular conversation. What is the translation of “Abogado” in English?

Question 23

What is the translation of “Tía” in English?





This is another word in the Spanish language that refers to a family member. While it’s not a word that people might hear often in regular conversation, it is a word that every Spanish language student will undoubtedly have to learn in order to fulfill their course. Understanding different words for coordinating family members is a key part of learning the Spanish language and it’s often used for more than just blood relatives. What is the translation of “Tía” in English?

Question 24

What is the translation of “Mesa” in English?





When learning the Spanish language, there are mandatory words that everyone seems to learn. While it’s important to learn greeting words, numbers and family members, there are other utilitarian words that are equally as important. This particular word is actually quite simple to say and it’s something that is a Spanish word without much flair. Yet, it can come in handy for those that need to use it in a Spanish sentence. What is the translation of “Mesa” in English?

Question 25

What is the translation of “Silla” in English?





While there are some letters in the Spanish language that directly translate to the same corresponding sound in the English language, there are others that are completely different. For instance, there is no double ‘l’ in the English language. In the Spanish language, the double ‘l’ makes the sound of a ‘y’ in the English language. This can cause people to get a bit hung up on how to pronounce this word. What is the translation of “Silla” in English?

Question 26

What is the translation of “Lápiz” in English?





The Spanish word, “Lápiz,» can be a bit tricky for some people that aren’t absolutely fluent in the Spanish language. The use of the accent mark and the placement of the mark can be a tad confusing for some, which makes it difficult to remember when it comes to the meaning of the word. Yet, the meaning of the word is something that is often used in a school setting and is often one of the first words to learn in a Spanish class. What is the translation of “Lápiz” in English?

Question 27

What is the translation of “Mejor” in English?





This is another word in the Spanish language that can be a tad tricky in pronouncing. The end sound of the letter ‘r’ is meant to have a bit of a roll to the pronunciation, which can be a bit difficult for some. The ‘j’ sound is replaced with an ‘h’ sound and the ‘e’ sounds a bit more like a hard ‘a’ sound in the English language. Yet, this word has a meaning that makes it extremely useful in regular conversation. What is the translation of “Mejor” in English?

Question 28

What is the translation of “Hombre” in English?





There are a few words in the Spanish language that sound very similar to other words, which can make it extremely difficult to memorize in regards to the meaning. In this particular case, «Hombre» can sound quite similar to the other Spanish word, «Hambre.» These two words may sound similar and have a similar spelling but they have two completely different meanings. It’s important to emphasize the middle vowel sound in order to avoid confusion. What is the translation of “Hombre” in English?

Question 29

What is the translation of “Comida” in English?





This particular word in the Spanish language comes in quite handy when trying to get a meal, talk about daily meals, or even just hold up regular dinner conversation in Spanish. Yet, it’s important to remember just what the exact meaning is of the word, before speaking it in a Spanish-speaking environment. While the pronunciation is pretty straightforward, some people can get it confused with some of the other words used for dinner conversation. What is the translation of “Comida” in English?

Question 30

What is the translation of “Embarazada” in English?





There are some words in the Spanish language that are very similar to other words in the English language. Many people fall into the bad habit of becoming dependent on this when trying to learn the Spanish language. Adding an ‘o’ at the end of an English word doesn’t necessarily turn it into Spanish and some words that may sound similar to other known words in the English language may have completely different meanings. What is the translation of “Embarazada” in English?

Question 31

What is the translation of “Tarde” in English?





The beginning of this Spanish word is pretty straightforward in pronouncing but it’s important to give an accent to the final ‘e’ letter in the word. People often get hung up on this since the final ‘e’ in many English words have a tendency to be silent. The guideline is a bit different in the Spanish language and it’s important to remember that with this particular Spanish word, despite the fact that there isn’t an accent mark. What is the translation of “Tarde” in English?

Question 32

What is the translation of “Desayuno” in English?





While people often use the word «Comida» when referring the generic food word, that doesn’t mean that it is the only word that is used when speaking about eating. Each meal has its own coordinating word, just as in the English language. This particular Spanish word is pretty straightforward when it comes to the pronunciation but people can often get a bit confused in the actual meaning. «Desa» is the Spanish word for village but that isn’t related to this particular word. What is the translation of “Desayuno” in English?

Question 33

What is the translation of “Papel” in English?





When it comes to translating Spanish words to English words, people can get a little stuck because of all the confusing and conflicting examples in the guidelines. There are some words in Spanish that sound almost identical to their English counterpart with the exact same meaning. Yet, there are other words in the Spanish language that sound the same as other English words but have completely different meanings. That is why people can overthink some of the words and their corresponding meanings. What is the translation of “Papel” in English?

Question 34

What is the translation of “Basura” in English?





This is another word in the Spanish language that has an ‘r’ sound that is closer to the ‘d’ sound in the English language. Yet, that isn’t the trickiest part of pronouncing the word since it’s typically the ‘u’ sound that seems to get people all hung up. Instead of it being pronounced with a soft ‘u’ sound, it is pronounced with more of a double ‘o’ sound and has a bit of an accent on the second syllable. What is the translation of “Basura” in English?

Question 35

What is the translation of “Carta” in English?





The Spanish language often has words that have a difference in the final vowel sound in order to account for the masculine or feminine form of the word. The final syllable for action words are also changed, which is a huge part of learning strategies to become fluent in the Spanish language. Yet, there are other words that are far more utilitarian and have an ending vowel sound that has nothing to do with tense or gender specificity. What is the translation of “Carta” in English?

Question 36

What is the translation of “Tarjeta” in English?





When it comes to learning a new language, there are some single syllable words that are quite easy to memorize. Some of the larger words can be a bit intimidating since not only can it be more difficult to memorize but they can also be a tad trickier to pronounce. This particular word might be a little difficult to pronounce because of the fact that the ‘j’ sound is replaced with the ‘h’ sound in the English language. What is the translation of “Tarjeta” in English?

Question 37

What is the translation of “Bolso” in English?





There are some words in the Spanish language that seem almost self-explanatory in their meaning. Yet, there are other words that don’t always fall into regular conversation and can be a tad more difficult to memorize. A great trick in learning the Spanish language is to try and correlate the word with other corresponding words that may relat to it. This can help with triggering the memory of the word’s meaning since it can sound so much alike. What is the translation of “Bolso” in English?

Question 38

What is the translation of “Avión” in English?





There are some words in the Spanish language that tend to sound extremely familiar but that doesn’t mean that it is the exact meaning of another word in the English language. In this particular case, people can sometimes correlate this word with water since it sounds so much like the word for a popular water brand in the English language. Yet, the accent mark and the beginning vowel sound is often a clear giveaway to its meaning. What is the translation of “Avión” in English?

Question 39

What is the translation of “Ayer” in English?





This is another Spanish word that can be a tad tricky because of the ending ‘r’ sound to the word. The pronunciation is far more like the hard ‘d’ sound in the English language rather than the ‘r’ sound. Other than that, the pronunciation should be pretty straightforward. There is a bit of flair towards the second syllable but it’s not that difficult to pronounce, even for those that aren’t exactly fluent in Spanish. What is the translation of “Ayer” in English?

Question 40

What is the translation of “Años” in English?





The Spanish alphabet has some letters that are exactly the same as the letters in an English alphabet but not all of them translate completely. The ‘ñ’ letter has nothing that is remotely comparable in the English alphabet. This is a letter that is quite specific and it’s important to pronounce this appropriately for certain words that contain the ‘ñ’ letter. Once this is mastered, the pronunciation is pretty straightforward and the word is almost always instantly recognizable. What is the translation of “Años” in English?

Question 41

What is the translation of “Baño” in English?


Living room

Front door


This is another Spanish word that contains the ‘ñ’ letter in its spelling and pronunciation. It’s crucial for those speaking this word or reading it, to ensure that the ‘ñ’ sound is appropriately used. This directly affects the meaning of the word. While there are some other words in the Spanish language that are hardly used, this is a word that will undoubtedly be learned and used in order to become fluent in Spanish. What is the translation of “Baño” in English?

Question 42

What is the translation of “Meses” in English?





This is another word in the Spanish language that can be a tad tricky for those trying to learn Spanish since it sounds extremely familiar to another Spanish word. «Mesas» refers to multiple tables but that has nothing to do with the word, «Meses.» This Spanish word replaces the ‘a’ letter with an ‘e’ letter and completely transforms the meaning of the word when translate to the English language. Yet, it’s a word that is used quite often in conversation. What is the translation of “Meses” in English?

Question 43

What is the translation of “Dinero” in English?





This is one of the most well-known words in the Spanish language and is often one of the words that even non-Spanish speaking individuals learn. One huge reason why this Spanish word has become so well-known to the public is the fact that it is referenced in a wide variety of television shows, films, and songs. The most recent usage is the multiple references in J. Lo’s hit single that states, «You Quiero Dinero.» What is the translation of “Dinero” in English?

Question 44

What is the translation of “Mujer” in English?





This is another Spanish word that sounds extremely similar to another Spanish word. The word «Mejor» refers to the best of something or the better of two things. Yet, that is a completely different meaning than that of «Mujer.» The ‘j’ letter is pronounced in the same manner since it is pronounced as the letter ‘h’ sound in the English language. This is a word that is used often in casual Spanish conversation. What is the translation of “Mujer” in English?

Question 45

What is the translation of “Mañana” in English?





This Spanish word is a tad different from some of the other Spanish words containing the letter ‘ñ’ since it features a regular ‘n’ letter as well. It can be a tad confusing for some people that are new to the Spanish language since it’s extremely important to pronounce the ‘n’ and ‘ñ’ letter appropriately in order to convey the word to allow for the right meaning. While the word is used solo, it’s also in a number of well-known phrases. What is the translation of “Mañana” in English?

Question 46

What is the translation of “Cerveza” in English?





There are some Spanish words that are used in casual conversation and are great for teaching young high school students to get them to become fluent in the Spanish language, there are other words that are used commonly in real-world applications. This particular word is often used in correlation with going out with other adults and having a good time through night activities. Yet, it’s also a word that has been used in a number of television commercials. What is the translation of “Cerveza” in English?

Question 47

What is the translation of “Caballo” in English?





This Spanish word features the double ‘l’ sound, which has the ‘y’ sound from the English language. This can make it a bit difficult to read when seeing the word in print, as well as a bit hard to pronounce. This is especially true for those that aren’t as familiar with reading and writing in Spanish, in comparison to their speaking abilities. While the meaning of the word may seem like it wouldn’t be used very frequently, it’s surprising how many people know its English translation. What is the translation of “Caballo” in English?

Question 48

What is the translation of “Montaña” in English?





This is another Spanish word with the ‘ñ’ letter in it but the spelling of the word can make many people feel like they instantly recognize it. The sound of the word’s pronunciation makes it seem like something ultra-familiar in the English language and it’s surprising how many people have a similar version of this word in their first or last name. From movie characters to baseball stars, this is a Spanish word that should be known. What is the translation of “Montaña” in English?

Question 49

What is the translation of “Leche” in English?





When learning the Spanish language, many people tend to focus on certain foods and drinks in order to ensure that they can order at their favorite Spanish restaurant or vacation at a place where it is predominantly Spanish-speaking. While many people tend to focus on generic words that say common food and meal meanings, it’s often important to delve into other words that give a more specific meaning to ensure the order comes through correctly. What is the translation of “Leche” in English?

Question 50

What is the translation of “Azul” in English?





Another fundamental vocabulary list for learning the Spanish language is the colors of the rainbow. Just as young children are taught new vocabulary through simple things like foods, colors, and numbers, this is a great way to build an understanding of the Spanish language. While there are some Spanish words that sound similar to the English word for the corresponding color, there are others that are seen as a tad trickier in its translation. What is the translation of “Azul” in English?

Questions Left

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All over the world, the use of words borrowed from the English language is rapidly growing. The internet, social media, and the internationalization of American cultural products are among the biggest “English word exporters.”

However, several factors have created a special bond between the Spanish and English languages. For starters, the proximity between the U.S. and Latin America (which is home to the largest number of Spanish speakers in the world) has allowed a great cultural exchange—and with it, an important language exchange. As such, there are several English words used in Spanish and Spanish words used in English. 

There is a huge Latin American community living in the United States, and this community has brought elements of the Latin American culture and language into the country. Spanish spoken in the U.S. has changed with time, giving birth to Spanglish: the excessive mixing of English and Spanish by Spanish speakers. 

Nonetheless, the mixing of Spanish and English words is not exclusive to Latinos living in the U.S. The use of English words in the Spanish language is present in every Spanish-speaking country, and the language exchange has actually happened both ways! There are numerous words used in the English language that come from Spanish.

In this article, you’ll learn everything about Spanglish, imported English words used in Spanish, and Spanish words used in English. We’ll show you the most popular words and how they are used, so you’ll never be caught off-guard. 
Are you ready to take your Spanish speaking to a whole new level with SpanishPod101? Then let’s begin.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is Spanglish?
  2. Some Common Spanglish Words
  3. English Loanwords vs. Spanglish
  4. How are Anglicisms Used in Spanish?
  5. Borrowed Spanish Words Used in English
  6. La Despedida

1. What is Spanglish?

Spanglish isn’t something new—it’s a complex linguistic phenomenon that has been building for years now. Some linguists affirm that it dates back to the times when a great part of the North American territory was actually a part of Mexico. Others date it to more recent years, with the immigration of numerous people of Latin American origin into the U.S.

Spanglish is basically a mix between Spanish and English in speech. While it is not an official language and there are no rules about its usage, a lot of people use it in their daily lives. But how did it originate and where does it come from?

The Latin population in the U.S. and the hybridization between Spanish and English

Currently, there are about 30 million people of Hispanic origin living in the United States. Around 60% of this population is bilingual, using both English and Spanish in their daily lives. These bilingual speakers sometimes have a very particular way of mixing English and Spanish when speaking, using what we now call Spanglish.

Some of these newcomers to the U.S. did not speak English when they arrived, so in their effort to communicate, they would mix Spanish with the English words they did know. This way of speaking has passed through generations, and for some, it has become a part of their identity.

With time, the new generations born in the U.S. (whose first language was English) started taking words or expressions from English and using them in Spanish with their own literal translations. Some of these words became so common that they are now widely used and have become a part of the Spanish jargon.

Here’s an example:

English Spanglish Correct Spanish Translation
“to call back” llamar para atrás llamar de vuelta

Another thing that happens in Spanglish is the “Spanization” of English words. For example:

English Spanglish Correct Spanish Translation
“to park” parquearse estacionarse

Who speaks Spanglish?

Tacos in Los Angeles

Tacos in Los Angeles

As we mentioned before, Spanglish was born in the U.S., and it’s widely spoken in Spanish-speaking communities in North America. This is especially common in states like California, Texas, and New York, which have very large Hispanic populations.

However, the phenomenon of Spanglish has expanded. In northern Mexico, a lot of people use Spanglish regularly. This is also the case in Central America, particularly in areas of Panama that were heavily influenced by America during the construction of the Panama Canal. Some linguists have also found Spanglish jargon used in Hispanic communities living in Australia and New Zealand.

2. Some Common Spanglish Words

Here are a few more Spanglish examples you’re likely to hear:

English  Spanglish Actual Spanish Translation
Actually  Actualmente En realidad
To check Chequear Verificar
To freeze Frizar Congelar
To watch Wachar Mirar
To rent Rentar Alquilar
To park Parquear Estacionarse

Confusing, right? 

Well, it’s just a matter of getting used to managing Spanish and English at the same time. Once you get the hang of it, the words start to flow. 

Some of these words are actually so widely used that they have remained in use all over Latin America. A good example is rentar, which a lot of people don’t even know comes from the English word “rent.”

3. English Loanwords vs. Spanglish

Loanwords are another story. They are foreign words that become part of another language’s common vocabulary without a translation. This is something that happens in every language.

Many English loanwords used in Spanish are related to technology. Here are some examples:

  • Influencer
  • Email
  • Click
  • Google
  • Hack

Most of these words are adapted for or assimilated into the Spanish language. For example, verbs tend to be conjugated according to Spanish conjugation rules. Other loanwords remain unassimilated and are used exactly as they’re used in English.

We’ll explain this in more detail later in the article. For now, have a look at some of the most common English words used in Spanish.

In Sports

A Man Riding a Wave on a Surfboard

To surf (Surfear)

Spinning Tengo clase de Spinning en el gimnasio.
“I have a spinning class at the gym.”
Surf Este fin de semana iré a surfear.
 “This weekend I will go surfing.”
Penalty El partido se definió por penaltis.
 “The match was defined by penalties.”
Football  El futbol es mi deporte favorito.
“Football is my favorite sport.”
Goal El equipo anotó 3 goles.
“The team scored three goals.”

At the Restaurant

Sandwich Tengo antojo de un sandwich.
“I am craving a sandwich.”
Cocktail La margarita es mi cóctel favorito.
“Margarita is my favorite cocktail.”
Ketchup Quiero una hamburguesa sin catsup, por favor.
“I want a burger without ketchup, please.”
Pie Voy a hornear un pay.
“I will bake a pie.”
Topping Quiero un helado con topping de chocolate.
“I want an ice cream with chocolate topping.”

At Work

Marketing Trabajo en marketing.
“I work in marketing.”
Intern Soy intern en una ONG.
“I am an intern at an NGO.”
Email Te enviaré un email.
“I will send you an email.”
Home office Una vez al mes hago home office.
“I work from home once a month.”
IT El equipo de IT arreglará tu computadora.
“The IT team will fix your computer.”


Women in Check in Counter

To check in (Hacer check in)

Check in Tenemos que hacer check-in en el hotel.
“We have to check in at the hotel.”
Check out El check-out es a las 12.
“Checkout is at 12.”
Loft Renté un loft en la playa.
“I rented a loft at the beach.”
Voucher La aerolinea me dio un voucher.
“The airline gave me a voucher.”
All-inclusive Me quedaré en un all inclusive estas vacaciones.
“This holiday, I will stay at an all-inclusive.”
    → Would you like to learn more travel-related vocabulary? Check out our series Lessons for Your Flight to Mexico!

4. How are Anglicisms Used in Spanish?

As we mentioned earlier, English words used in Spanish are often merged into the language and are “hispanicized.” This means they are adapted phonologically, graphically, and orthographically to the Spanish language. For example:

Verbs are given a Spanish conjugation.

Voy a googlear eso.  “I will Google that.”
Hackearon mi computadora.  “My computer was hacked.”

Words are also hispanicized in their pronunciation.

Voy a jugar voleibol.  “I will play volleyball.”
Hace frío afuera, voy a usar un suéter. “It is cold outside, I will wear a sweater.”

However, language experts suggest that the correct way to use English words in Spanish is to maintain their original spelling and pronunciation:

Soy un ingeniero de software. → I am a software engineer.

If you want to learn more about how to pronounce words in Spanish like a native, check out this lesson series!

Is it correct to use Anglicisms in Spanish?

The evolution of languages is a common thing, especially in our globalized society. The inclusion of foreign words in a language is part of this evolution and is something that just can’t be avoided.

However, RAE (Real Academia Española de la Lengua), the biggest authority on the Spanish language, suggests avoiding the use of unnecessary anglicisms, especially when there are Spanish words available.

The use of English words in Spanish changes greatly from country to country. Inhabitants of countries with stronger cultural ties to the U.S., such as Panama, commonly use English words in their vocabulary. Countries like Spain, on the other hand, are more protective toward the purity of the language and tend to have fewer English words incorporated into their vocabulary.

5. Borrowed Spanish Words Used in English

English and Spanish speakers have been exchanging their cultures and languages for centuries, and the relationship goes both ways. As such, there are many borrowed Spanish words used in English. 

As you may know, a big part of the United States’ territory used to be part of Mexico about one and a half centuries ago. The Mexican influence in the southern U.S. is especially evident in the number of Mexican Spanish words used in English. 

Now, with the growing number of Americans of Hispanic origin, there are more and more Spanish words being used in English. It’s interesting to note that while many of the English words commonly used in Spanish are verbs, most Spanish words used in English are nouns.

    → Would you like to learn more about Mexican Spanish? Find all the basics in this quick lesson.


Mexican food is extremely popular in America, so many of the Mexican words in English are food-related.

A Plate of Hardshell Tacos with Peppers

Jalapeños (Hot peppers) “I want nachos with jalapeños.
Quiero nachos con jalapeños.
Cocoa (From ‘cacao,’ the fruit used to make chocolate) “I’d like to drink hot cocoa.
Me gustaría tomar chocolate caliente.
Avocado (Anglicization of Spanish aguacate) “Avocado is my favorite fruit.
El aguacate es mi fruta favorita.
Quesadilla (Mexican meal) “I ate some quesadillas at the Mexican restaurant.
Comí quesadillas en el restaurante mexicano.
Tamale (Mexican meal) “My grandma makes delicious tamales.
Mi abuela hace tamales deliciosos.
    → Craving some Mexican food? Learn how to order it in Mexican Spanish like a pro in this lesson!

Animals and Nature

Canyon (A deep valley) “I want to visit the Grand Canyon.
Quiero visitar el gran cañón.
Arroyo (A creek or wash) “Let’s refresh our hands in the arroyo.
Refresquémos nuestras manos en el arroyo.
Tornado (Funnel-shaped windstorm) “We have to find shelter before the tornado.
Tenemos que buscar refugio antes del tornado.
Sierra (Chain of mountains) “The Sierra Nevada crosses the state of California.
La sierra nevada cruza el estado de california.
Mosquito (Insect) “Mosquitos come out at sunset.
Los mosquitos salen al atardecer.
    → Would you like to learn more about insect names in Spanish? Then don’t miss our Bugs and Insects vocabulary list!

People and Places

Fiesta (Party) “The village had a fiesta for its patron saint.
El pueblo tuvo una fiesta para su santo patrono.
Patio (Terrace, porch) “I will go get some sun on the patio.
Voy a tomar sol en el patio.
Ranch (Large farm) “They have hundreds of cows on the ranch.
Tienen cientos de vacas en el rancho.
Aficionado (Fan) “I am a jazz aficionado.
Soy un aficionado del jazz.
Conquistador (Conqueror) “The Spanish conquistadores arrived in Cuba in 1492.
Los conquistadores españoles llegaron a Cuba en 1492.

Well, these are just some of the most common Spanish words used in English—there are many more! In Spanish, the pronunciation of many of these words is anglicized to adapt to their English-language counterparts. 

La Despedida

In this guide, you’ve learned about the strong bond between the Spanish and English languages. After reading through so many language exchange examples, can you think of any words we missed? 

This is just an overview, and with time, you’ll become more fluent in Spanish and start having conversations with Spanish speakers. The more you converse, the more you’ll realize that the Spanglish phenomenon is more diverse than you could imagine and that it manifests itself differently from one Spanish-speaking country to another. 

If you want to learn more Spanish vocabulary and become a master of the language, don’t forget to check out SpanishPod101’s resource library. You can find vocabulary lists, a lesson library, and flashcards to make your learning process fun and easy. 

And don’t forget that SpanishPod101 also offers personalized one-on-one lessons with a professional teacher. Just sign up for a Premium PLUS account, and your teacher can guide you through each step of your learning journey and expedite your progress.

Happy learning y hasta luego!

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