Match the english word or phrase with its russian equivalent snooker billiard прямая трансляция

Sports play an important part in the life of the English people. All sports are very popular among them. The British are proud that many sports originated in their country and then spread throughout the world. The national British sports are: football, golf, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, snooker, steeplechase, racing, darts.
Football the most popular game in the world is of two kinds in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer played almost in all countries remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated at Rugby public school. In this game players may carry the ball. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball.
Golf, one of the popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland.
Englishmen are fond of cricket. Cricket is played in schools, colleges, universities. Test matches with other countries are held regularly. The game is very slow.
Table tennis was invented in England in 1880. But the British players are not lucky in tennis international championships.
Wimbledon is known world-wide as the centre of lawn tennis. Wimbledon championships begin on the nearest Monday to June 22, when the weather is fine. The Championships are watched on TV live and at full length by millions of people.
Steeplechase, a cross country running, is popular in European countries. The first cross country race took place in 1837.
Englishmen like all kinds of racing. Horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing are very popular in England. The most famous boat race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1820 and has been held almost every spring since 1836. A lot of people come to watch it.

I. Match the English word or phrase with its Russian equivalent.
snooker (billiard) -прямая трансляция
lawn tennis игра -«Метание стрелок»
table tennis -гонки
darts -скачки, бег с препятствиями
steeplechase -снукер
racing — теннис
live broadcasting- настольный теннис

II. Here are descriptions of some of the British sports. Match them up to the given sports.
1. In this game players may carry the ball. a) cricket
2. It is a cross country running b) table tennis
3. It first started in 1820 c) rugby
4. The game is very slow. d) boat race
5. It was invented in 1880 e) soccer
6. It remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain f) steeplechase.




1. snooker(billiard) — снукер

2. lawn tennis — теннис

3. table tennis — настольный теннис

4. darts — метание стрелок

5. steeplechase — скачки, бег с препятствием

6. racing — гонки

7. live broadcasting — прямая трансляция


1. c) rugby

2. f) steeplechase

3. d) boat race

4. a) cricket

5. b) table tennis

6. e) soccer

Интересные вопросы


по дисциплине (профессиональному модулю)

ОУД 01 Иностранный язык

программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена по специальностям

44.02.01 Дошкольное образование

44. 02.02 Преподавание в начальных классах

Составитель: Ф.И.О.,

преподаватель ГБПОУ «ГК г. Сызрани»


предметной (цикловой) комиссией


Протокол № ___ от «___»_______ 20__г.

Председатель ПЦК

____________________ /Ф.И.О./


1. Нормативно-программный модуль:

1.1 Выписка из рабочего учебного плана.

1.2 Примерная программа УД (ПМ) (при наличии).

1.3 Рабочая программа УД (ПМ).

2. Методический модуль:

2.1 Учебно-методические материалы:

2.1.1 Методические разработки лекций, практических/лабораторных занятий.

2.1.2 Методические указания/рекомендации для обучающихся по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы.

2.1.3 Методические указания/рекомендации для обучающихся по выполнению практических/лабораторных занятий.

2.1.4 Методические указания/рекомендации для обучающихся по выполнению курсовой работы (проекта) (при наличии у преподавателя в нагрузке).

2.2 Средства обучения:

2.2.1 Вербальные: библиографический список литературы для преподавателя, для обучающихся.

2.2.2 Электронные образовательные ресурсы: аудиозаписи, видеозаписи, мультимедийные презентации, образовательные электронные издания (пособия).

2.2.3 Дидактические: схемы, плакаты, макеты, ГОСТы, СанПиНы, глоссарий.

2.3 Фонд оценочных средств:

2.3.1 Контрольно-измерительные материалы для текущего контроля.

2.3.2 Контрольно-оценочные средства для промежуточной аттестации.

2.3.3 Комплекты оценочных средств по профессиональному модулю.

3. Использование ИТ-технологий.


Данный учебно-методический комплекс написан в соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине «Английский язык» для профессии:

  • 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование,

  • 44.02.02 Преподавание в начальных классах,

а также для заочной формы обучения.

Дисциплина «Английский язык» относится к общеобразовательному циклу и предназначается для обучающихся 1 курса. Учебно-методический комплекс содержит примерную программу по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык», рабочую программу по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык», перечень учебной и методической литературы, перечень раздаточного материала по грамматике и устным темам, перечень учебно-наглядных пособий, перечень дополнительной литературы и интернет ресурсов, рекомендации обучающемуся для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы, контрольно-измерительные материалы для входного и текущего форм контроля, контрольно-измерительные материалы для промежуточной аттестации.


1.1 Выписка из учебного плана


Наименование циклов, разделов, дисциплин, профессиональ-ных модулей, МДК, практик

Формы промежу-точной аттеста-ции

Учебная нагрузка обучающихся (час)

Курс изучения


Самостоятельная учебная работа


Всего заня-тий

в том числе

Лаб. и практич. занятий

Курсовых работ (проектов)











Иностранный язык

-, ДЗ







1. паспорт рабочей программы ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ «Иностранный язык» («Английский язык»)

1.1. Область применения программы

Рабочая программа общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предназначена для изучения иностранного языка (английского) в ГБПОУ «ГК г. Сызрани» в рамках реализации образовательной программы среднего общего образования для подготовки студентов по специальностям 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование, 44.02.02 Преподавание в начальных классах, а также для заочной формы обучения.

 Программа может использоваться другими профессиональными образовательными организациями, реализующими образовательную программу среднего общего образования в пределах освоения ППССЗ на базе основного общего образования.

1.2. Место дисциплины в структуре основной профессиональной образовательной программы:

Общеобразовательная учебная дисциплина «Иностранный язык» («Английский язык») принадлежит к профильному блоку дисциплин по реализации образовательной программы среднего (полного) общего образования гуманитарного профиля.

1.3. Цели и задачи общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины – требования к результатам освоения дисциплины:

Рабочая программа ориентирована на достижение следующих целей:

•  формирование представлений об английском языке как о языке международного общения и средстве приобщения к ценностям мировой культуры и национальных культур;

•  формирование коммуникативной компетенции, позволяющей свободно общаться на английском языке в различных формах и на различные темы, в том числе в сфере профессиональной деятельности, с учетом приобретенного словарного запаса, а также условий, мотивов и целей общения;

•  формирование и развитие всех компонентов коммуникативной компетенции: лингвистической, социолингвистической, дискурсивной, социокультурной, социальной, стратегической и предметной;

•  воспитание личности, способной и желающей участвовать в общении на межкультурном уровне;

•  воспитание уважительного отношения к другим культурам и социальным субкультурам.

Освоение содержания учебной общеобразовательной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» («Английский язык») обеспечивает достижение обучающимися следующих результатов:


–формирование ценностного отношения к языку как культурному феномену и средству отображения развития общества, его истории и духовной культуры;

– формирование широкого представления о достижениях национальных культур, о роли английского языка и культуры в развитии мировой культуры;

– развитие интереса и способности к наблюдению за иным способом мировидения;

– осознание своего места в поликультурном мире; готовность и способность вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, достигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению;

– готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самообразование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского языка, так и в сфере английского языка;


–  умение самостоятельно выбирать успешные коммуникативные стратегии в различных ситуациях общения;

–  владение навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные ситуации межкультурной коммуникации;

–  умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно разрешать конфликты; –  умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адекватные языковые средства;


–  формирование коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире;

–  владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике англо-говорящих стран и умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике; умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англо-говорящих стран;

–  достижение порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющего выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной форме как с носителями английского языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими данный язык как средство общения;

–  сформирование умения использовать английский язык как средство для получения информации из англоязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях.

В процессе освоения дисциплины у студентов должны формироваться общие компетенции (ОК):

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, определять методы решения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 3. Оценивать риски и принимать решения в нестандартных ситуациях.

ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии для совершенствования профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, взаимодействовать с руководством, коллегами и социальными партнерами.

ОК 7. Ставить цели, мотивировать деятельность обучающихся (воспитанников), организовывать и контролировать их работу с принятием на себя ответственности за качество образовательного процесса.

ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

ОК 9. Осуществлять профессиональную деятельность в условиях обновления ее целей, содержания, смены технологий.

ОК 10. Осуществлять профилактику травматизма, обеспечивать охрану жизни и здоровья обучающихся (воспитанников).

OK 11. Строить профессиональную деятельность с соблюдением регулирующих ее правовых норм.

1.4. Рекомендуемое количество часов на освоение общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины:

максимальной учебной нагрузки обучающегося 176 часов, в том числе:

обязательной аудиторной учебной нагрузки обучающегося 117 часов;

самостоятельной работы обучающегося 59 часов.



2.1. Объем общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины и виды учебной работы

Вид учебной работы

Количество часов

Максимальная учебная нагрузка (всего)


Обязательная аудиторная учебная нагрузка (всего)


в том числе:

семинарские занятия

Не предусмотрено

практические занятия


контрольные работы


Самостоятельная работа обучающегося (всего)

в том числе: (перечисляются виды самостоятельной работы с указанием часов)

написание сочинений, эссе;

— выполнение рефератов;

— создание презентации

— составление монологических высказываний по теме

— работа с текстом

— составление диалогов

— выполнение грамматических упражнений

— выполнение тестовых заданий по пройденным

грамматическим темам









Итоговая аттестация в форме дифференцированного зачета, на заочном отделении – зачета.

3. условия реализации программы учебной дисциплины

3.1. Требования к материально-техническому обеспечению

Реализация и освоение программы учебной общеобразовательной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» («Английский язык») требует наличия учебного кабинета с возможным доступом к сети Интернет во время учебного занятия и в период внеучебной деятельности обучающихся.

Помещение кабинета должно удовлетворять требованиям Санитарно-эпидемиологических правил и нормативов (СанПиН 2.4.2 № 178-02) и оснащено типовым

оборудованием, указанным в настоящих требованиях, в том числе специализированной учебной мебелью и средствами обучения, достаточными для выполнения требований к уровню подготовки обучающихся.

В кабинете должно быть мультимедийное оборудование, при помощи которого участники образовательного процесса могут просматривать визуальную информацию по иностранному языку, создавать презентации, видеоматериалы, иные документы.

3.2. Информационное обеспечение обучения

Перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, Интернет-ресурсов, дополнительной литературы.

Основные источники (для студентов):

Агабекян И.П. Английский язык. Учебник для средних специальных учебных заведений. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011.

Безкоровайная Г. Т., Койранская Е. А., Соколова Н. И., Лаврик Г. В. Planet of English:

учебник английского языка для (учреждений) СПО. — М., (2013).

Карпова Т.А. English for Colleges = Английский язык для колледжей: учебное пособие – М.: КНОРУС, 2015.

Для преподавателей:

Федеральный закон от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» (в ред. федеральных законов от 07.05.2013 № 99-ФЗ, от 07.06.2013 № 120-ФЗ, от 02.07.2013 № 170-ФЗ, от 23.07.2013 № 203-ФЗ, от 25.11.2013 № 317-ФЗ, от 03.02.2014 № 11-ФЗ, от 03.02.2014 № 15-ФЗ, от 05.05.2014 № 84-ФЗ, от 27.05.2014 № 135-ФЗ, от 04.06.2014 № 148-ФЗ, с изменениями, внесенными Федеральным законом от 04.06.2014 № 145-ФЗ).

Приказ Минобрнауки России от 17.05.2012 № 413 «Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего (полного) общего образования» (зарегистрирован в Минюсте РФ 07.06.2012 № 24480). 

Приказ Минобрнауки России от 29.12.2014 № 1645 «О внесении изменений в Приказ

Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 17 мая 2012 г. № 413 “Об

утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего (полного) общего образования”».

Письмо Департамента государственной политики в сфере подготовки рабочих кадров и ДПО Минобрнауки России от 17.03.2015 № 06-259 «Рекомендации по организации получения среднего общего образования в пределах освоения образовательных программ среднего профессионального образования на базе основного общего образования с учетом требований федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов и получаемой профессии или специальности среднего профессионального образования».


Дубровин М.И. Современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь: 180 000 слов, словосочетаний и идиоматических выражений. – М.: Цитадель-трейд, РИПОЛ КЛАССИК, 2004.

Oxford Russian Mini Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Дополнительные источники:

Тимофеев В.Г., Вильнер А.Б., Делазари И.А., Светличная Н.В., Up & Up 10/11: Students book: учебник английского языка для 10-11 кл. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2011.


Интернет-ресурсы www.lingvo-online. ru (более 30 англо-русских, русско-английских и толковых словарей общей и отраслевой лексики). (Macmillan Dictionary с возможностью прослушать произношение слов). (энциклопедия «Британника»). (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).


Раздел 1


Тема 1.1 Внешность,характер

План занятия:

  1. Внешность, характер

  2. Личностные качества

  3. Профессии

Краткое содержание практического занятия:

Лексические единицы по теме внешность








Невысокий, низкий

middle — sized

Среднего роста








Худой, изящный















































turned up





Susan is a short girl. She is thin. She has got long dark hair and a round face. Her eyes are blue and her nose is turned up. She looks pretty.

She has a brother. His name is John. John is a tall boy. He has got short fair hair and an oval face. His eyes are big and brown. He has big ears and his face looks funny.

Read the text and find the adjectives describing appearance.

My name is Max and I am 24 years old. I work as a programmer in a big successful company. I would like to tell you some words about how I look. First of all, I am very tall. I am 193 cm high. But I am also very thin. I do sport and try to eat regularly but it is still difficult for me to gain some weight. Nevertheless, I am used to being skinny and I feel good in this shape. My hair is brown and so are my eyes. My eyebrows are not very thick, many people think I pluck them, but that’s not true. I have a straight nose and an oval face. I don’t have a mustache or a beard. I consider it is untidy not to shave. My fiancee thinks I am handsome and smart. Maybe she says so because she is in love with me, but it doesn’t matter. Her opinion is very important to me. She also tells me that I resemble her father. Indeed, we have similar characters. My character is rather peculiar. I’m a man of mood. I am usually very sociable and active, have a good sense of humor and like joking. However, I sometimes behave as an introvert. When I do so, I tend to stay at home and spend time alone with myself. I like wearing casual clothes, like jeans and t-shirts, however, I have to look formally at work. So I usually wear black trousers and shirts of different colors.

Задание для самостоятельной работы: используя новые лексические единицы составить краткое описание внешности своего лучшего друга.


Read the text and find the adjectives relating to traits of character.

I have both weak and strong points in my character. I am certainly a bit ashamed of my weak points and I do my best to get rid of them. As for my strong features of character, I value and cherish them.

Everyone tells me that I take after my dad as I’m a good listener and very sociable. I am a complete extravert. I love people and the world around me. I understand them and make friends quite easily. Being open and communicative means broadening my mind and my views on the world. That’s why I like meeting new people and talking to them. I always try to be an open-minded and adaptable guy because our world is constantly changing.

One of my best traits is that I try to feel as happy and cheerful as I can most of the time. My friends often call me the life and soul of the party, with a good sense of humor, although I may sometimes be kind of shy. Anyone can be down or depressed when something sad happens. But if somebody hurts my feelings or makes me angry I just tend to ignore him or her and approach the things from the positive side. I really dislike rude and ignorant people but I rarely lose my temper because of them.

I would also describe my personality as generous. I take pleasure in sharing something with other people and I am ready to help them at any time. I am organized and punctual too and I am happy when things happen on time, according to the schedule. I am very hard-working and I am always busy. I don’t like to give up.

I’d say that my negative and the least appealing qualities are obstinacy and perfectionism. Sometimes I set too high standards when it comes to choosing something. I am often a hard person to please. I’m afraid my choosy character makes me lose some nice opportunities in my life.

In conclusion I would like to say that my personality qualities are both inherent and acquired. When I think of myself I often get confused about how differently I see myself. I am constantly trying to improve myself as a person.

Лексика по теме «Характер».










необщительный, замкнутый













character trait

Черты характера





1) Match the words and their translations:

Job библиотекарь

Nurse работа

Librarian зубной врач

Lawyer адвокат, юрист

Dentist медсестра

Engineer программист

Computer programmer инженер

Farmer водитель

Housewife писатель

Driver домохозяйка

Actor спортсмен

Writer фермер

Sportsman актер

Actress актриса

Artist художник

Doctor повар

Waiter доктор

Cooker продавец

Politician переводчик

Shop-assistant политик

Translator певец

Coach официант

Singer тренер

2) Match the professions and their definitions:

1) an architect a) works with the computer
2) a teacher b) designs buildings
3) a dentist c) plays football
4) a vet d) teaches children at school
5) a doctor e) looks after peoples teeth
6) a photographer f) looks after sick people
7) a secretary g) plays a musical instrument
8) a lawyer h) takes photos
9) a mucisian i) looks after sick animals
10) a computer programmer j) do
еs projects
11) a sportsman k) knows laws
l) works with papers

3) Try to choose an appropriate profession:

Possibilities: doctor, driver, artist, stewardess, director, singer

1. She speaks foreign languages. She works very long hours, but she doesn’t work every day. She likes people and travel, and she travels а lot in her work.. She is а

2. She doesn’t work in an office. She is not а teacher. She works very lоng hours, and she often works at night – it’s а hard job. She likes people and she helps them. She loves her job. She is а

3. Не gets up at half past seven every day, has breakfast at eight o’clock, and starts work at half past nine. Не works in an office. Не has two secretaries and two telephones. Не does not work оn Sundays. Не likes people. Не is а

4. Не usually gets up at eleven o’clock, and has breakfast at 12. Не works at home. Sometimes he mау work outside. Не works in the afternoons, but not every day. Sometimes he works long hours, sometimes he does not work at аll. Не loves his job. Не is an …

5. She lives in а big city. She gets up late and has а late breakfast. She works late in the еvеning. She goes to and from work bу taxi. People like to listеn to her аnd sometimes they send her flowers. She is а

6. Не gets up at five o’clock in the mоrning. Не has breakfast and lunch in motorway restaurants. Не works sitting dоwn аnd travels а lot in his work. Не likes his job. Не is а

4) Name the profession:

1) I work outside and I love flowers. I’m a …….. .
2) I look after sick people in a hospital, but I’m not a doctor. I’m a ……… .
3) I work in a small restaurant. I prepare food for out quests. I’m a ……. .
4) I love animals. Some people call me an animal doctor. I’m a ……… .
5) I’m an artist and my job is taking photographs. I’m a ……. .
6) I’m interested in fashion. I make clothes for women. I’m a …….. .

5 Task: choose the suitable words.

1. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of business or people is called …

2. A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly is called … .

3. A person who practices or works in one of the fine arts is called … .

4. A person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects is called … .

5. A scientist who specializes in chemistry is called … .

6. A person who prepares and cooks food is called … .

7. A person professionally trained to treat the teeth is called … .

8. A person who works at a dock is called … .

9. A person who drives a car is called … .

10. A person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges is called … .

11. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm is called … .

12. A person who changes speech from one language into another is called … .

13. A person whose profession journalism is called … .

14. A person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court is called … .

15. A worker in a mine is called … .

16. A person who performs on a musical instrument, or who writes music is called … .

17. A person qualified to practise both medicine and surgery is called … .

18. A person who studies physics is called … .

19. A person who flies an aircraft is called … .

20. A member of a navy, or sailor on a ship, who is not an officer is called … .

21. A person who makes or repairs shoes is called … .

22. A worker in iron or other metals is called … .

23. A man who serves passengers on a ship or plane is called … .

24. A person who makes garments (одежда) for men is called … .

25. A person who changes writing from one language into another is called … .

26. A person whose job is to weave cloth is called … .

For help:

a) dentist, b) shoemaker, c) artist, d) tailor, e) accountant, f) driver, g) seaman, h) architect, I)

physician, j) chemist, k) smith, l) docker, m) translator, n) farmer, o) carpenter, p) lawyer, g)

steward, r) weaver, s) journalist, t) cook, u) physicist, v) interpreter, w) pilot, x) miner, y)musician, z) engineer.

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составить монологическое высказывание по теме « Моя будущая профессия учителя/ воспитателя»

Тема 2

Раздел 2


Тема 2.1 Межличностные отношения

План занятия:

  1. Моя семья

  2. Межличностные отношения в семье

  3. Проблема взаимоотношений между родителями и детьми

  4. Подростковые взаимоотношения

  5. Моя жизнь в колледже

  6. Глагол to be, to have

  7. Обороты there is, there are

Краткое содержание практических занятий

  1. Моя семья

«Family and relatives»

Русское название

English name




[ ˈfæməli ]



[ ˈpeərənts ]

мать (мама)

mother (mom, mum, mama,

[ ˈmʌðə mɒm ] [ mʌm ] [ məˈmɑː ]

отец (папа)

father (dad, daddy, papa, pa)

[ ˈfɑːðə [ dæd ] [ ˈdædi ][ pəˈpɑː ] [ pɑː ]



[ waɪf ]



[ ˈhʌzbənd ]

ребенок, дети

child, children

[ tʃaɪld ] [ ˈtʃɪldrən ]



[ ˈdɔːtə ]



[ sʌn ]



[ ˈsɪstə ]



[ ˈbrʌðə ]

бабушка и дедушка


[ ˈɡrænpeərənts ]


grandmother (grandma,)

[ ˈɡræn ˌmʌðə ˈɡrænmɑː ] 


grandfather (grandpa)

[ ˈɡrænfɑːðə ˈɡrænpɑː ]



[ ɑːnt ]



[ ˈʌŋkəl ]

неполная семья (с одним родителем)

single-parent family

[ ˈsɪŋɡəl ˈpeərənt ˈfæməli ]

двоюродный брат/ сестра

cousin (male/ female)

[ ˈkʌzən ]

родня со стороны мужа или жены


[ ˈɪn lɔːz ]


mother-in-law (husband’s mother)

[ ˈmʌðərɪnˌlɔː ˈhəzbəndz ˈmʌðə ]


father-in-law (husband’s father)

[ ˈfɑːðər ɪnˌlɔː ˈhəzbəndz ˈfɑːðə ]


mother-in-law (wife’s mother)

[ ˈmʌðərɪnˌlɔː waɪfs ˈmʌðə ]


father-in-law (wife’s father)

[ ˈfɑːðər ɪnˌlɔː waɪfs ˈfɑːðə ]

невестка, сноха


[ ˈdɔːtərɪnˌlɔː ]



[ ˈsʌnɪnˌlɔː ]

шурин, свояк, зять, деверь


[ ˈbrʌðərɪnˌlɔː ]

свояченица, золовка, невестка


[ ˈsɪstərɪnˌlɔː ]



[ dɪˈvɔːst ]



[ ˈwɪdəʊ ]

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

1. Your parents’ parents are your ___ and your ___ .

2. Your father’s brother and sister are your ___ and your ___ .

3. Your aunt’s and uncle’s children are your ___ .

4. Your brother’s son and daughter are your ___ and your ___ .

  1. Your children’s children are your ___ and your ___ .

Упражнение 2. Посмотрите на картинку и определите, кто есть кто в семье.

1. Nigel’s mother-in-law is …

2. His father-in-law is …

3. His brother-in-law is …

4. His sister-in-law is …

5. His son-in-law is …

  1. His daughter-in-law is …

Упражнение 3. Существуют различные типы семей. Вот они:

a. a nuclear family
b. an extended family
c. a single-parent family
d. a couple who adopted a child
e. a couple with no children

Прочтите описание семей и определите, к какому типу они относятся.

1. We’re married with three kids. Our eldest son, Simon, has just started secondary school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five.

2. We’ve only been married for a year. We’re not planning to start a family just yet.

3. I’m a single mum. I bring up my son Josh on my own. Josh doesn’t mind being an only child but I think he’d like a brother or sister one day.

4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her kids. Everyone helps to look after all the children.

5. We couldn’t have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realise that she might want to find her real mother one day.

Межличностные отношения в семье



When you skim a text (read it quickly for general meaning) you don’t have to understand every word or sentence. You should try to understand important ideas.

Pre-reading questions:

1.Do you think parents should influence their children’s choice of lifework?

2.What role did your family play in your choice of a career? Did anyone in your family choose the same career?

3.Do you know anyone who comes from a family that has been in the same profession for generations?

4.Have you heard of any dynasties in politics, diplomacy, etc.?

Read the passage below and say what was it that determined the careers of Freud’s children.

Sigmund Freud had 3 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom were overshadowed by his genius. He was a liberal, loving father – affectionate, but not demonstrative. His work was so demanding that the children were raised largely by their mother, Martha, but in a harmonious atmosphere.

Martin, the eldest son, has described his childhood in Vienna around the turn of the century as idyllic. In 1957, he wrote candidly, “I have never had any ambition to rise to eminence… I have been quite happy and content to bask in reflected glory … The son of a genius remains the son of a genius , and his chances of winning human approval of anything he may do hardly exist if he attempts to make any claim to a fame detached from that of his father.” Martin’s only claim to fame was as a devoted son; he headed his father’s publishing firm, handled his father’s finances and legal affairs.

Anna, the youngest child, was her father’s favorite. They were extremely close, their communication almost telepathic. In Freud’s last years, Anna, a prominent practicing child psychoanalyst, was her father’s nurse, companion, secretary, co-worker,and shield against the intrusions of the world. In 1935, during a period of illness, Freud wrote that “the one bright spot in my life is the success of Anna’s work.”

/David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace,

The People’s ALMANAC,New York.1975/

Pairwork Discussion questions:

Do you think children tend to follow in their parents’ footsteps or choose a different occupation? What can account for their choice? Can you give examples to support your viewpoint?

Discuss in pairs and t Tell the class about the conclusion you’ve come to. The following phrases can be useful. Expressing Personal Opinions


Less formal and informal

I’d like to point out

I believe

If you ask me

The way I see it / As I see it

It seems to me

I think

As far as I am concerned

To my mind

I guess

In my view

I reckon (Br)

In my opinion

Проблема взаимоотношений между родителями и детьми

Read the passage below and say what the conflict of generations consists in.

Generation Gap

One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult’s mentality is different from teenager’s. We are the children of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Because of this parents and children sometimes argue with each other.

Some people believe that teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and ill-behaved. Other people, however, think that teenagers are not so bad. Sometimes people don’t understand teenagers. They don’t understand some problems and things which are very important in teenagers’ life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers.

Some people don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that teenagers arecruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation «plays» with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that all teens are really bad!
On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand teenagers’ problems and solve them.

Most of the quarrels between parents and children happen because of children’s marks at school and generationgap. We try to learn better, but if we have a bad mark our parents can shout at us.

In most cases «new generation» doesn’t understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. Toprotest against it, teens can shock people around them. That’s why it is considered that teens today are lazy and ill-behaved. Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with present, they are always talking about «thegood old days». People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think thatyou can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is wrong that when wisdom always comesin old age. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to threir own point of view. That’s why some teensdon’t like to talk to adults. To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, weshould simply learn to understand each other.

Read the text again for detail and answer the questions:

1. What are various views on life of teenagers and adults ?


    1. Моя жизнь в колледже

Brian: Hi, Wendy! It’s nice to see you. How are you?

Wendy: Sounds delicious. What are your plans for the summer?

Brian: I’m also well, thanks. I often see you at this canteen. Have you changed the faculty? As far as I remember you were studying at the right wing of the building.

Wendy: Yes, you’re right. I was at the Philological faculty, which is based there. This year, I’ve decided to move to Tourism and hospitality branch, which seems to be more exciting to me. Which branch are you?

Brian: I’m at the faculty of International relations. We are based in the central building, so during the brake I’m usually seen here.

Wendy: I see. I like having lunch at the canteen. Coffee is rather good here and sandwiches are tasty.

Brian: Which is your favourite sandwich?

Wendy: With salmon, cheese and lettuce. How about you?

Brian: I like ham and cheese sandwich with raspberry tea.

Wendy: Sounds delicious. What are your plans for the summer?

Brian: Our faculty was invited to foreign trip. If there are enough people in the group, we might travel to Switzerland to participate in the Internship program. I’m quite excited about this opportunity.

Wendy: Wow! That’s fantastic! You should definitely go. Don’t miss this opportunity. Besides, I think Switzerland is a beautiful country. You may get a chance to see the local sights in your free time. I’m so jealous. I wish we also had such an Internship.

Brian: Don’t you have one?

Wendy: Unfortunately, no. All we are going to do during the summer is to help the hotel manager at the «Lotus» with minor tasks. As for me, it can get boring.

Brian: Indeed, I thought Internship included more responsibilities for the students. If you want I can ask my tutor whether students of other branches can participate in our foreign exchange.

Wendy: That would be lovely. Let me know if he says «yes». I’ll have to discuss this trip with my parents and I’ll gladly join.

Brian: Ok, then I’ll ask him. Besides, I thought they needed more students to fill the group.

Wendy: That would be marvellous. I can’t say Switzerland is the place which I planned to visit in the nearest future, but I still will be happy to have such an informative Internship.

Brian: What about your term-exams? Have you passed them yet?

Wendy: Not all of them. I have one more exam to go and then I’m free. All the rest is passed with excellent marks. The last one is the most difficult.

Brian: What subject is it?

Wendy: Psychology. I need to study hard this week to pass it.

Brian: I see. For me it’s also one of the most difficult subjects. Oh, well. I wish you luck with this exam. And I’ll let you know if there are still places for the Internship. I need to go now. We are having a short student meeting.

Wendy: Thanks. I’ll see you later then. Have a good day!

Домашнее задание: на основе диалога, представленного выше, составить свой диалог об одном дне из жизни колледжа.

Раздел 3

Человек, здоровье, спорт.

Тема 3.1 Здоровый образ жизни

План изучения темы:

  1. Здоровый образ жизни

  2. Имя существительное. Множественное число имен существительных.

Краткое содержание темы:

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How do you think what means expression a healthy lifestyle?

  2. What people have to do for maintenance of a healthy lifestyle?

  3. Do you carry the way of life to healthy? Can you give examples to support your viewpoint?

Read the text below and say what people can do to be healthy .

Let me tell you about my own attitude to sports and sportsmen.
To begin with I must say that sport is one of the things that always keep people fit. 1 think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Physically inactive people get older earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If you do daily exercises regularly you feel refreshed, have a good posture and that makes you feel well.
Wise people say that good health is a great blessing. Everyone should do all possible to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good working order free from diseases and pain.
There is a truthful Latin proverb: «A sound mind is in a sound body». If you want to keep yourself fit, you are to go in for sports.
Sport is very popular in our family. Together with my father we do our usual morning exercises at home and twice a week we have our basketball training in the sports club and in summer we like to swim most of all, because swimming makes a man healthy and strong.
I’m a hockey fan, too. I try to watch every hockey match on TV. Moreover I take part in different sports competitions which our school organizes from time to time. The most popular kinds of sport in our school are football, basketball, gymnastics, and wrestling. Some boys are also fond of boxing. Among girls callisthenics is very popular. All these sports have their strong supporters.
My favourite kind of sport is tennis. I have been playing it since I was eleven years old, and the more I play it, the more I like it. There is a good tennis court not far from my house and I often go there with my friends.


to keep fit — быть здоровым, быть в форме
to do daily exercises — ежедневно делать физзарядку
to feel refreshed — чувствовать себя бодрым, обновленным
posture — осанка
blessing — благо
disease — болезнь
truthful — верный, правильный, правдивый
competitions — соревнования
wrestling — борьба
callisthenics —ритмическая гимнастика

Образование множественного числа существительных.

Согласно основному правилу множественное число существительных в английском языке образуется путем добавления к концу слова окончания –s или es (если существительное оканчивается на -s, -sh, -ch, -x, а также для ряда существительных, имеющих испанское происхождение и заканчивающихся на -o, как tomato, mosquito, potato, hero, veto: tomato — tomatoes).

В существительных же, оканчивающихся на букву -y с предшествующей согласной, y изменяется на i и добавляет -es:

lady — ladies, party — parties.

Если букве -y предшествует гласная, то добавляется просто -s:

boy — boys.

В существительных, оканчивающихся на букву f/fe во множественном числе меняется на v+(e)s:

shelf – shelves.

Некоторые существительные в виду исторических причин имеют иные способы построения множественного числа:

man – men, woman – women, tooth –teeth, foot – feet, goose – geese, mouse – mice, louse – lice, child – children, ox – oxen, brother – brethren (братия).

Упражнение 1. Напишите данные существительные во множественном числе.

Артикль «a» обозначает «один» (one). Во множественном числе артикль «a» не ставится.

ПРИМЕР a hat – hats (одна шляпа – шляпы)

  1. a cat –…

  2. a box –…

  3. a boy –…

  4. a foot –…

  5. a glass –…

  6. a bus –…

  7. a sock –…

  8. a child –…

  9. one man –…

  10. one woman –…

  11. one mouse –…

  12. one house –…

  13. one tooth –…

  14. one goose –…

  15. one sheep –…

Упражнение 2. Запишите данные ниже существительные в соответствующие колонки таблицы.

a party, a banana, a room, a day, a fly, a knife, a sandwich, a university, a shelf, a play, a key, a taxi, a way, a tragedy, a language, a comedy, a parrot, a dog, a watch, a puppy.

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильный ответ

1. I have a friend. His name is Alex. He lives in the UK. He likes to chat with 1)…… from different 2)…..

1. a).child b).children c).childrens

2. a). countrys b)countrees c). countries

2. Alex is a pupil, he likes to read 1)…..and to play 2)……

1. a).book b).books c).bookes

2. a). chess b)chesses c).chess’s

3. Alex is a good friend and I want to give him my present: a beautiful 1)……and interesting 2) ….

1. a). watches b) watchs c). watch

2. a).book b).books c).bookes

4. Alex likes animals too. He has a big 1)…… with beautiful 2)… it

1. a). aquariums b) aquariumes c). aquarium

2. a).fishes b) fish c). fishs

5. We study foreign1)…..? Because we want to communicate with 2)…..from allover the world.

1. a). languages b) language’s c). languagies

2. a). peoples b). peoplez c). people

Домашнее задание: не предусмотрено.

Тема 3.2 Виды спорта

План изучения темы:

  1. Спорт в России

  2. Спорт в Великобритании

  3. Олимпийские игры. Спорт в моей жизни.

Краткое содержание темы:

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How many kind of sports do you know?

  2. What kind of sports are popular in Russia?

  3. Are you engage any kind of sports?

Sport in Russia

Sport in Russia has always been popular. Perhaps more then a half of Russians have tried some kind of sport in their childhood. Some of them even in several types.

So which sports are better developed in Russia? Here can be seen the following pattern. Russia, as a rule, has good results in classical kinds of sport. This is in some ways connected with the period of Soviet Union when big attention was paid to physical education of the youth. But the lessons of Soviet school didn’t go without any influence.

Tennis has a large popularity. Some people connect that with the fact that this sport was a hobby of Russian ex-president Boris Yeltsin. Today Russian tennis players are famous all over the world. Sharapova, Kurnikova, Kafelnikov, Miskina are only the best known Russian tennis players. They play wonderfully at Wimbledon and other competitions.

Ice-hockey is another one successful sport in the country. The Russian team takes worthy places in competitions There are only 2 hockey players which became championship winners 10 times. These are Russian sportsmen Alexander Rogulin and of course Vladislav Tretyak. Nowadays there are also good players in Russian hockey. Many of them train in NHL.

And of course the favorite sport of many women is figure skating. This is a very beautiful show. And here Russia is still the leader.


Sports play an important part in the life of the English people. All sports are very popular among them. The British are proud that many sports originated in their country and then spread throughout the world. The national British sports are: football, golf, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, snooker, steeplechase, racing, darts.

Football the most popular game in the world is of two kinds in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer played almost in all countries remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated at Rugby public school. In this game players may carry the ball. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball.

Golf, one of the popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland.

Englishmen are fond of cricket. Cricket is played in schools, colleges, universities. Test matches with other countries are held regularly. The game is very slow.

Table tennis was invented in England in 1880. But the British players are not lucky in tennis international championships.

Wimbledon is known world-wide as the centre of lawn tennis. Wimbledon championships begin on the nearest Monday to June 22, when the weather is fine. The Championships are watched on TV live and at full length by millions of people.

Steeplechase, a cross country running, is popular in European countries. The first cross country race took place in 1837.

Englishmen like all kinds of racing. Horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing are very popular in England. The most famous boat race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1820 and has been held almost every spring since 1836. A lot of people come to watch it.


I. Match the English word or phrase with its Russian equivalent.

Snooker (billiard) прямая трансляция

lawn tennis игра «Метание стрелок»

table tennis гонки

darts скачки, бег с препятствиями

steeplechase снукер

racing большой теннис

live broadcasting настольный теннис

II. Here are descriptions of some of the British sports. Match them up to the given sports.

1. In this game players may carry the ball. a) cricket

2. It is a cross country running b) table tennis

3. It first started in 1820 c)rugby

4. The game is very slow. d)boat race

5.It was invented in 1880 e)soccer

6. It remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain f) steeplechase.

III.Can you answer the following questions?

1. What kinds of football are there in Great Britain?

2. What is one of the most popular sports in Britain? Where did it originate?

3. What is the second most popular sporting activity in England?

4. What is Wimbledon famous for?

5.What kinds of racing do you know?

6. What is the most famous race in England? When and where was it first held?

Olympic Games

The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games.

The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.

The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others.

The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly.


peace — мир
fraternity — братство
contain(s) — содержать
ancient — древний
B.C. (before Christ) — до нашей эры
Zeus — Зевс
to participate — участвовать
to resume — возобновлять

Read the text again and answer the questions:

1. What are the world’s greatest sports games?
2. What does the Olympic idea mean?
3. What is the Olympic emblem?
4. Why have these colours been chosen?
5. When and where did the original Olympic Games begin?
6. Did women participate in the games?
7. When were the first modern Olympic Games held? Where?
8. Are the Olympics held in the same place?
9. When did the Winter Olympic Games start being held? Where?

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составить сравнительную характеристику видов спорта в России и Великобритании.

Раздел 4


Тема 4.1

Жизнь в городе и деревне

План изучения темы:

  1. Жизнь в городе и деревне

  2. Общий и притяжательный падеж имени существительного.

Краткое содержание темы:

Read the text and answer the question.

Urban and rural life: advantages and disadvantages

Some people prefer hustle and bustle of big cities, while others prefer peaceful lifestyle of rural areas. Tastes differ. There is no definite answer which lifestyle is better. In my opinion, everything depends on personality. Let us examine more thoroughly some advantages and disadvantages of both rural and urban life.

Living in a city can be very convenient. There are a lot of opportunities of education, career and social life. If you live in a big city, you have many education options to choose from. You can graduate from the most renowned and reputed universities or educational institutions, find a well-paid job and have more opportunities for personal development. Besides, the social life is so diverse. There are lots of theatres, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and art galleries. Urban life will definitely suit an individual who prefers to lead an active lifestyle and who think that there are too few hours in a day.

However, there are lots of disadvantages of urban life. One of the most burning problems a city dweller faces every day is heavy traffic. People who stuck in traffic jams have to delay their plans or even miss important meetings. People are always in a hurry and pressed for time. Besides, big cities are overcrowded and its population is growing with every passing day. Another problem of big cities is air and water pollution caused by industrial plants, domestic heating and traffic. It is generally agreed that air pollution as well as smog have harmful impacts on health. Thus, in recent years people are getting more and more concerned about ecological problems. I am sure all people must unite efforts to save our Planet. Moreover, urban poverty can be the reason of many crimes, such as burglary, pickpocketing and robbery. The last but not the least, gambling, drug addiction, unemployment are just few biggest problems that have become acute in almost all big cities.
There are a lot of advantages of rural life. The rural areas are not as crowded as urban ones. People live in the harmony with nature.

Just imagine, how awesome is to wake up with birds singing and the first rays of sunlight and go fishing. You can walk barefoot or sleep in a hammock. Village people keep the livestock and do gardening. Undoubtedly, all homemade products, like sour cream or cottage cheese, do taste better. Moreover, people who live in the country are more open, friendly and warm-hearted. They are one big family. The last but not the least, living in a country is good for health. People eat fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy products and meat. The air is fresh and less polluted. The roads are less dangerous and you can safely ride a bike.

However, there are also some disadvantages of living in the village. First of all, it is a commuting problem. There is a lack of public transport in the country and that can be a great problem for people who need emergency assistance. Besides, if you want to make a career or get a higher education, you’ll have to commute between your home in the country and your office in the city.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that people should choose where to live, in or out of town, according to their preferences, lifestyle and vocation.


1) rural [‘гшг(э)1] — деревенский, сельский
2) urban [‘з:Ь(э)п] — городской
3) hustle and bustle of a big city — суета большого города
4) convenient [kan’viiniant] — удобный
5) to graduate from a university — окончить университет
6) renowned [n’naund] — знаменитый, прославленный
7) reputed [n’pju:tid] — имеющий хорошую репутацию; из¬вестный
8) educational institution — образовательное учреждение
9) personal development — личностный рост
10) there are too few hours in a day — в сутках не хватает 24-х часов
11) city dweller [‘dwela] — горожанин, городской житель
12) heavy traffic — интенсивное дорожное движение
13) traffic jam — затор на дороге, пробка
14) to delay [di’lei] — откладывать
15) to be in a hurry — спешить
16) to be pressed for time — совершенно не иметь времени; вре¬мя поджимает
17) overcrowded cities [.auvs’kraudid] — перенаселенные города

19) air / water pollution — загрязнение воздуха / воды
20) domestic heating — домашнее отопление
21) harmful — вредный
22) ecological problems — экологические проблемы
23) to unite efforts — объединить усилия
24) urban poverty [‘povati] — городская бедность
25) crime — преступление 18) overpopulation [.


‘leijl^n] — перенаселенность

Падеж – это грамматическая категория, которая отражает взаимосвязь существительного с другими словами предложения.

В современном английском языке существует только два падежа – общий и притяжательный.

Общий падеж (common case) английских существительных ничем не обозначен, то есть существительные в этом падеже имеют нулевое окончание (chair, car).

Притяжательный падеж (possessive/genitive case) чаще всего выражает принадлежность (отсюда название possessive).

Притяжательный падеж образуется при помощи знака апострофа и буквы s (‘s) или просто апострофа (). Последний способ используется для существительных во множественном числе (pupils’ work, cars’ colour) и греческих заимствований, оканчивающихся на  -iz] (Xerxes’ army, Socrates’ wife).

1. Однако если форма множественного числа образована не по обычному правилу (men, children), то в притяжательном падеже к ней прибавляется s:

men’s work – мужская работа

children’s toys – детские игрушки

2. Если существительное – составное, то s прибавляется к последнему его элементу:

mother-in-law’s advice – совет тёщи

passer-by’s surprise – удивление прохожих

3. Иногда s может относиться к нескольким существительным или целой фразе:

Peter and Sally’s kids – дети Питера и Сэлли

the girl I helped yesterday’s face. – лицо девушки, которой я помог вчера

Нужно учесть, что притяжательный падеж одушевленных существительных в английском языке строится при помощи окончания s, а для неодушевленных – при помощи предлога of:

Kevin’s hat – шляпа Кевина

income of the company – доход компании

Однако среди неодушевленных существительных есть исключения, которые можно поставить в форму притяжательного падежа через s:

1. Существительные, обозначающие время и расстояние:

today’s newspaper – сегодняшняя газета

a mile’s distance – расстояние в (одну) милю

2. Названия стран и городов:

Germany’s industry – промышленность Германии

New York’s streets –улицы Нью-Йорка

3. Названия газет и организаций:

the Guardian’s article – статья Гардиан (газета)

Red Cross’s volunteers – волонтёры Красного Креста

4. Слова nation, country, city, towns, ship, car, boat :

country’s treasures – сокровища страны

city’sstreets – улицы города

ship’s name – название корабля

car’s speed – скорость автомобиля

5. Названия месяцев и времени года:

January’s frosts – январские морозы

summer’s days – летние дни

Задания для самостоятельной работы: тренировочные упражнения по теме.

Тема 4.2

Отдых, путешествия

План изучения темы:

  1. Популярные места отдыха в России

  2. Путешествие по Великобритании

  3. Артикль. Понятие определенного, неопределенного и нулевого артикля.

Краткое содержание практического занятия:

Welcome to Russia

Every year millions of tourists visit Russia. There are many different reasons for travelling to Russia. First of all, it is the largest country in the world. Secondly, it is full of historical, architectural and natural wonders. Thirdly, Russia is a hospitable country, where visitors can easily feel at home. According to national tradition guests are always welcomed with bread and salt.

With the population over 140 million people, Russia spans eleven time zones and two continents. The culture of the country contains western and eastern features. A visit to Russia can become a fascinating adventure.

The cities that one should definitely visit include Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, and, of course, the “Golden Ring” towns. These places will help to learn more about rich Russian history. There are lots of museums, art galleries, historical monuments, ancient cathedrals, palaces of the czars.

Apart from that, there are unique landscapes, endless forests, several mountain ranges and crystal-clear water reservoirs. Everyone can find something enjoyable to do in Russia.

People, who like beach vacation, can visit the Black sea coast.

People, who are fond of old architecture, prefer spending time in such cities as Vladimir, Suzdal, Murom, Ivanovo.

Those, who like picturesque views, chose to visit Altai. To understand better the nature of Russian nation one should know its festivals and celebrations. One of the most favourite holidays in the country is Shrovetide, Maslenitsa in Russian. On this day people bake lots of pancakes and treat each other.

Read the text again and ask is statement TRUE (T) or False (F):

  1. There aren’t many different reasons for travelling to Russia.

  2. Russia is the hospitable country where according to tradition, guests are welcomed with bread and salt.

  3. The most popular cities in Russia for tourism include only Moscow, St. Petersburg and the «Golden Ring».

  4. The tourists who are interested in architecture have to visit such cities as Suzdal and Vladimir.

  5. Those, who like picturesque views, chose to visit Altai.

Travel across Great Britain.

Просмотр мультемедийной презентации « Welcome to the United Kingdom” и документального фильма « 10 городов, которые нужно посетить в Великобритании»

10 cities of Great Britain which should be visited at least once in life

10 — Belfast

If sometime brings you on the island, neighboring from Britain, do not forget to visit Belfast – the capital of Northern Ireland. It is interesting that it is the second city on the island of Ireland on the population (after Dublin, certainly). Here it is possible to see other side of the United Kingdom – that which «through the passage».


Despite the football glory, the city in the County of Merseyside it is known also for many other things. First, it is considered the cultural capital of Great Britain. And with an ulterior motive, there is the most large number of the museums and galleries outside London here. Secondly, Liverpool is called the capital of the pop music which presented to the world legendary The Beatles group. And thirdly, the most sign sight of the city — port constructions — is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

8- Bath

This city has to fans of novels of Jane Austen the be sign. Couples centuries ago it was one of the most visited cities of England. Since then a lot of things changed, and now will surprise nobody with thermal sources and the Roman baths. But there is a mass of monuments of an era of classicism which are brought in heritage of UNESCO. And tasty pastries!


This English city, despite the ancient shape, is completely impregnated with youth spirit, every year the best students from around the world here gather to get an education at the University of Oxford. If you want to get acquainted closer with the English traditions — Oxford will make it it is better than any other place. There is both an ancient architecture, and the picturesque nature, and rich history. Oxford definitely represents much bigger, than just the campus.

6- Glasgow

Today Glasgow is the city of contrasts as in it echoes of last industrialization and modern stylistic saturation mixed up. After London this city was the second most important in the British Empire and also was considered as one of the most impressive and the monuments of the Victorian architecture making an indelible impression in which in parallel there were awfully beggarly working quarters and madly rich imperial estates.

5- Cambridge

One more English city with the known university. Over the city small, it it is quite possible to travel by bicycle in a couple of hours. It is better for those: here it is ideal to be chosen to take a walk with family at the weekend. Besides the building of educational institution and adjacent constructions, here too it is worth visiting Fitzwilliam Museum – meeting of rare books and works of art from the beginning of the century which can be seen free of charge.

4- York

More medieval town, than York, you will not find in all Northern England. This place with unusual historical and cultural wealth. There is a wish to wander for hours about the ancient narrow streets weaved into a web in which center there is a Gothic York cathedral. Along with ancient architecture there is a place and here to modern institutions which are so necessary for each traveler: restaurants, cafe and pubs.

3- Manchester

Manchester located in a northwest part of England, Manchester is considered one of the most popular cities for visit in Great Britain. It is called the city of the future, daily here build new buildings and work on improvement of the existing infrastructure. Nevertheless historical values which it will be interesting to tourist to see in Manchester are enough too.

2- Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the second most visited city in Great Britain after London. The capital of Scotland is located on the hilly area on the bank of the Gulf Firth of Forth, sated with various historical sights. Ideal time for visit – at the end of summer when there takes place the well-known Edinburgh festival.

1- London

London is the political, economic and cultural capital of Great Britain whose amazing sights are known to tourists of the whole world. Irrespective of age, travelers will always find to themselves leisure to liking in the County of Greater London. They are waited for 30 ancient gardens and 120 buildings of historical value, by more than 200 museums, 600 movie theaters and 108 music halls. 33 London districts called by Boro, including the London City, occupy the territory over 1572 .

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составить пересказ о 10 городах Великобритании на основании выше предложенного текста и просмотренного фильма.

Просмотр видеопрезентации.

Артикль- это служебное слово, которое обычно не имеет самостоятельного значения и является определителем существительного. На русский язык артикль обычно не переводится.

В английском языке существует определенный и неопределенный артикль.

Неопределенный артикль

Неопределенный артикль имеет два вида написания и произношения:

a [Ə]перед словами начинающимися с согласной буквы: a map, a pen.

An [ ǝn]перед словами начинающимися с гласной буквы: an apple.

Неопределенный артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. Во множественном числе не употребляется, иногда заменяется неопределенными местоимениями some (несколько) any (любой, всякий).

1. Неопределенный артикль употребляется перед существительным, когда оно только называет предмет, классифицирует его как представителя определенного рода предметов, но не выделяет его конкретно.

  • a table — какой-либо стол (именно стол, а не стул)
    a chair — стул

2. при упоминании предмета или лица впервые

  • That’s a pretty girl. — Красивая девушка

3. в обобщающем значении:
Существительное с неопределенным артиклем в этом значении обозначает: любой, всякий.

  • A cow gives milk.
    Корова (всякая) дает молоко.

3. с профессиями:

  • My Dad is a Doctor. — Мой папа — врач.
    She’s an architect. — Она архитектор.

Определенный артикль

Определенный артикль имеет единственную форму: the. Индивидуализирующий артикль the произошел от указательного местоимения that — тот.

Определенный артикль ставится в том случае,

1. Если предмет или лицо, о котором идет речь, известны и говорящему, и слушающему (из контекста, окружающей обстановки или как ранее упоминавшиеся в данной речи).

  • It is a chair — это стул
    The chair is at the table — стул стоит возле стола

2. Повторно упомянутый, когда из предыдущего текста ясно, о чем речь:

  • The girl was beautiful. — (Эта) Девушка была прекрасна.

3. Ясный по ситуации, когда понятно, что/кто имеется в виду:

  • The lesson is over. — Урок окончен.

4. Имеющий индивилизирующее определение, то есть определение, выделяющее это лицо или предмет из ряда им подобных.

  • Определение,называющее признак:
    This is the house that Jack built. — Вот дом, который построил Джек

  • Определение,выраженное прилагательным в превосходной форме
    This is the shortest way to the river — Это самый короткий путь к реке

  • Определение, выраженное порядковым числительным
    He missed the first lecture. — Он пропустил первую лекцию

Определение,выраженное именем собственным
the Bristol road — дорога в Бристоль.

5. Перед существительными единственными в своем роде:

  • the sun — солнце
    the moon — луна
    the Earth — Земля
    the floor — пол (один в комнате)
    the sea — море (единственное в данной местности)

Тренирвочные упражнения

  1. Поставьте артикль “a” или “an”.

  1. … umbrella
    2. … idea
    3. … spider
    4. … extra cookie
    5. … toothbrush
    6. … earphone
    7. … amazing film
    8. … octopus
    9. … minute
    10. … question

2. Поставьте артикли с именами собственными там, где необходимо.

  1. We climbed … Mount Everest in … Himalayas.
    2. It is washed by … Atlantic ocean in … east.
    3. She lives in … Irkutsk, near … Lake Baikal. It’s … deepest lake in … world.
    4. … Canada is not in … USA.
    5. … Great Britain is situated to … west of … Europe.
    6. … Paris is … very beautiful city.
    7. … Germans drink much beer.
    8. He is in … Netherlands now.
    9. I’d like to visit … North Pole … next year.
    10. … University of … Oxford is very famous.

3. Поставьте артикль “a”, “an” или “the” там, где необходимо.

1. I like … chocolate and … sweets.
2. Does he listen to … jazz music in … evenings?
3. … bus over there is moving too fast.
4. There is … oval carpet on … floor.
5. I had … lunch in … café. … café was quite nice.
6. I’d like … cup of … coffee with … sugar and … milk.
7. … David can play … guitar but he can’t play … golf.
8. She bought … new pair of shoes.
9. Is there … bookstore near here?
10. Helen has got … parrot. – What’s … parrot’s name?
11. We are going to … beach by … car on … Friday.
12. … weather is nasty today and … sky is gloomy.
13. On … 14th of February … lot of people celebrate … St.Valentine’s Day.
14. My … teacher’s name is … Robert.
15. Do you remember … woman we saw last week?
16. My son is … schoolboy, he goes to … school in … Manchester.
17. Can you pass me … mustard, please?
18. People can’t live on … moon.
19. I really enjoyed … book you gave me.
20. What’s … longest river in … Russia? – I don’t know. I’m not good at … geography.
21. Look! … cheese costs 50 $ … kilo.
22. This is … second day of our trip.
23. … carrots are good for your … eyes.
24. … euro is stronger than … dollar today.
25. Diana has … sore throat. … throat makes it hard to talk.
26. You should turn … left and go straight.
27. … Jacksons live next door to us.
28. We are meeting … tomorrow at … noon.
29. I saw … elephant at … zoo.
30. … battery in … my smartphone is dead.

Задание для самостоятельной работы: тренировочные упражнения по теме.

Раздел 5.


Тема 5.1 Экология

План занятия:

  1. Охрана окружающей среды

  2. Климат России

  3. Климат Великобритании и США

Краткое содержание темы:

Лексика по теме- Экология



acid rain

кислотный дождь





be threatened with extinction

быть под угрозой вымирания



carbon dioxide / co2

углекислый газ/двуокись углерода

chop down

срубать, вырубать

conservation of natural resources

охрана природных ресурсов








захоронение, дампинг





endangered species

исчезающий вид

environmental сontamination

загрязнение окружающей среды

environmental protection

охрана окружающей среды

global environment facility (gef)

глобальный экологический фонд


место, среда обитания

hazardous wastes

опасные отходы


сжигание отходов



ozone layer

озоновый слой




загрязняющее вещество


вторичное использование, рекуперация, рециркуляция

unrenewable resources

невозобновляемые ресурсы



Используя приведенные выше фразы переведите предложения на английский:

1. Охрана окружающей среды может содействовать проявлению международным сообществом духа солидарности, поскольку все заинтересованы в сохранении своей общей среды обитания.

2. Охрана окружающей среды, и особенно сокращение выбросов парниковых газов, таких как двуокись углерода, имеет важное значение для устойчивого развития.

  1. Разрушение озонового слоя приводит к снижению количества планктона в мировом океане.

  2. Все отходы, выбрасываемые в воздух, разрушают озоновый слов и большее количество излучения проникает в атмосферу.

  3. Сейчас наша планета страдает от обезлесения, вырубка деревьев превратилась в настоящую экологическую проблему

  4. При сжигании нефти, угля, бензина, даже природного газа, они добавляют больше углекислого газа в атмосферу

  5. Вырубка лесов, загрязнение морей и интенсивное сжигание угля сдвинуло баланс кислорода, озона и углекислого газа в атмосфере, сделав озоновый “щит” планеты тоньше.

  6. Вырубание лесов, загрязнение воздуха и воды, слишком обширное использование невозобновимых источников энергии – вот основные проблемы.

  7. Национальная программа «Экологичная экономика» направлена на снижение уровня выбросов вредных веществ и создание экологически чистого производства.

  8. 60% загрязнения воздуха вызваны различными видами транспорта: автомобили, грузовики, автобусы.

Pre-reading questions:

  1. What do you know about climate in Russia?

  2. What do you think the climate in our country change in recent years ?

  3. What could influence climate change?

Climat in Russia

There is a global belief in the world that Russian climate is frosty and cold. However, not everyone is aware that due to its vast area Russia has versatile and changeable weather.

Much of the European plain is exposed to mild weather. In northern regions the weather is rather cold. People living there suffer from severe winters and lack of summers. There are places where temperature in January falls far below 50 degrees. On such days people try to stay home all day long. Nearly everyone in the country spends holidays in the southern part. It includes the area of Black Sea coastline. It is always warm and sunny there, except winters which are rainy, humid and snowy at times. Only mountainous areas in that region are exposed to heavy snowfalls. It is worth mentioning that southern region is rich in any type of harvest. Even unusual citrus plants grow there.

Last year we had a group of British students visiting our school. To show the warmest and nicest parts of the country we took them to Sochi. In fact, it’s a versatile city. It is equally possible to swim and sunbathe there and to go skiing in the nearby resort.

There is an established stereotype about Russia that it’s the country of extreme climates and I fully agree with it. Nowhere else you can find semi-tropics and polar deserts within the borderlines of one state.

Climatic conditions have always played a significant role in the history of the country. It is known that several wars were lost to Russia thanks to its cold and bitter winters.

Climate in Great Britain and the USA

Great Britain is situated on the islands. It is washed by seas from all the sides. That’s why the climate and the nature of Great Britain are very specific. It is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. There is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. It seldom snows. It rains very often in all the seasons. The weather changes very often. All this is due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.

The United States has many kinds of climate. The weather ranges from the warm, wet conditions of the Appalachians to the semi-desert or desert conditions in some of the western states. It varies from southern Arizona and southern Florida, where almost there is no winter at all, to the territory of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, where there are long, very cold and severe winters. In other words, the US has practically all the climatic zones.

Britain has a variable climate. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forcast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. Fortunately, as Britain does not experience extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The temperature rarely rises above 32°C (DOT) in summer, or falls below 10°C (14°F) in winter.

There are all kinds of differences in the climate of the US. For instance, all along the western coast, the temperature changes little between winter and summer. In some places, the average difference between July and January is as little as 10 degrees Centigrade. The climate along the northern part of this coast is similar to that of England.

But in the north central part of the country the temperature difference between winter and summer is very great — 36 degrees Centigrade and even more. The coldest days of January may be — 40 degrees Centigrade, and the hottest July days may be 45 degrees. In the eastern part of the US, the difference between summer and winter is also very distinct, but not so extreme.

So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and changeable. This humid and mild climate is good for plants. Trees and flowers begin to blossom very early in spring.

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составить монологические высказывания по теме « Сравнение климата России и Великобритании: схожесть и различие»

Тема 5.2

The United Kingdom

План занятия:

  1. Географическое положение Великобритании

  2. Лондон- столица Великобритании

  3. Местоимения. Разряды. Категории падежа.

Краткое содержание:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles and lies to the north-west of continental Europe. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east. In everyday speech the term “Great Britain” is often applied to the United Kingdom as a whole.

The British Isles consist of two main islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and a large group of smaller islands. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. Historically the territory of Great Britain is divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales. It doesn’t include Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is over 60 million people. The total area is 209 000 km2 (two hundred and nine thousand square kilometers).

The British landscape is very varied. Geographically the island of Great Britain is made up of three main regions: Lowland, Midland and Highland Britain. The Midlands occupy central counties of England. This is a region of valleys and low hills. Lowland Britain covers the territory of eastern and southern England. Highland Britain comprises Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennine Chain and the Lake District in England. Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of Great Britain. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest point (1343 metres). Along the western coast runs the mountain range of Cumberland. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland.

The rivers in Great Britain are quite short and most of them flow in the eastward direction. The rivers (the Thames, the Severn, the Tweed, the Trent, the Tyne) never freeze in winter and allow all-year navigation.

  1. Read text again and ask to the questions.

— What do Great Britain separate from continental Europe?

— What countries consist the United Kingdom?

— How many geographically regions made up Great Britain?


As we know London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the river Thames. It is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. Today Lon­don is an important port and a trading centre. It is quite clear that London is an industrial and cultural centre of Great Britain. It has the population of more than 8 million people.

People say that London is the city of contrasts. Because there the past meets the present, the old meets the new.

There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster. West End is the richest part, East End is the part where working people live, the City is the financial centre. The City is small, but it is an important commercial centre of the country. The Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City. Here we can find the Fleet Street, where newspapers and news agencies have their officies.

Trafalgar Square is known as the centre of London. There is the Nelson Column in its centre. The Houses of Parliament are situated there too. At one side of it we can see the famous Big Ben, the Thames is behind it with the Westminster Bridge. The Westminster Abbey is noted for its architecture. Kings and queens have been crowned there and many famous people were buried there. Tourists come to see its beauty and have a look at the memorials to Shakespeare, Milton, Bums, Byron.

As mentioned above London is a port city, its waterways play an im­portant role for the country.

Every year many visitors come to London, because there are places worth seeing. Historic buildings, museums, parks, galleries, streets are really attractive.


invader — захватчик

to crown — короновать

waterways — водные пути

attractive — привлекательный


1. Where is London situated?

2. What is the population of London?

3. Why is London important for the country?

4. What are the parts of London?

5. What is there in the City?

6. What is there in the centre of London?

7. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

Просмотр мультимедийной и видеопрезентации.

Общий падеж Subjective Case

Притяжательный падеж
Possessive Case

Объектный падеж

Objective Case

I — я

My —Мой, моя, мое, мои

Me — Меня, мне, мной, обо мне

You — ты, вы

Yours — Твой, твоя, твое, твои, ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши

You- Тебя, тебе, тобой, о тебе, вас, вам, вами, о вас

He — он

His — его

Him — Его, ему, им, о нем

She — она

Her — ее

Her- Ее, ей, ею, о ней

It — он. она, оно (неодуш.)

Its — его, ее (неодуш.)

It- Его, ему, им, о нем (неодуш.)

We — мы

Our — наше

Us- Нас, нам, нами, о нас

They — они

Their — их

Them- Их, им, ими, о них

Who — кто

Whose — Чей, чья, чье, чьи

Whom- Кто, кому, кем, о ком

Переведите на русский

  1. My cat likes to play with a ball.

  2. She wants to talk to your manager.

  3. The teacher found his mistakes

  4. Our family likes to rest in Crimea, we adore its nature

  5. They look after our children

  6. He is speaking with their mother.

Задание для самостоятельной работы: обобщение и повторение материала, подготовка к тесту.

Раздел 6.


Тема 6.1

Современные технологии

План занятия:

  1. Современные технологии в образовательных и дошкольных учреждениях

  2. Наука и жизнь

  3. Числительные: количественные, порядковые, дробные

Краткое содержание

Количественные числительные от 1 до 100

1 – one

13 – thirteen

30 – thirty

2 – two

14 – fourteen

40 – forty

3 – three

15 – fifteen

50 – fifty

4 – four

16 – sixteen

60 – sixty

5 – five

17 – seventeen

70 – seventy

6 – six

18 – eighteen

80 – eighty

7 – seven

19 – nineteen

90 – ninety

8 – eight

20 – twenty

100 – one hundred

9 – nine

21 – twenty-one

10 – ten

22 – twenty-two

11 – eleven

23 – twenty-three

12 – twelve

24 – twenty-four

Количественные числительные от 100 и до …

101 – one hundred and one

102 – one hundred and two

200 – two hundred

300 – three hundred

1000 – one thousand

1001 – one thousand and one

1346 – one thousand, three hundred and forty-six

3000 – three thousand

10 000 – ten thousand

100 000 – one hundred thousand

1 000 000 – one million

1 000 000 000 – one milliard (привычнее в Англии) и one billion (привычнее в США)

Упражнение 1. Запишите цифровое выражение буквенным.

Пример: 1,623,457 = One million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand,four hundred and fifty-seven.

  1. 130

  2. 1050

  3. 110 620

  4. 1 560 287

  5. 11 987 630

Порядковые числительные

1 – one – first (один – первый);

2 – two – second (два – второй);

  • 3 – three – third (три – третий);

  • 4 – four – fourth (четыре – четвертый);

  • 5 – five – fifth (пять – пятый);

  • 6 – six – sixth (шесть – шестой);

  • 7 – seven – seventh (семь – седьмой);

  • 8 – eight – eighth (восемь – восьмой);

  • 9 – nine – ninth (девять – девятый);

  • 10 – ten – tenth (десять – десятый);

  • 11 – eleven – eleventh (одиннадцать – одиннадцатый);

  • 12 – twelve – twelfth (двенадцать – двенадцатый).

Ну а в таких порядковых числительных, как двадцатый, тридцатый, сороковой и т. д., конечную —y меняем на —ie:

  • 20 – twenty – twentieth;

  • 30 – thirty – thirtieth;

  • 40 – forty – fortieth.

Для составных порядковых числительных английского языка характерно то, что только последнее слово принимает форму порядкового числительного, а все остальные остаются количественными:

  • 53 – fifty three – fifty-third;

  • 307 – three hundred and seven – three hundred and seventh;

  • 600 – six hundred – six hundredth;

  • 9000 – nine thousand – nine thousandth;

  • 1000 000 – one million – one millionth.

1. Подберите к указанным порядковым числительным подходящую пару.

Н-р:  the 56th – the fifty-sixth (пятьдесят-шестой)

  1. the 30th the forty-ninth

  2. the 2nd the sixty-eighth

  3. the 17th the thirtieth

  4. the 81st the fifth

  5. the 5th the second

  6. the 23rd the eighty-first

  7. the 49th the seventy-fourth

  8. the 116th the twenty-third

  9. the 74th the seventeenth

  10. the 68th the one hundred and sixteenth

2. Напишите следующие даты при помощи порядковых числительных.

Н-р: The New Year is on (31.12). – The New Year is on the thirty-first of December. (Новый год — тридцать первого декабря.)

  1. The Women’s Day is on (08.03).

  2. Victory Day is on (09.05).

  3. Christmas in Russia is on (06.01).

  4. Christmas in America is on (25.12).

  5. St. Valentine’s Day is on (14.02).

  6. Halloween is on (31.10).

Задание для самостоятельной работы: тренировочные упражнения по теме.

Раздел 7


Раздел 7.1

Условия жизни современных подростков

План раздела:

  1. Глагол: смысловой, вспомогателный, модальный

  2. Быт современных подростков в России и Великобритании.

Краткое содержание темы

Понятие о глаголе в английском языке.

Глаголом называется часть речи, которая обозначает действие или состояние лица или предмета:

My brother works at a factory.

Не slept for six hours.

Мой брат работает на фабрике.

Он спал шесть часов.

Глагол отвечает на вопросы: what does the person (thing) do? что делает лицо (предмет)?, what is done to the person (thing)? что делается с лицом (предметом)?

Глаголы бывают простые и производные.

Простые глаголы не имеют в своем составе ни префиксов, ни суффиксовto do делать, to run бежать, to takбрать.

Производные глаголы включают в свой состав суффиксы или префиксы: to discharge разгружать, to shorten укорачивать.

По своему значению и выполняемой в предложении роли глаголы делятся на смысловыевспомогательныеглаголы-связки и 







Смысловые глаголы (Notional Verbs) имеют самостоятельное значение и употребляются в предложении в роли простого глагольного сказуемого

Не speaks French. Он говорит по-французски.

They returned yesterday. Они возвратились вчера.


Вспомогательные глаголы (Auxiliary Verbs) не имеют самостоятельного значения и служат для образования сложных глагольных форм. К ним относятся глаголы to be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would)

She is reading a book. Она читает книгу.

I have read the newspaper. Я прочел газету.

Не will go there. Он пойдет туда.


Глаголы-связки (Link Verbs) служат для образования составного именного сказуемого. Основным глаголом-связкой является глагол to be.

Не is an engineer. Он инженер.

The box was heavy. Ящик был тяжелый.

В качестве глагола-связки употребляются также глаголы to become, to grow, to get, to turn в значении становиться, to look выглядеть и др.

Не became a doctor. Он стал врачом.

She looks ill. Она выглядит больной.


Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs) употребляются в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Они выражают возможность, вероятность, необходимость, желательность совершения действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом. К ним относятся глаголы can, may, must, ought, need. Модальные глаголы в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола служат в предложении составным глагольным сказуемым

Не cаn read German. Он умеет читать по-немецки.

I must do it at once. Я должен сделать это немедленно.

Не may come soon. Он, может быть, придет скоро.

You ought to help him. Вам следует помочь ему.

You needn’t go there. Вам не нужно идти туда.

Модальные глаголы являются недостаточными глаголами (Defective Verbs), так как у них нет всех форм, которые имеются у других глаголов

Упражнение 1. Переведите с английского на русский.

  1. Molly is reading a magazine.

  2. England were beaten by Germany in the final

  3. In some years, they will have established community gardens.

4. He can play hockey.

5. They may go to the cinema.

6. I may open the window.

7. Children and adults must clean their teeth twice a day.

8. Children must go to school

Упражнение 2. Поставьте в пропуски have got, has got, haven’t got or hasn’t got.

  1. I _________ long fair hair.

  2. My mum _________ big blue eyes.

  3. My dad ________ short dark hair.

  4. I _________a little mouth.

  5. My brother ______ little ears.

  6. My friend __________a big nose.

  7. My granny __________ a small face.

  8. My teacher __________ short hair.

Упражнение 3. Задайте вопросы. Используя do или does.

Пример: Do they speak English in the camp every ?

1. Yan / speak English / in the camp / every day?

2. he / play / board games?

3. Nick / eat / Polish food / in the camp?

4. they / go hiking?

5. children / go / on a trip / every day?

6. Nick / have / English classes / every afternoon?

7. they / sometimes / sit / by the fire / or / round the Christmas tree?

Быт современных подростков в России и Великобритании.

Any teenager has problems. The teenager has to find the place in society. He plans the future, hopes to find decent work after school. Thus, each person will have problems, whether it be financial or emotional. «Young people do not know what is wanted, but are full of determination to achieve it», — the famous Italian film director Federico Fellini said.

Transition to adulthood at many come from the childhood without global problems.

But teenagers indeed great experimenters. They work on the hairstyles, change musical addictions, go to religion, bring into fashion diets and the relations for one night. They try to try everything, to do everything in own way, trying to find out and as after all it will be correct.

During the teenage period of the young man and girl, both Great Britain, and Russia, begin to work on themselves. They have questions of the following character: «Who do I am?», «What should I do in this life?», «And sense of all this?». On some questions answers are quickly. Teenage period becomes that beginning of search of own adulthood. Trying to show the independence, they also understand that they financially still depend on parents. Teenagers of Great Britain are concerned more by questions of a healthy lifestyle. The same problems are also in Russia. Having worked information on life of teenagers in Great Britain, we draw a conclusion that concerns teenagers also such questions as: education, future profession.

To find out what problems concern teenagers most of all, we conducted survey. 20 people aged from 14 up to 17 years. They told us about the problems. As a result it turned out that they are concerned :

1.relationships with parents and with friends.

2.overload at school and a problem of communication with teachers.

3. shortage (and even absence) pocket money and a problem to find work.

4.problems carrying out leisure.

5. smoking of close people (or presence of this habit at), alcohol, early sex life.

Тема 7.2

Друзья и хобби

План темы:

  1. Мое хобби, интересы, увлечения

  2. Мои друзья

Краткое содержание

Как рассказать о своих увлечениях

In my free time I like to listen to music.

В свободное время я люблю слушать музыку.

Dancing is my favorite pastime.

Больше всего я люблю танцевать.

When I have some spare time, I watch TV.

Когда у меня есть немного времени, я смотрю телевизор.

When I get the time, I go to the cinema.

Когда у меня есть время, я хожу в кино.

Knitting is my hobby.

Мое хобби — вязание.

I relax by playing with my kids.

Я отдыхаю, играя с детьми.

I don’t like parties.

Мне не нравятся вечеринки.

I hate shopping.

Я ненавижу ходить по магазинам.

I can’t stand boxing.

Я терпеть не могу бокс.

I’m not interested in comic books.

Я не интересуюсь комиксами.

I’m not really into dance music.

Мне не особо нравится танцевальная музыка.

Грамматические конструкции «I am interested in», «I am keen on», «I am into», «I’m fond of», «I like…»

При обсуждении хобби и интересов очень удобно использовать эти конструкции. Рассмотрим примеры:

I am interested in cooking.

Я интересуюсь кулинарией.

I am keen on hockey.

Я увлекаюсь хоккеем.

I am into rock music.

Я люблю рок-музыку.

I’m fond of theater.

Я люблю театр.

Заметьте, что слово love применительно к вещам имеет в английском более сильное значение, чем в русском. Если «I like football» можно перевести как «Я люблю футбол», то «I love football» — это «Я обожаю футбол».

Еще один простой способ ответить на вопрос, что вам нравится — использовать фразу «I like…» (мне нравится). Однако, есть определенная разница между конструкциями «like doing» и «like to do».

Форма like + -ing используется, когда говорится об интересах в общем смысле:

She likes reading.

Она любит читать.

He likes singing.

Он любит петь.

I like painting.

Я люблю рисовать.

В свою очередь, like + инфинитив используется, когда речь идет о конкретных предпочтениях:

She likes to read sitting in the garden.

Она любит читать, сидя в саду.

He likes to sing Elvis Presley’s songs.

Он любит петь песни Элвиса Пресли.

In autumn I like to paint sunset landscapes.

Осенью я люблю рисовать закатные пейзажи.

Мои друзья

Read the dialogue and answer the question.

Ricky: Hi, Jane. How are you? Haven’t seen you for ages.

Jane: Hi, Ricky. I’m fine, thanks. And you? I’ve been at the seaside with my parents

Ricky: Good to hear. Are you enjoying your summer holiday so far?

Jane: Yes, I am. I love the sun, the sea and the green plant that I see around.

Ricky: Since you’re back can we go to the cinema one day.

Jane: Yes, of course. I’m planning to have a fun weekend with my best friends this week. Are you with us?

Ricky: With pleasure. Who else is on the team?

Jane: You know them pretty well. By mentioning my best friends I mean Anna, Bryan and Lindsey.

Ricky: I surely remember Anna, but I can’t remember Bryan and Lindsey. Who are they? Where are they from?

Jane: You must be kidding! Bryan is Anna’s older brother, while Lindsey is their cousin. They are my best friends since childhood.

Ricky: I still can’t remember them. How do they look?

Jane: Well, Anna as you know is a tall dark-haired girl with big brown eyes. She prefers wearing jeans and funny T-shirts.

Ricky: I know, I know. Tell me about Bryan and Lindsey.

Jane: Bryan is also tall. He’s got short dark hair and brown eyes. He also prefers wearing jeans and various fashionable T-shirts. He’s kind, friendly and with good sense of humor.

Ricky: How about Lindsey?

Jane: Lindsey is so much different. She’s got long blonde hair and big green eyes. She is neither tall, nor short.

Ricky: What kind of personality does she have?

Jane: Oh, she is a wonderful person. She is very kind, understanding and reliable. She is a real friend.

Ricky: As the saying goes: «A friend in need is a friend indeed».

Jane: That’s right. Although, she is not the only one who supports me in difficult situation.

Ricky: Really? Who else is your good friend?

Jane: You, of course. That’s why I want you to meet my best friends. I’m sure you’ll love them.

Ricky: Thanks for your trust in me. I’m glad I can meet them. When will you introduce me to them?

Jane: I think tomorrow is a good day for friends’ party.

Ricky: You’re right. Tomorrow is Saturday and we have only a few lessons. So, we can meet after the lunch at the school playground.

Jane: Sounds good. See you there then.


Раздел 8


Тема 8.1


План занятия:

  1. Досуг подростков в Великобритании

  2. Простое настоящее время

Краткое содержание

British Youth

Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are quite independent people. Relationships within the British family are different now. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions.

For example, children aged 13 may be employed part time in Great Britain. Aged 16 they can leave home, marry with «parents’ consent». Age 18 can vote, get married, drink in pubs.

Education is a very important part in the life of British youth. One can’t become an independent person without it.

During the last 30 years there were a lot of different trends in youth movements. Those trends are known as the «hippies», the «punks», the «rockers».

But certainly there are different traditional youth organizations in Great Britain. Among them — the Scout Association, the National Union of Students.

oung people from all walks of life are united according to their interests by the established youth organizations in Great Britain. These organizations develop because of the contribution of both full-time and part-time youth workers and a great number of volunteers.

Outdoor pursuits involve everything from pony trekking to rock-climbing or canoeing and help young people go out from the confines of their homes or their environment. Such pursuits nourish a spirit of self-reliance and help to realize the importance of teamwork. All the major youth organizations hold outdoor pursuits either by organizing special residential courses or by sending their members to take part in established courses or seminars in other cities and countries.

Local authorities and a number of multipurpose youth organizations provide the place for such activities as canoeing, sailing, rock-climbing, map reading, orienteering and cooking for survival; all of them encourage initiative and self-discipline.

Among providers of outdoor places are the Sports Council, the Outward-Bound Trust, the Ocean Youth Club, the Sail Training Association, ‘and the Nautical Training Corps.

The Outward-Bound Trust is the longest established and most experienced organization in Britain based on outdoor pursuits, personal development, and training. It has five centres in the English Lake District, Wales, and Scotland. It operates in 38 other countries of the world. It has centres in Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. This organization is based on two simple principles: firstly, that everyone is capable of achieving more than he might imagine, and, secondly, that too few people have a real appreciation of what can be achieved by team-work and mutual support.

The National Union of Students was founded in 1922. It promotes the educational and social interests of students.

But certainly the most numerous is the Scout Association, founded in 1908 for boys and in 1910 for girls by Lord Baden-Powel. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills. Scout training is complementary to the ordinary education.

Everyone in Great Britain can find the activity he likes most.

Present Simple — простое настоящее время

Время Present Simple обозначает действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова. Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е. Present Simple обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но не привязаны именно к моменту речи.

I live in London.- Я живу в Лондоне.
The meeting starts at 6 o’clock- собрание начнется в 6 часов..

Образование Present Simple

Утвердительные предложения:

I play

We play

You play

You play

He / she / it plays

They play

Вопросительные предложения:

Do I play?

Do we play?

Do you play?

Do you play?

Does he / she / it play?

Do they play?

Отрицательные предложения.

Английский глагол во временной форме Present Simple почти всегда совпадает со своей начальной, то есть указанной в словаре, формой без частицы to. Лишь в 3-ем лице единственного числа к ней нужно прибавить окончание -s:

I work – he works

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавляется окончание -es:

I wish – he wishes

К глаголам на -y с предшествующей согласной тоже прибавляется окончание -es, а -y заменяется на -i-:

I try – he tries

Если же глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей гласной, то -y сохраняется и добавляется только окончание -s:

I play – he plays

Маркеры настоящего простого времени

always — всегда

often — часто

usually — обычно

once in a while — изредка; иногда

once a week — раз в неделю

twice a week — два раза в неделю

sometimes — иногда

seldom — редко; нечасто

hardly ever — практически никогда

never — никогда

every day/week/month — каждый день/неделю/месяц

и др. (всё, что связано с регулярностью, повторяемостью событий)

Упражнение 1 Добавьте окончание — (e) s, где это необходимо:

  1. Your father … that we are here. (know)

  2. These cameras … too much for me. (cost)

  3. Paul … interested. (seem)

  4. I … coffee very much. (like)

  5. The bus … at the corner. (stop)

  6. Chuck … Jessica to the movies every Saturday. (take)

  7. The children … just like their mother. (look)

  8. He … everything you teach us. (remember)

Упражнение 2 Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. Если в скобках стоит вопросительное слово, вопрос должен быть специальным. Обратите внимание, что вопрос может содержать отрицание. В таких случаях в скобках будет небольшая подсказка.

  1. Mr. Baker works in a bank. (where?)

  2. Bob’s parents play tennis. (who?)

  3. The soup tastes good.

  4. The plane leaves at 6’olock. (when?)

  5. Wood and paper burn easily, but glass doesn’t burn at all. (what? (Что вообще не горит?)

  6. Jane loves flowers. (who?)

  7. This house belongs to Mary.

  8. I go to the market every week. (how often?)

Упражнение 3. Расспросите Мэри о ней и ее муже Сэме. Составьте вопросы, используя действия внизу.

like opera (любить оперу) smoke (курить)

drive a car (водить машину) speak German (говорить на немецком)

have dogs or cats (иметь собак или кошек) listen to rock music (слушать рок музыку)

play tennis (играть в теннис) play the violin (играть на скрипке)

live in the country (жить за городом) go to the gym (ходить в спортзал)

Н-р: Do you live in the country?- No, we live in the city. (Нет, мы живем в городе.)

Does Sam play tennis?- Yes, he plays it twice a week. (Да, он играет в него

дважды в неделю.)

  1. ……………………? — Yes, I speak German. (Да, я говорю по-немецки.)

  2. ……………………? — No, but we have hamsters. (Нет, но у нас есть хомячки.)

  3. ……………………? — No, he doesn’t like opera. (Нет, он не любит оперу.)

  4. ……………………? — No, but I ride a bicycle. (Нет, но я езжу на велосипеде.)

  5. ……………………? — Yes, he plays the violin. (Да, он играет на скрипке.)

  6. ……………………? — Yes, I listen to it in the morning. (Да, я ее слушаю по утрам.)

  7. ……………………? — No, he doesn’t like cigarettes. (Нет, он не любит сигареты.)

  8. ……………………? — Yes, I often go to the gym. (Да, я часто хожу в спортзал.)

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составление монологического высказывания по теме « Сравнительная характеристика досуга молодежи в России и в Великобритании»; тренировочные упражнения на время Present Simple; подготовка к контрольной работе по пройденным темам.


Тема 9.1

Средства массовой информации

План занятия

  1. Средства массовой информации и коммуникации

  2. Кино, телевидение.

  3. Компьютерные технологии

  4. Интернет

Краткое содержание:

Mass Media

Mass media is a broad concept. It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet and else. It’s hard to imagine life without mass media nowadays. Media plays very important part in everyday life. It informs us about current affairs in the world. It educates us, gives a possibility to learn something new. It certainly entertains us in different ways.

Mass media influences the way people dress, eat, communicate and many other parts of our lives. It can often make people change their views on different matters. Millions of people watch TV every day, listen to the radio in cars, read newspaper and magazines. Everyone finds something interesting through means of media.

Of course, not all that we see, hear or read is objective. Sometimes the information can be altered. However, I believe that good reporters try to deliver us only reliable information. My favourite types of media are TV and Internet. I often watch interesting films on TV or educational channels, such as Animal Planet and National Geographic.

As for Internet, it probably unites all media sources nowadays. So I can easily watch the same films or channels online. Besides, Internet is also used for mass communication, so I use it to talk to my friends. I don’t usually listen to the radio but if my parents turn it on in the car, I enjoy it. We also buy sometimes newspapers and magazines from kiosks.


1). Television nowadays has become one of the most important mass media. 2), It informs, educates and entertains people. 3). It influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views. 4). In other words, mass media, and especially television, mould public opinion.

5). Millions of people like to watch TV in their spare time. 6). The TV set now is not just a piece of furniture. 7). It is someone who is one of the families. 8). There are two viewpoints on television. 9). Some people think that television is doing a lot of harm. 10). People begin to forget how to occupy their free time. 11). It prevents them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends, or relatives. 12). And indeed, people used to have hobbies, they used to go outside for amusements to the theatres, cinemas, sporting events. 13). They used to read books and listen to music. 14). Now all free time is given to television.

15). But there are a lot of people who consider TV to be helpful because it gives us a lot of information. 16). We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. 17). We can see famous people, great events that will pass into history. 18). Television gives wonderful possibilities for education: you can take a TV course in history, economy, in learning foreign languages and in many other subjects.

19). Television brings the world in your living-rooms. 20). We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn their customs, occupations, and problems. 21). TV gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. 22). To crown it all, TV simply helps us to relax after a hard day’s work, giving a great variety of entertaining and musical programs.

23). Still, it’s not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day long. 24). It’s very harmful for their health and for developing personalities, because children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or banal serials. 25). All this by no means contributes to what we call making a personality.

— Are you a passionate TV viewer?
— I can’t say so. In fact I only watch those programs that I find interesting and helpful.
— What are those programs?
— Well, I enjoy «The Travellers’ Club» and «The World of Animals». They are regular TV programs. They help me to study history, geography, biology.
— And what about information programs?
— There are plenty of them now. It goes without saying, that I try to watch the most important of them, «Vesti», «Time» and others. They keep me informed in all the topical issues of the day.
— What TV programs do you watch for entertainment?
— I relax when I watch musical shows, humorous programs, TV games such as «What? Where? When?», «The Lucky Chance», «Brain Ring» and others.
— What is your attitude towards advertising on TV?
— I find it boring and annoying.


Cinema is one of the best types of art and cinematography is considered to be one of the rare wonders. It has appeared in the end of the 19th century. Cinema is a combination of different types of art: music, theater, literature, painting and else.

Every decade has brought something new for the cinema. For example, in the 30-s the main genres were musicals, gangster stories, mute comedies and horror films. The 70-s were the times of political movies and French comedies. The 90-s brought lots of westerns and spy films.

Whereas, nowadays, we have so many new genres, among them thrillers, adventure films, underground, science fiction and many others.

The first movies were mute and black-and-white. The sound was invented in 1926. Approximately in the 30-s the first colour movie appeared in the USA, and in the 60-s in our country.

Today we have all kinds of possibilities. We can watch new movies in the cinema, on TV, on DVDs, on your computer, online and else. Before the appearance of DVDs, people used to watch films on video tapes, which is now considered to be a bit old-fashioned.

Cinema is also a powerful force in contemporary life. Many famous actors and actresses set the fashion, so the society depends on cinema a lot. British and American people are very fond of cinemas. They are considered to be real cinema-goers.

Internet and Modern Life

   The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundred of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other.
   The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war, when everything around might be polluted by radiation and it would be dangerous to get out for any living being to get some information to anywhere. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest and safest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the net will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology was called packet switching.
   Invention of modems, special devices allowing your computer to send the information through the telephone line, has opened doors to the Internet for millions of people.
   Most of the Internet host computers are in the United States of America. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundred of millions of users and their number is growing.
   Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. Other popular services are available on the Internet too. It is reading news, available on some dedicated news servers, telnet, FTP servers, etc.
   In many countries, the Internet could provide businessmen with a reliable, alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems its own system of communications. Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of the world. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for international calls around the world, when you pay a good deal of money.
   But saving money is only the first step and not the last one. There is a commercial use of this network and it is drastically increasing. Now you can work through the internet, gambling and playing through the net.
   However, there are some problems. The most important problem is security. When you send an e-mail, your message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of the computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. But there are many encoding programs available. Notwith-standing, these programs are not perfect and can easily be cracked.
   Another big and serious problem of the net is control. Yes, there is no effective control in the^Internet, because a huge amount of information circulating through the net. It is like a tremendous library and market together. In the future, the situation might change, but now we have what we have. It could be expressed in two words— an anarchist’s dream.


1. What is the Internet?
2. When and where did the history of Internet begin?
3. Why was the Internet designed?
4. What is modem?
5. Where are most of the Internet host computers?
6. What is the accurate number of internet users?
7. What is the most popular Internet service today?
8. What are other popular services available on the Internet?
9. What is the most important problem of the Internet?
10. Why is there no effective control in the Internet today?
11. Is there a commercial use of the network today?


network — сеть
to embrace — охватывать, окружать
user — юзер, пользователь
to design — задумывать, придумывать, разрабатывать
to survive — выжить
nuclear war — ядерная война
to pollute — загрязнять
dangerous — опасный
path — путь, маршрут
available — доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный
the net — интернет, сеть
packet switching — пакетное переключение
invention — изобретение
accurate — точный
to count — считать, сосчитать
approximately— приблизительно, примерно
to receive — получать
message — послание
to provide — снабжать, доставлять, обеспечивать
reliable — надежный
alternative — альтернативный
provider — провайдер, поставщик
security — безопасность
router — маршрутизатор
to intercept — перехватить (сигнал и т. д.)
to encode — кодировать, шифровать
notwithstanding — тем не менее, однако, все же
to crack — взломать
huge — большой, гигантский, громадный, огромный
to circulate — передвигаться/двигаться в пределах чего-то
tremendous —разг. огромный, гигантский, громадный; потрясающий

Задание для самостоятельной работы: составить доклад по теме « Современные технологии в моей жизни»

1. Match the English word with the Russian one.
Starve Заказать
Depend На вынос
Grill Зависеть
Takeaway Столовая
Family-sized Десерт
Dessert С пониженным содержанием жира
Low-fat Семейный
Canteen Голодать
Order Готовить на гриле
Make up sentences with the words

2. Study the theory in module 9a. Then use some, much, many, no, a lot of, any, a little, few. Translate
• I don’t have _____ bread, so I have to buy ________.
• I can’t talk to you now, I have got ________ time.
• Sarah drinks ___________ cola. It’s not good.
• I can cook an apple pie. There’s _________ milk.
• I can’t cook an apple pie. There’re ________ eggs.
• I am not very busy today. I haven’t got _________ to do.
• I haven’t got ________ friends. But I can rely on them.
3. Study phrasal verb in module 9. Use the phrasal verb take (off, back, out, away) to fill in the gaps. Translate
• Two sandwiches _________________, please.
• Shoes turned to be small, so I _________them_________ to the shop.
• It’s too hot here. I think I’ll ________ the fur coat ________.
• There’s a party with celebrities. So I am ____________ you ________ for the party.
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