Match the definition with the correct word from the list

Ex.1.Form verbs and adjectives from the following

profit, operation, economy,
decision, change, expansion, activity, success, diversity,

Ex.2. Give the English for:

і продавати товари; надавати послуги;
отримувати прибуток; заробляти гроші;
створювати бізнес; керувати підприємством;
торгувати; економічна ситуація; рішення;
власник компанії; діяти на; розширювати
бізнес; спеціалізуватися з чогось;
задовольняти потреби; залежати від;
споживання; нещодавно
створена компанія.

Ex.3. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a
similar meaning.



depend on


set up a business

go out of business

run a business

expand a business




necessities of life


sell out a business

establish a business

enlarge a business

operate a business




Ex.4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

to buy, loss, to close down a
business, to set up a business, unsuccessful.

Ex.5. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the verbs in the
right hand column.





















Ex.6. The words in the box frequently occur after

combinations that mean:

  1. a small card showing a
    person’s name, position and company name;

  2. a visit to clients, suppliers
    or other business contacts which takes you away from home;

  3. a document showing details of
    how someone aims to run the company, expand, introduce new product
    lines, and so on;

  4. the people who own a business

  5. the process of running a

  6. a college or part of
    university where courses on business subjects are taught;

  7. the organizations and people
    involved in business;

  8. a meeting with lunch to talk
    about work or to entertain clients;

  9. the ability to encourage or
    predict commercial activity;

  10. a gathering of people to
    discuss work topics;

  11. a letter
    about a business transaction, often following a certain form;

  12. a private investor who
    invests money in the establishment of new often risky, companies.

Ex.7. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below.

  1. a very large organization
    that owns companies in more than one country in order to obtain
    cheap raw materials and make efficient use of a local workforce;

  2. the money gained in a
    business deal, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the
    amount spent;

  3. a person or business that
    owns something;

  4. two or more people in
    business to make a profit by selling goods or services;

  5. commercial activities in

  6. a large group of companies;

  7. to enter new types of

  8. a nation’s
    system for allocating its resources among its citizens;

  9. a business
    that is just being started.

Ex.8. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. It’s been a pleasure …
    with you.

  2. My wife is a doctor, but I am
    … .

  3. Small shops … very quickly.

  4. She … her own company and
    proved to be a very good businesswoman.

  5. They work for an engineering
    … .

  6. When a … becomes bankrupt,
    its stock is of no value anymore.

  7. The company … its sales
    force from 10 to 20 representatives.

  8. … of that car bought it at
    an auto dealer.

  9. Have you ever … with this
    company before?

  10. He has no idea how … a
    successful business.

  11. An increasing number of
    European firms are … with Japan.

  12. Very hot weather … how
    people feel and act.

  13. She … her hunger by eating
    a steak.

  14. … of alcohol in that
    country is forbidden.

  15. That computer company is a …;
    all it has are few employees and a good idea.

Go out of business, in
business, to do business, company, corporation, the consumption, the
owner, dealt, trading, set up, start-up, expanded, to run,
affects, satisfied.

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Complete the definitions with the correct nouns from the Word List.
1 (plural n) something which isn’t necessary but makes a room, car, person, etc. more attractive
2 (n) a statement about all the members of a gToup that may be true in some situations but not all the time
3 (n) the way a person or group of people live, including the place they live in, the things they own, the kind of job they have and the activities they do
4 (n) hair that grows on a man’s top lip
5 — (n) a person who is your equal because they are the same age as you, have a similar job or social class
6 (n) someone whose behaviour, ideas, etc. people try to copy because they want to be like them —:—— (plural n) your ideas about what is right and wrong

Complete the definitions with the correct nouns from the Word List. 1 (plural n) something which isn’t necessary but maComplete the definitions with the correct nouns from the Word List. 1 (plural n) something which isn’t necessary but maComplete the definitions with the correct nouns from the Word List. 1 (plural n) something which isn’t necessary but ma

5 лет назад2.5K Следить

Ответы на вопрос | 2


2. lifestyle
3. stereotype
4. peer
5. moustache
6. idol/preceptor
7. conscience

5 лет назад


I met Wired sisters in their hotel after their sell-out concert at Riley’s in Manchester. In the last ten months, they have become the most talked about new band in Britain. I had lots of questions for them- Have they known each other from a long time? How long have they been playing together? Who writes their songs?
Lead singer Sal and lead guitarist Miranda have been together since secondary school. She has been making music since she was six but she has been writing songs since 2003. Miranda started when she was a little older- she has been playing the guitar since she was seven.
Sal’s boyfriend Stan has been playing the piano since he was just five. He has been going out with Sail for about a year. Their parents haven’t met each other yet because the band has been too busy touring and performing.
Julie, the group’s drummer, is silent while I talk to the other members of the band. I ask her «Why haven’t you said anything?» She explains «I have rehearsed all day for our next music video and I have just hanged on stage for two hours- I’m exhausted.

5 лет назад



Математика5 лет назад


Русский язык5 лет назад



Нужно определить в следующих предложениях где слова, такие как, «что», «как», «когда» являются СОЮЗАМИ, а где — СОЮЗНЫМИ СЛОВАМИ. Если можно, то объясните, пожалуйста. Заранее БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО! Помогите, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! 1. Этот листок, что иссох и свалился, золотом вечным горит в песнопенье. 2….

Русский язык5 лет назад

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1


1 salary

2 change

3 currency

4 bonus

5 cheque

6 price

7 exchange rate

8 cost


Ответ №2

1 — salary
2 — change
3 — currency
4 — bonus
5 — cheque
6 — price
7 — exchange rate
8 — cost

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Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the


1. craftsman a. a person who designs (and supervises the

construction of) buildings, etc.

2. design b. manner of doing anything

3. style c. drawing or outline from which smth may be made

4. to improve d. change position, move

5. architect e. skilled workman who practises a craft

6. pattern f. ability to do smth expertly and well

7. skill g. excellent example; sb or smth serving as a model

8. to transfer h. make or become better

9. morality i. (standards, principles, of) good behavior

Spelling — forming words with the correct letters in the correct order — Орфография — образование слова с правильными буквами в правильном порядке
Language — a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar, used by the people of a particular country or profession — Язык — это система общения, состоящая из звуков, слов и грамматики, используемая людьми той или иной страны или профессии
Vocabulary — all the words in a particular language — Словарный запас — все слова в определенном языке
Grammar — the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences — Грамматика — правила, по которым слова меняют свои формы и объединяются в предложения
Letter — one of the signs that you use to write words — Буква — один из знаков, который вы используете, чтобы написать слова
Pronunciation — the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced — Произношение – способ произношения языка или конкретного слова

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