Match russian word combinations from a for english ones from b

Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. Работа над специализированным текстом.

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных навыков.

Форма урока: урок применения знаний и умений;

Задачи: Образовательные: совершенствовать умения и
навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока по таким видам
речевой деятельности  как говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование. Практиковать

Развивающие: развивать устную речь по теме урока;
совершенствование мыслительных операций: синтеза, анализа, сравнения,
обобщения; развитие логического мышления, умения преодолевать трудности,
связанные с изучением материала; формирование иноязычных речевых  механизмов:
слухового и зрительного восприятия, выбора и комбинирования; развитие
индивидуальных учебных способностей,

Воспитательные: Поддержание интереса к учению и
формирование познавательной активности; воспитание культуры общения; воспитание
трудолюбия, усидчивости, организованности, активности и внимания.

Ход урока

Содержание урока

Время урока

1.Организационный момент

2.Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речи, введение в
языковую среду, подготовка учащихся к правильному интонационному и
фонетическому оформлению речи.

1.Приветствие, выявление отсутствующих, проверка
готовности к уроку, сообщение цели урока.

Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right.
Let’s start our lesson. Our  tasks are: to study new theme; to fix it and to
write down an independent work; to study new words and to read text. But at
first let’s work with tongue- twister Challenge and let’s make a talk about
something important in your life.

2-3 мин.


Проверка домашнего задания

Проверка слов по теме


Введение новой лексической и грамматической темы

1.Работа с тексом

2. Предлоги времени и места

20 мин

Закрепление нового материала.

1.Работа с упражнениями на карточках предлоги
времени) и работа с текстом по теме.

30-32 мин.

Подведение итогов работы учащихся на уроке. Сообщить
о домашнем задании.

open your dairies ant write down the homework is to make learn the rules and
new words.

The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.



are grouped into four general classifications, each of which can be
extinguished with a particular agent. As all types of extinguishing agents may
not be effective on all types of fires, this classification system makes it
possible to determine and use the type of extinguisher best suited for fighting
a particular type of fire. Below you can see the classification of fires under
ISO (International Standards Organization).

fires include
ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, fabrics, upholstery, rubber,
and plastics. To reduce the temperature of the burning material the best method
of extinction is cooling.

fires occur in
flammable liquids and solids such as gasoline, oils, solvents, paints, waxes.
Diluting and blanketing effects are most effective in extinguishing this class
of fires.

fires involve
flammable gases such as natural gas, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gases: butane,
propane, etc.), medical and industrial gases. This type of fire is also best
extinguished by blanketing and diluting. 

fires involve
combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, sodium, potassium, zirconium.
The main method of extinguishment is to remove oxygen from the surface of the
molten mass by blanketing it with a special powder which inhibits or “breaks” a
chemical chain reaction.

do not
constitute a fire class on their own, as electricity is a source of ignition
that will feed the fire until removed. The safest way to put out the fire is to
isolate the electrical supply or, if this is not possible, use a special
nonconducting extinguishing agent with blanketing or diluting effects. 

fires, which
have previously entered Class B, are today a new type of fires dealing with
high temperature cooking oils (vegetable and animal) and fats, although ISO
doesn’t define a separate classification for this fire type. Because of their
auto-ignition temperature, cooking oils fires are difficult to extinguish.
Fires of this class are effectively and safely fought by cooling and blanketing
methods of extinction. 


(fought, fought) a fire –
тушить пожар suit – подходить, соответствовать ordinary – обычный combustible – горючий; горючий материал flammable – воспламеняемый, воспламеняющийся

liquid – жидкий; жидкость solid – твердый; твердое

powder – порошок dilute — разбавлять

 dilution (diluting) – разбавление     involve –
включать в себя include – включать, заключать в себе molten mass –
расплавленная масса ignition – возгорание, воспламенение auto-ignition –
самовоспламенение isolate – изолировать

(put, put) out –
тушить (пожар)

equipment –
электрическое оборудование electrical supply – электроснабжение non-conducting — неэлектропроводный

cooking oil – масло, используемое при приготовлении


Match Russian word combinations from A for English ones from B.         

A         1.уменьшить температуру горящего материала  

2.         источник

3.         обычные горючие

4.         самый надежный способ потушить

5.         выделять в отдельную классификацию

B         1.
ordinary combustible materials

2.         define
a separate classification

3.         reduce
the temperature of the burning material

4.         the
safest way to put out the fire

5.         source
of ignition   

II.        Find
an “alien” word in each set.

1.         smothering, 
auto-ignition, oxygen dilution, blanketing

2.         include,
determine, involve, contain 

3.         gasoline,
solvent, sodium, liquid

4.         fight,
put out, reduce, extinguish 

III.       Study
signs and pictograms of fire classes given in Table 2. Fill in the columns for
description of fires and methods of extinction choosing appropriate information
from the box below the table.

Note: pictogram – пиктограмма (отображение общего
содержания сообщения в                               виде рисунка)

          NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
– Национальная ассоциация противопожарной защиты в США

Sign and  Pictogram

Description of Fires



British Standard 

Method of Extinction


            2                      3         

            4                      5                      6


Class A

Class A

Class A


Class B

Class B

Class B


Class C

Class B

Class C


no classification  

Class C

no classification


Class D

Class D

Class D


no classification

Class K

Class F

Description of Fires  

Method of Extinction

flammable gases  fires                       



    involving         energized         electrical  equipment

    including          cooking           oils,  fats and greases


a chemical chain reaction

occurring in burning metals                       

ordinary combustible materials fires

involving flammable liquids and solids

1. Используйте верный
предлог времени (in, on, at, for, since, during).

She has been in Africa …
. (Она находится в Африке с февраля.)

Dan has had his design
studio … several years.
(Дэн имеет свою
дизайн-студию в течение нескольких лет.)

The fishing season is to
start … a couple of weeks.
(Рыболовный сезон
начнется через пару недель.)

The kids worked on a farm
… their summer holidays.
(Дети работали на ферме
во время летних каникул.)

My car will be ready …
(Моя машина будет готова через 3 дня.)

My sister’s birthday is …
(День рождения моей сестры в сентябре.)

I am often very tired …

(Часто я очень уставший по вечерам в пятницу.)

It’s too cold here …
winter. (Здесь слишком холодно зимой.)

I got my driving license
2004 … the age of
23. (Я получил водительские права в 2004 году в возрасте 23 лет.)

We always visit our
parents … Christmas
. (Мы всегда навещаем родителей на

2. Вставьте
(предлоги места)

She waited for him
______the bus stop ______the end of Green Street.

This is the best cake
______the world!

My friend spent his
holiday ______a small village ______the mountains.

There are a few shops
______the end of the street.

Let’s meet ______the
entrance to the Supermarket.

Petersburg is ______the
Neva River.

Jane lives ______a
two-room flat ______ the third floor.

Gerhard has some nice
pictures hanging ______his office wall.

There’s somebody______
the door.

There’s somebody waiting
______the bus stop.

Wolfgang met
Michaela______ the way to work.

His office is _____the
top of the stairs.

There are lots of
managers_______ my company

1. Используйте верный
предлог времени (in, on, at, for, since, during).

She has been in Africa …
. (Она находится в Африке с февраля.)

Dan has had his design
studio … several years.
(Дэн имеет свою
дизайн-студию в течение нескольких лет.)

The fishing season is to
start … a couple of weeks.
(Рыболовный сезон
начнется через пару недель.)

The kids worked on a farm
… their summer holidays.
(Дети работали на ферме
во время летних каникул.)

My car will be ready …
(Моя машина будет готова через 3 дня.)

My sister’s birthday is …
(День рождения моей сестры в сентябре.)

I am often very tired …

(Часто я очень уставший по вечерам в пятницу.)

It’s too cold here …
winter. (Здесь слишком холодно зимой.)

I got my driving license
2004 … the age of
23. (Я получил водительские права в 2004 году в возрасте 23 лет.)

We always visit our
parents … Christmas
. (Мы всегда навещаем родителей на

(предлоги места)

She waited for him
______the bus stop ______the end of Green Street.

This is the best cake
______the world!

My friend spent his
holiday ______a small village ______the mountains.

There are a few shops
______the end of the street.

Let’s meet ______the
entrance to the Supermarket.

Petersburg is ______the
Neva River.

Jane lives ______a
two-room flat ______ the third floor.

Gerhard has some nice
pictures hanging ______his office wall.

There’s somebody______
the door.

There’s somebody waiting
______the bus stop.

Wolfgang met
Michaela______ the way to work.

His office is _____the
top of the stairs.

There are lots of
managers_______ my company

Описание задания[править | править код]

Match these Russian words and word combinations with the English adjectives from the vocabulary list (p. 198).


1) увлекательная, 2) оставляющая сильное впечатление, 3) легко читающаяся, 4) остроумная, 5) забавная, 6) волнующая, 7) достоверная, 8) трогательная, 9) трудно читающеяся, 10) производящая мрачное впечатление, 11) затянутая, 12) плохо написанная, 18) скучная, 14) неоригинальная.

Ответ на задание[править | править код]

Сопоставьте эти русские слова и словосочетания с английскими прилагательными из словарного списка (стр. 198).

A book can be:

1) fascinating; 2) powerful; 3) easy to read; 4) witty; 5) amusing; 6) exciting; 7) true-to-life; 8) moving; 9) heavy-going; 10) depressing; 11) slow-moving; 12) badly-written; 13) boring; 14) unoriginal.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]


Match these Russian words and word combinations with the English abjective from the vicabulary list.
1) Увлекательная, 2) оставляющая сильное впечатление,3) легко читающаяся,4) остроумная, 5) забавная, 6) трудно читающаяся, 10) производящая мрачное впечатление, 11) затянутая, 12) плохо написанная,13) скучная, 14) неоригинальная.

1 ответ:



1) fascinating
2) breathtaking
3) easily readable
4) witty / ingenious
5) funny / humorous / ridiculous
6) difficult to read / difficult readable
10) making a gloomy impression 
11) lengthy / prolonged
12) poorly written,/ badly written
13) boring
14) unoriginal.

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Aggression In Sports Essay

958 words — 4 pages — riceneutrino ✓ Expert Reviewed
Aggression is a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack, deliberately unfriendly behaviour or a disposition to behave aggressively. There are three types of behaviour:

· Assertive Play

· Instrumental Aggression

· Hostile Aggression

Assertive play is having no intent to harm, a legitimate force within the rules with unusual effort and energy. An example of this could be during a tennis match. A performer could be seen to perform an aggressive shot or serve to win a point. They may have no intent to harm or injure their opponent, but merely try and win the point so they are one step closer to winning the match. It is sometimes called channelled aggression. Instrumental aggression is having no anger but with the intent to harm, their goal is to win and uses the tactic `dirty play’. This is illegal in all sports except boxing. An example of this would be in football game when 2 players have a confrontation and later on one of those players has possession of the ball and the other player may but in an aggressive tackle to retaliate. Hostile Aggression is having the intent and goal to harm but with the arousal and anger involved. These are occasionally seen during a match, but these acts are the ones that are more than likely going to be written about in the following days newspaper headlines. This could happen when a player wants to take out a very influential player of a team, possibly the captain so puts in an in a powerful tackle. There are many reasons why sports players may get aggressive but the main reason are reasons such as home or away embarrassment, losing, pain, unfair umpiring, playing below their best, large score difference, low league standing, tiring near the end of a game, reputation of opposition, and last but certainly not least retaliation.

When players are highly motivated, low, depressed or players who feel that aggression is `wrong in life but ok in sport’ they are more likely to be aggressive because it increases arousal thus showing anger towards a person. The four theories that cause aggression are instinct theory where aggression is instinctive for the player and sport releases built up aggression, this could happen, for example in a game of football, where the player has been out with injury and has been wanting to come back. The next theory is by Dollard and he says that aggression is caused by frustration, where a player is being blocked in success of a goal, i.e. when not playing to full capability. The Social Learning Theory (Bandura) says that watching and practising learns aggression. Aggression Cue Hypothesis causes aggression by anger, by seeing a fellow player getting into a fight, the readiness for aggression would encourage the player to join in the fight.






is visited

What colour is this toy?

We listened to the girls (singing) Russian folk songs./We
listened to the Russian folk songs ( sung) by the girls.
2. The girl (washing) the floor is my sister./The floor (washed) by Helen looked very clean.
3. Who is that boy (doing) his homework at that table?/The exercises (done) by the pupils were easy.
4. The house (surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful. /
The wall (surrounding) the house was very high.
5. The girl (writing) on the blackboard is our best pupil. / Everything (written) here is quite right.
6. Read the (translated) sentences once more.
7. Name some places ( visited) by you last year.
8. I picked up the pencil (lying) on the floor.
9. She was reading the book (bought) the day before.
10. Yesterday we were at a conference (organized) by the pupils of the 10th form.
11. (Taking) the girl by the hand, she led her across the street.
12. It was not easy to find the (lost) stamp.
13. I shall show you a picture (painted) by Hogarth.
14. Here is the letter (received) by me yesterday.
15. Do you know the girl (playing) in the garden?
16. The book (written) by this scientist is very interesting.
17. Translate the worlds (written) on the blackboard.
18. We could not see the sun (covered) by dark clouds.
19. The (lost) book was found at last.
20. (Going) along the street, I met Mary and Ann.
21. Look at the beautiful flowers (gathered) by the children.
22. His hat (blown) off by the wind was lying in the middle of the street.
23. “How do you like the film?” he asked, (turning) towards me.
24. When we came nearer, we saw two boys (coming) towards us.
25. I think that the boy (standing) there is his brother.

Has he got small arms?
Has he got big eyes?
Has he got small legs?


migration a)

be equivalent b) значительный

treasureland c) кладовая

arable d) граница

increase e)
место рождения

климатические условия

storehouse g) поколение

considerable h) местоположение

climatic conditions I) северный

border j) природные

generation k) сокровищница

birthplace l)
пространный, обширный

location m)
занимать место

extensive n) домашний

natural resources o) быть

livestock p)
увеличивать, возрастать

reindeer q)

to occupy r) переселение

4.4 Combine the words in a and b to form phrases:


be equivalent to a) a new generation

to increase b) of smb’s children

multinational c) the production

to form d) region

considerable e) of deep rivers and lakes

the birthplace f) location

to be covered g) land resources

to specialize in h) natural resources

extensive network i) the area

to be famous for j) population

advantageous k) with

4.5 Think over your own sentences with the words and word-combinations in activities 4.3, 4.4.

The Tyumen Region is multinational.

4.6 Read the passages and number them in the correct order:

a) But
five more centuries were to pass before groups of brave men attracted
by the abundance of fur-bearing animals built the first wooden
fortresses at Tyumen, Tobolsk, Surgut, and elsewhere.

b) This
lowland area – in places it lays below sea level – is one of the
most extensive and flattest in the world and forms the gate to
Siberia. The green background of forest and swampland is shot through
with the silver threads of rivers. On the vast territory it is
possible to allocate four natural zones: tundra, forest, taiga and
forest-steppe. This huge area includes among others the Tyumen and
the Tomsk regions.

c) This
region was a remote province for many years, though the land was
famed for its furs and fish. Nobody could imagine what huge seas of
oil were concealed under this land of forest, lakes and marshes.

d) Western
Siberia occupies the huge expanse (area) between the Urals and the
Yenisey River and extends from the dry steppes of Khazakhstan in the
south to the cold shores of the Arctic Ocean in the north. With an
area of 936,000 square miles, it is one of the largest natural
regions of Russia.

e) In
ancient times the Russian merchants and Novgorod warriors who already
stood at the doors of Siberia by the 11th
century believed that they would find the legendary land of Lukomorye
here, filled with fairy-tale riches.

“Siberia: Epic of the Century”, by Vito Sansone)

4.7 Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

huge expanse, lowland area, extensive, flat, swampland, threads of
rivers, merchants, warriors, the abundance of fur-bearing animals,
wooden fortresses, to conceal, to be famed for, forest, lake, marsh,
fairy-tale riches, legendary land, to be attracted by, huge seas, to

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