Match each word or expression

A language family

are a subgroup of the Italic.

Germanic and Italic

is a group of language that have a common origin.

Greek, the Slavic and the Celtic languages

3) are
members of the Indo-European



are more closely related than English and Russian.

e) The
Romance languages

are subfamilies in the Indo-European family.

French and Italian

6) gave
rise to Dutch, English, German and the Scandinavian tongues.


5. Retell the text. The languages of Russia

we all know, Russia is a
country, which means it is a multilingual one. Linguists count about
150 different languages here, among which scientists paid attention
to all languages, starting with Russian, spoken
by 97 per cent
of the population, and finishing with the language of a small
community of 662 people living near the Amur River.

languages are very similar: representatives of different peoples can
speak their own language and perfectly well understand each other.
For example, a Russian can talk to a Byelorussian, a Tatar to a
Bashkir, a Kalmyk to a
Buryat. Some
languages, despite the fact they have a lot in common, can not be so
easily understood. This is the case of Mari and Mordvinian, Lezghin
and Avar. And, finally, there are the so-called isolated languages,
i.e. those which are completely different from all others.

majority of languages in Russia derive from one of four big language
families: Indo-European,
Altaic, Uralic and Caucasian ones. Each
language family has its common ancestor language. Many centuries ago
tribes, speaking the same languages, were constantly moving to other
territories, mixing with other ones, hence the division of a language
into several branches.

for example, belongs to the
Indo-European group of languages. There
belong also such languages as English, German, Spanish and many
others. A part of this group unites Slavic languages – Bulgarian,
Czech and Polish.

87 per cent of the population of Russia speaks languages of the
Indo-European group; only 2 per cent of them are not Slavic. Among
them let us mention German and Yiddish; Armenian (it makes a separate
group alone); Iranian languages: Ossetic, Kurdish, Tajik; Romanic
languages: Moldavian; and even Newindian spoken by Gipsies.

Altaic group of languages is
represented by three groups, such as Turkic, Mongolian and
Tungus-Manchurian. One of the
Uralic group of languages consists
of the Finno-Ugric group. ‘Finno’
has nothing to do with the state language of Finland: languages
forming this group simply have similar grammar and sounding. Among
Karelians, Komis, Maris, Udmurts, Mordvinians, and Lapps there are
persons who study and speak the Finnish language.

for the northern
Caucasian language
group, only specialists are able to point out their origins and
common roots. These languages have a very complicated grammar and
phonetics. There are sounds which do not exist in other languages.

of the branches of the northern Caucasian group is the Daghestan
group, which includes, for example, the language of Avars, Lezghins
and many other peoples. Daghestan is often referred to as ‘a
mountain of languages’ and ‘a
paradise for linguists’
as the field of work for them in this country is enormous.

are some languages which do not belong to any of four above mentioned
groups. These are languages of peoples in Siberia and the Far East.
All of them are represented only by small tribal communities of
speakers (Chukchis, Koryaks, Eskimos, Aleutians).

doubt, there are many different languages; but people still need a
common one. In Russia it is the Russian language, because Russians
represent the majority of the population in the country.

course, all languages are valuable, and we must do everything to
preserve them; but there is no possibility to publish all books in
every language: still, this can be done in the language spoken by

peoples in Russia are, unfortunately, losing their mother tongue, and
the list of such nations is quite long. In our towns and cities
Russian is becoming more and more popular and very often the only one
used. Nevertheless, there are national cultural centres trying to do
their best in order to save their identities.

peoples in Russia did not have any written languages at all till the
1920s. Georgians, Armenians and Jews were an exception. Germans,
Lithuanians, Letts, Estonians, and Finns used the Latin alphabet.
Some languages do not have any written form even today. The first
attempt to create written languages for peoples in Russia was
undertaken before the Revolution. Starting from 1936 everyone in the
country was taught to write using the Slavonic alphabet, as it was
believed that the common system could assist in learning the Russian
language quickly.

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Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, such as the temperature, and if there is wind, rain, sun, etc. Extreme weather is when the weather becomes excessive, such as too much sun or too little rain causing a drought. Do you know the words connected with extreme weather?

Match each word or expression from the box with its definition below. Look up the words in Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries and use the information in the entry to help you.

blizzard, dust storm, electrical storm, eye, flash flood, hurricane, sandstorm, thunderstorm, tornado, twister

1. a calm area at the centre of a storm

Click here to reveal the answer.


2. a column of water that is pulled up from the sea during a storm by a column of air that turns round and round rapidly

Click here to reveal the answer.


3. a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud that is narrower at the bottom than the top

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4. a snowstorm with very strong winds

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5. a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds

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6. a storm where there is very strong wind but little rain or snow

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7. a storm that carries clouds of dust in the wind over a wide area

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8. a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain

Click here to reveal the answer.


9. an informal word for a tornado

Click here to reveal the answer.


10. a violent storm in which electricity is produced in the atmosphere

Click here to reveal the answer.

electrical storm

11. a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean

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12. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds

Click here to reveal the answer.


13. a sudden flood of water caused by heavy rain

Click here to reveal the answer.

flash flood

How many did you get? Let us know in the comments!

Want more?

You can build your topic vocabulary with the groups of words related to the environment, such as extreme weather, in this mini-dictionary.

Next task. Take our Climate Change vocabulary quiz! 

Penal colony — A place where prisoners are sent to live, Colony of convicts — A place where prisoners are sent to work to serve their sentence , Gold rush — A rush to newly discovered goldfields in pursuit of riches, Imbalance — Being out of equilibrium or proportion, Unrest — Disturbed or uneasy state, Asylum seekers  — Those in search for protection and security , Incentives — Something that encourages a person to do something , People — trafficking — Illegal transportation of individuals by force or deception , Repatriated — To restore or return to the country of origin or citizenship , Ageing — Process of physiological changes ,

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Сопоставить — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.

TASK 5. Match each word or expression on the left with the correct def перевод - TASK 5. Match each word or expression on the left with the correct def русский как сказать

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TASK 5. Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right

a) motive 1. the same thing occurs again and again

b) there’s a pattern of… 2. families in which either the father or mother has left

c) we’ll do that house 3. reason

d) broken homes 4. we’ll rob this house


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


ЗАДАЧА 5. Соответствие каждого слова или выражения слева с правильным определением справа) мотив 1. то же самое происходит снова и сноваb) есть шаблон… 2. семьи, в которых отец или мать оставилаc) мы сделаем этот дом 3. Причинаd) сломанной дома 4. Мы будем ограбить этот дом

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


ЗАДАЧА 5. Матч каждое слово или выражение слева с правильного определения справа в) мотив 1. То же самое происходит снова и снова б) есть модель … 2. семьи, в которых отец или мать оставили в) мы будем делать, что дом 3. причина г) нарушена дома 4. мы будем грабить этот дом

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Задача 5. Соответствие каждого слова или выражения слева с определение на право

a) мотив 1. То же самое происходит снова и снова

b) схемы … 2 семей, в которых отец или мать оставила

c) мы будем делать, дом 3. Причина

d) сломанный дома 4. Будем роб этот дом

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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1. Tom does not get angry easily. He is very patient<span>.

2. Nadia is so </span>stubborn<span>. She never listens to anyone.

3. He blushes every time I talk to him. He’s so </span>shy<span>.

4. He doesn’t care about others feeling. He’s so </span>selfish<span>.

5. She has got a lot of friends. She’s </span>sociable<span>.

6. I really want to meet our new neighbours but I find it difficult to</span><span> break the ice</span><span>.

7. Ann’s honest and </span>reliable<span>. You can trust her.

8. Don’t believe everything Alice says. She’s a bit </span>insincere<span>.

9. She is </span>tall and thin with long,<span>straight </span>hair.

Артикль the употребляется в превосходной степени. Например:
He is the most clever student in his group.
It is the best book I have ever read.

Was your train late?

What did you dream about last night?

Didn’t you notice anything strange?

Wasn’t Billy the best student in his class?

I went to the cinema yesterday

We didn’t have a picnic last weekend.

Везде бородач и бельё вонючие лежит


The cold and snowy today.

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