Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right an arsonist

TASK 1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on перевод - TASK 1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on русский как сказать

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TASK 1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right:
1) an arsonist a) — attacks and robs people, often in the street
2) a shop-lifter b) — sets fire to property illegally
3) a mugger c) — is anyone who breaks the law
4) an offender d) — breaks into houses or other buildings to steal
5) a vandal e) — steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer
6) a burglar f) — kills someone
7) a murderer g) — deliberately causes damage to property
8) a kidnapper h) — steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places
9) a pickpocket i) — gets secret information from another country
10) an accomplice j) — buys and sells drugs illegally
11) a drug dealer k) — takes away people by force and demands money for their return
12) a spy l) — helps a criminal in a criminal act
13) a terrorist m) — uses violence for political reasons
14) an assassin n) — causes damage or disturbance in public places
15) a hooligan o) — hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey
16) a stowaway p) — takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course
17) a thief q) — murders for political reasons or a reward
18) a hijacker r) — is someone who steals
19) a forger s) — makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures
20) a robber t) — is a member of a criminal group
21) a smuggler u) — steals money, etc. by force from people or places
22) a traitor v) — marries illegally, being married already
23) a gangster w) — is a soldier who runs away from the army
24) a deserter x) — brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax
25) a bigamist y) — illegally carries drugs into another country
26) drug smuggler z) — betrays his or her country to another state


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


ЗАДАЧА 1. Матч каждое слово на левой стороне с соответствующим определением справа:1) поджигатель) — нападает и грабит людей, часто на улицеb 2 магазин lifter)-наборы огонь собственности незаконно3 c грабитель)-кто-то нарушает законd 4 преступника)-врывается в дома или другие здания, чтобы украстьe 5 Вандал)-грабит магазины, действуя как обычный клиент6 грабитель f)-убивает кого-то7 убийца g) — намеренно причиняет ущерб имуществуh 8 похитителя)-крадет вещи из карманов людей в местах массового скопления людей9) карманник я)-получает секретную информацию из другой страны10) сообщник j) — покупает и продает наркотики незаконно11) наркотиками дилер k) — отнимает людей силой и требует деньги за их возвращение12 шпион л)-помогает преступника в преступное деяние13 террористических м)-использует насилие по политическим мотивам14) убийца n)-вызывает повреждения или нарушения в общественных местахo 15 хулиган)-скрывает на корабль или самолет, чтобы получить бесплатный проезд16) p безбилетного пассажира) — берет под контроль плоскости силой и делает экспериментальные изменения курса17) вор q)-убийства по политическим мотивам или за вознаграждение18) угонщик r)-это тот, кто крадет19) кузнец s)-делает фальшивые деньги (false) или подписей20) грабитель-t)-является членом преступной группы21) контрабандист u)-крадет деньги и т.д. силой от людей или мест22) предателя v)-незаконно, женится, будучи уже замужем23) гангстер w)-это солдат, который убегает от армии24) дезертир x)-приносит товаров в страну нелегально без уплаты налога25) двоеженца y) — незаконно носит лекарств в другую страну26) наркотиков контрабандист z) — предает его или ее стране в другое государство

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Задача 1. Матч каждое слово слева с соответствующим определением справа:
1) Поджигатель) — атаки и грабит людей, часто на улице
2) магазин тяжелоатлет Б) — поджигает ценностей, незаконно
3) Грабитель с) — это тот, кто нарушает закон
4) преступник D) — врывается в дома или других построек, чтобы украсть
5) вандал е) — ворует у магазинов, действуя как обычный клиент
6) охранная е) — убивает кого-то
7) убийца г) — намеренно вызывает повреждение имущества
8) похититель Н) — ворует вещи из карманов людей в местах массового скопления людей
9) карманника я) — получает секретную информацию из другой страны
10) сообщником J) — покупает и продает препараты незаконно
11) наркоторговец K) — забирает людей силой и требует деньги за их возвращение
12) шпион л) — помогает преступника в уголовном деянии
13) террористическая м) — использует насилие по политическим мотивам
14) А. Убийца п) — приводит к повреждению или нарушению в общественных местах
15) Хулиган O) — шкуры на корабле или самолете, чтобы добраться бесплатный проезд
16) безбилетный р) — берет под контроль плоскости силой и делает ход изменения пилот
17 ) вор Q) — убийства по политическим мотивам или в награду
18) угонщик R) — это тот, кто крадет
19) фальсификатор S) — делает фальшивые (False) деньги или подписи
20) грабитель т) — это член Преступная группа
21) контрабандист и) — ворует деньги, и т.д. усилием от людей или мест,
22) предатель v) — женится незаконно, будучи замужем уже
23) бандитский W) — это солдат, который убегает от армии
24) дезертир х) — приносит товаров в стране нелегально, без уплаты налога
25) двумужница у) — незаконно осуществляет наркотики в другую страну
26) Препарат контрабандист г) — предает свою страну в другую страну

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Задача 1. совпадение всех слов слева с соответствующим определением о праве на:
1) Александру Киму a) — нападения и лишает людей, зачастую на улице
2) магазин-подъемник b) — поджог собственность, незаконно
3) предпринятое Насером c) — это тот, кто нарушает закон
4) преступника d) — перерывы в дома или других зданий с целью хищения
5) вандалозащищенная цветная e) — ворует из магазинов одновременно, как обычный клиент
6) Чердак f) — убивает кого-то
7) убийца g) — намеренно наносит ущерб собственности
8) похитителю h) — ворует вещи из кармана в людных местах
9) вырастают неуверенными я) — получает информацию из другой страны
10) Пособник j) — покупает и продает наркотики незаконно
11) торговца наркотиками k) — принимает людей, силы и требует денег для их возвращения
12) a Spy l) — помогает уголовного в уголовном законе
13) террористической m) — использует насилие по политическим причинам
14) пуля убийцы n) — причины повреждения или беспорядков в общественных местах
15) Ромео o) — скрывает на судне или плоскости для получения бесплатного путешествия
16) безбилетными p) — контроль над плоскости с помощью силы и делает на экспериментальном изменить курс
17) вор q) — убийств по политическим причинам или вознаграждение
18) похититель r) — является тот, кто ворует
19) forger s) — делает контрафактные (поддельные) деньги или подписей
20) грабительское t) — является членом преступной группы
21) контрабандиста u) — ворует деньги, и т.д. с помощью силы от людей и мест
22) предателем v) — выходит замуж незаконно, в браке уже
23) Goomah w) — солдата, который работает от армии
24) дезертиром x) — объединяет грузов в стране незаконно, без уплаты налога
25) bigamist y) — незаконно наркотики в другой стране
26) контролю над наркотиками контрабандиста z) — разоблачают его или ее страны в другое государство

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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attacks and robs people, often in the street

sets fire to property illegally

is anyone who breaks the law

breaks into houses and other buildings to steal

steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer

kills someone

pretends or claims to be what he is not

deliberately causes damage to property

steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places

gets secret information from another country

buys and sells drugs illegally

takes away people by force and demands money for their return

helps a criminal in a criminal act

steals from his own company

uses violence for political reasons

causes damage or disturbance in public places

hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change

murders for political reasons or a reward

is someone who steals

makes money by dishonest business methods, e.g. by selling
worthless goods

makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures

is a member of a criminal group

steals money, etc. by force from people or places

marries illegally, being married already

is a soldier who runs away from the army

brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax

illegally carries drugs into another country

betrays his or her country to another state

hunts illegally on somebody else’s land

A 1) an arsonist a) attacks and robs people, often in the street

2) a shoplifter b) sets fire to property illegally

3) a mugger c) helps a criminal in a criminal act

4) an offender d) uses violence for political reasons

5) a vandal e) steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer 6) a burglar f) kills someone

7) a murderer g) deliberately causes damage to property

8) a kidnapper h) steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places

9) a pickpocket i) gets secret information from another country

10) an accomplice j) buys and sells drugs illegally

11) a terrorist k) breaks into houses or other buildings to steal 12) a drug dealer l) is anyone who breaks the law

13) a spy m) takes away people by force and demands money for their return

B 1) an assassin a) is a soldier who runs away from the army

2) a hijacker b) betrays his or her country to another state

3) a stowaway c) is someone who steals

4) a thief d) murders for political reasons or a reward

5) a forger e) causes damage or disturbance in public places

6) a smuggler f) is a member of a criminal group

7) a robber g) marries illegally, being married already

8) a gangster h) makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures

9) a traitor i) steals money etc. by force from people or places

10) a deserter j) hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

11) a bigamist k) brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax

12) a hooligan l) takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change the course

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Тип занятия: обобщающий по теме «Преступления и наказания»).


  • Расширение кругозора учащихся, их знания об особенностях судебного процесса
  • Повышение интереса к правовому устройству другой страны, к изучению английского языка,
  •  Активизировать употребление лексики по теме.


Воспитательный компонент:

  • формирование представлений о судебном процесс англоговорящих стран;
  • способствовать воспитанию у учащихся уважительного и терпимого отношения к судопроизводству и культуре другой страны;
  • развитие умения работать в группе;.

Образовательный компонент

  • формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке;  
  • развития умения воспринимать информацию на слух; совершенствование речевых навыков.

Развивающий компонент:

  • совершенствовать навык драматизации;
  • развивать умения  анализировать и обобщать; 
  • развитие способности к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям;
  • развивать способность самостоятельно приобретать новые знания с последующим их применением.

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • Интерактивная доска Smart Board
  • Презентация
  • Раздаточный материал
  • Карта урока
  • Политическая карта мира

Учебный материал: раздаточный материал

Ход занятия

1. Организационный момент, обозначение целей и задач занятия.

T. Hello, boys and girls! Today at our lesson we’ll revise our knowledge about crime and criminals. At the end of the lesson we’ll watch a role-play “At the police station” and “At the court”.

Task1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right:

1. an arsonist

a. attacks and robs people, often in the street

2. a shop-lifter

b. sets fire to property illegally

3. a mugger

c. is anyone who breaks the law

4. an offender

d. breaks into houses or other buildings to steal

5. a vandal

e. steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer

6. a burglar

f. kills someone

7. a murderer

g. deliberately causes damage to property

8. a kidnapper

h. steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places

9. a pickpocket

i. gets secret information from another country

10. an accomplice

j. buys and sells drugs illegally

11. a drug dealer

k. takes away people by force and demands money for their return

12. a spy

l. helps a criminal in a criminal act

13. a terrorist

m. uses violence for political reasons

14. an assassin

n. causes damage or disturbance in public places

15. a hooligan

o. hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

16. a stowaway

p. takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course

17. a thief

q. murders for political reasons or a reward

18. a hijacker

r. is someone who steals

19. a forger

s. makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures

20. a robber

t. is a member of a criminal group

21. a smuggler

u. steals money, etc by force from people or places

22. a traitor

v. marries illegally, being married already

23. a gangster

w. is a soldier who runs away from the army

24. a deserter

x. brings goods into a country illegally without paying taxes

25. a bigamist

y. illegally carries drugs into another country

26. a drug smuggler

z. betrays his or her country to another state

Task2. Continue the following table with the words from Task 1 where possible. The first few are done for you. Consult the dictionary when necessary:



Criminal Act



to betray



to steal



to murder

Task3. Complete the sentences (Учащимся, поделенным на две группы, раздаются карточки с английскими и русскими выражениями. (Игра «Найди пару»). Учащиеся свободно двигаются по классу и ищут «пару». Затем, когда они находят соответствующие выражения, читают их вслух.))

: who

conducts a trial and passes the sentence is called…

  • has a first-hand knowledge of the event and gives evidence under oath in court
  • brings a suit against another person
  • in co-operation with other persons is to decide the truth of the case tried before the judge
  • helps in a crime or who keeps a crime secret
  • acts for the state in prosecuting criminals
  • is appointed to try small offences in Britain
  • breaks laws
  • is believed or suspected of committing a crime and brought before the court
  • suffers from an offence
  • steals something out of your pocket in a crowded street or bus

Task 4: Answer these questions.

  1. Who presides over the court in England?
  2. What are the functions of a judge?
  3. What are the duties of advocates in court?
  4. Who gives evidence in court?
  5. What kinds of crimes do you know?
  6. What kinds of punishment imposed on the convicts do you know?
  7. .What may a witness tell?
  8. .Have you ever been at a trial?
  9. Have you ever been a party (a witness) in a civil trial?
  10. Has a convicted person the right to complaint?
  11. Have you ever been the victim of a crime?
  12. Who passes the sentence on the accused in the British court?
  13. Is the public admitted to the courtroom when a criminal case is tried?
  14. In what cases do the proceedings go behind the closed doors?
  15. What punishment might be imposed on a witness if he does not tell the truth?
  16. What Russian (American, British, French, etc.) film depicting a
    court trial would you like to single out?

T: Very good. Do you know any interesting facts from life concerning our topic? I think yes.

Continue my statement: Believe it or not, but

PI: the Port Fairy jail (Australia) was built by a Yorkshirement named Broadbent who celebrated its completion so gaily that he became its first prisoner in 1857.

P2:. according to the law adopted in several states of the US, women can easily divorce their husband if they prove the men snore too loud at night.

P3: Sir Shadwell (1779-1850), Vice Chancellor and second highest ranking jurist in England tried a case near Barn Elms while swimming in the river Thames. The Lawyers argued from the river bank and the jurist handed down his verdict while in the water.

P4:.when a masked man tried to rob the post office at Darley Abbey. Derbyshire, an official just threw a cup of hot tea in the face and the bandit fled.

Р5: the governor of India signed a law banning riding in a public bus for a person who had a meal seasoned with garlic. The law breakers may be sentenced to confinement or a fine of 10 dollars.

Task5: Give definitions of the following notions in English:

  1. jury;
  2. jail;
  3. plaintiff;
  4. verdict;
  5. confinement;
  6. criminal code;
  7. burglary;
  8. acquittal;
  9. alibi;
  10. barrister;
  11. evidence;
  12. cross-examination;


T: Some students of your group prepared a role-play for you.

T: Listen to the problem which Paula has and try to retell it. She is at the police station (за столом сидит полицейский, в дверь вбегает испуганная девушка):

Paula: I want to report a theft.

Policeman: A theft?

Paula: Yes, a man stole my tape-recorder, my money and my documents, He took all these things from my house. Some minutes ago I opened the door with my key and saw somebody in the room. It was a man. I cried and he run through the window.

Policeman: Yeah, yeah! Not so fast. I have to write all this down. Now,what was the thing?

Paula: A tape-recorder and, more important than that, my money and…

Policeman: Was it expensive, lady?

Paula: Sorry? Was it … what?

Policeman: Don’t shout! Just keep calm! Was your tape-recorder expensive?

Paula: I don’t really know. About 200 pounds.

Policeman: 200 what?

Paula: Pounds! English money! But look! I’m far more interested in my passport and money!

Policeman: What’s that got to do with it? I thought you said it was about your tape-recorder!

Paula: Oh! I’m ill after a talk with you!

Policeman: Never mind. We’ll find this man.


T: Now we are at the court (за столом сидят судья, присяжные, прокурор и адвокат, чуть поодаль обвиняемый. Судья вызывает свидетелей)


Judge: You were on duty today at night?

Wilkins: Yes.

J: Where were you?

W: I was in the High Street.

J: Did you see anyone in the High Street at that time?

W: Yes, I did.

J: Can you tell the court whom you saw?

W: I saw the accused.

J: Where was the accused when you saw him?

W: He was outside the house.

J: Could you see what he was doing?

W: He was climbing out of a broken window of the house.

J: How far from the house were you when you saw the accused?

W: About 50 yards.

Advocate: Your Honour! May 1 put him a question?

J: Yes, you may.

A: You said it was evening. How could you see what the man was doing at that distance?

W: It was a moonlight night. There was a full moon.

A: Did the accused run away when he heard you coming?

W: He didn’t hear me coming.

A: He didn’t hear you coming? Police constables wear very heavy boots, don’t they?

W: Yes, they do.

A: Were you wearing heavy boots on that occasion?

W: I was.

A: The High Street has stone pavements, I believe.

W: Yes.

A: Heavy boots make quite a lot of noise on stone pavements?

W: Yes, they do.

A: But the accused did not run away. Do you really believe that he didn’t hear you coming?

W: He didn’t hear me coming. I caught him just as he had climbed out of the window.

A: Do you expect the jury to believe that you could not be heard and that there was no time for the accused to run away?

W: I was on a bicycle at the time. Rubber tyres do not make a noise.

A: I have no questions. Thank you.

Public prosecutor: Your Honour! I think this man is guilty. He went in the house of this girl by breaking the window. He took her things, money and documents. He works nowhere and doesn’t want to work. Why I ask you? Because he is lazy. Of course it’s easy to take somebody’s things, sell them for nothing and live quietly. He doesn’t think about other people, he doesn’t think that they work hard to earn money. He takes them from their pockets, their houses, their bags. His place is in the prison. He should be isolated from our society. I ask three years of isolation for him. Thank you.

Advocate: Your Honour! Respected jury! I don’t think that this man is guilty. You shouldn’t be too severe to him. He doesn’t work. Yes! But is it his fault? There are a lot of unemployed people in our society. Our factories and plants don’t work as it was some years ago. They can’t pay money to all their workers. They send people in streets. But people want to eat and that’s why they go into strangers’ flats. I ask you to forgive him. Thank you!

Judge: We have heard the opinion of the public prosecutor and the advocate. What is the opinion of our respected jury?

Juror 1: Guilty!

Juror 2: Guilty!

Juror 3: Not guilty!

Judge: Stand up! Trial is going. Mr H is guilty. Our verdict is: 2,5 years of the deprivation of freedom in the colony of the general regime. You may lodge an appeal in seven days. The trial is over.

Talk after the trial between two young advocates.


T: Do you know any interesting stories on the topic «At the court»?

PI: Yes. In a breach of promise case in New York, the plaintiff was offered 200 dollars to compromise. «200 dollars?» she exclaims. «200 dollars for a broken heart, ruined hopes, and a blasted life, 200 dollars for all this? No make it 250 and it’s a bargain».

Bargain — сделка; It’s a bargain! — По рукам.


Judge: Was the prisoner sober?

Witness: No, sir. He was drunk as a judge.

J: You mean, ‘drunk as a lord’, of course!

W: Yes, my lord

The witness confused the idioms ‘sober as a judge'(трезвый, как судья) and ‘drunk as а lord'(пьяный, как черт).

P3: Judge: Prisoner, what can you say to your justification?

Prisoner: I beg you to take into consideration the fact that my lawyer is very young, sir.

Р4: «I warn you,» said the judge solemnly, «that demonstrations of any kind are prohibited in the courtroom; therefore whoever shouts «Long live! Hurrah!» or «Down with!» will be sent outside». As soon as the accused heard this, he began to shout: «Hurrah! Down with!»

T: Thank you very much. I think our lesson was very useful for everybody.

LAW BREAKERS. Match the criminal with the definition.

1. an arsonist —
2. an assassin —
3. a deserter —
4. an embezzler —
5. a forger —
6. a fraud or con man —
7. a hooligan —
8. a mugger —
9. a poacher —
10. a racketeer —
11. a smuggler —
12. a terrorist —
a) tries to enforce his political demands by carrying out or threatening acts of violence
b) pretends or claims to be what he is not
c) makes money by dishonest business methods, e.g. by selling worthless goods
d) steals from his own company
e) attacks and robs people especially in public places
f) sets fire to property
g) kills for political reasons or reward
h) brings goods into one country from another illegally
i) hunts illegally on somebody else’s land
j) makes false money or documents
k) a soldier who leaves the armed forces without permission
l) causes damage or disturbance in public places

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