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Главная » Английский язык » Match each word on the left below with the correct phrase on the right
to run
(smth.) руководить
counterpart человек,
занимающий аналогичную должность
в другой компании, фирме, гостинице
и т. д.
smb.) зд.
подчиняться (кому-либо)
superior непосредственный
1) начальник,
директор; 2) режиссер
specialty зд.
область специализации;
сфера узкой профессиональной
зд. ответственное
отношение к работе; преданность,
верность, обязательство перед
фирмой, работодателем и т.п.
commitment делать
(что-либо) правильно
(smth.) делать
(что-либо) правильно
(smth.) не
обращать внимания (на
glamour очарование;
обаяние, шарм. Glamour
— название модного
женского журнала, издаваемого в США
(ср.неологизмы в русском языке:
«гламур», «гламурные» журналы)
awe—inspiring зд.
впечатляющий; повергающий в трепет
dignity утонченное
достоинство, светскость
Ritz—Carlton Hotel «Риц-Карлтон»
— отель в Бостоне, традиционно
считающийся самым фешенебельным
отелем в стране; сеть этих отелей
сеть известных
роскошных отелей Хьятт
splendor великолепие,
богатство, пышность, роскошь
to be
chain-affiliated зд.
быть одним из
отелей определенной известной
фирмы (напр., Хилтон,
Шератон, Хьятт)
enrich обогащать
rush зд.
удовольствие, острые
theater зд.
театр с реальными
(живыми) актерами
зд. актерский
состав; труппа
equity экон.
акция без фиксированного
appreciation повышение
в ценности (стоимости)
depreciation снижение
стоимости, обесценивание
palatial богатый,
великолепный, роскошный; зд. похожий
на настоящий дворец
asset зд.
ценное качество, преимущество,
Vocabulary focus
4. Match each word or phrase on the left with the correct equivalent on the right:
1) chief accountant
2) human resources director
3) owner
4) effort
5) profit
6) sincerity
7) hospitality
little stuff
начальник отдела кадров
b) главный
с) мелочь, пустяк
d) гостеприимство
e) искренность
f) усилие
g) владелец
h) прибыль,
5. Match each attribute on the left with the correct word on the right (more than one interconnection is possible):
1) hospitality
2) quality
3) general
4) chief
5) sales
6) key
7) immediate
a) accountant
b) student
c) сcommitment
d) superior
e) executive
f) director
g) manager
6. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:
1) expert- a)
money which is earned by doing business, after all
enced the
costs are taken from it
2) atmos- b) aperson in a company with the power to make
phere sions
3) executive c) anumber of people or things that are
together, or that are connected in some way
4) home d) aperson who has the same position as another
5) counter- e) good at something because she or he has spent
a lot
part of time doing it
6) effort f) the general character or feeling of an
7) group g) the use of strength or determination in an attempt
do something that is difficult or involves hard work
profit h) the place where you usually live, especially with
[7], [8]
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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13.11.2018151.55 Кб24.doc
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Вот решение) Надеюсь, что помогла)))
1) haven’t done
2) have forgoten
3) I have been living
4) Have you ever met
5) have you spent
6) I have already seen
1.We have many new subjects, don’t we?
<span>1. Chris ate spaghetti every day last week.
2. When I came into the room, two boys were playing football.
3. Peter turned on the TV, but nothing happened
4. While we were running in the park, Mary fell over.
5. While I was listening to music, I heard the doorbell.
6. I broke my pen while I was doing my homework.</span>
Ответ: the police
Подборка по базе: тк по правостлавию.docx, Международное частное право.docx, Конституц. право Летова.docx, тест 12 февраля право.docx, Практическое задание Административное право.docx, Тенденции правового регулирования особенностей организации местн, договорное право.docx, Реферат Правоведение.docx, Практическая работа _Решение генетических задач на законы Г.Менд, «Административное право».docx
- How do you understand the difference between the following terms? Read and check:
- A law and a rule;
- Criminal law and civil law;
- Law and morality.
- Как вы понимаете разницу между следующими терминами? Прочитайте и проверьте:
- Закон и правило;
- Уголовное право и гражданское право;
- Закон и мораль.
Law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. It is also a set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people as well as supported by the power of the government for moral, religious and emotional reasons.
The main function of law is a regulative one. Law basically serves two functions in a modern society. First, it serves to order and regulate the relations between all “persons”: individuals, businesses or governments. Secondly, law acts as a standard of conduct and morality. Through both of these functions law forms and regulates the pattern of behaviour of a given society in order to achieve a broad range of social objectives. A modern society cannot exist without law as there would be anarchy in this society then.
Law is “invisible” for ordinary people and is noticed only when somebody violates its order. If our neighbours play loud music late at night we will probably try to settle the matter in a reasonable and informal way without going to the police. Only when an informal discussion breaks down we will start thinking about law.
Relations and transactions in modern societies are so complex that often we cannot deal with them without seeking legal advice. We use it when we buy or sell property, settle disputes with our employers, demand a refund for a defective product, try to hold somebody liable for damaging or stealing our possessions. Thus there are different types of law: civil law, criminal law, law of contracts, law of property, labour law, etc.
Life of a modern society is changing very fast and every day new phenomena appear. Therefore, there is always a demand for new laws to regulate new spheres of life. For example, two hundred years ago there were no cars, so people didn’t need any laws for roads and traffic. With the invention of the car there appeared a need for driving regulations and we cannot imagine our life without these rules. The same happened with the advent of the computer. When the first computer crime took place, no one could be punished for it as there was no law for it; only after this case the need for law on computer crime and later on cybercrime appeared and they started to be developed.
Перевод (необходимость в законе)
- Match the words or phrases on the left with their equivalents on the right:
1. society
a. общество 2. government
b. нарушать 3. regulative
c. юридическая консультация 4. anarchy
d. правительство 5. violate e. сделка 6. transaction
f. регулятивный 7. legal advice
g. изобретение 8. property
h. анархия 9. invention i. собственность 10. labour law
j. трудовое законодательство - Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:
a. the people living in a region as an organized group | |
b. is what you are trying to achieve | |
c. an argument between people | |
d. legally responsible | |
dispute | e. an illegal action punished by law |
- Use the correct form of these words to complete the second column of the chart. Use a good dictionary to help you:
Noun Adjective
1. crime | 1. criminal |
2. society | 2. social |
3. power | 3. powerful |
4. individual | 4. individual |
5. moral | 5. moral |
6. modernity | 6. modern |
7. informality | 7. informal |
8. liable | 8. liable |
9. regulation | 9. regular |
10. success | 10. successful |
- Use one of the adjectives or nouns above to complete the sentences:
- She always wants to be the best. She is always looking for modern.
- He regularly breaks norms and rules and sometimes acts violently. His behaviour can be considered anti-moral.
- He likes people to feel comfortable and relaxed during a meeting. An informal atmosphere is very important to him.
- In modern legislation there are many different methods of punishment for criminal acts.
He has always wanted to get high positions in the government — he has always wanted more and more powerful.
- Match the antonyms:
a. unimportant | |
b. impossible | |
c. law and order | |
d. uncivilized | |
i. asocial | |
f. imperfect | |
g. wrong | |
h. traditional | |
anarchy | i. illegal |
Civilized | j. immoral |
- Check that you know the meanings of the adjectives below:
Lawful((законный), reliable(надежный), economical(экономичный), popular(популярный), practical(практичный), successful(успешный), attractive(привлекательный), realistic(реалистичный), balanced(сбалансированный), usual(обычный).
- Antonyms are sometimes formed by prefixes -un, -im, -in. Write adjectives with the opposite meaning from the exercise above:
-un | -im | -in |
Unreliable Unknown Unpractical Unsuccessful Unattractive Unrealistic Unstable Unusual |
immoderate |
- Find in the text “The need for law” examples of the construction “in order to” and translate them.
Lexical and grammar note Мы используем конструкцию“ш orderto” для выражения цели:
- In order to do smth. — тот, кто совершает действие, делает это для собственного блага.
Legislators make new laws in order to build a civilized society.
- In order for smb. to do smth. — тот, кто совершает действие, делает это для чьего-либо блага.
Legislators make new laws in order for the society to live safely and comfortably.
- Конструкция inorderto используется в формальном стиле. В разговорном английском inorder обычно опускается. Например: I went to Hungary (in order) to study law.
- Law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. Закон -это система правил, которые общество или правительство развивают для борьбы с преступностью, деловыми соглашениями и социальными отношениями.
- Through both of these functions law forms and regulates the pattern of behaviour of a given society in order to achieve a broad range of social objectives.
С помощью обеих этих функций закон формирует и регулирует модель поведения данного общества для достижения широкого спектра социальных целей.
- Translate the phrases, paying attention to the construction “in order to”:
- in order to make new laws, in order to build a civilized society, in order not to be punished, in order to avoid anarchy, in order to support the government, in order to clinch a business deal, in order to function, in order to regulate the relations, in order to provide laws, in order not to violate the law. (для того, чтобы принять новые законы, для того, чтобы построить цивилизованное общество, чтобы не быть наказанным, чтобы избежать анархии, для того, чтобы поддержать правительство, для того, чтобы заключить деловую сделку, для того, чтобы функционировать, для того, чтобы регулировать отношения, для того, чтобы обеспечить законы, чтобы не нарушать закон);
- in order for the government to make new laws, in order for the law to function, in order for us to live in a civilized society, in order for a modern society to exist, in order for ordinary people to live safely, in order for new laws to regulate new spheres of life, in order for neighbours to settle the matter(для того, чтобы правительство принимало новые законы, для того, чтобы закон функционировал, для того, чтобы мы жили в цивилизованном обществе, для того, чтобы существовало современное общество, для того, чтобы простые люди жили безопасно, для того, чтобы новые законы регулировали новые сферы жизни, для того, чтобы соседи урегулировали этот вопрос);
- чтобы жить в современном обществе, чтобы иметь высокие моральные устои, чтобы закон достиг своей цели, чтобы рабочие получили юридическую консультацию, чтобы привлечь его к ответственности, чтобы преступления не происходили, чтобы пойти в полицию, чтобы он пошёл в полицию, чтобы служить современному обществу, чтобы законы служили современному обществу, чтобы соседи не включали громкую музыку ночью, чтобы урегулировать разногласия, чтобы им урегулировать разногласия, чтобы наказать преступников, чтобы получить денежную компенсацию за бракованный товар(in order to live in a modern society, to have high moral standards, so that the law reaches its goal, so that workers receive legal advice to bring him to justice, so that crimes do not occur, to go to the police, so that he goes to the police, to serve modern society, so that laws serve modern society, so that neighbors do not turn on loud music at night, to settle disagreements, to settle disagreements, to punish criminals, to receive monetary compensation for defective goods.
- Answer the questions on the texts:
- What is law? Law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships.
- 2 What is the main function of law? How is it put into practice? We use it when we buy or sell property, settle disputes with our employers, demand a refund for a defective product, try to hold somebody liable for damaging or stealing our possessions.
- Why cannot a society exist without law? A modern society cannot exist without law as there would be anarchy in this society then.
- In what situations do we usually need to seek legal advice? Relations and transactions in modern societies are so complex that often we cannot deal with them without seeking legal advice
- What types of law do you know? Thus there are different types of law: civil law, criminal law, law of contracts, law of property, labour law, etc.
- Why do new laws appear? Life of a modern society is changing very fast and every day new phenomena appear. Therefore, there is always a demand for new laws to regulate new spheres of life
- Why does every country try to provide laws? Every country tries to provide laws which will help its citizens to live safely and as comfortably as possible but no country has been successful in producing such laws which are completely satisfactory.
- Comment on the following statements. Give reasons for your answer:
1. There are good laws and bad laws. I believe that there are only good laws, how can you say that the law is bad? Laws in Russia are not adopted at the request of anyone, the council of the federation gathers, where it is discussed.
2. Should we obey the law which we disagree with or which we consider to be stupid and unnecessary? If they disobey the laws of their country, then I think that anarchy will come very soon.
3. Are there any laws you would like to change or abolish? I would not like to change or repeal any laws.
4. Are there any new laws you would like to introduce? It seems to me that I am not entirely competent in this.
5. Everybody must be equal before the law, regardless of their wealth, social status or position. Yes, I fully agree with this statement.
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Match (1-9) with (a-i) to make up sentences:
1. These days data collection
2. Removing language barriers
3. Over the past few weeks we have seen
4. China and other emerging economic powers are moving
5. It is a time for leadership and international cooperation
6.Education is sometimes
7. Taxes are collected by government
8. Land includes not only territory
9.Every society must provide
a) to set up multilateral institutions
b) from households and firms.
c) goods and services for the welfare of its citizens.
d) referred to as “human capital.”
e) but all of the natural resources .
f) the currency’s big retreat from its historic high
g) is virtually automatic.
h) which must go hand in hand.
i) will lead to increased foreign trade
Match each of the words on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right.
1. vertical a) at a slow, unchanging rate
2. socialist b) going straight up and down
3. standard c) something aiming to share wealth
4. predictable d) something you know will happen
5. steady e) usual or typical
6. willing f) managed by the government
7. obliged g)unchanging
8. constant h) very strict or cruel
9. state-run i) prepared to do
10. severe j)has to
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Ex 1.
1 — g
2 — i
3 — f
4 — a
5 — h
6 — d
7 — b
8 — e
9 — c
Ex. 2.
1- b
2- c
3- e
4- d
5- a
6- i
7- j
8- g
9- f
10 — h
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- Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
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Этого делать не стоит:
- Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
уникальные и личные объяснения; - Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
знаю» и так далее; - Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к
пользователям; - Писать в ВЕРХНЕМ РЕГИСТРЕ.
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