Match a word in a with a word in b to make a word combination

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: h8zakx3fen


Автор ответа: nedilchakirina



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Make words in A with words in B to make word combinations.


1. acid

2. tropical

3. public

4. global

5. ozone

6. nuclear

7. traffic

8. natural

9. air

10. greenhouse


a) disaster

b) layer

c) warming

d) rain

e) rainforest

f) effect

g) transport

h) jams

I) pollution

j) energy

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Главная » Английский язык » Make words in A with words in B to make word combinations. A 1. acid 2. tropical 3. public 4. global 5. ozone 6. nuclear 7. traffic 8. natural 9. air 10.


















its worst point


fossil fuels





2 Give English equivalents:

воздуха, повышение температуры, выхлопные
газы, истощение озонового слоя,
побочные продукты, непредсказуемые
последствия, вызывать заболевания,
поглощать тепло, вредное влияние.

3 Give definitions to the words:

fallout, the greenhouse effect, smog, global warming, acid rain.

4 Read the following text. Use the information given in it while speaking about air pollution.

e x t 1A

Air Pollution

pollution turns clear, odourless air into hazy, smelly air that harms
health, kills plants, and damages property. People cause air
pollution both indoors and outdoors. Outdoor air pollution results
from pouring hundreds of millions of tons of gases and particulates
(tiny particles of liquid or solid matter) into the atmosphere each
year. One of the most common forms of outdoor air pollution is smog.
Indoor air pollution results from many of the same substances found
outdoors. But indoor pollutants can present a more serious problem
because they tend to build up in a small area from which they cannot
easily escape. Cigarette smoke is a familiar indoor air pollutant.

air pollution results from combustion processes. The burning of
gasoline to power motor vehicles and the burning of coal to heat
buildings and help manufacture products are examples of such
processes. Each time a fuel is burned in a combustion process, some
type of pollutant is released into the air. The pollutants range from
small amounts of colourless poisonous gas to clouds of thick black
smoke. Weather conditions can help reduce the amount of pollutants in
outdoor air. Wind scatters pollutants, and rain and snow wash them
into the ground. But in many areas, pollutants are put into the air
faster than weather conditions can dispose of them. In crowded
cities, for instance, thousands of automobiles, factories, and
furnaces may add tons of pollutants to a small area of the atmosphere
each day.

times, weather conditions cause pollutants to build up over an area
instead of clearing them away. One such condition – called thermal
inversion – occurs when a layer of warm air settles over a layer of
cooler air that lies near the ground. The warm air holds down the
cool air and prevents pollutants from rising and scattering.

pollution can have a serious effect on human health. Both gases and
particulates burn people’s eyes and irritate their lungs.
Particulates can settle in the lungs and worsen such respiratory
diseases as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Studies have shown that
particulates cause such diseases as cancer and emphysema.

pollution also harms plants. Poisonous gases in the air can restrict
the growth of nearly all kinds of plants.

materials get dirty and wear out more quickly in polluted air than in
clean air. Polluted air even harms such hard and strong materials as
concrete and steel. In some cities, statues and other art objects
that stood outdoors for centuries have been moved indoors because air
pollution threatened to destroy them.

pollutants may also affect climate. Both gases and particulates can
cause changes in the average temperature of an area. Particulates
scatter the sun’s rays and reduce the amount of sunlight that
reaches the ground. Such interference with sunlight may cause average
temperatures in an area to drop. Some gases, including carbon
dioxide, allow sunlight to reach the ground, but prevent the
sunlight’s heat from rising out of the atmosphere and flowing back
into space. The warming of the earth’s surface that results is
called the greenhouse effect. The burning of fuel and other polluting
activities are increasing the amount of heat-trapping gases in the
atmosphere. This development may intensify the greenhouse effect,
causing average temperatures to rise.

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Английский язык

match the words in A with the words in B and make sentences помогите пожалуйста

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Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1 e
2 h
3 k
4 i
5 f
6 j
7 b
8 d
9 g
10 a
11 c


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В саду 5/7 всех деревьев занимают яблони. Сколько деревьев в саду, если в саду 70 яблонь?



решите пжалуйста



релігійна політика генріха 4 та єлизавети 1 схема


resting; escape; external; sodium; light; potential; electrical; to respond; nerve; to reach charge; fibres; potential; a peak; intensity; movements; quickly; difference; environment; ions.

V. Answer the following questions. Use all information given before:

1. Why are voltage-gated ion channels called so?

2. What the function of a sodium-potassium pump is?

3. What does the membrane permeability of a nerve fibre depend on?

4. What does an ion channel consist of?

5. What does the all-or-none law mean?

VI. Translate into English using all the active possible:

1. Внутреннее пространство нейрона заряжено отрицательно относительно внешнего в связи с неравномерным распределением заряженных ионов.

2. Величина потенциала действия не зависит от раздражителя.

3. Животные могут быстро реагировать на изменения в окружающей среде в связи со способностью нервных волокон быстро передавать информацию.

4. Нервный импульс – это информация, которая передаётся в форме электрических сигналов.

5. Возникновение нервного импульса связано с достаточно сильным раздражителем.

VII. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations and make up sentences with them:

N Russian Term English equivalent  
1. Внутреннее пространство (нейрона)  
2. Величина потенциала  
3. Реагировать быстро  
4. Состояние покоя  
5. Разница потенциалов  
6. Достигнуть порогового уровня  
7. Подчиняться закону  
8. Неравномерное распределение  
9. Мерить, измерять  
10. Полная перезарядка (перемена знака заряда)  

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