Master of the word cheats

Made by katalambda

Ver: 5.32 CPY version
Ver : 5.21v CPY version

Available Options:

Manpower, Budget, Nukes, Popularity, Inflation, Pop Growth, National agents, International Agents.

Ok,since the game it´s a little bit hard to make a table for it i divided the production and employees in two pointers, now you can edit the number of employees and production of a specifical sector.

How to use them:

* Employees Pointer. You can go to: Industry, Services or Farming, select a sector, example industry/Cement/industry info/volume by year, now go to the cheatengine table, you will see the number of employees in that sector, you can change it to whatever the number you want in the table and it will appear in the game, don´t lock it in cheate engine, you don´t need to do that, since it´s not a script anymore the game will only change the number of that sector and not all sectors so no more military coups xD.

— Have in mind that to increase the number of manpower to build Hospitals, Schools, etc, you have to increase the employees in ¨Building,Housing and Roadway Construction. —

* Production pointer. You can go to: Industry, Services or Farming, select a sector, example
Industry/Cement/World info/Tons by year, now go to the cheatengine table, you will see the production amount of that sector, you can change it to whatever the number you want in the table and it will appear in the game, don´t lock it in cheate engine, you don´t need to do that, since it´s not a script anymore the game will only change the number of that sector and not all sectors. use this pointer to increase to the maximum the State Revenues and so increase to green the Budget deficit.

Even if you don´t produce carriers, figthers or any other industry, services or farming you can change it with cheatengine and you will producte it.

Example, if you increase the number of carriers production to 10000, even if you don´t have the technology or you don´t producte them (showed as ¨¨¨void¨¨ in the game) you can contract your own nation industries to build 10000 carriers, then you can lower the production value again so your industry won´t sell too many carriers to the enemy or other countries xD.

* Nukes: Go to ¨military¨ ledger, then to ¨NBC¨ ledger and you will have 18000 nukes.

* Popularity: Advance 1 day and it will rise to 100%.

* Inflation: Set it to 0.

* Increase Construction. You need to be in the ledger you want to increase, for example, if you want to increase hospitals you need to be in that ledger and see the number of hospitals you are about to build, change the region where you want to build them, select the manpower and then go to the cheat table and change the number, come back to game and you will see the new value.

* Military troops. You just have to select the unit you want to increase, MOVE THEM to any point of the map (you may will have to select the unit once or twice to the value to appear) then ALT+tab go to the table and in ´´Tanks,soliders,ships,fighters..´´ change the value you see, go back to the game and you will see the new value.

Greetings from Spain.



How to use this cheat table?

  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1


  • #1

Current Trainers:
Masters of the World Geopolitical Simulator 3 V5.14k Trainer +5
Masters Of The World Geo Political Simulator 3 V5.32o Trainer +5


  1. Max Weapons
  2. Max Nukes
  3. Max Popularity
  4. Max Reservists
  5. Zero Inflation
  6. Super Production


  • For production cheat and Inflation cheats to work you must go to Currency tab after activating the cheats
  • Super Production will set multiple production industries output to massive amount .
  • Masters of the World V5.14k Trainer +5

    4.1 MB · Views: 10,355

  • Masters Of The World Geo Political Simulator 3 V5.32o Trainer +5

    4.6 MB · Views: 7,361

Last edited: Jan 19, 2016

  • #2

This is pretty sure is outdated, can you update it to 5.32k?

  • #9

Can you add Infinite Resources? Just so we get like 99% surplus.


Глав: 102

Статус: Выпускается


, романтика
, боевик
, комедия
, фэнтези
, сёнэн
, гарем
, героическое фэнтези
, игра

Год: 2014


Наблюдатель и 4 персонажа обладает редким читом: конфликт среди расовых слоев:
Понадобится целых 5 учеников старших классов из новой Японии, чтобы покарить Короля Демонов расы Эвила. Эти ученики должны быть Героями. Но из данных только 1 не обладал этим статусом. Окамура Хиро – случайность, его призвали только от того, что он находился рядом с другими детьми в классе. Но он обладает другими титулами. Поняв, что его обманывают, Хиро отказывается принимать участие в этой войне. Его поразило безумие Хьюмаса. Он ушел из замка, и теперь он сможет делать, что хочет. Прочитав мангу, Вы поймете у кого из них больше преимуществ.

Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы — читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

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