Создание маски ввода в TextBox с помощью кода VBA Excel на примере номера телефона и номера паспорта. Применимо для набора номера с клавиатуры.
В отличие от VBA Access в VBA Excel нет свойства InputMask объекта TextBox. Поэтому, чтобы добавить подобие маски для TextBox в VBA Excel, приходится писать дополнительную процедуру, контролирующую действия пользователя и добавляющую в нужные места вводимого номера знаки-разделители.
В следующих примерах мы будем создавать простые маски ввода в TextBox с помощью события TextBox_Change и оператора Select Case. Маска будет добавляться при вводе символов с клавиатуры. При вставке номера из буфера обмена, добавление маски не предусмотрено.
Мы не будем добавлять автоматическую проверку вводимого знака (цифра или другой символ), так как после ввода с клавиатуры в любом случае требуется зрительная проверка введенного номера.
Также, при редактировании полностью введенного номера, не стоит удалять более 1 цифры, иначе структура маски может будет нарушена.
Маска ввода номера телефона
Простой код для создания маски ввода номера телефона в TextBox в формате «+7(000)000-00-00»:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
Private Sub TextBox1_Change() With TextBox1 Select Case Len(.Text) Case 1 ‘После ввода первого знака добавляем перед ним код страны и скобку .Text = «+7(« & .Text Case 6 ‘После ввода шестого знака добавляем в конце скобку .Text = .Text & «)» Case 10, 13 ‘После ввода десятого и тринадцатого знака добавляем в конце дефис .Text = .Text & «-« Case 17 ‘Удаляем семнадцатый знак сразу после его ввода .Text = Left(.Text, 16) End Select End With End Sub |
Строки кода VBA Excel:
Case 17 ‘Удаляем семнадцатый знак сразу после его ввода .Text = Left(.Text, 16) |
ограничивают длину строки, вводимой в TextBox, их можно заменить на установку максимальной длины при инициализации формы:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.MaxLength = 16 End Sub |
Если ограничение строки установить при инициализации формы, при ручном редактировании введенного номера можно удалять две цифры без риска нарушить структуру маски.
Маска ввода номера паспорта
Простой код для создания маски ввода номера паспорта в TextBox в формате «00 00 000000»:
Private Sub TextBox2_Change() With TextBox2 Select Case Len(.Text) Case 2, 5 ‘После ввода первого и пятого знака добавляем в конце пробел .Text = .Text & » « Case 13 ‘Удаляем тринадцатый знак сразу после его ввода .Text = Left(.Text, 12) End Select End With End Sub |
Если ограничение строки установить при инициализации формы:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox2.MaxLength = 12 End Sub |
тогда при ручном редактировании введенного номера можно удалять две цифры без риска нарушить структуру маски.
Const MaskFiller As String = «__.__.__»
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
With Me.TextBox1
If Not (.Text Like «##.##.##») Then
.Text = MaskFiller
End If
If Len(.Tag) = 0 Then
Application.SendKeys «{INSERT}»
.Tag = «-1»
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Me.Tag = vbNullString
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Dim iPos As Integer
Dim iL As Integer
Dim iR As Integer
Dim s As String
With Me.TextBox1
s = .Text
iPos = Int(.Tag) ‘Позиция курсора
Select Case iPos
Case -1
iPos = 0
GoTo SetPos
Case 0
If KeyCode < Asc(«0») Or KeyCode > Asc(«3») Then
GoTo NavigateKey
Mid$(s, iPos + 1, 1) = Chr$(KeyCode)
iPos = 1
End If
Case 1
Select Case Left$(.Text, 1)
Case «0»
iL = Asc(«1»)
iR = Asc(«9»)
Case «1», «2»
iL = Asc(«0»)
iR = Asc(«9»)
Case «3»
iL = Asc(«0»)
iR = Asc(«1»)
End Select
If KeyCode < iL Or KeyCode > iR Then
GoTo NavigateKey
Mid$(s, iPos + 1, 1) = Chr$(KeyCode)
iPos = 3
End If
Case 3
If KeyCode = Asc(«0») Or KeyCode = Asc(«1») Then
Mid$(s, iPos + 1, 1) = Chr$(KeyCode)
iPos = 4
GoTo NavigateKey
End If
Case 4
If Mid$(Me.TextBox1.Text, 4, 1) = «0» Then
iL = Asc(«1»)
iR = Asc(«9»)
iL = Asc(«0»)
iR = Asc(«2»)
End If
If KeyCode < iL Or KeyCode > iR Then
GoTo NavigateKey
Mid$(s, iPos + 1, 1) = Chr$(KeyCode)
iPos = 6
End If
Case 6, 7
If KeyCode < Asc(«0») Or KeyCode > Asc(«9») Then
GoTo NavigateKey
Mid$(s, iPos + 1, 1) = Chr$(KeyCode)
iPos = IIf(iPos = 6, 7, 0)
End If
End Select
GoTo Repaint
Select Case KeyCode
Case 37 ‘Left
Select Case iPos
Case 1, 4, 7
iPos = iPos — 1
Case 3, 6
iPos = iPos — 2
End Select
Case 39 ‘Right
Select Case iPos
Case 0, 3, 6
iPos = iPos + 1
Case 1, 4
iPos = iPos + 2
End Select
Case 27 ‘Esc
iPos = 0
Case 9 ‘Tab
Exit Sub
End Select
KeyCode = 0
.Text = s
.SelStart = iPos
.SelLength = 1
.Tag = Format$(iPos, «0»)
End With
End Sub
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 |
Private Sub TextBox2_Change() Dim t, i, x If f = False Then f = True If Len(TextBox2) > 10 Then TextBox2 = Left(TextBox2, 10) f = False Exit Sub End If x = Replace(TextBox2.Text, ".", "") If Len(x) > 0 Then t = Right(x, 1) If IsNumeric(t) Then Select Case t Case 0 To 9 TextBox2.Text = form2(x) End Select Else TextBox2.Text = Left(x, Len(x) - 1) End If End If f = False End If End Sub Private Function form2(s) Dim t, u, x, d, m, y Select Case Len(s) Case 1 'одна цифра If s > 3 Then form2 = "" Exit Function End If form2 = s Case 2 If s < 32 Then form2 = s & "." Else form2 = Left(s, 1) End If Case 3 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 1) If m < 2 Then form2 = d & "." & m Else form2 = d & "." End If Case 4 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 2) If m < 13 Then form2 = d & "." & m & "." Else form2 = d & "." & Left(m, 1) End If Case 5 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 2) y = Mid(s, 5, 1) If y >= 2 Then form2 = d & "." & m & "." & y Else form2 = d & "." & m & "." End If Case 6 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 2) y = Mid(s, 5, 2) If y > 20 Then form2 = d & "." & m & ".20" & y Else form2 = d & "." & m & "." & y End If Case 7 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 2) y = Mid(s, 5, 3) form2 = d & "." & m & "." & y Case 8 d = Left(s, 2) m = Mid(s, 3, 2) y = Mid(s, 5, 4) form2 = d & "." & m & "." & y End Select End Function |
A combination of integers, strings of characters, or other symbols is used to verify the identity of a user during the authentication process so, that they can access the system. But a password should always remain in a hidden format to prevent it from shoulder spying. Shoulder spying is a practice where a person collects our personal data by spying over our shoulders in Cyber Cafe or ATM. Let’s learn how to hide the password for that we need to mask the password in Excel Input Box.
Steps to Mask Password in VBA Excel Input Box
Follow the further steps to create a masked password in VBA:
Step 1: Press Alt+F11 in the Excel window to get the VBA window.
Step 2: Select Insert in the Ribbon tab of the VBA code window.
Step 3: Then click on UserForm to get the toolbox and user form.
Step 4: Select CommandButton from Toolbox.
And then drag it to the UserForm1 tab.
Step 5: Select TextBox from the toolbox and then drag it to UserForm1.
Step 6: Press F4 to get the Properties Window.
Step 7: Change the name of the Text Box to “txtPassword”
Step 8: Now, scroll down the Properties tab of txtPassword to assign a value of asterisk(*) in PasswordChar to create a password mask.
Step 9: In the drop-down box select CommandButton1.
Step 10: Change the name of the CommandButton to CmdInput and Caption name to Submit.
Step 11: Change the caption name in the Properties – UserForm1 tab to Password.
Step 11: Double-click on Submit button of the Password form.
Step 12: Write the following code to see the password in the Message Box.
Unload Me is used to close the form and remove its details from the memory. Now, to run the code press F5.
Step 13: Enter the password which will be hidden in the Excel window
Step 14: Click on Submit button so that we can see the password in the message box
I have two validation for date and time as below in text boxes:
00/00 00:00;0;0;_
It will take (dd/mm hh:mm) and works fine
But sometimes i put
34/34 56:78 it will take , But it shouldn’t
Date sholdnot go beyond 31, month 12 time 24 and minute 59
Please help
asked Jul 16, 2009 at 5:47
I just encountered this problem with a Credit Card expiration date field yesterday. I’d stupidly changed 00/0000 as input mask to 00/00, and encountered the problem you’re having. the issue is that if the second pair of digits is a valid date, it will be interpreted as a date and the current year will be supplied tacitly. Thus, if you enter:
for Jun 2009, it will be stored as:
On the other hand, if you enter:
it will be interpreted as
So far as I can see, the only way for you to do what you want is to use a 4-digit year.
answered Jul 16, 2009 at 19:37
22.8k4 gold badges45 silver badges58 bronze badges
validate the date using IsDate()
Public Function ValidateDate(input As String) As Boolean
ValidateDate = IsDate(input)
End Function
this returns a boolean value, True if the input is a valid date string, False if it isn’t. The maximum values are
Day: 31
Month: 12
Hour: 23
Min: 59
Sec: 59
answered Jul 16, 2009 at 5:59
Russ CamRuss Cam
123k33 gold badges202 silver badges266 bronze badges
Input masks in Access cannot be restricted to ranges of values, like with a RegExp. Only way to do this is use some validation (which can be done on a keypress if you want to).
answered Jul 16, 2009 at 9:09
4,33521 silver badges35 bronze badges
Approach the problem differently. Give the user a calendar to pick from. You could use something like Allen Browne’s Popup Calendar
Disable and lock the text field and you can guarantee that the format is correct.
answered Jul 16, 2009 at 14:57
15k25 gold badges85 silver badges137 bronze badges
- Remove From My Forums
our client want to have a date mask as
DD/MM/YYYY mask in the text box
I can validate if the values are fine easily.
However is there a way to have a mask showing
so use can only input numbers on the _ ?
Normally it works in Access vba but this seems to be nowhere to be found in Excel vba.
Okol-Gui,You had mentioned that,»I can validate if the values are fine easily.However is there a way to have a mask showing.so use can only input numbers on the _ ?»
I find one example from old thread and try to modify it as per your requirement.
You can try to refer code below.
Dim NewString, MyString, mask As String Dim position, pos As Variant Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If IsNumeric(Right(TextBox1.Text, 2)) And Len(TextBox1.Text) >= 11 Then TextBox1.Text = Left(TextBox1.Text, Len(TextBox1.Text) - 1) Else position = TextBox1.SelStart MyString = TextBox1.Text pos = InStr(1, MyString, "_") If pos > 0 Then NewString = Left(MyString, pos - 1) Else NewString = MyString End If If Len(NewString) < 11 Then TextBox1.Text = NewString & Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(NewString)) TextBox1.SelStart = Len(NewString) End If End If If Len(TextBox1.Text) >= 11 Then TextBox1.Text = Left(TextBox1.Text, 10) End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim strDate As String strDate = Me.TextBox1 If IsDate(strDate) Then strDate = Format(CDate(strDate), "DD/MM/YYYY") MsgBox strDate Else MsgBox "Wrong date format" End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) position = TextBox1.SelStart If KeyCode = 8 Then TextBox1.Text = mask End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.SelStart = 0 mask = "__/__/____" TextBox1.Text = mask End Sub
Text Box With Input Mask
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title | keywords | f1_keywords | ms.prod | api_name | ms.assetid | ms.date |
TextBox.InputMask Property (Access) |
vbaac10.chm11046 |
vbaac10.chm11046 |
access |
Access.TextBox.InputMask |
a705c2a4-ff2f-74d1-4a7c-1eade3b00ae8 |
06/08/2017 |
TextBox.InputMask Property (Access)
You can use the InputMask property to make data entry easier and to control the values users can enter in a text boxcontrol. Read/write String.
expression. InputMask
expression A variable that represents a TextBox object.
Input masks are helpful for data-entry operations such as an input mask for a Phone Number field that shows you exactly how to enter a new number: (__) —. It is often easier to use the Input Mask Wizard to set the property for you.
The InputMask property can contain up to three sections separated by semicolons (;).
Section | Description |
First | Specifies the input mask itself; for example, !(999) 999-9999. For a list of characters you can use to define the input mask, see the following table. |
Second | Specifies whether Microsoft Access stores the literal display characters in the table when you enter data. If you use 0 for this section, all literal display characters (for example, the parentheses in a phone number input mask) are stored with the value; if you enter 1 or leave this section blank, only characters typed into the control are stored. |
Third | Specifies the character that Microsoft Access displays for the space where you should type a character in the input mask. For this section, you can use any character; to display an empty string, use a space enclosed in quotation marks (» «). |
In Visual Basic you use a string expression to set this property. For example, the following specifies an input mask for a text box control used for entering a phone number: |
Forms!Customers!Telephone.InputMask = "(###) ###-####"
When you create an input mask, you can use special characters to require that certain data be entered (for example, the area code for a phone number) and that other data be optional (such as a telephone extension). These characters specify the type of data, such as a number or character, that you must enter for each character in the input mask.
You can define an input mask by using the following characters.
Character | Description |
0 | Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [?] signs not allowed). |
9 | Digit or space (entry not required, plus and minus signs not allowed). |
# | Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus and minus signs allowed). |
L | Letter (A to Z, entry required). |
? | Letter (A to Z, entry optional). |
A | Letter or digit (entry required). |
a | Letter or digit (entry optional). |
&; | Any character or a space (entry required). |
C | Any character or a space (entry optional). |
. , : ; — / | Decimal placeholder and thousand, date, and time separators. (The actual character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in Windows Control Panel). |
< | Causes all characters to be converted to lowercase. |
> | Causes all characters to be converted to uppercase. |
! | Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask. |
|Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character (for example, A is displayed as just A). |
Note Setting the InputMask property to the word «Password» creates a password-entry control. Any character typed in the control is stored as the character but is displayed as an asterisk (*). You use the Password input mask to prevent displaying the typed characters on the screen.
When you type data in a field for which you’ve defined an input mask, the data is always entered in Overtype mode. If you use the BACKSPACE key to delete a character, the character is replaced by a blank space.
If you move text from a field for which you’ve defined an input mask onto the Clipboard, the literal display characters are copied, even if you have specified that they not be saved with data.
Note Only characters that you type directly in a control or combo box are affected by the input mask. Microsoft Access ignores any input masks when you import data, run an action query, or enter characters in a control by setting the control’s Text property in Visual Basic or by using the SetValue action in a macro.
When you’ve defined an input mask and set the Format property for the same field, the Format property takes precedence when the data is displayed. This means that even if you’ve saved an input mask, the input mask is ignored when data is formatted and displayed. The data in the underlying table itself isn’t changed; the Format property affects only how the data is displayed.
The following table shows some useful input masks and the type of values you can enter in them.
Input mask | Sample values |
(000) 000-0000 | (206) 555-0248 |
(999) 999-9999 | (206) 555-0248 |
( ) 555-0248 | |
(000) AAA-AAAA | (206) 555-TELE |
#999 | ?20 |
2000 | |
>L????L?000L0 | GREENGR339M3 |
MAY R 452B7 | |
>L0L 0L0 | T2F 8M4 |
00000-9999 | 98115- |
98115-3007 | |
>L<?????????????? | Maria |
Brendan | |
SSN 000-00-0000 | SSN 555-55-5555 |
>LL00000-0000 | DB51392-0493 |
See also
TextBox Object