March the word in column

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 6 B (Module 6). Номер №A

Match the words in Column A to the Column B.

e.g. theme E A. artists
1. rocket B. fair
2. water C. journey
3. driving D. licence
4. fun E. park
5. trapeze F. ride

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 6 B (Module 6). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Сопоставь слова в Столбце А со словами в Столбце В.

например, тема E A. артисты
1. ракета B. ярмарка
2. вода C. поездка
3. вождение D. удостоверение
4. веселье E. парк
5. трапеция F. поездка

1 – C, 2 – F, 3 – D, 4 – D, 5 – A.

1 Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B.
1 water A licence
2 trapeze B artists
3 hair raising C character
4 driving D mansion
5 theme E rides
6 haunted F coaster
7 roller G skiing
8 cartoon H park
2 Change the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense.
1 Harry (do) ______________ the housework.
2 Kate and Bill (find) ______________ a new flat.
3 Nick (send) __________________ an email.
4 I (try) ___________________ to learn Japanese.
5 Sam and Dave (eat) _____________all the sandwiches.
6 We just (meet)______________ an American actor.
7 Your husband (sell)__________ the house?
8 I (not start) ____________ my new job yet.
9 You (be) __________________ to New York before?
10 Ann (not choose) ____________ the dessert yet.
3 Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.
I /tidy up /my /room
She/ eat/ candy floss
He/ go/ souvenir /shopping
We/ read/ this/ book

Английский язык,

вопрос задал veselova180906,

7 месяцев назад

1. Match the words in Column A to the words in column B.
A. B.
1.theme…… A. liccncc
2.haunted…… B. artists raising…… C. rides
4. driving…… D. mansion
5. watcr…… E. park
6.trapczc……. F. skiing
помогите плиизз

блин в 6.trapeze a в А.lisenee

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Ответил nickpereguda








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Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Первый слайд презентации

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in
Column B.
Column A
Column B
1 watch
2 record
3 sing
4 turn into
5 go
A soap operas
B an album
C a coach-potato
D clubbing
E along to music

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Fill in the correct word.
* laugh * storyline * entertainment * theme * member
6 I find that almost all of Ennio Morricone’s …………… tunes were really catchy.
7 This is Kate; she’s also a …………… of the cast.
8 We watched a brilliant comedy last night; we had such a good …………….
9 I didn’t like films with a predictable …………….; I find them really boring.
10 The cinema is a very popular form of ………………..

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
11 You must… that you were in the wrong.
A beat
B admit
C reserve
12 He spends hours in front of the computer; he’s a computer-game ….
A star
B act
C addict
13 Documentaries are very … TV programmes ; I always tell my children to watch them.
A educational
B pointless
C boring
14 Follow the …; he will take you to your seats.
A usher
B director
C film-maker
15 There will be live music played by a symphony ….
A orchestra
B opera
C musical

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Choose the correct word.
16 I’ve seen Jessica Lange in lots of films but I’ve never seen her live on screen/stage.
17 Who wrote the music/tune for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly ?
18 The audience/spectators cheered when their favourite footballer came into the pitch.
19 That’s a commercial film; the people loved it but the reviews/critics hated it.
20 Titanic was a box seller/office hit when it came out.
21 Some people find it really tiring having to read headings/subtitles when they watch films.

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Use appropriate words from the list together with the words in bold to form compound words to complete the sentences.
* well- * low- * two- * good- * long- * self-
22 Cartoon characters are not ……………………. anymore. DIMENSIONAL
23 Kate’s children are very ………………….; they never cause trouble at parties. BEHAVED
24 Operator, I’d like to make a ……………………. call. DISTANCE
25 I don’t feel comfortable wearing this top; it’s very …………….. CUT
26 She doesn’t believe in herself; she’s not ……………………. at all. CONFIDENT
27 Isn’t Tina very …………………… ?. LOOKING
t wo-dimensional
w ell-behaved
l ong- distance
l ow-cut
s elf-confident
g ood-looking

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
28 Our garden …………………………. ( take ) care of by the gardener once every two weeks.
29 The management …………………… ( sign ) by the manager as we speak.
30 There are no more tickets for the play; they …………………… ( sell ) out since last week.
31 The actors gave an amazing performance and …………………….. ( admire ) by everybody.
32 Romeo and Juliet ……………………….. ( write ) by Shakespeare in 1594.
33 Come to the table. The food …………………………. ( serve ).
34 You may …………………….. ( ask ) this question by the teacher; be prepared.
i s taken
i s being signed
h ave been sold
w ere admired
i s being served/
h as been served
w as written
b e asked

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
35 The tickets ……………………… ( send ) to your address in two days.
36 Mr Jameson …………………………. ( accompany ) to the opera by his wife last night.
37 The music for Sleeping Beauty …………………….. ( compose ) by Tchaikovsky.
38 The successful Chinese film Hero ……………………. (direct) and …………………….. ( produce ) by Zhang Yimou.
39 The Maths problem ……………………. ( not/solve ) by all the students yet.
40 A prize of £1,000 ……………………………… ( award ) to the writer of the best short story next week.
41 The country house ………………………………….. ( already/sell ) to a famous actor.
w ill be sent
w as accompanied
w as composed
w as directed
(was) produced
h as not been solved
i s going to be awarded
h as already been sold

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
42 The dance programme …………………………… ( show ) on TV at 9:30 pm tonight.
43 Mary …………………… ( give ) a ticket by the police last week for illegal parking.
i s going to be shown
w as given

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
44 Fashion models are quite popular …… young girls.
A among
B around
C for
45 I love this song! Can you turn …… the volume, please?
A on
B over
C up
46 I’m terribly sorry! I mistook you …… someone else.
A for
B with
C over
47 Could you turn …… the lights, please? It’s very dark in here.
A on
B in
C down
48 She impressed everybody …… her acting skills.
A about
B with
C for

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.
49 His salary will be €1,000 a month.
He …………………………… €1,000 a month.
50 Steven Spielberg directed ET in 1982.
ET …………………………… Steven Spielberg in 1982.
51 The actor amazed the audience with his performance.
The audience …………………………… the actor’s performance.
52 People say he is very rich.
He …………………………… very rich.
w ill be paid
w as directed by
w as amazed by
i s said to be

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.
53 This publishing house brings out hundreds of books every year.
Hundreds of books …………………………… this publishing house every year..
a re brought out by

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Circle the correct response.
54 A: What did you think of the film?
B :
a That sounds good.
b Well, it wasn’t bad.
55 A: I was wondering if you’d like to go to the opera on the 5 th September?
B :
a Actually, operas aren’t really my kind of thing.
b No, I didn’t like it at all.
56 A: Did you enjoy the concert?
B :
a Yes, I’d love to!
b Yes, I loved it!

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Circle the correct response.
57 A: I’m going to the cinema. Would you like to join me?
B :
a I’m a frequent cinema goer.
b No, it’s not my kind of thing.
58 A: If you’re free on Saturday, would you like to go to the theatre?
B :
a Ok, let’s risk it.
b That would be lovely!

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Match texts 59-65 with headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.
59 —
60 —
61 —
62 —
63 —
64 —
65 —
Nowadays it has become very easy to access music via CDs, the radio or by downloading your favourite tracks from the Internet. In fact, it is quite easy to forget how music is made and people these days seldom go to hear music being performed. In my opinion, we should make an effort to go to concert and support musicians. We should recognize and enjoy their talent.
Text 59
The Lost Pony tells the story of a young girl, Annie and the special relationship she has with her four-legged friend, Hannah. All is well until Hannah mysteriously disappears one day, seemingly never to return. The book is full of emotion and has vivid descriptions of Texas, where the book is set. Far from predictable, this book will thrill any reader from the age of ten!
Text 60
You may wonder why so many people all over the world watch daily soap operas. Got nothing better to do with their time? Well, watching soaps is better for you than you might imagine. The plot lines may be rather predictable, but there are plenty of things we can learn from what the characters experience. Such programmes are surprisingly educative and they approach topics in a light-hearted way. This may be why they are so popular.
Text 61
You can’t imagine how much fun you can have with Aerobeak the Parrot, available in new Pocket PC edition. The aim is to collect as many pineapples as possible on the island of Hawaii. To make it more exciting and interesting, Aerobeak meets various characters along the way and has to solve puzzles. An excellent way to spend a rainy afternoon. The graphics and music are original too!
Text 62
Aberdeen’s celebration of youth and culture promises to offer a fascinating programme again this August. With music and dance groups from all around the world, events will include concerts, workshops and street theatre. A detailed programme will be available from June.
Text 63
After opening in December 1997, Titanic began to draw huge crowds of cinema-goers and became the first film to earn more than $1 billion, beating films such as Star Wars and Jurassic Park. The film stayed in cinemas for over six months and won many awards, including best Film, Best Director, Best original Score and best Song.
Text 64
The Eldridge String Quartet, The Youth Chamber orchestra and soprano Deirdre Silver will be performing at 8.30 p.m. in the Arts Centre on Friday. Tickets cost €6 and are available now at the box office or bookable online at:
Text 65

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Listen to a young woman talking about her career as a songwriter. For questions 66-72 choose the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice.
66 The narrator is a songwriter because
A she wasn’t qualified to do anything else.
B it felt natural to be one.
C she wanted to perform music.
67 At the beginning of her career, the narrator
A performed in restaurant.
B was unsuccessful.
C performed for free.
68 The narrator started writing songs because
A she couldn’t get gigs.
B she was tired of doing gigs for little money.
C she had signed a record contract.
69 When the narrator suddenly made money, she
A bought her own studio.
B got her own house.
C saved most of it.
70 For a while, the narrator couldn’t write songs because
A she was enjoying a glamorous lifestyle.
B she lost the desire to work.
C she was overworked.
71 While on holiday in Spain, the narrator understood that
A she needed to change her priorities.
B she had the right balance of work/her private life.
C she wanted to give up her career.
72 In the future the narrator wants to
A teach yoga.
B follow her head.
C see the world.
I have been working as a professional songwriter from the age of 16. there was nothing else I wanted to do – I didn’t consider any other career as it just felt right to do what I di best. I also did a lot of singing in my teens and took private lessons to improve my technique. But I always preferred making music, rather than performing it. I know it is a competitive type of job and that I am lucky I am successful.
Things weren’t always easy, though. I had to work hard to get to where I am today. I started doing small gigs for £30 a night with a free meal thrown in. I sang in various eating places wherever I could. I didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life, so I started putting all my energy into writing songs. Once I had written some material, I then made some demo recordings and sent them off to record companies.
Script 1
Months passed and, when I hadn’t heard anything, I started to lose hope and then I got a call offering me a contract. I couldn’t believe it! Overnight I was rich! They even bought me my own recording studio. I went a little crazy with the money. I didn’t save very much of it. I moved into a nice new house and bought lots of furniture. And then the problems started.
I was so young but I had clear ideas about what kind of music I wanted to make. I wanted to do everything myself and so I ended up working far too hard. After eight months of working 16-hour days I lost all my energy and couldn’t write anything. It was strange – I felt that I had lost my enthusiasm and my creativity. I had just finished my second album and was working on my third. I was so tired because of all the gigs I was giving to promote the second album. I travelled all over the country.
Script 2
It is really hard to be on the road all the time – not a glamorous life at all! I wanted to keep going for the sake of my fans but I had to take a break. My sister lives abroad, in Spain and she invited me over there for a while. It was just what I needed – a chance to relax and get my energy back, let go of all the stress that had been building up. I had time to forget about work and think about myself. I realized that work isn’t everything. You need to have time to do other things, you need a balance. Yes, I still wanted to have a successful career but I also wanted to have time to enjoy myself – go out with friends, for example. Luckily, my best friends were still there for me and wanted to give me support. They realized that I was still the same person, that fame couldn’t change who I was inside. When I got back from my trip to Spain, I took up yoga. I felt much stronger as a result.
Script 3
I worked hard too, but I made sure I had enough free time. I stopped giving gigs and concentrated on my third album. It is nearly finished now. When it comes out, I think I’ll take a longer holiday. I fancy going to India. They do yoga holidays there, you know. I also want to travel more in the future – there’s so much to do and see!
My advice to anyone wanting to go into the music business is this: follow your heart and everything will be OK. Work hard, but don’t let your health suffer. Take good care of yourself – surround yourself with family and friends! I hope you will be as lucky as me!
Script 4

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

Изображение слайда

Your teacher has asked you to write a review of a film you saw recently and you enjoyed. Write your review (100-140 words).
The new Star Trek fil, directed by JJ Abrams, is a spectacular recreation and retelling of the original tale of the successful TV series of the ‘60s. It is a fast-paced action adventure which introduces the characters in their youth and reveals their backgrounds and their first mission onboard the USS Enterprise.
The plot is both gripping and interesting for the Trekkie and non-Trekkie audiences alike, full of surprising twisted and a touching love story. The filmmaker gives each character their moment of glory within the plot. The film takes us through their first mission to save the Earth from an evil visitor from the future, Nero.
The casting of the characters is brilliant Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Eric Bana as Nero, give a fresh look at the original characters. Furthermore, the special effects are simply out of this world!
All in all, Star Trek is sure to win over old Trekkie fans and make new ones as well. Its plot keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end. It’s definitely a filn for the big screen, so don’t wait for it on DVD.

Match the words/phrases in Column A with words/phrases in Column B. Column

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