Map of the word labeled

маркированный, с этикеткой


- маркированный
- меченый (напр. радиоактивным изотопом)

Мои примеры


tree with labeled nodes — дерево с помеченными вершинами  
rooted labeled forest — помеченный лес с корнями  
labeled block — помеченный блок, блок с меткой  
direct labeled cell — меченая клетка  
two-color labeled cell — клетка с двухцветовой меткой  
labeled target cell — меченая клетка-мишень  
labeled common — помеченный [поименованный] общий блок  
labeled diagram — помеченная диаграмма  
labeled file — помеченный файл  
isotopically labeled n-alkanes — изотопически меченные н-алканы; изотопно меченные н-алканы  

Примеры с переводом

They labeled him unfit to work here.

Его отбраковали от здешней работы. / Его сочли непригодным для этой работы.

The word was given the label “obsolete.”

Слово отнесли к категории «вышедших из употребления».

The name is prominently displayed on the label.

Название /имя/ хорошо заметно на этикетке /на бирке/.

Students drew maps of the states and labeled them.

Ученики /студенты/ чертили карты государств и сопровождали их надписями.

He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.

После некоторых оскорбительных высказываний он прослыл мракобесом /расистом, ханжой, фанатиком/.

You should read the warning label before you take any medicine.

Прежде чем принимать любое лекарство, нужно читать предупреждение на этикетке.

Once you give people labels, it’s hard to see them as individuals.

Вот навесишь на людей ярлыки, и становится трудно воспринимать их как личностей.

He labels his photographs with the date and place they were taken.

Он указывает на фотографиях дату и место, где они были сняты.

Some people describe him as “selfish,” but he doesn’t deserve that label.

Некоторые называют его эгоистом, но он не заслуживает такого эпитета.

The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.

Официальный доклад о причинах пожара назвали очковтирательством, попыткой скрыть правду.

The band has made records for several different labels in their career.

В течение своей музыкальной карьеры группа записывала пластинки у нескольких различных звукозаписывающих компаний.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Be sure to carefully label the switches so that you don’t confuse them.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

label  — этикетка, метка, ярлык, маркировка, бирка, помечать, метить, наклеивать ярлыки
labeling  — этикетирование

World Map LabeledDuring our school days, there was a subject Geography in which we study our earth and different parts of the country. Among those topics, there was one of the topics which were very interesting and were named as Maps and continents. As we get promoted to another class/ grade, the difficulty level keeps increasing.

World Map Labeled Continents

Maps and continents’ names are easy to remember but when it comes to marking those names on the map then there the problem arises. The users often don’t focus on maps because many of the students believe that it is a boring topic and is of no use, they just learn to pass their exams.

World Map Labelled Continents


But for their knowledge, we must inform you that the topics of continents are very interesting, and one can also choose it as a career. The World Map Labeled that we are coming with contains the details about the continents and the continents will be labeled in the world map which will help you to understand well.

World Map Labeled With Countries

Apart from the continents, there is also a topic which includes countries. There are so many countries in the World Map Labeled that it is very difficult to remember their names of them. But if we say that now it is possible that you can remember all the names then nothing could be more fun than that right?

World Map Labeled With Countries


So, the answer is yes, we are bringing the world map in which the countries will label alphabetically which will make the task easier. In other words, you will get all the names of the country in order, the advantage of this for you will be that you will not waste your time searching a particular country and as it is in order so you can directly go to the first letter of the country.

World Map Labeled Oceans

World Map Labeled Oceans


The World Map Labeled is available free of cost and no charges are needed in order to use the map. The beneficial part of our map is that we have placed the countries on the world map so that users will also come to know which country lies in which part of the map. 

In order to get the map, you don’t have to go to the market and buy it, in fact, you will be able to get the world map right where you are sitting. Now many of you must wonder how can we get the map from our home, so, what you have to do is that you have to download the world map.

World Map Labelled Printable


We are bringing the world map in printable form, therefore, the users will be able to download the map and store it in their storage devices like smartphones or PC. And whenever they need the map, they can get it printed with the help of a printer. The printable form is editable, so the users can make changes according to their choices like the font, color, and design of the map.

Labeled World Map Printable

Today the World Map Labeled is running in technology but in order to learn a few things, you can get the information from the internet but cannot mark the points because some points can only be marked if the things are available in printable form.

Similarly, in our labeled world map, you can see the names labeled but couldn’t get the hardcopy of it and if you are a student then you will not be able to keep a copy of it.

Labelled World Map Printable


Therefore, to solve this problem, we have brought our labeled world map in printable form, now you can save your map both in online and offline form. You will now be able to print the map and can also paste it into your wall or notebook. 

10000+ results for ‘map of the world’

Map of the world

Map of the world

Map of the World

map of world

map of world
Labelled diagram

world geography

Label a map of the world



Countries of the world
Flags of the world
Historical countries
Historical Flags

Map of world

Label the World Map

These are examples of the rules 1 to 6. Which rule do they exemplify?

Map of The United Kingdom

Map of The United Kingdom
Labelled diagram

Elementary School
ESOL Entry 1
ESOL Entry 2
ESOL pre-entry
United Kingdom

World Map

What's the picture?

Deserts on the World Map

These are examples of the rules 7 to 10, 13 and 34. Which rule do they exemplify?

Explain this part of Rule 8

The Earth Kerboodle Revision

Geography world map game

The map of Israel

Map of the UK

Rule 3 definitions

Tell me about rule 3

Rights of the child:  We need all these things?

Rule 6 Which pictures best match the phrases

NATO alphabet

NATO alphabet
Open the box

Adult Education
Rules of the road

Parts of the body

Parts of the body
Labelled diagram

Elementary School
Adult Education
ESOL Entry 1
ESOL pre-entry
Parts of the body

world map

First sentences of rules

Revision of IPOC vocvabulary

Rule 1 to 10 word revision - Choose a box ans ask the other team to explain the word.

World Map

Parts of the Male Reproductive System

Explain these phrases from rule 6

Rule 5 definitions

Rule 5

Rule 5
Missing word

Adult Education
Rules of the road

Rights of the child: Do we need this?

Rule 7 find these key words from the rule

Uk Map Labelling

What are the rights of the child? Discussion generator

Biomes of the world

Rule 6 collocations hangman

Label key physical features the World map

Final revision version 2021

Rule 7 - Are these phrases in rule 7?

Military radio conversation

Words from rule 8 in other contexts

World map labelling the continents and oceans

Rule 9

Rule 9
Match up

Adult Education
Rules of the road

Rule 7. Using key vocabulary in another context

Grid references on a map

Rule 1 to 10 anagram

Words in Rule 9

Rule 6 definitions

Rule 10

Rule 10
Match up

Adult Education
Rules of the road

Rule 8 What is shown here?

Rule 7 explain what this means

Rule 3 long words

Rule 3 vessels etc

Rule 10 collocations

Rule 9 key words in other contexts

Rule 5 word order

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