Many words into one word

Combine up to 4 words into one unique word. You can make an unlimited amount of word combinations by putting in or taking out words.

Here are example combined words: Knuff + Archiater


  • karchiater
  • kater
  • kchiater
  • ker
  • khiater
  • kiater
  • knarchiater
  • knater
  • knchiater
  • kner
  • knhiater
  • kniater
  • knr
  • knrchiater
  • knter
  • knuarchiater
  • knuater
  • knuchiater
  • knuer
  • knufarchiater
  • knufater
  • knufchiater
  • knufer
  • knuffarchiater
  • knuffater
  • knuffchiater
  • knuffer
  • knuffhiater
  • knuffiater
  • knuffr
  • knuffrchiater
  • knuffter
  • knufhiater
  • knufiater
  • knufr
  • knufrchiater
  • knufter
  • knuhiater
  • knuiater
  • knur
  • knurchiater
  • knuter
  • kr
  • krchiater
  • kter


Merge Words into Portmanteau Words

If you want to create a particularly unique name then have a look at those catchy words that are fused out of two or three words or names. That’s exactly what the word merging generator does.

No matter whether it’s just out of curiosity or for a new company name: rarely has the search for invented name been so much fun. With word merger you can combine words in many different ways and click your way through lots of newly created, «merged» terms, words or monikers.

Another special feature: by individual settings you can creatively influence the results. So you can find identical letters in different words or mix syllables of the used words. You can also choose to have letters removed and use the rest of the words to create your own individual name creations.

Use different merging settings

The possibilities for creative word fusions are more versatile than it appears at first glance. You can use this type of naming not only for new company or business names but also for product names, book titles, figure and character names.

It quickly becomes clear that the tool is a cool alternative to the classic brainstorming, in which a wide variety of name creations emerge. If, against expectations, you don’t find the name you are looking for here, take a look at our other creative name generators, that e.g. automatically transform words or add random words. Depending on your settings, word count and word type, there are endless ways to come up with imaginative names and words.

Create new words and names for inspiration

Combine words

Generate new words. Words that don’t exist yet. Words that do exist, but you didn’t think of. Enter two words and combine them with our tool.
It helps as inspiration, which you can use for domain names and business names. Or you can create your own new word and spread it to everyone and
promote it to eventually become famous and get it in the dictionary!

Generate new words with this tool! Brand new words that don’t exist yet. But also words that do exist, but you didn’t think of. Simply enter two words
and combine them with our tool!
Use at as a source of inspiration. For example, you can use it for domain names and business names. Or, you can create your own new word, and you can
spread it to the world! If you’re doing it (and have some luck), you can promote it, become famous, and eventually get it in the dictionary!

Name ideas

Thinking of names is hard (and possibly fun). Which name should you choose? Do you want a popular name, or rather a unique name?
Does the name have to include your or someone else’s name in some way? Then you can easily combine the names with the generator and see how it works out.
For example, entering ‘James’ and ‘Mary’ will give you ‘Jamy’ as a result. Pretty neat, right?


Enter your words or names in the input fields (text bars), and click on the ‘Combine’ button.
The generator will then take the words, and will try splitting, shifting and combining letters in several ways. It then
checks if the words are pronounceable. Finally it presents you a list of all the different words or names.
Some results will be bad, while others might sound and look good. Try it out and use it for whatever you want!

Word and name combiner


Search for a tool

Word Mixer

Tools for mixing words (names, first names, etc.). The word mixer makes new or existing words (suitcase words, longest word, anagrams, etc.)


Word Mixer

Tag(s) : Fun/Miscellaneous, Word Games



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  2. Word Mixer

Word/Name Mixer

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to mix word or names? (Definition)

There are several ways to mix words (or more precisely from words’ letters).

Generating a contraction word (portmanteau)

Two words can be contracted/fused into one (which exists or not)


This method is popular on social networks to fusion two words and create hashtags

Generating an anagram

Letters can be mixed/scrambled and swapped together to get 1 or more words (but sometimes none exists in the dictionary).

Example: DOG <=> GOD

This method can also generate pseudonyms.


Combining only some letters

It is sometimes impossible to generate anagrams but using some of the letters may be enough (similar to the longest word problem).

Example: The letters TWO+WORDS can create the words ROOT, DOTS, etc.

This also works with first names:


Why mixing word or names?

Mixing words makes it possible to create new concepts, the generator/mixer brings new ideas combining words, surnames or first names that have a meaning, both in the mechanics of mixing/combining and in the result (the generated word can / must remain comprehensible)

How to shuffle letters in a word?

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the «Word Mixer» source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the «Word Mixer» algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or the «Word Mixer» functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for «Word Mixer» are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
Reminder : dCode is free to use.

Cite dCode

The copy-paste of the page «Word Mixer» or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite dCode!
Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon
Cite as source (bibliography):
Word Mixer on [online website], retrieved on 2023-04-14,

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© 2023 dCode — The ultimate ‘toolkit’ to solve every games / riddles / geocaching / CTF.


I have a dataframe

0         i only need uxy to hit 20 eod to make up for a...
1                                        oh this isn’t good
2         account account account has a lot of issues...
3         i'm tempted to drop my last 800 into some stup...
4         the sell offs will will will will will continue until moral improves.

I have a list of words

names = ['is','account','will']

in case if the row has 3 or more words from the list I want to merge them into one word. For example of row has account account account has a lot of issues. I would want my row to look like this account has a lot of issues

0         i only need uxy to hit 20 eod to make up for a...
1                                        oh this isn’t good
2         account has a lot of issues...
3         i'm tempted to drop my last 800 into some stup...
4         the sell offs will continue until moral improves.

asked Aug 12, 2021 at 9:06

YanRemes's user avatar


3372 silver badges10 bronze badges


Not sure if this is what you mean but the following code replaces all multiple appending occurences of the word with a single occurrence.

for name in ['is', 'account', 'will']:
    yourList = list(re.sub(r"("+name+"s){2,}", name+" ", txt) for txt in yourList)

Used Input:

yourList = ["the sell offs will will will will will continue until moral improves.",
            "the sell offs will will will will will is is continue until moral improves.",
            "will will is is is is account account"]

Recieved Output:

['the sell offs will continue until moral improves.',
 'the sell offs will is continue until moral improves.', 
 'will is account account']

answered Aug 12, 2021 at 9:37

Noah's user avatar


6174 silver badges15 bronze badges


Try this (this should give your desired output. It will return a dataframe):

# meta_dict = {
#     r"((account)s){2,}": "account ",
#     r"((will)s){2,}": "will ",
#     r"((is)s){2,}": "is ",
# }

# another way to create the dictionary dynamically based on your input list of names
meta_dict = {}
for name in ["account", "will", "is"]:
    meta_dict.update({r"(("+name+")s){2,}": f"{name} "})

df_conv = df["col1"].replace(meta_dict, regex=True)


Note: df refers to your original dataframe consisting of the sentences in col1

answered Aug 12, 2021 at 10:09

SCode's user avatar


447 bronze badges


Let’s assume that your dataframe is stored in a variable called df

# convert dataframe to a list
df_list = df.values.tolist()

for name in names:
    # find and replace duplicate words
    formatted_list = list(re.sub(r"("+ name +"s){2,}", name +" ", item[0]) for item in df_list)

# convert the formatted list again to a dataframe
new_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(formatted_list)
df[0] = new_dataframe.replace(df[0], df[0]) 

so when you print df, you’ll get

                                               0    1           2
0  i only need uxy to hit 20 eod to make up for a...  123  2021-10-15
1                                 oh this isn't good  123  2021-10-15
2     account account account has a lot of issues...  123  2021-10-15
3  i'm tempted to drop my last 800 into some stup...  123  2021-10-15
4  the sell offs will continue until moral improves.  123  2021-10-15

try chaging index 0 to the index of the dataset you need. I used 0 here since the text is in the 0th index

answered Aug 12, 2021 at 10:54

Yasii's user avatar


1,6721 gold badge9 silver badges15 bronze badges


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