Man of his own word

a man of his word

A man who can be expected to keep or follow through with his promises or intentions; a truthful, trustworthy, or reliable person. (Feminine: «a woman of her word.») Bob, I’m a man of my word. If I tell you I’ll be at your house tomorrow morning at 10, then that’s when I’ll be there. I’ve found Martin to be a man of his word so far, so I’m confident he’ll get us the best deal possible. If Ted said that he’ll help you move, then he’ll definitely be here—he’s a man of his word.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

man of his word

A man who keeps promises, who can be trusted, as in You can count on Rudy-he’s a man of his word. This expression, which uses word in the sense of «a promise or undertaking,» was first recorded in 1542.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

a man (or woman) of his (or her) word

a person who keeps the promises that they make.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

of (one’s) word

Displaying personal dependability: a woman of her word.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • man of his word
  • be a man/woman of his/her word
  • man of few words
  • man of few words, a
  • a man of few words
  • a man/woman of few words
  • man of many parts
  • a man/woman of the world
  • a man of the world
  • kept man
a man of his word

человек слова, хозяин своего слова

I’m a man of my word; and what I say, I do. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘A Stoic’) — я человек слова и что говорю, то и делаю.

Of course, the Breckinridges were… men of their word. (W. Du Bois, ‘The Ordeal of Mansart’, ch. 1) — Конечно, Брекинриджи… умели держать свое слово.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «a man of his word» в других словарях:

  • man of his word — A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • man of his word — n. phr. A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. My uncle is a man of his word …   Словарь американских идиом

  • man of his word —    A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • (a) man of his word — a man who tells the truth and keeps promises. He s always been a man of his word, that I must say …   New idioms dictionary

  • man of his word — honest man, man who fulfills his promises …   English contemporary dictionary

  • man of his word — idi or woman of her word, a trustworthy, reliable person …   From formal English to slang

  • (a) man of his word — a man/woman/of his/her/word phrase a man or woman who does what he or she promises to do Thesaurus: people or things you can rely on or trust …   Useful english dictionary

  • a man of his word — ► a man (or woman) of his (or her) word a person who keeps their promises. Main Entry: ↑word …   English terms dictionary

  • Man of My Word — Single by Collin Raye from the album Extremes …   Wikipedia

a man of his word

   чeлoвeк cлoвa, xoзяин cвoeгo cлoвa

I’m a man of my word, and what I say, I do (J. Galsworthy)

Concise English-Russian phrasebook.

Смотреть что такое «a man of his word» в других словарях:

  • man of his word — A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • man of his word — n. phr. A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. My uncle is a man of his word …   Словарь американских идиом

  • man of his word —    A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • (a) man of his word — a man who tells the truth and keeps promises. He s always been a man of his word, that I must say …   New idioms dictionary

  • man of his word — honest man, man who fulfills his promises …   English contemporary dictionary

  • man of his word — idi or woman of her word, a trustworthy, reliable person …   From formal English to slang

  • (a) man of his word — a man/woman/of his/her/word phrase a man or woman who does what he or she promises to do Thesaurus: people or things you can rely on or trust …   Useful english dictionary

  • a man of his word — ► a man (or woman) of his (or her) word a person who keeps their promises. Main Entry: ↑word …   English terms dictionary

  • Man of My Word — Single by Collin Raye from the album Extremes …   Wikipedia

man of his word — перевод на русский

— Oh, yes. He’s a man of his word.

— Да, он человек слова.

Well, I was paid to make the delivery and I’m a man of my word.

Но мне заплатили за доставку, а я человек слова.

And believe it or not, I’m a man of my word.

Хотите — верьте, хотите — нет, но я — человек слова.

He said, «But Dirk Delta is a man of his word.»

Но Дирк Дельта — человек слова.»

You see, I’m a man of my word.

Видишь, я человек слова.

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I’m a man of my word.

Я держу своё слово.

I’m a man of my word… if I feel like it.

Я держу своё слово… если мне этого хочется.

Now, these sons of bitches who are selling this stuff, they don’t know it yet, but… I’m a man of my word.

Сукины дети, что продают эту дрянь, ещё не знают, но я держу своё слово.

I promised you I’d let you know if we had anything more, and I’m a man of my word.

Я обещал держать вас в курсе, если что-то узнаю. И я держу свое слово.

I may be many things, Mitchell, but I am a man of my word.

Про меня можно разное сказать, Митчелл, но я держу слово.

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Jack is a man of his word.

Джек— хозяин своему слову.

I’m sure the gentleman is a man of his word.

Уверен, он хозяин своему слову.

Now, I am a man of my word.

Так, я хозяин своему слову.

I’m a man of my word, right?

Я хозяин своего слова, да?

-I’m a man of me word.

— Я хозяин своего слова.

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Now Coleman’s always been a man of his word, but I can guarantee you that these pictures are gonna surface whether you drop out of this race or not.

Колеман всегда держит свое слово но я гарантирую тебе, эти фотографии всплывут независимо от того, выйдешь ты из этой гонки или нет.

He promised Mike he wouldn’t tell her, and Harvey’s a man of his word.

Он пообещал Майку, что не расскажет ей, а Харви держит свое слово.

Now, I’m a man of my word.

Я держу свое слово.

Let’s see if you are a man of his word!

Сейчас увидим, как ты за свои слова ответишь.

Look, you taught me to be a man of my word.

Слушай, ты сама говорила мне отвечать за свои слова.

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I promised you’d be reunited, and I’m a man of my word.

Я обещал, что вы будете вместе, и сдержал слово.

I’m glad to see you’re a man of your word.

Рада, что ты сдержал слово.

I want you to know that I’m a man of my word.

И я сдержу свое слово.

Senor Huertavas wasn’t a man of his word.

Сеньор Хуэртавас не сдержал своего слова.

And will you be able to provide that refuge? Indeed, you are a man of your word.

Безусловно, вы сдержали слово, и я позабочусь о вашей безопасности.

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  • #1


My dictionary says that «a man of his word» means that he keeps his promise. But I think a lot of people would use «a man of his words» to mean the same.

Which is right?

Thanks in advance.

    • #2

    I’ve heard both in AE, but I sense that word(singular) is more common.

    • #3

    «Word.» It’s a set phrase. «His word» means the things he asserts. It’s not used in the plural in this sense.


    • #4

    A man of words = A person who speaks or writes well.

    A man of his word = A person who keeps his promises.

    • #5

    Thank you, Prawer and Pob14.

    I can find so many people using «a man of his words», so let me ask you if there is some difference in nuance between the two.

    I guess plural often indicates stronger meaning such as «Many thanks», «Best regards» and so on.

    Is it ok to think that «a man of his words» connotes he keeps his promise more accurately than «a man of his word» ?

    Thanks in advance.

    • #6


    I don’t think the plural would be used to intensify the meaning, and I do sense like (pob14 and Packard) that «man of his word» is the preferred alternative. But I also think many people use «a man of his words» to indicate the same meaning as «a man of his word.»

    • #7

    Thank you, Prawer.

    And thank you,Packard. After posting, I came to notice you have posted.

    Thanks again for your kindness.

    • #8

    Hi, everyone

    I have a follow-up question for you.

    If a man of his word means he keeps his promises, can I say I’m a man of my word to mean I am a person who always keep my promises. The question may sound a little silly, if you want to laugh, feel free to laugh, I’ve noticed that it’s regarded as a set phrase, so I’m not really sure if the subject can be changed to I, or she.



    • #9

    Yes. You can say «I’m a man of my word. [I keep my promises].»

    • #10

    Yes. You can say «I’m a man of my word. [I keep my promises].»

    Thank you


    • #11

    It isn’t a silly question at all, Steven.

    He’s a man of his word. :tick:
    She’s a woman of her word.:tick:
    They are men of their word, we are men of our word, etc.:tick: I wouldn’t use the plural «words», even with a plural subject, as I prefer to stick to the set phrase.


    • #12

    I don’t recall hearing the phrase used with the plural words. Like veli, I prefer to stick to the set phrase. There are also other phrases with the singular word, eg ‘my word is my bond’, ‘to give somebody your word’, ‘to keep your word’, etc. They don’t work with words.

    • #13

    Thank you both, velisarius and natkretep for your help!


    • #14

    Hello there,
    a man of his word
    I’ve been thinking about this phrase for a while and I’ve asked myself a question: What one word would you use to say the same thing? Obviously I’ve consulted a few dictionaries and this is what I found: dependable, reliable. Is there any other word that describes a person who keeps their promises? Dependable and reliable seem too all-encompassing, if I may say so.


    • #15

    He’s/she’s trustworthy, she/he has integrity.


    • #16

    Thank you. I’m much obliged.

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    человеком слова

    хозяин своего слова

    человека слова

    человек слова

    He was a man of his word and expected the same of others.

    Он сам был человеком слова и дела и того же требовал от других.

    He should always be a man of his word.

    So he’s a man of his word.

    He is a hard worker, a creative soul and a man of his word.

    We all know him as a man of his word.

    We go back a long way, I know him as a man of his word, and all business partners respond about him very well — including foreign ones.

    «Мы давно знакомы, я знаю его как человека слова, о котором очень хорошо отзываются все бизнес-партнеры — в том числе иностранные.

    My brother has never been a man of his word.

    Being a man of his word, he dedicated his life to serving my grandmother.

    Будучи человеком слова, он посвятил свою жизнь служению моей бабке.

    Nastya tries to stick to known, inviolable principles, being always a man of his word.

    Настя старается придерживаться всем известных, незыблемых принципов, оставаясь всегда человеком слова.

    He’s a man of his word and kept his promise.

    They say that the colonel always carried out military service with dedication and courage, was a man of his word and was able to find a way with everyone.

    Рассказывают, что подполковник всегда с преданностью и отвагой нес военную службу, был человеком слова и умел найти подход к каждому.

    And since Avimileh was a man of his word, he hastened to withdraw his army and no longer attacked the neighboring state.

    А поскольку Авимилех был человеком слова, он поспешил увести свою армию и более не нападал на соседнее государство.

    I’m Ross’ sister and I can tell you he has been a man of his word and honor all his life.

    Я сестра Росса и я могу сказать вам, что он был человеком слова и чести всю свою жизнь.

    He had always been a man of honour — a man of his word.

    The singer has proven that he is a man of his word.

    He is a man of his word and always fulfills its promises.

    He’s a man of his word, so you can count on him.

    He is, indeed, a man of his word.

    The millionaire grabs the mic and says, I am a man of his word.

    Миллионер хватает микрофон и говорит: Я — человек слова.

    What’s more, he’s a man of his word.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    So he’s a man of his word.

    He’s a man of his word, so you can count on him.

    What’s more, he’s a man of his word.

    But he just proved yet again that he’s a man of his word.

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    Home 📌Английские идиомы Перевод идиомы a man of his word / a woman of her word, значение выражения и пример использования

    Идиома: a man of his word / a woman of her word

    Перевод: человек слова, хозяин своего слова


    He’s always been a man of his word, that I must say.
    Он всегда был человеком слова, должен признаться.

    Перевод идиомы a man of his word / a woman of her word, значение выражения и пример использования

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