Making words from letters in another word

Anagram Solver is a tool used to help players rearrange letters to generate all the possible words from them. You input the letters, and Anagram Maker gives you the edge to win Scrabble, Words With Friends, or any other word game. No matter the length or difficulty of the word, Anagram Solver provides all available word options.

Anagrams — Definition and Examples

Have you ever heard of an anagram? Maybe you recognize the term, but you’re not exactly sure what it means. On the other hand, you might be an expert at using anagrams and have fun with them when playing various word games and board games.

What is an Anagram?

Anagrams are words or phrases you spell by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For instance, fans of the Harry Potter series know that Lord Voldemort’s full name is actually an anagram of his birth name, and some people even play games challenging one another to make anagrams still relevant to the original term. For example, «schoolmaster» can be turned into «the classroom», «punishments» becomes «nine thumps», and «debit card» turns into «bad credit».

The only rule is that all the letters from the original word or phrase must be used when they’re reordered to say something entirely different.

History of Anagrams

Historians suggest that anagrams actually originated in the 4th century BC, but weren’t commonly used until the 13th century AD when they were sometimes thought of as mystical. Imagine that!

20 Cool Anagram Examples

Whatever your level of knowledge, Word Finder can be a great tool to assist you to unscramble letters and identify anagrams when playing online and offline games. Here are some examples to help you become more familiar with anagrams ─ starting with the word “anagram” itself.

  1. anagram = nag a ram
  2. below = elbow
  3. study = dusty
  4. night = thing
  5. act = cat
  6. dessert = stressed
  7. bad credit = debit card
  8. gainly = laying
  9. conversation = voice rants on
  10. eleven plus two = twelve plus one
  11. they see = the eyes
  12. funeral = real fun
  13. meteor = remote
  14. the classroom = schoolmaster
  15. meal for one = for me alone
  16. sweep the floor = too few helpers
  17. older and wiser = I learned words
  18. video game = give a demo
  19. coins kept = in pockets
  20. young lady = an old guy

Anagram Solver for Scrabble, Words with Friends and Crosswords

How does anagramming help with word games? Easily, it forces you to start reimagining your tiles in a less confusing way. You’ll start looking at how to make any phrase or word instead of simply struggling with what appears on the board and the rack.

Some people are naturals at coming up with anagrams. However, it’s a rare person who can look at language and expertly rearrange the consonants and vowels to arrive at interesting or entertaining new compositions.

What is an Anagram Solver?

An anagram solver is a terrific tool that many people like to rely on to create different letter combinations.

How to Use an Anagram Solver in 3 Simple Steps

  • Step #1: Recognize prefixes and suffixes.

Following are common ones:

Some prefixes that start words ─ ab, ad, dis, de, ex, re, sub, un

Some suffixes that end words ─ ed, er, ing, ism, ly, ment, ness, tion

  • Step #2: Pick them out.
  • Step #3: Reorder the letters into new words.

Anagramming Example

One example is that the word “painter” could become “repaint” by moving the suffix to the beginning so that it becomes a prefix. Alternatively, the letters could be rearranged to make the word “pertain”.

Using Anagram Maker

Now, you may not see how anagramming can really help you win at games such as Scrabble or Words with Friends. However, just think about it for a moment. If you have the board in front of you, and it is loaded with an array of pre-existing words and open spaces, your strategy demands you consider the most lucrative moves. It is not just about making the longest word, but more about the words that give the most points. Anagram generators, like ours, give you solutions with anything from two to six or more letters. You can then use them to plug into the available spaces, finding the highest points possible.

Scrabble Anagram Maker

Seasoned Scrabble players will already know the value of using an anagram generator. After pulling seven tiles from the Scrabble bag and laying them out on their rack, the first player must use a sufficient number to make a complete word to get the game going. There can be a lot riding on this initial play. So, it’s not an uncommon practice for participants to take a little time moving the letters around to see what arrangement will give them the highest score. After all, if they can keep their early advantage, they may eventually win the game!

What’s more, as the game progresses, players will sometimes become stumped about how to display the tiles that they have on the board to gain the most points for the play. In short, having an anagram creator can assist Scrabble players to use their tile points to make words with the best possible score quickly so that the game remains exciting.

Words with Friends Anagram Finder

Similarly, an anagram word finder can be an invaluable device when enjoying Words with Friends. Faced with a jumble of letters, some players may be tempted to cheat or may try out words that they’re not very sure of. Would you believe that the English language has over 171,400 words? In addition, new words are added all the time. Therefore, it’s no wonder that game participants will sometimes become confused or perplexed when they’re attempting to solve multiple words and figure out where to make their next move.

Since Words with Friends is a digital game, you may be engaging with people anywhere in the world unless, of course, you choose to play solo. The game has the potential to be quite fast-paced, and you certainly don’t want to contemplate over your next move to slow things down ─ particularly when you may just be getting to know your opponent! This is where having a word anagram aid to use can be indispensable.

2 Tips to Solve Anagrams for Word Games Players

Are you ready for some final tips about solving anagrams? We’re sure that you can put the following information to good use!

Tip 1: Word Unscrambler 

By employing Word Unscrambler, participants in word games are able to search for anagrams by entering the letters and wildcards that they have. Not only that, but they can use an advanced filter to discover words that start or end with particular letters and for other inquiries.

Here are a few examples:

The word “listen” is made up of letters EILNTS. When the word itself if entered in the Word Unscrambler, it quickly finds “silent”.

Along the same lines, “save”, comprised of AESV, reveals the word “vase” in the Word Unscrambler.

Tip 2: Phrase Unscrambler 

When we study a phrase on its own, we can become quite stuck on its meaning and it can be difficult to see just how the words and letters can make something new. Hence, Phrase Unscrambler can be very valuable when players are looking to change the letters around in phrases to pinpoint anagrams. 

Take a look at these examples:

“Dirty room” contains the following letters ─ DIMOORRTY. Putting the phrase into the Phrase Unscrambler uncovers the word “dormitory”.

By entering the phrase “moon starer” that has these letters ─ AEMNOORRST, the Phrase Unscrambler locates the word “Astronomer”.

Start playing with our anagram finder and discover the surprising number of options just a single collection of tiles can yield. Become an anagram creator today!

Everything You Need to Know about Word Unscramblers

Love playing Scrabble®? You know how difficult it is to find words among a bunch of letters. Sure, seeing vowels and consonants is everything some people need to win over any jumble.

However, figuring out a letter combination that forms an anagram isn’t a skill everyone possesses. If you’re one of those requiring word scramble help, I’ve got good news for you. It’s easy to figure out the missing word, even if you aren’t sure about it, especially if you are playing your favorite board game online.

You can discover new ways to make playing the game easy. Read on and discover your way to mastering any jumble.

What is a Word Unscramble Tool?

A word unscramble tool also goes by the name of «letter unscrambler» or «jumble solver.» It’s a tool that finds words hidden within jumbled letters.

An anagram solver lets you find all the words made from a list of letters presented in any order. You only need to locate the online tool and, in the search bar, enter any letters you can think of, including wild cards.

Many word solvers also let you choose a game dictionary. It gives you extra leeway to search with advanced options if you want to cheat with specific rules.

You don’t have to think of them as some unscramble cheat. Instead, using a scramble solver can help you study and practice your next Scrabble® or Words With Friends® match.

How to Unscramble Words and How to Use Advanced Options

Steps and Examples

The first thing you need to do is to find the best tool. Then, the steps are straightforward. Even more so, most tools follow the same steps; you’ll have a hard time getting lost with any scramble solver.

  • Step 1: Enter each of your current letter tiles in the search box. The maximum is fifteen. You can use two blank tiles («?» or SPACE).
  • Step 2: Hit the Search button. You will get to see different words coming up from the generator. Click on any word to see its definition. 

Want to get even better at the popular word game? Alternatively, you can also use Advanced Options to add in more complexity to your favorite word game. So, you can decide what letter or letter pairs the word should start with, or the letter you will find at the end. A wildcard letter can generate many letter ideas.

You can also decide how many letters the word will contain, or the word pattern. For instance, you can search for high-scoring words that have the letter ‘n’ in a specific position. When you are done, all you need to do is hit the search button again.

Then, you can see the words database categorized by the number of letters.

Unscramble Words Methods

There are two approaches when it comes to word scramble help. Each method sets itself apart depending on how you’re solving the anagram.

1. Unscramble Letters

The first approach is to unscramble letter combinations to make words. This way tends to be the most commonly sought-after because it’s easier to score more points and win when you’re not focusing on a specific word.

When we talk about having to unscramble letters to make words, the possibilities are more extensive.

This word scramble help consists of what you learned earlier. The unscrambler tool receives combinations of letters and proceeds to unscramble them into different words.

If your objective is to rely less on that random wildcard and increase your vocabulary, this way is the best.

2. Unscramble Words

This type of word solver is much more restrictive. If you go with it, you’re choosing to unscramble jumbled words. It’s the closest you can get to a literal anagram.

To unscramble this anagram is much more difficult. You’re going after an individual result instead of many possibilities.

Online tools to unscramble jumbled words are usually more difficult to find. Often, the easiest way to unscramble a specific word with online help is to use filters. This way, you can limit the results and narrow them down to what you want.

Tips and Tricks to Unscramble Long Words

Words longer than five letters can be a nightmare. However, there are a few tips we can give you to make your life easier.

Tip 1: Focus on Syllables

Firstly, you can exploit the mighty syllable. People make words from syllables, not letters. You can merge vowels and consonants and form letter combinations (like suffixes and prefixes) that often go together. This way makes it easier to visualize possible words.

Tip 2: Vowels vs Consonants

Another way is to separate consonants and vowels. It often makes answers more noticeable than having everything jumbled.

Tip 3: Separate the Letter S

Lastly, the chances are that your language pluralizes words by adding an S in the end. If you’re playing Scrabble® and have a noisy S, taking up space, you probably can place it as adjacent letters at the end of your next word.

Most Popular Unscrambling Examples

There are ways to make the next puzzle game more exciting. Additionally, you can use these «rules» to focus on particular vocabularies you want to improve.

A. Three Word Finding Examples by Length

The first example is to unscramble anagrams into a set number of random letters using advanced options.

  1. Make 7 letter words with these letters: AHSJFTSIKATL
  2. Make 6 letter words with these letters: OKLIYNCMZHOF
  3. Make 5 letter words with these letters: MGJDUHSIAOET

B. Two Word Solving Examples by Topic

The other way to solve a letter scramble puzzle is to focus on a topic. You can choose specific categories for your anagram, or you can limit your jumble to a certain language like German or French to make things harder!

  1. Find home utilities with these letters: KSIETNCHOFRK
  2. Find food-related words with these letters: AJDOQIUESHNM

If you are looking to get better in the board game faster, this Word Unscrambler is the one you need to check out – for sure! For Crossword Puzzles lovers, we have a different tool. Try it here when you are stuck in solving any clue.

A Word Unscrambler for words of up to 12 letters. Enter in the scrambled letters and it will magically make the word unscramble!

A Complete Guide: How to Unscramble Words

If you enjoy playing word games online or in-person board games, you’re going to need help unscrambling a word at
some point. When that time comes, you’ll benefit from an online word unscrambler that makes it easier for you to
win your game. Fortunately, we have a tool that’s simple to use and has been helping people unscramble letters for

So if you’re tired of getting stuck on scrambled words as you play games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, you
can get all the help you need right here.

Here’s what you need to know to get started with the word finder.

How to Use Our Word Unscrambler

If you need word jumble help, our tool will let you quickly find the answers to tough word scrambles. To get
started, all you have to do is pick the letters to enter — up to 12 — and then put them in the search box. You can
also use question marks or spaces as wildcards — just like using a blank tile in Scrabble or Words with Friends.
There are also advanced options that allow you to pick prefixes, suffixes, or word length.

Once you view your search results, you’ll see a list of all the valid words that you can make divided into
different categories, depending on how many letters each word has. You can then pick your word length or, for
example, get a list of those that have only consonants or vowels.

All the possible words will reveal themselves, and you can easily and instantly use them in your word game. We’re
using a custom Scrabble dictionary
to quickly get you access to all the letter combinations that are possible in the English language.
Think about how many points you can win when you have access to anywhere from 2 to 12 letter words!

From there, you can click on a specific word and get access to definitions,
word lists, or even the new words that
can be made from the words that the unscramble tool can build with the one you’ve just found!

Maybe you only want the highest scoring words? We’ve got ’em!

Jumbled Letters

Just for puzzles or something more serious? Also called anagrams, jumbled words and phrases are thousands of years
old and once acted as coded messages. Individuals and groups alike — including the military — used them to send
sensitive information to others with confidence. After all, they knew that if anyone got a hold of the message,
they wouldn’t be able to understand it because it contained transposed letters. Only the intended recipients were
aware of this, and only they could use their word descrambler (in this case a codex) to reveal the secret

Word Games

These days, people don’t use jumbled words to send secret messages very often. But they still appear frequently in
entertaining puzzles and games, like Words With Friends, Word Cookies, or Text Twist. Whether you’re playing just
for fun or to challenge your brain, you can get get ahead with our word solver.

One fun phenomenon is called «Typoglycemia» which is the idea that if you can read, your brain can «forgive»
simple mis-spelled words and you can still read the message. For example:

«oyu cna porbabyl raed tihs eevn thouhg it is garbeld up nonsesne»

Your brain acts like a built-in word unscrambler tool!

How to Unscramble Words

If you’re trying to produce unscrambled words on your own, the key is in mentally breaking each word down into
smaller sections to focus on. For example, you might see «FOR» or «ED» in the word and focus on those smaller
sections to decide what words they might be part of. Picking apart prefixes (letters placed before the word) and
suffixes (letters placed after the word), such as «PRE» or «ING», can also help you unscramble words faster.

Once you have some smaller sections of words to work on, start shuffling those letters until you see one or more
words begin to take shape.

You should also try to find some common letter pairs that go together in many words, all while looking at any
clues that are offered by your game, as context can help a lot as you try to solve jumbled words.

And of course, if these tips don’t help you with your word puzzle, you can always get a little assistance within
seconds from our word generator.

The Benefits of Puzzle Games

If you play games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, you likely experience several benefits from doing so. One
of the main benefits is the expansion of your vocabulary. No matter how many words you know, you can always learn
more, and regular practice can help with this! Puzzles are a great way to challenge your brain, which is important
as you get older or if you’ve been spending too much time watching TV or online. Keeping your brain busy is good
for it and will help you learn more while you have fun at the same time.

Another reason to play vocabulary games is to occupy your time when you can’t leave the house or spend time with
friends and family in person. In fact, many people choose to play word games online with friends and relatives who
live far away. Others make new friends when they play these games online, making it a fun social activity to do
from home or even on the go.

Finally, adults aren’t the only ones who can benefit from trying to unscramble jumbled words. If you have kids or
grandkids at home, you can keep them busy with these types of puzzles that will challenge their brain, expand
their vocabulary, and teach them how to have fun with words! Whether they’re playing on paper or on a screen, the
kids will think and learn while they stay engaged and entertained.

Why Get Word Jumble Help?

Now you know why word jumbles are beneficial. But it turns out there are also some advantages of using the word
unscrambler. One is that you can boost your confidence in playing by getting you out of a temporary hole. Once you
can move past a tough spot, it might just be the thing you need to kickstart your brain into action!

If this doesn’t happen often, it can disappoint, and you might feel like giving up at times. You may just need a
little push to think up new word combinations, and you can get that with the word solver on the most challenging
scrambles you face. This is much better than giving up entirely any time you can’t solve a jumbled word.

Another reason to get online word jumble help is to save time as you play. Maybe you only have a limited time to
reach the top level of a game and you’re stuck on one section for too long. Getting help with these sections may
be what you need to get past the level that constantly gives you trouble so you can get on with the game.

Using a word finder can prevent stress as you play, letting you actually relax instead of worrying. Of course, you
can also simply use a words with friends cheat to find unfamiliar words, whether in other games or in your daily
life! They can even help you with crossword puzzles, giving you some good ideas on letters that may fit into the
squares as you play.

Unscramble Words Cheat

Now you’re likely ready to use a word unscrambler to help you build words easily. But why use our tool
specifically? Well, when you want , you need a tool that will give you fast answers that are easy to plug into
your game. With our word jumble solver, you can simply unscramble words by entering the letters you have to work

When you press the search button you’ll see a list of all the words that you can form with those letters. The list
sorts the words by the number of letters in each, so they’re easy to find and use in your game, depending on what
you’re looking for. Depending on what game you’re playing, you can also use the Scrabble Word Finder to pull back
new words to help you play — including 7 letter words that can get you a 50-point bonus!

Even better, when you click each word on our lists, you can see how many points it will get you in word games like
Scrabble and Words with Friends. You’ll also see other helpful information, like the definition of each word and
what other words you can make if you add just one more letter. You’ll find that you can spend hours just browsing
the lists of results, learning more about every word you might. With this kind of, you’ll find winning your games
easier than ever!

What 5 letter word can be made from the letters ‘BBEAK’?

The 5-letter word that can be made with the letters ‘BBEAK’ is kebab which means cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables.

What words can I make with these letters ‘FOUND’?

The words you can make with these letters ‘FOUND’ are fondu, found, doun, fond, foud, fund, udon, undo, dof, don, dun, duo, fon, fou, fud, fun, nod, oud, udo, ufo, do, no, nu, od, of, on, ou, un.

How to make words containing these letters ‘SHELF’ easily?

You can make words with any letters easily using our tool. Just type all your desired results in the given search box and hit the search button and the tool displays all the related words within seconds. In this case, the possible words with the letters ‘SHELF’ are as follows flesh, shelf, fehs, self, efs, elf, els, feh, hes, sel, she, ef, eh, el, es, fe, he, and sh.

Can I make words with these letters ROAD?

Yes, you can make words with these letters ROAD. All the possible words are as follows orad, road, ado, dor, oar, oda, ora, rad, rod, ad, ar, da, do, od, or.

Can I make words with these letters BROWN?

Yes, you can make words with these letters BROWN. All the possible words are as follows brown, born, brow, worn, bow, bro, nob, nor, now, orb, own, rob, row, won, bo, no, on, or, ow, wo.

Is it okay to make words using these letters LOLLDUP?

Yes, the possible words that can be made using these letters ‘LOLLDUP’ are as follows doll, dull, loll, loud, loup, lull, plod, poll, pull, updo, dol, duo, dup, lop, old, oud, pod, pol, pud, pul, udo, upo, do, lo, od, op, and up.

What words can be made with these letters ‘TEGFOT’?

The possible words that can be made with these letters ‘TFFFOT’ are as follows toft, tote, eft, ego, fet, foe, fog, get, got, oft, teg, tet, toe, tog, tot, ef, et, fe, go, oe, of, to.

Make words containing these letters EXERCISE?

All the words that can be made containing these letters EXERCISE are as follows exercise, cerise, creese, excise, sexier, ceres, cires, cries, eerie, execs, resee, rexes, rices, scree, siree, xeric, cees, cere, cire, cris, exec, exes, ices, ires, recs, rees, reis, rice, rise, seer, sere, sice, sire, cee, cis, ere, ers, ice, ire, rec, ree, rei, res, rex, sec, see, sei, ser, sex, sic, sir, six, sri, xis, er, es, ex, is, re, si, xi.

What words do these letters ‘BREATH’ make?

All the words that can be made containing these letters BREATH are as follows bather, bertha, breath, bathe, berth, earth, hater, heart, rathe, rehab, taber, abet, baht, bare, bate, bath, bear, beat, beta, beth, brae, brat, eath, haet, hare, hart, hate, hear, heat, herb, rate, rath, rhea, tahr, tare, tear, thae, arb, are, art, ate, bah, bar, bat, bet, bra, ear, eat, era, eta, eth, hae, hat, her, het, rah, rat, reb, ret, tab, tae, tar, tea, the, ab, ae, ah, ar, at, ba, be, eh, er, et, ha, he, re, ta.

Can I make words out of these letters TRIPPED accurately?

Yes if you are looking to make words out of these letters TRIPPED, then our tool makes words with these letters and provides you with the most accurate results. We segregate all the letters with their word length so that it becomes easy for you to choose from. In this case, all the letters that can be made with these letters TRIPPED are as follows tripped, dipper, peptid, redipt, ripped, tipped, tipper, trepid, dript, piped, piper, pipet, pride, pried, redip, riped, tepid, tired, tried, tripe, diet, dipt, dire, dirt, dite, drip, edit, ired, iter, peri, perp, pert, pied, pier, pipe, prep, repp, ride, ripe, rite, tide, tied, tier, tire, trip, die, dip, dit, ire, ped, pep, per, pet, pie, pip, pit, red, rei, rep, ret, rid, rip, ted, tie, tip, de, di, ed, er, et, id, it, pe, pi, re, ti.

Can I make words out of these letters DROPPING accurately?

Yes, if you are looking to make words out of these letters DROPPING, then our tool makes words with these letters and provides you with the most accurate results. We segregate all the letters with their word length so that it becomes easy for you to choose from. In this case, all the letters that can be made with these letters DROPPING are as follows dropping, doping, pongid, poring, roping, dingo, doing, gipon, giron, grind, groin, oping, orpin, pingo, pirog, poind, prion, prong, ding, dino, dong, dorp, drip, drop, gird, girn, giro, gorp, grid, grin, grip, inro, iron, nodi, noir, nori, ping, pion, pirn, pond, pong, porn, prig, prod, prog, prop, rind, ring, dig, din, dip, dog, don, dor, gid, gin, gip, god, gor, ion, nip, nod, nog, nor, pig, pin, pip, pod, poi, pop, pro, rid, rig, rin, rip, rod, di, do, gi, go, id, in, no, od, oi, on, op, or, pi.

what words can make with these letters OCEAN?

All the words that are possible from the following letters OCEAN are as follows canoe, ocean, acne, aeon, cane, cone, once, ace, ane, can, con, eon, nae, oca, one, ae, an, en, na, ne, no, oe, on.

What words I make with these letters YELLOW?

All the words that are possible from the following letters YELLOW are as follows yellow, lowly, welly, lowe, well, wyle, yell, yowe, yowl, ell, ley, low, lye, ole, owe, owl, woe, wye, yew, yow, el, lo, oe, ow, oy, we, wo, ye, yo.

What words make with these letters BELOW?

All the words that are possible using these letters BELOW are as follows below, bowel, elbow, blew, blow, bole, bowl, lobe, lowe, bel, bow, lob, low, obe, ole, owe, owl, web, woe, be, bo, el, lo, oe, ow, we, wo

What words can you make from these letters AMERICA?

All the words that are possible using these letters AMERICA are as follows camera, acari, aecia, aimer, amice, arame, areca, areic, ceria, cream, crime, erica, macer, maria, micra, ramie, acme, acre, amia, amie, amir, area, aria, came, care, cire, cram, emic, emir, maar, mace, mair, mara, marc, mare, mica, mice, mire, race, raia, rami, ream, rice, rime, ace, aim, air, ama, ami, arc, are, arm, cam, car, ear, era, ice, ire, mac, mae, mar, mic, mir, rai, ram, rec, rei, rem, ria, rim, aa, ae, ai, am, ar, em, er, ma, me, mi, re.

How to make words with these letters only TYPING?

In order to make words with the letters TYPING, all you have to do is type all the letters on our tool that is easily available on our website. Once you press enter you will find a result of all the possible words that can be made with the word TYPING. Therefore, all the words that can be made with the letters TYPING are as follows typing, tying, ping, pint, piny, pity, pyin, ting, tiny, tyin, gin, gip, git, gyp, nip, nit, pig, pin, pit, tin, tip, yin, yip, gi, in, it, pi, ti.

How to make words with these letters only TRYING?

In order to make words with the letters TRYING, all you have to do is type all the letters on our tool which is easily available on our website. Once you press enter you will find a result of all the possible words that can be made with the word TRYING. Therefore, all the words that can be made with the letters TRYING are as follows trying, tyring, tying, girn, girt, grin, grit, gyri, ring, ting, tiny, trig, tyin, gin, git, nit, rig, rin, tin, try, yin, gi, in, it, ti.

Our letter unscrambler can unscramble letters into words with ease. It is simple to use, just enter the letters you want to unscramble and click «find letters». That’s it!

Unscramble up to 20 letters & Max 2 ‘?’ for blank tiles.

Example Letters UBTUULOS

Here is an example of scrambled letters, ubtuulos, to get you started! We were able to unscramble a total of 71 words with these letters.

Unscrambling Letters

What is the Best Way to Unscramble Letters Into Words and Anagrams?

If you ever wonder how you can unscramble letters to make words, then you are not alone. Words come any many shapes and sizes, 2 letter short words or 20 letter long words. How can one possibly know all
the possible word choices when looking a word to make from a set of scrambled letters? It is possible and difficult, but I will give you a few tips on unscrambling letters.

  • Start small — Some people like to find all the little words from a set of letters before they try to use all the letters. A good example is the set of scrambled letters CHEAT, you can make the word AT, CAT, HAT, EAT and other smaller words. It starts your brain in the right mind set and helps you find the longer words like TEACH
  • Learn Valid Words — It is always a good idea to be an expert on the dictionary for the word game you are playing. Scrabble uses SOWPODS AND TWL and Words With Friends uses ENABLE. They both have different sets of words that they consider valid. So a word you play in one game, might not be valid in the next.
  • Score Big — Go for big point gains by learning high value letters and high value words. 2 letter words, like XI and ZA are a good target because X and Z are both high value letters and are easy to fit on the board because of the common vowel.
  • Go for it — In most online word games there is no penalty for trying an invalid word. Just try every letter combination until you find the right one and remember it.
  • Letter Unscrambler — Letter solvers like ours are an excellent way to gain knowledge on words. Our dictionary contains all valid words from WWF and Scrabble, so you are sure to increase your knowlege and start to win every game.

Unscramble Words and Anagrams

Unscrambling Words? Unscrambling Letters? There is no Difference!

Our letter solver only has one job, and it does it well. It unscrambles letters into words.

That is its primary function, but it has so many other uses:

  • Learning tool — By using our Letter Unscrambler, you will grow your vocabulary exponentially. You will learn obscure words like gibe and also learn the meaning, how to use it and other words that can be unscrambled from it.
  • Stress reliever — Since we make words from letters for you, you don’t have to stress when you get stuck on a scramble letter puzzle. You can play until you get stuck, relax and use our letter unscrambler to help you.
  • Save Time — Our letter scramble tool also saves you a lot of time. If you are trying to complete a puzzle before work, but get stuck a few scrambled letters… just plug them in to our letter solver and save tons of time. We will quickly unscramble any letters into words, so you can move on.
  • Win Every Game — With your increased vocabulary, you will never lose another game of Scrabble, words with friends or similar games.

Our Letter Unscrambler

Our letter unscrambler is unique, fast and perfect for any word game newbie or professional who wants to increase their knowledge of word games.
Even pros need help sometimes, and thats what our letter scramble tool does. It helps you improve and advance your skill level. It helps you when you get stuck on a very difficult level in games like
Word cookies and other similar games.

  1. Games and Solvers
  2. Word Search
  3. Word Letter Change

Changing letters in a word

Change a word into another

dCode has a tool for creating a word ladder, a word game transforming one word to another by changing only one letter at each step:


Encrypt a message by changing its letters

dCode has many ciphers that replace letters with others (a cryptographic method called substitution cipher), the best known is the Caesar code.

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to change a letter in a word?

The best way to replace a letter from a word to make another word is to use dCode that will try all possibilities (only one letter or more than one letter changing)

If the position of other letters is kept unchanged (search for paronym):

Example: From the word LETTER, by switching the first letter with a B, make the word BETTER.

If letters can be scrambled, then:

Example: From the word LETTER, by changing one letter without keeping the position of the letters, make the existing words TESTER (+SL) or STREET (+SL).

If no letter is changed, see anagrams.

The change may possibly consist of removing letters in a word (without adding any) or adding letters in a word (without deleting any)

How not to change any letter in a word?

To keep the letters but only reorder them, use the anagram generator.

How to search for paronym?

A paronym is a word that looks like another word, both visually and phonetically. To search for a paronym, search for a word by keeping letter order and changing a few letters (1 or 2).

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the «Word Letter Change» source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the «Word Letter Change» algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or the «Word Letter Change» functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for «Word Letter Change» are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
Reminder : dCode is free to use.

Cite dCode

The copy-paste of the page «Word Letter Change» or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite dCode!
Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon
Cite as source (bibliography):
Word Letter Change on [online website], retrieved on 2023-04-14,

How To Use The Word Generator

This word generator is intended to help you unscramble letters to make words. This is part of our larger
collection of puzzle solver tools. This word unscrambler can help you make words from letters — a word scramble cheat.
The mechanics of using the word generator are fairly simple. Enter your letters in the box and hit the big friendly button.
The word generator will help you make words from letters. This can be used to get a little help at scrabble, give yourself
some help with the newspaper puzzle, or even serve as a jumble cheat. Apparently a number of people use our site as a
jumble word generator, to help with their Sunday puzzles.

Other Word Tools

We have other tools, particularly if you are trying to find words with these letters in them. This wordgenerator shows you
the word jumble solution, where you unscramble letters to make words. If you are trying to pattern match, we have
other tools.
If you are trying to guess a missing letter, check out our hangman solver.
The hangman solver also works fairly well as a cross wordgenerator if you know some of the letters (pattern matching).
We also have another word generator for wheel of fortune that can handle multiple words.
If you are trying to match a pattern of unknown letters (eg. an 5 letter word, first and last letter the same), check
out our cryptogram helper.

Word Games & Puzzles

If you like solving word scramble puzzles, check out our new
word scramble game. We did give a little additional help by color-coding the
correct letters (green means you got it, red means keep trying).

We’ve also a cryptogram solving game. These puzzles are based
on substitution cipher codes, where each letter has been swapped with another letter.
Your job is to figure out which letter is which and decode the message. The game keeps
track of how long it takes to solve each puzzle and lets you know how your score
compares with others.
This article about how to solve
a cryptogram may also be helpful.

The next step up from using our word puzzle solver is outright code cracking.
If you like cracking codes, you may also find our article about pen and paper

cryptograph interesting. We walk through some of the building blocks of
manual cryptography (pre-World War I) and how these codes were broken. Those with a
technical bent may find our presentation on

breaking substitution ciphers via computer to be
interesting as well.

Word generator for unscrambling words

The advanced word generator finds words in scrambled letters with additional options. This will generate words to specific instructions to have more control over the unscrambled words.

— advertentie —

The advanced word generator finds words in scrambled letters with additional options. This will generate words to specific instructions to have more control over the unscrambled words.

How does word generator work

The basic feature is to unscramble words from a bunch of letters. Which is quite easy to perform. Simply enter your scrambled letters you wish to unscramble in the first input field, labeled Enter your letters here. Now press the Generate button and get words that can be created from your scrambled letters.

Contains word or letter

By using the second input field Contains word or letter, you will get a more specific set of words. The generated words must contain the entered word or letter. You can enter multiple words or letters by separating them with a hyphen -. For example P-T will generate words containing both a P and a T. Even multiple hyphen’s are allowed. P-T-R will generate words that must contain all three letters.

You can also specify a location for the word or letter. By selecting an option from the drop down directly behind the input field. Depending on the selected option, you will get different matching words:

  • Anywhere (default)
    This option will generate words containing the entered words or letters, no matter where they are located. When multiple letters are given, the order does not matter. This is the default setting.

  • Starts with
    This option will only generate words starting with the entered word or letter. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the first letter. The other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Ends in
    This option will only generate words ending in the entered words or letters. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the last letter. The other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Starts and ends
    This option will only generate words starting with and ending in the given words or letters. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the first and last letter. Any other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Fixed spacing
    This option generates words where the given words or letters have the same spacing as the number of hyphen’s between them. For example R-S means words containing an R and an S with exactly one other letter in between. The amount of hyphen’s determines the distance, so R—S means exactly two other letters in between. The order matters for all given letters.

Set a fixed position for letters

After you have entered some scrambled letters, you can lock in positions. By extending the option Set fixed positions by pushing a letter you will see your letters in order of entering. By pushing these letters you will lock in their positions for generated words. This allows you to generate words with for instance an R as the fourth letter. Make sure the order of your letters are entered so that their positions correspond with your query.

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  • Mark my word a combination
  • Making new words from one word
  • Making words from letters in a long word
  • Mark changes in word
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