Making reference list in word

Create a bibliography, citations, and references

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  1. Put your cursor at the end of the text you want to cite.

  2. Go to References >  Style, and choose a citation style.

    On the References tab choose a citation style from the Style list

  3. Select Insert Citation.

    Point to Insert Citation, and choose Add New Source

  4. Choose Add New Source and fill out the information about your source.

Once you’ve added a source to your list, you can cite it again:

  1. Put your cursor at the end of the text you want to cite.

  2. Go to References > Insert Citation, and choose the source you are citing.

    Insert Citation dropdown

  3. To add details, like page numbers if you’re citing a book, select Citation Options, and then Edit Citation.

    Select Citation Options, and then Edit Citation

Create a bibliography

With cited sources in your document, you’re ready to create a bibliography.

  1. Put your cursor where you want the bibliography.

  2. Go to References > Bibliography, and choose a format.

Tip: If you cite a new source, add it to the bibliography by clicking anywhere in the bibliography and selecting Update Citations and Bibliography.

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  • Добавление ссылки и литературного источника в документ
  • Поиск источника литературы
  • Редактирование заполнителя ссылок
  • Создание списка литературы
  • Вопросы и ответы


Списком литературы называют перечень литературных источников в документе, на которые ссылался пользователь при его создании. Также, к списку литературы причисляют цитируемые источники. В программе MS Office предусмотрена возможность быстрого и удобного создания списков литературы, в которых будут использоваться сведения об источнике литературы, указанные в текстовом документе.

Урок: Как в Ворде сделать автоматическое содержание

Добавление ссылки и литературного источника в документ

Если вы добавляете к документу новую ссылку, также будет создан новый литературный источник, он будет отображаться в списке литературы.

1. Откройте документ, в котором необходимо создать список литературы, и перейдите во вкладку “Ссылки”.


2. В группе “Списки литературы” кликните по стрелке, расположенной рядом с пунктом “Стиль”.


3. Из выпадающего меню выберите стиль, который нужно применить к литературному источнику и ссылке.


Примечание: Если документ, в который вы добавляете список литературы, относится к области общественных наук, для литературных источников и ссылок рекомендовано применять стили “APA” и “MLA”.

4. Кликните по месту в конце документа или выражению, которое будет использоваться в качестве ссылки.

5. Нажмите кнопку “Вставить ссылку”, расположенную в группе “Ссылки и списки литературы”, вкладка “Ссылки”.


6. Выполните необходимое действие:

  • Добавить новый источник: добавление сведений о новом источнике литературы;
  • Добавить новый заполнитель: добавление заполнителя, необходимого для отображения нахождения цитаты в тексте. Эта команда также позволяет вводить дополнительные сведения. В диспетчере источников около источников заполнителей появится вопросительный знак.


7. Нажмите стрелку, расположенную рядом с полем “Тип источника”, чтобы ввести сведения об источнике литературы.


Примечание: В качестве литературного источника может выступать книга, веб-ресурс, отчет и т.д.

8. Введите необходимые библиографические сведения о выбранном источнике литературы.

    Совет: Для ввода дополнительных сведений установите галочку напротив пункта “Показать все поля списка литературы”.



  • Если в качестве стиля для источников вы выбрали ГОСТ или ISO 690, при этом ссылка не является уникальной, к коду необходимо добавить буквенный символ. Пример такой ссылки: [Pasteur, 1884a].
  • Если в качестве стиля для источника используется “ISO 690 — цифровая последовательность”, а ссылки при этом располагаются непоследовательно, для корректного отображения ссылок кликните по стилю “ISO 690” и нажмите “ENTER”.

Урок: Как в MS Word сделать штамп по ГОСТу

Поиск источника литературы

В зависимости от того, какой тип документа вы создаете, а также от того, какой его объем, список литературных источников тоже может быть разным. Хорошо, если перечень литературы, к которой обращался пользователь, небольшой, но ведь и противоположное вполне возможно.

В случае, если список литературных источников действительно большой, не исключено, что ссылка на некоторые из них будет указана в другом документе.

1. Перейдите во вкладку “Ссылки” и нажмите кнопку “Управление источниками”, расположенную в группе “Ссылки и списки литературы”.



  • Если вы откроете новый документ, еще не содержащий в своем составе ссылок и цитат, литературные источники, которые были использованы в документах и созданные ранее, будут располагаться в списке “Главный список”.
  • Если вы откроете документ, в котором уже есть ссылки и цитаты, их литературные источники будут отображены в списке “Текущий список”. Литературные источники, на которые были ссылки в данном и/или созданных ранее документах, тоже будут находиться в списке “Главный список”.

2. Для поиска необходимого литературного источника, выполните одно из следующих действий:

  • Выполните сортировку по заголовку, имени автора, тегу ссылки или году. В полученном списке найдите нужный литературный источник;
  • dispetcher-istochnikov-v-word

  • Введите в строке поиска имя автора или заголовок литературного источника, который необходимо найти. В динамически обновленном списке будут показаны элементы, соответствующие вашему запросу.


Урок: Как в Ворде сделать заголовок

    Совет: Если вам необходимо выбрать другой основной (главный) список, из которого можно будет импортировать литературные источники в документ, с которым вы работаете, нажмите кнопку “Обзор” (ранее “Обзор в диспетчере ресурсов”). Этот метод особенно удобно использовать при наличии совместного доступа к файлу. Таким образом в качестве списка с источником литературы может использоваться документ, расположенный на компьютере коллеги или, к примеру, на веб-узле учебного заведения.


Редактирование заполнителя ссылок

В некоторых ситуациях может возникнуть необходимость создать заполнитель, в котором будет отображаться местоположение ссылки. При этом, полные библиографические сведения об источнике литературы планируется добавить позже.

Так, если список уже создан, то изменения сведений об источнике литературы автоматически будут отражены в списке литературы, если ранее он уже был создан.

Примечание: Около заполнителя в диспетчере источников появится вопросительный знак.

1. Нажмите кнопку “Управление источниками”, расположенную в группе “Ссылки и списки литературы”, вкладка “Ссылки”.


2. Выберите в разделе “Текущий список” заполнитель, который требуется добавить.


Примечание: В диспетчере источников источники заполнителей представлены в алфавитном порядке в соответствии с именами тегов (точно так же, как и у остальных источников). По умолчанию имена тегов заполнителей являются номерами, но при желании вы всегда можете указать для них любое другое имя.

3. Нажмите “Изменить”.

4. Нажмите стрелку, установленную рядом с полем “Тип источника”, чтобы выбрать подходящий тип, а затем начните вводить сведения об источнике литературы.


Примечание: В качестве литературного источника может выступать книга, журнал, отчет, веб-ресурс и т.д.

5. Введите необходимые библиографические сведения об источнике литературы.


    Совет: Если вы не желаете вручную вводить имена в требуемом или необходимом формате, для упрощения задачи используйте кнопку “Изменить” для заполнения.

    Установите галочку напротив пункта “Показать все поля списка литературы”, чтобы ввести больше сведений об источнике литературы.

Урок: Как В Word упорядочить список в алфавитном порядке

Создание списка литературы

Вы можете создать список литературы в любой момент после того, как в документ был добавлен один или несколько литературных источников. В случае, если для создания законченной ссылки сведений недостаточно, можно использовать заполнитель. При этом, ввести дополнительные сведения можно будет позже.

Примечание: В списке литературы не отображаются заполнители ссылок.

1. Кликните в том месте документа, где должен находиться список литературы (вероятнее всего, это будет конец документа).


2. Нажмите кнопку “Список литературы”, расположенную в группе “Ссылки и списки литературы”, вкладка “Ссылки”.


3. Для добавления списка литературы в документ, выберите пункт “Список литературы” (раздел “Встроенные”) — это стандартный формат списка литературы.


4. В указанное место документа будет добавлен созданный вами список литературы. Если это необходимо, измените его внешний вид.


Урок: Форматирование текста в Ворде

Вот, собственно, и все, ведь теперь вы знаете, как создать список литературы в Microsoft Word, предварительно подготовив список литературных источников. Желаем вам легкого и результативного обучения.

Stack of books with text overlay "How to Insert Citations in Microsoft Word"

Managing citations for research papers, theses, dissertations, and other nonfiction works can be overwhelming. However, you can ease the process by learning how to insert citations in Microsoft Word using the software’s citation and bibliography tools.

This tutorial covers six topics:

  1. How to select a citation style
  2. How to insert citations for new sources
  3. How to insert citations for existing sources
  4. How to edit sources
  5. How to use citation placeholders
  6. How to insert bibliographies, reference lists, or works cited lists

Important Note: At the time this tutorial was published, Microsoft Word did not offer the most up-to-date formatting for several of our primary style guides, including APA, Chicago, MLA, and Turabian. Therefore, I encourage you to review the available styles before using the citation and bibliography tools. We will cover the steps to customize citation and bibliography styles in a separate tutorial.

This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 150 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel.

The images below are from Word in Microsoft 365. The steps are the same in Word 2021, Word 2019, and Word 2016. However, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.

How to Select a Citation Style in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the References tab in the ribbon.

References tab in Word 365

Figure 1. References tab
  1. Select your citation style from the Style menu in the Citations & Bibliography group.

Citation Style menu in Word 365

Figure 2. Citation Style menu

How to Insert Citations for New Sources in Microsoft Word

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the citation.

Cursor placed for citation insertion

Figure 3. Cursor placed for citation insertion
  1. Select the References tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  2. Select the Insert Citation button in the Citations & Bibliography group.

Insert Citation button in Word 365

Figure 4. Insert Citation button
  1. Select Add New Source from the drop-down menu.

Add New Source option in Word 365

Figure 5. Add New Source option
  1. Select the source type from the Type of Source menu in the Create Source dialog box.

Create Source dialog box Type of Source menu in Word 365

Figure 6. Type of Source menu
  1. Enter the source information into the bibliography fields.

Create Source dialog box Bibliography fields in Word 365

Figure 7. Bibliography fields
  1. (Optional Step) Select Show All Bibliography Fields if you need to add additional information.

Create Source dialog box Show All Bibliography Fields option

Figure 8. Show All Bibliography Fields option
  1. (Optional Step) Enter the source information into the additional fields.

Create Source dialog box additional bibliography fields

Figure 9. Additional bibliography fields
  1. Select the OK button.

Create Source dialog box OK button

Figure 10. Create Source OK button

Your citation should appear in your text.

Citation inserted in a sentence

Figure 11. Citation inserted in a sentence

How to Insert Citations for Existing Sources in Microsoft Word

Once you enter a source, as shown in the section above, you can create additional citations for that source without reentering the information.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the citation (see figure 3).
  2. Select the References tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the Insert Citation button in the Citations & Bibliography group (see figure 4).
  4. Select the source from the drop-down menu.

Insert Citation menu in Word 365

Figure 12. Insert Citation menu

Your citation should appear in your text (see figure 11).

How to Edit Sources in Microsoft Word

When you edit an existing source, you will also edit any existing citations for that source in your current document.

  1. Select the References tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  2. Select the Manage Sources button in the Citations & Bibliography group.

Manage Sources button in Word 365

Figure 13. Manage Sources button
  1. Select the source you want to edit in the Master List or the Current List in the Source Manager dialog box.

Source Manager dialog box Master List and Current List in Word 365

Figure 14. Master List and Current List

Pro Tip: The Master List is stored in your computer and is accessible in all your documents. The Current List is part of your current file and is only accessible in that file. By default, Word stores new sources in the Master List and the Current List.

  1. Select the Edit button.

Source Manager dialog box Edit button in Word 365

Figure 15. Edit button
  1. Enter your edits in the Edit Source dialog box. (Select Show All Bibliography Fields, if necessary.)

Edit Source dialog box bibliography fields in Word 365

Figure 16. Edit Source bibliography fields
  1. Select the OK button.

Edit Source dialog box OK button in Word 365

Figure 17. Edit Source OK button
  1. Select Yes or No in the alert box stating that you will be updating the source in both the Master List and the Current List. (Strongly consider selecting Yes to update both lists if you plan to cite this source in future documents.)

Update source alert box in Word 365

Figure 18. Update source alert box
  1. Select the Close button in the Source Manager dialog box.

Source Manager dialog box Close button in Word 365

Figure 19. Close button

How to Use Citation Placeholders in Microsoft Word

You can use placeholders if your source information is not available.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the citation placeholder.
  2. Select the References tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the Insert Citation button in the Citations & Bibliography group (see figure 4).
  4. Select Add New Placeholder from the drop-down menu.

Add New Placeholder option in Word 365

Figure 20. Add New Placeholder option
  1. (Optional Step) Change the name of the placeholder in the Placeholder Name dialog box.

Placeholder Name dialog box in Word 365

Figure 21. Placeholder name text box
  1. Select the OK button.

Placeholder Name dialog box OK button in Word 365

Figure 22. Placeholder Name OK button

Pro Tip: You can use the same placeholder in the future by selecting it from the Insert Citation drop-down menu (see figure 12).

  1. When you are ready to replace the placeholder with a source, complete the steps in How to Edit Sources above.

How to Insert Bibliographies, Reference Lists, or Works Cited Lists in Microsoft Word

These steps will only work if you inserted your sources using Word’s citation and bibliography tools.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the bibliography, reference list, or works cited list.
  2. Select the References tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the Bibliography button in the Citations & Bibliography group.

Bibliography button in Word 365

Figure 23. Bibliography button
  1. Select Bibliography, References, or Works Cited from the drop-down menu.

Bibliography menu in Word 365

Figure 24. Bibliography menu

Your bibliography, reference list, or works cited list should appear in your document.

Related Resources

How to Create Hanging Indents in Microsoft Word

How to Insert Footnotes and Endnotes in Microsoft Word

How to Convert Individual Footnotes to Endnotes in Microsoft Word (and Individual Endnotes to Footnotes)

How to Create a Cover Page in Microsoft Word (Built-In and Custom)

Updated August 22, 2022

To add a Bibliography to the document:

  1. Place the cursor in the document where you want the bibliography.
  2. Click the References Tab on the Ribbon.
  3. Click the Bibliography Button on the Citations & Bibliography Group.
  4. Choose Insert Built-in Bibliography/Works Cited or Insert Bibliography.

In this manner, do References go on a separate page in APA?

Yes, your list of references will go on a separate page at or towards the end of your paper, whether you are using APA Style, MLA Style, or Chicago/Turabian Style.

What is the APA style of referencing?

Cite in APA Automatically with BibMe. APA (American Psychological Association) style is most frequently used within the social sciences, in order to cite various sources. For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed.).

What is the reference page?

A references page is the last page of an essay or research paper that’s been written in APA style. It lists all the sources you’ve used in your project, so readers can easily find what you’ve cited.

Write Your Answer

Add citations to your document Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite, and then on the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citations. From the list of citations under Insert Citation, select the citation you want to use.


  • 1 How do you add References manually?
  • 2 Can I add a referencing style to Word?
  • 3 How do I turn on References in Word?
  • 4 How do you add more references?
  • 5 How do you do apa style referencing?
  • 6 How do I add Oxford Referencing to Microsoft Word?
  • 7 How do I insert references in Word 2010?
  • 8 How do you put references in a research paper?
  • 9 Is APA the same as Harvard?
  • 10 How do you write references?
  • 11 How do I reference a website in APA?
  • 12 How do I install Oscola in Word?
  • 13 How do you reference in-text Harvard style?
  • 14 How do you reference a website Harvard style?
  • 15 How do you copy and paste references in Word?
  • 16 How do I insert a reference in Word 2016?
  • 17 How do you add references to a research paper in Word?
  • 18 How do you incorporate references in an essay?
  • 19 Which referencing style is the best?
  • 20 Is APA 6th Harvard?

How do you add References manually?

Select “References” and then “New Reference”, or press “Ctrl+N” on your keyboard or click the “New Reference” button (a clipboard with a plus sign). Choose the appropriate reference type from the “Reference Type” drop-down menu.

Can I add a referencing style to Word?

In your Word document, click on the References tab in the Ribbon. In the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style. Click the style that you want to use for the citation and source. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite.

How do I turn on References in Word?

Go to Add-In tab -> Reference Manager -> Instant Formatting. Click the Enable Instant Formatting box to toggle Instant Formatting. Click OK to save changes to the Instant Formatting settings. Click OK to format all citations and build the bibliography.

How do you add more references?

Put your cursor at the end of the text you want to cite. Go to References > Style, and choose a citation style. Select Insert Citation. Choose Add New Source and fill out the information about your source.

How do you do apa style referencing?

About APA Style
The APA referencing style is an “author-date” style, so the citation in the text consists of the author(s) and the year of publication given wholly or partly in round brackets. Use only the surname of the author(s) followed by a comma and the year of publication.

How do I add Oxford Referencing to Microsoft Word?

The Oxford referencing system
On any Microsoft Word document, simply click on the ‘Insert’ menu and select ‘Footnote’ (or ‘Reference’ and then choose ‘Footnote’ from the drop-down list).

How do I insert references in Word 2010?

  1. On the References tab, in the Citation & Bibliography group, choose the style of citation you want to use.
  2. Position the cursor where you want the citation to appear, and then click Insert Citation, Add New Source.
  3. In the Create Source dialog box, select the type of source and then fill in the fields shown.

How do you put references in a research paper?

Book: online / electronic

  1. Author/Editor (if it is an editor always put (ed.)
  2. Title (this should be in italics)
  3. Series title and number (if part of series)
  4. Edition (if not the first edition)
  5. [Online]
  6. Place of publication (if there is more than one place listed, use the first named)
  7. Publisher.
  8. Year of publication.

Is APA the same as Harvard?

APA (American Psychological Association)
APA referencing is a variant on Harvard style. Many of the conventions are the same, with brief author-date citations in brackets in the body of the text and full citations in the reference list.

How do you write references?


  1. author(s) name and initials.
  2. title of the article (between single quotation marks)
  3. title of journal (in italics)
  4. any publication information (volume, number etc.)
  5. page range.
  6. accessed day month year (the date you accessed the article)
  7. from name of database.
  8. item number (if given).

How do I reference a website in APA?

When citing a web page or online article in APA Style, the in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and year of publication. For example: (Worland & Williams, 2015). Note that the author can also be an organization. For example: (American Psychological Association, 2019).

How do I install Oscola in Word?

To create a footnote in Microsoft Word, click your mouse on the place you want it to refer to. Click on ‘References’ at the top and then on ‘Insert Footnote‘. A number will appear in the text, and also at the bottom of the page, where you write your citation.

How do you reference in-text Harvard style?

An in-text citation should appear wherever you quote or paraphrase a source in your writing, pointing your reader to the full reference. In Harvard style, citations appear in brackets in the text. An in-text citation consists of the last name of the author, the year of publication, and a page number if relevant.

How do you reference a website Harvard style?

To reference a website in Harvard style, include the name of the author or organization, the year of publication, the title of the page, the URL, and the date on which you accessed the website. Author surname, initial. (Year) Page Title. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).

How do you copy and paste references in Word?

Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C (CMD+C for Mac) to copy. Alternatively you can use the menu “Edit > Copy”. In your email, IM, Google Docs or any other text editing field, paste the content you just copied. Do so by pressing CTRL+V (CMD+V for Mac) or the menu “Edit > Paste”.

How do I insert a reference in Word 2016?

To add a citation to your document, first add the source you used.

  1. On the References tab, click the arrow next to Bibliography Style, and click the style that you want to use for the citation and source.
  2. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite.
  3. On the References tab, click Insert Citation.

How do you add references to a research paper in Word?

Add citations to your document

  1. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite, and then on the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citations.
  2. From the list of citations under Insert Citation, select the citation you want to use.

How do you incorporate references in an essay?

You must cite all information used in your paper, whenever and wherever you use it. When citing sources in the body of your paper, list the author’s last name only (no initials) and the year the information was published, like this: (Dodge, 2008). (Author, Date).

Which referencing style is the best?

How to do I choose a citation style?

  • APA (American Psychological Association) is used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences.
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used by the Humanities.
  • Chicago/Turabian style is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts.

Is APA 6th Harvard?

The Harvard (APA 6th) system of referencing requires you to set this information out in a certain way, and the examples below will show you how to do this.

How do you make a numbered reference list in Word?

Place your cursor to where the reference is to be inserted, then click “Insert” -> “Reference” -> “Cross-reference”. In the dialog box, select “Numbered item”, “Paragraph number”, then the reference you want to insert, click “Insert”. This inserts the reference into the text.

What is included in reference list apa?

A references list is a formatted list of all sources you cited within your paper. Any time you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or include information that you’ve read from an outside source, you must include that source in your references list, correctly formatted in APA style.

How do you create a numbered reference list?

Create in-text citations

  1. Arrange the sources you cite alphabetically and then number them; or.
  2. Number the citations consecutively according to the first mention of each source in the text (using the same number for subsequent references to the same source).

What are the two main components of the APA citation format?

All APA reference list entries contain four main components: author, date, title, and source.

How should reference list be alphabetized?

Reference List Order

  1. Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by the initials of the author’s given name(s).
  2. When alphabetizing names, disregard any spaces or punctuation marks in two-word surnames. Also disregard anything in parentheses or square brackets.

Is the reference page in APA double-spaced?

In general, the list of references is double-spaced and listed alphabetically by first author’s last name. For each reference, the first line is typed flush with the left margin, and any additional lines are indented as a group a few spaces to the right of the left margin (this is called a hanging indent).

What is a numbered reference style?

Numbered reference citations (also called author–number or Vancouver references) are often used in scientific and medical texts. In this system, each reference used is assigned a number. When that reference is cited in the text, its number appears, either in parentheses or brackets or as a superscript.

How do you organize a reference list in APA?

How to alphabetize your print sources

  1. Organize your Reference page by the last names of the authors (or editors).
  2. If a work has no author or editor, alphabetize by the first word of the title other than a, an, or the.
  3. Arrange same author sources using their last names every time.

How do you number references in EndNote?


  1. Open EndNote, Edit> Output Styles> Open Style manager.
  2. Select the Output Style ‘Numbered. Click on Edit.
  3. On the Left, select Layout, under Bibliography.
  4. On the right, you will have “Bibliography Number.”.
  5. Click on File> Save As and save the file with the new name.
  6. Open Word, select the edited style.

Do you put page numbers in reference list?

Page numbers also appear in reference entries for book chapters, journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, if available.

  1. In the reference list entry, the page numbers indicate the start and end page of the entire article.
  2. If the document doesn’t have a page number, omit the page range from the reference list entry.

What is the purpose of a reference list in APA?

A reference list lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list is to allow your sources to be be found by your reader. It also gives credit to authors you have consulted for their ideas.

Which reference style has square brackets?

IEEE citation style

What is reference document?

A reference document is a document that provides pertinent details for consultation about a subject. Context: – Reference document title is the title of the Reference document. – Reference document type description is a description of the type of Reference document.

What is the proper sequence of APA formatted citation?

Order: Entries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors’ last names. Sources without authors are arranged alphabetically by title within the same list. The references are arranged alphabetically, by the last name of the first author or, if author is not available – by title.

Automate Citation

Books image credit:

One of the important study skills students need to develop early when studying in a higher learning institution like the universities, colleges, teachers colleges and etc, is to correctly cite data sources and create that bibliography or reference listing at the end of a piece of academic work. Whether it is project report, essay, research, citation is crucial. In most cases, any written piece of work without proper citation is often categorized as plagiarized work. At masters or doctorate level of study, entire chapter(s) is required as literature review. Literature review, is simply reading and compiling sources of existing literature on the topic being studied.

Easy To Plagiarize Using Internet.

As internet access becoming widely available via mobile devices, it is so much easy for students to fall into the trap of plagiarism. Simply copy from websites and paste information with few modifications and submitting as his/her original work. Plagiarized work by students is a worldwide issue for academics to deal with. Academic institutions have stringent measures to deal with it. Particularly in the developed countries. In the developing countries, like Papua New Guinea, it is still an issue that needs serious consideration in the academia space.

Using A Reference Management Software

The ideal option for any student to manage his/her data source information for citation and referencing is to use a reference management software. Some of the popular referencing software includes, Endnote, RefWorks.  There are also some free ones. Full comparison of Reference Managers is available at this link.

References And Citation Management With Microsoft Word

The most widely available or used software Microsoft Word. Almost all students will use Word one way or the other. With Microsoft Office 2016 version, has improved References and Citation functionalities so anyone using it can manage data sources quite easily and cite them in their documents. This is a function all students should utilize. Her is how to do it.

Record Your Data Source with Word.

Your data sources can originate from multiple sources. For example, books, websites, reports, interviews, performances, journals and host of others. So, it is important to have your laptop or tablet with you as you do your research so that you can start recording your data source into Word as you come across.

Step 1: Create A New Document

  1. Create a New word document by File==>New and then click on Blank Document. Alternatively, press Ctrl + N (press both keys same time) on your keyboard.
  2. Click File==>Save or Alternatively press Ctrl + S keys on the keyboard to save it. Give a decent file name, like reference list. This document can be your actual essay or assignment paper you are writing. Otherwise, leave this blank and just compile the data sources only.
  3. Click References tab on the Word Ribbon and under Citation & Bibliography command group, click on Manage Sources. See image below).

5.   From the Source Manager dialog box, click New command in the middle. This will show the Create Source dialog box. This is where          you fill in your data source information.

6:    From the Source Type drop-down list, select the source type you want to record, and then the fields list will automatically change.            Note : that Word will show only the required fields. If you want show more fields, click the Show All bibliography fields.

Every time, you want to record a new source, repeat steps 3-4 above.  Note, remember you are recording the sources only. Actual notes/information should be kept in any word file, notebook, photocopied, highlighted book or etc.

Step 2: Do The Write Up And Insert Citation In Word

Once you have compiled your sources and notes, then it’s time to write up your essay, assignment, project, report or whatever your academic paper you are working on. Where ever in the document you want to cite something, you can easily insert it because you have already compiled them using Source Manager.

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the citation.
  2. Click References tab from the Ribbon and under Citations & Bibliography command group, click Manage Source.
  3. From the Source Manager dialog box, select the wanted source from the Master List, and click Copy button in the middle. This will make a copy of the source to the Current List on the right. If your source list is long, you can do a search typing in the source name in the Search box at the top. Click Close.
  4. Click on Insert Citation. The drop down list will display all the sources you have listed under your current listing. Click the need source and Word will insert the citation for you. Note: If it’s a new source, you haven’t recorded it before, you can click Add New Source from the list and record is straight. Word will insert the citation and also add it to the Master list. This is good if you are citing as you write.

Step 3: Insert A Bibliography Or References In Word

Now that you have inserted your citations, the final step is to insert the automated bibliography or references list at the bottom of your document.

  1. Click on Bibliography button and from the drop-down list, select Bibliography, References, or Works Cited. Word will automatically in the listing for you
  2. Make you specify the right citation Style from list, under the Style list. See your school department for their recommended citation style and then select accordingly.

Step 4: Updating The Bibliography Or References List In Word.

Once the list is inserted, you can continue to edit and insert new citations as you progress in your writing and update the list automatically.

  1. Click on the Bibliography or Reference listing at the bottom.
  2. The entire list will be highlighted and at the top list the Update button will be displayed. Click on it (See image below). Word will automatically update it for you.

Final Note:

Inserting References is just one part of the whole write up process. The other two important ones are to Insert Page Break and Table of Contents.  Inserting a Page Break will force Reference Listing to always start on a page. You can read about inserting a page break and automating a table of contents in the following separate posts.

How to Automate the Table of Content in Word.

How to Insert a Page Break in Word

Hope this article is of help to you.

Adding citations and references is essential for students for their academic projects. Failing to add relevant references can not only lead to a deduction of marks but might even result in the project being rejected by the teacher. Furthermore, it can be difficult to keep up with different types of referencing styles to meet the criteria set by your teachers. Fortunately, Microsoft Word makes it quite easy to add citations and references to your Word documents.

How to Create References in Microsoft Word

The References tab in MS Word provides a comprehensive set of features for adding citations and references. The below guide will help you to add references in your Word documents, using Microsoft Word and older versions.

Step 1: To create a reference, head over to the References tab in MS Word and select a referencing style. By default Microsoft Word provides a variety of referencing styles, including the most commonly used styles like the Chicago and Harvard style of referencing.

select referencing style in word

Step 2: To add a citation click Insert Citation and select Add New Source.

insert citation

Step 3: This will open a dialog box where you can select a source type and add relevant details. The available source types include Book, Book Section, Journal Article, Article in a Periodical, Conference Proceedings, Report.

add reference in ms word

Step 4: Once your reference has been created, go to Insert Citation and select it to add it as an inline reference.

add new source

Editing Your Citations and References in Microsoft Word

You can edit your citation anytime by clicking on the inline citation. The available options in the drop down menu will allow you to edit the citation and source, convert the citation to static format, as well as to update citation and bibliography.

edit citation in ms word

You can also manage your added references by going to Manage Sources in the References tab. This section can be used to edit and remove added sources, as well as to copy and add new sources.

manage references in microsoft word 2013

Adding Bibliographies to MS Word

In the References section you can use the Bibliography menu to add a Bibliography to your Microsoft Word document.

add bibliography in ms word

Adding End Notes to Your Microsoft Word Document

You can add end notes to your MS Word documents via References –> Insert Endnote.

insert end not in ms word 2013

As we could see, adding citations in Microsoft Word is possible with these simple steps. These tips can be helpful for Academic research or when preparing business documents. If you need more help you can learn Microsoft Word and how to accomplish simple tasks to be more productive at work.

Lesson 16: How to Create a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in Word


How to create a bibliography or works cited page in Word

If you need to write a research paper, chances are you’ll also be required to include a bibliography. Or you might be asked to include a works cited page or a list of references. These are all just different names for the same thing: a list of sources—such as books, articles, or even websites—that you used to research and write your paper. A bibliography makes it easy for someone else to see where you found your information. A short bibliography might look something like this:

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

You could create a bibliography manually, but it would take a lot of work. And if you ever decide to add more sources or use a different reference style, you’ll have to update everything all over again. But if you take the time to input your sources into Word, it can create and update a bibliography automatically. This can save you a lot of time and help ensure your references are accurate and correct.

Step 1: Choose a reference style

When you’re creating a bibliography, you’ll need to follow the guidelines of the required style guide. Different academic disciplines use their own styles guides, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago. Fortunately, Word comes with several built-in style guides; all you need to do is select the one you want to use, and Word will help you format your bibliography correctly.

To do this, click the References tab, then select the desired style in the Citations & Bibliography group.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

You can use this same method to change the reference style at any time.

Step 2: Add citations and sources

Whenever you use information from one of your sources, you’ll need to give credit—or cite them. This is known as making a citation. You’ll include citations whenever you use information from a source or when you quote a source directly.

To add a citation, select the desired location for the citation in your document, click the Insert Citation command on the References tab, and select Add New Source.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

A dialog box will appear. Enter the requested information for the source—like the author name, title, and publication details—then click OK.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

The citation will appear in the document, and the source will be saved. You can quickly add another citation for the source by clicking Insert Citation and selecting the source from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

Step 3: Insert the bibliography

Time for the easy part! Once you’ve added all of your sources, you can create your bibliography in just a few clicks! Just select the Bibliography command, then choose the desired style.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

The bibliography will appear at the end of your document. Your sources will already be formatted to match the selected style guide. You should still double-check each of your sources against your style guide to make sure they’re correct. If you need a quick reference for MLA, APA, or Chicago formatting, we recommend the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

If you add more sources to your document, you can easily update your bibliography—just click it and select Update Citations and Bibliography.

Screenshot of Microsoft Word

No matter how many sources you include in your document, Word’s built-in tools make it easy to create and organize a bibliography. If you want further guidance with the process, check out this tutorial from Microsoft on how to Create a Bibliography.


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