Making one word out of two



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Make up one word out of two. Example- grandmother, foot work , hop noon , leap frog , after scotch , home father , grand ball

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Главная » Английский язык » Make up one word out of two. Example — grandmother, foot work, hop noon, leap frog, after scotch, home father, grand ball

Make up one word out of two.

Example — grandmother, foot work , hop noon , leap frog , after scotch , home father , grand ball.

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Читайте также

1. no, 2. any, 3. anyone/someone  

Was it difficult to walk under water?

1.3 B)I have already cleaned my room 
       C)I have alredy read my book
       D)I have already gone from school
2.3 B) I washed my hair
      C)I watered my flowers
      D)I played with my sister
3.3 B) I have not eaten my dinner
       C) I haven’t washed my cats
       D) I haven’t cleaned my clothes
4.4 B) I didn’t call my granny
      C) I didn’t play with my sister
      D)I didn’t do my homework

Упражнение 1:
1. few
2. a few
3. a few
4. few
5. a few

Упражнение 2:
1. a little
2. a little
3. little
4. little
5. a little
6. little

My favourite character is Shrek. it’s green big monster with donkey(осел). He live in litlle house and scare(пугать) people. He has bright(яркий) and busy(насыщенная) life. He likes me because unusule and somewhre deep down he is goog. He has wife, she is green, too. but long ago she was usule women then she loves Shrek . They live long and happy and they was three green little monster.

It’s possible to combine two words into one when you want to convey a specific meaning relating to both. You can turn something like “list” and “article” into “listicle.” This article will explore the best terms you can use to combine two words into one.

The best terms for combining two words into one are “blend word,” “blending,” and “portmanteau word.” These are the best ways to refer to a word that’s been made out of two completely different words. It’s a great way to show that both words impact the new word’s meaning.

Correct Terms for Two Words Combined Into One

1. Blend Word

“Blend word” is a great phrase to use when words are combined into one. It’s an informal construct, allowing you to create new words based on the fundamental sounds and letters that come from two completely different words.

For example, a “blend word” would be “brunch.” It takes “breakfast” and “lunch” and combines the two words into one. This is an efficient way of using both words more recognisably.

“Blending” is the official term for combining words in this way.

It works best informally because you need to overlook specific grammatical rules to accept certain blend words. For example, “frenemy” means “friend” and “enemy.” It’s not an official word, but it’s widely regarded and understood because of how common the blend is.

The definition of “blend word,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a word formed by combining two other words.”

  • I think they called it “chillaxation.” It’s a blend word combining “chill” and “relaxation.” I think it has a ring to it.
  • What is it with all these blend words becoming more popular? I’m not sure I can keep up with the youth of today and their lingo.
  • I thought of a few new blend words that could work quite well in these contexts. Let me know which ones you like the best.

2. Blending

“Blending” is the term used when combining two words into a shorter form. You can use it to refer to the action of grouping two words as “blending” is the verb gerund form.

“Blend word” is the noun form, and “blending” is the verb. They both mean the same thing. They allow you to group words to create smaller, informal words and phrases that help you get your point across more efficiently.

  • Blending words is super easy. You can say something like “sitcom” or “cosplay.” They take little bits and create big words.
  • I love blending words to create new ideas. It’s always exciting to come up with words that nobody has thought of before.
  • Blending words is a lot of fun when you know what you’re doing. You should try it sometime to see if it works for you.

3. Portmanteau Word

“Portmanteau word” is a great way to refer to two combined words. It has a French origin relating to a suitcase that opens in two equal parts.

“Portmanteau” is French for “carry case” or “suitcase.” It refers to a suitcase that can be opened into two equal parts. It evolved to mean that two words could combine to create a new word and hold a new meaning that takes equal parts from the original word.

It’s a very common way to refer to a blended word. You could combine something like “jeans” and “leggings” into the popular portmanteau word “jeggings.” It takes an equal meaning from both original words to create a new one.

Nowadays, “portmanteau” is much more common to refer to combined words rather than a suitcase. Most native speakers know it as the phrase used when words like “brunch” or “jeggings” are created.

The definition of “portmanteau word,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a word formed by combining two other words.”

  • What portmanteau words do you know? I’ve heard “biopic” lately, and I’ve been pronouncing it wrong for the longest time!
  • I think you should come up with a portmanteau word for that. It’s too wordy, and people will remember it easier if it is shortened.
  • This portmanteau word comes from “drama” and “comedy.” A “dramedy” is a great form of theatre that you must watch!

4. Coining

“Coining” is a great phrase to use when new words are developed. It doesn’t refer to combining two words, but it allows you to “coin” a new word if you’ve made one yourself.

For example, if you combine “breakfast” and “lunch” into “brunch,” you could “coin” that word. However, it only applies when you are the first person to do it. Since “brunch” is already accepted as a portmanteau word, you can’t “coin” it yourself.

That doesn’t mean you can’t try to find other words that you can “coin.” There’s no limit to what words you can combine.

  • I’m coining a new word from these two. It’s stupid to have to say them individually after all this time.
  • You should try coining your own blend of the words. I think it’ll be really interesting to come up with something new.
  • He’s managed to coin that word on his own. I was quite surprised that he was able to be that creative with it.

5. Compounding

“Compounding” refers to combining two words into one. However, it works very differently from the other words in this article. You need to know the difference before using “compounding” correctly.

“Compounding” takes two full words and combines them without removing any letters. For example, “back” and “drop” can compound to become “backdrop.”

You cannot call it “compounding” when combining two words into a more informal word (i.e. “chill” and “relax” becoming “chillax” is not compounding).

“Compounding” is the official grammatical term used when two words combine to become a compound noun or adjective. You might also find a hyphen comes between the words (mainly when using adjectives).

  • Compounding words only work when you need them to be in the same breath. Something like “football” or “cupcake” works here.
  • You should try compounding those words. They’re used together enough times that people expect them to be written like that.
  • I’m not sure what compounding those words is going to do for the sentence. You should try something else.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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make up one word out of two


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


составляют одно слово из двух

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


составляют одно слово из двух

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Сделать одно слово из двух

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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I’m doing some exercises and I’m blocked.. I have a given $string and I would like this string to have one word out of 2 in uppercase. But also, one letter out of 2 being in uppercase in an other exercise..
I tried this code :

$string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce venenatis velit non nibh. Nullam feugiat vehicula eros. Nullam mi arcu, porta at, fermentum non, laoreet eget, sem. Nunc quam nunc, lacinia id, sagittis non, condimentum eget, augue. Nunc ultrices malesuada diam. Cras bibendum. Fusce lobortis pellentesque purus. Etiam ac purus et diam condimentum venenatis. Vestibulum imperdiet mattis dolor. Etiam sit amet nisi sed orci elementum tincidunt. Etiam aliquam neque non nibh. Mauris pede orci, fringilla sed, bibendum vitae, semper a, quam.";

$stringArray = explode(' ', $string);
$stringnew = [];
$wordup = [];
for($word = 0 ; $word < count($stringArray) ; $word++){
    // echo $stringArray[$word]. '<br>';
    // $stringnew += $stringArray;
    // var_dump($stringnew);
    if($word % 2 == 0) {
        $motup += strtoupper($stringArray[$word]);

I also did other things before but I’m getting lost, thank you for replies in advance..

Expecting result :

$string = "LOREM ipsum DOLOR sit AMET, conesctetuer ADIPISCING .... "

Second result :

$string = "LoReM iPsUm DoLoR..."

Merge Words into Portmanteau Words

If you want to create a particularly unique name then have a look at those catchy words that are fused out of two or three words or names. That’s exactly what the word merging generator does.

No matter whether it’s just out of curiosity or for a new company name: rarely has the search for invented name been so much fun. With word merger you can combine words in many different ways and click your way through lots of newly created, «merged» terms, words or monikers.

Another special feature: by individual settings you can creatively influence the results. So you can find identical letters in different words or mix syllables of the used words. You can also choose to have letters removed and use the rest of the words to create your own individual name creations.

Use different merging settings

The possibilities for creative word fusions are more versatile than it appears at first glance. You can use this type of naming not only for new company or business names but also for product names, book titles, figure and character names.

It quickly becomes clear that the tool is a cool alternative to the classic brainstorming, in which a wide variety of name creations emerge. If, against expectations, you don’t find the name you are looking for here, take a look at our other creative name generators, that e.g. automatically transform words or add random words. Depending on your settings, word count and word type, there are endless ways to come up with imaginative names and words.

In linguistics, a blend word is a word formed from parts of two or more other words. The process is called blending and the result is a blend word.

A portmanteau word typically combines both sounds and meanings, as in smog, coined by blending smoke and fog. More generally, it may refer to any term or phrase that combines two or more meanings, for instance, the term «wurly» when describing hair that is both wavy and curly.

The word «portmanteau» was first used in this context by Lewis Carroll in the book Through the Looking-Glass (1871).

I’m not entirely sure if there is a technical distinction between portmanteaus and blends or if the latter is a hypernym of the former. There is some suggestion that portmanteaux specifically combine the beginning of the first word and the ending of the second. But I’ve been unable to confirm the validity of this distinction and I’ve found that they’re mostly used interchangeably. Any information on this matter is welcome.

P.S. ELU has tags for both these terms: portmanteau-words, blend-words.

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