Making new words from one word

Word Generator is the perfect tool to create words. Be you in search of a Scrabble word generator or just in need of some random words, the device generates all possible words from the given letters. Try it and transform random letters into winning words!

The Essential Guide to Using Word Solvers

Are you looking for a random word generator?

Whether you are playing a word game or just challenging your friends, a world solver is the thing you need. Curious about how these generators work and help you win? Let’s find out!

What is a Word Generator — Word Solver Definition

In a nutshell, a word generator is a tool that helps you to find words. It generates all possible words from your letters and by doing so, helps you discover new ones. People use word solvers for various reasons, but the main aim is always the same — to make words from your input letters. 

Our word solver is quick and user-friendly, in a few milliseconds, you can get a list of all possible words that can help you beat your friends at a game or win at challenges. So any time you are stuck with words, get help from a word generator. 

How to Use a Word Generator App — 3 Simple Steps

All word generators, whether it’s a word solver, word cheat website, or unscramble app, work on the same principle. You enter the letters you have ended up with into the word solver box to create new words. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use an online cheat word helper.

Step 1. Check the Letters or Tiles

If you are playing a board game, check the letters you have got. You will probably have some tiles containing letters, vowels, consonants, syllables, and more. If you are trying to make new words, then decide which alphabets you are going to use. 

Let’s take an example to illustrate the process. Let’s say you have got the letters M, A, R, T, Y, R, O, L.

Step 2: Enter the Letters in the Search Box

All word solvers will have a blank space or box to enter the letters. Your job is to type in all the letters you will use to spell the word. Now the next task depends on what you are using.

  • If you are using a word cheat website, press enter or go beside the search box
  • For word generator apps, press the search button

So following our example, type in the letters M, A, R, T, Y, R, O, L. Press enter and wait for the results to load.

Step 3: Check Out the Word List

Now the word maker will display the results according to the word length from the letters given. If we use the letters in our example, the word finder result will include

6-Letter Words

  • Rotary
  • Martyr

4-Letter Words

  • Mortal
  • Armory

3-Letter Words 

  • Mortar

Now you can use the words to earn points and win word games for free!

How to Make Words Online

The first thing you will want to do is to find a word generator. You can do a simple Google to get a list of word jumble generator sites and apps. 

Then you need to follow the exact steps we discussed above to generate new words using the word grabber. For example, let’s assume you are trying to make words with the letters D, E, T, O, I, R.

The next thing you do is to

  1. Enter the letters in the search box
  2. Press enter or go
  3. Get your results

So here, the letter combination generator will display words like

  • Editor
  • Rioted
  • Tie
  • Rod
  • Toe
  • Dot
  • Ire

How to Use Word Solver for Multiple Letters

Have you ended up with too many letters in your hands?

You have nothing to worry about as the unscramble generator will ease your troubles! No matter how many letters you’ve got, the 3,4,5,6,7 letter word generator will do its job. We will take an example to show you how.

8 Letter Example

We will take the letters C, T, I, N, M, A, R and O. Here we have 8 letters. 

Now you know what to do — enter the letters in the box and hit go!

Doing so gives you new words that include

  • Romantic
  • Carotin
  • Atomic
  • Carton
  • Train
  • Ratio
  • Coat
  • Tram
  • Air
  • Ran

So you again have a list of words grouped by length to win your game! 

A word solver is ideal when you have to make new words, no matter how you are going to use them. 

Word Generator is an essential tool for creating words. Whether you are searching for a Scrabble word generator or just some random words, the tool generates all available possible words from the given letters. Try it now and turn those useless letters into winning plays!

What Is A Word Generator?

A word generator is ultimately a tool that helps you to find words. It takes your available letters and generates all possible words to help you discover new and interesting results. People use word generators for a tonne of different reasons, but the main aim is consistent; create new words from your existing letters!

Our word solver is quick, efficient, and user-friendly, in a flash you can get a full list of all possible words from your collection, that can help you win at challenges or beat your friends at any game. If at any time you are stuck for words, then a word generator is for you!

When And Why You Need A Word Builder Tool 

Word builder tools are invaluable to the seasoned online word game players, and novices alike! By now you’re probably thinking of all the amazing opportunities to get ahead of your opponents and introduce some new word tools into your arsenal.

Here are our to 3:


If you love anagrams then a word anagram creator can help you! An anagram creator will rearrange the letters of an existing word, or phrase, and turn them into something new, hopefully opening the door to new game winning possibilities. Since all the vowels and consonants in the original word have to be used in order to create a new word, it can be a real challenge to make something different containing all the parts you have. Not just that, but you don’t want to waste your time and spend all the day thinking over possibilities; you want to get an answer quickly! This is where an anagram creator will change your gameplay forever.

Word Games

These days, there are an array of word games to partake in, both online and with board games, all requiring you to unscramble a group of letters to win points. Pro or novice, these games are made for everyone! Scrabble, as an example, is a game targeted at the age group eight and older, and Words with Friends has an adult’s version and a child’s version.

It can be often overlooked, but tools like Scrabble Word Maker or Words With Friends Word maker can be game changers for people of all ages. Children who are expanding their vocabulary can learn more words in a fun and interactive way. Also, people who are new to word games will still enjoy the chance to utilize a Scrabble cheat or Words with Friends cheat. Finally, someone whose first language isn’t English, can learn massively from word tools, as they continually expand their vocabulary. Not to mention that pro Scrabble players can find these sites essential in their game playing ability.

Making Names

A lot of people have a great fascination for some forms of language. Others even consider some letters or even alphabets to be lucky. More often than you think, those people will approach one of our word solver tools, to create a name with letters they have!

It’s simple, put all your chosen letters into our word maker, and get a bunch of new names without any extra effort. Your friends will be complimenting you on your skill with names and letters before you know it!

How To Use A Word Maker Tool: 3 Steps

All word generators, whether it’s a word solver, word cheat website, or unscramble app, work in the same way. You input some letters you have into the word solver box to create new words. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use a word maker tool.

Step 1: Check the Letters or Tiles

If you are playing a board game, check the letters you have. You’ll probably have some letters, vowels, consonants, syllables, and even wild cards. If you are trying to make new words, decide on the alphabet you are going to utilize. 

Let’s take an example to explain the process. Let’s say you have these letters: M, A, R, L, T, Y, R, O.

Step 2: Enter the Letters into the Search Box

Most word solvers will have an empty space or box to enter your available letters. All you need to do is type in all the letters you will use to spell the word. Now the next task will depend on what you are using.

  • If you are using a word cheat website, simply press enter 
  • For word generator apps, press the search button tool

So continuing our example, type in the letters M, A, R, L, T, Y, R, O. Press enter and wait for the results.

Step 3: Check Out the Word List

After step 2, the word maker will now be displaying the results according to the word length from the letters given. If we use the letters from our example, the word finder results will find these:

6-Letter Words

  • Rotary
  • Martyr

4-Letter Words

  • Mortal
  • Armory

3-Letter Words 

  • Mortar

Take the word from the list that best suits your situation, and go on with your game. This is a quick, and easy way to get ahead!

Combine up to 4 words into one unique word. You can make an unlimited amount of word combinations by putting in or taking out words.

Here are example combined words: Colfox + Cop-rose


  • ccop-rose
  • ce
  • cocop-rose
  • coe
  • colcop-rose
  • cole
  • colfcop-rose
  • colfe
  • colfocop-rose
  • colfoe
  • colfoop-rose
  • colfoose
  • colfop-rose
  • colforose
  • colfo-rose
  • colfose
  • colfoxcop-rose
  • colfoxe
  • colfoxop-rose
  • colfoxose
  • colfoxp-rose
  • colfoxrose
  • colfox-rose
  • colfoxse
  • colfp-rose
  • colfrose
  • colf-rose
  • colfse
  • colop-rose
  • colose
  • colp-rose
  • colrose
  • col-rose
  • colse
  • coop-rose
  • coose
  • cop-rose
  • corose
  • co-rose
  • cose
  • cp-rose
  • crose
  • c-rose
  • cse


Anagram Maker

Rearrange letters in words and phrases to get other words! Enter the words in the field below and click the Generate button.

Anagram Maker

Playing with words to create new ones is something we all have done once. This is called an anagram, where you take a word or phrase and rearrange them to make new words. You shift the letters around and use them only once.

It is a great way to aid language learning and also help in reading development. You can show how many words can come from a single word or a phrase using the same letters. So, to make things easy for you, we have an all-new Anagram Maker that allows you to make different words using a single word and phrase.

It is a free and fun online tool that you can use to make anagrams from any word or phrase with just a click. So, since the tool will handle it for you, you don’t have to overthink to come up with a bunch of words from a few alphabets.

Our Anagram Maker will just rearrange the letters with a dictionary check. Once you complete that part, the tool automatically displays various words from your input. It will take a few seconds, and the Anagram Maker will do all the hard work for you.

After the list is in front of you, choose the words you want to include. With an easy-to-use interface, this powerful tool allows you to make hundreds and thousands of anagrams from different words within seconds.

It can make the learning process a lot easier and can help you teach young ones how to rearrange the letters to make new words from a single word or sentence.

Or, if you are playing a scrabble game online with your friends and need to figure out some words, then the Anagram Maker can come in handy for you. And these are just a few use cases; there are endless ways that you can use the Anagram Maker to your benefit.


Search for a tool

Word Mixer

Tools for mixing words (names, first names, etc.). The word mixer makes new or existing words (suitcase words, longest word, anagrams, etc.)


Word Mixer

Tag(s) : Fun/Miscellaneous, Word Games



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  2. Word Mixer

Word/Name Mixer

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to mix word or names? (Definition)

There are several ways to mix words (or more precisely from words’ letters).

Generating a contraction word (portmanteau)

Two words can be contracted/fused into one (which exists or not)


This method is popular on social networks to fusion two words and create hashtags

Generating an anagram

Letters can be mixed/scrambled and swapped together to get 1 or more words (but sometimes none exists in the dictionary).

Example: DOG <=> GOD

This method can also generate pseudonyms.


Combining only some letters

It is sometimes impossible to generate anagrams but using some of the letters may be enough (similar to the longest word problem).

Example: The letters TWO+WORDS can create the words ROOT, DOTS, etc.

This also works with first names:


Why mixing word or names?

Mixing words makes it possible to create new concepts, the generator/mixer brings new ideas combining words, surnames or first names that have a meaning, both in the mechanics of mixing/combining and in the result (the generated word can / must remain comprehensible)

How to shuffle letters in a word?

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the «Word Mixer» source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the «Word Mixer» algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or the «Word Mixer» functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for «Word Mixer» are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
Reminder : dCode is free to use.

Cite dCode

The copy-paste of the page «Word Mixer» or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite dCode!
Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon
Cite as source (bibliography):
Word Mixer on [online website], retrieved on 2023-04-14,

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© 2023 dCode — The ultimate ‘toolkit’ to solve every games / riddles / geocaching / CTF.


What is Word Formation?

Word formation process is subject of morphology where we learn how new words are formed. In linguistics, word formation process is the creation of a new word by making changes in existing words or by creating new words. In other words, it refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words.

Different Forms of Word Formation

Word Formation process is achieved by different ways to create a new word that includes; coinage, compounding, borrowing, blending, acronym, clipping, contraction, backformation, affixation and conversion.


Compounding is a type of word formation where we join two words side by side to create a new word. It is very common type of word formation in a language. Some time we write a compound word with a hyphen between two words and some time we keep a space and sometime we write them jointly. All these three forms are common in all languages.

Common examples of word compounding are:

·         Part + time = part-time

·         Book + case = bookcase

·         Low + paid = low-paid

·         Door + knob = doorknob

·         Finger + print = fingerprint

·         Wall + paper = wallpaper

·         Sun + burn = sunburn

·         Text + book = textbook

·         Good + looking = good-looking

·         Ice + cream = Ice-cream


In word formation process, borrowing is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another language. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a loanword, or a borrowed word. It is also known as lexical borrowing. It is the most common source of new words in all languages.

Common Examples of borrowed words in English language are:

·         Dope (Dutch)

·         Croissant (French)

·         Zebra (Bantu)

·         Lilac (Persian)

·         Pretzel (German)

·         Yogurt (Turkish)

·         Piano (Italian)

·         Sofa (Arabic)

·         Tattoo (Tahitian)

·         Tycoon (Japanese)


Blending is the combination of two separate words to form a single new word. It is different from compounding where we add two words side by side to make a new word but in blending we do not use both words in complete sense but new/derived word has part of both words e.g. word smog and fog are different words and when we blend them to make a new word, we use a part of each word to make a new word that is smog. We took first two letters from first word (sm) from smoke and last two (og) from fog to derive a new word smog.

Some more examples of blending are:

·         Smoke + murk=smurk

·         Smoke + haze= smaze

·         Motel (hotel + motor)

·         Brunch (breakfast + lunch )

·         Infotainment ( information + entertainment)

·         Franglais ( French + English)

·         Spanglish (Spanish + English )



Abbreviation is a process where we create a new word by making a change in lexical form of a word keeping same meaning. There are three main types of abbreviations.

1.    Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

2.    Acronyms / Initialism

3.    Contraction

Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

Clipping is the type of word formation where we use a part of word instead of whole word. This form of word formation is used where there is a long/multi-syllable word and to save time we use a short one instead of that long word e.g. the word advertisement is a long word and we use its short form ad (ads for plural form) instead of whole word.

Here are some examples of clipping:

·         Ad from advertisement

·         Gas from gasoline

·         Exam from examination

·         Cab from cabriolet

·         Fax from facsimile

·         Condo from condominium

·         Fan from fanatic

·         Flu from Influenza

·         Edu from education

·         Gym from gymnasium

·         Lab from laboratory

Acronyms / Initialism

An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial letters in a phrase or a multi syllable word (as in Benelux). The initials are pronounced as new single words. Commonly derived word are written in upper case e.g. NATO.

Some common examples of acronyms are:

·         CD is acronym of compact disk

·         VCR is acronym of  video cassette recorder

·         NATO is acronym of North Atlantic Treaty Organization

·         NASA is acronym of National Aeronautics and Space Administration

·         ATM is acronym of  Automatic Teller Machine

·         PIN is acronym of Personal Identification Number

Some time the word is written in lower case (Initial letter capital when at start of sentence)

·         Laser is acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

·         Scuba is acronym of  Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

·         Radar  is acronym of Radio Detecting And Ranging


A contraction is a word formed as an abbreviation from a word. Contractions are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word or more than one words.

Some common contractions are below:

·         Dr is from Doctor.

·         St is from Saint.

·         He’s from He is.

·         I’ve is from I have.


Affixation is the word formation process where a new word is created by adding suffix or prefix to a root word. The affixation may involve prefixes, suffixes, infixes. In prefixes, we add extra letters before root word e.g. re+right to make a new word rewrite. In suffix, we add some extra letters with a base/root word e.g. read+able. In infixes, the base word is changed in its form e.g. the plural of woman is women that creates new word “women”.

1.    Prefixes: un+ plug = unplug

2.    Suffixes: cut + ie = cutie

3.    Infixes: man + plural = men

Zero-derivation (Conversion)

Zero-derivation, or conversion, is a derivational process that forms new words from existing words. Zero derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero. Zero-derivation or conversion changes the lexical category of a word without changing its phonological shape. For example, the word ship is a noun and we use it also as a verb. See below sentences to understand it.

1.    Beach hotel has a ship to enjoy honeymoon.

2.    Beach hotel will ship your luggage in two days.

In first sentence, the word ship is a noun and in second sentence the word ship (verb) is derived from the action of ship (noun) that transports luggage, so the word ship (verb) has meaning of transportation.


Backformation is the word formation process where a new word is derived by removing what appears to be an affix. When we remove last part of word (that looks like suffix but not a suffix in real) from a word it creates a new word.

Some very familiar words are below:

·         Peddle from peddler

·         Edit from editor

·         Pea from pease

Coinage / Neologism

It is also a process of word formation where new words (either deliberately or accidentally) are invented. This is a very rare process to create new words, but in the media and industry, people and companies try to surpass others with unique words to name their services or products.

Some common examples of coinage are: Kodak, Google, Bing, Nylon etc.


In word formation process, sometime new words are derives by based on the name of a person or a place. Some time these words have attribution to a place and sometime the words are attributes to the things/terms who discover/invent them. For example, the word volt is electric term that is after the name of Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.

Some common examples of eponyms are:

·         Hoover: after the person who marketed it

·         Jeans: after a city of Italy Genoa

·         Spangle: after the person who invented it

·         Watt: after the name of scientist James Watt

·         Fahrenheit:  after the name of German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit

Word Scrambler

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The Web’s Most Comprehensive Word Scramble Site

This word scrambler is intended to help you unscramble letters to make words. This is part of our larger
collection of puzzle solver tools. This word unscrambler can help you make words from letters — a scramble word cheat.
The mechanics of using the word unscrambler are fairly simple. Enter your letters in the box and hit the big friendly button.
The word unscrambler will help you make new word(s) from letters. This can be used to get a little help at scrabble, give yourself
some help with the newspaper puzzle, or even serve as a jumble cheat. Apparently a number of people use our site as a
jumble word scrambler, to help with their Sunday puzzles ( unscramble the letters ). It will support wildcard characters as well.

This unscramble words cheat also works as a scrabble word finder or anagram solver.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve snuck into the word cookies jar, you can find solace.
It isn’t a random word generator however.
The scrabble dictionary inside the word solver is great when you need to find a powerful word to play for word games.
Go ahead, use us as your source of cheat answers. Some random word won’t give you away. We can unscramble words with the best of them.

Other Word Tools

We have other word solver tool(s), particularly if you are trying to unscramble words. This word scrambler shows you letter combination ideas and possible word(s) for your jumble game. This covers any game where you unscramble letters to make words. If you are trying to pattern match, we have other tools. We have a scrabble word finder, of course — which finds scrabble words, particularly longer words or ones with a blank tile. The word scramble engine also works as an anagram solver, matching random letters. Face it, our collection of unscramble word cheat tools have scrambled letters and jumbled letters well under control.

If you are trying to guess a missing letter, check out our hangman solver.
The hangman solver also works fairly well as a crossword scrambler if you know some of the letters (pattern matching).
We also have another word unscrambler for wheel of fortune that can handle multiple words.
The hangman solver also works as a crossword solver, a great source of crossword answers. When you think about it, a crossword
requires very similar pattern matching to hangman. You have the benefit of an additional clue to help narrow the field.
In any event, you can use our hangman solver to help with a crossword puzzle.

If you are trying to match a pattern of unknown letters (eg. an 5 letter word, first and last letter the same), check
out our cryptogram helper.

Word Scrambler Games & Puzzles

If you like solving word scramble puzzles, check out our new
word scramble game. We did give a little additional help by color-coding the
correct letters (green means you got it, red means keep trying).

We’ve also a cryptogram solving game. These puzzles are based
on substitution cipher codes, where each letter has been swapped with another letter.
Your job is to figure out which letter is which and decode the message. The game keeps
track of how long it takes to solve each puzzle and lets you know how your score
compares with others.
This article about how to solve
a cryptogram may also be helpful.

The next step up from using our word puzzle solver is outright code cracking.
If you like cracking codes, you may also find our article about pen and paper

cryptograph interesting. We walk through some of the building blocks of
manual cryptography (pre-World War I) and how these codes were broken. Those with a
technical bent may find our presentation on

breaking substitution ciphers via computer to be
interesting as well.

We also have puzzle makers (our wildcard). There are many custom options
you can use to create a word scramble. (Basically the inverse of using a word generator or letter unscrambler.
The scramble game can be used to test your knowledge of vocabulary or spelling. Very helpful for students and home schoolers.
We have a tool you can use to make a crossword puzzle. The crossword tool has some pre-defined puzzles as well.

The printable word scramble worksheet is very popular, along with the other printables. The word scramble maker generates puzzles very efficiently (including an answer sheet and valid word checks). The other option is to use word combination ideas to test for jumbled word comprehension.

More From Hanging Hyena:

While creating words from your alphabet is one way to create a word from letters, the scrambler can also be used to create anagrams. For example, if you want to find words in your letters, you can do it with a word unscrambler and anagrams will never be the same again. This is a boon to folks who aren’t great at word
scramble puzzles, since you can use a word unscrambler to keep up. It gives you the freedom to enjoy word games such as scrabble or text twist.

Word scramble puzzles are at the heart of many great word games and word puzzles. You can unscramble your way to happiness.
One great thing about creating a word from letters is that you can be certain that each letter stands alone and has its own meaning. The language we speak uses letters to convey things about thoughts and feelings. Need word lists? This site can provide them as well.

You should think about how the letters in the word are part of what makes up the word. Think about how they relate to each other and how they combine to form the word. If you take all the letters of the word, there will be several hundred of them and not all of them are used for forming the word.
Our word solver is built around this concept. The word scramble solver is a great example of it; you can use it to simplify a word search.

When you want to create a puzzle and solve it, the next step is to choose the best words. You might be using a dictionary to help you but for most people it would be better to do it by using a word unscrambler. This is also known as a word descrambler.

When choosing the words, you need to pick ones that you think are related to the letters that you have. For example, when you make a puzzle, you need to make sure you don’t use the same letters twice. Although it might seem obvious, it will be very difficult to create a puzzle that isn’t related to any letters.

There are a lot of books and games out there that involve spelling words and trying to get letters that stand for different words. However, these kind of games only help people who are already familiar with the meanings of letters.

When you create a puzzle that involves letters, it will be much easier for people who aren’t familiar with letters to break the puzzle down. That is why if you want to create a word from letters, you need to use a scrambler to create anagrams.

There are many reasons why you would want to use this type of tool, but the main reason is that it makes it easy for people to figure out a puzzle without using a dictionary. This will help people who don’t know the alphabet and want to figure out how to solve a puzzle.

When people get ready to write a book or create a blog, it can take a while to write all the words and then to actually read the words and phrases. It is much easier to use a scrambler to create anagrams and these will help you get started writing and reading the words quickly.

Word generators are becoming more popular because people want to be able to solve puzzles as well as write them. This is a great way to solve anagrams without using a dictionary.

It doesn’t matter if you are using a scramble helper, letter scrambler or Scrabble helper, you will be able to create a puzzle that is related to the letters you have. Many people will be surprised at how much easier it is to solve anagrams with a scrambler.

If you are using a scramble helper or Scrabble helper, you will be able to create anagrams without using a word finder. One of the fun benefits of getting good at unscrambling words.

Word Game Tactics

The scrambled word list is sorted by word length (5 letter words, 4 letter words, etc.). You should be able to find the unscrambled word answer you need from our word unscrambler tool (or the jumble solver/scrabble cheat). We add new words (valid words, meaningful word options) to the dictionary on a regular basis. It will find the highest scoring word from your entered letters (consonants and vowel options). So go have fun!

Please send all feedback, complaints, and lucrative sponsorship deals to (page: wordsolver).

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Making words from larger words quiz illustration | Hexagonal

How many words can you make from the letters in ‘hexagonal’?

So, you have made it to the fourth and final quiz in this section on Making Words from Larger Words. Well done for getting this far! If you’ve been playing all the others then, with luck, you’ve been learning new vocabulary as you went along.

Expanding your vocabulary is one of the best ways you can improve your English. But it’s not just in school that this will help. If you want a career in the media, in politics or in public life, a good command of words is a must. It will also help you in everyday life, as you’ll be able to express yourself more clearly and impress would-be employers.

But that’s all a long way into the future. For now, just try learning as many new words as you can by reading a lot and by looking unfamiliar words up in a dictionary – oh, and by playing these quizzes of course!

From the word IMPORTANCE, form new words having the following meanings (the number of letters in the words is given by the number of dashes, so you do not have to use all the letters):

Tighten: _ _ _ _ _
Two parts of the eye: _ _ _ _ _ _ AND _ _ _ _ _ _
A form of transport: _ _ _ _ _
Writer of verse: _ _ _ _
Close: _ _ _ _

‘Cramp’ can be made, and it is a five-letter word meaning ‘tighten’.
Both ‘cornea’ and ‘retina’ are parts of the eye that can be made from the letters.
The form of transport is ‘train’ (not ‘car’ as there are five letters in the answer, rather than three).
A writer of verse is a ‘poet’, and the required letters are all there.
The word meaning ‘close’ (rhymes with ‘dose’, not ‘rose’) is ‘near’.


Using the letters from the word FACILITATE, make a 4-letter word which is a type of fabric.


Using the letters from the word REFILLABLE, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘a set of instructions for a job’.


Using the letters from the word NOSTALGIC, make a 5-letter type of dance.


Using the letters from the word JEOPARDOUS, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘love’.


Using the letters from the word DIAPHRAGM, make a 6-letter word which is a common first name.


Using the letters from the word PERAMBULATOR, make a 6-letter word meaning ‘move in a slow and heavy way’.






Using the letters from the word HEXAGONAL, make a 4-letter word meaning ‘prison’.


Using the letters from the word THEOLOGY, make a 4-letter word which is a pronoun.


Using the letters from the word BINOCULARS, make a 6-letter word meaning ‘work’.






Using the letters from the word LACQUER, make a 3-letter word meaning ‘a piece of grassy land’.

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def make_new_words(start_word):
    """create new words from given start word and returns new words"""
    for letter in start_word:
        #for letter in alphabet:
        #do something to change letters

I have a three letter word input for example car which is the start word.
I then have to create new word by replacing one letter at a time with every letter from the alphabet. Using my example car I want to create the words, aar, bar, car, dar, ear,…, zar. Then create the words car, cbr, ccr, cdr, cer,…, czr. Finally caa, cab, cac, cad, cae,…, caz.

I don’t really know what the for loop should look like. I was thinking about creating some sort of alphabet list and by looping through that creating new words but I don’t know how to choose what parts of the original word should remain. The new words can be appended to a list to be returned.

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