Make words lowercase word

Convert Text to Uppercase

The uppercase converter will change any text into capital letters. It will keep all existing capital letters and convert all lowercase letters to capitals.

Using all capital letters for your sentence can help it stand out to readers. This converter is a quick and easy way to change headers, titles, and large amounts of text into capital letters.


Convert Text to Lowercase

The lowercase converter will change all of your text into lowercase letters. This means it will change all capital letters contained within your text (including names, places, titles, and the first word of a new sentence) to lowercase letters.

here is an example of lowercase text.

Upside Down Text

The upside-down text converter will flip your text around so that it displays upside-down to readers. This is a fun and unique way of displaying your text. You can use the upside-down text converter to flip your text upside down and/or back to front.

Reverse Case

The reverse text converter will reverse your text so that it displays back to front. It will flip your text around to make every word and the entire sentence appear backward.

esac esrever fo elpmaxe na si ereH

Random Case

The random case calculator will change your text so that it randomly includes a mix of upper and lowercase letters. Since the random case converter is randomized, different letters of your text will alternate between being uppercase and lowercase every time you use the tool.

hErE iS aN eXAmpLe oF RAndOm CaSe.

Proper Case

The capital case converter will capitalize the first letter of each word. This is great for students, professionals, or bloggers who are writing titles when writing for the web.

Here Is An Example Of Proper Case.

Toggle Case

The toggle case converter will change your lowercase letters to uppercase, and uppercase letters to lowercase.

Example: ToGGLE CasE -> tOggle cASe

How do you change the case of a string

The Convert Case tool takes a string as input and Change letters to other character case (Camel case, Snake case, Pascal case, Dot case, path/case, Text case, Sentence case, Header case, Upper case, Lower case).

The string below is converted as follows:
«string CamelCase param-case UPPER_CASE snake_case sentence case Title Case»

Most common programming case types

Convert letters to camel case: Camel Case spaces are removed between words and capitalized on the first letter of each word. Camel case is the practice of capitalizing each word’s first letter in a series and removing spaces, underscores, numbers, hyphens, and other special characters afterwards.

Letters to snake case: Snake case blends terms by replacing each space with an underscore (_), and all letters are capitalized as follows in the all caps version. When capitalized this style is often used as a convention in many languages to declare constants. When cased lower, it is conventionally used to declare field names in the database.

Change text to sentence case: Sentence Case-capitalizes the first letter of the first word and all «I» characters in the sentence.

Change text from any case to lowercase: Takes mixed case words or sentence and converts to lower case all letters.

Change text from all caps to lowercase: Takes capitalized letters or phrases and converts to lower case all letters.

Convert small letters to capital letters: Takes lower characters and converts all letters to upper case.

Convert uppercase to lowercase: Makes every letter in the selected text lowercase.

Some programming naming conversion

String Case Function Converted Result
Camel Case Conversion stringCamelCaseParamCaseUpperCaseSnakeCaseSentenceCaseTitleCaseDotCase
Dot Case Conversion
Header Case Conversion String Camel Case Param Case Upper Case Snake Case Sentence Case Title Case Dot Case
Lower Case Conversion string camelcase param-case upper_case snake_case sentence case title case
Pascal Case Conversion StringCamelCaseParamCaseUpperCaseSnakeCaseSentenceCaseTitleCaseDotCase
Path Case Conversion string/camel/case/param/case/upper/case/snake/case/sentence/case/title/case/dot/case
Sentence Case Conversion String camel case param case upper case snake case sentence case title case dot case
Snake Case Conversion string_camel_case_param_case_upper_case_snake_case_sentence_case_title_case_dot_case
Text Case Conversion string camel case param case upper case snake case sentence case title case dot case
Title Case Conversion String Camelcase Param-Case Upper_case Snake_case Sentence Case Title Case Dot.Case

A naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence used for identifiers that represents variables, types, functions, and other entities in source code.

Some reasons for using a naming convention include the following:

  • To reduce the effort needed to read and understand source code.
  • To enable code reviews to focus on more important issues than arguing over syntax and naming standards.
  • To enable code quality review tools to focus their reporting mainly on significant issues other than syntax and style preferences.

You can change the capitalization, or case, of selected text in a document by clicking a single button on the Home tab called Change Case.

Change case

To change the case of selected text in a document, do the following:

  1. Select the text for which you want to change the case.

  2. Go to Home > Change case  .

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase, click Sentence case.

    • To exclude capital letters from your text, click lowercase.

    • To capitalize all of the letters, click UPPERCASE.

    • To capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase, click Capitalize Each Word.

    • To shift between two case views (for example, to shift between Capitalize Each Word and the opposite, cAPITALIZE eACH wORD), click tOGGLE cASE.


    • To apply small capital (Small Caps) to your text, select the text, and then on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow in the lower-right corner. In the Font dialog box, under Effects, select the Small Caps check box.

    • To undo the case change, press CTRL+ Z.

    • To use a keyboard shortcut to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, select the text and press SHIFT + F3 until the case you want is applied.

See also

Insert a drop cap

Choose AutoCorrect options for capitalization

Change case

To change the case of selected text in a document, do the following:

  1. Select the text for which you want to change the case.

  2. Go to Home > Change case  .

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase, click Sentence case.

    • To exclude capital letters from your text, click lowercase.

    • To capitalize all of the letters, click UPPERCASE.

    • To capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase, click Capitalize Each Word.

    • To shift between two case views (for example, to shift between Capitalize Each Word and the opposite, cAPITALIZE eACH wORD), click tOGGLE cASE.


    • To apply small capital (Small Caps) to your text, select the text, and then on the Format menu, select Font, and in the Font dialog box, under Effects, select the Small Caps box.

      Small Caps shortcut key: ⌘ + SHIFT + K

    • To undo the case change, press ⌘ + Z .

    • To use a keyboard shortcut to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, select the text and then press fn+ SHIFT + F3 until the style you want is applied.

See also

Insert a drop cap

Choose AutoCorrect options for capitalization

PowerPoint for the web supports changing case. See the procedure below.

Word for the web doesn’t support changing case. Use the desktop application to open the document and change text case there, or else you can manually change the casing of text in Word for the web.

  1. Select the text you want to change.

  2. Go to Home > More Font Options > Change case.

    Select the "More Font Options" ellipsis button, select Change Case, and then select the option you want.

  3. Choose the case you want to use.

Change Case Online

This online case converter allows you to change your text from UPPERCASE to lowercase, lowercase to UPPERCASE, or capitalize words in sentences with a simple click.

If you don’t know how to convert the case or capitalization of text in Word, Notepad or other word processing software, then this online tool is designed for you.



Invert case

Sentence case




Text Editor

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Text Editor,
Character Count

Updated: 12/30/2021 by

Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F3 to change selected text between uppercase, lowercase, and title case.

Selecting a case

  1. Highlight all the text you want to change. If you want to change the case for the whole document you can use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select everything.
  2. Hold down Shift and press F3.
  3. When you hold Shift and press F3, the text toggles from sentence case (first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase), to all uppercase (all capital letters), and then all lowercase.


If you are using a laptop or an Apple Mac, the function keys may not be enabled without the use of the Fn key. You may need to hold Fn, in addition to Shift, when you press F3.

If you’re not able to get Shift+F3 to work in Microsoft Word 2007 or later, you can try the following option instead.

  1. In the menu bar, on the Home tab, click the Change Case icon, which has an uppercase ‘A’ and lowercase ‘a.’

Change Case icon in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the appropriate option from the list of values. For example, if you want to change to all uppercase letters, select the UPPERCASE option. If you want to change to all lowercase letters, select the lowercase option.

Change Case menu in Microsoft Word


Use our text tool to convert any text from uppercase to lowercase.

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