Make word combinations with market and marketing

strategy vs. marketing plan

company’s marketing
how it will position itself and the products
the services
the competitive
The strategy includes a discussion of target markets, product and
pricing policies, and proposed marketing and promotional initiatives
(see Units 1–2 for more about the marketing

company’s marketing
the written document which details the marketing
(advertising, price promotions, etc.) and specific marketing
example, a back-to-school promotional offer). It also examines the
(both financial and human) to achieve specified marketing
such as an increase in sales or a successful product launch, over a
given period of time.

the marketing plan

can develop
a marketing plan
the stages known as AOSTC

Strategies, Tactics and Control).


market situation

on the competitors and the marketplace.


competition in the marketplace. You will also need to include
information on their positioning

how they control the way the customers see the products or


you sell or provide, and your Unique
Selling Point (USP)

that is, what distinguishes your product or service from others on
the market.
USP stood for Unique Selling Proposition, a
developed by Rosser Reeves in the 1940s.



for example,

or business people (see Unit 19).



you want to achieve, in terms of image and sales.


  • Specifi

    Be precise about what you are going to achieve.

  • Measurable

    Quantify your objectives.

  • Achievable

    Are you attempting too much?

  • Realistic

    Do you have the resources to make the objective happen (manpower,
    money, machines, materials, minutes)?

  • Timed

    When will you achieve the objective? (Within a month? By February


approach to meeting the objectives


will we target the segment?

should we position within the segment?


your strategy into the marketing mix, including the 4 Ps

  • Product

  • Price

  • Place

  • Promotion



the success of the marketing plan will be measured (see Unit 24).
How each marketing activity will be assessed.

Make word combinations with market
words from the box. Then

the word combinations with the defi nitions below. Look at the page
opposite and

II on page 109 to help you.

mix plan segments strategy target




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Task 3. Form word combinations with the following words:

_______________ (потребительский рынок) market

__________(настольная) operating system

____________ (развернуть окно) open the window

_____________ content (содержимое сеанса работы пользователя с системой)

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Companies and markets

You can talk about the people or organizations who buy particular
goods and services as the market for them, as in the ‘car market’, ‘the
market for financial services’, etc. buyers and sellers of particular goods
and services in a place, or those that might buy them, form a market.

if a company:


More word
combinations with ‘market’


Competitors and competition

Companies or products in the
same market are competitors or rivals. Competitors compete with each other
to sell more, be more successful, etc.

The most important companies
in particular market are often referred to as key players.



Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the

1. European films do not
export well: European movies barely _____________
(abandon/corner/penetrate) the US market.

2. In the 1970s, Kodak  _____________ (corner/enter/leave) the
instant photography market until then  _____________ (abandon/dominate/penetrate)
by Polaroid.


Replace the
underlined expressions with expressions from B opposite. You may need to
add a verb in the correct form.

I’m Kalil and I’m marketing
manager for CrazyCola in a country called Newmarket. In this market, we
(1) sell more than any other cola. In fact, we (2) have 55 per
cent of the market
. (3)


Read the description
of a language training market. Answer the questions.

In Paris,
500 organizations offer language training to companies. However, 90 per
cent of sales are made by the top five language training organizations. The
market is not growing in size overall. Organization A has 35 per cent of
the market, and faces off stiff competition from B, which has about 25
per cent of the market, and from C, D and E, who each have 10 per cent,
but who are trying to grow by charging less for their courses

1. How many
competitors are there in the market?

2. Is
competition in the market strong?


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МАРКЕТИНГПрезентация выполнена преподавателем английского языка ГБПОУ

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • МАРКЕТИНГПрезентация выполнена преподавателем английского языка ГБПОУ

    1 слайд

    Презентация выполнена преподавателем английского языка ГБПОУ
    «Нижегородский Губернский колледж»
    Кузнецовой Светланой Ивановной.

  • The terms “market” and “marketing” can have several meanings, depending upon...

    2 слайд

    The terms “market” and “marketing” can have several meanings, depending upon how they are used.
    The term “stock market” refers to the buying and selling of shares in corporation as well as other activities related to stock trading and pricing.
    When economists use the word “market” they mean a set of forces such as the supply available for sale and the demand for it by consumes.
    The term “marketing” in business includes all of these meanings and more.

  • Translate the groups of words of the same root. 
to develop – development –...

    3 слайд

    Translate the groups of words of the same root.

    to develop – development – developed
    to define – definition – defined
    to promote – promotion – promoter
    to improve – improvement – improved
    to satisfy – satisfaction – satisfied – unsatisfied
    to identify – identification – identified
    to implement – implementation
    to consider – consideration – considered
    to cover – coverage
    to advertise – advertisement – advertiser
    to modify – modification
    to exist – existence
    to compete – competition – competitor – competitive

  • Promotion is a term used frequently in marketing and is one of the market mix...

    5 слайд

    Promotion is a term used frequently in marketing and is one of the market mix elements. It refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It is one of the four basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four P’s: price, product, promotion, and place.

  • Match up the terms on the left with the definitions on the right.

    6 слайд

    Match up the terms on the left with the definitions on the right.

  • KEYS FOR TEACHERS:   1-B, 2-E, 3-F, 4-A, 5-D, 6-C, 7-G   
Match up the terms...

    7 слайд

    KEYS FOR TEACHERS: 1-B, 2-E, 3-F, 4-A, 5-D, 6-C, 7-G
    Match up the terms on the left with the definitions on the right.


  • Pre-reading tasks.1. Why do you think marketing has become a very prestige k...

    9 слайд

    Pre-reading tasks.
    1. Why do you think marketing has become a very prestige kind of professional

    2. What knowledge, skills and abilities must an expert have to carry out effective
    marketing research?

    3. Do you agree that marketing research is interdisciplinary requiring the
    knowledge of different specialists? Prove your point of view.

    4. Translate the following words and word combinations:
    stock market; buying and selling shares; stock trading; pricing; supply;
    demand; promotion; advertising.

In the past the concept of marketing emphasized sales. Ma...

    10 слайд

    In the past the concept of marketing emphasized sales. Marketing was the task
    of figuring out how to sell the product. Basically, selling the product would be
    accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling. In
    addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the
    product to the places where it was actually sold.
    Distribution consists of transportation, storage, and related services such as
    financing, standardization, and grading, and the related risks.
    The modern marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned,
    but it is based on a different set of principles. It subscribes to the notion that
    production can be economically justified only by consumption. In other words, goods
    should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider
    who is going to buy the product – or what the market for the product is going to be  

    before the production begins. This is very different from making a product and then thinking about how to sell it.
    Marketing now involves first deciding what the customer wants and then
    designing and producing a product that satisfies these wants at a profit to the
    company. Instead of concentrating solely on production, the company must consider the mercurial desires of the consumer, and this is much more difficult since it involves human behavior. Here psychology comes into play, and many manufacturers often hire specialists in the field.

  • Choose the right form of the verb.1. Currently our company … a range of new...

    11 слайд

    Choose the right form of the verb.
    1. Currently our company … a range of new products.
    a) develops b) is developing c) has been developing
    2. Our company … a new model of heater when our competitors
    launched a similar product.
    a) had been developing b) developed c) was developing
    3. Every year our company … some new products.
    a) develops b) will have been developing c) is developing
    4. Last year the company … a new brand of heater.
    a) will develop b) developed c) will be developing
    5. In a couple of months the company … a required product for this
    a) will develop b) had developed c) will have developed
    6. While the research department … a new product the advertising
    department will be looking for a new brand name.
    a) will have developed b) was developing c) will be developing
    7. The company … a new product by the time the sales of the old
    product fall.
    a) had developed b) will have developed c) was developing

  • Post-reading tasks.1. Answer the following questions:- What different meani...

    12 слайд

    Post-reading tasks.
    1. Answer the following questions:
    — What different meanings have the words “market” and “marketing” got?
    — What does the term “stock market” refer to?
    — What did the concept of marketing include in the past? How has the
    situation changed today?
    — What should the modern producer consider before the production begins?
    2. Which people would you consult with carrying out a marketing research?
    An investor, a producer, a trader, a sponsor, a businessman, a statistician, a 
    seller, a manufacturer, a psychologist, a consumer, an industrialist, an
    operating researcher, a sociologist, a psychiatrist, a dentist.

  • 3. Prove or disprove the following statements using the conversational formul...

    13 слайд

    3. Prove or disprove the following statements using the conversational formulas of agreeing and disagreeing like
    “I think/don’t think so”,
    “This statement seems to be absolutely right/wrong”,
    “I agree/cannot agree with it”, “The statement is false/true”, etc.
    The goal of marketing research is to talk the firm into taking a 
    business decision.
    As a formal scientific discipline marketing research began in the
    early XX century with analyses being based on survey data.
    Marketing research is an integral part of organizations in both
    the consumer durable and nondurable goods sectors.
    Marketing research involves tactical activity only, but not a 
    strategic one.
    In order to understand the marketplace, the researcher must
    define the market in terms of the product class rather than the
    geographic unit.

  • 4. What sources of information would you use as a market researcher?
5. Tra...

    14 слайд

    4. What sources of information would you use as a market researcher?

    5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

    Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.
    Marketing research is used to assess the market’s response to the firm’s marketing inputs.
    Together with the data explosion, data delivery systems and the techniques used to analyze the information of the process of marketing research have become increasingly sophisticated.
    Forecasting the success and failure of new product introduction is very important.

  • 6. Translate and make up sentences with the following derivations:

    15 слайд

    6. Translate and make up sentences with the following derivations:
    to market,
    market day,
    7. Translate the following word combinations containing the word
    “market” and illustrate their meaning in the sentences of your own:
    commodity market, at the market price, above the market price, stiff
    market, sensitive market, European Common Market, to glut the market,
    to come into the market, to put on the market, to find a market, to play
    the market.

  • SUM   UP

Краткое описание документа:

Ма́рке́тинг — это организационная функция и совокупность процессов создания, продвижения и предоставления продукта или услуги покупателям и управление взаимоотношениями с ними с выгодой для организации.

Данная тема изучается в СПО и высших учебных заведениях на различных специальностях. Презентация содержит не только информацию по терминологии и упражнения на сопоставление термина и его определения, но и текст для чтения, который рекомендуется размножить для работы на учебном занятии, с лексико-грамматическими заданиями к тексту, схему как опору для устной речи по теме «Маркетинг»..

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Learn about companies and markets, word combination with ‘market’ and competitors and competition.

Audio Episode

Practice Booklet (For the Entire Mini-Series)

Business English Marketing … by English Plus Podcast

Episode Transcript

welcome to the second episode of our business English marketing series. We will talk about markets and competitors. Before we do that. Let me remind you that if you want to practice what you’re learning, there is the booklet where you can get all the exercises you need, and it comes with the mini series.

[00:00:22] So it’s on our website, English plus and you can also find it on our Patrion page. Now, last time we talked about. Buyers and sellers this time, we’ll talk about markets and competitors. We’ll talk about companies and markets. We will talk about words to talk about how company enters a market, abandoned the market, et cetera.

[00:00:40] We will talk about word combinations with market. We will talk about market growth, segment segmentation, et cetera, and we will talk about competitors and competition. So without further ado, let’s start with our second episode in our mini series about business English, marketing. Now let’s first start talking about companies and markets.

[00:00:57] Now the market for a particular product is the people, the organizations that buy it or might buy it, the buyers and sellers of goods and services in a particular place form a market. So remember when we talk about the market, we’re not talking about a place we’re not talking about a supermarket that’s part of the market.

[00:01:18] The market is not just the place. The market is the people. The organizations we’re talking about people. When we think about marketing and we talk about market in a marketing context, we’re thinking about people, we’re thinking about organizations that buy our product or service, or might buy the product or service that is a potential market, right?

[00:01:39] But here let’s focus on what a company can do to markets. We have some verbs that are very important to know, and that happens when a company, for example, enters a market, penetrates a market abandons, a market corners, a market monopolizes, the market drives another company out of a market. So we will learn these combinations because these are very important to talk about what a company does to a market.

[00:02:06] Of course, the focus here is on the verbs. And I will explain to you the difference in meaning now let’s first start about if a company enters a market, what does that mean? That means simply it starts selling there for the first time. When a company enters a market, it starts selling therefore the first time it hasn’t sold anything in that market before that’s important to understand that’s enters a market.

[00:02:29] What about if a company penetrates a market, when you talk about a company penetrating a market, that means either it starts selling or sells more and more there, it focuses its efforts on this market and it sells more and more. That means to penetrate a market. Maybe they started selling already, but they haven’t been a traded the market yet.

[00:02:50] And remember, because it’s easy to forget. When we say a company enters a market, you might have a mental image that talks about a place. It’s not a place the market. We’re talking about people. We’re talking about organizations, that’s the market. Okay. So going back to these verbs, we can say a company enters a market.

[00:03:07] We can say company penetrates a market. What about if a company abandons a market, or if a company gets out of a market or leaves a market or withdraws from a market, that means it stops selling there. It used to sell in this market, but not anymore, it stopped maybe because it’s not profitable anymore.

[00:03:26] Maybe another company drove them out of the market who knows. But we can use a couple of words or a couple of verbs and expressions to talk about. When a company stops selling in a market, we can say a company abandoned a market. We can say a company gets out of a market. We can say a company leaves a market or a company withdraws from a market.

[00:03:50] Now what about if a company dominates a market dominate? That means it is the most important company selling there in this market. So if you think about, for example, software, you can think of Microsoft, Microsoft dominates the market. It is the most important company selling there, and there’s nothing wrong about that.

[00:04:11] Some people might say this is wrong, and this is monopolizing. That’s another word. And we will talk about monopolizing a market. Now, some people might be with Microsoft. Some people might take Microsoft. I personally liked Microsoft, but it’s a matter of opinion. Some people might think, yeah, Microsoft monopolizes the market.

[00:04:28] As for me, I’m just telling you what these words mean. But anyway, so if a company dominates the market, there’s nothing wrong about that. Maybe they dominate the market because they’re very good. Like Apple, like Samsung, these companies dominate the market, but because they’re good, they offer good products.

[00:04:43] We’re not talking about illegal ways to dominate a market. That is not good, of course, but to dominate a market means this company is the most company selling in this market. What if we say a company corners on market, that means it becomes the main company selling there. It is close to dominates, but here we’re not talking about the most important company in general.

[00:05:05] We’re talking about becomes the main company selling there. It has the biggest share of selling in this market, the main company selling. So here, that means accompany corners of market. We can use this expression and now we come to the word that I just mentioned. Monopolizes. What does it mean when we say a company monopolizes a market?

[00:05:27] That means it is the only company selling there. How here the word monopolized by itself. It’s not illegal, but the important thing is how did this company monopolize the market? Are they just the only ones? Because yeah, sometimes you might find a company that is the only one that sells a service like that, or that sells a product like that.

[00:05:49] So of course they will monopolize the market. But if they do illegal things, if they force other companies out. And of course, there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to monopoly, but this is not our topic for this mini series. The main thing, if it is done legally, it is a monopoly, but it is legal, but some countries have laws against monopolies.

[00:06:10] Anyway, the word that we want to learn, if a company monopolizes a market. That means it is the only company selling there. And finally, for this combination series, we’re talking about if a company drives another company out of a market, what does that mean? That means it makes the other company leave the market, perhaps because it can no longer compete.

[00:06:31] You may be very strong and you drive everybody else out because you’re very strong. You’re competing. Maybe you have a better product. Maybe you have a better price. We will talk about those four PS in more detail in the other episodes to come. But because you’re good at one, or maybe all of those PS.

[00:06:50] Maybe that’s why other companies cannot compete with you anymore or can not compete with your company anymore. So your company drives other companies out of a market. That is what we say. That is the expression we use. So now we talked about companies and markets. Let’s talk about some more word combinations with market, but here we’re not talking about verbs.

[00:07:09] We’re talking about words or nows basically that we can use with market. So, let me start by talking about market growth. Now the growth comes naturally with a market because your main objective as a marketer is to grow your market, to grow the people and organization who will want to buy your product.

[00:07:28] That is market growth. For example, we can say there has been huge market growth in the sales of digital music with Apple in particular, seeing a massive increase in the number of people buying songs from iTunes. So that is market growth. If you think about digital music, there has been huge market growth in the past two decades.

[00:07:48] So that is the first one. And that is market growth. What about market segment? This part of the market. Now you have the market, the people and organization. But this market is not one, of course you can have different segments, different parts of this market. And you have to think about the market. Not as one, because we have different people.

[00:08:07] We have different organizations. We have different age groups, different regions. You can have different segments based on anything, male, female, et cetera. But here we have this word combination. The market segment, for example, we can say regional airlines are important customers for the Embraer E R J one 45.

[00:08:25] They are a big market segment for Embraer. So here, we’re talking about the specific market segment. We talked about market segment. We can also talk about market segmentation. That is the way the companies segment their market. They make different segments of the market. That’s the market segmentation.

[00:08:43] For example, Microsoft divides the software market into large companies, small companies. Home office users and leisure users. So here are different segments. The way Microsoft divides the software market, large companies, small companies, home office users, and leisure users. These are different segments. So this is how it does its market segmentation.

[00:09:05] That is also another word. Of course, it’s kind of the same, but market segment is one of the market. Segmentation is this process and it depends on your product or service. Nobody does the market segmentation the same way. Of course, you can follow the lead of these companies. If your company happens to sell the same kind of product, but it doesn’t have to be because it’s always different.

[00:09:24] You have to know your market well so that you can segment it the right way. You can have the right market segmentation. Now, the next combination is market share. How much do you sell? How much of this market do you sell? Do you sell to 10% of the market? Do you sell to a hundred percent of the market? Of course, nobody sells a hundred percent unless it’s an absolute monopoly.

[00:09:46] You are the only one that sells in this market. So that means a hundred percent, but usually companies have different shares in the market. Some big companies might sell 20 to 30% of the market, maybe 50, 60, who knows some other companies sell 5%, 10%, et cetera. This percentage is called the market share.

[00:10:04] For example, in the U S Japanese car makers have been gaining market share. They are selling a bigger percentage of cars sold, and us manufacturers are selling a smaller percentage. So this percentage of sales, this percentage you have from the market, Remember the market. We’re talking about the people in this example, the people who are buying cars, the people who are willing to buy cars.

[00:10:29] So that is your market. What about the share of us manufacturers? It’s getting smaller. They are getting a smaller percentage while Japanese car makers have been gaining market share. And one final combination is market leader. When we talk about the most important company in the market, and here, we’re not just talking about domination or monopoly, we’re talking about maybe, yeah.

[00:10:51] It includes domination and monopoly when we say market leader, but this is the company that sets the example for other companies to follow. For example, Tesco is the biggest supermarket chain in the UK and is therefore the market leader. But remember the market leader? Yes, of course it has to do with how much you sell.

[00:11:07] That’s the basic thing. And because of that, people try to do the same things you do because they want to sell the same way. But anyway, sometimes market leader are not just the people who sell the most. Well, mostly they are the people who sell the most, but anyway, these are the people who give the example for others to follow.

[00:11:25] So that is what we want to say about the combinations of words with markets. Now let’s talk quickly about competitors and competition. Before we finished the second episode of our business, English marketing, miniseries companies, or products in the same market, our competitors, or rivals. If you happen to be in the same market, if you are trying to sell to the same people or to the same companies, which is the same market, that means your competitors or rivals competitors compete with each other to sell more, be more successful, et cetera.

[00:11:57] And there are completely legitimate ways to compete. Of course, there are illegal ways to compete, but competition is not illegal. Obviously you have to compete with other companies. If you’re the only company, maybe you wouldn’t care to improve your product, maybe you wouldn’t care about lowering your prices.

[00:12:14] So competition, a healthy competition between companies is good for customers because usually you get lower prices and better quality. But remember the words our competitors or rivals, and the verb is compete. Competitors, compete with each other to sell more or be more successful. Now the most important companies in a particular market are often referred to, especially by journalists as key players.

[00:12:38] Well, it’s kind of like market leader. When we talk about the biggest dog in the market. Well, don’t use this dog in the market, but sometimes he will do that. Well, that means the key player. And usually the key players have the biggest market share. Competition is used to talk about the activity of trying to sell more, be more successful, et cetera.

[00:12:57] So that is, we call it competition. Competitor is the person or the company obviously compete is the verb. Competition is the now that is used to talk about activity or trying to sell more, be more successful, et cetera. When competition is strong, you can say that it is intense, stiff. Fears or tough. We can say intense competition.

[00:13:18] We can say stiff competition, fierce competition, or tough competition. If competition isn’t strong, it may be described as low key, low key competition means that there’s not a lot of competition in the market. And some people might choose specific markets. Remember, again, I know that I said that a thousand times, but because it’s easy to forget or it’s easy to confuse the word market with a place market.

[00:13:44] We’re talking about the people and the organizations we’re trying to sell our products or services to that’s the market. So sometimes you might choose an easier market. If you want to launch a new product, you might start with easy markets just to test this product out. And then you go to this place where there is tough competition.

[00:14:05] Maybe I’m not saying that it’s a good thing to do. I’m just saying some companies do it, or maybe because you don’t have a lot of money as you’re starting out. So you start with low key competition. You start with markets that have low key competition to have a better chance of success. And then you can go to bigger markets and compete with key players.

[00:14:24] Maybe again, I’m not saying that this is the best way to go or not. That is just a strategy. You can use this strategy, or if you have the next best thing coming up, you might just go head on with the key players who knows. So, but here, remember we talking about competition that can be intense, stiff, fierce, or tough, or it can be low key if there’s not a lot of strong competition in the market that you’re trying to sell your products and services to.

[00:14:48] Now the competition, we first do all the products, businesses, et cetera, competing in a particular situation, seen as a group. That’s what we call the competition. All right. So competition, as I just told you can be used to talk about the activity of trying to sell more. That is competition. But when we say the competition that refers to all the products, the businesses competing in a particular situation seen as a group that is you against the competition.

[00:15:16] That is not the competition itself, right? Competition itself. That’s what we said. It’s the activity of trying sell more. With that being said, I hope that you’ve learned some useful things in this episode. Remember, if you want to practice what you’re learning, you can use the special section for the second episode of the business English marketing mini series in the booklet provided with the miniseries. [00:15:35] You can find the booklet on our website, English plus or on our Patrion page, both exclusively for our patrons. With that being said, this is Danny. I would like to thank you very much for listening to another episode from this miniseries. And I will see you in the next episode.

<a href="" target="_self">Danny Ballan</a>


Danny is a podcaster, teacher, and writer. He worked in educational technology for over a decade. He creates daily podcasts, online courses, educational videos, educational games, and he also writes poetry, novels and music.

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