Make word combinations take

a) Translate these word combinations with verb to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

b) Complete these sentences with the verb combinations in a). Pay attention to the tense.

Example: Are you going to take part in the school photo exhibition? − I don’t know yet.
1. Chris likes _ of his new classmates.
2. She _ her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance _ every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet _ of the sick animals and birds.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. Section 2. Номер №10


Перевод задания

Переведите эти словосочетания с глаголом to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

Закончите эти предложения комбинациями глаголов из а). Обратите внимание на время.
Пример: Собираетесь ли вы принять участие в школьной фотовыставке? − Пока не знаю.
1. Крису нравится _ из его новых одноклассников.
2. Она _ свой мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление _ каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар _ о больных животных и птиц.



(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Chris likes to take photos/pictures of his new classmates.
2. She took off her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance takes place every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet takes care of the sick animals and birds.

Перевод ответа


(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Крис любит фотографировать своих новых одноклассников.
2. Она сняла мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление проходит каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар заботится о больных животных и птицах.

Make word combinations (составь словосочетания)


A week


A puzzle


A trip

Go on




5 times

A photo

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Главная » Английский язык » Make word combinations (составь словосочетания) Do A week Spare A puzzle Take A trip Go on Time Go Back 5 times A photo

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: timosha1501a


Автор ответа: КосмическийРобот


1. Pick — g

2. Make — c

3. Catch — e

4. Put out — h

5. Drop — d

6. Have — a

7. Make — f

8. Keep off — b

9. Take — i

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автор: ketrin22788

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Collocations with TAKE in English! The following article introduces a useful list of collocations with the word TAKE in English with examples and ESL image.

  • (sb) To court

E.g. They wouldn’t honour their contract, so we took them to court.

  • (sb’s) Temperature

E.g. After my temperature was taken, my blood pressure was checked.

  • A bite

E.g. Do you want to take a bite into this Apple?

  • A bow

E.g. During the show, I could barely take a bow.

  • A break

E.g. Let’s take a short break.

  • A call

E.g. I’m sorry, but I have to take this call.

  • A chance

E.g. Take a chance at it. You might win.

  • A class

E.g. I have to take a class on Saturdays this semester.

  • A decision (make)

E.g. You have to take lots of decisions in life.

  • A holiday

E.g. I’m going to take a holiday  in June. I’m going to Spain.

  • A lesson

E.g. I’m talking English lessons to help me prepare for the IELTS.

  • A look

E.g. I’ll take a look at the website and let you know what I think.

  • A message

E.g. Debra’s not here just now. Can I take a message?

  • A nap

E.g. The baby takes a nap every day at 2 pm.

  • A number

E.g. I think it will take a number of months for this to play out.

  • A photo/ a photograph

E.g. Why did you take so many photos on holiday?

  • A picture

E.g. Could I take a picture of you?

  • A rest

E.g. After work, I like to take a rest before cooking dinner.

  • A risk

E.g. Mountaineers take many risks when they climb high mountains.

  • A seat

E.g. I walked into her office and she told me to take a seat.

  • A shower (have)

E.g. We’ll be leaving in five minutes. I’ll just take a shower first.

  • A step (1)

E.g. If you take another step, I’ll shoot you.

  • A step (2)

E.g. You’ve taken an important step on the road to recovery.

  • A taxi/bus/train/plane

E.g. Richard takes a taxi to work every day.

  • A test

E.g. Have you taken your driving test yet?

  • A while/ a minute/ five minutes

E.g. Take a minute to read the question before answering it.

  • Action

E.g. If we don’t take action soon, it’ll be too late.

  • Advantage (of)

E.g. We take advantage of that.

  • Advice

E.g. I took my doctor’s advice and stopped drinking alcohol.

  • Ages

E.g. Finding a parking spot in the city takes ages.

  • An exam/ a test/ a course

E.g. I’m going to take a Maths exam next week.

  • An opportunity

E.g. It was a very difficult decision, leaving Leicester, but I had to take an opportunity that doesn’t come round often.

  • Care

E.g. Take care, won’t you? It can be dangerous around here at night.

  • Care of

E.g. Who’s taking care of your pets while you’re away?

  • Charge

E.g. Who’ll take charge if the mayor is sent to prison?

  • Charge (of)

E.g. He decided to take charge of the whole meal.

  • Drugs

E.g. Lots of young people were taking drugs like marijuana in the sixties.

  • Exercise

E.g. My doctor says I should take more exercise.

  • Hostage

E.g. Several foreign workers were taken hostage by rebel fighters.

  • Medicine

E.g. Has grandpa taken his medicine yet?

  • Notes

E.g. If I don’t take notes, I forget too many important details.

  • Notice

E.g. Don’t take any notice of what he says. It’s all nonsense.

  • Part

E.g. During the debate, those taking part will be sitting on the stage.

  • Place

E.g. Where did the meeting take place?

  • Pride in

E.g. You should take pride in the fact that your English is improving.

  • Prisoner

E.g. After the battle was over, we took hundreds of enemy soldiers prisoner.

  • Somebody’s place

E.g. If a player’s injured, another player takes his place in the team.

  • Someone’s temperature

E.g. I took my temperature and I found that Iam running a fever.

  • Time

E.g. Changing the way people think takes time, so you have to be patient.

  • Time of (away form work for holidays or to do sth)

E.g. I’m exhausted. I think I’ll take some time off and spend a few days with my sister in the countryside.

  • Turns

E.g. If we take turns driving, we can travel all night.

  • Up space

E.g. Most of the space on my hard disk is taken up by movie files.

  • Your time

E.g. There’s no time limit, so you can take your time.

Collocations with TAKE – Picture

Collocations with TAKE in English

Collocations with TAKE

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