Make word combinations from a opposite using words from the box

6 Client correspondence

Client correspondence

Conciseness can be a feature of legal correspondence in English. This is partly achieved by using words or phrases to refer to segments of earlier text (substitution) or by not completing a phrase and omitting words (ellipsis), assuming the reader can recover the meaning from the preceding text. Another feature of legal text is the use of capitals midsentence for key terms which may be defined or interpreted elsewhere in the text or in another document. The letter below is from a sequence of correspondence between a solicitor and his client. It concerns the final stages of the purchase of a company.


Strictly Private and Confidential

Mr G Stobbard

Managing Director


Lincoln James Limited


4 India Street

23 February 2007


Dear Gordon

Project Ivory

Target Company — Franklin Red Limited (FR Ltd.)

Following our meeting on Monday please find enclosed the further amended Heads of Terms relating to the above for your approval.

As previously discussed, you will let me have further instructions in relation to conditions to which Completion will be subject. You will see that I have left this aspect as originally drafted for the time being.

I should be greateful if you would read the enclosed carefully and confirm that you are happy with the same, or alternatevely let me know if any further changes are reqiured. I will be engaged in meetings on Thursday morning but am in the office for the rest of the week apart from that.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Alex Paine

Note: Encl/. — an abbreviation for ‘Enclosure’, used to indicate that other documents are included Heads of Terms — document setting out the principal agreement pre-contract

completion — financial closure of the deal; when it is completed

Standard phrases for starting and ending letters and emails

Stating the reason for writing

Offering further assistance

I am writing to inform/advise you that …

Please let me know if you have any particular

Please find enclosed … / I am pleased to enclose … concerns …

We act for / on behalf of …

Please let me know if we can be of further

We are instructed by the above-named client

assistance …

in relation to …

If you have any questions, please do not

hesitate to give me a call …

Referring to previous contact

Further to our recent correspondence …

Referring to the next step

1 write further to my letter / our meeting of …

I should/would be grateful if you could …

As previously discussed …

Could you please confirm that …

Following our meeting on …

Thank you for your letter/email of …


I look forward to hearing from you shortly /

as soon as possible.

I look forward to our meeting / your reply.

6.1 Match the words and phrases from the letter in A opposite (1-6) with the synonyms (a-f).


apart from


for now


for the rest of










for the remainder of


for the time being






together with the letter

6.2Decide which of the following phrases underlined in A opposite is an example of substitution and which is an example of ellipsis. In the case of substitution, make a note of the phrase in the

letter which it refers back to. In the case of ellipsis, make a note of the missing word(s). The first one has been done for you.

1… for the rest of the week apart from that. Substitution of ‘that’ for ‘Thursday morning’

2… relating to the above

3 … 1 have left this aspect as originally drafted …

4… read the enclosed carefully …

5… and confirm that you are happy with the same, or …

6.3 Read A opposite then say if these statements arc true or false. Find reasons for your answers in the letter.

1 The Heads of Terms have been changed several times.

2Alex Paine has made no changes to the conditions for Completion.

3Alex Paine is not expecting his client to give him more instructions.

4 Alex Paine does not expect his client to reply if he is satisfied with the enclosed document.

6.4Complete this letter from Alex Paine to his client with appropriate phrases from В opposite.

There is more than one possibility for three of the answers.

6 April 2007

Dear Gordon



Target Company — Franklin Red Limited (FR Ltd)


(slate the reason for writing) the Agreemenl in respect

of the above which has now been agreed by FR Ltd’s solicitors. This has not changed since the last version sent to you by email. As (2) (refer to previous contact) please note in particular details concerning employees in Schedule 5. 1 don’t think there are any surprises

there but (3)

(offer further assistance).

If you are happy with the same, (4)

(refer to the next step)

arrange for the Agreement to be executed on behalf of Lincoln James Ltd where indicated. Please bring the executed Agreement along to our meeting on Monday 11th.


(ending phrase).

Kind regards,

Alex. Paine

Alex Paine

7 Business organisations

Sole trader

Jamie Anderson, a partner in the commercial department of a law firm, is commenting on the choices for different trading vehicles for business.

‘A client wanting to operate a business for profit might select from a number of different trading entities. Each has different legal characteristics and is subject to different rules and regulations. The simplest and commonest form of business structure is a sole trader. This generally suits a relatively small enterprise, such as an independent software developer, a hairdresser, or a small shop. It’s headed by a single individual and it differs from a company in that the ownership and management is usually vested in the same person, who is personally responsible for all the debts of the business, and may thus risk becoming bankrupt. Finances are confidential and formalities are few, aside from Value Added Tax. or VAT, regulations.’


‘ A common form of structure for certain kinds of business, for example accountants, solicitors, and architects, is a partnership. This needs to have at least two members and normally a maximum or twenty. There is an exemption on size for some types of firm, such as solicitors and accountants. All the partners may be jointly and severally liable for all the debts of the business. The relationship between the partners is usually drafted in the Partnership Agreement. This can set out the duration of the partnership, its name and business, how profits, losses, and running costs are to be shared, how much capital each partner is to contribute, what rules will apply to the capital, what grounds will lead to a partner being expelled from the company, what restrictions are imposed on partners, and so on. It’s also possible to have a Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, which has a legal identity separate from its members. In this sense it resembles a limited company (see text C). It’s possible for all the partners except one, known as the general partner, to be a limited partner. A sleeping partner may have a share in the business but doesn’t work in it. An individual is therefore able to invest capital in an LLP without risking any further liability. LLPs must be registered with the Registrar of Companies.’

Limited Companies

A Private Limited Company (Ltd) is a separate legal entity which can sue, and be sued, in its own right. The Company is identified by its registered number, which will remain the same irrespective of any changes of name. A business can start life as a limited company and this may be particularly appropriate where high-risk projects are involved. In some instances, directors will be asked to guarantee the obligations of a company, for example by giving security over personal assets to guarantee company borrowing. This is particularly common in the case of new companies who are not able to demonstrate a history of profitable trading. A Public Limited Company, or PLC, is differentiated from a

Private Limited Company in that the shares can be sold to the general public via the stock market to raise share capital. It’s mandatory for a PLC to have at least two shareholders, two directors, and a professionally qualified Company Secretary. The minimum authorised share capital is £50,000 and 25% must be paid up. Before the company can trade or borrow money, a Trading Certificate has to be obtained from the Registrar of Companies.’

7.1Match the two parts of the sentences then replace the underlined words and phrases with alternative words and phrases from A and В opposite. There is more than one possibility for one of the underlined phrases.

1Choosing an appropriate business medium depends on

2An individual’s business will cease to trade if

3A small enterprise where one person bears the responsibility and takes the profits

4In an ordinary partnership, all the partners are

5In a Limited Partnership, a specified partner bears the risk

6Partners need to decide

7Details such as the division of profits and losses may be

8Accountancy firms may have more than twenty members

athe starting date and length of the partnership.

bfor the firm’s debts, while limited partners have restricted liability.

Сset out in the deeds (formal documents) of the


dher being forced to leave the partnership.

ebecause of freedom from the normal provision under the law.

fresponsible collectively and individually for the financial losses of the business.

ga court declares the businessman is incapable of paying his debts.

h may be run by a single business person.

ia number of factors, such as the size and type of business and the need to limit liability.

9 Misconduct by a partner might lead to

7.2Make word combinations from С opposite using words from the box. Then use appropriate word combinations to answer the questions below.

authorised capital

over personal assets


1 In a private limited company, what guarantee may a director have to provide in order to borrow capital?

2 What type of business organisation must have £12,500 of shares paid up?

3 Which official keeps a record of all incorporated companies, the details of their directors and their financial states?

4 It is mandatory for a PLC to have 25% of what paid up? 5 What is the purpose of a PLC selling shares to the public?

8 Information technology law and cybercrime

Computer security

Picter den Bieman, a legal practitioner specialising in information technology, is speaking at a Chamber of Commerce lunch.

‘I’m sure you’d all agree that the development of information technology and e-commerce has presented exciting business opportunities. However, the increasing sophistication of the systems and applications available to end users has created significant legal challenges to individuals, companies, the legislature, and legal advisers. The technology necessary to access the Internet has also enabled innovative illegal activities. You’ll be aware that these include the breach of computer security and unauthorised access to a computer commonly known as hacking.

There’s also the distribution of illegally obtained content from databases, as well as virus writing or virus spreading achieved by attacks on insecure servers which lack adequate protection. In the UK, the Computer Misuse Act deals with such illegal use, and also the publication and distribution of material that may be used to aid hacking. Unfortunately, unless you have adequate security systems in place, your business is at risk.’


There are cybercrimes that may affect you personally, such as credit card fraud online, commonly known as credit card scams. and identity (ID) theft, when financial benefit is obtained by deception using stolen personal information. In the USA, fraudsters, as they’re known, who use a stolen identity to commit new crimes, may be charged with what’s known in the States as aggravated ID theft. The Council of Europe Cybercrime Treaty, also signed by US and Japan, has the aim of international co-operation and mutual assistance in policing.

Other cybercrime may impact on your business. There’s cyberfraud, such as pharming, where users are moved to fake, non-genuine sites, when they try to link to their bona fide bank website. Then there’s phishing, when a fraudster, by misrepresentation, gets Internet users to disclose personal information in reply to spam email sent unsolicited to a large number of people. Internet users can also be tricked into money laundering activities which aid the transfer of illegal or stolen money.’

Note: misrepresentation — making a wrong statement to trick someone into a contract

Data protection

‘The way you collect, store, and distribute information that constitutes personal data on identifiable individuals is now subject to Data Protection legislation. If, for example, you ask potential customers to supply their address details via the web in the process of

requesting further information concerning your business, you should also provide the data subject with information about rhe purpose of collecting the data, the period for which

it will be stored, and who will be in receipt of such data. If your web page contains data relating to specific employees, remember that this will be information readily available inrernationally and nationally. Yon must have the consent of the individuals concerned allowing you to make such information available. That consent must he informed and freely given. Care must be taken in the management of personal web servers and server software and clear guidelines given to staff about your Internet policy in order to avoid falling foul of the law. for example the Defamation Act. Finally, in addition to ensuring that you don’t infringe regulations, you need to consider how to future-proof contracts you enter into, by considering potential and unknown developments which may affect your business.’

8.1Make word combinations from A opposite using words from the box.






breach of




computer security











8.2Are the following statements true or false? Look at A opposite to help you. Use

appropriate word combinations from 8.1 to explain

your answers.


People who use computer applications are known

as hackers.


It’s a legal challenge to gain unauthorised access to

a database.


Secure servers make virus spreading possible.

4Distributing illegally obtained data is a breach of computer security.

8.3Complete the article. Look at В opposite to help you. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.

Fraudsters find it surprisingly easy to operate

The fraud is no longer limited to bank accounts.

credit card (1) …………………………

over the Internet.

Recent examples have had corporate websites cloned

(2) ………………………

tricks consumers into providing

to sell non existent products, or to get consumers to

confidential details in response to spam email.

participate in money (8) ……………………….


Although banks have been raising public awareness

while believing they are dealing with a legitimate

of the practice by placing warnings on websites, some


customers are still taken in by spam emails inviting

Whether the fraudsters

are using phishing or

them to (3)

account information.

pharming, criminal prosecution remains difficult,

But phishing is no longer as effective as it was, so

largely because most of the criminals are based

(4) ……………………..

have developed (5) …………..


outside the territory in which the victim resides.

which does not involve spam email and is harder to

Extradition proceedings are difficult and rare,

detect. The scam redirects users to (6) ……………….

although some national courts may have limited

sites when they try to access their (7) ………………..

extra-territorial jurisdiction. Phishing legislation


bank website. A customer logs on.

m a y b e d r a f t e d b u t

t h e

r e a l p r o b l e m i s t h e

normally using

the address stored in his or


cross-border nature

of the fraud. The legislation

‘favourites’ folder, to what looks like the bank’s internet may have no teeth, leaving the perpetrators almost

banking site, but the customer is actually redirected

immane from prosecution.

to the fraudster’s site.

The Times

8.4 Find more formal expressions in С opposite for:


a human person about whom data is stored


law which governs the use of computer stored information about individuals


willing agreement to something on the basis of relevant knowledge


to break the law

Home reading 1

Criminal justice and criminal proceedings

Duncan Ritchie, a barrister, is talking to a visiting group of young

European lawyers.

Criminal justice

‘The state prosecutes those charged with a crime. The police investigate a crime and may apprehend suspects and detain them in custody. If the police decide an offender should be prosecuted, a file on the case is sent to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) — the national prosecution service for England and Wales. The

CPS must consider whether there is enough evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction, and if so, whether the public interest requires a prosecution. They can decide to either

go ahead with the prosecution, send the case back to the police for a caution, or take no further action. Criminal proceedings can be initiated either by the serving of a summons setting out the offence and requiring the accused to attend court, or, in more serious cases, by a warrant of arrest issued by a Magistrates’ Court. Lawyers from the CPS may act

as public prosecutors. The Criminal Defence Service provides legal aid, which funds rhe services of an independent duty solicitor who represents the accused in the police station and in court. However, at the end of a Crown Court case the judge has the power to order the defendant to pay some or all of the defence costs

Note: If Green is prosecuted for a crime, the ensuing trial will be called the case of R v Green. R is the abbreviation for the Crown (Regina for a Queen or Rex for a King); v (Latin for versus) is said ‘against’ in a criminal case.

Categories of criminal offence

‘There are three categories of criminal offence. Summary offences, tried without a jury, are minor crimes only triable in the Magistrates’ Court. Indictable offences are serious crimes, such as murder, which can only be heard in the Crown Court. The formal document containing the alleged offences, supported by facts, is called the indictment. A case which can be heard in either the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court, such as theft or burglary, is triable either way. If the defendant pleads guilty, the Magistrates’ Court can either proceed to sentence or commit to the Crown Court for sentence, where more severe penalties are available. If there is a not guilty plea, the court can decide the

mode of trial. The person charged may request a trial by jury. If granted, such trials take place in the Crown Court.’

Note: indictable offences are also known as notifiable offences in the UK.

Criminal court proceedings

‘The English system of justice is adversarial, which means that each side collects and presents their own evidence and attacks their opponent’s by cross-examination. In a criminal trial, the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. A person accused or under arrest for an offence may be granted bail and temporarily released. However, bail may be refused, for example if there are grounds for believing that the accused would fail to appear for trial or commit an offence. In the Crown Court, there may be a preparatory hearing for a complex case before the jury is sworn in. Prior to the trial, there is a statutory requirement for disclosure by the prosecution and defence of material relevant to the case, for example details of any alibis — people who can provide proof of the accused’s whereabouts at the time of the crime — or witnesses — people who may have seen something relevent to the crime. Once a trial has begun, the defendant may be advised by counsel to change his or her plea to guilty, in expectation of a reduced sentence. If, at the end of the trial, the court’s verdict is not guilty, then the defendant is acquitted

1 Complete the definitions. Look at A and В opposite to help you.



— a court document authorising the police to

detain someone



— a written statement with details of the crimes someone is charged wirh



— a formal order to attend court


Make word combinations from А, В and С opposite using, words from the box. Then use

appropriate word combinations to complete the sentences below.


doubt sentence


severe plea



reasonable defence proceedings costs

reduced prospect offences



The Crown Prosecutor considers whether there’s sufficient evidence to provide a

of conviction.


There should be no conviction without proof beyond


The Crown Court always hears

such as manslaughter.

4In sentencing serious crimes, courts can impose

5At the end of a trial, a defendant may be ordered to pay a contribution towards

3 Replace the underlined words and phrases with alternative words and phrases from A, В and С opposite. Pay attention to the grammatical context. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.

aBail may be refused and the defendant may be

(1)held in police custody.

bAlternatively, the defendant may be (2) found got guilty by the court and discharged.

сOnce proceedings have been initiated, the defendant

(3)comes before the court.

dThe police formally (4) accuse the suspect in the police station.

с If the offender pleads guilty in the Magistrates’ Court, the court imposes a (5) punishment.

fThe police investigate a serious offence and

(6)arrest a suspect.

gThe suspect may ask for (7) release from custody before the trial.

4 Put the sentences in 3 into the correct order chronologically. Look at А, В and С opposite to help you. The first stage is f.

Home reading 2

Employment law

Employment law

Our Employment Law Department is a specialist team. We advise on relevant law, employment policy and procedure, and the formation of employment contracts. We assist in the negotiation and settlement of disputes, and take or defend proceedings before an

Employment Tribunal or in a civil court.

Employment law usually involves a mixture of contractual provisions and legislation regulating the relationship between employer and employee, and governing labour relations between employers and trade unions, for example with regard to collective agreements and collective bargaining about conditions of work. Developments in case law and changes to legislation, for example from the implementation of European Community directives, affect employers and employees alike. The practice of living and working in different jurisdictions means that lawyers also have to refer to international conventions to establish legal requirements.

BrE: labour; AmE: labor

BrE: trade union; AmE: labor union

The main statutory rights of employees include entitlement to:

a national minimum wage;

equal pay for like work, that is, broadly similar work;

a written statement of employment particulars;

an itemised pay statement; time off and holidays; statutory sick pay;

a healthy and safe working environment; family and parental leave;

protected rights on transfer of business to another employer (see the Transfer of Undertakings [Protection of Employment] Regulations 2006);

notice of termination of employment; not to have unlawful deductions from wages;

not to be discriminated against on grounds of sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age, part-time or fixed term employment, or trade union membership.

Contract of employment

It is usual practice for employers and employees to enter into a written agreement which sets out their respective obligations and rights, and which constitutes a contract of employment, either at the commencement of employment or shortly before. Clauses in the contract generally deal with pay, deductions, hours of work, time off and leave, place of work, absence, confidentiality, restrictions on the actions of an employee once employment is ended (known as a restrictive covenant), giving notice, the grievance procedures in rhe event of job loss, and variation of contract (meaning parties may agree to vary terms of the contract but terms cannot be unilaterally varied, that

is, by one party without agreement).

Employers are bound by the employment contract and statutory regulation as to how

they may deal with employees, particularly in relation to the termination of employment. Failure to observe such obligations and regulations may give rise to a claim for wrongful dismissal (where the employer is in breach of contract), unfair dismissal (where the employer has not followed a fair dismissal and disciplinary procedure before terminating the contract), or constructive dismissal

(where an employee resigns because of the conduct of his employer). Gross misconduct by the employee, for example theft from the employer, may result in summary, that is, immediate, dismissal. In other circumstances, the employee may be made redundant, for example if the employer has ceased to carry on business.

BrE: made redundant; AmE: laid off


Make word combinations from A opposite using words from the box. Then use appropriate

word combinations to complete the definitions below.


















— salary paid when an employee cannot work because of illness


— restricted period of employment set out in contract


— organisation which represenrs the workers, who are its

members, in discussions of pay and working conditions with their employer


— specialist court dealing in disputes between employers and



— written details of a position in a company


— negotiations between an employer and a trade union on terms

and conditions of employment and work

2 A lawyer is giving advice to a client about an employment contract over the phone. Replace the underlined words and phrases with alternative words and phrases from B opposite. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.

I’ve looked through the contract and it seems satisfactory in relation to (1) the period of warning that the contract is going to end. However, I think you should look for some adjustment on the (2) clause preventing you working in the same field for three years after you’ve left the company. Other than that, the terms relating to being (3) let go by the company if it fails and (4) being removed from the job, with the related (5) procedure for making a complaint and (6) changes being made to your work, are quite straightforward.

3 Which type of dismissal may have occurred in the following situations? Look at В opposite to help you.

1An employee decides to leave her job because she is moved, without consultation, to a new position in the company which she regards as a reduction in her role. A new post covering broadly the same area as hers is offered to an outside applicant.

2An employee is forced to leave his job because he has arrived at his place of work under the influence of alcohol on several occasions.

3An employer has not gone through the appropriate procedures before forcing an employee to leave his job.

4 Choose the correct prefix from the box to make the opposite of the adjectives below.





1 relevant

2 legal

3 lawful

4 restrictive

5 fair

6 statutory

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Translate words and collocations with the dictionary.

Crown Prosecution Service

criminal justice

charge with a crime

investigate a crime

apprehend suspects

send the case back

Criminal Defence Service

summary offences

alleged offences


Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

содержать под стражей; реальная перспектива осуждения; продолжить судебное преследование; вызов повесткой; ордер на арест, выданный мировым судом (судом магистрата); оплатить все судебные издержки; малозначительные преступления; подлежат рассмотрению двумя судами; способ судебного разбирательства; если подсудимый не признает себя виновным; бремя доказательства; доказать вину при отсутствии обоснованного в том сомнения; удовлетворить ходатайство о передаче на поруки.
Duncan Ritchie, a barrister, is talking to a visiting group of young European lawyers.

  1. Criminal justice

‘The state prosecutes those charged with a crime. The police investigate a crime and may apprehend suspects and detain them in custody. If the police decide an offender should be prosecuted, a file on the case is sent to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) — the national prosecution service for England and Wales. The CPS must consider whether there is enough evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction, and if so, whether the public interest requires a prosecution. They can decide to either go ahead with the prosecution, send the case back to the police for a caution, or take no further action. Criminal proceedings can be initiated either by the serving of a summons setting out the offence and requiring the accused to attend court, or, in more serious cases, by a warrant of arrest issued by a Magistrates’ Court. Lawyers from the CPS may act as public prosecutors. The Criminal Defence Service provides legal aid, which funds the services of an independent duty solicitor who represents the accused in the police station and in court. However, at the end of a Crown Court case the judge has the power to order the defendant to pay some or all of the defence costs.’

  1. Categories of criminal offence

‘There are three categories of criminal offence. Summary offences, tried without a jury, are minor crimes only triable in the Magistrates’ Court. Indictable offences are serious crimes, such as murder, which can only be heard in the Crown Court. The formal document containing the alleged offences, supported by facts, is called the indictment. A case which can be heard in either the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court, such as theft or burglary, is triable either way. If the defendant pleads guilty, the Magistrates’ Court can either proceed to sentence or commit to the Crown Court for sentence, where more severe penalties are available. If there is a not guilty plea, the court can decide the mode of trial. The person charged may request a trial by jury. If granted, such trials take place in the Crown Court.’

  1. Criminal court proceedings

‘The English system of justice is adversarial, which means that each side collects and presents their own evidence and attacks their opponent’s by cross-examination. In a criminal trial, the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. A person accused or under arrest for an offence may be granted bail and temporarily released. However, bail may be refused, for example if there are grounds for believing that the accused would fail to appear for trial or commit an offence. In the Crown Court, there may be a preparatory hearing for a complex case before the jury is sworn in. Prior to the trial, there is a statutory requirement for disclosure by the prosecution and defence of material relevant to the case, for example details of any alibis — people who can provide proof of the accused’s whereabouts at the time of the crime — or witnesses — people who may have seen something relevant to the crime. Once a trial has begun, the defendant may be advised by counsel to change his or her plea to guilty, in expectation of a reduced sentence. If, at the end of the trial, the court’s verdict is not guilty, then the defendant is acquitted.»

  1. Complete the definitions. Look at A and В opposite to help you.
  1. a _____ — a court document authorising the police to detain someone
  2. an _____ — a written statement with details of the crimes someone is charged with
  3. a _____ — a formal order to attend court
  1. Make word combinations from А, В and С opposite using, words from the box. Then use appropriate word combinations from the box to complete the sentences below.
criminal doubt sentence indictable
guilty severe plea realistic
reasonable defence proceedings costs
reduced prospect offences penalties
  1. The Crown Prosecutor considers whether there’s sufficient evidence to provide a _____ of conviction.
  2. There should be no conviction without proof beyond _____.
  3. The Crown Court always hears _____ such as manslaughter.
  4. In sentencing serious crimes, courts can impose _____.
  5. At the end of a trial, a defendant may be ordered to pay a contribution towards _____.
  1. Replace the underlined words and phrases with alternative words and phrases from A, В and С opposite. Pay attention to the grammatical context. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers. Then put the sentences into the correct order chronologically. The first stage is f.
  1. Bail may be refused and the defendant may be (1) held in police custody.
  2. Alternatively, the defendant may be (2) found not guilty by the court and discharged.
  3. Once proceedings have been initiated, the defendant (3) comes before the court.
  4. The police formally (4) accuse the suspect in the police station.
  5. If the offender pleads guilty in the Magistrates’ Court, the court imposes a (5) punishment.
  6. The police investigate a serious offence and (6) arrest a suspect.
  7. The suspect may ask for (7) release from custody before the trial.

Make word combinations from A, В and С opposite using words from the b перевод - Make word combinations from A, В and С opposite using words from the b русский как сказать

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Make word combinations from A, В and С opposite using words from the box. Then use appropriate word combinations to complete the sentences below.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Сделать комбинации слова от A, В и С напротив использование слов из коробки. Затем используйте соответствующие словосочетания для завершения предложения ниже.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Сделать словосочетания из A, В и С противоположной, используя слова из коробки. Затем используйте соответствующие словосочетания для завершения предложения ниже.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Вместе с тем, что сочетание слов, а напротив и использовать слова в коробке.И затем использовать надлежащее сочетание слов, чтобы завершить следующие приговоры.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Make words with the opposite meaning :

appear, common, legal, happy, fortunate, possible, regular, honest, increase, resident.

На этой странице находится вопрос Make words with the opposite meaning :appear, common, legal, happy, fortunate, possible, regular, honest, increase, resident?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
и похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, которые можно найти с помощью
простой в использовании поисковой системы. Уровень сложности вопроса
соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В комментариях,
оставленных ниже, ознакомьтесь с вариантами ответов посетителей страницы. С
ними можно обсудить тему вопроса в режиме on-line. Если ни один из
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строке, расположенной вверху, и нажмите кнопку.

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