Make vocabulary word list

Making semi-automatic word lists to study a text in a foreign language


When studying a foreign language, it is useful to learn vocabulary in
context: I used to make vocabulary lists to record unknown words for
each text I studied, so when I revised the vocabulary list I was able to
remember both the word and the context.

I designed a workflow and a series of scripts to build in a
semi-automatic way to build vocabulary lists from raw texts. Here is the

  • copy the text in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, read the text
    and underline unkown words,
  • extract the underlined words, with a script which will also get their lemmas
    (that is, the form under which they are recorded in the dictionary, for
    example cats -> cat); clean this list (remove unwanted lemmas, add
    some more, etc.),
  • extract dictionary definitions, again with a script and clean them
    (choose between various meanings, remove or adde examples, etc.),
  • transform the list to a .tex file, again with a script, and make a
    pdf out of it.

You get, for example, for Ancient Greek (2 pages are presented side by

Complete example of the workflow

I will use Ancient Greek as an example, but the workflow can be adapted
to other languages (I have used it for Latin, English, German). You
will need some knownledge of the command line, but it should work on
Mac OS, Linux and Windows (with Cygwin).

The first step is to copy the text you want to study in Microsoft Word or
LibreOffice Writer, read it and underline the unknown words. Here is an
example from Xenophon’s Anabasis:

Save the text in the .odt format (even with Microsoft Word), because
this is an open source format that can be read by non-proprietary
programs. Let’s say you have saved it under the name

Run the following command to extract the words and get the lemmas (or
lemmata). Lemmas are searched by requiring pages from the Perseus

python3 xenophon_anabasis.odt | 
   perl  -i /dev/stdin -o xenophon_anabasis.list

You will get a xenophon_anabasis.list file, containing the lemmas.
Open it with a text editor (Gedit, Text Editor, Notepad, etc.):

# The lemmata found on Perseus are:
# for word βοιωτιος:
# for word συνεγενετο:
# for word πρωτοις:
# for word ηττασθαι:
# for word ευεργετων:

(Only the beginning of the file is shown.)

Based on your knowledge of the language and of the text, try to select
the correct the correct lemma when there are several choices, because
one word form may be related to several lemmas (as in English: «axes»
may be the plural of «ax(e)» or of «axis»). Lines starting with a
hashtag are ignored. So you may end up with something like:

# The lemmata found on Perseus are:
# for word βοιωτιος:
# for word συνεγενετο:
# for word πρωτοις:
# for word ηττασθαι:
# for word ευεργετων:

You may also add lemma that have not been found, if you have looked up a
word in another dictionary. Save the file, for instance in
xenophon_anabasis.list-cleaned. Now run the script to get
the definitions from a dictionary you specify with the -d option:

perl -d /tmp/bailly.dic < xenophon_anabasis.list-cleaned 
   > xenophon_anabasis.voc

For each word in the cleaned list, dictionary definitions have now been
added in the resulting xenophon_anabasis.voc file:

Βοιώτιος α, ον   ::de Béotie, Béotien ; (en mauv. part) syn. de lourdaud
συγγίγνομαι      ::f. συγγενήσομαι, ao.2 συνεγενόμην, etc
                 ::1 naître avec
                 ::2 être ensemble, être avec, avoir des rapports, fréquenter [...]
                 ::3 venir à l’aide de, aider, ÷ dat
                 ::[σύν, γίγνομαι]
πρῶτος η, ον     ::premier
                 ::I. (adj.) 1 (dans l’espace) le plus en avant  [...]
                 ::2 (avec idée de rang et de nombre) le premier  [...]
                 ::II. (subst.) 1 τὸ πρῶτον, τὰ πρῶτα, le commencement
                 ::2 τὰ πρῶτα (ἆθλα) le premier prix ; τὰ πρῶτα λαμβάνειν  [...]
                 ::3 τὰ πρῶτα, le plus haut degré, le point le plus élevé  [...]
                 ::III. (adv.) 1 fém. πρώτη : τὴν πρώτην, la première fois,  [...]
                 ::2 neutre πρῶτον, πρῶτα et τὸ πρῶτον, τὰ πρῶτα,  [...]
                 ::[p. *πρόατος, Sp. de πρό ; cf. Cp. πρότερος]
ἡττάω            ::att. c. ἡσσάω
εὐεργέτης ου (ὁ) ::bienfaiteur, évergète
                 ::[εὖ, ἔργον]

(I’ve cut the end of the lines to not overload this guide.)

Open the file in your text editor and perform some clean up: choose the
right definition (the one that is used in the original text), if there
are several, choose the example you want to include, etc. Add a title,
and, optionaly, the type greekfont to get a nice greek font (defined
in the code). You may end up with something like this:

#title:Xenophon, Anabasis, II, 6, 16--20
Βοιώτιος α, ον                   ::de Béotie, Béotien
συγγίγνομαι                      ::fréquenter +dat
οἱ πρῶτοι                        ::les premiers (des citoyens), les plus nobles
ἡττάω                            ::être inférieur à (+gen) en (+acc ou dat)
εὐεργέτης ου (ὁ)                 ::bienfaiteur, évergète
σφόδρα                           ::très, tout à fait
ἔχω                              ::tenir pour, regarder comme
ἔνδηλος ος, ον                   ::clair, évident
αὖ                               ::d'un autre côté, au contraire, cependant
αἰδώς όος-οῦς (ἡ)                ::respect
ἐμποιέω                          ::faire naître, engendrer, produire
αἰσχύνομαι                       ::avoir honte devant, avoir du respect pour +acc
ἀπεχθάνομαι                      ::être haï, être odieux

Save the file under the name xenophon_anabasis.voc-final.

Then use the to create a .tex file:

perl xenophon_anabasis.voc-final

If latexmk is installed, the script will compile you .tex file
automatically and you will just end up with a nice pdf file, like this:

The pdf file will be name accordingly to the title of the vocabulary
list, for example xenophon_anabasis_ii_6_16-20.pdf in our example.

The page size is A5.

You will find longer samples in Greek and Latin in the samples

In summary:

# underline words with Office or Writer, and save to .odt
python3 xenophon_anabasis.odt | 
   perl  -i /dev/stdin -o xenophon_anabasis.list
# clean the file xenophon_anabasis.list
perl -d /tmp/bailly.dic < xenophon_anabasis.list-cleaned 
   > xenophon_anabasis.voc
# clean the file xenophon_anabasis.voc
perl xenophon_anabasis.voc-final

The dictionary files

In order to get the definition with the script, you will
need to download and create a dictionary file. It is a simple text file
with the following format:

  • each entry is on a line, containing:
    • the entry word
    • a tabulation
    • the complete entry, e.g. with the gender, genitive case, etc.
    • a tabulation
    • the various definitions and examples are separated with the characters
      n (not an actual new line, just the two characters).

This is also the file format use by StarDict and GoldenDict programs.
Here is an example:

Α, α	Α, α	nἄλφα (τὸ)nindécl.nnalpha :n	1e lettre de l’alphabet grec [...]
Αἰάκειον	Αἰάκειον ου (τὸ)	nnsanctuaire d’Éaque, à Éginenn[Αἴακος]
Αἰάντειος	Αἰάντειος ος, ον	nnd’Ajaxnn[Αἴας]
Αἰήτας	Αἰήτας αο (ὁ)	nndor. c. Αἰήτης
Αἰήτης	Αἰήτης ου (ὁ)	nnÆètès :n	1 roi de Colchiden	2 autres
Αἰακίδης	Αἰακίδης ου (ὁ)	nnfils, descendant d’Éaque ; οἱ Αἰακῖδαι les Éacides [...]
Αἰαντίδης 1	Αἰαντίδης 1 ου	nadj. m.nnde la tribu Æantidenn[Αἰαντίς]

You can download many dictionary online. The Bailly Abrégé (the one
used in this example) can be downloaded from my


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Students Working

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Designed for educators but ideal for anyone interested in making cloze tests, spelling exercises, word searches, crosswords, word jumbles, and other
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Vocabulary Activities

Auto-Generated Activities

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See how a crossword activity is generated

Word List Activities

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Text Activities

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Sentence Activities

Sentence Activities

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See how a cloze activity is created

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Generating Word Search Alternatives

Word Bank

Word Banks with a Twist

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Now imagine that option being available in 16 additional word puzzles from jumbles to decoding. A whole new level of challenge.

Vocabulary Activities

The Activity Generators

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Examine the activity generators

New in Version 7

New in version 6

Experience new ways to engage and challenge your students with version 6 of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory.
This new version brings new activities, new options for existing activities, enhanced document layout,
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See what’s new in version 6

Select your edition

With five editions of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory from Free to Enterprise, there is an affordable vocabulary worksheet generator for everyone.

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  • 45 activity generators
  • all users site wide
  • 45 activity generators
  • site-wide + publishing
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Download the Word Search Edition of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory and get a free word search generator. Generate
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evaluation of the Pro Edition.

Download It Now

Last updated:

December 6, 2022

One of the largest English dictionaries has more than 21,000 pages.

Here’s something even more impressive: someone actually attempted to read it from start to finish in one year.

Don’t worry thoughyou don’t need to do all that to master English.

Master the most common 3,000 words, and you’ll pick up 90% of what you’re hearing and reading.

Bump that up to around 10,000, and you’re considered fluent.

In this post, we’ve put together all of our best English vocabulary lists.

Travel English? Business English? Slang words? We’ve got them all here!  


  • Core English Vocabulary
    • Common English words
    • Important specific words
    • Easily confused words
    • Time, day and months vocab
    • Friends, Family and home
    • Romance and love vocabulary
    • Travel and survival English
    • Food, drink and eating out
    • Hobbies
    • Nature-related words
  • Advanced English Vocabulary
    • Difficult English words
    • Business and professional English
    • Word Parts and Components
  • English Slang
    • Regional English Slang
      • American English
      • Australian English
      • British English
      • New Zealand English
  • More Fun English Vocabulary
    • Holidays in English
    • Miscellaneous fun English vocabulary

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Core English Vocabulary

Use English pretty often, and you’ll notice that the same words keep popping up over and over.

In this section, we’ll tackle the core English vocabulary that you need to know, from articles such as a and the to friendly greetings and ordering from restaurants like a local.

This is the practical type of English that’s meant for your day-to-day life—whether you’re chatting with friends, traveling or about to go on a date!

Common English words

Important specific words

Easily confused words

Time, day and months vocab

Friends, Family and home

Romance and love vocabulary

Travel and survival English

Food, drink and eating out


Nature-related words

Advanced English Vocabulary

Already feel confident with basic English but you want to expand your vocabulary? Then you might be ready to move on to more advanced English!

You can delve into widely known but more complicated words like illusion and runners-up. Or maybe you’d want to find out all about common word roots (they’ll boost your comprehension right away!). There’s also the weird but wonderful world of homophones, where two words sound alike but have different meanings.

Deepen your understanding of English with these blog posts:

Difficult English words

Business and professional English

Word Parts and Components

English Slang

Once you’ve got the foundations of English down, one way to sound even more natural is to learn slang. If you read through any English-language social media website—Twitter, Youtube, Facebook or Reddit, for example—you’ll see lots of slang:

Don’t be such a couch potato.

TBH, I haven’t seen that meme yet.

This summer, I’m going to YOLO.

Slang tends to pop up in informal or casual conversations as well as online. Different English countries can also have different slang! 

Regional English Slang

American English

Australian English

British English

New Zealand English

More Fun English Vocabulary

When it comes to English vocabulary, you’ll keep finding fascinating words.

For one, there are words for special occasions. Some of the most prominent English-speaking holidays are Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and they each have their own unique vocabulary.

The English language also has tons of interesting niches you can look into. Broaden your tech speak in English with words like “download” and “screenshot,” or get trendy with some of the newest words in the language!

Make your English more colorful with these guides:

Holidays in English

Miscellaneous fun English vocabulary

Constantly learning vocabulary is a key part of becoming fluent.

It’s fascinating to see how communicating in English becomes easier as you pick up more and more words!

With this master sheet of resources, you can grow your vocabulary—from building a foundation with the most basic words to expressing yourself like a native.

How to use VocabGrabber:

  1. Copy text from any document
  2. Paste the copied text into the box
  3. Grab your vocabulary words!

See it in action!

Try VocabGrabber with one of our samples:





          How does Vocabgrabber work?
          VocabGrabber analyzes any text you’re interested in, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and showing you how those words are used in context. Just copy text from a document and paste it into the box, and then click on the «Grab Vocabulary!» button. VocabGrabber will automatically create a list of vocabulary from your text, which you can then sort, filter, and save.
          Select any word on the list and you’ll see a snapshot of the Visual Thesaurus map and definitions for that word, along with examples of the word in your text. Click on the word map or the highlighted word in the example to see the Visual Thesaurus in action.
          Want to try it out? Click on one of our sample texts to fill the box and start grabbing!
          How can I view my vocabulary list?
          After you grab the vocabulary from a text, you will see a list of words and phrases in «tag cloud» view. In the default view, words in the vocab list are arranged by relevance (more on that below!). In the tag cloud, words that appear most frequently in the text are displayed in a larger font size. The color of the words is based on whether they match one of our seven subject areas (Arts & Literature, Geography, Math, People, Science, Social Studies, Vocabulary).
          You can also choose «list» view, which will give you the vocab list in a table, with columns displaying each word’s subject areas, relevance score, and number of occurrences in the text. Or you can select «gallery» view, displaying a thumbnail image of each word’s map in the Visual Thesaurus.
          How can I sort my vocabulary list?
          Above the word list you’ll see four different sorting options: Relevance, A-Z, Occurrences, and Familiarity. By default the words are arranged from most relevant to least relevant. The other options allow you to sort your list alphabetically, by number of occurrences in the text, or by how familiar the words are in written English overall. To reverse any of these orderings, just click on the name of the option again to toggle the list order.
          How can I filter my list by subject?
          Your list will initially have the «Show All Words» box checked. But if you want to focus on vocabulary in one or more particular subjects, just click the appropriate box or boxes. The number in parentheses next to the subject name indicates how many words in the text match the subject.
          Subjects include academic areas of interest (Arts & Literature, Science, and Social Studies), names of historical figures and places (People and Geography), and words that are of particular importance for language learners at all levels (Vocabulary).
          How can I filter my list by relevance? (And what is relevance, anyway?)
          All the words in your vocab list are ranked with a relevance score of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most relevant to the text. We calculate relevance by comparing how frequently words are used in the text versus how they are used in written English overall. That allows us to zero in on which words are most significant for the average reader.
          By default, the vocab list displays words with relevance 2 through 5, leaving off the words that score only 1 and are therefore least significant. But you can choose any combination of scores by clicking on the bars under «Show Relevance.»
          How can I add VocabGrabber to my browser toolbar?
          In the top right-hand corner, click on the button next to «Add VocabGrabber to your Toolbar.» Then follow the directions for your browser to install the VocabGrabber directly on your toolbar. Once installed, you’ll be able to use the VocabGrabber on any online text without having to copy and paste. Just click on the VocabGrabber «bookmarklet» and the VocabGrabber will immediately start grabbing the vocabulary from whatever page you’re reading in your browser.
          How can I create a Visual Thesaurus word list from my vocabulary?
          Individual subscribers to the Visual Thesaurus can generate word lists from VocabGrabber results. Subscribers can click a button that says «Create Word List,» which automatically selects whichever vocabulary words you have displayed based on your sorting and filtering options. You can then add a title to your word list and choose to include an example sentence of each word drawn from the text you’re analyzing. (If the word appears more than once in the text, you can pick which example sentence you want to use.) You can also customize the list by deselecting any words that you don’t want to appear. Then just click on «Save Word List» to add it to your collection of Visual Thesaurus word lists.

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