Make up word combinations from the words in the two columns write them down

Match the words in the two columns to make word combinations. Make up and write down five sentences with them.
Example: Buckingham Palace is a place where the royal family lives.
1. The Houses of
2. Westminster
3. The Tower of
4. Big
5. Buckingham
6. Trafalgar
7. Tower
8. London

a) Abbey

b) Palace

c) Square

d) London

e) Bridge

f) Ben

g) Zoo

h) Parliament

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. HOMEWORK. Номер №7


Перевод задания
Сопоставьте слова в двух столбцах, чтобы образовать словосочетания. Составьте и запишите с ними пять предложений.
Пример: Букингемский дворец − это место, где живет королевская семья.
1. Здания
2. Вестминстер
3. Башня
4. Большой
5. Бэкингем
6. Трафальгар
7. Башня
8. Лондон









1 – h, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – f, 5 – b, 6 – c, 7 – e, 8 – g.
1. The Houses of Parliament
2. Westminster Abbey
3. The Tower of London
4. Big Ben
5. Buckingham Palace
6. Trafalgar Square
7. Tower Bridge
8. London Zoo
1) Trafalgar Square is situated in the centre of London.
2) The Tower of London was founded in 1066.
3) Big Ben is the name of a large bell, not the clock.
4) Buckingham Palace is the place where the British Queen and her family live.
5) The London Zoo is situated in Regent’s Park.

Перевод ответа
1. Палаты парламента
2. Вестминстерское аббатство
3. Лондонский Тауэр
4. Биг Бен
5. Букингемский дворец
6. Трафальгарская площадь.
7. Тауэрский мост
8. Лондонский зоопарк
1) Трафальгарская площадь расположена в центре Лондона.
2) Лондонский Тауэр был основан в 1066 году.
3) Биг Бен − это название большого колокола, а не часов.
4) Букингемский дворец − место, где живет британская королева и ее семья.
5) Лондонский зоопарк расположен в Риджентс−парке.

1 а) Напишите словосочетания в двух столбцах.

eating fruit and vegetables (есть фрукты и овощи)

walking with a dog (гулять с собакой)

smoking (курить)

going to bed after 11 p. m. (ложиться спать в 11)

getting up at noon (вставать в полдень)

jogging in a park (пробежка в парке)

eating hamburgers and “hot dogs” (поедать гамбургеры и хот доги

sleeping not less than eight hours a day (спать не меньше чем 8 часов в день)

doing some gymnastics in the morning (делать зарядку по утрам)

eating too many sweets, cakes, and chips (есть очень много сладостей, тортов и чипсов)

doing lessons late at night (делать уроки ночью)

having the latest meal not later than 7 p. m. (последний раз кушать не позже чем в 7 часов)

good for keeping fit:

eating fruit and vegetables

walking with a dog

jogging in a park

sleeping not less than eight hours a day

doing some gymnastics in the morning

having the latest meal not later than 7 p. m.

bad for keeping fit:


going to bed after 11 p. m.

getting up at noon

eating hamburgers and “hot dogs”

doing lessons late at night

eating too many sweets, cakes and chips

b) Напишите, по крайней мере, три вещи, которые вы делаете, чтобы поддерживать форму.

c) Напишите, что вы делаете неправильно, что может вывести вас из формы.

1. Я знаю, что это может нанести урон моей форме (фигуре), но иногда я…

Make word combinations with the words from the two boxes.

Make word combinations with the words from the two boxes?

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I. Match the words from the columns

1-c  Meet the locals

2-f  buy souvenirs  

3-h  visit museums

4-g  lie on the beach all day

5-i  go on guided tours

6-b  see famous landmarks  

7-a  try the local cuisine

8-d  explore nature

9-e  have time to yourself    

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. She said she liked travelling by plane.

2. They said they had visited Russia the winter before.

3. The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports.

4. He asked Mary if she liked French food.

5. She told me not to let anyone carry my bags.

6. He said he could speak German.

7.  Judy asked Sam if he had ever lived abroad.

8.  Alice said she would be in Brighton the following week.

9. He asked where the nearest bus stop was.

10. She told me she would call me the next day.

III. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. I think, you should set aside some  money in case you want to buy a house.

2. What time will we have to set off for the airport tomorrow?

3. The opening of the new sport centre has been set back a few weeks.

4. Summer has started to set in already, so we can go swimming.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Our family spent a few days at the seaside.

2. There are many boats for hire at Yalta.

3. Hotels offer special rates if you travel off season.

4. You should book your tickets at least a month in advance.

5. For safety reasons, you should know rules for using mobile devices on board.

6. Please send me information without delay.

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3. Read the text and answer the questions Methods used in boring from the surface

may be divided into two operations: (1) piercing the crust of the
earth with small-diameter holes and (2) the removal of debris from
the bottom of these holes. The second operation is by far the more
difficult to perform.

distinct methods are adopted in cutting the holes:

  1. Percussive
    drilling, which chips the rocks into fragments;

  2. Rotary
    drilling, whereby a tubular drill is made to revolve rapidly,
    cutting an annular groove in the rocks and leaving a central core
    which can be extracted from the borehole.

tools are used to shear the cuttings from the boreholes and these
cuttings are examined and tabulated.

percussive drilling the accuracy of the information obtained
regarding the various beds of rock passed through depends entirely
on the skill of the operator, as details can be obtained only by the
sense of touch when passing through rocks of varying hardness. On
the other hand, with rotary boring the complete core of the strata
is brought to the surface in sections, where the information is
visible and accurate measurement and sampling can be done.

the questions:

  1. How
    may boring be divided?

  2. What
    is percussive

  3. What
    is rotary drilling?

  4. What
    are tools used for?

  5. Name
    differences between percussive and rotary drilling.

4.Complete the sentences

which chips the rocks into fragments.

With … boring the complete core of the … is brought to the
surface in sections.

… may be divided into … operations: (1) … the crust of the
earth with small-diameter holes and (2) the … of debris from the
… of these holes.


  1. Read more information about the ways of drilling.


is the oldest known method of boring and is said to have been used
by Chinese as early a 500B.C. when drilling for salt. The principle
remains the same as it did in those early days, but adaptations and
improvements have been made until the present-day percussive methods
are the cheapest and speediest means of drilling holes where speed
is more important than accuracy of details. The principle is to
strike a series of continuous blows on the rock by means of a
chisel, thus shattering the rock, and at the same time the chisel is
slightly turned between each blow so that a circular hole is formed.

boring is suitable for 2 ½ in. diameter holes up to a depth of 200
ft., but beyond this it is advisable to utilize motive power, which
can be steam, electricity, compressed air or internal combustion


the rotary system the cutting tool receives a rapid rotary motion
transmitted from an engine situated on the surface, through the
boring rods. The drilling is done by abrasion.

cutting tool may be a hollow bit with the cutting edge set with
diamonds or with an annular groove on the cutting edge in which
chilled shot revolves, a saw-tooth crown made of finest steel and
tipped with a special hard alloy, or a roller bit.

tool used depends on the strata to be cut.

rotary bores are equipped with water-flushing systems and their big
advantage is that in most cases a complete core is cut from the
strata and brought to the surface for examination.

  1. Point
    to the Participle I, and Participle II.

  2. Say
    what is the difference between rotary and percussive drilling.

  1. Translate
    into native language following words and words combinations:

tool, engine, transmit, cutting edge, drill, shot, bore, strata,
saw-tooth crown, roller bit, blow, chisel


more information about types of excavators and say what the
differences and resemblances are in these two texts.

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 Сопоставьте слова из двух колонок. Запишите как можно больше словосочетаний.

 То talk by telephone across seas — разговаривать по телефону через моря.
То talk across seas — разговаривать через моря.
То talk by telephone — разговаривать по телефону.
То become clients — становиться клиентами.
То become longer and longer — становиться длиннее и длиннее.
То invent a special code — изобретать специальный код.
То invent the electric telegraph — изобретать электрический телеграф.
То invent long distance communication — изобретать средства связи на длинные расстояния.
То use a special code — использовать специальный код.
То use smoke of fires — использовать дым от огней.
То use for centuries — использовать веками.
То send long messages — посылать длинные сообщения.
То send across seas — посылать через моря.
То send words over telegraph — посылать слова по телеграфу.
То carry voices — передавать голоса.
То open a coast-to-coast line — открыть береговую линию.
То serve clients — обслуживать клиентов.
То reach by telephone — достигать по телефону.

ваш ответ

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

Английский язык,

вопрос задал linaznani,

4 года назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил kittenslucifmail6



1 — f
2 — b
3 — a
4 — d
5 — g
6 — c


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Новые вопросы

Английский язык,
7 месяцев назад

1. People only read books when they need some information, don’t they?
2.What kinds of books are popular with teenagers?
3. How do you usually choose a book for…

7 месяцев назад

10 1/15-x=4 5/12
Дам 15б…

4 года назад

спробуйте виправдати герасима можливо заздрість це просто прагнення бути не гіршим за інших бажання захиститися від приниження яке собі дозволяють заможніші за нього…

4 года назад

супер Айдол…………..
помогите пожалуйста…

6 лет назад

(в первое окошко впиши знак «−», если результат отрицательный, и «+», если результат положительный).4/11+(−10/11)=…

6 лет назад

Подскажите ход решении с фото…

👋 Привет Лёва


Задать вопрос




7 лет назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Match the two columns. Make up word combinations. 1. Travelled a) bread 2. Watched b) granny 3. Danced c) the castle 4. Stayed d) the floor 5. Guarded e) to England 6. Baked f) to music 7. Played g) at the party 8. Hunted h) TV 9. Listened i) animals 10. Visited j) in bed 11. Mopped k) the guitar

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(3 оценки)


7 лет назад

Светило науки — 4 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

1 е
2 h
3 g
4 d
5 c
6 a
7 k
8 i
9 f
10 b

(3 оценки)

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