Мороз И.Н., кандидат
педагогических наук, доцент кафедры
иностранных языков РосНОУ.
Алексеева М.Н., доцент, кандидат
филологических наук, заведующая кафедрой
иностранных языков РосНОУ.
Учебное пособие
предназначено для обучения английскому
языку программистов, операторов ЭВМ и
других специалистов, связанных с
информатикой и вычислительной техникой.
Языковой материал пособия отобран с
учетом потребностей данной категории
данного пособия является помощь студентам
в овладении английским языком
специальностей, связанных с информатикой
и вычислительной техникой. В пособии
использованы аутентичные материалы,
что дает возможность познакомиться
именно с тем языком, на котором говорят
носители языка и который используется
в специальной литературе данной области
науки и техники.
состоит из пяти разделов, последовательное
изучение которых позволяет получить
общее представление о компьютере, его
истории, возможностях, видах и основных
сферах применения. В результате
многократного повторения основной
тематической лексики достигается ее
прочное усвоение.
может быть использовано для обучения
студентов любой формы обучения, в том
числе и дистанционной. Наличие ответов
к заданиям и тематического словаря
позволяет использовать его для
самостоятельной работы.
Steps in IT English: Words, Notions, Measurements
Unit A
Parts and Measurements
– Personal computer
disk drive
– compact
– Digital Versatile Disk
– Random Access Memory
– Read Only Memory
– binary digit
Megabyte, Gigabyte
– central processing unit
OS –
operating /operation system
the correct translation:
1) to
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
2) device
а) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
3) to run
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
4) screen
а) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
5) drive
а) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
6) size
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
7) to
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
9) speed
a) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
а) |
b) |
c) |
d) |
Match the words
with their meanings:
Match the words
with their definitions:
b) c) d)
e) f) g) h) i) device j) |
Make up two-word
to to to a an to to to to a |
movies a games data hardware device digit system size letters |
Make up three-word
Central Random Read Hard Digital |
Access Versatile Only Processing Disk |
Disk Drive Memory Memory Unit |
Find synonyms:
character speed device keep image software storage operate part computer |
picture machine work rate component store letter program hardware memory |
Complete the
sentences with the words from the box:
measure, |
1) Most
computers ___ the Microsoft Windows OS.
2) We ___ the size of the
hard disk in gigabytes.
Watching ___ on the Internet needs a faster ___.
4) The CPU
controls how fast the computer ___
5) Programs
with a lot of ___ need a large ___to run well
h) Guess what it is:
a device that can read and write to writable disks
a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose
the part of the computer that reads and stores information on disks
a machine that is connected to a computer and that prints on paper
the set of buttons (keys) that you press to operate a computer
a separate part of a PC with a large screen that shows information
from the computer
a small device that you move across a surface with your hand to
control the movement of the cursor
the general term used for a computer, which usually consists of a
monitor, a tower, a keyboard and a mouse
9) any
piece of hardware (= machinery, etc. that forms part of or is
connected to a computer) apart from the CPU and the working memory
a metal box that contains the CPU, hard disk drive and power supply
for a PC
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования
«Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова»
Заместитель директора
по учебной работе
_______________ Д.А. Клопов
«____»_____________20____ г.
Комплект оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык»
образовательной программы среднего профессионального образования -подготовки специалистов среднего звена
по специальности: 09.02.06 Сетевое и системное администрирование
квалификация: сетевой и системный администратор
образовательная база подготовки: основное общее образование
форма обучения: очная
Комплект оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности СПО 09.02.06 Сетевое и системное администрирование.
Уровень подготовки – базовый, программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
Лосикова А.Л. – преподаватель МПТ ФГБОУ ВО «РЭУ им Г.В. Плеханова»
Одобрено на заседании цикловой методической комиссии «Иностранных языков»
Протокол № ___ от «_____»_____________20___г
Председатель цикловой методической комиссии ___________ /И.А. Блинов/
Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств
Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины
Контрольно-оценочные материалы для итоговой аттестации по учебной дисциплине
1. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств
Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык по специальности 09.02.06 «Сетевое и системное администрирование».
Конечные результаты являются объектом оценки в процессе аттестации по учебной дисциплине.
Результатом освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык является формирование у обучающихся следующих умений, знаний, которые формируют общие компетенции:
У 1 говорение
− участвовать в диалогах на знакомые общие и профессиональные темы строить простые высказывания о себе и о своей профессиональной деятельности
кратко обосновывать и объяснить свои действия (текущие и планируемые);
У 2 аудирование
− понимать общий смысл четко произнесенных высказываний на известные темы (профессиональные и бытовые), понимать тексты на базовые профессиональные темы;
У 3 чтение
− понимать тексты на базовые профессиональные темы;
У 4 письменная речь
− писать простые связные сообщения на знакомые или интересующие профессиональные темы. Правила построения простых и сложных предложений на профессиональные темы.
З 1 − правила построения простых и сложных предложений на профессиональные темы;
З 2 − лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессов профессиональной деятельности;
З 3 − основные общеупотребительные глаголы (бытовая и профессиональная лексика);
З 4 — особенности произношения; правила чтения текстов профессиональной направленности
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 06, ОК 10 — использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной деятельности, повседневной жизни.
Формой аттестации по учебной дисциплине является:
другие формы контроля /дифференцированный зачет / другие формы контроля / дифференцированный зачет / дифференцированный зачет .
2. Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Контролируемые разделы, темы |
Формируемые компетенции |
Оценочные средства |
Количество тестовых заданий |
Другие оценочные средства |
Вид |
Количество |
Тема 1. Система образования в России и за рубежом |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
3 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 1 |
Тема 2. Различные виды искусств. Мое хобби. |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
2 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 1 |
Тема 3. Здоровье и спорт |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
2 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 1 |
Тема 4. Путешествие. Поездка за границу. |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
1 |
Устный опрос Тестирование |
1 1 |
Тема 5. Моя будущая профессия, карьера |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
2 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 |
Тема 6. Компьютеры и их функции |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
4 |
Контрольная работа Тестирование Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 1 |
Тема 7. Подготовка к трудоустройству. |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
1 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 |
Тема 8. Правила телефонных переговоров |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
1 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 1 |
Тема 9. Официальная и неофициальная переписка. |
ОК 01, ОК 04, ОК 05,ОК 06 ОК 10, У1, У2, У3, У4 |
4 |
Устный опрос Пересказ Задания текущего контроля |
1 1 |
3. Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины по темам (разделам)
3.1 Предметом оценки служат умения и знания, предусмотренные ФГОС по дисциплине «Иностранный язык», направленные на формирование общих компетенций.
Элемент учебной дисциплины |
Формы и методы контроля |
Текущий контроль |
Промежуточная аттестация |
Форма контроля |
Проверяемые ОК, У, З |
Форма контроля |
Проверяемые ОК, У, З |
2-й курс. Третий семестр. |
Тема 1. Система образования в России и за рубежом |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06ОК 10 |
Другая форма контроля |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Тема 2. Различные виды искусств. Мое хобби. |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Другая форма контроля |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
2-й курс. Четвертый семестр. |
Тема 3. Здоровье и спорт |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Другая форма контроля |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Тема 4. Путешествие. Поездка за границу. |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Дифференцированный зачет |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
3-й курс. Пятый семестр. |
Тема 5. Моя будущая профессия, карьера |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06ОК 10 |
Другая форма контроля |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
3-й курс. Шестой семестр. |
Тема 6. Компьютеры и их функции Тема 7. Подготовка к трудоустройству. |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06ОК 10 |
Дифференцированный зачет |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
4-й курс. Седьмой семестр. |
Тема 8. Правила телефонных переговоров |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06ОК 10 |
Другая форма контроля |
У1, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
Тема 9. Официальная и неофициальная переписка. |
Пересказ текстов. Упражнения по теме. |
У1, У2 У1, У2, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01ОК 04 ОК 06ОК 10 |
Дифференцированный зачет |
У1, У2, У3, У4 З1, З2, З3, З4, З5 ОК 01 ОК 04 ОК 06 ОК 10 |
3.2 Типовые задания для оценки знаний и умений
Пример текста для пересказа.
The central processing unit (CPU) is the main processing unit of the personal computer (PC). It has an integral relationship with the motherboard and the system memory. These three devices control the data-processing aspect of the PC. Drives handle data storage, and input/output (I/O) interfaces allow human interaction, communication with peripherals, and network communication. The interaction between these components is controlled by the system BIOS or UEFI firmware.
32-Bit Versus 64-Bit CPUs
32-bit processors are designed to work with 32 bits of data at a time. This creates a limitation in the amount of installed memory they can access (4GB) and creates performance limitations when work-ing with large data sets and many programs running in memory at the same time. 32-bit processors are often referred to as x86 processors. 64-bit processors work with 64 bits of data at a time, and can use much larger amounts of RAM than 32-bit processors and provide faster performance. Although the first 64-bit processor to run some version of Microsoft Windows, the Intel Itanium, was not compatible with x86 software, 64-bit processors made for desktop computers are compatible with 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems and programs. 64-bit processors that can also run 32-bit software are often referred to as x64 or x86-64 processors.
Пример тестового задания. Полная версия представлена в КИМ.
a) Chose the correct translation:
1) to measure
a) обрабатывать |
b) выполнять |
c) измерять |
d) запускать |
2) device
а) экран |
b) устройство |
c) привод |
d) память |
3) to run
a) обрабатывать |
b) выполнять |
c) измерять |
d) запускать |
4) screen
а) экран |
b) устройство |
c) привод |
d) память |
5) drive
а) экран |
b) устройство |
c) привод |
d) память |
6) size
a) размер |
b) скорость |
c) память |
d) привод |
7) to perform
a) обрабатывать |
b) выполнять |
c) измерять |
d) запускать |
to process
a) обрабатывать |
b) выполнять |
c) измерять |
d) запускать |
9) speed
a) размер |
b) скорость |
c) память |
d) привод |
10) storage
а) экран |
b) устройство |
c) привод |
d) память |
Match the words with their meanings:
Match the words with their definitions:
a) character
b) hardware
c) megabyte
d) performance
e) process
f) software
g) store
h) image
i) device
j) megahertz
how well or badly a computer, machine, etc. works or does smth
the programs used by a computer
a single letter, number or space that is typed in a computer document
a copy or picture of sth seen on a computer
the machinery and electronic parts of a computer system that you can touch
to keep information or data in a computer’s memory
a unit for measuring the speed of a CPU.
a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose
a unit for measuring computer memory
(used about a computer) to read data and use it to perform a series of tasks (operations)
Make up two-word expressions:
to process
to control
to watch
a binary
an operation
to type
to measure
to play
to run
a storage
a program
Make up three-word expressions:
Find synonyms:
Complete the sentences with the words from the box:
measure, CPU, graphics, movies, run, processes, RAM |
1) Most computers ___ the Microsoft Windows OS.
2) We ___ the size of the hard disk in gigabytes.
3) Watching ___ on the Internet needs a faster ___.
4) The CPU controls how fast the computer ___ data.
5) Programs with a lot of ___ need a large ___to run well
h) Guess what it is:
1) a device that can read and write to writable disks
2) a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose
3) the part of the computer that reads and stores information on disks
4) a machine that is connected to a computer and that prints on paper
5) the set of buttons (keys) that you press to operate a computer
6) a separate part of a PC with a large screen that shows information from the computer
7) a small device that you move across a surface with your hand to control the movement of the cursor
the general term used for a computer, which usually consists of a monitor, a tower, a keyboard and a mouse
9) any piece of hardware (= machinery, etc. that forms part of or is connected to a computer) apart from the CPU and the working memory (RAM)
10) a metal box that contains the CPU, hard disk drive and power supply for a PC
Пример заданий среза знаний. Полная версия представлена в КИМ.
Вариант № 1
Вставить нужное слово из приведенных в скобках [] (правильные ответы на приведенные вопросы оцениваются в %)
1. We _____ [a) have, b) had, c) are, d) been] winners. (6%)
2. What _____ [a) has, b) was, c) be, d) were] the motive of the of the crime ? (6%)
3. Are _____ [a) you, b) is, c) she, d) he] still hungry? (6%)
4. This woman works _____ [a) was, b) as, c) has, d) like] a journalist. (7%)
5. This way is ____[a) longest, b) longger, c) longer, d) long] that way. (7%)
6. You are busy today, _____ [a) are, b) aren’t, c) is, d) have] you? (7%)
7. I haven’t seen _____ [a) nobody, b) few, c) somebody, d) anybody] in the street this morning. (7%)
8. Are _____ [a) you, b) to, c) she, d) been] busy tonight? (8%)
9. I have two brothers and _____ [a) is, b) one, c) another d) two] sister. (8%)
Задать вопрос к выделенному (подчеркнутому) слову. (Оценка двух правильных ответов – 14%)
10. He was proud of his talent for music.
a)What did he do?
b) How did he proud of his talent?
c) What did he was proud of his talent for music ?
d) Was he proud of his talent for music?
11. King wanted to see some poets at his palace.
a) Why did king want to see some poets?
b) When did king want to see some poets?
c) Where did king want to see some poets at his palace?
d) Where did king want to see some poets?
Восстановить правильный порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях 12 и 13:
12. city, is, the, country, Moscow, our, in, largest. (5%).
a) The city is in our Moscow largest country.
b) Our country is in Moscow.
c) The largest country Moscow is in our city.
d) Moscow is the largest city in our country.
13. Yours, younger, than, son, yours, is, my. (5%)
a) Is my son than yours younger.
b) My son is than yours younger.
c) My son is younger than yours.
d) Younger son is than yours.
Найти слово, записанное неправильно (учитывая смысл предложения):
14. A – My B – grandfather C – know D – a E – lot F – of G – legends. (7%)
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
15. A – The B – old C – philosopher D – decided E – too F – help G — poets. (7%)
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
Типовые задания для оценки знаний и умений по изученной теме.
Тема 1. Аппаратное обеспечение
Вариант 1.
Q1 The instructions that tell the computer what to do and how to do it. |
A. Software B. Hardware C. Mouse D. Printer E. Monitor |
Q2 The heart (and brains) of the computer is the… |
A. RAM B. ROM C.Motherboard D. CPU E. Hard drive |
Q3 RAM stand for: |
A. Really Awesome Monkeys B. Rotten Apple Money C. Random Access Memory D. Rushing Access Memory |
Q4 When you save a file, it is permently saved on the… |
A. CPU B. Monitor C. Hard drive D. RAM E. Keyboard |
Q5 What type of devices allow you to save your file, and then take the file with you to access on a different computer? |
A. Jump drive, floppy disk or memory card B. Hard drive or mp3 player C. Floppy disk or hard drive D. Camera phone or hard drivee, and then take the file with you to access on a different computer |
4. Контрольно-оценочные материалы для итоговой аттестации по учебной дисциплине
Предметом оценки являются умения и знания. Итоговой аттестацией по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» в 3 и 5 семестрах является другая форма контроля, проводимая в форме итоговой контрольной работы или тестирования. В 4, 6, 7 семестрах – дифференцированный зачет.
4.1. Задания для оценки усвоения учебной дисциплины:
Порядок проведения работы
Работа рассчитана на 75 минут. Студентам раздаются варианты контрольной работы. Оценивание осуществляется с учётом следующих составляющих:
Spelling — правописание. Допущенные ошибки не должны затруднять понимание смысла высказывания.
Articles — употреблении артиклей в случаях и стой частью речи, где это необходимо.
Grammar -употребление правильной части речи и времени (tense). Допущенные ошибки также не должны затруднять понимание смысла высказывания.
Word order. Порядок слов в предложении при вопросе и повествовании отличается. Следовательно, при употреблении неверной конструкции студент теряет баллы при выведении итоговой оценки.
Оценку «отлично» получает студент, обнаруживший всестороннее, систематическое и глубокое знание материала курса, умеющий свободно выполнять задания, предусмотренные программой.
Оценку «хорошо» получает студент, обнаруживший полное знание материала курса, успешно выполняющий предусмотренные в программе задания.
Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студентам, допустившим погрешности в ответе, но обладающим необходимыми знаниями для их устранения под руководством преподавателя.
Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, обнаружившему пробелы в знаниях основного материала курса, допустившему принципиальные ошибки в выполнении предусмотренных программой заданий.
Контрольная работа выполнена по вариантам. В каждом варианте 6 заданий. Количество вариантов 3.
Вариант I
I. Определите видовременную форму глагола и переведите предложение на русский язык.
The last two lessons were very difficult for me.
They had come when you finished your work.
A prize in economics has been awarded since 1969.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm in 1833.
We are watching a television program now.
II. Прочитайте и переведите текст: «Bill Gates — the Founder of Microsoft»
William Henry Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955.
He is a chairman and chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation. Gates was the founder of Microsoft in 1975 together with Paul Allen, his partner in computer language development. While attending Harvard in 1975, Gates together with Allen developed a version of the BASIC computer programming language for the first personal computer.
In the early 1980s, Gates led Microsoft’s evolution from the developer of computer programming languages to a large computer software company. This transition began with the introduction of MS-DOS, the operating system for the new IBM Personal Computer in 1981. Gates also led Microsoft towards the introduction of application software such as the Microsoft Word Processor.
Gates still continues to work personally in product development at Microsoft.
III. Задайте к данному предложению 5 вопросов, разных типов
Much of Gates’ success is based on his ability to use market strategy, has accumulated great wealth from his holdings of Microsoft stock.
IV. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова и выражения:
именуемые в дальнейшем;
заключили контракт;
общая стоимость;
запасные части;
техническая документация;
цены не подлежат изменению;
дата получения;
V. Заполните пропуски в таблице
verb |
noun |
verb |
noun |
to acquire |
to |
investment |
to |
agreement |
to legislate |
to |
consideration |
to |
thought |
to discuss |
to |
utilization |
VI. Используйте правильные формы слов из таблицы и вставьте их в email.
Hi, guys
I’ve been looking at the figures for the Scottish project. I ——— we need to find ways to make the——— more profitable. One idea may be to————the plant in Perth, but this will need———- from the local authorities. We could also ——— in the Dundee plant, but this may cause problems with the local planning ——-. Maybe we could ——- it at Friday’s meeting. Any————?
Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: asmolovsergey191202
Автор ответа: nik1412
User interface
Drop down menu
Scroll devices
Tool box
Touch screen
Start button
Compatible task
Dialog bar
Resident program
Предыдущий вопрос
Следующий вопрос
Интересные вопросы
Предмет: Другие предметы,
автор: zaxarovakseniavl
помогите это сделать в scratch пж
3 года назад
Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: stichfake
Помогите с решением , пожалуйста
3 года назад
Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: aowx1z
Card 6. Talk about the topic ‘Transport’. The following questions will help you to organize your tall : 1) How do you get to school? 2) How long does it take? 3) Do you often use public transportation? 4) How much is the bus fare? 5) Do you think it is safe to travel by bus?
3 года назад
Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: АминаАлханова
составь предложение с с разными формулами речевого этикета:поблагодарить одноклассника за то,что он помог выполнить домашнее задание
6 лет назад
Предмет: Литература,
автор: lizikmizik
Расположи эпизоды былины «Илья Муромец и Соловей-разбойник» В хронологической последовательности. Помогите пожалуйста!
6 лет назад
3.2. Типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины
3.2.1. Типовые задания для оценки знаний З5, умений У1, У3, У4 (рубежный контроль)
Задание. Ответьте на вопросы преподавателя, ориентируясь на содержание Перескажите представленный текст.
The central processing unit (CPU) is the main processing unit of the personal computer (PC). It has an integral relationship with the motherboard and the system memory. These three devices control the data-processing aspect of the PC. Drives handle data storage, and input/output (I/O) interfaces allow human interaction, communication with peripherals, and network communication. The interaction between these components is controlled by the system BIOS or UEFI firmware.
32-Bit Versus 64-Bit CPUs
32-bit processors are designed to work with 32 bits of data at a time. This creates a limitation in the amount of installed memory they can access (4GB) and creates performance limitations when work-ing with large data sets and many programs running in memory at the same time. 32-bit processors are often referred to as x86 processors.
64-bit processors work with 64 bits of data at a time, and can use much larger amounts of RAM than 32-bit processors and provide faster performance. Although the first 64-bit processor to run some version of Microsoft Windows, the Intel Itanium, was not compatible with x86 software, 64-bit processors made for desktop computers are compatible with 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems and programs. 64-bit processors that can also run 32-bit software are often referred to as x64 or x86-64 processors.
Almost all CPUs released in 2009 or later support 64-bit operation, but support for 64-bit operation among older designs varies. To determine whether a particular processor is a 32-bit or 64-bit proces-sor, look up its specifications, or, if it is installed in a computer running Windows, use a utility such as CPU-
Задание. Ответьте на вопросы преподавателя, ориентируясь на содержание Перескажите его.
Задания к тексту
1 Найдите аналоги данных словосочетаний в тексте.
Ответьте на вопросы
- Задания в тестовой форме (пример)
a) chose the correct translation:
1) to measure
a) обрабатывать | b) выполнять | c) измерять | d) запускать |
2) device
а) экран | b) устройство | c) привод | d) память |
3) to run
a) обрабатывать | b) выполнять | c) измерять | d) запускать |
4) screen
а) экран | b) устройство | c) привод | d) память |
5) drive
а) экран | b) устройство | c) привод | d) память |
6) size
a) размер | b) скорость | c) память | d) привод |
7) to perform
a) обрабатывать | b) выполнять | c) измерять | d) запускать |
to process
a) обрабатывать | b) выполнять | c) измерять | d) запускать |
9) speed
a) размер | b) скорость | c) память | d) привод |
10) storage
а) экран | b) устройство | c) привод | d) память |
- Match the words with their meanings:
- Match the words with their definitions:
a) character
b) hardware c) megabyte e) process g) store h) image i) device j) megahertz |
- Make up two-word expressions:
to process
to control to watch a binary an operation to type to measure to play to run a storage |
a program games data hardware device digit system size letters |
- Make up three-word expressions:
Random Read Hard Digital |
Versatile Only Processing Disk |
Drive Memory Memory Unit |
- Find synonyms:
speed device keep image software storage operate part computer |
machine work rate component store letter program hardware memory |
- Complete the sentences with the words from the box:
measure, CPU, graphics, movies, run, processes, RAM |
1) Most computers ___ the Microsoft Windows OS.
2) We ___ the size of the hard disk in gigabytes.
3) Watching ___ on the Internet needs a faster ___.
4) The CPU controls how fast the computer ___ data.
5) Programs with a lot of ___ need a large ___to run well
h) Guess what it is:
1) a device that can read and write to writable disks
2) a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose
3) the part of the computer that reads and stores information on disks
4) a machine that is connected to a computer and that prints on paper
5) the set of buttons (keys) that you press to operate a computer
6) a separate part of a PC with a large screen that shows information from the computer
7) a small device that you move across a surface with your hand to control the movement of the cursor
the general term used for a computer, which usually consists of a monitor, a tower, a keyboard and a mouse
9) any piece of hardware (= machinery, etc. that forms part of or is connected to a computer) apart from the CPU and the working memory (RAM)
10) a metal box that contains the CPU, hard disk drive and power supply for a PC
2) Практическая работа
Контрольно-оценочные материалы для итоговой аттестации по учебной дисциплине
Предметом оценки являются умения и знания. Контроль и оценка осуществляются с использованием следующих форм и методов:
Устный опрос, выполнение упражнений, написание контрольных и тестов.
Оценка освоения дисциплины предусматривает использование
Рейтинговой системы оценивания и проведение экзамена (дифференцированного зачета.)
Вариант № 1
(Выставляется на сайт для ознакомления обучающихся)
Вариант 1
Инструкция для обучающихся
Внимательно прочитайте задание.
Время выполнения задания – 1час.
- Прочесть и перевести текст № 1.
Текст № 1
Computers and microchips have become part of our every day lives: we visit shops and offices which have been designed with the help of computers, we read magazines which have been produced on computer, we pay bills prepared by computers. Just picking up a telephone and dialing a number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system, as does making a flight reservation or bank transaction.
We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant they’re switched on (e. g. calculators, the car’s electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set), all of which use chip technology.
What makes your computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, it is a tabula rasa that, with appropriate hardware and software, is capable of doing anything you ask. It is a calculating machine that speeds up financial calculations. It is an electronic filing cabinet which manages large collections of data such as customers’ lists, accounts, or inventories. It is a magical typewriter that allows you to type and print any kind of document.
to design
magazine to produce bill prepared to pick up to dial to involve use sophisticated flight reservation transaction to encounter daily spring to life instant to switch on ignition timer microwave programmer miraculous device each time |
журнал выпускать счет приготовленный поднимать набирать номер вовлекать использование сложный авиа рейс резервирование сделка сталкиваться ежедневно оживать момент включать зажигание таймер микроволновая печь программатор чудесный устройство всякий время, раз |
to turn on/off
tabula rasa [‘txbjVlq(r)] appropriate hardware software capable anything to ask calculating to speed up financial calculation filing cabinet to manage large collection data such as customer list account inventory magical typewriter to allow kind |
вещь в себе аппаратные средства програм. обеспечение способный любая вещь просить счетный ускорять финансовый расчет картотека управлять большой набор данные такой, как покупатель, клиент список счет инвентарная ведомость волшебный пишущая машинка позволять тип, вид, сорт |
2. Перевести на английский язык следующее предложение:
Должны были прийти сюда.
3. В предложениях 3.1 . . . 3.7 глаголы, стоящие в инфинитиве, поставить в соответствующую
временную форму (предложения записать полностью).
3.1. If I’m late for class my teacher (to get) . . . angry.
3.2. I …… a letter all morning yesterday
(to write)
3.3. We . . . . . . . . . (to pass) the exam by the end of this month.
3.4. You . . . (to buy) a new PC last Monday.
3.5. Last week these students . . . (to translate) a difficult text.
3.6. This is a great party! Everyone
… …….
3.7. Apples . . . . . . (to sell) at the greengrocer’s.
Make 15 two-word expressions connected
with medicine by combining words from the two lists: A and B. Match each
expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each word once. The first one has
been done for you as an example.
A |
B |
allergic |
anaesthetic |
alanced |
attack |
bedside |
clock |
biological |
death |
bone |
diet |
brain |
intervention |
clinical |
manner |
digestive |
marrow |
general |
practitioner |
general |
reaction |
heart |
surgery |
malignant |
system |
plastic |
tooth |
primary |
trial |
surgical |
tumour |
1 |
A heart attack |
9 |
An ____________________________________________ |
2 |
A substance ____________________________________________ |
10 |
A trial carried ____________________________________________ |
3 |
Soft tissue in ____________________________________________ |
11 |
A tumour which ____________________________________________ |
4 |
The treatment ____________________________________________ |
12 |
A doctor who ____________________________________________ |
5 |
Any one of the ____________________________________________ |
13 |
The rhythm of ____________________________________________ |
6 |
Surgery to ____________________________________________ |
14 |
The set of ____________________________________________ |
7 |
A condition in ____________________________________________ |
15 |
A diet that provides ____________________________________________ |
8 |
The way in ____________________________________________ |
1 |
heart attack |
2 |
general anaesthetic |
3 |
bone marrow |
4 |
surgical intervention |
5 |
primary tooth |
6 |
plastic surgery |
7 |
brain death |
8 |
bedside manner |
9 |
allergic reaction |
10 |
clinical trial |
11 |
malignant |
12 |
general practitioner |
13 |
biological |
14 |
digestive system |
15 |
balanced diet |
mehdiirlanguage jpg
First published in Great Britain 1995 reprinted 1997
Second edition published 1999
Published by Peter Collin Publishing Ltd 1 Cambridge Road,
Teddington, Middx, UK Peter Collin Publishing Ltd 1995,1999You may photocopy the inside pages of this workbook (pages
numbered 1 to 64) for classroom use only and not for resale.You are not licensed to copy the cover.All rights reserved.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue
record for this book is available from the British LibraryISBN 1-901659-28-3
Text typeset by PCP LtdPrinted by Blackmore Limited, Longmead,
Shaftesbury, Dorset.Workbook SeriesCheck your:Vocabulary for American Business
Vocabulary for Banking and Finance Vocabulary for Business, 2nd
edition Vocabulary for Colloquial English Vocabulary for Computing,
2nd edition Vocabulary for English Vocabulary for Hotels, Tourism,
Catering Vocabulary for Law, 2nd edition Vocabulary for
MedicineSpecialist English DictionariesEnglish Dictionary for Students
Dictionary of Accounting Dictionary of Aeronautical English
Dictionary of Agriculture, 2nd edition Dictionary of American
Business, 2nd edition Dictionary of Automobile Engineering
Dictionary of Banking & Finance, 2nd edition Dictionary of
Business, 2nd edition Dictionary of Computing, 3rd edition
Dictionary o f Ecology & Environment, 3rd edition Dictionary of
Government & Politics, 2nd edition Dictionary of Hotels,
Tourism, Catering Dictionary of Human Resources, 2nd edition
Dictionary of Information Technology, 2nd edition Dictionary of
Law, 2nd edition Dictionary of Library & Information Management
Dictionary of Marketing, 2nd edition Dictionary of Medicine, 2nd
edition Dictionary of Military Terms Dictionary o f Printing &
Publishing, 2nd edition Dictionary of Science & Technology1-901659-32-10-948549-96-31-901659-27-50-948549-97-11-901659-28-3
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IntroductionThe worksheets in this workbook contain a variety o
f exercises appropriate for students requiring a working knowledge
o f English computing terminology. The worksheets can be used
either for self-study or in the classroom and can be completed in
any order. Several have extensions: short classroom exercises based
on the language in the main exercise. All the questions within this
workbook are based on the Dictionary of Computing (ISBN
1-901659-04-6), also published by Peter Collin Publishing Ltd (see
the last page o f this workbook fo r details o f how request
information or order this or any o f our specialist
dictionaries).This workbook is aimed at students with at least an intermediate
level o f English. However, many people who work in computing have
to read in English on a regular basis; students with a more basic
level of English may therefore already have the passive vocabulary
to handle many o f the exercises.Specialist vocabularyIt is important to appreciate that knowing
specialist vocabulary involves more than simply recognising it.You can understand the meaning o f a word when reading or
listening and yet be unable to remember that same word when
speaking or writing.You may remember the word, but use it incorrectly. This can be a
grammatical problem, like knowing that process can be used both as
a noun and as a verb. Or it may be a question o f collocation: we
use machine code, not processor code.Then there is the question o f the sound of the word. Can you
pronounce it? And do you recognise it when you hear it
pronounced?For these reasons — memory, use and sound — it is important that
students practise specialist vocabulary so that they can learn to
use it more confidently and effectively. The exercises in this
workbook will help students to expand their knowledge and use o f
computing vocabulary.Photocopiable materialAll the worksheets can be legally
photocopied to use in class. If, as a teacher, you intend to use
most o f the book with a class you may find it more convenient for
the students to buy a copy each. You are not allowed to photocopy
or reproduce the front or back cover.Using the Dictionary of ComputingAll o f the vocabulary taught
or practised in this workbook is in the Peter Collin Publishing
Dictionary of Computing. The Dictionary o f Computing gives
definitions in simple English which students can read and
understand. Many o f the examples and definitions in the workbook
are taken directly from the dictionary. Students should have a copy
of the Dictionary o f Computing for referring to when completing
the exercises; using the dictionary is an essential part o f
successful language learning.Structure of a Dictionary of Computing entryEach entry within
the dictionary includes key elements that help a student understand
the definition o f the term and how to use it in context. Each term
has a clear example, and part of speech. This is followed by
example sentences and quotations from newspapers and magazines that
show how the term is used in real life. These elements o f the
dictionary are used to create the questions within this
workbook.Vocabulary Record SheetAt the back o f this book is a Vocabulary
Record Sheet. Recording useful vocabulary in a methodical way plays
a key role in language learning and could be done, for example, at
the end o f each lesson. The Dictionary o f Computing is a useful
tool for ensuring that the personal vocabulary record is accurate
and is a good source for example sentences to show how words are
used, as well as for notes about meaning and pronunciation,
etc. -
Workbook ContentsPage Title Description Mode
WORD-BUILDING1 Word association 1: missing
linksLinking each set of four words with one other word Self-
study2 Two-word expressions 1 Combining words from two lists to make
two-word expressions that fit the definitionsSelf- study
3 Word formation: nouns Rewriting sentences using noun forms of
verbs Self-study4 Two-word expressions 2 Combining words from two
lists to make two-wordexpressions that fit the definitionsSelf- study
5 Plural formation Multiple choice: choosing correct plural
forms of singular nounsSelf-study
6 Three-word expressions Combining words from three lists to
make two-word expressions that fit the definitionsSelf- study
7 Word formation: adjectives Rewriting sentences using adjective
forms instead of nounsSelf-study
8 Opposites 1: prefixes Selecting the correct prefix for each
adjective to create an opposite; using the adjectives to complete
9 Word formation: verbs Making verb forms from list of nouns;
writing sentences using the verbsSelf-study
10 Word association 2: mind maps
Finding words in a mind map that fit definitions; designing mind
PARTS OF SPEECH11 Nouns Sentence completion Self-study12
Adjectives Sentence completion Self-study13 Verbs 1 Sentence
completion Self-study14 Verbs 2 Linking verbs with their
definitions; sentence completion Self-study15 Verbs: past tense ~
regularverbsSentence completion Self-study
16 Verbs: mixed tenses Sentence completion Self-study17 Phrasal
verbs 1 Linking phrasal verbs with their definitions Self-study18
Phrasal verbs 2 Sentence completion Self-study19 Verbs:
active/passive Changing sentences from active to passive
Self-study20 Adverbs Identifying adverbs in sentences and swapping
adverbsaround so that each sentence make senseSelf-study
21 Prepositions Correcting sentences with deliberate mistakes in
the prepositionsSelf-study
PRONUNCIATION22 Word stress Classifying three-syllable words by
their pronunciationExtension: practising the sentences with a partnerSelf-study
Pair work23 Present simple Classifying verbs in present tense by
pronunciation Extension: working with a partner to identify plural
nouns in each pronunciation categorySelf-study Pair work
24 Past simple Classifying verbs in past tense by pronunciation
Self-study -
Page Title Content ModeVOCABULARY
25 Good advice Matching half-sentences together to make complete
sentences Extension: writing pieces of good advice with a
Pair work26 Odd one out Identifying word that is different to
others in set Self-study27 Opposites 2 Matching words with opposite
meanings; inserting correctopposites in sentencesExtension: working with a partner to test
one anotherSelf-study
Pair work28 Abbreviations Stating what abbreviations stand
forExtension: working with a partner to test one anotherSelf-study
Pair work29 Telephone conversations Placing sentences in correct order to
make telephone conversationsExtension: practising conversationsSelf-study
Pair work30 Operating systems Completing texts Self-study31
Instructions Placing sentences in correct order to make sets ofinstructions; choosing title for each setExtension: giving
instructions for a computing procedureSelf-study
32 Memory Matching correct definitions and abbreviations with
terms Self-study33 Internet Completing text by inserting correct vowels
Self-study34 This and that Combining words from two lists to make
expressions; usingexpressions to complete sentencesSelf-study
35 Slang Finding words in conversations that fit definitions
Self-studyPUZZLES & QUIZZES3637
Communicative crossword 1 Completing crossword by working with
partner and defining wordsPair work
38 Anagrams 1 Solving anagrams by reading clues and putting
letters in orderSelf-study
39 Word search Finding words hidden in letters using clues
listed Self-study4041Communicative crossword 2 Completing crossword by working with
partner and defining wordsPair work
Communicative crossword 3 Completing crossword by working with
partner and defining wordsPair work
44 Anagrams 2 Solving anagrams by reading clues and putting
letters in orderSelf-study
45 Computing crossword Solving crossword Self-study4647
Communicative crossword 4 Completing crossword by working with
partner and defining wordsPair work
Communicative crossword 5 Completing crossword by working with
partner and defining wordsPair work
50 Quiz Answering questionsExtension: writing a quiz with a
partnerSelf-study Pair work
51 Vocabulary Record Sheet Recording new vocabulary, definitions
and termsANSWER KEY52 Answer key Answers to all worksheets
Using the workbookMost students find it easier to assimilate new
vocabulary if the words are learned in related groups, rather than
in isolation. For example, words frequently occur in the same
context as their opposites and, as such, it makes sense to learn
the pairs of opposites together (see worksheets on pages 8 and 27).
Similarly, mind maps encourage students to look for connections
between words (see worksheet on page 10). The exercises and
activities in this workbook have all been grouped into sections.
These sections practise different elements of computing vocabulary,
enabling the student to gain a fuller understanding of the words
learnt.The first section, Word-building {pages 1-10), encourages the
student to identify links between words and to learn words that are
morphologically related (for example, verbs and nouns which have
the same stems). Within the Parts of Speech {pages 11-21) section,
the emphasis is on understanding meanings and how to use terms in
their correct grammatical forms. The worksheets in the third
section practise the Pronunciation of computing vocabulary {pages
22-24). The section Vocabulary in Context (pages 25-35) includes
topic-specific exercises such as completing texts on operating
systems and the Internet. The activities in the last section,
Puzzles & Quizzes (pages 36-51), expand students knowledge and
use of vocabulary in a fun way.Communicative crosswordsIncluded in the last section are five
communicative crosswords. These are speaking exercises where
students complete a half-finished crossword by exchanging clues
with a partner. There are two versions of the crossword: A & B.
The words which are missing from A are in B, and vice versa. No
clues are provided: the students task is to invent them. This is an
excellent exercise for developing linguistic resourcefulness; in
having to define words themselves students practise both their
computing vocabulary and the important skill of paraphrasing
something when they do not know the word for it.Using communicative crosswordsStage 1 — Set-up. Divide the class
into two groups — A and B — with up to four students in each group.
Give out the crossword: sheet A to group A, sheet B to group B
together with a copy of the dictionary. Go through the rules with
them. Some answers may consist of more than one word.Stage 2 —
Preparation. The students discuss the words in their groups,
exchanging information about the words they know and checking words
they do not know in the Dictionary o f Computing. Circulate,
helping with any problems. This is an important stage: some of the
vocabulary in the crosswords is quite difficult. Stage 3 —
Activity. Put the students in pairs — one from group A and one from
group B. The students help each other to complete the crosswords by
giving each other clues.Make sure students are aware that the idea is to help each other
complete the crossword, rather than to produce obscure and
difficult clues.— W hats one down?- I t s a number o f instructions that perform
a particular task.- A program?- No, it’s included as part o f a
program.- A routine?- Yes, tha ts right.Alternatively, students can work in small groups, each group
consisting of two As and two Bs and using the following
strategies:i) defining the wordii) describing what the item looks
likeiii) stating what the item is used foriv) describing the
persons rolev) stating what the opposite of the word isvi) giving
examplesvii) leaving a gap in a sentence for the wordviii) stating
what the word sounds like.A A B BA A B B
Students work in groups, checking vocabulary.
A B A BStudents work in pairs, co-operating to solve
their crosswords
Word association 1: missing linksEach of the sets o f four words
below can be linked by one other word. All the terms are relating
to computing. What are the missing words? W rite them in the centre
of the charts. The first has been done for you as an example.1.2.
data sharing
disk transfer
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
g ‘I**# Two-word expressions 1Make 15 two-word expressions
connected with computing by combining words from the two lists: A
and B. Then match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use
each word once. The first one has been done for you as an
example.artificial B artclip circuitdesktop databaseread diskexpanded
fibrehard friendlyinformation intelligenceintegrated
memoryelectronic multitaskingoperating mailoptical
processingparallel onlypreemptive publishingrelational systemuser
technology1. Computer operating on several tasks simultaneously
…..parallel, .processing…………………
2. Circuit where all the active and passive components are
formed on one piece of semiconductor3. Set of data where all items are related
4. Design, layout and printing of documents, books and magazines
using special software5. Computers that try to emulate human intelligence
6 . Fine strand of glass or plastic used for the transmission of
light signals7. A feature of some operating systems that allows them to run
several programs at the same time in an efficient manner8. Software that is easy to use and interact with
9. Rigid magnetic disk that is able to store many times more
data than a floppy disk and usually cannot be removed from the disk
drive that is located inside a PC10. Set of pre-drawn images or drawings that a user can
incorporate into a presentation, report or desktop publishing
document11. Extra RAM fitted to an IBM PC-compatiblethat is located
above the first 1Mb, but that needs a software driver before it can
be used.12. Way of sending and receiving messages between users on a
network13. Software that controls and co-ordinates theactions of the
different parts of your computer14. Technology involved in acquiring, storing, processing and
distributing information electronically15. File or memory device whose stored data cannot be
changed2 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Word formation: nounsA fast way to expand your vocabulary is to
make sure you know the different forms o f the words you learn.
Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs (which are in bold)
to nouns. D ont change the meaning of the sentences, but be
prepared to make grammatical changes if necessary. For example:The two systems interactTheres interaction between the two
systems1. The transaction was recorded in the data base. Theres
…………………………………………………….2. This system is easy to install.The
……………………………………..3. This screen flickers slightly.Theres
………………………………4. The new PC will be launched in January. The
…………………………………………………………5. The system failed when I booted up this morning.There was
…………………………………………….6 . The factory is equipped for computer controlled
production.The factory h a s
…………………………………7. A maths co-processor enhances your system. A maths
co-processor is ………………………….8. Youll have to compare the results o f the two programs.Youll
have to make ………………………………..9. This is our system for storing client records.This is o u r
…………………………………………………10. Only privileged users can access this information.Only
privileged users have …………….11. It is sometimes possible to recover data from a corrupted
disk.12. The files are retrieved automatically.File
…………………………………………………..13. Jack is responsible for maintaining the system.Jack is
responsible f o r ………………………..14. Somethings wrong: the keyboard doesnt respond.Somethings
wrong: theres …………………..Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
g Two-word expressions 2Make 15 two-word expressions connected
with computing by combining words from the two lists: A and B. Then
match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each word
once. The first one has been done for you as an example.baud B analysiscatastrophic busclean v T t Q vdevice
degradationflip detectorfloppy directorygraceful diskinteractive
driverlaser errorlocal flopmachine machineroot printerspeech
ratesystems recognitionvirus video1. Programming language consisting of commands in binary code
that can be directly understood by the CPU without the need for
2. Electronic circuit whose output can be one of two states,
which can be used to store one bit o f data3. Secondary storage device
4. Computer that contains only the minimumROM-based code to boot
its system from disk5. Analysing spoken words in such a way that they can be
processed in a computer to recognise spoken words and commands6 . Starting node from which all paths branch in a data tree
structure7. Analysing a process to see if it could be carried out more
efficiently by computer8. Utility software which checks executable files to see if they
have been infected with a known virus9. High resolution output device
10. Direct link between a device and the processor
11. System that uses a computer linked to amediadisc player to
provide processing power and real image12. Allowing some parts of the system tocontinue to function
after a part has broken down13. Error that causes a program to crash
14. Measure o f number of signals transmitted per second
15. Routine used to interface and manage a peripheral
4 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Plural formationIn Column A o f this table there are 12 nouns
relating to computing. For each o f the nouns decide whether the
correct plural form is in Column B or Column C and then circle
it.The first question has been done for you as an example.
Column A Column B Column C
1. vims ( ^ r u s e T ) virii
2 . expansion card expansion cards expansions card
3. appendix appendixes appendices
4. key keies keys
5. asterisk asterisks asterixes
6 . pixel pixelae pixels
7. axis axes axises
8 . directory directories directorys
9. criterion criteria criterions
10. bureau bureaus bureaux
11. formula formulae formulas
12. font fontes fonts
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
g Three-word expressionsMake 12 three-word expressions connected
with computing by combining words from the three lists — A, B, C —
and match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each
word once. The first one has been done for you.A B C
bulletin access example
central area exchange
dots board inch
local data memory
near down menu
query processing recognition
random strain systemunti til illrepetitive user
1. Control unit + arithmetic and logic unit + input/output
unit…..central processing..unit……………….
2. Pain in the arm felt by someone who performs the same
movement many times over, as when operating a computer terminal3. Interface between an operating system or program and the
user4. Memory that allows access to any location in any order
5. Information and message database accessible by modem and
computer link6. Set of options that are displayed below the relevant entry on
a menu bar7. Simple language used to retrieve information from a database
management system8. Network where various terminals andequipment are all a short
distance from one another and can be interconnected by cables9. Method by which two active programs can exchange data
10. Standard method used to describe the resolution capabilities
o f a page printer or scanner11. Process that allows printed or written characters to be
recognised optically and converted into machine-readable code that
can be input into a computer12. Printing by a dot-matrix printer that provides higher
quality type, which is almost as good as a typewriter, by
decreasing the spaces between dots6 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Word formation: adjectivesThe italicised words in the sentences
in Column A are all nouns. What are the adjective forms? Complete
the sentences in Column B using the correct adjective forms. The
first question has been done for you as an example.Column A Column B
1. She asked about the IBM-compatibility of the hardware.
She asked whether the hardware was LBM- … compatible.
2. The board has total confidence in the effectiveness of the
new system.The board is totally …
3. The sophistication of the new package is remarkable.
The new package is remarkably …
4. We checked the validity of the password. We checked that the
password was …5. He commented on the electroluminescence o f the TV screen
coating.He commented that the TV screen coating is …
6. The keyboarders are finding that the manuscript lacks
legibility.The keyboarders are finding that the manuscript is hardly
…7. What is the difference between these two products?
What makes these two products …
8. He is doubtful about the efficiency of the new networking
system.He is doubtful about whether the new networking system is
…9. We have the printer capability to produce high-quality colour
images.Our printer is …
10. They reported that there was data corruption on the
disk.They reported that the data on the disk was …
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
mehdiirlanguage jpg
g Opposites 1: prefixes
Exercise 1. English often uses prefixes to create opposites.
There ar several different prefixes that are used. Choose the right
prefix for each of the adjectives below and write them into the
table. The first one has been done for you: a password that is
inaccurate is not correct (accurate).il- in- un-1. /. inaccurate 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Exercise 2. Use eight o f the adjectives in the table to
complete these sentences. The first one has been done for you as an
example.1. It is impossible to copy to an ..unformatted., disk.
2. The input data w a s ………………… , so the output is
also incorrect.3. They tried to link the two systems, but found they w e re
……………………4. The programming error w a s …………………. for some
time.5. If the manuscript i s …………………. . send it back
to the author to have it typed.6. There are still numerous people in this country who a r e
……………………7. He entered a n …………………password.
8. Passwords are used to p reven t………………… access
to the data.8 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Word formation: verbsExercise 1. The words listed in the table
below are nouns. What are the verb forms of these nouns? The first
question has been done for you as an example.alteration ………………………… alter
interactionanalysis modificationassembly multiplicationautomation
preventioncommunication processcompilation programemulation
recoveryenhancement removalfluctuation retrievalgeneration
scaninstallation storageinstruction useExercise 2. Choose ten verbs from Exercise 1 and write a
sentence below for each one, Write the correct form of each verb in
the column on the right and leave gaps for the verbs in the
sentences. Cover up the right-hand column and give the sentences to
another student as a test. For example:These are the records….. ………..in the search.
2 . .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8 . .
9. .
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
g Word association 3: mind mapsA mind map is a way of organising
vocabulary to show the connections between words. This mind map is
based on the term desktop publishing.Exercise 1. Find words in the mind map that fit the following
definitions.1. Large form of letters as opposed to lower c a s e
……………………….2. Template that can be preformatted to
generate automatically the style or layout of a document3. Set of pre-drawn images or drawings that a user can
incorporate into a presentation or graphic4. Set of characters all of the same style, size and
typeface……………………….5. Slight overlapping of
certain printed character areas to prevent large spaces between
them, giving a neaterappearance……………………….6. Main section of text in
a docum ent……………………….7. Image whose individual
pixels can be controlled by changing the value of its stored b i t
……………………….8. Ability to display or detect a very
large number of pixels per unit a re a
……………………….9. Copy of an original picture or
design ……………………….10. Title or name of a document
or f i l e ……………………….11. Computer drawing system
which uses line length and direction from an origin to plot lin e s
………………………12. Graphical representation of how a
page will look when printed, with different type styles, margins
andgraphics correctly d isplayed……………………….13.
Printed marks that show the edge of a page or image and allow it to
be cut accurately……………………….14. Very thin l in e
……………………….Exercise 2. Design a mind map for one or more of the following:
database hardware Internet.10 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
NounsThere are 12 nouns connected with computing in the box
below. Use them to complete the sentences. The first one has been
done for you as an example.connector database fault fieldmodel modem password plaintext
platform procedure utility virus
1. The sales department keeps the information about the companys
clients in a … database.2. The user has to key in t h e
…………………………………………….. before he can
access the network.3. T h e ………….connects to one of the serial ports in
your computer.4. T h e …………………………. at the end of the cable
will fit any standard serial port.5. The employee record has a …………………for age.
6. This is the la te s t……………………….
7. T h is ……………………….sorts all the files into
alphabetical order.8. A lost file cannot be found without a
file-recovery…………………….9. The technical staff are trying to correct a program m
ing……………..10. The messages were sent a s ……………………….by
telephone.11. This software will only work on the IBM P C
…………………………12. If your PC is infected with a ………………………..
your data is at risk.Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
ch AdjectivesComplete the sentences using the adjectives in the
box. Use each adjective once only. The first one has been done for
you as an example.clean crash-protected dedicated downloadable electroluminescent
excessivefaulty normal re chargeable redundant common unformatted
unpopulateduser-friendly concurrent
1. A … re-ch a rg ea b le .. battery is used for RAM back-up
when the system is switched off.2. I ll have to start again — I ve just erased the o n ly
………………………..copy.3. This is a ………………………. fault with this
printer model.4. E a c h ………………………. process has its own
window.5. Theres only o n e ……………………….graphics
workstation in this network.6. T h e ……………………….procedure is for backup
copies to be made at the end of each days work.7. It is impossible to copy a n
……………………….disk.8. There must be a ……………………….piece of
equipment in the system.9. If the disk i s ………………………. . you will never
lose your data.10. The screen coating i s …………………………
11. The program used a n ………………………… amount
of memory to accomplish the job.12. The program is very
13. These fonts a r e ……..
14. The parity bits on the received data a r e …………. and
can be removed.15. You can buy a n …………. RAM card and fit your own RAM
chips.12 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
VerbsAil the verbs in the box relate to computing matters. Use
them to complete the sentences. The first question has been done
for you as an example.configure disconnect expand generate halt install paste process
purgerecover run save simplify simulate undo1. If you want to hold so much data you will have to … expand
. …. the disk capacity.2. Hitting CTRL-S w ill ………………………. the
program.3. We w ill ………………………. the new data.
4. Each month, I ………………………. the disk of all
the old email messages.5. Youve just deleted the paragraph, but you c a n
………………………. it from the option in the Edit
menu.6. You only have t o ………………………. the PC once —
when you first buy it.7. Dont forget t o ………………………. the file before
switching off.8. It is possible t o ………………………. the data but
it can take a long time.9. We c a n ………………………. an image from digitally
recorded data.10. This software is able t o ……………………….the
action of an aircraft.11. Function k e y s ……………………….program
operation.12. The new package will ……………………….on my
PC.13. The system is easy t o ……………………….and
simple to use.14. Now that I have cut this paragraph from the end of the
document, I c a n ……………………. it in here.15. Do not forget t o ……………………….the cable
before moving the printer.Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
ch Verbs 2Exercise 1. Link each verb on the left with its
definition on the right. The first one has been done for you as an
example.Verb Definition1. assign a. to write data to a location and, in
doing so, to destroy any data alreadycontained in that location
2 . broadcast b. to make part of a text stand out from the
rest3. transfer 1 c to switch between two states4. emulate d to
start or run a program5. highlight ‘ e. to give a computer or someone a job of
work6 . input f. to copy or behave like something else
7. launch g- to distribute information over a wide area or
audience8 . monitor h. to look after and supervise a process to make
sure it is operating correctly9. overwrite i. to move data from one device or storage area to
another10. relay j- to check or repair or maintain a system
11. service k. to transfer data or information from outside a
computer to its main memory12. toggle 1. to receive data from one source and to retransmit
it to another pointExercise 2. Complete these sentences using the verbs from
Exercise 1. You may have to make some changes to fit the grammar of
the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an
example.1. All network signals are … relayed. … to the next office
using this controller.2. The data w a s
……………………..via a numeric keypad.3. The bold
attribute can b e …………………on or off by pressing this
function key.4. The files w e re …………………………to
the backup disk.5. The disk drives w e re
…………………yesterday and are working well.6. He
………………… the latest news over the WAN.7. The m
achine…………………… each signal as it is sent out.8.
Some laser printers are able t o ………………… the more
popular office printers.9. The latest data input h a s
………………… the old information.10. Two PCs have b e e n
………………… to outputting the labels.11. The headings a r
e ………………… in bold.12. Y o u ………………… the
word processor by double clicking on this icon.14 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Verbs: past tense ~ regular verbsUse the past tense forms of the
verbs in the box to complete the sentences. The first question has
been done for you as an example.check contain crash demonstratedesign disable enter establish
export fail printreceive update upgrade view
1. We … upgraded . …. our printer.
2. S h e
……………………………………………………..a new
chip.3. To prevent anyone changing the data h e
……………………….the keyboard.4. The electricity was cut off and the com
puters…………………………5. T h ey ……………………………………………..
which component was faulty.6. The prototype disk d riv e ………………………. its
first test.7. The u se r .the pull-down menu by clicking on the menu bar at
the top of the screen.8. The com puter……………………….data via the
telephone line.9. H e
his files.10. W e ……………………….the data as a text file.
11. H e ………………………… the file management
program.12. T h ey ……………………….the computer printout
against the invoices.13. The printer we had previously……………………….at
60 characters per second.14. The file that was lo s t ……………………….
important documents.15. I ……………………….the name on the list.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
ch Verbs: mixed tensesAll the verbs in the box relate to
computing matters. Use them to complete the sentences. You may have
to change the forms of the verbs to fit the grammar of the
sentences. (Remember the five forms of English verbs for example:
take, takes, took, taken, taking.)The first question has been done for you as an example.
access cache carry computerize conformcopy degauss extract house
identify losemodify run share supersede
1. She … accessed . .. the employees file stored on the
computer.2. This C P U ………………………… instructions so
improves performance by 15 percent.3. Our stock control has been completely
…………………………..4. The software will not run if it does not …… to the
operating system standards.5. We can ………………………… the files required for
typesetting.6. The maintenance engineers have
…………………………the cause of the system failure.7. Backing up involves …………………………current
working files onto a separate storage disk.8. All the current files were …………..when the system
crashed and we had no backup copies.9. The keyboard was ……………………….. for European
users.10. Do not interrupt the spelling checker while it is
…………………….11. The facility is ………………………… by several
independent companies.12. The new program ………………………… the earlier
one, and is much faster.13. The fibre optic link ………………………………..
all the data.14. The r/w heads have to be …………………… each week
to ensure optimum performance.15. The magnetic tape is ………………………… in a
solid plastic case.16 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Phrasal verbs 1Phrasal verbs are common in conversational
English. They are made up of two words: a verb and a preposition.
For example: This is the procedure to wake up the system. Wake up
means to start or initiate. Match each phrasal verb below with its
correct definition. The first question has been done for you as an
example.Phrasal verb Definition
1. backup a. to enter various identification data, such as a
password,usually by means of a terminal to the central computer
before accessing a program or datab. to configure/initialize/define/start an application or
systemc. to allow a machine to stand idle for a time after switching
on, to reach optimum operating conditionsd. to stop working because of mechanical failure
e. to enter a symbol or instruction at the end of a computing
session to close all files and break the channel between the users
terminal and the main computerf. to read data or a signal from a recording medium
g. to exit to the operating system, whilst the original
application is still in memory and the user then returns to the
application8 . plug in h< to make text continue without a break9.
power up i. to make a copy of a file or data or disk10. run on j- to enter text or commands via a keyboard
11. set up k. to make something completely full
12. shell out 1. to disconnect the power supply to a device
13. switch off m. to switch on or apply a voltage to an
electrical device14. warm up n. to make an electrical connection by pushing a
plug into asocket2 . break down
3. fill up
4. key in
5. log off
6 . log on
7. play back
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
ch Phrasal verbs 2Each of the sentences below should contain a
phrasal verb. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verbs
and prepositions from the two boxes. Be careful : sometimes you
have to change the form of the verb. The first has been done for
you as an example.VERBS
back break call key
log log p lu g round shu t turn turn
w arm
1. No wonder it isnt working: you havent even . . .p lu g g ed
… it . . . in . . .2. You have to give your password in order t o
…………………………………………. to the
system.3. Pushing the big red button on the fro n
t…………………. the CPU……………………..4. T h ey ……………………………………….. the
latest data.5. If you dont ………………………………………..
regularly you could lose data.6. I ……………………………………….. all the
customers addresses from the database and checked them on
screen.7. When we found the virus the first thing we did was t o
……………………………………….. the entire
system.8. My computers ………………………………………..
again! I need a new machine.9. Dont forget t o ………………….
everything……………………before you go home.10. When youve downloaded the information you need, then
…………………………………………from the
system.11. Your printout will arrive in a couple of minutes: the lasers
s t i l l …………………………………………12. The precise amount is 2.5341, but we c a n
…………………. i t …………………… to 2.5.PREPOSITIONS
dow n dow n dow n In
in o f f o f f on on up up up
18 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
mehdiirlanguage jpg
Verbs: active/passiveChange the sentences below from active to
passive tense. For example:Active:Passive:
This computer system uses a last in first out retrieval method.A
first in first out computer system is used by this computer
system.Remember that it is not always necessary to mention the subject
in a passive sentence: For example:Active:Passive:
In this instance we overlooked the delay. In this instance the
delay was overlooked.1. The compiler automatically corrected the syntax errors.
2. We used a balun to connect the coaxial cable to the
twisted-pair circuit.Passive:
3. Base band local area networks support a maximum cable length
of around 300m.Passive:
4. They calculated keyboarding costs on the basis of 5,500
keystrokes per hour.Passive:
5. We tried out the beta test software on as many different PCs
as possible to try and find all the bugs.Passive:
6. This company is developing a new brand of screen cleaner.
7. The maintenance engineer found some defects in the
8. They traced the fault to a faulty cable.
9. That device controls the copy flow.
10. The operating system uses a metafile to hold data that
defines where each file is stored on disk.Passive:
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
ch AdverbsThe sentences below do not read correctly. Identify
the adverbs in the sentences and then swap the adverbs around so
that each sentence makes sense.Some of the adverbs could be used in several of the sentences,
but in order to complete the exercise successfully, all the
sentences must make sense.1. We deal manually with the manufacturer, without using a
wholesaler.2. They were both alphabetically responsible for the successful
launch of the new system.3. The text is consecutively transmitted to an outside
typesetter.4. The files are arranged fully under the customers name.
5. Processing time is electronically 10% lower than during the
previous quarter.6 . The sections of the program run incorrectly.
7. A daisy wheel printer produces directly formed
characters.8. In spooling, the printer is acting equally of the
keyboard.9. The data was approximately keyboarded.
10. The paper has to be fed into the printer independently.
20 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
PrepositionsThe sentences in this exercise contain mistakes. The
mistakes are all in the prepositions and there are three types:1 . missing preposition I spoke Ahim about this last week, to2.
wrong preposition W ere meeting again ATuesday. on3. unnecessary
preposition I ll telephone te you tomorrow.Find the mistakes and correct them.
1. The computer is a great aid to rapid processing in large
amounts of data.2. His background is of the computer industry.
3. Copy the files by the hard drive, C:, to the floppy drive,
A:.4. The cable has the wrong connector this printer.
5. The company is trying to improve the circulation information
between departments.6 . The old data was contrasted at the latest information.
7. The smoke at the faulty machine quickly diffused through the
building.8. The user cannot gain access the confidential information in
the file without a password.9. The glare from the screen makes to my eyes hurt.
10. The company has been illegally copying at copyright
software.11. The software is manufactured in this country after
licence.12. We had a new phone system installed in last week.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Parts of Speech
n Word stressOne of the keys to English pronunciation is stress
— one syllable is emphasised more than the others. There are three
possible patterns for three-syllable words:A: Stress on the first syllable For example: per-ma-nentB:
Stress on the second syllable For example: e-lec-tricC: Stress on
the third syllable For example: in-ter-ruptRead the conversations below and find all the three-syllable
words. Underline them and classify them in the groups on the right.
The first one has been done for you as an example.Conversation 1 Group A: Do you know how to operate this word
processor? 1 operate A little bit. What do you want to know? 2 How
do I put a word in italics? Position the cursor at the beginning o
f the word, highlight the 3word like this and then click on the italics icon.4
Conversation 2 5 This is my new portable computer.0 Very nice.
How much memory has it got? 70 Sixty-four megabytes of RAM and
4.6-gig on the hard disk. So, you 11 be able to work from home
Conversation 3 __ Windows is a graphical user interface. 10 What
does that mean ? Well, its an easy way to interact with your
programs.0 And how does it work? 3 It uses graphics or icons to
represent functions or files and toallow the user to control software more easily. 4
Conversation 4 ^ What will change when we introduce the new
system? 70 First, all transactions will be recorded in one place.
That sounds more efficient. 8Group B:
And youll be able to generate statistics any time you want.
———_ _ _Thats good. Group C:Extension. Practise the conversations with a partner.
22 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Present simpleVerbs in the present tense add an s in the third
person singular: I work, you work, he/she/it works. But the shas
three different pronunciations. Look at these examples:A: /s/, for example w orks B: /z/, for example sells C: /iz/,
for example closesFind the third person present tense verbs in these sentences and
classify them by their pronunciation. Put them in the correct
columns in the table on the right. Be careful: some sentences have
more than one example. There are23 verbs in total. The first one
has been done for you as an example.A:/s/
1. John browses on the Internet and downloads anything that
looks interesting.2. The company designs high specification workstations.
3. I ve set up your computer so that it automatically boots up
in Windows.4. The team programs in several different languages.
5. The software sends and receives mail from within any
word-processing program, and prints it out on your laser
printer.6. This word-processing program corrects common errors as you
type.7. This instruction reads the first record of a file.
—————8. The program accesses the information on the hard disk and
outputs it to / z /the screen. ‘9. This utility detects and eliminates most viruses.
10. If you buy a modem make sure it conforms to Hayes
standards.11. Call me on this number if your machine crashes again.
12. When the user installs this program it automatically checks
the specifications of the PC and adapts to them.13. On the first o f every month the program updates the list
and faxes it to all members of the group.14. Using this procedure ensures that unauthorised users cannot
enter the system.C: hzJ
Extension. The same rule applies to plural nouns: /s/ chips, Izl
bugs, /Iz/devices. Work with a partner and find five nouns in each
pronunciation category.Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third edition 23ISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
n Past simpleRegular verbs have three different pronunciations
in the past tense (or the past participle). The difference is in
the sound you use for the ending. Look at these examples:*A: ll, for example clicked B: /d/, for example d ragged C:
/id/, for example p o in tedFind the past tense verbs in these sentences and classify them
by their pronunciation. Put them in the correct columns in the
table on the right. Be careful: some sentences have more than one
verb. There are 25 examples in total. The first one has been done
for you as an example.1. The computer received data via the telephone line.
2. Errors were introduced into the text at keyboarding.
3. I downloaded information from the Internet about this
subject.4. I found the problem when I launched this program.
5. I selected the network laser, printed the document and closed
down.6 . I typed the password and opened the file.
7. I warned my boss that there was going to be a problem.
8. Oh no! I ve deleted all the client records!
9. The new version of this software was released in July.
10. The printouts fine: I checked it.
11. These machines havent been serviced for a year.
12. They programmed the machine to find the shortest possible
route between sales calls.13. We dumped all the information onto the hard disk of the
server.14. We moved the d p department to the third floor,
15. We searched the database but your transaction wasnt
recorded.16. W eve networked all the machines on the fourth floor.
17. With this system weve eliminated all possibilities o f
error.18. Youve saved this file in the wrong directory.
19. He reconfigured the field structure in the file.
20. I highlighted the headings in bold.
A: It/
C: /id/
24 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Good adviceThese sentences all give advice, but they have been
divided into separate halves. Match the half-sentences in Column A
with the half-sentences in Column B to make 16 logical
sentences.For example: If you want to learn to keyboard,.. .you should use
every opportunity to practise.Column A Column B
1. If you want to reduce screen flicker, … a) .. .add a maths
co-processor.2 . If you want to produce complicated graphics, …
b) .. .buy a laptop.
3. If you want to store more information, … c) .. .buy a laser
printer.4. If you want to speed up your computer, … d) .. .fit a
faster microprocessor.5. If you want to do CAD,… e) .. .fit a modem.
6 . If you want to share information through the company,
…f) .. .fit a sound card.
7. If you want to reduce the noise level in the office, …
g) .. .get a bigger hard disk.
8 . If you want to send faxes from your PC, h) .. .get a CD-ROM
drive.9. If you want to stop the computer when it hangs, …
i) .. .get an Apple Mac with a 21″ screen.
10. If you want to import graphics from paper, …
J) .. .get a scanner.
11. If you want to reduce typing time, … k) .. .hit Control,
Alt & Delete.12. If you want to make music on your PC,… 1) .. .make a
backup.13. If you want to do a lot of DTP, … m) .. .network the
computers.14. If you want to take your work away with y o u ,…
n) .. .put more memory in the printer
15. If you want to use interactive softw are,… o) .. .use a
non-interlaced monitor16. If you want to protect your data, … P) .. .use an OCR
program.Extension. Working with a partner, write five more sentences
giving advice about computers.Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
ry Odd one outIn each set of words below, one term is the odd
one out: different from the others. Find the term that is
different, and circle it. For example:monitor………………………….printer…………………………….scanner
……………………… (^spreadsheet^)Spreadsheet is the odd one out. A spreadsheet is an application,
the other terms are peripherals.1. desktop……………………………
notebook…………………….. palmtop2 . keyboard………………………….modem
mouse………………………….. trackball3. com
hard …………………………….. soft4. b p s
IPS…………………………… ppm5. drive…………………………………m
switch6. local
graphics card………………..port7. model……………………………….joystick
standalone11. RAM ……………………………….
cache……………………………… flash
……………………………. printout12. ce
row ……………………………… window13. click
bold fa ce …………………….. caps14. function key…………………….
shift…………………………….. space bar15.
ler………………………….message16. allocate…………………………… em
replicate……………………… simulate17. click
type18. LC D …………………………………Q
BE………………………………..T FT
…………………………….. VGA19.
inkjet………………………………..laser………………………………..plotter…………………………..scanner20. beep
ipe……………………………. zap26 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Opposites 2Exercise 1. Find the words in list B which are
opposite in meaning to the italicized words in list A. For example:
The opposite o f turn on is turn off.A B
1. The opposite of anode is built-in
2 . The opposite of authorize is cancel
3. The opposite of automatic is cathode
4. The opposite of backward is close
5. The opposite of boot up is complicated
6. The opposite of character based is divide
7. The opposite of column is duplex
8 . The opposite of confirm is forbid
9. The opposite of continue is forward
10 The opposite of delete is graphical
11 The opposite of flexible is interrupt
12 The opposite of hardware is manual
13 The opposite of landscape is multiple
14 The opposite of multiply is portrait
15 The opposite of open is receive
16 The opposite of add-on is restore
17 The opposite of simplex is rigid
18 The opposite of simple is row
19 The opposite of single is shut down
20 The opposite of transmit is software
Exercise 2. Complete these sentences using words from Exercise
1.1. The com m unications………………………… will only
work with Hayes-compatible modems.2 …………………………….error correction is an error
detection and correction method that is applied to received datato
correct errors rather than requesting another transmission.3. The computer has a ………………………. hard
disk.4. Put the total at the bottom of th e
………………………….5. The systems manager has t o ………………………. the
purchase of a new computer.Extension. Work with a partner and test each other. One partner
closes the book, while the other asks questions such as: Whats the
opposite o f simplex?Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
ry AbbreviationsAll these abbreviations are connected with
computing. How many o f them do you know? Check the ones you dont
know in the dictionary. Write the full expressions on the right The
first one has been done for you as an example.1. BBS b u lle tin &oard S y s te m
…………………………………………………………………….2. BIOS
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3. bps
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4. CAD
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5. DP
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6 . dpi
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7. FAT
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 . HMA
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9. IKBS
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10. ISA
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11. IT
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12. LAN
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13. LCD
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14. MIPS
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15. OCR
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16. OS
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17. PDA
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18. QBE
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19. RISC
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20. TSR
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21. WAN
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22. WIMP
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23. WORM
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24. WP
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25. WYSIWYG
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Extension. Work with a partner and test each other. One partner
closes the book, while the other asks questions such as What does
BBS stand fo r?28 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Telephone conversationsThe lines in these telephone
conversations are in the wrong order. Work out the correct order
and write the sequence in the boxes. The first line in each
conversation has been marked for you as an example.Conversation A.
90. Would you like to order it now?
Certainly. Which model do you have?
64 megabytes.
And how much memory have you got in it at the moment?
No. No, Id like to think about it. Thank you for the
information.Not at all. Goodbye.
PC Memory Mart. Can I help you?
That sounds alright. How much is it?
The 333S.
Theres a 32 meg module — thats an upgrade to 96.
Yes. Could you could give me some information about memory for
Zell computers?Conversation B.
Do you get an error message when you try?
I cant boot up the system.
I see. Can you give me your name and number? I ll get a
technician to call you.I m sorry to hear that. What kind of problem is it?
No — it just goes down a minute or two after starting.
Not at all. Goodbye.
Someone will call you within an hour, Mr Dent.
Thank you.
Viking Computers. Can I help you?
Yes. I m Arthur Dent, D-E-N-T, and my numbers 223 9898.
Yes. I ve just bought one of your machines and I ve got a
problem.Extension. Practise the conversations with a partner.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
ary Operating systems
The texts below relate to specific operating systems. Complete
each of the four texts, using the words in the boxes above them.
The first gap has been filled for you as an example.Text 1. MS-DOS
control functions MS-DOSsoftware version Windows
MS-DOS is operating system ….software…. developed by
Microsoft that controls and co-ordinates the
basic……………………….of your computer. If you are using
Windows 95 or a la te r …………………………of Windows,
thefunctions of MS-DOS have been integrated. If you are using
Windows 3.1x or do not h a v e ………………………..then
you are relying o n ………………………. (or a similar
product from IBM called PC-DOS) t o
………………………..the computer.Text 2. Windows
commands icons Microsoftmouse multitasking user
Windows is a ……………………….
graphical……………………….. interface for the IBM PC
developed by……………………….Corp. that is designed to
be easy to use. Windows u s e s …………………………to
represent filesand devices and can be controlled using a
……………………….. unlike MS-DOS which requ
ires………………………..to be typed in.Text 3. Windows 95
filenames interface Internetmemory networks processor
Windows 95 provides support for lo n g
………………………., a n
………………………..thats easier to use and bettersupport
f o r ……………………… and th e
………………………… It does, however, require a fa s te
r…………………………andm o re
………………………. to get good results — an absolute
minimum of 8Mb and a fast 80486 are required.Text 4. Windows 98
communications configure enhanced features version
Windows 98 is a n
…………………………………………………. of
Microsofts Windows 95 that provides
more……………………….and in
ternet…………………………and is easier to use a n d
…………………………..30 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
mehdiirlanguage jpg
InstructionsThe lines in these sets of instructions are in the
wrong order. Put each set of instructions in the most logical
order, and then choose a title for it. The first line in each
instruction set has been marked for you and there are six lines in
each instruction set.Instruction Set A: title.
Click on File in the menu bar and select Format from the
pull-down menu.Double-click on the My Computer icon.
Turn on the computer using the power switch on the front.
Turn on the monitor.
Click on the 3 V2 Floppy (A): icon.
Put a new disk in the drive.
Instruction Set B: title.
Select Print from the pull-down menu.
Click on OK in the dialogue box.
Type your text.
Collect your printout from the printer.
Click on Start, Programs and Microsoft Word.
Click on File in the menu bar.
Instruction Set C: title.
Disconnect the printer from the power supply and unplug the
parallel interface cable.Open the panel at the back.
Push the new memory board in and replace the panel.
Reconnect the printer to the PC and to the power supply.
Slide the old memory board out of the slot.
Turn off the computer and printer.
Extension. Give instructions for a procedure you use in
computing.Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
ry MemoryThe terms below all relate to memory — the storage
space in a computer system or medium that is capable of retaining
data or instructions. Match the correct abbreviations and
definitions with each term. Write the solutions in the right-hand
column. The first one has been done for you as an example.Term Abbreviation Definition Solution
(1) Dynamic Random Access Memory
(i) SAM (a) memory device that has had data written into it at
the time of manufacture, and now its contents can only be readOX (MX (*)
(2) ErasableProgrammable Read-Only Memory
(ii) MMU (b) system in a PC that defines extra memory added
above the 640Kb of conventional memory(3) Expanded Memory System
(iii) DRAM (c) register in a CPU that temporarily buffers all
inputs and outputs(4) Memory Buffer Register
(iv) ROM (d) electronic component in a computer that manages the
way in which data is stored in different RAM chips(5) MemoryManagement Unit
(v) EMS (e) memory components that will retain information as
long as they are supplied with an electric current(6) Random Access Memory
(vi) EPROM (f) storage where a particular data item can only be
accessed by reading all the previous items in the list(7) Read Only Memory (vii) MBR (g) memory that allows access to
anylocation in any order, without having to access the rest
first(8) Serial-Access Memory
(viii) RAM (h) component that can be programmed using a special
electrical signal and will retain this information even without
electrical power; usually erasable with ultraviolet light32 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
All the vowels (A, E I, O, U) have been removed from this text
on the internet and replaced with asterisks (*). Can you read
it?Th* * n t* r n * t * s *n * n t * r n * t * * n * l n * tw * r k
t h * t l* n k s t * g * t h * rth * * s * n d s * f c * m p * t* r s * s* n g t * l* p h * n *
s *nd c * b l* l* n k s ; th * s *c * m p * t* rs *r* c * l l * d th * s * r v * r s *nd *r* r * t
h * r l* k * * l * c * lt* l* p h * n * * x ch *n g* — * n d * v * d * * l * s * r s c *
n th * n * s* * m*d*m t*c * n n * c t t * th * s * r v * r c* m p * t* r *nd s* h*v* * c
c * s s t* th * * n t* r *w * r ld n * tw * r k . * * s * r c * n s* n d * l* c t r * n *
c m **l * v * r th * * n t* r n * t*nd t r * n s f * r f * l * s *nd t * x t fr*m *n* c* m p * t* r
*n L*nd*n t * * n * th * r*n N*w Y *rk — *11 f * r th * p r * c * * f * l * c * l ph*n* c
* l l t * th * n * * r * s ts * r v * r .
Th* W *rld W*d* W*b * s *n *nh*nc*m *nt t* th * * n t* r n * t
*nd p r * v * d * s *g r * p h * c * l f r * n t — * n d t* th * d * f f * r * n t d
* t * b * s * s *nd s * r v * r s t h * t *r** v * * l* b l* . *n * r d * r t * c * n n * c t t * th * * n t
* r n * t / y * * ‘ l l n **d * m*d*m*nd *n * c c * * n t w * th * s * r v * r — n * r m * lly c * l
l * d *n * n t * r n * t s * r v * c *p r * v * d * r (*SP) *r p * * n t — * f — p r * s * n c * p r *
v * d * r — t * g * t h * r w * th s*m*s p * c * * l s * f t w * r * . Y ** ‘ 11 b* g * v * n * *n*q**
*D n*m* t h * t w * l l ( l* k *y * * r t* l* p h * n * n*m b*r) * d * n t* fy y** t* *ny * th *
r * s * r *n th * w * r ld ,t * g * t h * r w * th *n * c c * s s t* l* p h * n * n*m b*r t
h * t * l l * w s y * * r m*d*m t*c * n n * c t t* th * * r s * r v * r . N* *n* p * r s * n * r
c*m p*ny c * n t r * l s th ** n t * r n * t .
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
ry This and thatUse the words in the box to make eleven
expressions connected with computing. Then use the expressions to
complete the sentences. All the expressions follow the same
pattern: x and y. The first one has been done for you as an
example.A B
vumr & clickcut columns
drag drophyphenation embedding
point flutterrows justification
search pasteterminate replace
tilt stay residentobject linking swivel
wow whistles
1. This is just a basic program — it doesnt have any . . . bells
and whistles …………………………….2. If you change your mind you can u s e
change all theexamples in the text.3. If you want to add a comment to yourinformation in your
report you can u s e
to getinformation from the word processor and copy it into the
worksheet.4. The speakers on that PC are very cheap — listento the amount
o f ………………………………………………………
they have!5. You use a mouse to navigate a GUI: you cansim
icons to make most selections.6 . I use a l i t t l e
…………………………………………………….. . .
program to check for viruses.7. If y o u
document icon onto the word processor icon, the system will start
the program and load the document.8. An A m erican
…………………………………………………… . . .
program will not work with British spellings.9. Information in a spreadsheet is organised in . . .
10. Window u se s ……………………………………….
. . . to share data between applications.11. We
for ergonomic reasons.34 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
SlangIn the world of computers there is special slang, just as
in any other profession. The ten conversations below each contain
an example of computer slang. Find the slang words and match them
to the definitions on the right.111
Hows your computer? Is it working now? It seems alright — it
passed the smoke test.Have you finished with this file? Yes — go ahead and zap it.
Can you fix this for me?I m a bit short o f time. I can do a
kludge fo r you and have another look tomorrow.W hats wrong?I dont know. Some sort o f gremlin — the system
keeps going down.Find the words which mean:
1. Communications
2. IBM
3. An unexplained fault in a system
4. Products which exist in name only
I m having problems running Windows.I m not surprised. You need
more than a couple o f megs to do multitasking.5. To wipe off all data currently in the workspace
What did you do before you worked here? I was a project manager
fo r Big Blue.They say theyre releasing a new version soon.D ont get excited.
Theyve already made four product announcements. I t s just
vapourware.What do you think the problem was?I dont know, but it seems
alright now. It was probably just a glitch.6 . Slang for a test which indicates that the machine must be
working if no smoke appears when it is switched on7. Megabytes
8. A temporary correction
ix What kind of standard has been used for the network?Cheapemet
— its less expensive than Thick-wire Ethernet.What are you working on this week?I m doing a comms program to
get information from branch offices more easily.9. Anything which causes a sudden, unexpected failure of a
computer or equipment10. Thin-wire Ethernet
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
& Q
es Communicative crossword 1 sheet AThis crossword is not
complete: you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet
B. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
a partner who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords. Follow
these three rules:1 Speak only in English. «Whats 1 aCrOSS?
Dont say the word in the crossword. across, 4 down
Dont show your crossword to your partner.
36 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Communicative crossword 1 sheet BThis crossword is not complete:
you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet A. Check
that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords. Follow these three
rules:Speak only in English.
Dont say the word in the crossword.
Dont show your crossword to your partner.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Puzzles &
& Q
es Anagrams 1Solve the anagrams by reading the clues and putting
the letters in order to form words. Enter the solutions in the
table to find the mystery word. The first one has been done for you
as an example.1. Waiting to be
List of data in columns and row
Where one system ends and another
Method of organising files stored on
CDEIORRTY5. System of words or symbols which allows communication
with com puters……..AAEGGLNU6. Data which is out of date or
which contains
errors…………………………………………… AABEGGR7.
To carry out or to put something into
«The user has to … herself to the system by using a
password»………………………… DEFIINTY9. With no
Taking place at the same tim e
A number of separate moving parts or components acting togetherto carry out a
ACEHIMN12. To modify a system to a customers
Byte made up of five
Cannot be
ADM NOR15. To set up a new computer system to the users
requirements…………………………….SLANTIL1 F. e A D Y
38 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Word searchFind the 24 computing terms and expressions hidden in
the letters below; 14 read across and 10 read down. The first word
has been found for you as an example. The clues listed beneath will
help you to find all of the words.M -B fc -T — I — M — -E r — — I A- A TA B W O R K S H E E T
L O w O P E R A T O R T
O E p K P O R T I L I M
E A R T H S E A R c H DP I X E L T S U R G E Z
1. Difference between black and white or between colours2.
Predefined course of action or value that is assumed unless the
operator alters it3. To connect an electrical device to the earth4.
Wire or cable used to connect an appliance to the mains electricity
supply5. Covering everything6. Graphic symbol or small picture
displayed on screen used in an interactive computer system toprovide an easy way of identifying a function7. Not valid8.
Series of ordered items of data9. To put a disk or tape into a
computer, so that it can be run10. Electronic storage space with an
address in which a users incoming messages are stored11. The
combination of sound, graphics, animation, video and text within an
application12. Person who makes a machine or process work13.
Interconnection point in a structure or network14. Smallest single
unit or point o f a display whose colour or brightness can be
displayed15. Socket or physical connection allowing data transfer
between a computers internalcommunications channel and another external device16. To return
a system to its initial state, to allow a program or process to be
started again17. To store data or a program on an auxiliary storage
device18. Process of looking for and identifying a character or
word or section of data in a documentor file19. Sudden increase in electrical power in a system, due
to a fault or noise or component failure20. Device usually made up
of a display unit and a keyboard which allows entry and display
ofinformation when on-line to a central computing system21.
Alphanumeric characters that convey information22. To look at
something, especially something displayed on a screen23. To clean
data from a disk24. (In a spreadsheet program) a two-dimensional
matrix of rows and columns that contain cellswhich can, themselves, contain equations
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third edition 39ISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Puzzles &
& Q
es Communicative crossword 2 sheet AThis crossword is not
complete: you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet
B. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
a partner who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords. Follow
these three rules:Speak only in English. «What *S 1 a C W S S ? «
Dont say the word in the crossword. across, 4 down
Dont show your crossword to your partner.
40 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Communicative Crossword 2 sheet BThis crossword is not complete:
you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet A. Check
that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords. Follow these three
rules:1 Speak only in English. «What *S 1 a c r O S S ? «
Dont say the word in the crossword. across, X down
3 ] Dont show your crossword to your partner.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Puzzles &
mehdiirlanguage jpg
& Q
es Communicative crossword 3 sheet AThis crossword is not
complete: you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet
B. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
a partner who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords. Follow
these three rules:Speak only in English «Whats 1 a C W S S ? «
Dont say the word in the crossword. across, -I down
Dont show your crossword to your partner.
42 Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Communicative crossword 3 sheet BThis crossword is not complete:
you have only half the words. The other half are on sheet A. Check
that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords. Follow these three
rules:Speak only in English «What *S One aC TO SS ? «
Dont say the word in the crossword. across, 4 down
Dont show your crossword to your partner.
Based on the Dictionary of Computing, third editionISBN
1-901659-04-6Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
Puzzles &
& Q
es Anagrams 2Solve the anagrams by reading the clues and putting
the letters of the words in order. Enter the solutions in the table
to find the mystery phrase.1. Machine that stores and processes d a ta ……………..
Scientific investigation to learn new facts about a field of
study…………………………… ACEEHRRS4. To keep within a
To copy the behaviour of a system or device with