Make up sentences using these words and word combinations

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

     1 the children have never been to the circus
    2 we have already done our room
    3 they have just begun doing their homework
    4 i ‘ve never swum in the ocean
    5 nick hasn t ggiven back my dictionary
    6 my cousin has become an engineer
    7 mr has already written a new book

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      Спасибо огромное а то завтра сдавать а я спать хочу снова огромное спасибо

    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

  2. 1.The children never have been to the circus.
    2.We have done already our room.
    3.They have just begun doing their homework.
    4.I have never swum in the ocean.
    5.Nick hasn`t given back my dictionary.
    6.My cousin has become an engineer.
    7.Mr Watterson has written a new book.


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Read and remember. Make up your own sentences with the words and word combinations.
the Internet − to browse / to use / to surf the Internet; a website / the Internet connection
information − to find / to get / to search for / to collect / to arrange / to share information; important / detailed / useful / negative / verbal / visual / audio / information
world − to change / to save / to improve the world; the real / virtual world

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 4. Why the Internet. Номер №49


Перевод задания
Прочтите и запомните. Составьте свои собственные предложения со словами и словосочетаниями.
Интернет − просматривать / использовать / лазить по Интернету; веб−сайт / подключение к Интернету
информация − найти / получить / искать / собрать / организовать / поделиться информацией; важная / подробная / полезная / отрицательная / словесная / визуальная / аудио / информация
мир − изменить / сохранить / улучшить мир; реальный / виртуальный мир

1. Some teenagers spend a lot of time surfing the Internet.
2. Each international corporation have to create its own website for people to get information about the company.
3. Sometimes the Internet replaces the real world.

Перевод ответа
1. Некоторые подростки проводят много времени в Интернете.
2. Каждая международная корпорация должна создать свой собственный веб−сайт, чтобы люди могли получать информацию о компании.
3. Иногда Интернет заменяет реальный мир.

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
  • Unit 2
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Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect. Write the sentences
Составьте вопросы из этих слов и словосочетаний, используя Present Perfect. Запишите предложения.


Has Barbara seen the new film?
Барбара видела новый фильм?


Have you met any foreign students?
Вы встречали каких-нибудь иностранных студентов?


Has Mark begun writing the report?
Марк начал писать отчет?


Has Bill rung the office yet?
Билл уже звонил в офис?


Have Jane and Mary visited their granny?
Джейн и Мэри навещали свою бабушку?


Has Len ever eaten pizza?
Лен когда-нибудь ел пиццу?


Has Olga become a professional dancer?
Ольга стала профессиональной танцовщицей?


Have you carried the suitcase into your room?
Вы отнесли чемодан в свою комнату?

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 7 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect. Write the sentences down.
Составьте вопросы из этих слов и словосочетаний, используя Present Perfect. Запишите предложения.

Read and translate the word combinations. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations. Составьте 5-10 предложений!

A student’s interview.

A local group.

Correspondent’s information.

To be a serios student.

To have a hobby.

A musical instrument.

A busy manager.

To go to a theatre.

To play the guitar.

To have a good sense of humour.

A local train

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Read and translate the word combinations. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations. Составьте 5-10 предложений! A student’s …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Read and translate the word combinations. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations. Составьте 5-10 предложений! A student’s interview. A local group. Correspondent’s information. To be a serios student. To have a hobby.

Task 1. It’s an
apple that hides the mandarin inside. As for me, it must symbolize
two faces of economics and inside is a true one.

According to the text, he supposes
the idea that economics needs more interesting questions and he is
able to ask them correctly.

  1. This
    event has frustrated all my plans.

  2. It’s
    a crucial question for our economy

  3. We
    need to shrink our expenses in nearest five years.

  4. A
    final outcome from the food industry was over 50000 units.

  5. It’s
    a drastic method for our corporation.

  6. The
    last spike in crime was in 1992.

  7. It
    had a widespread proliferation.

  8. If
    we take mortgage in nearest month it’ll be profitable for us.

  9. We
    should align this suggestion with our boss.

  10. We
    anticipate that your boss would accept the rules of the game.

  11. It’s
    tending to reduce our situation at the market.

  12. This
    guy was really persistent.

  13. It
    was like insight, when I saw that book.

  14. The
    main incentive for our boss is to earn more money for the company.

  15. This
    progress was attributed to our department.

  16. There
    will be a contradiction in professional area.

  17. Sometimes
    we need to maximize our profit tenfold.

  18. It’s
    astounding that nothing bad has happened.

  19. We
    need more creative pool.

  20. The
    indispensable part of our work is to make people happier.

Task 6. Give as many word forms as possible using necessary suffixes.

forget about

noun suffixes
indicating persons: -ER/OR/AR, -ANT,

of abstract nouns: -TION, -ANCE, -MENT,

suffixes : -ABLE/-IBLE, -FUL, -AL, -ATE,

prefixes: —IN,


Morality, moralize, morally


Maintainability, maintainable,


Fabricated, fabricating, fabrication,


Prediction, predictability, predictable,
predicted, predicting, predictive, predictor.


Attributed, attribution, attributive.


Skilled, skillful.


Correlated, correlation, correlative,
correlativity, correlator.


Assessable, assessment, assessor.


Persistence, persistency, persistent,


Explored, explorer, exploring, exploration,
exploratory, explorative.


Confused, confusedly, confusing, confusion


Applying, applied.


Favorably, favorably, favorer, favorite


Treatability, treatable, treated, treating,


Fortuneless, fortuneless, fortunate,


Abusive, abused,


Countability, countable, countably, countdown,

Counter, countless.


Dispersible, disperse, dispersal, dispersible,

Task 7.

1) Our plans are collapsing.

2) The number of participants declines every year.

3) Our profit increased dramatically.

4) This project is drastically

5) Quotations change fast because of instability
on the market.

6) The annual income is considerably greater in
this year than in the last year.

7) Analysts forecast further decrease of demand.

8) Gold prices will gradually come down.

9) We should react rapidly if we want to be
leaders of the market.

10) The rise of the criminals was suppressed

11) Standards of well-being were significantly

12) Adjustment of oil stocks slightly influenced
on price per barrel.

13) Property value steadily increases.

14) This law substantially helps to regulate
criminal activity.

15) Our company’s profit has magnified tenfold
since 1995.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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