Make up sentences mind the word order she strongly at the meeting


Say: 1) when and why this job appeared;

                2)what skills and qualities are required for this job;

                3)why it attracts public attention

  1. Say: 1) what hobbies people have;

        2)what hobby the Koons’ family from Washington D.C. have (when they took it up, what              materials they use to create miniature dolls’ houses);            

         3)what qualities this hobby helps to develop

       5. Say: 1) the place of the profession of a teacher in the world of jobs,

                     the qualities required for this job;

    2) advantages and disadvantages of this job;

    3) if you would like to be a teacher, explain your choice

        1. Say: 1) when and why this job appeared;

                2)what skills and qualities are required for this job;

                3)why it attracts public attention

2. Say: 1) what hobbies people have;

        2)what hobby the Koons’ family from Washington D.C. have (when they took it up, what              materials they use to create miniature dolls’ houses);  

         3)what qualities this hobby helps to develop

     5. Say: 1) the place of the profession of a teacher in the world of jobs,

                     the qualities required for this job;

    2) advantages and disadvantages of this job;

   3) if you would like to be a teacher, explain your choice

0 рейтинг

Put the words in the right order to make up sentences.
She/late/ for /work/ is/ often

  • words
  • right
  • order
  • sentences
  • often
  • английский язык
  • студенческий


в разделе Английский язык

Всего ответов: 1

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She is often late for work


Make up sentences in present perfect past perfect or past simple using the words in brackets .
1. they | meet | their opponents . (just)
2. you | not play | your best game . (yet)
3. I | buy | the tickets. (by the time of their arriual )
4. I | visit | a game of cricket . ( when I was in London last year )
5. The coach | talk | to him. (yesterday)
6. I | write | an email to the sponsor . (just)
7. According to legend , the ancient Olympic Game | to be founded | by Herdcle the son of Zeus .
8. I | participate | in two competitions. (since I began exercising )
9. We | hear | the news about your wins . (already)
10. Over 10,000 athletes I take part | in the Olympic Games. (last year)

Ответ оставил Гость

1. They have just met  their opponents.
2. You have not played your best game, yet.
3. By the time of their arrival
had bought the tickets.
4. I  visited a game of cricket when I was in London last year.
5. The coach  talked to him yesterday.
6. I have just written an email to the sponsor.
7. According to legend, the ancient Olympic Game was founded  by Herdcle the son of Zeus.
8. I have participated in two competitions since I began exercising.
9. We have
already heard the news about your wins.
10. Over 10,000 athletes took part  in the Olympic Games (last year.

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Если ответ по предмету Английский язык отсутствует или он оказался неправильным, то попробуй воспользоваться поиском других ответов во всей базе сайта.

Найти другие ответы

1. Make sentences (составьте предложения).

  • a friend sportsman is my.
  • play tomorrow will he football.
  • love things I beautiful.
  • musicians are parents his.
  • are tea now they drinking.
  • do tomorrow the my morning I in homework will.
  • autumn Barcelona was her in last sister.
  • to evening gym he the going in the likes.
  • to went they yesterday school.
  • teacher week bit boy last this a.

2. Translate (переведите).

  • Завтракаю я обычно в 8 часов.
  • В ресторане находилась его жена.
  • Через 2 недели они поедут в Америку.
  • На вечеринке был Том с друзьями.
  • В Лондоне часто идет дождь.
  • В прошлые выходные погода была ужасная.
  • Выгуливает собаку он 2 раза в день.
  • Мы на следующей неделе поедем в деревню.
  • Ученики на уроках слушают учителя.
  • Вчера в магазине я купила хорошие книги.

3. Find mistakes and write right sentences (найдите ошибки и напишите правильные предложения).

  • I think, I’ll tomorrow in the evening go to cinema.
  • She very much loves her parents.
  • In Paris we were in July last year.
  • I’m sure, they will in these competitions win.
  • Yesterday I too late went to bed.
  • James very well speaks English.
  • I’ll call in private my coach.
  • We don’t like at all cooking.
  • Last Friday very interesting cartoons children watched.


Упражнение 1

— My friend is a sportsman.

— Tomorrow he will play football.

— I love beautiful things.

— His parents are musicians.

— They are drinking tea now.

— I will do my homework tomorrow in the morning.

— Her sister was in Barcelona last autumn.

— He likes going to the gym in the evening.

— They went to school yesterday.

— This boy bit a teacher last week.

Упражнение 2

— I usually have breakfast at 8 a.m.

— His wife was in the restaurant.

— They will go to the USA in 2 weeks.

— Tom with his friends were at the party.

— It often rains in London.

— The weather was awful last weekend.

— He takes his dog out for a walk twice a day.

— We will go to the village next week.

— Pupils listen to the teacher at lessons.

— I bought good books in the shop yesterday.

Упражнение 3

— I think, I’ll go to cinema tomorrow in the evening.

— She loves her parents very much.

— We were in Paris in July last year.

— I’m sure, they will win in these competitions.

— I went to bed too late yesterday.

— James speaks English very well.

— I’ll call my coach in private.

— We don’t like cooking at all.

— Children watched very interesting cartoons last Friday.

Exercise 1

2. A competitive person always wants to win.

3. Spoilt children behave badly because they are given everything they want.

4. An aggressive person gets angry quickly and likes fighting and arguing.

5. Charming people have an attractive personality and make people like them.

6. A sensible person has common sense and is practical.

7. A sociable person is friendly and enjoys being with other people.

8. Anxious people are often worried or stressed.

9. A moody person is happy one minute and sad the next, and is often bad-tempered.

10. Independent people like doing things on their own, without help.

11. A bossy person likes giving orders to other people.

12. An affectionate person shows that they love or like people very much.

13. A jealous person thinks that someone loves another person more than them, or wants what other people have.

14. A sensitive person can be easily hurt or offended.

15. An ambitious person wants to be successful in life.

16. A reliable person is someone who you can trust or depend on.

17. A rebellious person doesn’t like obeying rules.

18. A stubborn person never changes his (or her) opinion or attitude about something.

Exercise 2

Clever – stupid

Generous – mean

Insecure – self-confident

Lazy – hard-working

Quiet – talkative

Shy – outgoing

Exercise 3


  • friendly (unfriendly)
  • honest (dishonest)
  • imaginative (unimaginative)
  • kind (unkind)
  • organised (unorganised)
  • reliable (unreliable)
  • selfish (unselfish)
  • sociable (unsociable)
  • tidy (untidy)


  • mature (immature)
  • patient (impatient)
  • responsible (irresponsible)
  • sensitive (insensitive)

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  • Make up sentences from these words and word combinations
  • Make tags in word
  • Make up sentences from the words and word combinations write them down
  • Make up sentences from the word перевод
  • Make up sentences from the word table