Make up questions from the words and word combinations using present perfect

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
  • Unit 2
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Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect. Write the sentences
Составьте вопросы из этих слов и словосочетаний, используя Present Perfect. Запишите предложения.


Has Barbara seen the new film?
Барбара видела новый фильм?


Have you met any foreign students?
Вы встречали каких-нибудь иностранных студентов?


Has Mark begun writing the report?
Марк начал писать отчет?


Has Bill rung the office yet?
Билл уже звонил в офис?


Have Jane and Mary visited their granny?
Джейн и Мэри навещали свою бабушку?


Has Len ever eaten pizza?
Лен когда-нибудь ел пиццу?


Has Olga become a professional dancer?
Ольга стала профессиональной танцовщицей?


Have you carried the suitcase into your room?
Вы отнесли чемодан в свою комнату?

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 7 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect. Write the sentences down.
Составьте вопросы из этих слов и словосочетаний, используя Present Perfect. Запишите предложения.

Годовая Контрольная за 7 класс.

I Use the new words from the box to complete the sentences.

Development, survive , pollute, recycle, disagreement, influence, protect, endangered, environment, responsible, nature, law, habitat, waste, pour.

  1. People must help endangered animals to survive. 2. Bob had a great ______ with his father about his future education. 3. The economic _____ of this region has improved recently.4. Toxic wastes ________ the rivers a lot. 5. To save forests people should _____ waste paper. 6. Mike wants to become an ecologist. He is interested in ______ . 7. Helen`s teacher has a great ________ on her. 8. Children should have a happy home _______. 9. In winter people usually wear warm jackets to _______ themselves from the cold. 10. In my opinion it`s a ______ of money to buy so many new clothes. 11 . Could you ______ another cup of tea for me, please? 12. Is Asia the natural _______ of tigers? 13. Many Parliament members were against this ________. 14. Nowadays a lot of _______ animal species live in zoos. 15. Mary is _______ for watering the plants in the classroom.

II. Write the second and the third forms of these verbs.

  1. To burn-burnt-burnt

  2. To damage- , 3. To wear — ; 4. To hide — ; 5. To break — ; 6. To forget — ; 7. To teach — ; 8. To blow — ; 9 . To buy -; 10. To take — ; 11. To be — ; 12. To choose — .


Use Present perfect or Present Perfect continuous to complete the sentences.

  1. Ben (always want)_____ to become journalist.2. Martin (write) ______

his project since morning. 3. Helen and Mike (teach) ______ in this school for five years. 4.Simon (love) ______ Mary all his life. 5.The children (dance) _______for an hour.

IV Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect. Write the sentences down.

1. met/any/ students/have/you/ foreign ?- _________________________

2 .begun/the report/ has/Mark/writing ?- _________________________

3 .yet/has/Bill/the /office/rung ? — _______________________________

4. eaten/ever/has/Len/pizza? — __________________________________

5. Olga/has/ a professional/ become/ dancer? — _____________________

  • 1) I haven’t been growing flowers since 2005.
    2) Andrea hasn’t been coming home early.
    3) Tim and Sonia haven’t been living in Rome since May.
    4) Mark hasn’t been exercising regularly.
    5) They haven’t been reading much recently.

  • Ответ

    Ответ дан

    Choose the correct form: present perfect or present perfect continuous.
    1) I
    1)have practised
    2)have been practising these tenses for three weeks now. Do you think I have made any progress?
    2) Helen
    1)has told
    2)has been telling me you are seriously ill. Why didn’t you tell me yourself.
    3) I
    1)have stared
    2)have been staring at this menu for ages now and I still haven`t decided yet.

  • Ответ

    Ответ дан

    4) I
    1)have often been telling
    2)have often told her to be extra careful when opening the car door. I’m not really surprised to hear that she hit a pedestrian.
    5) I
    1)have been doing
    2)have done paperwork all day. In all, I guess I have signed about 65 letters.

  • 1) I’ve been practicing these tenses for three weeks now. 2) Helen has told me you are seriously ill. 3) I’ve been staring this menu for ages and I still haven’t decided yet. 4) I have often told her to be extra careful when opening the car door. 5) I’ve been doing paperwork all day.

  • Ответ

    Ответ дан

  • Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

    Ответ: 1. Have you ever received a prize at school? (получал ли ты призы в школе)

    – Yes, I have(да); No, I haven’t(нет)

    2. Have you ever been abroad? (был ли когда-нибудь за границей)

    – Yes I have (да); No, I haven’t (нет)

    3. Have you ever visited art gallery (посещал ли галлерею искусства)

    – Yes, I have (да); No, I haven’t (нет)

    4.Have you ever performed in a school concert (участвовали ли в школьном концерте)

    – Yes, I have (да); No, I haven’t(нет)

    5. Have you decided what you want to do after school (решили ли что будете делать после школы)

    – Yes, I have(да); No, I haven’t (нет). можно ещё добавить что решили, например I want to become a doctor (хочу быть врачом)

    6. Have you made any plans for summer?(составили ли планы на лето)

    –Yes, I have(да); No, I haven’t (нет). опять же, можно добавить какие планы составили

    7. Have you ever lost anything valuable? (теряли что-нибудь ценное)

    – Yes, I have(да); No, I haven’t (нет). можете рассказать что теряли.

    8. Have you got a favourite school subject?(есть ли любимый школьный предмет)

    –Yes, I have (да);No, I haven’t(нет). советую сказать что ваш любимый предмет – английский. возможно к вам придираться в этом случае не будут :)

    Фух, ну вроде всё.

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