Make up a word my brother won the radwa for the best work

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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

Помогите, пожалуйста, с тестом. Срочно нужно! 1. My brother __ for a large company. a) is working  b) works  c) has worked 2. I __ my wallet. I can’t find it. a) have lost  b) have been losing  c) am losing 3. You’re late. I __ for half an hour. a) am waiting  b) have waited  c) have been waiting 4. I love this house. I __ here all my life. a) am living  b) have been living  c) have lived 8. John __ very pollite to people these days. a) has been  b) is being  c) has been being 9. __ this film? a) Do you enjoy  b) Have you enjoyed   c) Are you enjoying 10. Paul __ this bank. He hasn’t come back yet. a) has been to  b) has gone to  c) has been in 11. She __ poor, but now she is rich a) used to be  b)would be  c) has been 12. He __ a new suit yesterday. a) was buying  b) bought   c) had bought 13. She realized thet she __ to lock the door. a) forgot   b) had been forgetting  c) had forgotten 14. He __ at five o’clock yesterday evening. a) worked  b) was working  c) had been working

Автор: Гость

10. Healthy body, healthy mind

10a Stress free

1. Translate the words and make up 5
sentences with them about yourself.

to fall out/ argue with


переезжать в другой дом

потерять что-то ценное

to throw a party

не соглашаться с родителями

to sit exams

2. Fill in the gaps using the words
in ex. 2, p. 96 SB.

always feel nervous when I ________ _______ with my friends.

cannot go for a walk today as she has ______ _______ _____________ .

I am 25 I will ___________ a cool birthday _____________.

you ever __________ anything ___________? – Yes, I have. It was my i-phone.

find _____________ ________________ the most stressful for a teenager when you
have to make new friends and be on the same page with new teachers.

3.  Use the words to make up

time/ has/ no/ enough/ sit/ to/ around.

are/ my/ and/ brother/ I/ fighting/ silly/ about/ things.

they/ all/ are/ kinds/ about/ of/ rumours/ her.

people/ gossip/ to.

management/ time/ answer/ the.

4. Translate the sentence
from Russian into English using the words in bold at p. 96, ex. 3, SB.

Иногда полезнo
отдохнуть и ничего не делать.

Когда люди ссорятся – кто-то всегда
остается виноватым.

Важно планировать время и отделять необходимое
от желаемого.

Многие люди любят сплетничать.

Учись взаимодействовать.

5. Work in pairs. Make a
list of things that you should/ shouldn’t do at school. Share your ideas with
your classmates and then make a memo for students at your school.

6. Rewrite the sentences
and use unless.

carefully to the teacher or you will not know the rule. – You won’t know the
rule ________________________________________________

must apologise to Mary or she will ignore him. – Mary will _________

should manage your time or you will not be able to do everything on time. – You
will _________________________________________________

7.  Complete the
sentences using fall apart/ behind/ out with.

and Sarah have _________ __________ because Tom broke Sarah’s favourite doll.

but this jar has ___________ ____________. I can try and glue the pieces.

you don’t complete the tasks on time you can start _____________ ______________
the group.

8. Choose the problem or
offer a problem of your own and discuss it in groups of four. Give pieces of
advice and share your suggestions with your classmates.

have been ill for a long time and fall behind the group.

would like to start several clubs but have no time.

have fallen out with your best friend.

10b Accident prone

1. Make up sentences
using words from ex. 1, p. 98 SB in Russian and then read them out for your
partner to translate into English.

2. Play snowball – use
the words below and make up a story. One sentence from each student.

cut a finger, break a
leg, chip a tooth, sprain a wrist, bang one’s head, hurt one’s back, twist
one’s ankle.

3. Study the cartoon
strip at p. 98, SB and find English equivalents.

смотреть на кого-л.

вызвать скорую помощь

фонарный столб



4. Answer the questions
to the cartoon strip.

are the names of the main characters?

was Mat doing when he hit the lamp-post?

did Bill help Tom?

did the doctor say about the injure?

is more optimistic?

5. Retell the story in
the person of Bill/ Tom/ a doctor.

6. Complete each sentence
with myself/ yourself, etc.

cut __________ while he was cooking.

and Kate had a great time. They really enjoyed ___________.

out! This frying pan is very hot! Don’t hurt ___________.

think I should pay more attention to _______________.

7. Answer the questions
and use reflexive pronouns.

translated the text for you? – Nobody. I translated it ____________.

told you that Sarah was getting married? – Linda told me ____________.

you do the washing-up for me? – Why can’t you do it ______________.

Tom’s father buy him an i-phone? – No, Tom did it _____________.

8.  You are a journalist.
You have to write a short article about accidents. Add pictures to your

10c Doctor, Doctor!

1. Match the names of the
disease with the advice.




take a painkiller


have a hot cup of tea


lie down and get some

feel exhausted

put drops in it

sore throat

eat a light meal

2. Role play. You are at
home and you’ve got a headache. Call your friend and ask for an advice.

Culture Corner

1.     Read
the text at p. 101, SB and make up 5 questions to the text and ask them to your






English in use

1.     Read
the dialogue at p. 102, SB and imagine that you are Ann. Tell your mum about
your visit to Mrs Thompson.


Module 10.



to fall out/ argue with

Ссориться / спорить с


Брат или сестра


переезжать в другой дом

Lose sth valuable

потерять что-то ценное

to throw a party


Disagree with parents

не соглашаться с

to sit exams



always feel nervous when I fall out/ argue  with my friends.

cannot go for a walk today as she has too much homework.

I am 25 I will throw a cool birthday party.

you ever lost anything valuable? – Yes, I have. It was my

find changing schools the most stressful for a teenager when you have to
make new friends and be on the same page with new teachers.


has no enough time to sit around.

brother and I are always fighting about silly things.

are spreading all kinds of rumours about her.

like to gossip.

management is the answer.


it is useful to relax and sit around.

people fall out there’s somebody who gets the blame.

is important to manage the time and separate the have-tos from the want-tos.

people like to gossip.

to cooperate.


carefully to the teacher or you will not know the rule. – You won’t know the
rule untill you listen to the teacher carefully.

must apologise to Mary or she will ignore him. – Mary will ignore Peter until
he apologises to her.

should manage your time or you will not be able to do everything on time. – You
will not be able to do everything on time until you manage you time.


and Sarah have fallen out because Tom broke Sarah’s favourite doll.

but this jar has fallen apart. I can try and glue the pieces.

you don’t complete the tasks on time you can start falling behind the group.



смотреть на кого-л.


вызвать скорую помощь

Call for an ambulance

фонарный столб



Look out for…




and Mat

was skateboarding

wrapped his ankle.

might be broken



cut himself while he was cooking.

and Kate had a great time. They really enjoyed themselves.

out! This frying pan is very hot! Don’t hurt yourself.

think I should pay more attention to myself.


translated the text for you? – Nobody. I translated it myself.

told you that Sarah was getting married? – Linda told me herself.

you do the washing-up for me? – Why can’t you do it yourself?

Tom’s father buy him an i-phone? – No, Tom did it himself.






take a painkiller


eat a light meal


put drops in it

feel exhausted

lie down and get some

sore throat

have a hot cup of tea

Сегодня мы потренируемся в использовании настоящего простого времени Present Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в английском языке.

В этом уроке 8 упражнений на отработку Present Simple (презент симпл) с ответами, и вы сразу сможете проверить правильность их выполнения. Как обычно, упражнения расположены в порядке нарастания сложности.

правила Present Simple в английском языке

Упражнение 2. Напишите глаголы в Present Simple (вопросительные предложения)

Упражнение 3. Выберите и напишите don’t или doesn’t

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами в отрицательной форме Present Simple

Упражнение 5. Перетащите глаголы в нужное предложение

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски глаголами из рамочки в Present Simple

like                       not speak                         play                            cook                             love                              not go                      start                       do                           not stay                     work

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски глаголами is / are / do / does

Упражнение 8. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы


Упражнение 1.

  1. I work in a bank.
  2. Harry lives in London.
  3. My cat eats fish every day.
  4. Linda takes a shower every morning.
  5. We visit our parents once a week.
  6. I often meet my friends.
  7. They sometimes go to the cinema in the evening.
  8. The shops open at 10 am.
  9. Brandon writes stories in his free time.
  10. It snows a lot in winter here.

Упражнение 2.

  1. Do you like playing football?
  2. Does he watch TV every day?
  3. Do they live in a flat?
  4. Does your brother swim well?
  5. Do we have fruits in the fridge?
  6. Does she eat fish?
  7. Do you sleep a lot?
  8. Does he skip his English classes?
  9. Do they speak Spanish?
  10. Does your mum work in a school?

Упражнение 3.

  1. Carla doesn’t ride a bicycle.
  2. We don’t live in a big city.
  3. They don’t read news.
  4. I don’t go to bed late.
  5. Dan doesn’t enjoy winters.
  6. It doesn’t rain here a lot.
  7. I don’t wear jeans at work.
  8. Lily doesn’t play the piano.
  9. Jim and I don’t rent a flat.
  10. Sam doesn’t have any pets.

Упражнение 4.

  1. I don’t play computer games.
  2. Sue doesn’t do shopping on the weekend.
  3. We don’t get up early on Sundays.
  4. Neil doesn’t eat meat.
  5. They don’t go to Alaska every year.
  6. You don’t drink coffee.
  7. Mila doesn’t work very hard.
  8. I don’t know many people.
  9. Kyle doesn’t have many friends.
  10. They don’t speak Italian.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Do you go to the theatre every month?
  2. We never eat in restaurants.
  3. He often travels by bus.
  4. Terry cleans his flat twice a week.
  5. Julia wants to live near the sea.
  6. Vera buys new clothes every week.
  7. They usually ride a bicycle to school.
  8. I walk on the beach every morning.
  9. Matt has an expensive car, but he doesn’t drive it very often.
  10. We use a computer to make presentations.

Упражнение 6.

  1. Jerry is friendly, he likes meeting new people.
  2. Kate is shy, she doesn’t talk much.
  3. We like movies but we don’t go to the cinema very often.
  4. They live in America but they don’t speak good English.
  5. My Italian lesson is in the evening, it starts at 8 pm.
  6. The cafes are closed but supermarkets still work.
  7. I have a sweet tooth, I love chocolate.
  8. Tom is very active, he plays basketball every day.
  9. We stay at home most evenings.
  10. Susan is a chef, she cooks very well.

Упражнение 7.

  1. Are you from France?
  2. Is he a sportsman?
  3. Do they often go out at night?
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot?
  5. Are they architects?
  6. Is Sandra an actress?
  7. What do you do on the weekend?
  8. Where is your passport?
  9. Why is he late for the meeting?
  10. When does the lesson finish?
  11. Are Marta and John married?
  12. Why are you so happy?
  13. How long is the movie?
  14. What time does he usually wake up?

Упражнение 8.

  1. Are you from France? Yes, I am.
  2. Is he a sportsman? No, he isn’t.
  3. Do they often go out at night? Yes, they do.
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot? Yes, he does.
  5. Are they architects? Yes, they are.
  6. Is Sandra an actress? Yes, she is.
  7. What do you do on the weekend? I play board games.
  8. Where is your passport? It’s in my bag.
  9. When does the lesson finish? At 6 pm.
  10. How long is the movie? 3 hours.

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Упражнения на глагол TO BE в настоящем времени
  • Тест на TO BE в Present Simple
  • Тест на Present Simple (для начинающих) 
  • Тест на Present Simple (для продолжающих)

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  • Make up a word from the letters below
  • Make up a word combination to try
  • Make up a word and definition
  • Make up a word and call it that
  • Make symbols on word