Make this word cool

Cool Text Fonts

Hello! This is a generator for text fonts of the «cool» variety. I noticed people were trying to find a generator like fancy letters, but were ending up on actual font sites rather than generators of copy-paste text like this one. So currently this is basically a duplicate of the above, but I think I’ll try to collect a few more «cool» text fonts, like the old enlgish one, and specialise this a bit.

If you’re wondering how one produces cool text fonts like you see above, it’s fairly simple (but maybe not what you’d expect). Basically, the text that gets generated isn’t actually a font — it’s a bunch of symbols that are in the unicode standard. You’re reading symbols that are in the unicode standard right now — the alphabet is a part of it, as are all the regular symbols on your keyboard: !@#$%^&*() etc.

So the difference is, these rad «fonts» that are produces, just don’t happen to appear on your keyboard — there’s not enough room. The unicode standard has more than 100,000 symbols defined in it. That’s a lot of symbols. And amongst those symbols are many different «alphabets» — some of which this translator is able to produce.

Incidentally, the fact that they’re not actually fonts means that you can copy them to places like instagram, facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. If they were just fonts, you wouldn’t be able to copy and paste the text — it’d just show up ad plain text when you pasted it.

If there’s a super cool «font» within the unicode that you know of, and that isn’t currently included in this converter, please let me know! It’s really easy to add a new alphabet, so just copy the character and paste them in the comments area and I should see it. Thanks! Hope that you have fun with these different writing fonts :)

Edit: Check out for a bunch more fancy fonts that you can use in your Instagram bio, and a «font creator» which I think is pretty neat!

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“This is awesome,” Cameron thought to himself as he looked from his balcony at the sick ocean view in front of him.

Just one week ago he was living in a favella—in the ghetto—wondering if he would live until the end of the week. He couldn’t believe how bad ass he was feeling now, chillin’ at the top of his bitchin’ apartment in Rio de Janeiro.

“This view is the shit!” He still couldn’t believe his good luck. “Why had I gotten so lucky? What did I do to deserve this? Why am I able to look at this rad view, while some of my friends are just selling dope fighting for their survival?”

It all started with that killer photo Cameron had taken. He had gotten a phone call from a friend he hadn’t heard from in years…

“Is this information legit? Can I really trust her? If what she says is wrong, all the savings I have would be gone. But if what she says is right… this could be the most wicked thing that had ever happened to me.”

In the above story, you can see many different synonyms for the word “cool.”

Although all the italicized words above are synonyms for “cool,” they have slightly different meanings and contexts.

If speaking like a native is important to you, then you must learn these different ways to say “cool.”

The following is an excerpt from the ebook 101 Words You’ll Never Learn in School that you can receive for FREE when you sign up for the Real Life English newsletter.

The ebook also contains four more words for “cool” that are not mentioned in this article.

1. Awesome

When to use it: When you’re extremely impressed with something.
Usage Notes: Used in formal and informal situations, very common.
Example: “I met this beautiful girl the other day.” “Awesome! Do you like her?”

2. Sweet

When to use it: When something is pleasing to you.
Usage Notes: A little informal.
Example: “I did yoga for the first time yesterday.” “Sweet, good for you!”

3. Killer

When to use it: When referring to something excellent.
Usage Notes: Very informal. This may be a hint at Western culture—that the word killer is used in a good way.
Example: “Dude, that party last night was killer!”

4. Dope

When to use it: When you like something.
Usage Notes: Very informal. Dope can also mean drugs, but it is very commonly used by young people today to express happiness.
“I found $20 on the ground today.” “Dope, dude!
“I won a surfboard at the raffle.” “Are you serious?! That’s dope!”

5. Chill

When to use it: When something is calm and relaxing. Can also mean to meet up with someone.
Add-ons: Chill out, used to tell someone to calm down. Or I’m chill, meaning I don’t want what you’re offering.
Usage Notes: Very informal. Chill can also mean to cool something down.
“Hey man, you want to chill after I get off work?” “Yeah, I’ll bring over some beer.”
“Yeah I got a job at this local yoga studio.” “Chill, bro.”
“Why are you talking to my girlfriend?!” “Chill out dude, I don’t mean any harm.”
“Hey bro, you want some beer?” “Nah man, I’m chill.”

6. Sick

When to use it: To express enthusiasm.
Variations: Ill.
Usage Notes: Very informal. The literal meanings of both sick and ill (illness) are negative, but the slang versions are positive.
“Did you see that guy do a backflip? That was sick!” “Yeah, it was totally ill!”

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7. Bad ass

When to use it: When something displays the characteristics of a person with supreme confidence, extreme ability, and a disregard for authority.
Add-ons: Bad ass mother fucker (for emphasis).
Usage Notes: Very informal.
“I didn’t even study for the test, but I got 100%!” “Bad ass, dude!”
“Have you seen James bond? That dude’s a bad ass mother fucker.”

8. Bitchin’

When to use it: When something is extremely cool.
Usage Notes: Very informal. Can also be used to mean whining or complaining, as in “stop bitchin’.”
“Check out that Ferrari! It’s bitchin’!”
“Why didn’t you take out the trash?! You never remember to take out the trash! Do you think the trash gets taken out all by itself?!”
“Man he never stops bitching…” “I heard that!”

9. The shit

When to use it: To describe something you really like.
Usage Notes: Very informal. “The shit” is a good thing, but just “shit” is a bad thing. It’s usually not used to describe a person.
“Dude, that movie was the shit!” “Yeah, it was awesome!
“Dude, that movie was shit!” “Yeah, I didn’t like it either.”

10. Wicked

When to use it: Another word for cool.
Usage Notes: Very informal. Can also be used as an adverb to add emphasis to whatever it’s describing.
“I finally got my driver’s license.” “Wicked cool, now you can drive me around!”
“I passed my biology class. Wicked!

11. Legit

When to use it: When something is agreeable to you or when what you’re describing is real, not fake.
Usage Notes: Informal. Short for legitimate. A common phrase on the internet is “seems legit.” This is jokingly used when something is obviously fake or a lie.
“Yo, check out my Ray Bans (sun glasses).” “Nice, man. But it says ‘Made in China.’ Are you sure they’re legit…?”
“Damn I like this. This song’s legit!”

12. Rad

When to use it: Another word for cool.
Usage Notes: Informal. Short for radical, which is still used but less common.
“That shirt is rad, man.”


How dope is it that you’re learning all these bitchin’ words that natives use all the time? Using these sick phrases makes your English legit.

Start having an awesome time with English by learning wicked fun words you’ll never learn in school.

Sign up now for the Real Life English newsletter and download the free ebook 101 Words You’ll Never Learn in School and start sounding like a bad ass.

NOTE: Starting the 4th of February, 2013, the ebook will be updated and only the first chapter will be given away for free. So get it now.

This article was written and read by Trevor Pirtle, the project leader of Real Life English and the author of 101 English Words You’ll Never Learn in School. Trevor is from California, USA but lives in Belo Horizonte, Brazil where he teaches English and yoga for non-native English speakers.

Generate cool, classy, and stylish fonts for your text through the Cool text generator to copy and paste.

How to use our cool text generator?

Paste your content in the text box or simply type the text and the cool font generator will give you different choices of fonts to copy and use.

Cool Text Generator:

The cool text generator takes your text and presents it in new different fonts. These fonts are different from each other. 

Some of these fonts include emojis and some contain symbols. Others are just various fonts. Yet all of them are unique and appealing.

Make your internet self more fancy and stylish with this cool font generator. Below you can see different suggestions of fonts for your Instagram bios.

Which font to use in my Instagram bio?

People have been recently using different fonts to beautify their Instagram bios. Not only do these fonts grab the attention of the viewer they also give off a friendly vibe. You can also use invisible symbol tool for your instagram profile bio.

But if you are wondering what font will be best for your page, then it depends on the type of page you are handling. 

If your Instagram is about photography like nature, landscape, e.t.c then the best choice will be to use a calm font like a spacing font. Its sample is here;
“Spacing font”

But if you run a meme page or you show your bubbly life to the audience then you might like something that includes emojis.

For instance «cool text generator«

If you run some spooky kind of page then you would like the Zalgo text because it has that “Don’t mess with me” vibe. For someone whose page deals with matrix, coding, and programming, we suggest using the glitch text generator.

Note: There are 1 anagrams of the word cool. Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
Search More words for viewing how many words can be made out of them
There are 2 vowel letters and 2 consonant letters in the word cool. C is 3rd, O is 15th, L is 12th, Letter of Alphabet series.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english language. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same length as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

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  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, cool·er, cool·est.

moderately cold; neither warm nor cold: a rather cool evening.

feeling comfortably or moderately cold: I’m perfectly cool, but open the window if you feel hot.

imparting a sensation of moderate coldness or comfortable freedom from heat: a cool breeze.

permitting such a sensation: a cool dress.

not excited; calm; composed; under control: to remain cool in the face of disaster.

not hasty; deliberate: a cool and calculated action.

lacking in interest or enthusiasm: a cool reply to an invitation.

lacking in warmth or cordiality: a cool reception.

calmly audacious or impudent: a cool lie.

aloof or unresponsive; indifferent: He was cool to her passionate advances.

unaffected by emotions; disinterested; dispassionate: She made a cool appraisal of all the issues in the dispute.

Informal. (of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification: a cool million dollars.

(of colors) with green, blue, or violet predominating.


  1. great; fine; excellent: a real cool comic.
  2. characterized by great facility; highly skilled or clever: cool maneuvers on the parallel bars.
  3. socially adept: It’s not cool to arrive at a party too early.
  4. acceptable; satisfactory; okay: If you want to stay late, that’s cool.




  1. (used to express acceptance): Okay, cool! I’ll be there at 10:00.
  2. (used to express approval, admiration, etc.): He got the job? Cool!


something that is cool; a cool part, place, time, etc.: in the cool of the evening.


calmness; composure; poise: an executive noted for maintaining her cool under pressure.

verb (used without object)

to become cool (sometimes followed by down or off): The soup cooled in five minutes. We cooled off in the mountain stream.

to become less ardent, cordial, etc.; become moderate.

verb (used with object)

to make cool; impart a sensation of coolness to.

to lessen the ardor or intensity of; allay; calm; moderate: Disappointment cooled his early zealousness.

Verb Phrases

cool down. See entry at cooldown.

cool off, Informal. to become calmer or more reasonable: Wait until he cools off before you talk to him again.

cool out, Slang. to calm or settle down; relax: cooling out at the beach.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about cool

    cool it, Slang. calm down; take it easy.

Origin of cool

First recorded before 1000; Middle English col, coul, Old English cōl; cognate with Middle Low German kōl, Old High German kuoli, German kühl; see cold, chill

synonym study for cool

1. See cold. 5. See calm.


cool·ing·ly, adverbcool·ish, adjectivecool·ly, adverbcool·ness, noun

o·ver·cool, adjectiveo·ver·cool·ly, adverbo·ver·cool·ness, nounre·cool, verbsub·cool, verb (used with object)ul·tra·cool, adjectiveun·cooled, adjectivewell-cooled, adjective

Words nearby cool

cooktop, Cooktown orchid, cook up, cookware, cook with gas, cool, coolabah, coolamon, coolant, cool as a cucumber, cool bag Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to cool

chilly, frigid, frosty, refreshing, placid, quiet, relaxed, serene, tranquil, lukewarm, neat, air-cool, air-condition, chill, cool down, freeze, refrigerate, ice, calm, chill out

How to use cool in a sentence

  • So, the water cooled in the salt slush was definitely colder than the water cooled in simple ice.

  • According to a Monday blog post from Microsoft, the consistently cool underwater temperatures made it possible to use similar heat-exchange plumbing to the kind found on submarines.

  • We handled some of the work, so you can get your cool java sooner.

  • While it seems everyone wants to keep pace with the cool kids, everyone can’t keep pace with the cool kids.

  • We look at the trends, and it’s a reason we started a delivery service before it was cool.

  • It’s cool because Trenchmouth opened for Green Day in the early ‘90s in Wisconsin.

  • She came to sound check, that was the first time we ever performed it, and it was really cool.

  • Triton prices the 1000/3 LP at a cool $3.15 million—inclusive of pilot training.

  • Allow beans to cool completely then remove to a paper towel-lined plate to dry.

  • The Ismael brothers even make an effort to look cool, if not fashionable, by local standards.

  • Things looked anxious for a bit, but by this morning’s dawn all are dug in, cool, confident.

  • It mounted straight as a plume for a little way, until it met the cool air of evening which was beginning to fall.

  • He has told me that their society produced on him the effect of the cool hands of saints against his cheek.

  • I laved his pain-twisted face with the cool water and let a few drops trickle into his open mouth.

  • As for him, he much preferred the darkness of his cool, damp galleries under the ground.

British Dictionary definitions for cool


moderately colda cool day

comfortably free of heata cool room

producing a pleasant feeling of coldnessa cool shirt

able to conceal emotion; calma cool head

lacking in enthusiasm, affection, cordiality, etca cool welcome

calmly audacious or impudent

informal (esp of numbers, sums of money, etc) without exaggeration; actuala cool ten thousand

(of a colour) having violet, blue, or green predominating; cold

(of jazz) characteristic of the late 1940s and early 1950s, economical and rhythmically relaxed

informal sophisticated or elegant, esp in an unruffled way

informal excellent; marvellous


not standard in a cool manner; coolly


coolnessthe cool of the evening

slang calmness; composure (esp in the phrases keep or lose one’s cool)

slang unruffled elegance or sophistication


(usually foll by down or off) to make or become cooler

(usually foll by down or off) to lessen the intensity of (anger or excitement) or (of anger or excitement) to become less intense; calm down

cool it (usually imperative) slang to calm down; take it easy

cool one’s heels to wait or be kept waiting

Derived forms of cool

coolingly, adverbcoolingness, nouncoolish, adjectivecoolly, adverb

coolness, noun

Word Origin for cool

Old English cōl; related to Old Norse kōlna, Old High German kuoli; see cold, chill

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with cool

In addition to the idioms beginning with cool

  • cool as a cucumber
  • cool down
  • cool it
  • cool off
  • cool one’s heels
  • cool out

also see:

  • keep cool
  • keep one’s cool
  • play it cool

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Encooled text

Make your firends think a bit more about what you say by using text symbols. This cool text generator uses a wide variety of symbols. The text it makes reminds my of graffiti. It looks cooler, though a bit less readable.

Encool uses text characters you can find in Cool Symbols ♡😎 and Fancy Letters Font. There are lots more characters there, so I really recommend you check those 2 out. And don’t forget that you can also type it all with your keyboard. Read about keyboard symbols.

Ї αм ωяїтḯη❡ ♏ƴ ℒḯḟℯ тø ʟαυℊн @т мƴṧεʟḟ, αᾔ∂ ℑ αм ṧüḉ¢ℯℯḓїη❡▪
Gɪᴀᴄᴏᴍᴏ Cᴀsᴀɴᴏᴠᴀ

(ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴀʟs)

∃√ℯя¥ ґ◎αⅾ ℓεαⅾṧ ⊥ø ¢εм℮т℮я⑂▣ | Sᴀsʜᴋᴏ Pᴏʟᴏᴢʜʏɴsᴋʏ

Їм@ℊḯᾔαтḯ◎ᾔ ḯ﹩ ☤μї⊥αт☤◎η ☺ƒ ☤ηᾔ◎ṽαтїøᾔ, ʟїμї☂ℯⅾ ♭ƴ ღ◎☂ḯ♥@⊥ḯøη▪ | Iʜᴏʀ Mᴇɴsʜʏᴋᴏᴠ

Press [Shift] to re-Encool.




There are so many words in the English language, but you often use the same ones over and over again. If you have an intention of brushing up your vocabulary a bit, try including some new and cool words. The use of such cool and funny words will surely help you to impress others. The article provides you with various examples of cool words.

  • Funny Cool Words
  • Short Cool Words
  • Unique Cool Words
  • Cool Words with Cool Meanings
  • What are the benefits of using cool words?
  • Give some examples of unique cool words?
  • What are 10 interesting words?

Funny Cool Words

Have a look at some of the funniest as well as cool words in the English language. Even though these words may appear funny, the use of such words can improve your vocabulary.

  • accoutrements
  • adagio
  • aficionado
  • agita
  • agog
  • akimbo
  • alfresco
  • aloof
  • quiddle
  • quinzee
  • quirky
  • quixotic
  • quizzity
  • rabble-rouser
  • raconteur
  • rainmaker
  • ragamuffin
  • ragtag
  • ramshackle
  • ransack
  • rapscallion
  • razzle-dazzle
  • razzmatazz
  • rejigger
  • rendezvous
  • resplendent
  • rickrack
  • ricochet
  • riffraff
  • rigmarole
  • riposte
  • roundabout
  • roustabout
  • rubberneck
  • ruckus
  • ruffian
  • rugrat
  • rumpus
  • sabayon
  • sashay
  • sassafras
  • scalawag (also scallywag)
  • scatterbrain
  • ambrosial
  • amok
  • ampersand
  • anemone
  • anthropomorphic
  • antimacassar
  • aplomb
  • apogee
  • apoplectic
  • wonky
  • woozy
  • wordplay
  • wordsmith
  • wunderkind
  • wuthering
  • xylophone
  • yahoo
  • yokel
  • yo-yo
  • zaftig
  • zeitgeist
  • appaloosa
  • apparatus
  • archipelago
  • atingle
  • avuncular
  • azure
  • babushka
  • bailiwick
  • bafflegab
  • balderdash
  • ballistic
  • bamboozle
  • bandwagon
  • barnstorming
  • beanpole
  • bedlam

Short Cool Words

There are several cool words in the world that can be used to describe your life in detail. If you are in search of such words, the wait is over. Here are some short cool words to enhance your vocabulary:

  • Ragtag
  • Reptilian
  • Ransack
  • Rickrack
  • Riffraff
  • Rambunctious
  • Riposte
  • Earwig
  • Exquisite
  • Effervescent
  • Eavesdrop
  • Egads
  • Equilibrium
  • Elixir
  • Egghead
  • Gadfly
  • Gazebo
  • Gewgaw
  • Gimcrack
  • Gerrymandering
  • Gizmo
  • Glitch
  • Guffaw
  • Guru
  • Gumshoe
  • Igloo
  • Ideas
  • Insidious
  • Indigo
  • Izzard
  • Ironclad

See More:

  • Tone Words
  • Opposite Words
  • Negative Words

Unique Cool Words

Given below is a list of some of the unique and unusual words that are interesting to learn:

  • Flummox
  • Dowdy
  • Howdy
  • Nincompoop
  • Muesli
  • Phlegm
  • Baloney
  • Zeal
  • Flimflam
  • Noxious

Cool Words

Cool Words with Cool Meanings

Given below is a list of words that sound cool and carry cool meanings:

  • Sabayon — French term for zabaglione
  • Sarmie — Refers to a type of sandwich
  • Scofflaw — a person who does not follow the law
  • Sassafras — Is a tree seen in America
  • Jabberwocky- refers to a playful imitation of the language
  • Jalopy — refers to an old automobile
  • Jitney — a small bus or car that has a regular route and that which picks up and discharges passengers
  • Kaput — ruined
  • Kerfuffle — a commotion
  • Kismet – means destiny
  • Lackadaisical — without interest
  • Lampoon- a sharp satire or criticism against someone

A wide variety of English Grammar Notes and rules along with enough examples is available for students right from beginner to advanced level and can be downloaded for free.

FAQs on Cool Words

1. What are the benefits of using cool words? 

The use of cool words has several benefits. Such cool words will improve your vocabulary. The use of cool and funny words will also help you sound smarter and more confident.

2. Give some examples of unique cool words?

Examples of unique cool words include

  • Howdy
  • Nincompoop
  • Muesli
  • Phlegm
  • Baloney

3. What are 10 interesting words?

The 10 interesting words are as follows

  • Howdy
  • Baloney
  • Zeal
  • Phlegm
  • Nincompoop
  • Muesli
  • Noxious
  • Flimflam
  • Gizmo
  • Glitch
  • Guffaw


The use of cool words can help you sound smarter, feel smarter and more confident, or maybe just help you hate English a little less. Some words sound cool, while others are considered to be cool since such words have a unique meaning. Irrespective of what makes words cool, the use of such cool words will improve your vocabulary and make sure that you enjoy speaking and writing in the English language.

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