В английском языке два числа существительных, как и в русском: единственное и множественное (в некоторых языках бывает и по-другому). На первый взгляд может показаться, что множественное число существительных в английском языке образуется по каким-то трудным, непонятным правилам. На самом деле все просто, поскольку в большинстве случаев множественное число образуется по основному правилу, а остальные случаи быстро запоминаются с практикой.
- Правила образования множественного числа существительных в английском языке.
- Основное правило.
- Существительные на -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss.
- Существительные на согласную + y.
- Существительные на -o.
- Существительные на -f, -fe.
- Таблица: множественное число существительных в английском языке.
- Особые случаи образования множественного числа.
- Множественное число образуется не по общим правилам.
- Совпадают формы множественного и единственного числа.
- Существительные, употребляемые только в единственном числе.
- Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе.
- Множественное число составных существительных.
Правила образования множественного числа существительных в английском языке
1. Основное правило
В большинстве случаев множественное число существительных в английском языке (plural) образуется с помощью окончания -s. Обратите внимание на то, как произносится это окончание:
- После гласных и звонких согласных — как [z],
- После глухих согласных — как [s].
House — houses | Дом — дома |
Driver — drivers | Водитель — водители |
Shop — shops | Магазин — магазины |
Boy — boys | Мальчик — мальчики |
Впрочем, если вы будете путаться в произношении -s в конце слова, вас наверняка поймут.
2. Существительные на -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss
А что, если слово и так заканчивается на —s? В таком случае (для большего благозвучия и удобства произношения) нужно добавлять -es. То же касается слов на -ss, -sh, —ch, —x, -z.
Box — boxes | Коробка — коробки |
Match — matches | Матч — матчи |
Bus — buses | Автобус — автобусы |
glass — glasses | Стакан — стаканы |
Waltz — waltzes | Вальс — вальсы |
Окончание -es помогает выговорить сочетания звуков, которые были бы без него трудновыговариваемыми. Напомню, -es добавляется в конце слов на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z. Представьте, что было бы без -es:
watchs, matchs, boxs, buss (!), classs (!!!)
Согласитесь, куда проще выговорить слова:
watches, matches, boxes, buses, classes.
3. Существительные на согласную + y
Если существительное заканчивается на согласную + окончание -y, то -y меняется на -ies.
City — cities | Город — города |
Army — armies | Армия — армии |
Factory — factories | Фабрика — фабрики |
Baby — babies | Малыш — малыши |
Если существительное заканчивается на гласную + окончание -y, то к -y добавляется -s. Иначе говоря, множественное число образуется по основному правилу.
Boy — boys | Мальчик — мальчики |
Toy — toys | Игрушка — игрушки |
Valley — valleys | Долина — долины |
Day — days | День — дни |
4. Существительные на -o
Если существительное заканчивается на -o, нужно прибавить -es.
Hero — heroes | Герой — герои |
Motto — mottoes | Девиз — девизы |
Tomato — tomatoes | Помидор — помидоры |
Cargo — cargoes | Груз — грузы |
Volcano — volcanoes | Вулкан — вулканы |
- photo — photos (фотография),
- memo — memos (памятка).
- piano — pianos (пианино),
5. Существительные на -f, -fe
В существительных, заканчивающихся на -f или —fe, нужно заменить -f или —fe на -ves.
Wolf — wolves | Волк — волки |
Wife — wives | Жена — жены |
Knife — knives | Нож — ножи |
Elf — elves | Эльф — эльфы |
Life — lives | Жизнь — жизни |
Leaf — leaves | Лист (растения) — листья |
6. Таблица: множественное число существительных в английском языке
На этом изображении приведена краткая сводка правил образования множественного числа существительного.
Особые случаи образования множественного числа в английском языке
В английском есть исключения из правил образования множественного числа. Большинство из них касаются довольно редких слов, важнее всего запомнить случаи из первого пункта (man — men, woman — women и др.), поскольку они самые частые.
1. Основные исключения: множественное число образуется не по общим правилам
Ряд существительных образует множественное число нестандартным способом:
Child – children | Ребенок — дети |
Woman – women | Женщина — женщины |
Man – men | Мужчина — мужчины (человек — люди) |
Tooth — teeth | Зуб — зубы |
Foot — feet | Стопа — стопы |
Mouse — mice | Мышь — мыши |
Примечание: слово women читается как [ˈwɪmɪn].
2. Совпадают формы множественного и единственного числа
У некоторых существительных формы множественного и единственного числа совпадают. К ним относятся:
Deer — deer | Олень — олени |
Moose — moose | Лось — лоси |
Series — series | Серия(сериал) — серии (сериалы) |
Species — species | Вид, особь — виды, особи |
Aircraft — aircraft | Воздушное судно — воздушные суда |
Salmon — salmon | Лосось — лососи |
Sheep — sheep | Овца — овцы |
Shrimp — shrimp (shrimps тоже допустимо) | Креветка — креветки |
3. Существительные, употребляемые только в единственном числе
Как и в русском языке, некоторые существительные в английском языке используются только в единственном или множественном числе. К ним относятся:
1. Абстрактные, неисчисляемые существительные
- Knowledge — знание,
- Love — любовь,
- Friendship — дружба,
- Information — информация,
2. Названия наук, учебных дисциплин на -ics
Хоть они и заканчиваются на -s, эти слова используются в значении единственного числа.
- Economics — экономика,
- Physics — физика,
- Aerobics — аэробика,
- Classics — классическая литература.
3. И другие
- Money — деньги,
- Hair — волосы.
3. Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе
Как и в русском языке, многие названия парных предметов не имеют единственного числа
- Pants — брюки,
- Scissors — ножницы,
- Glasses — очки (для глаз, а не очки в игре),
Некоторые слова, употребляемые в английском только во множественном числе, в русском языке употребляются во множественном и единственном:
- Goods — товар, товары.
- Clothes — одежда.
Примечание: clothes is или clothes are?
Часто возникают трудности со словом clothes — одежда. Употреблять его как единственное число или множественное? Как правильно писать: clothes is или clothes are?
Мы привыкли, что «одежда» — это единственное число в русском языке, поэтому норовим употреблять английское clothes на русский манер, как если бы это было существительным в единственном числе, но это ошибка. В английском это слово — множественного числа и употребляется соответственно:
- Неправильно: Your clothes is so dirty. — Твоя одежда такая грязная.
- Правильно: Your clothes are so dirty. — Твоя одежда такая грязная.
4. Множественное число составных существительных
Составные существительные состоят более чем из одного слова, они могут писаться:
- Раздельно или через дефис: mother-in-law (теща), assistant headmaster (помощник директора школы).
- Слитно: postman (почтальон), schoolboy (школьник).
В раздельных составных существительных как правило, форму множественного числа принимает слово, имеющее основное значение:
Mother-in-law — mothers-in-law | Теща — тещи |
Passer-by — passers-by | Прохожий — прохожие |
В слитных составных существительных форму множественного числа принимает последнее слово.
Toothbrush — toothbrushes | Зубная щетка — зубные щетки |
Fireman — firemen | Пожарный — пожарные |
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Are you having trouble figuring out the plural for a noun then enter the word into the plural noun generator below to receive an answer from hundreds of plurals for common nouns in American English.
In case where it doesn’t have an answer then I would recommend you look it up on Merriam Webster or Dictionary.com or your favorite search engine.
You can also download a list of 700 nouns and their plurals for future reference.
How Do You Make Nouns Plural?
For those of you who might be interested, I’ve written a sort of entertaining and comprehensive guide to the rules for plurals in American English.
Go check it out if that sounds like something you might be looking for.
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Английские исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа. Они называются изменяемые сущ. (variable nouns). Другие же, которые используются только в единственном или исключительно во множественном числе называются неизменяемыми сущ-ными (invariable nouns).
Сегодня вы узнаете, как образуются plural nouns, познакомитесь со списком исключений и в конце статьи сможете пройти онлайн-тест на множественное число существительных.
Variable Nouns
Изменяемые существительные делятся на регулярные сущ-ные (regular plurals) и неправильные (irregular plurals).
Как формируется множественное число: regular plurals
Множественное число имен существительных в английском языке образуется в основном путем добавления окончания -s в конец слова. Несмотря на то что это правило действительно простое, все же есть случаи, когда нужно заучить некоторые нюансы.
- Суффикс -s используется:
– к существительному: chair – chairs;
– в именах собственных: the Gatsbys, the Kennedys;
– к существительным, заканчивающиеся на гласную + y: day – days.
- Суффикс -es добавляется к сущ-ным, которые заканчиваются:
– на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z, o: bus – buses, buzz – buzzes and etc;
– к сущ., заканчивающиеся на согласную + o: potato – potatoes.
- Существительные на -o имеют форму множественного числа -os:
– vowel + o: studio – studios;
– double oo: bamboo – bamboos;
– сокращения: autos, kilos, memos;
– в именах собственных: Romeo – Romeos;
– музыкальные инструменты: pianos, solos, tangos, sopranos.
Суффикс -ies добавляется к словам, которые заканчиваются на согласную + y: teddy – teddies, nanny – nannies.
[qsm quiz=59]
- [s] after voiceless consonants (после глухих согласных): caps, hats, books.
- [z] after voiced consonants and vowels (после звонких согласных и гласных): flowers, beds, boys.
- [iz] after sibilants (свистящий звук): matches, noses.
Предлагаем изучить таблицу, где наглядно показано различие между singular and plural nouns.
множественное число сокращений иногда формируется в орфографии путем удвоения буквы:
― Ms (manuscript) ― MSS (рукописи),
― p. (page) ― pp. (страницы),
― Mr (Mister) ― Messrs (господа),
― MP (Member of Parliament) ― MPs [‘em’pi:z] (or MP’s) (члены парламента),
― MD (Doctor of Medicine) ― MDs [‘em’di:z] (доктора медицины).
NB! На заметку
1. Существительное penny (пенс) имеет две формы множественного числа: pence и pennies. Слово pence используется в британском английском языке, чтобы указать цену или стоимость чего-то. Pennies относится к отдельным монетам как в British English, так и в AmE (где это означает центы), а также иногда употребляется как слегка юмористическое слово для денег.
– She wants to put some pennies in a machine but hasn’t got money. – Она хочет положить несколько монет в машину, но у нее нет денег.
– Pies were ten pence off for the staff. – Пироги стояли на десять пенсов дешевле для персонала.
Слово pence в британском английском в разговорах очень часто используется как просто p (пи).
2. Отдельные существительные, которые считаются правильными в английском, в русском они рассматриваются как неправильные:
– Please shut the gate. – Пожалуйста, закрой ворота.
– Recently we attended the funeral service of a woman who retired less than two years ago. –Недавно мы посетили похороны женщины, которая ушла на пенсию менее двух лет назад.
– I don’t wear a watch – Я не ношу наручные часы.
– The fisherman loaded the sledge with his catch, and then he went home. – Рыбак погрузил улов в сани, а затем отправился домой.
Образование особенных существительных: Irregular Plurals
Образовать множественное число существительных в английском языке, зная основные правила очень просто. Но существуют слова исключения, которые формируются по-другому. Такие сущ-ные называются неправильными.
Следующие правила образования необходимо выучить наизусть:
1. Voicing (озвончение)
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f(e), образуют множественное число, заменяя -f(e) на -ve:
– In most Muslims countries, it is legal for a man to have two or even more wives. – В большинстве мусульманских стран законно иметь двух или даже больше жен.
– The thieves stole a picture by Rembrandt which costs thousands of dollars. – Воры украли картину Рембрандта, которая стоит тысячи долларов.
Другие nouns, которые заканчиваются на -f не изменяются, например: belief – beliefs (вера), proof – proofs (доказательство).
В некоторых случаях возможны окончания -fs и -ves: scarf – scarfs/scarves and etc.
Слово Still life (натюрморт) имеет правильную мн. форму: still lifes.
2. Мутация
Plural forms of special nouns (множественная форма особенных сущ-ных) меняется на другую гласную.
Несколько примеров:
– Man/Woman: We plan to organise women‘s football on similar lines to that of men‘s football. –Мы планируем организовать женский футбол по аналогии с мужским.
– The sugar in cola and juices will eat at your child’s teeth and may cause decay. – Сахар в коле и соках разъедает зубы вашего ребенка и может вызвать гниение.
3. -en plural
Ox ― oxen, child ― children, brother ― brethren
Слово brethren используется как форма обращения к людям в церкви.
4. Zero inflection
Некоторые сущ. имеют одинаковую форму в единственном и множественном числе:
a) Национальности на -ese, -ss: Japanese ― the Japanese, a Swiss ― the Swiss;
b) Количественные сущ-ные: hundred, thousand, million, dozen, stone (3 dozen eggs, but dozens of people) (two hundred books, but hundreds of books);
c) Сохранение окончания -s единственного числа без изменений во множественном:
a means ― means, a works (завод) ― works, a barracks ― barracks, a headquarters ― headquarters, a series ― series, a species ― species;
d) Имена животных: a sheep ― sheep, a swine ― swine, a deer ― deer, a fish ― fish.
5. Множественное число иностранного происхождения
Иностранные слова (loans) обычно встречаются в специальных контекстах, например, s-plural является более естественным в повседневной речи, таким образом, formulas (способ, рецепт), а formulae означает формула, которая используется, чтобы выразить математические правила. Еще один пример antennas (антенна радио или телевизора), слово antennae употребляется в биологии, что означает усики, щупальце насекомых.
В таблице ниже представлены иностранные слова, которые заканчиваются на определенное окончание и меняются в соответствии с правилом.
If the word ends in (Если слово оканчивается) |
The plural number inflection is |
на -us | -i: stimulus [ˈstɪmjələs] = stimuli [ˈstɪmjəlaɪ] стимул. -ora: corpus [ˈkɔː.pəs] = corpora [ˈkɔ:pərə] своды; тело (человека, животного). – era: opus [ˈəʊ.pəs]= opera [ɒpərə] музыкальное произведение, опера. |
на -a | -ae: vertebra[ˈvɜː.tɪ.brə] = vertebrae [ˈvə:tɪbri:] позвонок. |
на -um | -a: stratum [ˈstrɑː.təm] = strata [ˈstrɑː.tə] геология: слой, пласт. |
на -is | -es: basis [beɪsɪs] = bases [ˈbeɪsiːz] основание, причина. |
на -on | -a: criterion [kraɪˈtɪəriən] = criteria критерий. |
на -ex, -ix | -ices: appendix [əˈpendɪks] = appendices [əˈpendɪsi:z]приложение. Appendixes (мед.) – аппендикс. |
Множественное число с животными, птицами, деревьями
Имена животных и птиц имеют две формы: единственное и множественное число. Тем не менее когда вы ссылаетесь на них в контексте охоты или говорите, что их много, довольно часто используется форма без окончания -s, даже если вы имеете в виду несколько животных или птиц, например: They hunted gazelle. – Они охотились на газелей. Внимание! охота на животных плохо влияет на человеческую карму! Звери тоже чувствуют боль!
Стоит отметить, что the plural form глагола употребляется, когда несколько животных или птиц являются подлежащем предложения, даже если используется форма без -s: Antelope are a more difficult prey*. – Антилопы – более сложная добыча. *Prey –an animal that is hunted and killed by another animal.
Точно так же, когда вы имеете в виду большое количество деревьев или растений, растущих вместе, можете использовать единственную форму их имен. Когда имеется в виду небольшое число или отдельные деревья, или растения, обычно используется -s.
Это же правило можно применить и к существительному fish. The plural of noun fishes встречается относительно редко. Мн. число обычно привлекает внимание к отдельным субъектам, нулевое мн.ч. – к животным как к группе:
– We caught three little fishes. – Мы поймали три маленьких рыбки.
– My dreams are like silvery fish: I grab at their tails, but they wriggle from my grasp. – Мои сны подобны серебристым рыбам: я хватаю их за хвосты, но они вырываются из моих рук.
Неизменяемые существительные: Invariable nouns
В данном разделе вам не нужно будет изучать, как образуется множественное число сущ., при помощи каких окончаний необходимо сформировать слова в plural form. Неизменяемые существительные делятся на Singular Invariables и Plural Invariables. Стоит всего лишь запомнить список слов, которые относятся либо к единственному числу, либо к множественному.
Употребление существительных только в единственном числе
- Сюда относятся те существительные, которые употребляются только в ед.ч.:
– Material nouns (Вещественные сущ): sugar (сахар), oil (масло), gold (золото).
– Abstract nouns (абстрактные существительные): luck (удача), information (информация).
– Proper names (имена собственные): The Thames, Berlin.
- Некоторые сущ-ные, заканчивающиеся на -s:
– Болезни (diseases): mumps, rabies.
– Игры (games): Billiards, draughts.
– *Название предметов на -ics: aerobics, genetics, linguistics, phonetics.
*Но просим обратить внимание, что слова, которые заканчиваются на -ics иногда используются во множественном числе и в единственном. Если имеется в виду, что это название предмета, то глагол будет стоять в ед.ч., а когда подразумевается конкретное применение науки, то используется the verb во мн.ч. Сравните:
– Mathematics was never easy for me. – Математика никогда не давалась мне легко.
– The teacher told me that my mathematics were well below the standard. – Учитель мне сказал, что моя математика намного ниже стандарта. (Мое понимание математики или результат.)
– А также некоторые proper names: Athens, Brussels, Wales, the United States, the United Nations.
Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном числе
Сюда относятся:
1. Слова, обозначающие объекты, состоящие из двух частей (summation plurals):
Braces – подтяжки;
Shorts – шорты;
Glasses – очки;
Jeans – джинсы;
Leggings – леггинсы;
Tights – колготки;
Trousers – брюки;
Scissors – ножницы;
Scales – весы;
Binoculars – бинокль.
Когда нужно сослаться на один предмет одежды или инструмент, можно использовать some или a pair of перед существительным. Вы можете ссылаться на более чем один элемент, употребляя число или квантор с pairs of. Когда используете a pair of с существительным во множественном числе, глагол будет стоять в единственном, если он находится в том же предложении. Если глагол находится в следующем относительном придаточном предложении, он обычно стоит во мн.ч.
– I always wear a pair of long pants underneath, or a pair of pyjamas is just as good. – Я всегда ношу кальсоны под штаны, или пижаму, которая тоже хороша.
– Rebecca wore a pair of earphones, which were plugged, into a tape recorded. – Ребекка носила наушники, которые были подключены к магнитофону.
Miscellaneous nouns
К смешанным сущ. относятся следующие слова:
Annals [ænlz] – летописи;
Antics [ˈæntɪks] – выходки;
Archives [ˈɑːkaɪvz] – архив;
Arms [ɑːmz] – оружие;
Ashes [ˈæʃɪz] – прах;
Customs [ˈkʌstəmz] – таможня и другие.
Some plural proper names
Некоторые имена собственные во множественном числе:
– the Netherlands – Нидерланды;
– the Midlands – Центральные графства Англии;
– the Hebrides – Гебридские острова.
Следующие слова, которые в английском считаются plural invariable, в русском они единственного числа:
– All of her clothes were on the floor. – Вся ее одежда валялась на полу.
– Wages (US, plural) – зарплата, UK wage (no plural); – Rises earlier this year in tax and national insurance mean that average take-home wages are falling. – Повышение в начале этого года налогов и национального страхования означает, что средний оклад падает.
– Greens – овощи, зелень.
Множественное число составных существительных
Самые основные случаи сложных существительных (Compound nouns) представлены в виде таблицы.
Сложное сущ. состоит: | -s / -es добавляется: | Примеры |
1. Compound noun имеет только одно сущ.-ное. | к сущ-му | passer-by = passers-by (прохожий); looker-on = lookers-on (наблюдатель). |
2. The compound не содержит ни одного сущ. | в конец слова | letdown = letdowns (разочарование); forget-me-not = forget-me-nots (незабудка). |
3. Два сущ-ных, которые в основном пишутся через дефис. | ко второму слову | ball games = ball games; cat-burglar = cat-burglars (вор-форточник). |
4. Два сущ. соединяются предлогом. | к первому слову | editor-in-chief = editors-in-chief (главный редактор); man-of-war = men-of-war (военные корабли). |
5. The compound начинается со слова man или woman. | к двум существительным | man-servant = men-servants (слуга); woman-teacher = women-teachers. But: man-eaters, woman – haters. |
6. Два титула. | к двум титулом | Lord Justice = Lords Justices. |
7. Фразы. | к первому существительному | an Inn of Court = Inns of Court. |
8. Compounds in – ful | в конец слова | handful= handfuls (горсть); spoonful = spoonfuls or spoonsful (полная ложка чего-либо). |
Составные числительные с -one: twenty-one, thirty-one, etc. используется с сущ. во мн.ч.:
― Twenty-one children were present at the lesson. ― На уроке присутствовал двадцать один ребенок
Собирательные существительные в английском языке
Существует большое количество существительных, которые относятся к набору объектов, собранных вместе. Такие сущ. называются collective nouns (собирательные). Они включают в себя group nouns, nouns of multitude and mass nouns.
Group Nouns
Групповые существительные, такие как family и audience имеют единственную форму, но за ними может стоять как глагол в ед. ч так и во мн.ч., все зависит от того, рассматриваем ли мы группу как единицу (singular) или как ряд отдельных лиц (plural). Сравните:
– The staff of the hospital is very helpful. – Персонал больницы очень услужливый. (Staff as a group).
– The staff were all given prizes. – Всем сотрудникам были вручены призы. (Each member separately as individuals).
- Другие примеры собирательных существительных:
– Community – община;
– Jury – суд присяжных; жюри;
– Staff – штат, персонал;
– Crew – бригада, команда.
- Выбор между singular and plural verb, также ассоциируется с относительными местоимениями who и which:
– a family who are…
– a family which is…
Некоторые collective nouns часто употребляются с другими исчисляемыми существительными:
– A group of people were standing in the queue. – В очереди стояла группа людей.
Слова bacteria, data и media на сегодняшний день часто используется как собирательные сущ. Глагол может стоять либо в ед. ч., либо во мн.ч. и форма не изменяется:
– The media have/has a lot of money today. – В наше время у СМИ много денег.
Nouns of multitude
Сущ-ные множества употребляются во мн.ч., но не имеют окончания -s:
– People – люди;
– Police – полиция;
– Clergy – духовенство;
– Gentry – дворянство;
– Cattle – крупный рогатый скот;
– Poultry – домашняя птица;
– Livestock – домашний скот;
– Vermin – паразиты, вредители.
Слово Folk – informal (люди) часто используется во мн.ч. Американский английский Folks.
– Some old folk have peculiar tastes. – У некоторых стариков своеобразные вкусы.
Cattle сочетается с числительными (a group of 36 cattle). Чтобы получить исчисляемое сущ., это можно достигнуть с помощью фразы a herd of (стадо).
Слово police также сочетается с числительными (60 police).
– Extra police were rushed to the scene of the trouble. – На место происшествия были вызваны дополнительные полицейские.
Упражнения на множественное число имен существительных
[qsm quiz=53]
Grammar Time: Plurals of Nouns
The two biggest groups of English nouns are countable nouns and uncountable nouns. A countable noun has a singular form and a plural form. Let’s revise the plurals of nouns.
Exam in Mind Level B1/B2
Study the rule Plurals of Nouns
In modern English the singular form of a noun is unmarked (zero ending). The regular plural form is marked by the inflexion -(e)s: a book – books, a fox – foxes
The spelling and the pronunciation of the plural morpheme vary:
- s is pronounced as [s] after the following consonants: [f], [k], [p], [t], [Ө]
- -s is pronounced as [z] after the following consonants: [b], [d], [g], [l], [m], [n], [ŋ], [v], [ð] and vowels.
- The plural -(e)s is pronounced as [iz] after the sounds: [z], [s], [ʤ], [ʧ],
- The final [Ө] is pronounced as [ð] in the plural in mouths, baths, wreaths.
Answer the questions Plurals of Nouns
- What is the most common way of making the plurals of nouns?
- How do we make the plurals of words ending in a consonant + -y?
- How do we make the plurals of words ending in a vowel + -y?
- After which letters and groups of letters do we add –es to the singular?
Task 1. Put these words in the plural and pronounce them.
Address, beach, berry, bottle, box, brush, bush, case, cinema, cliff, clock, bridge, colony, computer, cow, desk, dog, eye, face, fox, garage, glass, guy, guitar, house, hotel, island, lake, language, library, light, line, list, lorry, loss, match, mess, month, morning, mouth, office, party, parent, park, path, peach, piece, road, shop, space, switch, stitch, play, poppy, reply, sandwich, smile, space, story, tape, toe, toy, tree, village, witch, worry.
Task 2. Put these words in the plural. There is one word in each set in which the plural ending is pronounced differently from the others. Find the odd words.
- house horse match line age
- сliff clip market month scream
- store chair heart wire ear
- bell verb lesson pet name
- tap chief orange cake rat
- list hotel shop tape lake
- eye island party witch smile
Task 3. Change the number of the nouns in italics making all the necessary changes.
- The train flew past the village.
- The dish is in the cupboard.
- He rode his own horse at the race.
- Do you know the boy who delivers the newspaper?
- The doctor saw a bruise on his hand.
- This is an English dictionary.
- I don’t like your caprice.
- The speech was very interesting.
- The bird was singing in the bush.
- This factory has a very good laboratory.
- There had been no witness at the trial.
- Where is the brush to clean the bench?
- The girl received an apple, an orange, a chocolate, and a sweet.
- This story is very long.
- I cut the paragraph out of the magazine.
- I like his new play.
- The sailor from the ship and the soldier from the regiment met on the square.
- Put the pencil into the box.
- This cherry is very sweet.
- I’ve lost my key.
- We have a Henry in our family. (three)
- A train is much faster than a bus.
- A lion is a dangerous animal.
- A lawyer earns more than a waitress.
- The voice of the teacher came from the classroom.
- Take your place in the coach.
- This family needs a new flat.
- There is a peach in the basket.
- The page in the book is torn.
- An alley runs along the side of the house.
Task 4. Use the following nouns with the numbers in the brackets.
Example: genius (2) – two genuises
Rose (5), inch (10) bridge (3), quiz (3), brush (7), nose (2), witch (6), bus (12), month (12), horse (8), song (4), voice(2), apple (12), bag (3), village (8), factory (5), toy (4), plate (4), hen (7), dish (8), race (2), butterfly (5), party (2), box (5), city (9), oath (2), piece (3), hobby (3), vase (5), boss (2), wreath (5), journey (2), bath (6), law (2), watch (8), street (3), class (11), lion (4), moth (9), storey (7), text (7), garage (2), monarch (2), dress (5), coach (4), nurse (6), visa (3), song (2), century (10), path (2), truth (2), match (10), pen (5), place (5), fox (2), chair (3), witness (8), axe (7), taxi (4).
Nouns Ending in -o
Nouns ending in -o are made plural by adding -es: hero – heroes; potato – potatoes
Nouns ending in -o are made plural by adding -s:
- nouns ending in a vowel + o: embryo – embryos; radio – radios
- nouns ending in double o: bamboo – bamboos; zoo – zoos
- to abbreviations: photo – photos; disco – discos
- musical instruments: piano – pianos; cello – cellos
- proper names: Eskimo – Eskimos;
- compound words: hair-do – hair-dos; set-to – set-tos
- there are some words to remember: solo – solos; tobacco – tobaccos
Some nouns ending in -o can take either -es or -s: buffalo – buffalo(e)s; zero – zero(e)s
Study the rule and supply each item of the rule with examples from the list of words given below. Look the words up in the dictionary and translate them from English into Ukrainian:
Mangoes, dos (do’s), tomatoes, cargoes, stereos, bamboos, cuckoos, portfolios, volcano(e)s, pianos, lean-tos, logos, videos, echoes, archipelago(e)s, discos, manifesto(e)s, embargoes, kangaroos, grotto(e)s, mottoes, tornado(e)s, torpedoes, commandos, folios, concertos, memos, vetoes, kimonos, ghetto(e)s, tobaccos, banjos, mosquito(e)s, cellos, rhinos, hippos, dominoes, dynamos, cockatoos, tangos, halo(e)s, portico(e)s, cameos, lasso(e)s, igloos.
Study the rule:
We should add –s or ’s to the word in order to build the plural form of:
- a proper name,
- some parts of speech used as a noun,
- a letter,
- a figure,
- an abbreviation
e.g. Maria – Marias, Henry – Henrys, an and – and(‘)s, no – no’s (noes), one c – two c’s, in 1990 – in the 1990s, an MP – MPs.
Proper names ends in consonant +y usually have plurals in –ys: The Connerys are planning to buy a bigger house.
Task 5. Write the correct form of the noun (singular or plural).
Memo, SOS, toes, cello, armies, grottoes, zero, skis, alibis, mosquito, MP, volcano, taboo, body, tomato, century, skies, shoes, hero, monkey, set-to, domino, floes, Bobby, no, canoes, parties, storey, buffaloes, pieces, donkey, echoes, embryo, cuckoo, difficulty, Hindoo, lilies, quiz, fez.
Task 6. Change the number of the nouns in italics making all the necessary changes.
- I was shown a portfolio of photos.
- He was established a hero.
- A cuckoo began calling from a thorn tree.
- This bay was probably the crater of the volcano that formed the island.
- He plays Bach every day on the cello and on the piano.
- His house looked more like a ramblingstudio than a dwelling.
- The Air Madagascar DC-3 took off at dawn.
- It was a real set-to, wasn’t it?
- She took down her hair and tried a new hair-do.
- We expect to see a monkey, a rhino and a deer in the zoo.
Task 7. Give the plural of the words in brackets.
- The (Hindoo)__________ and the (Muslim) liked and trusted him.
- They listened to the cruel singing of the (mosquito)___________ outside the curtain.
- She thought of all the (sack)__________ of (potato)___________ she used to carry.
- A lot of Japanese students of English have difficulty with the pronunciation of (b)_____ and (v)_____.
- People came into the dining-saloon by (one)_____ and (two)_____ in a very shy manner.
- The men struggled with grey dust covering their (face)__________ and (body)__________.
- There’s going to be no more movies, no more champagne, no more (hair-do)__________ for little Jean.
- Now I don’t want to hear any more (why)__________.
- I believed all the adventures of my favourite (hero)__________.
- The room seemed to be full of the (echo)__________ of his voice.
- Large bronze (dragonfly)__________ flew by with a dry sound of swift (wing)__________.
- Michael watched her standing by the door making her (good-bye)__________.
- The station carried large (telescope)__________ that made it possible to get many (photo)__________ of the Sun.
- Athenly was very proud of the country family to which he belonged: «The (Athenly)__________ have lived there for seven (century)__________».
- I’ll now call Mrs. Ralph Ppynrryn, we spell her name with two (p)_____ two (y)_____, two (r)_____ and two (n)_____.
Nouns Ending in -f/-fe
- Nouns with a singular in -f(e), plural in -ves: calf – calves, half – halves, knife – knives, leaf – leaves, life – lives, loaf – loaves, self – selves
- Nouns with a singular in -f(e), plural in -f(e)s: roof – roofs, cuff – cuffs
- Nouns with a singular in -f(e), plural in -f(e)s or in -ves: hoof – hooves(-fs), wharf – wharves(-fs), scarf – scarves(-fs)
Irregular Plurals
- Nouns with singular and plural the same: trout, deer, fish, means, offspring
- Nouns with irregular plurals: child – children, foot – feet, goose – geese, man – men, ox – oxen, penny – pence, woman – women
- Words indicating numbers: the words dozen(=12), score(=20), hundred, thousand, million, billion stay in the singular form when when they are preceded with a number or preceded by ‘several‘, ‘a few’, ‘many’: two hundred people, three million soldiers, four thousand planes, five billion dollars, several thousand people, fourscore(=80). But if no number comes before these words and they are followed by ‘of’ and by a noun, they may be plural: hundreds of people, millions of soldiers, thousands of planes, billions of dollars, dozens of eggs, dozens of times, scores of charming hotels.
Task 8. Give singular of the nouns.
Aircraft, cod, muffs, mice, moose, sheep, salmon, carp, pike, plaice, mackerel, dwarfs, shelves, species, gulfs, teeth, wolves, grouse, whereabouts, lice, thieves, million, elves, sheaves, cliffs, swine, safes, chiefs, series, proofs, wives, kennels, briefs, customs, brethren, series, crossroads, hovercraft, beliefs, billion, works, spacecraft, headquarters, barracks, gallows, bison, alms, chassis, corps, handkerchiefs, griefs, turves, dice.
Plural of nouns in English
The plural of nouns in English is not a difficult topic, however, there are also some nuances that need to be paid attention to. Let’s thoroughly analyze all the rules for the formation of the plural in English.
Outline of the article.
Plural formation
All countable nouns in English can be singular or plural. Plural most nouns are formed by adding the ending -s or -es.
book — books, bush — bushes
Plural ending can have different pronunciations.
After voiceless consonants, the ending is pronounced softly [s] — [c]
After voiced consonants and vowels, the ending is pronounced voiced [z] — [z]
After s, z, x, sh, ch, the ending is pronounced [iz] — [of]
boss-bosses, box-boxes
Ending -S or -ES?
Which ending should you choose? It depends on the final letter of the noun.
The ending -ES is added if the noun ends in S, Z, X, SH, CH:
box — boxes, brush — brushes, bench — benches, bus — buses, clutz — klutzes
In other cases, the ending -S is added.
Pay attention to plural formation the following nouns ending in Z, since in these 2 cases the doubling of Z occurs)
Quiz — quizzes (test — tests)
Fez — fezzes (fresco — frescoes)
Plural formation of nouns ending in O
Nouns with the ending O require special attention. They can take both endings. We will add the ending -S in the following cases:
- when the final O is preceded by a vowel
bamboo — bamboos, kangaroo — kangaroos, embryo — embryos, zoo — zoos
Romeo –Romeos, Filipino — Filipinos
- in abbreviations and abbreviated words
photo –photos (short for photograph), pro –pros (short for professional), kilo — kilos (short for kilogram)
- in some borrowed words
piano –pianos, tobacco –tobaccos, concerto –concertos, solo — solos, dynamo –dynamos, tango — tangos, quarto — quartos
In other cases, you need to use the ending -ES:
potato –potatoes, Negro — Negroes, tomato — tomatoes, echo –echoes, embargo — embargoes
There is also a group of nouns ending in O, which can take any of two endings:
cargo — cargos or cargoes, banjo — banjos or banjoes, halo — halos or haloes.
Plural formation of nouns ending in U
If a noun ends in Y, then it takes the ending -ES. In this case, Y goes into I:
Source: http://grammar-tei.com/plural-number/
Plural of nouns in English, rules
The Plural of Nouns in English (The Plural) is formed according to simple rules: in most cases, an ending is added to the base of the noun -Is. For example:
brush — brushes (brushes).
But there are exceptions to words ending in a consonant and -y, the plural form of which is formed by replacing -y on -i and adding an ending -Is. For example:
fly — flies (flies).
Summary table of the rules for the formation of the plural of a noun
Table # 1.
Plural ending rules
Noun ends in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z Noun ends in consonant and -y Noun ends in consonant and -o
Rule | Add the ending -es | Change y to i and add -es | Add the ending -es |
Examples | bus — buses (buses), watch — watches (clock), box — boxes (boxes) | city — cities (cities), country — countries (country) | tomatoo — tomatoes (tomatoes), potato — potatoes (potatoes), hero — heroes (heroes) |
Note: if a noun ends in -o, but this word is a proper name, abbreviation or borrowing, then only the letter is added -s:
Eskimo — Eskimos (Eskimos),
kilo — kilos (kilograms),
tango — tangos (tango).
Pronunciation rules for plural endings
There are some nuances here too. Which? The pronunciation of the ending of the plural depends on the final sound in the singular form (see Table 2 below).
Table 2. Pronunciation of plural endings of nouns Noun ends in a vowel or voiced consonant Noun ends in a voiceless consonant Noun ends in the sounds [ʤ], [ʧ], [ʃ], [s] or [z]
The ending reads like [z] | game — games [geɪm — geɪmz], tree — trees [trɪ: — trɪːz] |
The ending reads like [s] | cat — cats [kæt — kæts], clock — clocks [klɒk — klɒks] |
The ending reads like [ɪz] | orange — oranges [ˈɒrɪndʒ — ˈɒrɪndʒɪz], vase — vases [va:z — va: zɪz] |
Nouns that make a plural not according to the rules
The plurality of nouns in English may not be formed according to the rules. These nouns are the so-called exceptions. Below in the tables I will acquaint you with them in detail.
Table 3. Incorrect plurals Singular Plural Singular Plural
man (man) | men | wolf | wolves |
woman (woman) | women | mouse (mouse) | mice |
child | children | louse (louse) | face |
tooth | teeth | penny (coin in cent) | pence |
foot | feet | person | people |
goose (goose) | geese | sheep | sheep |
ox (bull) | oxen | deer (deer) | deer |
leaf | leaves | fish (fish) | fish |
Nouns of Latin origin that do not form the plural ending according to the rules
Single number The many number
addendum (addition) | addendum |
basis | basis |
crisis | crises |
criterion | Criteria |
curriculum (curriculum) | curricula |
datum (given value) | date |
erratum (typo) | Wrong |
memorandum (memorandum) | memoranda |
stadium | stadia |
phenomenon | phenomena |
Nouns used only in the plural or only in the singular
Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are used only in the singular:
- There is no snow on the ground.
- The News was very interesting.
Nouns in the singular in Russian, in the plural in English
clotes (clothes) | funds |
manners (manner) | congratulations |
goods | remains (remainder) |
stairs | customs |
regards (wish) | thanks |
oats | surroundings |
premises (neighborhood) |
Source: https://englishforeducation.ru/mnozhestvennoe-chislo-sushhestvitelnyx-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html
Plural in English — exceptions
Good afternoon dear friends!
Surely, you know that English is full of exceptions, in fact, just like Russian. You should not be intimidated by this when studying, all of them are easy to memorize, and many of them even logically. Therefore, today we will talk about the plural in English — exceptions.
The ones to learn
To begin with, let me remind you of the basic rule. In order to form a plural of nouns, you need to add the letter –s to the word. For example, book — books. By the way, remember first the lesson about the case of nouns. It will be useful for you to master new material.
But there are some exception words that defy the general rule. I have already talked about some in the article «Plural rules in English».
Subscribe to the blog, find even more useful articles and rules, and you will also receive as a gift a basic phrasebook in three languages, English, German and French. The main plus is that there is Russian transcription, therefore, even without knowing the language, you can easily master colloquial phrases.
One of the groups that I will tell you about here are those that do not add an ending, but completely change their root. Do not be surprised, and such words are present in Russian. In the singular we say a child, and if three, then there are already three children. I offer a list of such words of exceptions in English in the table:
Russian word | The only thing | Multiple |
Louse | lose | face |
Mouse | mouse | mice |
Dice | the | says |
Bull | ox | oxen |
Ребенок | child | children |
Human | person | people |
Penny | penny | pence |
Exception words do not change according to the general rule
There are groups of words that change, but not as a general rule.
Sole | soccer | feet |
Tooth | tooth | teeth |
Goose | goose | geese |
Man | Mon | men |
Woman | woman | women |
Examples of exceptions
A group of nouns that ends in –f or –fe replace f with v and add –es. What about complex nouns?
I propose to get acquainted with them in the table:
Нож | kni-fe | knives |
Life | Life | lives |
Woman | wife | wives |
Calf | calf | bald |
Sheet | leaf | leaves |
Another group of nouns is one that sounds exactly the same in both singular and plural. For example, Old McDonald has got one sheep on his farm.
Old McDonald has got three sheep on his farm. As you noticed, in both examples, the word sheep is the same. This group also includes: fish (fish), deer (deer), moose (elk), swine (boar), buffalo (buffalo), shrimp (shrimp), trout (trout).
Did you repeat our last lesson on intonation in English?
Nouns that don’t change
As always, in order to assimilate a new topic more effectively, I suggest doing the following exercise.
Consider if the word in parentheses is an exception and put it in the plural.
- Sam has got three (fish) in his aquarium.
For example, Sam has got three fish in his aquarium. The word fish is an exception. - Molly drew five (deer) on her Christmas card.
- Kevin picked up two (leaf) from the ground.
- Ashley has got two (brother).
- I’ve bought ten (potato) from the market.
- Can you take some (photo) of me?
- Sam doesn’t (onion).
- There were seven (children) playing in the garden).
- How many (tomato) would you?
- My (foot) are frozen.
If you want to get more interesting and motivating information on how to learn English, subscribe to the Viva Europe blog. Also, you will find tips and interesting facts about travel to different countries.
I was with you, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
I wish you all a good day!
Source: https://vivaeurope.ru/languages/english/mnozchislo
Plural Nouns
Exercises on the topic:
Intermediate lesson «form plural nouns»
In general, plural nouns in English formed by adding an ending — (e) s:
dog — dogs (dog — dogs)
book — books (book — books)
tree — trees (tree — trees)
box — boxes (box — boxes)
boy — boys (boy — boys)
However, there are several dozen nouns, the plural form of which is formed in a slightly different way.
Some nouns in English can only be singular or only plural. Also, some English nouns have identical plural and singular forms.
The rules for forming the plural of such nouns will be discussed below.
Pluralization of nouns in English
Most English nouns can be singular or plural. Further, the basic rules for the formation of the plural form of English nouns are considered.
Methods of forming the plural form of nouns
1. Adding an ending -S to a noun in the singular:
boy — boys (boy — boys)
girl — girls (girl — girls)
computer — computers (computer — computers)
2. Adding an ending –Esif the singular noun ends in -S, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, or –X:
class — classes (class — classes)
wish — wishes (desire — desire)
inch — inches (inch — inches)
box — boxes (box — boxes)
3. If a noun in the singular ends in a consonant, followed by ythen y replaced by iand the ending is added –Es:
city - cities (city — cities)
lady — ladies (lady — ladies)
4. If a singular noun ends in a vowel, followed by ythen the ending is added -S (however, this rule does not apply to words ending in –Quy):
essay — essays (composition — compositions)
monkey — monkeys (monkey — monkeys) However:
soliloquy — soliloquies (monologue — monologues)
5. Adding an ending -S to most singular nouns ending in –F:
brief — briefs (summary — summary)
chief — chiefs (leader — leaders)
proof — proofs (test — tests)
However, in the following nouns ending in –F or –Fe, the plural is formed by replacing f on v, and adding the ending –Es:
wife — wives (wife — wives)
leaf — leaves (leaf — leaves)
half — halves (half — half)
self — selves (by yourself)
calf — calves (calf — calves)
loaf — loaves (roll — rolls)
knife — knives (knife — knives)
elf — elves (elf — elves)
wolf — wolves (wolf — wolves)
shelf — shelves (shelf — shelves)
Plural of compound nouns
In compound nouns, the main word takes the plural form:
commander-in-chief — commanders-in-chief (commander-in-chief — commanders-in-chief)
father-in-law — fathers-in-law (father-in-law — father-in-law)
mother-in-law — mothers-in-law (mother-in-law — mother-in-law)
brother-in-law — brothers-in-law (brother-in-law)
sister-in-law — sisters
Source: http://www.correctenglish.ru/theory/grammar/plural-nouns/
English — (Lesson 4 Section 1) — Plural
In order to immediately understand what will be discussed in this section, try to answer the following question: What do you think is the difference between these two sentences?
Large table and Large tables
You probably already know a lot of English words: a table, a dog, a cat, a window, and you can even make simple sentences: the chair is big, the house is white. Very good if so. But what if we want to talk about several chairs or several houses? Imagine that there are two houses in front of you, and you need to tell them that they are both white. In this case, you need the plural:
The houses are white — White houses
How to plural a sentence?
Everything is very simple. Adding an ending to a noun -s and we say instead of is — are .
The house is big — The housesare big
See how easy it is to translate singular to plural:
car — cars
chair — chairs
table — tables
door — doors
Try to put the words in the plural yourself:
book, pencil, sofa, wall, window, flower, lamp, bed.
Now tell me
the shops
For self-test, move the mouse cursor over these words
Now we can translate whole sentences into the plural and, thus, give descriptions to several objects at once.
The car is new — The cars are new The chair is brown — The chairs are brown The door is big — The doors are big
Put the following sentences in the plural:
The bed is big
The book is interesting
The window is small
The wall is white
The lamp is high
Now you need to remember one more very important point.
There are words, the plural of which is formed not only with the help of one letter —sas we just saw. There are a number of words to which you need to attach a two-letter ending -Is… These are words that end in ch, sh, or ss:
watch — watches dish — dishes
class — classes
There are not many such words, but they will still be used often. Remember these cases without fail.
And the last thing we will touch on in this section is articles. As you can see, the definite article the is not plural, while the noun is: the car — the cars, the house — the houses. Everything is clear here.
However, there are two articles in English. The indefinite article a is not plural at all. This means that when we talk about indefinite objects in the plural, then we should not put a in front of them.
a car — cars, a pen — pens, a flower — flowers, a door — doors.
This rule will be useful to us a little later, but remember it now.
Don’t say a cars or a doors.
1. Plural the words Tree, door, wall, house, table, car, lamp, bed, armchair, river, street, computer, arm, leg, T-shirt, mountain, glass, dish, class, watch. 2. Put sentences in the plural. The mountain is big — The mountains are big 1. The house is white; 2. The girl is nice; 3. The tree is high; 4. The river is long; 5. The wall is blue; 6. The flower is red; 7.
The street is long; 8. The book is interesting; 9. The pencil is yellow; 10. The apple is green; 11. The bird is small; 12. The bus is black; 13. The plane is new; 14. The picture is beautiful; 15. The leg is long. 3.
Convert the nouns to the plural, paying attention to the article the apple, the car, a street, the river, a flower, a hotel, a mountain, the bridge, the bike, a dish, the watch, a plane, a pen, the mug, the jacket.
Source: http://biglang.com/english-lesson4/
Nouns in English
First, let’s remember what a noun is?
I dare to hope that your answer will be something like: “the part of speech that answers the questions who? / What? and denotes an object or person «
So, nouns in any language have some characteristics. For example, nouns can be proper (Harry Potter Shrek. Spiderman. Hogwarts. London. Canada, etc.) or common nouns (concrete dragon, drone; abstract friendship, health; real sugar, wood; collective team, staff). Here, the Russian and English languages have no discrepancies.
In addition, there are animate nouns (mother, dog, wizard, monster) and inanimate nouns (table, phone, car). In this regard, our languages are friendly again. And, if you do not think about the philosophical question of what category the hut on chicken legs falls into, you will not have any problems.
It’s time to praise English for its «learning accessibility»
The gender of nouns is true, masculine, feminine and neuter. Now imagine that in French the word «home» is feminine! The Germans are even more advanced in confusing students — the neuter noun «girl», how are you ?! The suffix there, you see, -chen, indicates the neuter gender. The meaning of the word — no, you have not heard!
The gender of English nouns, with the exception of rare paired copies, such as actor — actress, headmaster — headmistress, groom — bride, does not attract any attention and never entails any consequences in the form of endings of adjectives or other kinds of articles. Are you glad?
And English nouns have no declensions! And the case is only 2, not 6, as we have in Russian, and not 4, as in German! And also the cases in English are not complicated at all.
Now let’s dwell on the signs that nouns in English have
The number of a noun can, as in Russian, be single or plural. But just as we cannot say coats — coats (or polta?) In our native language, so in English there are some peculiarities of constructing plural forms.
Let’s consider them.
The vast majority of nouns are converted from the singular to the plural with the ending -s. Game — games, computer — computers, phone — phones, friend — friends.
If a noun in the singular ends in a hissing or sibilant sound, it is physically impossible to stick -s to it without a «layer». Try to pronounce «bus-s» yourself so that you can hear that it is exactly the plural. Nothing will come of it. The interlayer between -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z and the ending -s is E. Bus — buses, boss — bosses, bush — bushes, sandwich — sandwiches, quiz — quizzes.
If a noun ends in -o, it is important to pay attention to the penultimate letter. If it’s a vowel, follow the formula vowel (vowel) + o + s: portfolio — portfolios, zoo — zoos.
Also, simply by adding S we can form the plural of abbreviated nouns (kilogram — kilo — kilos, photography — photo — photos): the plural of nouns ending in -o denoting musical instruments (piano — pianos, cello — cellos) and proper names nouns in -o, extremely rarely used in the plural, with the exception of nationalities and peoples (Eskimo — Eskimos). In other cases, we act according to the formula consonant (consonant) + o + es: potato — potatoes. tomato — tomatoes.
The situation is similar with nouns ending in -у, so we look again at the penultimate letter in the word. If it is a vowel, we act according to the formula vowel (vowel) + o + s: boy — boys. day — days. If this is a consonant, the transformations of consonant (consonant) + y -> consonant (consonant) + i + es creep into the formula: baby — babies, dictionary — dictionaries.
If the noun ends in -f or -fe, voicing occurs and f is changed to v: half-halves, life-lives. However, there are exceptions that cannot be taken with logic, such as: roof — roofs, cliff — cliffs, belief — beliefs.
If a noun is borrowed from Greek or Latin (such borrowings are often very similar to words in Russian), then the plural is easier to remember as an exception so as not to delve into the jungle of grammar of Greek or Latin: medium — media, phenomenon — phenomena, basis — bases , and completely wild for our eyes cactus — cacti.
It’s funny that not only the classical languages are «to blame» for deviations from the formulas for the formation of plural forms — the British themselves have done their best. Some linguists believe that this was due to the undulating conquests in the British Isles.
However, this theory does not give exhaustive answers to all questions.
For example, if we consider that the conquests were completed back in the Middle Ages, then how, it is interesting to know, among the exceptions were spaceships crept in ?! It’s good at least that the list of exceptions is not too long and it’s quite possible to learn it:
Aircraft — aircraft, Hovercraft — hovercraft,
Source: https://english4child.ru/articles/noun/
Plural of nouns in English: the rule of education
In order to form plural nouns in English without mistakes, choose suitable verbs, pronouns and build sentences, it is not enough to know the rule. You need to be able to distinguish countable from uncountable nouns, to know the exceptions and different meanings of the same word. And of course it takes practice.
We will go in order so that you can get a good understanding of this topic from our tutorial.
The material is intended for beginners and learners of English from scratch, as well as for systematization of knowledge and repetition.
The concept of a noun (noun)
Recall that a noun (noun) is a part of speech that denotes an object, person, phenomenon or material structures. The noun answers the question “Who? What?»:
Who is this? — This is the boy.
Who is this? — This is a boy.
What is this? — This is my new furniture.
What is it? This is my new furniture.
What is this? — This is a coffee table.
What is it? — This is a coffee table.
Difference between countable and uncountable nouns
All English nouns (noun) are divided into two groups — countable (countable) and uncountable (uncountable), which in turn have both common features and exceptions.
It is important to learn to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns, because plural forms only for countable nouns.
In simple terms, the difference between them is that countable nouns can be counted individually (one apple, two pencils, ten cars, etc.), and the uncountable are not subject to such an account (happiness, water, sand — do not count by the piece). Some examples of countable and uncountable nouns:
#Countable nounsUncountable nouns
1 | Dog | Water |
2 | OceanOcean | Air |
3 | HouseHouse | Earth |
4 | ThoughtThought | Sand |
5 | GameGame | Joy |
6 | Rule | Happiness |
7 | Eye | HonorHonor |
8 | LanguageLanguage | The Sun |
Source: https://englishplan.ru/grammatika/obrazovanie-mnozhestvennogo-chisla-sushhestvitelnyh
Plural of English nouns
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When we talk about a subjectah, the phenomenons, peoples, we use the plural. In this article, we will analyze the general rules for the formation of the plural, give examples and indicate the exception words that do not lend themselves to the rules. And at the end of the article, you will find a detailed table in which we have collected all the rules, exceptions and many examples so that you always have a plural cheat sheet at your fingertips. Let’s start?
The basic rule for the formation of plural nouns
- The general rule of thumb is for most nouns in English, and it sounds like this: add -s to the singular, and we get the plural.
A Spoon — spoons (spoon — spoons).
A dog — dogs (dog — dogs). - If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z, -x, then we add -es.
A brush — brushe’s (brush — brushes).
A torch — torches (torch — torches).
A match — matches (match — matches). - If a noun ends in -y (and -y is read like Russian / and /), then -y disappears, and -ies is added.
A country — countries (country — countries).
A cherryy — cherries (cherry — cherries). - If the noun ends in -ay, -ey, -oy (-y at the end reads like Russian / y /), then we just add -s.
a boy — boys (boy — boys).
A toy — toys (toy — toys). - If the noun ends in -o, then add -es.
a tomatoo — tomatyes (tomato — tomatoes).
A hero — heryes (hero — heroes).BUT!
A piano — pianos (piano — multiple pianos)
A kilo — kilos (kilogram — kilograms)
A photo — photos (photography — photographs)
Emptyo — videos (video — several videos)
A flamingo — flamingos (es) (flamingos — multiple flamingos)
A Volcano — volcanos (es) (volcano — volcanoes) - If the noun ends in -f or -fe, then -f is changed to -v and -es is appended.
A loaf — loaves (loaf — loaves).
A wife — wives (wife — wives).
The plural of «incorrect» nouns
- Some nouns defy any rules. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to memorize the plural form of such nouns.
- A man — men
- A person — people.
- A woman — women (woman — women).
- A mouse — mice.
- A foot — feet (leg — legs).
- A child — children.
- A tooth — teeth
- A goose — geese (goose — geese).
- An ox — oxen (bull — bulls).
- And then there are nouns that have the same forms, both in the singular and in the plural.
- A fish — fish
- A fruit — fruit.
- A deer — deer (deer — deer).
- A sheep — sheep.
- A Swiss — Swiss (Swiss — Swiss).
- Many words borrowed from Greek and Latin are also considered exceptions to the general rule. And their plural form also needs to be memorized. A few words are presented below. And we have collected a more complete list in the table at the end of the article.
- A phenomenon — phenomena.
- A datum — data (information).
- A formula — formulae.
- A genius — genii (genius — geniuses).
Let’s now see how the Rebecca teacher from engvid explains this topic in English.
Even if you have a low level of English, you will in any case understand what she is saying, as she speaks slowly and uses words that we already know.
English plural uncountable nouns
All nouns in English can be divided into two groups: countable and uncountable. The nouns that we have analyzed so far in this article are considered countable — they are all plural. This means that they can be counted: one boy (a boy) — two boys (two boys), one man (a man) — three men (three men), etc.
But also in English there are nouns that are used only in the singular, they simply do not have a plural form. Such nouns are called uncountable. Russian also has similar words: information (information), coffee (coffee). Uncountable nouns in English include the following groups:
- All bulk and liquid substances: water (water), cream (cream), rice (rice).
- Abstract concepts: success (success), happiness (happiness), love (love).
- The words information (information), advice (advice), money (money), news (news), furniture (furniture).
- You will find a detailed list of countable and uncountable nouns in this article.
What if we need to count the number of these uncountable nouns? In this case, we consider not the objects and phenomena themselves, but what they are measured by.
For example, we cannot say “two sugars”, but we can say “two kilogram sugar «,» two spoons sugar «,» two sachet sugar «- in all these cases, we count sugar using units of measurement of bulk solids.
By the way, note that in Russian in all examples, the word «sugar» is in the singular. Each of the uncountable nouns has its own units of measurement:
- A bottle of milk — two bottles of milk (bottle of milk — two bottles of milk).
- A kilo of rice — three kilos of rice (a kilogram of rice is three kilograms of rice).
- A glass of juice — ten glasses of juice (a glass of juice — ten glasses of juice).
- We devoted a separate article «Partitive Expressions» to the words with which we measure uncountable nouns.
Without the rules for the formation of the plural, it is impossible to speak English competently, because this topic is closely related to the use of verbs, articles and other parts of speech. Therefore, it is so important to understand all the rules well. Do not forget to download the table by which you can always navigate and choose the correct plural.
↓ Download the table «Education of the plural in English». (* .pdf, 208 Kb)
And also take the test to better remember the rules.
Plural of nouns in English
Source: https://engblog.ru/plural-of-nouns
S plural. How do you form the plural in English? Nouns ending in -o
Names of people, names of objects, cities, countries, various institutions; names of plant and animal breeds; the designation of the process of actions — all this cannot be expressed without nouns.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that perhaps 90% of sentences cannot do without this part of speech, if we exclude the simplest constructions with pronouns and adjectives. Today we will analyze this most important category of English grammar.
We will find out how it is used, what varieties it has, as well as how the plural of nouns is composed in English. The topic is simple and beginners usually learn quickly, they only have to learn a few exceptions and consolidate the theory by performing a practical task.
This part of speech denotes persons or objects, answering questions what?Who?(what / who?). In a sentence, such words can play the role of a subject, object, circumstance and even definition, provided that the noun is used in the possessive case. By the way, this is the only case of changing the end of this part of speech, with the exception of the formation of the plural form.
This category is subdivided into the same sections as in Russian: common nouns, proper, collective, concrete, abstract, countable and uncountable nouns.
For our topic, it is important to note that abstract and uncountable representatives of this category cannot have plural constructions.
At the same time, there are words that are used exclusively in a collective form: policeclothing,glasses,scissors,people,trousers etc. All other types of words will be discussed in detail in the next section.
English, and in this it is similar to Russian, endowed the noun with two numerical categories: singular and plural. And, if with a single number everything is in principle clear, since this is a dictionary form of a word, then the formation of multiple meanings requires knowledge of certain grammatical laws. Let’s take a closer look at them.
Endings -s / -es
The easiest and most widespread way to get the plural form of nouns is to add a letter to the base of the word s.
- I bought a magazine for my mother yesterday — Yesterday я bought for its mothers magazine.
- I bought magazines for my mother yesterday — Yesterday я bought magazines for its mothers.
Note that the indefinite article can be accompanied exclusively by the singular, and the definite appears with nouns of both categories.
- Usually, I read the newspaper in the morning — UsuallyI I read this the newspaper in the morning.
- Usually, I read the newspapers in the mornings— UsuallyI I read these newspapers by mornings.
Some nouns in English take this rule in a peculiar way. The table below will help us to consider the special cases of joining the ending.
Situation | Example | Transfer |
If a word ends with letter combinations —sh,ch,H.H,tch, as well as letters —s,x,z, it gets an ending es. | There are many buseses in the streets |
Source: https://op-fialki.ru/osveschenie/s-vo-mnozhestvennom-chisle-kak-obrazovat-mnozhestvennoe-chislo-v/
Plural formation of nouns. Exercises with answers
Write in plurals:
- diary —
- sheep–
- book —
- cherry —
- fish —
- baby —
- key
- match —
- bus —
- j.watch —
Assignments 2.
Write the plural nouns-exceptions (What are these irregular plurals):
- woman —
- mouse —
- tooth —
- foot —
- man —
- child —
- g.goose —
- h.ox —
Assignments 3.
Write in singular for the following nouns:
- glasses —
- potatoes —
- forget-me-nots —
- crises —
- stimuli —
- foxes —
- brushes —
- brothers-in-law —
- phenomena —
- formulae —
- data —
The task 1.
Write in plurals:
- diary — diaries
- sheep — sheep
- book — books
- cherry — cherries
- fish — fish
- baby — babies
- key — keys
- match — matches
- bus — buses
- watch — watches
Task 2.
What are these irregular plurals:
- woman — women
- mouse — mice
- tooth — teeth
- foot — feet
- man — men
- child — children
- goose — geese
- ox — oxen
Task 3.
Write in singular:
- glasses — glass
- potatoes — potato
- forget-me-nots — forget-me-not
- crises — crisis
- stimuli — stimulus
- foxes — fox
- brushes — brush
- brothers-in-law — brother-in-law
- phenomena — phenomenon
- formulae — formula
- data — datum
July 4, 2019 |
Source: http://xn-----6kcbbqa7agkfgdde4amkb0d4hpd7d.xn--80asehdb/kak-obrazovat-mnozhestvennoe-chislo-v-anglijskih-sushhestvitelnyh/
Why You Can’t Trust the Letter S: False Plural in English [Translation] — PRO Alliance
When it comes to plural forms, we tend to think that they are the same in all languages. After all, it’s just counting: as soon as you get to the number «2», you need to form a plural.
However, in English, some words in the singular look like they are used in the plural.
Don’t give a letter s at the end of the word to outwit you — find out the real meaning of expressions that you really want (but cannot) use in the plural.
This noun means the place where two roads intersect. It can also be translated as «turning point». In both cases, the letter s at the end of a word is preserved even if crossroads used in the singular:
- I was at a crossroads in my career. (This is a turning point in my career.)
When it comes to border inspections, the word customs always used in the singular:
- Customs is very strict about alcohol. (Customs have very strict alcohol regulations.)
No letter s this noun becomes an adjective that means «rough» or «average.» So that the word does not lose its meaning «(money) funds» or «method», you must keep the letter s, even in the singular:
- This is just a means to an end. (This is just a means to an end.)
Bad news (the news is bad): all words that refer to the concept of information in English are always used in the singular. And let the letter s in a word News do not bother you, this noun really has a singular form.
Literally this word means «on the other side of the door», that is, on the street. However, it is often used to describe any place that is far from populated areas. Two more options: great outdoors (nature, fresh air) and out-of-doors (outdoors, in the fresh air). These expressions are always used in the singular:
- The great outdoors has real appeal for tourists. (Untouched nature just beckons tourists.)
Another word with a letter s in the singular:
- This price represents a savings of $ 10. (At this price, the savings are $ 10.)
This word can also be seen in the plural:
- We enjoyed great savings on all our purchases. (We saved a lot of money on all purchases.)
TV Shows
Word series (TV series, show) is always used with the letter s at the end, even if in context this noun should be singular:
- The BBC has just launched a new series… (The BBC has launched a new series.)
This is a colorful expression! Word shambles means «disorder» or «devastation». It always has an indefinite article in front of it. a:
- The room was a shambles… (The room was a mess.)
- What a shambles! (What a mess!)
- The city was a shambles after the earthquake. (After the earthquake, the city was devastated.)
Another word that is used with the letter s both singular and plural:
- Three species of birds live on the island. (There are three species of birds on the island.)
- Scientists have discovered a new species… (Scientists have discovered a new species.)
This is a kind of echo of the genitive case in English. Singular ways used in the expression a way to go (long way). Despite the strange form, this expression is quite common: you can find thousands of examples on the Internet. Here is one of them:
- Well, they’ve got a way to go before they get to that point. (Well, they still have a long way to go.)
False plurals can be found in other contexts as well.
Nouns ending in -ics
There are many examples here: physics (physics), gymnastics (gymnastics), economics (economy), mathematics (mathematics), politics (politics), aerobics (aerobics), athletics (sports, athletics), linguistics (linguistics), Logistics (logistics), etc. All these nouns are used in the singular.
Country names
Such nouns are always used in the singular, even if it seems that they are not. One example is the United States:
- The United States is a world power. (The United States is a world power.)
Other examples: Philippines (Philippines), the virgin islands (Virgin Islands), the bahamas (Bahamas) etc.
Physical condition and illness
This category includes measles
Source: https://tran.su/2018/09/01/pochemu-nelzya-doveryat-bukve-s-lozhnoe-mnozhestvennoe-chislo-v-anglijskom-yazyke-perevod/
Plural of words in English
: 4/5
It is believed that the grammatical topic “plural words in English«Is nothing complicated. And, indeed, in most cases, you just need to use the ending and that’s it. But the point is that there are several important exceptions and the same ending is not always added.
In addition, the ending itself is read differently, depending on what is in front of it. If we want our speech (both oral and written) to surprise us not by the number of mistakes, but by its correctness, let us remember once and for all what to do if you need to form a plurality of words in the English language.
Believe me, there is nothing super complicated in this!
The plural of words in English. The main rule
It is believed that plural words in English is formed with the ending -S. This is the basic rule that looks like this:
In our example, the ending should be pronounced rather loudly. Not as «es», but as «ez». This is because the word «orange» has a vowel at the end. According to the rule, the ending should sound voiced every time it is added to a vowel or voiced consonant.
bottle — bottles
«Bottle» — «bottles»
break (break) — breaks (breaks)
«Break» — «breaks»
Please note that if you add an ending to a word after -o, -s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, then you should use not one letter -S, but -ES. Such an ending is read loudly — «z» or «out».
Plural endings. English «nonsense»
What else could there be plural endings? English the language cannot but surprise with its logic and the presence of exceptions (we will talk about them a little later). Let’s consider the most popular «non-standard» cases of plural formation using the following examples.
1. If a word ends with -Y, then when adding –ES it changes to I.
2. The first rule does not work if before our -Y there is not a consonant, but a vowel.
3. If a noun ends in -F, then the plural is –VES.
Plural of nouns in English — exceptions
Now it’s time to study how it is formed plural nounsif we come across exceptions.
Let’s start with those words that just need to be remembered, since their plural forms cannot be explained in any way. The good news is that there are very few such units.
Sometimes you may come across polysyllabic nouns that are hyphenated. What should be done in this case? You must pluralize with the keyword, not just add -S or -ES at the very end. Here’s an example:
mother-in-law (mother-in-law) — mothers-in-law (mother-in-law)
If a compound word is written together, then you should use the standard rule:
housewife (housewife) — housewives (housewives)
Source: https://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/beginner-elementary/478-mnozhestvennoe-chislo-slov-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html
В английском языке, так же как в русском, существительные изменяются по числам. Различают две формы: единственного числа и множественного.
Единственное число (singular) обозначает один предмет: a cat, an apple, a boy, a cake.
Множественное число (plural) обозначает два и более предмета: two students, three flowers, ten dogs.
Как образуется множественное число в английском языке?
В большинстве случаев множественное число существительных в английском языке образуется с помощью окончания -s.
Обратите внимание на то, как произносится это окончание:
- после гласных и звонких согласных – как [z]: pens, boys, dogs;
- после глухих согласных – как [s]: cocks, rats, cats;
- если слово и так заканчивается на —s, -ss, -sh, –ch, –x, -z, нужно добавлять -es, которое читается как [iz]: box — boxes, bus — buses, cage — cages.
Есть некоторые особенности добавления -s/es для некоторых групп существительных:
- Если существительное оканчивается на букву -y, перед которой стоит согласная, то во множественном числе -y меняется на i и к слову прибавляется окончание -es: lobby – lobbies, fly- flies.
Исключения: имена собственные (the two Germanys, the Gatsbys) и составные существительные (stand-bys). - Если перед буквой —y стоит гласная, то множественное число образуется по общему правилу при помощи окончания —s, а буква y остается без изменений: boy — boys, day — days.
- Если существительное заканчивается на —o, нужно прибавить —es: tomato – tomatoes, hero — heroes.
Исключения: photos, memos, pianos, radios, studios, kangaroos, zoos и некоторые другие слова иностранного происхождения. - В существительных, заканчивающихся на -f или –fe, нужно заменить -f или –fe на -ves: wolf — wolves, leaf — leaves, life – lives.
Исключения: chiefs, beliefs, cliffs, cuffs, roofs, handkerchiefs.
Все правила суммированы в таблице:
Когда множественное число образуется не по общим правилам?
Ряд существительных образует множественное число нестандартным (супплетивным) способом:
Child – children | Ребенок — дети |
Woman – women | Женщина — женщины |
Man – men | Мужчина — мужчины (человек — люди) |
Person — people | Человек — люди |
Tooth — teeth | Зуб — зубы |
Foot — feet | Стопа — стопы |
Mouse — mice | Мышь — мыши |
Louse — lice | Вошь — вши |
Ox — oxen | Бык — быки |
Goose — geese | Гусь — гуси |
Совпадают формы множественного и единственного числа
У некоторых существительных формы множественного и единственного числа совпадают. К ним относятся:
Deer – deer | Олень – олени |
Moose – moose | Лось – лоси |
Series – series | Серия(сериал) – серии (сериалы) |
Species – species | Вид, особь – виды, особи |
Aircraft – aircraft | Воздушное судно – воздушные суда |
Salmon – salmon | Лосось – лососи |
Sheep – sheep | Овца – овцы |
Shrimp – shrimp (shrimps тоже допустимо) | Креветка – креветки |
Species — species | Вид — виды |
Для запоминания форм множественного числа существительных используйте этот набор карточек Plural Nouns.
Упражнения на множественное число существительных
Упражнение 1. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных.
month, horse, flower, potato, book, plan, bridge, match, nose, bus, box, army, carrot, watch, onion, shop, address, day, fly, hotel, lady, key, gate, clock, office, city.
Упражнение 2. Распределите существительные по трем колонкам в зависимости от того, как произносится окончание множественного числа: [s], [z], [iz].
Friend, cinema, bottle, lake, bus, glass, bed, boy, hat, cap, tape, shop, brush, bench, box.
Упражнение 3. Напишите данные существительные во множественном числе.
a dress – two …
a lady – two …
a baby – three…
a story – three …
a fox – four …
a leaf – four …
a thief – five…
a wolf – five…
a loaf – six…
a city – six…
a sheep – seven …
a policeman – seven…
a sportsman – eight…
a bench — eight …
a witch – nine …
a tomato – nine …
a potato – ten…
a photo – ten…
a kilo – eleven…
a hero – eleven…
Упражнение 4.
Вставьте следующие слова во множественном числе в следующие предложения.
Story, city, country, dictionary, key, party, tray
- The students in my class come from many … of our republic.
- My money and my … are in my pocket.
- By the end of the term we’ll have to read a few … by S. Maugham.
- I like going to … because I enjoy socializing with people.
- People carry their food on … at a cafeteria.
- We always look up words in … when we write essays.
- Sportsmen from different … of the world take part in the Olympic Games.
Knife, life, thief, roof, loaf, cliff, wolf
- Please put the forks, … and spoons on the table.
- Packs of … hunting nearby caused so much fear that nobody went to the forest mushrooming.
- We all have some problems in our …
- All the houses were covered with tiled …
- The … were caught and arrested.
- We could see the white … of Great Britain in the distance.
- The kitchen bread-bin contained three … of sliced white bread and two buns.
Dish, glass, match, potato, bush, tax, bus, tomato, photo
- Bob drinks eight… of water every day.
- Can you take a few … of me and Rachel?
- Please put the … and the silverware on the table.
- All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their …
- I can see trees and … outside the window.
- I want to light the candles. I need some …
- When I make salad, I use lettuce and …
- Sometimes Sue has a hamburger and French-fried … for dinner.
- Are there any … from here to the town center?
Упражнение 5.
Найдите 6 ошибок в образовании множественного числа существительных, заканчивающихся на –o.
Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatos, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echos, heroes.
В английском языке существительные (nouns) имеют число: единственное (singular) и множественное (plural). Следует отметить, что вместе с основным правилом образования множественного числа существительных имеется ряд исключений, которые просто нужно запомнить во избежание ошибок.
Как правило, исключения представляют собой те существительные, которые образуют множественное число путем изменения корневой гласной либо слово выглядит одинаково как в singular form, так и в plural.
Читайте более полную версию статьи об образовании множественного числа существительных в английском языке в новом блоге.
Основные правила образования множественного числа существительных
Согласно основному правилу, для того чтобы образовать существительное во множественном числе к нему просто нужно добавить окончание – s. |
Например: -a cap (кепка)– caps (кепки) |
Но и здесь есть несколько нюансов, на которые следует обратить внимание. К существительному нужно добавлять окончание –es в том случае, если оно заканчивается на следующие буквосочетания: -sh, -ch, -s, -x, -ss.
Правила правописания существительных во множественном числе
1. Если существительное в единственном числе заканчивается на букву «y», перед которой стоит согласная, тогда при образовании множественного числа «y» меняется на «i» и добавляется окончание -es |
Например: a fly (муха) –flies (мухи) |
Но: a bay (бухта) – bays (бухты) |
2. Если существительное в единственном числе заканчивается на –f либо –fe, то f меняется на v и слово приобретет окончание –ves |
Например: a knife (нож) – knives (ножи) |
Но: a roof (крыша) – roofs (крыши) |
3. Некоторые существительные, которые заканчиваются на гласную, образуют множественное число путем добавления окончания –es |
Например: a tomato(помидор)-tomatoes (помидоры) |
Но: a photo(фотография)-photos(фотографии) |
Образование множественного числа не по правилам
Примеры употребления множественного числа существительных.
- Give me five dollars, please.
- Дайте мне пять долларов, пожалуйста.
- There are seven dishes and several knives on the table.
- На столе семь тарелок и несколько ножей
- Look! There is a fly on the window. I hate flies.
- Посмотри! На окне муха. Я ненавижу мух.
- These girls never go dancing in the evenings.
- Эти девушки никогда не ходят на дискотеку по вечерам.
- Men in that country are very rude.
- Мужчины в той стране грубые.
- A dentist is a person who cures our teeth..
- Дантист – это тот человек, которые лечит наши зубы.
Watch the video on Plurals of Nouns
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