Make the word a better place

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Let our meeting here today be an opportunity to make a common and solemn pledge to make the world a better place for our children.

Пусть наша встреча здесь сегодня даст возможность принять общее и торжественное обязательство сделать мир лучше для наших детей.

Help us to make the world a better place by raising awareness of the risk of conflicts due to climate change.

Помогите нам сделать мир лучше путем повышения осведомленности людей о риске возникновения конфликтов в связи с изменением климата.

Aquarians always have an original idea of how to make the world a better place, as they have a large humanitarian drive.

Водолеи всегда имеют оригинальную идею о том, как сделать мир лучше, поскольку у них большой гуманный толчок.

And how you can channel this into an organization that harnesses this great power of wanting to make the world a better place.

И как вы можете направить это желание в организацию, которая использует эту великую силу стремления сделать мир лучше.

Our goal, to make the world a better place.

Someone who recognizes when they have the power to make the world a better place.

All he wanted was to make the world a better place.

All she wanted was to make the world a better place.

I thought his way was the only way to make the world a better place.

So representatives of these countries should study the wisdom of Kabbalah, which explains how to make the world a better place.

Поэтому представителям этих стран надо учиться каббале, которая объясняет, как сделать мир лучше.

Andrew Vachss uses storytelling to teach, to protect, and to make the world a better place.

Эндрю Ваксс пишет рассказы, чтобы научить, защитить и сделать мир лучше.

For Hurley, the ’70s were a chance to make the world a better place.

Just like Chester V my dream was to make the world a better place.

Designers want to make the world a better place.

He wished to use the foundation to make the world a better place, and became heavily involved in cancer research.

Он хотел использовать основу, чтобы сделать мир лучше, и стал активно участвовать в исследованиях рака.

According to him, the company wants to make the world a better place.

Design to me is a way to make the world a better place.

He called upon the new generation to aspire to make the world a better place, more peaceful and clean.

Он призвал новое поколение стремиться к тому, чтобы сделать планету более мирной и чистой.

Aquarians are fascinating and they use their intelligence to make the world a better place to live.

From simple people to governments, they all want to make the world a better place to live in.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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make the world a better place — перевод на русский

You see, he wanted to make the world a better place.

Видите ли, он хотел сделать мир лучше.

We can all make this world a better place.

Все вместе мы можем сделать мир лучше.

Everything he said. About how I could help make the world a better place.

Все, что он говорил…. …насчет того, что я могу помочь сделать мир лучше,

Maybe you will want to give them a better future and maybe, just maybe, you will then have the urge to make the world a better place yourself.

И, может, тогда вы захотите дать им лучшее будущее. И может быть, у вас появиться непреодолимое желание сделать мир лучше.

I am trying to make the world a better place.

Я пытаюсь сделать мир лучше.

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We’ve contributed, in however small a way, to making the world a better place.

В какой бы малой степени мы ни посодействовали этому, мы делаем мир лучше.

Go home. But we’re making the world a better place.

Но мы делаем мир лучше.

Make the world a better place.

—делаем мир лучше.

But most importantly we’re making the world a better place.

Но важнее то, Что мы делаем мир лучше

And claiming to make the world a better place all the time.

И всеми этими заявлениями, что мы, мол, делаем мир лучше.

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I wish I could make the world a better place for you to wake up in, but, tough as it is to accept, we both have to understand that even my power to protect and watch over you has its limits.

Как бы мне хотелось сделать мир лучшим местом для твоего пробуждения… но… как бы ни тяжело было это принять, мы оба должны понимать, ….что даже моя сила защищать и приглядывать за тобой, имеет свои пределы.

No, we also bonded over having both been raised by our grandmothers, and we also swore that we’d both remain committed to making the world a better place for our having been in it.

Нет, мы также выяснили, что нас обоих растили бабушки, а также мы оба пообещали, что будем стараться сделать мир лучшим местом нашего пребывания.

We’re a family and we all have a part to play to make this world a better place.

Мы семья, и каждый из нас играет свою роль, чтобы сделать мир лучшим местом.

I mean, you want to make the world a better place and you’re willing to risk everything to make that happen.

Я имею в виду, Вы хотите сделать мир лучшим местом и готовы рискнуть всем ради этого.

We’re working very hard to make this world a better place for you to grow up in.

Мы работаем очень тяжело, чтобы сделать этот мир лучшим местом для тебя и рожденных здесь.

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Try to make the world a better place before you go. Don’t…

Попытайся изменить мир к лучшему, прежде чем уйдешь.

Now, if you really want to make the world a better place… I suggest you open your fucking ears, because I’m about to tell it to you.

Если вы хотите изменить мир к лучшему, раскройте уши, и я вам все расскажу.

You know, everybody in this industry, they say they want to make this world a better place, but we could actually do it.

Послушайте, все в этой индустрии заявляют, что хотят изменить мир к лучшему, а мы можем это сделать.

Your husband died trying to make the world a better place.

Ваш муж погиб при попытке изменить мир к лучшему.

«If you want to make the world a better place»

«ЕСЛИ ХОЧЕШЬ ИЗМЕНИТЬ МИР К ЛУЧШЕМУ,» «Если хочешь изменить мир к лучшему,»

Показать ещё примеры для «изменить мир к лучшему»…

If you were Miss America what would you do to make the world a better place?

Если бы вы были Мисс Америкой чтобы вы сделали, чтобы мир стал лучше?

We didn’t do it to make the world a better place.

Не для того, чтобы мир стал лучше.

No matter what the anthropological reasons, we fight to make the world a better place.

Несмотря на все антропологические причины, мы боремся за то, чтобы этот мир стал лучше.

Doesn’t that make the world a better place?

Разве от этого мир не стал бы лучше?

You think doing this to me will make the world a better place?

Ты думаешь, раз сделаешь это со мной, то мир станет лучше?

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Перевод по словам

to [preposition]

preposition: к, в, до, на, для

abbreviation: телеграфная контора, телеграфное отделение

  • how-to guide — руководство по эксплуатации
  • to the side — В сторону
  • to the echo — к эхо
  • to the highest degree — в высшей степени
  • to the world — к миру
  • go to seed — идти к семенам
  • veer to — поворачиваться
  • balk to — уклоняться
  • sympathetic to — сочувствующий
  • antithetical to — противоречащий

make [noun]

noun: марка, изготовление, производство, модель, выработка, работа, стиль, фасон, выделка, варенье

verb: делать, производить, совершать, создавать, зарабатывать, составлять, заставлять, получать, изготавливать, готовить

  • make reference to — ссылаться на
  • make unwell — плохо себя чувствовать
  • make slack — провисать
  • make narrower — сузить
  • make good weather — хорошо выдерживать шторм
  • make them achieve — сделать их достижения
  • make life much simpler — делают жизнь намного проще
  • make disappear — делают исчезнуть
  • i make a killing — я сделать убийство
  • to make housing — чтобы сделать жилье
  • get the measure of — получить меру
  • the galaxy — галактика
  • save the life of — спасти жизнь
  • boss the show — босс шоу
  • overstep the line of — переступить линию
  • the arts — искусство
  • the jackpot — джекпот
  • hub of the universe — центр вселенной
  • in the nighttime — в ночное время
  • on the lam — на ламе

world [noun]

noun: мир, свет, вселенная, общество, царство, кругозор, деятельность, множество, куча

adjective: мировой, всемирный

  • spiritual world — духовный мир
  • industry world leader — лидер отрасли мира
  • world league for — Мир лига
  • world leading language — ведущий мировой язык
  • world-heritage building — здание мирового наследия
  • world federation of exchanges — Всемирная федерация бирж
  • fictional world — вымышленный мир
  • man’s world — мир человека
  • Looking-Glass World — Зазеркалье
  • world-renowned artists — всемирно известные художники

a [article]

article: один, некий, каждый, такой же, неопределенный артикль, одинаковый, какой-то

noun: высшая отметка, круглое отлично

abbreviation: возраст, акр, пополудни

  • lend a hand with/to — протянуть руку с / к
  • have a bearing — иметь подшипник
  • unearth a mystery — раскрыть тайну
  • a bundle of nerves — пучок нервов
  • spring a leak — пропустить утечку
  • beyond a shadow of a doubt — вне тени сомнения
  • ship a sea — зачерпнуть воду
  • have a new lease of life — воспрянуть духом
  • not worth a straw — не стоит соломы
  • be at a loss — быть в убытке

better [adjective]

adverb: лучше, больше, основательно, полностью

adjective: лучший, больший, более подходящий, высший, чувствующий себя лучше

verb: улучшать, улучшаться, поправляться, превосходить, исправляться, поправлять, исправлять, превышать

noun: держащий пари

  • deserve something better — заслуживаю что-то лучше
  • better command — команда лучше
  • fit better with — подходит лучше
  • better durability — лучше долговечность
  • better value for money — лучшее соотношение цены и качества
  • turned out to be better — оказался лучше
  • make a difference for the better — внести изменения в лучшую сторону
  • which better — которые лучше
  • better visible — лучше видно
  • half a loaf is better than none — полбуханки лучше, чем ничего

place [noun]

noun: место, местечко, город, положение, площадь, жилище, усадьба, должность, селение, резиденция

verb: размещать, помещать, ставить, устанавливать, класть, устраивать, помещаться, возлагать, определять место, делать заказ

  • place in — установить в
  • pike place market — рынок на Пайк-плейс
  • comfortable place — удобное место
  • beacon place — место маяк
  • took its place — занял свое место
  • put in place a mechanism — ввести в действие механизм
  • place of manufacture — место производства
  • place of nature — место природы
  • in place to support — в целях поддержки
  • place to deliver — место для доставки

Предложения с «to make the world a better place»

So a few concluding thoughts on what audiences can do to make the world a better place .

Несколько слов в заключение о том, что мы́ можем сделать , чтобы мир стал лучше .

Let our meeting here today be an opportunity to make a common and solemn pledge to make the world a better place for our children.

Пусть наша встреча здесь сегодня даст возможность принять общее и торжественное обязательство сделать мир лучше для наших детей.

But partly, we want to make the world a better place , and so one thing that we’re embarking upon is the Google Foundation, and we’re in the process of setting that up.

Мы хотим сделать мир лучше и для этого приступаем к созданию Фонда Google, который скоро откроется.

I vote to bring money home trying to be a friend people who meet. this is all I can do to make the world a better place .

Я голосую, я выписываю пару чеков, стараюсь дружить с людьми, с которыми встречаюсь. Это все, что я могу сделать , чтобы мир стал немного лучше .

We all do what we can do to make the world a better place .

Мы все делаем то, что можем, для улучшения этого мира.

If you were Miss America what would you do to make the world a better place ?

Если бы вы были Мисс Америкой чтобы вы сделали , чтобы мир стал лучше ?

I’m not better, I’m just… doing what needs to be done to make the world a better place .

Я не лучше других. Просто я делаю то, что должен чтобы сделать этот мир лучше .

We’ll be better people and you’ll have sacrificed yourselves to make the world a better place .

Мы станем лучше , а вы пожертвуете собой во имя совершенства нашего мира.

You’re jus.. crunching numbers and running data to make the world a better place ?

Ты просто… вбиваешь циферки и компонуешь информацию чтобы сделать мир лучше ?

Marxism is our science to make the world a better place .

Марксизм — это наша наука, призванная сделать мир лучше .

When we make the world a better place to grow old in, we make it a better place in which to be from somewhere else, to have a disability, to be queer, to be non-rich, to be non-white.

Когда мы создаём мир, в котором не страшно стареть, мы делаем его лучше для всех, для инвалидов, для не нормотипичных, для бедных, для тёмнокожих.

People want a better world .

Люди хотят жить в лучшем мире.

You know better than anyone, the world is more connected than ever before, yet the great danger is that we’re consumed by our divisions.

Вам известно лучше других, мир сейчас взаимосвязан, как никогда, и до сих пор большой проблемой является то, что мы помешаны на барьерах.

We know that we can find those Zipline-type solutions and help the poor leapfrog into a better world .

Мы знаем, что можем найти такие же решения, как Zipline, и помочь бедным перепрыгнуть в лучший мир.

Have access to more information, they’ll be able to make better decisions in the real world than we can.

Получив больший доступ к информации, они смогут принимать решения лучше , чем мы.

I don’t care who it is, if it’s my sister or it’s my friend, today is the day I have to show up and I have to be better and I have to want it more than anyone else at this moment anywhere on this world .

Не важно, кто это, сестра или друг, сегодня я должна выиграть и быть лучше , и в этот момент я должна хотеть этого больше, чем кто — либо другой в этом мире.

In fact, we need huge spotlights placed in the world of women’s health if we need a better tomorrow.

Нам нужны прожекторы, чтобы осветить закрытый мир здоровья женщин, если нам нужно лучшее будущее.

It will be harsh, and you’d better be anxious and be stressful, or it’s going to be an easy world , and you have to be different.

Окажется ли она суровой, где лучше быть на чеку и готовым ко всему, или она будет благоприятной, и можно расслабиться.

We knew that if we were successful, we would be helping the environment and making the world a better place .

Мы знали, если у нас всё получится, мы спасём окружающую среду и сделаем мир лучше .

And across campus, there’s truly brilliant scientists asking questions like, How can I make the world a better place ?

Во всём научном городке по — настоящему гениальные учёные задаются вопросами вроде: Как я могу сделать мир лучше ?

If the designers had known what was really happening in the real world with their designs — the road, the building, Barbie — they could’ve used that knowledge to create an experience that was better for the user.

Если бы дизайнеры знали, что на самом деле произойдёт в реальном мире с их детищем: дорогами, зданиями, Барби, они бы использовали эти знания на благо их потребителя.

She assured me that a mother’s love was the strongest bond on Earth, and that she loved her children more than anything in the world , but because of her illness, she was sure that they would be better off without her.

Она убедила меня, что на Земле нет уз сильнее материнской любви, и что она любила своих детей больше всего на свете, но из — за болезни была уверена, что им будет лучше без неё.

It’s not uncommon to hear people say that stories make the world a better place .

Нередко мы слышим, что рассказы делают мир лучше .

So three — because it’s always got to be three — three reasons why I think that stories don’t necessarily make the world a better place .

Вот вам три — всегда же должно быть три — причины, по которым, как мне кажется, рассказы не всегда делают мир лучше .

The third reason that I think that stories don’t necessarily make the world a better place is that too often we are so invested in the personal narrative that we forget to look at the bigger picture.

Третья причина, по которой рассказы не всегда делают мир лучше , заключается в том, что мы так увлекаемся отдельными историями, что забываем взглянуть на картину целиком.

In the final analysis, of course, it is justice that makes the world a better place , not stories, right?

В итоге, естественно: именно справедливость делает мир лучше , а не рассказы, правда?

So firstly, the world would be a better place , I think, if audiences were more curious and more skeptical and asked more questions about the social context that created those stories that they love so much.

Во — первых, мир был бы лучше , если бы люди были более любопытными и скептичными и задавали больше вопросов о социальном контексте, где случаются интересующие их истории.

Secondly, the world would be a better place if audiences recognized that storytelling is intellectual work.

Во — вторых, мир был бы лучше , если бы люди признали повествование интеллектуальной работой.

And then lastly, I think that audiences can make the world a better place by switching off their phones, by stepping away from their screens and stepping out into the real world beyond what feels safe.

И, наконец, люди могли бы сделать мир лучше , если бы выключили телефоны, отошли от экранов и действовали в реальном мире, за рамками зоны комфорта.

We’re changing the world for the better.

Мы меняем мир к лучшему .

There is nothing better and the most expensive in the world like Native Land.

Нет ничего лучше и дороже в мире, чем родина.

More and more frequently people from different spheres of activity would like to get a better idea of the business world and the English used for business purposes.

Все более часто люди из различных сфер деятельности хотели бы получить лучшее представление о деловом мире и деловом английском языке в деловых целях.

Today’s world is changing rapidly because people want it to be better for them.

Современный мир изменяется очень быстро, потому что люди хотят сделать его лучше для себя.

We must care, where we live, because we can change the world and we can make it better!

Мы должны заботиться о месте, где мы живем, потому что мы можем изменить мир и сделать его лучше !

We’d do much better to spend our time thinking of ways to fight the Organization and destroy the world’s ruling structure.

Лучше потратить время на создание плана противостояния Организации и разрушения мировой системы правления.

For of course Cade knew that there would be no better world for him.

Кейд четко осознавал, что для него никакого лучшего мира не будет.

In a world of dull jobs and soul-grinding routine, it was pleasant to see someone having a little fun, even at the expense of her betters.

В мире скучных обязанностей, исполняемых спустя рукава, было приятно видеть человека, полного юного энтузиазма.

The main advantage of Your works is that they make our world more beautiful, make people better.

Главное достоинство Ваших работ это то, что они делают наш мир красивее, а людей лучше .

The world is a better place without men like sidney snow, And better with women of high moral standards like miss cole.

Мир станет лучше без людей вроде Сидни Сноу и лучше с женщинами с высокими моральными устоями, как у мисс Коул.

Solidarity is therefore a prerequisite for building the better world to which we all aspire.

Следовательно, солидарность является предпосылкой построения лучшего мира, видеть который хотим все мы.

The company is willing to consider any innovative ideas enabling to increase productive efficiency and making our world the better place .

Компания готова рассмотреть любые инновационные идеи, которые позволят повысить эффективность производства и изменить наш мир к лучшему .

I wanted to invent something that would change the world , make life better for people.

Я хотел изобрести что — то такое, что изменит мир, сделает жизнь людей лучше .

However, better information on certain regions of the world was required in order to more accurately assess global trends.

Однако для более точной оценки глобальных тенденций требуется более полная информация по некоторым регионам мира.

The common man, rooted in the real world , supposedly knows better: uncompromising toughness, the hard line, is the only way to get results.

Имеется в виду, что простой человек, корни которого в реальном мире, хорошо знает, что бескомпромиссная жёсткость и твёрдость — это единственный способ добиться цели.

We salute all those who served in freedom’s cause and honour all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to create a better world .

Мы приветствуем всех тех, кто служил делу освобождения, и чествуем всех тех, кто пошел на максимальные жертвы ради создания лучшего мира.

Reforms intended to open countries to world markets have stimulated productivity growth and better macroeconomic performance.

Реформы, направленные на стимулирование выхода стран на мировые рынки, ведут к повышению роста производительности труда и улучшению макроэкономических показателей.

Let us work hand in hand to build an even better world .

Давайте же совместно работать над построением еще лучшего мира.

Migrants seeking safety from persecution or better opportunities for their future have forever been crossing borders throughout the world .

На протяжении всей истории мигранты в надежде спастись от преследований или в поиске лучшей доли пересекали границы по всему миру.

Trade reform could help developing countries to achieve a better deal in world trade, promote sustainable development and eradicate poverty.

Реформа системы торговли будет способствовать более эффективному участию развивающихся стран в мировой торговле, устойчивому развитию и ликвидации нищеты.

We hope that we have the opportunity to start afresh and rebuild a better world for our children to prosper.

Мы надеемся, что у нас есть возможность начать сначала и построить лучший мир, чтобы дать лучшую жизнь нашим детям.

But the manifestations of political will, as the most critical ingredient in our efforts for a better world , remain elusive.

Но проявление политической воли как самой необходимой составной части наших усилий построить лучший мир пока что ускользает от нас.

It is a hard lesson for a hard world , and you had better learn it.

Это жестокий урок жестокого мира, и тебе стоит усвоить его.

An increment in its membership will enhance the Council’s capabilities to reflect better the concerns of all countries of the world .

Расширение его членского состава укрепит возможности Совета в плане более широкого учета интересов всех стран мира.

However, neither regulation had a detailed full vehicle sliding door test procedure that better simulates real world door openings in crashes.

Вместе с тем ни в одних из предписаний не предусматривается подробной процедуры испытания полностью укомплектованных боковых раздвижных дверей транспортного средства, которая более эффективно имитировала бы случаи открывания дверей в реальных условиях аварии.

One can only hope that our children’s generation will grow up to live in a world that does a better job of balancing efficiency and equity than we do.

Можно только надеяться, что когда вырастет поколение наших детей, они будут жить в мире, который гораздо лучше нас уравновешивает экономическую эффективность и справедливость.

First, we will still have to find better ways of managing the world’s economy, reducing its inequities, and coping with its environmental hazards.

Во — первых, нам все равно предстоит поиск более эффективных способов управления мировой экономикой, сокращения неравенства и борьбы с опасностями вредного воздействия окружающей среды.

In fact, it would “be a waste” for Ukrainians to even discuss the history of rightwing World War II partisans with outsiders and “one should not expect better from a Russian.”

Ну да, конечно, украинцам не стоит тратить время на дискуссии о правых партизанах времен Второй мировой войны с чужаками — и вообще, «чего еще ждать от русского?»

Sachs will always be a squeaky wheel that roars. And the world will be a better place for it.

Сакс всегда будет тем скрипучим колесом, которое рвет и этот мир будет для него лучшим местом.

And, yeah, he will drive you all mad, but in terms of raw talent and right stuff, there is no better driver in the world .

И да, он сведёт вас с ума, но с точки зрения врожденного таланта и подобных вещей, в мире нет гонщика лучше .

If there is a better idea for fair burden-sharing between the world’s Main Streets and its Wall Streets, let’s hear it.

Если есть идея получше, относительно того, как справедливо распределить ответственность между Мейн — Стритами и Волл — Стритами всего мира, то пускай кто — нибудь нам о ней расскажет.

  • #1

What does the word «world» in the phrase, «make the world a better place» mean? Does it mean the Earth? There is also a song lyric that goes: «She’s her daddy’s girl, and her mother’s world.» Appreciate your reply ahead of time.

  • velisarius

    • #2

    Yes, in your first example it refers to our planet (Earth).

    If you «mean the world to me», you are very precious to me. If I say you are «my (whole) world», it means that you are the most important thing in my life.

    • #3

    Yes, in your first example it refers to our planet (Earth).

    If you «mean the world to me», you are very precious to me. If I say you are «my (whole) world», it means that you are the most important thing in my life.

    Thank you, Velisarius. I enjoy learning the second meanings of the word world.


    • #4

    make the world a better place

    This is often a reference to society, not the physical world.

    It means improving the lives of people. Making life better and easier for people.

    In reference to environmentalism, it would be a reference to the physical world.

    • #5

    This is often a reference to society, not the physical world.

    It means improving the lives of people. Making life better and easier for people.

    In reference to environmentalism, it would be a reference to the physical world.

    Thank you, Kentix, for the distinction. So the phrase «make the world a better place» does not mean everywhere on Earth but it is about a group of people living in a particular neighborhood or community, right?


    • #6

    It could mean any group or the whole world, as long as it makes life better, especially if it eliminates suffering or unfairness.

    make the world a better place

    Общая лексика: сделать мир лучше, изменить мир к лучшему

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «make the world a better place» в других словарях:

    • Better Place — Rechtsform Beteiligungsgesellschaft Gründung 29. Oktober 2007 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Project Better Place — Better Place ist eine am 29. Oktober 2007 von Ex SAP Manager Shai Agassi gegründete Firma, welche eine flächendeckende Infrastruktur für den Massenbetrieb von Elektroautos anbietet. Sitz der Firma ist Palo Alto in Kalifornien, USA.[1] Gemäß Shai… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • The World Ends with You — Left to right, Joshua, Neku, Beat (above), Shiki, and Rhyme Developer(s) Square Enix Jupiter …   Wikipedia

    • The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy —   …   Wikipedia

    • The Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal — [1] [2] is an annual medal that is awarded by Vanderbilt University. The Medal carries with it a cash prize of $100,000. The Nichols Chancellor s Medal is awarded to those persons who define the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of… …   Wikipedia

    • Make Another World — Studio album by Idlewild Released 5 March 2007 …   Wikipedia

    • The photo award — was founded in Sweden in the year 2008. It is a prestigious annual press photography contest. The purpose of the event is to enhance journalistic photography, and to strengthen the position for the professional photographer. It is also intended… …   Wikipedia

    • The World of Kong — The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island is a 2005 encyclopedic book, made for the release of Peter Jackson s King Kong. The book tells all about King Kong s fictional world. It talks about everything on Skull Island, from the… …   Wikipedia

    • The World Ends with You — Entwickler Square Enix /Jupiter Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • The World Is Not Enough (song) — Infobox Single Name = The World Is Not Enough Artist = Garbage from Album = The World Is Not Enough B side = Ice Bandits Released = October 11, 1999 (US) November 15, 1999 UK December 7, 1999 (EU) Format = CD maxi, CD single, Cassette single… …   Wikipedia

    • The Big Green Help — Infobox television show name = The Big Green Help caption = format = Reality runtime = 30 minutes creator = starring = opentheme = endtheme = country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = April 22, 2008 last aired = Present preceded by = The… …   Wikipedia

    How to make the world a better place? I’m glad that you typed this question on your device. And I’m really thankful that you chose this article from all those articles in the search to get an answer to your question.

    If you’re coming from a different source, I’m still thankful. What else I could be?

    It’s the time when finally people are interacting with our website. So, a big thanks in advance.

    Now, coming to your question.

    I believe that you don’t or aren’t able to find the world a better place to live. With the Coronavirus spread from last year, it feels a bit true.

    However, if you look at the 2021 Year in Search and the current 2022 Year in Search from Google, you’ll find it a little different. You’d find hope that the world isn’t so bad after all. And while watching the videos, you’ll probably get a smile on your face.

    But still, those joyful moments can’t deny the other factors as well. That some area of the world needs betterment.

    So, how can we make that happen? How can you alone change the world? Believe it or not, you can change the world, and there are many ways to accomplish it.

    Therefore, in this article, I’ve listed them out to help you easily take part in making the world a better place.

    But before we go on to those points, isn’t it a good idea to see and learn why we need a better world?

    I believe it’s a fantastic idea because it will help us understand the whole point much more clearer.

    So, let’s see why we need a better world.

    Why Is It Necessary to Make the World a Better Place?

    Why do we need to make the world a better place

    To bring balance to the world.

    Hatred, crime, violence, and many bad things are never going to stop.

    People are going to do bad to each other and other things in this world. Rape, burglary, cheating, drug intake, animal killing, and a lot more are never going to stop.

    Never, because a world without problems doesn’t exist; nevertheless, a world with complete hatred cannot survive. And to keep the cycle moving, we have to put weight on the other side.

    Just like there are no days without a night, there will be no bad world without a good one. And for that only, we have to try to make the world a better place.

    Once you start, more people will join you on your journey. From you, you’ll start a chain reaction that will give rise to many good situations. 

    Perhaps, we can’t make the whole world a better place, and it’s not possible because, without no problems, we would die out of boredom.

    Problems give us a cause to stand up and do something. And when we do something, we make the world better.

    Not the whole, but some area of it. We keep the light of hope ignited. 

    How Can We Make the World a Better Place?

    The following points will help you try your best to change the world for the better in today’s modern times and modern problems.

    1. Start With Yourself to Make the World a Better Place

    If you’re saying, “I want to change the world,” then you better start with yourself.

    Because if you can’t change yourself, you can’t change the world.

    As simple as that.

    So, what is it you want to change in yourself? If you want my opinion, the best place to start is to bring change in your nature.

    How do you see things, how do you interact with people, and how do you feel about yourself? Once your nature starts to become better, other things will start to fall into the piece.

    Start With Yourself

    When I started to change myself, I got help from the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It’s a nice self-help book that can really help you bring tangible changes in your life—altogether.

    The book is focused on the term SAVERS, which is the contracted form of Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading and Scribing.

    By practising these methods on a daily basis, I brought good changes in my mind, emotions, knowledge, health and finance. And I believe if I can bring changes in myself, then you can as well.

    But all those will happen when you read this book and apply the real power behind its teaching.

    Moreover, if you’re a person who’s dealing with loads of impatience, then this article can help you → 10 causes of impatience people should keep in mind.

    If you see your life as painful, you might want to read this →  Why is life so painful, and why do they say life is suffering?

    And if you’re finding your life useless, you can munch on this one → I don’t know what to do with my life – Yes, you do.

    2. Turn All Your Machines Off Once a Day for an Hour or Two

    Do you keep your motorbike or car running all day when you’re not riding or driving it? Do you keep your ceiling fan ON when you’re out of the house?

    I wonder why most people keep charging their mobile phones when it’s not getting in use. Why not put it switched off for a while?

    Because if you do that, it will help you make the world a better place significantly.

    We are in a modern world with modern problems, and if you want to bring change to the world, you have to deal with the modern ones as well.

    Mobile phones, tablets, WIFI routers, smartwatches and a lot more modern devices are machines.

    And machines are supposed to shut down when they are not getting in use.

    But we humans don’t realise it and keep using and charging our devices no matter what.

    Turn off your mobiles phones once a week or year to change the world

    Well, that’s not helpful for both you and the device. Because the more you use it and don’t give it a rest, the more early it will break down.

    The early it fails, the earlier you’ll go for another. And the more the companies will produce them.

    When they do so, they’ll take more from the Earth’s resources, which are already very limited.

    I bought my mobile phone in 2017, and it was functioning until April 2022. (Unfortunately, this year ‘2022’, it broke.) I used to switch it off at night when I went to sleep. Put it on charging only when it was entirely out or under 10%. And it had only those apps that were useful and nothing useless.

    Here I am talking about the complete health of the mobile phone, not just its battery life.

    Young woman sleeping bed

    Anyway, just like we humans, who to get some energy to go to sleep, the machines are also required to shut down completely. Because only feeding doesn’t give us energy alone, and it’s so true in the case of machines as well.

    So, put your machines off once a day, week, or year, so they won’t break down at an early stage.

    You don’t have to buy another, and companies don’t have to produce more by taking more from Earth’s limited stock.

    As a result, you’re going to make the world better.

    3. Search With Environment Saving Search Engines

    We all do searching.

    What’s Taylor Swift’s age, how tall the Eiffel Tower is, and why is Donald Trump not leaving his place as the United States President?

    There are so many questions and so many searches around the world.

    But what if you save the environment with your searches? I guess it would be a nice start towards a better world.  

    The world is changing, and with that, how you search around the internet as well.

    In today’s time, you can do both things- searching and saving the environment side by side. There are plenty of search engines that support the initiative to make our world a better place in terms of the environment.

    Below, I have listed some of the many that I use when I go on the internet.

    Search with eco friendly search engines to make the world a better place

    Ecosia– With every search on this browser, you’ll plant trees. If you cannot go out and find time to volunteer for tree plantation and other similar activities, then you can surely start searching on the internet using this browser and make the world a better place with some nice clean air.

    OceanHero– In the past years, we’ve used plastic a lot, and leftovers have gone to the oceans. Which further caused damage to sea life— fish, turtles, and more water-based animals. When you search on the internet using the OceanHero search engine, you’ll help them remove plastics from the ocean and become a part of making a better world for the water species. 

    everyClick– When you search the internet using this search engine, you raise funds for charities. So, you don’t have to donate separately to come out as a donor. Using this browser, you can do 2 things together – internet surfing as well as donations. 

    More environment-saving search engines- If you want to explore other search engines that are working with a motive to make the world a better place, then you can read this article → Search Engines That Do Social Good; it has a collection of all the search engines that works for a social cause.  

    Note: You can keep using search engines like Google, as it’s carbon neutral since 2007. And by 2030, it will be carbon-free. However, the aforementioned Search Engines provide their services for the sole reason of doing good for Earth.

    4. Go Offline More Often to Make the World a Better Place

    It’s all about resources. Whatever we do, it comes down to a single point, how much we’re taking from the Earth?

    To say we have unlimited space to upload images, videos, blogs, and multiple other things on the internet, but somewhere we are using space.

    The servers are running 24/7 continuously, taking power from generators and direct electricity supply from the government or private sectors.

    The more we use those social media stuff, the more load we put on the servers. The more space we take, the more servers those social media operators will put in their hubs— thus, more use of the resources. 

    Go offline to make the world a better place

    That’s not the single reason why you should go offline more often.

    However, when you remain active on social media, you miss out on the very interesting things that are happening in the real world.

    You miss time with the family and the community. Which increases anxiety levels in your mind, and you feel more disconnected from the world. Once you start to feel that way, you start to see the world as the worst place to live your life.

    Whereas the world you’re living in, perhaps already be better, but you’re not able to see it. 

    5. Respect Women, Elders, and Children

    You get what you give to the world. If you say bad words, you’ll get to listen to more bad words with interest.

    Yeah, that’s right.

    And I believe you have had any experience with this. If not, then you’re lucky or perhaps a wise man.

    Women are already shaking the world; whether you give them respect or not, they’re doing things that have earned them the respect they deserve in the world.

    Still, it would be a great start if you respect women.

    There are still some parts of the world that require change for women. When you’ll do it, others will learn, and they’ll also start. Because bad things done by men to women happen when they don’t respect her freedom, voice and ideas.

    You have to respect her completely. Because both women and men are part of a single entity, they seem different physically, but their cause same, to serve humanity hand in hand.

    If you’re a woman reading this, then the same applies to you for men.

    Older people are our guiding north star. They have opened this world for us— the younger generation.

    They deserve respect already; we don’t need any cause now to respect the elders; they have done enough. And what’s the great thing about respecting elders, i.e., they don’t want anything from us except love and care.

    If you’re lucky to have mother, father, and grandparents, then go and spend time with them. They’re the reason you’re here today.

    Perhaps, some people’s parents aren’t such great as they suppose to be. But it’s not their fault; it’s the fault of the time and circumstances they had to live.

    Accept them as they are, and show kindness that you have no grudge against them for how they treated you. Because they gave you the lesson about how bad it feels to a child when their parents treat them bad.

    And you’re not going to do the same to your children.

    It’s understandable to respect women and elders, but why respect children because people say to be friends with them? Bear with me; I’ll tell you why. 

    Do you agree that kids learn from us?

    Yes, they see things that adults are doing and then repeat them to learn.

    To make our doings their part as well. However, it’s not recognised by adults because they are too busy in their worlds.

    And because we adults don’t see how our actions are having an impact on our children, we might walk around the house throwing bad words from our mouths.

    And when the kid does the same, we wonder, wherefrom it has learned all that?

    Moreover, we adults believe that we can say anything to a child and expect from that little human specie good behaviour in return.

    Where in the first place, we were supposed to use the right words because we have gone through the learnings of life, and that kid, is just has started to learn something about this world.

    How can he/she know what’s right to say and what’s not?  

    So, with women and elders, it’s crucial that you respect children also because they are the future.

    And they learn from us; if we set a bad example in front of them, they’ll set a bad example for the future generation.

    That’s why it’s essential to be careful with kids, especially.

    You may also like

    6. Help With No Expectations to Make the World a Better Place

    How do you feel if one day all the people who had ever helped you came to your house asking for help?

    I bet you’ll hide under the bed.

    But it won’t be the case because people often don’t help.

    Because there’s a saying which is very popular, i.e., “There is no time for good.”

    Why is this saying so popular? I’ll tell you why because people expect whenever they help someone. But help isn’t a trade. Is it?

    No, it’s not. But still, we expect something back from another person without letting him/her know that he or she is supposed to help us back.

    Help without any expectation

    That’s not how help works. Because if we will going to expect, we will always regret helping another person.

    We will always find ourselves saying the above words, “There is no time for goodness.”

    So, if you’re going to help someone the next year, then please don’t expect something out of it.

    I assure you by doing so; you’ll find yourself more proud and liberated. Furthermore, if you want to learn more about helping other people, then the below article is a good starting point. 👇

    Helping others? Then you should learn this first.

    7. Believe in Your Religion but Don’t Tell the Religion of Others Wrong

    Based on my theory, I believe when God came down to Earth or came into existence, he* had many kids.

    He told them about himself, who he is and what he does.

    Then told his kids to travel to different parts of the world and spread his name and teachings.

    All the kids went down in different directions, and as they met people, they told about him.

    Respect all religions to make the world a better place

    But as they kept going, or you can say his story passed from one generation to another, variations of his story started to come out.

    Different generations keep getting his name remembered differently. And that’s how many Gods were born.

    The whole point is that God is One.

    All the teachings are the same but have a different language.

    Hinduism talks about Love, Kindness,  and Karma.

    So does Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and more.  All talk about the same thing.

    We are human, and we all should care about each other. 

    So, to make the world a better place, treat people as your kin.

    Don’t see their colour, religion or language as a barrier to spreading goodness in the world. 

    * I prefer to use “He” to refer to God if you like to use “She,” I have no serious issue against it. There is no provable theory that defines God’s gender. 

    8. Accept the LGBTQ people

    If something isn’t harming us, then we shouldn’t try to destroy it. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queer people are people just like you and me.

    They made their community because we didn’t want them in our life. That’s what I was very against at first, but then I realised why they did it.

    They had no choice other than to make a community of their own where people like them could support them and take care of them in their dark times.

    Accept lgbtq people

    But, they all are not going to survive if we heterosexuals don’t accept them. Or rightly said, we will not survive if we don’t accept them.

    Because some of them are our brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, nieces and so on— a part of the family, and without family, nobody can survive, not even God.

    9. Use Public Transport or a Bicycle

    I believe I don’t have to explain it in detail. But to remind you, I’ll say a little.

    When we use public transport, we contribute to the country’s economy, plus we all less pollute our world’s atmosphere.

    Or if public transport is pollution-free, then it’s the icing on the cake.

    Use public transport or ride bicycle

    By using a bicycle, you’ll do three things. You don’t pollute the world, don’t use the Earth’s limited resources, and make good health out of it.

    When your environment and health are good, you got more options to make the world a better place. 

    10. Donate When You Can

    Well, by using donation-generating search engines, for instance, Every Click, you’re already generating donations with every search.

    There’s no need for you to make an effort and donate more. Yet, it still doesn’t feel like a donation.

    However, it’s real, and those companies are genuinely making some quite good changes in the world with the help of technology.

    But still, if you want to donate, which feels like you’re donating, then donate only when you can.

    Donate to change the world for good

    You don’t need to donate every time something that requires a donation because even a single donation is worth 100 donations.

    Even $1 counts as a donation.

    So, when you don’t feel like donating, please don’t do it, and don’t feel bad about it. Because if something is worth donating, then it will get its donation from other sources for sure there’s nothing that can stop it.

    11. Don’t Throw Old Stuff

    Clothes, food (yeah, food never gets old, and expired food is of no use, but think of the leftover here), and plastic products, such as chairs, tables, bags, suitcases and other loads of things.

    Rather than throwing it in the garbage, you can give it to the people who are less financially good than you.

    And when I say give them, I meant to give it to them for free, don’t make money out of it. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it just doesn’t feel right.

    I guess doing so will make you less of a giver and more of a taker.

    If you want to change the world, then don't throw old stuffs

    Therefore, don’t trade old things, just give them for free. So, when they, the less financially good people, become good at finance can do the same.

    And that’s it; you’ve started the chain reaction and done your part to make the world a better place to live. Cheers now!

    12. Treat Everyone the Same as You Are Inside

    I never got bullied in school, and I never did bully someone else.

    However, I did see children bully someone else and never tried to stop it. I never felt bad about it. I guess I didn’t have that kind of understanding back then.

    But one thing I do know now is that no matter what type of physique we have, from the inside, we all are the same. We all are soft and very vulnerable behind the protective bones.

    We do get hurt, and so does the other.

    Be the change by treating everyone just like you

    So, if you’ve been treating someone very harshly lately or for a long time, then 2023 could be a great year for you to stop doing that and say sorry to that person you’re hurting.

    If you do it today, then it will be much better. Why wait when there’s no reason to wait?

    Perhaps, that other person isn’t telling you how hurt is he/she, but they get hurt when you hurt them.

    Therefore, treat people the same as you are inside, and I believe we all are nice inside. We all got the same heart that is made out of muscles rather than steel or rocks.

    So, go on and treat them nicer than you ever could. Or, you’ll regret it your whole life. One more thing, when I say treat everyone the same, I mean everyone, not only humans but everyone—animals, plants, birds, and so on.

    13. And There Are Many Ways 👇 That You Can Follow to Make the World a Better Place

    Many ways to change the world

    The above 12 points aren’t the only things that you can do to make the world a better place. Nevertheless, these are effective in today’s modern times.

    But you can find more ways to bring a good change in this nice little world of ours and your life as well.

    If you want more points and ideas on how you can make the world better, then the below YouTube video would be a nice journey for you from here. 

    I hope the above points have helped you understand why we need to change the world. Plus, it would have also opened the ways for you to make the world a better place.

    But from all those points, what’s important is when you need to take action and how. So, for that, the only thing I want to say is that there will be no right time. And there will be no right tool or way.

    Therefore, start taking action today no matter where you are and what tool you have. Little by little, you’ll get bigger and better at your job to make this world a good world.

    If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family members. If you want to read more like it, you can subscribe to our free newsletter.

    That’s it. Thank you for giving your time.

    Nathawat Brothers

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    You Make The World A Better Place - Priscilla Ahn

    Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни You Make The World A Better Place, исполнителя — Priscilla Ahn.
    Дата выпуска: 25.03.2021
    Язык песни: Английский

    Выберите на какой язык перевести:

    You Make The World A Better Place


    I used to think there ain’t no way
    I can live on after my body’s gone
    Now I know I was wrong
    The only reason that I’m singing this song
    Is ’cause of you
    Is ’cause of you
    You make the world a better place
    You make the world more beautiful
    That’s what you do
    That’s what you do
    I know my body is an awesome machine
    A great example of wonderment and majesty
    Now there’s you who needs your body no more
    What was it for?
    Showing everybody love
    Showing everybody love
    You make the world a better place
    You make the world more beautiful
    That’s what you do
    That’s what you do

    Ты Делаешь Мир Лучше


    Раньше я думал, что нет никакого пути
    Я могу жить после того, как мое тело уйдет
    Теперь я знаю, что ошибался
    Единственная причина, по которой я пою эту песню
    Это из-за тебя
    Это из-за тебя
    Вы делаете мир лучше
    Вы делаете мир красивее
    Это то, что вы делаете
    Это то, что вы делаете
    Я знаю, что мое тело — потрясающая машина
    Отличный пример удивления и величия
    Теперь есть ты, кому больше не нужно твое тело
    Для чего это нужно?
    Показывая всем любовь
    Показывая всем любовь
    Вы делаете мир лучше
    Вы делаете мир красивее
    Это то, что вы делаете
    Это то, что вы делаете

    Рейтинг перевода: 5

    /5 |
    Голосов: 1

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