Make the sentences negative add the word yet to complete them they have arrived home

Make these sentences negative. Add the word yet to complete them.
1. We have written Exercise Ten. – We haven’t written Exercise Ten yet.
2. He has learned the poem by heart.
3. I have given an apple to my sister.
4. She has taken the books from Room Six.
5. You have spoken to your English teacher.
6. Grace has decided where to go.
7. We have borrowed some money from my granny.
8. She has read “Gulliver’s Travels”.
9. They have been to the bank.
10. I have eaten my breakfast.

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Two. IV. Use of English. Номер №24


Перевод задания
Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными. Добавьте слово yet, чтобы завершить их.
1. Мы написали десятое упражнение. − Мы еще не написали десятое упражнение.
2. Он выучил наизусть стихотворение.
3. Я дал яблоко моей сестре.
4. Она взяла книги из шестой комнаты.
5. Вы поговорили с учителем английского языка.
6. Грейс решила, куда идти.
7. Мы взяли у моей бабушки деньги.
8. Она прочитала «Путешествия Гулливера».
9. Они были в банке.
10. Я съел свой завтрак.

1. We haven’t written Exercise Ten yet.
2. He hasn’t learned the poem by heart yet.
3. I haven’t given an apple to my sister yet.
4. She hasn’t taken the books from Room Six yet.
5. You haven’t spoken to your English teacher yet.
6. Grace hasn’t decided where to go yet.
7. We haven’t borrowed some money from my granny yet.
8. She hasn’t read “Gulliver’s Travels” yet.
9. They haven’t been to the bank yet.
10. I haven’t eaten my breakfast yet.

Перевод ответа
1. Мы еще не написали десятое упражнение.
2. Он еще не выучил стихотворение наизусть.
3. Я еще не дал яблоко своей сестре.
4. Она еще не взяла книги из шестой комнаты.
5. Вы еще не говорили со своим учителем английского языка.
6. Грейс еще не решила, куда идти.
7. Мы еще не заняли денег у моей бабушки.
8. Она еще не читала «Путешествия Гулливера».
9. Они еще не были в банке.
10. Я еще не ел свой завтрак.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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1. I didn’t arrive home late last night. Did I arrive home late last night? 2. They didn’t translate this text at the previous lesson. Did they translate this text at the previous lesson? 3. She didn’t enjoy the party a lot. Did she enjoy the party a lot? 4. Yesterday we didn’t try to fix our car. Did we try to fix our car yesterday? 5. He didn’t eat his lunch at one o’clock. Did he eat his lunch at one o’clock? 6. I didn’t meet my former classmate last Friday. Did I meet my former classmate last Friday? 7. She didn’t leave for London two weeks ago. Did she leave for London two weeks ago? 8. He didn’t get an excellent mark for his last test. Did he get an excellent mark for his last test? 9. They weren’t at the seaside last summer. Were they at the seaside last summer? 10. The breakfast wasn’t ready at 8 a. m.. Was the breakfast ready at 8 a. m.? 11. She wasn’t hungry and tired after that long walk. Was she hungry and tired after that long walk? 12. He wasn’t disappointed and didn’t want to stay alone for some time. Was he disappointed and did he want to stay alone for some time? 13. No one knew that woman. She wasn’t a complete stranger. Did one know that woman? Was she a complete stranger? 14. Christine didn’t write excellent compositions last year. Did Christine write excellent compositions last year?

Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Данное упражнение относится к седьмому разделу учебника (Unit 7 Popular Arts) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо выбрать нужную форму глагола. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание задания[править | править код]

Choose the right form of the verb to make the sentences complete.

A. 1. Such long bridges seldom (are built/are being built). 2. Excuse the mess. The house (is painted/is being painted). 3. I can’t give you the articles now. They (are translated/are being translated). 4. Room 47 is not ready yet. It (is cleaned/is being cleaned). 5. At the moment a new road (is built/is being built) round the city. 6. Such books (are not translated/are not being translated) easily. 7. We are expecting guests. Tables (are laid/are being laid). 8. Your room will be ready soon. The beds (are made/are being made).

B. 1. John said they couldn’t take photos. The camera (was repaired/was being repaired). 2. When they arrived home, the walls of the dining room (were painted/were being painted). 3. We couldn’t get inside. The floors (were washed/were being washed). 4. Computer games (were not played/were not being played) when I was your age. 5. Last summer this edition of the novel (was not sold/was not being sold). 6. When Mr Brown phoned, the article still (was translated/was being translated). 7. When I lived in Germany, newspapers (were brought/were being brought) to us early in the morning. 8. I entered the hotel at 8. Everybody was busy. Rooms (were prepared/were being prepared) for the arriving guests.

Ответ задания[править | править код]

1. Such long bridges are seldom built.
2. Excuse the mess. The house is being painted.
3. I can’t give you the articles now. They are being translated.
4. Room 47 is not ready yet. It is being cleaned.
5. At the moment a new road is being built round the city.
6. Such books are not translated easily.
7. We are expecting guests. Tables are being laid.
8. Your room will be ready soon. The beds are being made.
1. John said they couldn’t take photos. The camera was being repaired.
2. When they arrived home, the walls of the dinning room were being painted.
3. We couldn’t get inside. The floors were being washed.
4. Computer games were not played when I was your age.
5. Last summer this edition of the novel was not sold.
6. When Mr. Brown phoned, the article was still being translated.
7. When I lived in Germany, newspapers were brought to us early in the morning.
8. I entered the hotel at 8. Everybody was busy. Rooms were being prepared for the arriving guests.

Перевод задания[править | править код]

1. Такие длинные мосты редко строят.
2. Извините за беспорядок. Дом красили.
3. Я не могу отдать тебе статьи. Их переводят.
4. Комната 47 еще не готова. Ее убирают.
5. В настоящее время новую дорогу строят вокруг города.
6. Такие книги не переводятся легко.
7. Мы ожидаем гостей. Столы накрыты.
8. Ваша комната будет готова в ближайшее время. Кровати заправляются.
1. Джон сказал, они не могут фотографировать. Камеру чинят.
2. Когда они приехали домой, стены в гостиной были покрашены.
3. Мы не могли попасть внутрь. Полы мыли.
4. В компьютерные игры не играли, когда я был твоего возраста.
5. Прошлым летом это издание романа не было продано.
6. Когда мистер Браун позвонил, статью до сих пор переводили.
7. Когда я жил в Германии, газеты приносили нам рано утром.
8. Я зашел в отель в восемь. Все были заняты. Комнаты готовили к приезду гостей.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

16.1 Write a sentence with just for each picture

  1. They’ve just arrived.
  2. He has just woke up.
  3. They’ve just bought a car.
  4. The race has just started.

16.2 Complete the sentences. Use already + present perfect.

  1. What time is Paul arriving? He’s already arrived.
  2. Do your friends want to see the film? No, they’ve already seen it.
  3. Don’t forget to phone Tom. I’ve already phoned him.
  4. When is Martin going away? He has already gone.
  5. Do you want to read the newspaper? I’ve already read it.
  6. When does Sarah start her new job? He has already started.

16.3 Write a sentence with just (They’ve just… / She’s just… etc.) or a negative sentence with yet (They haven’t… yet / She hasn’t… yet etc.).

  1. She hasn’t gone out yet.
  2. The bus has just gone.
  3. The train hasn’t left yet.
  4. He hasn’t opened it yet.
  5. They have just finished their dinner.
  6. It hasn’t stopped raining yet.

16.4 Write questions with yet.

  1. Your friend has got a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her:
    • Have you started your new job yet?
  2. Your friend has some new neighbors. Perhaps he has met them. You ask him:
    • Have you met your new neighbors yet?
  3. Your friend must pay her phone bill. Perhaps she has paid it. You ask her:
    • Have you paid your phone bill yet?
  4. Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he has sold it. You ask a friend about Tom:
    • Has Tom sold his car yet?

III. Make the sentences negative.

1. Tom and Bill visit their Granny every Sunday.

2. My mother comes home after work at 5 o’clock.

3. In class we sing English songs.

4. I always wash my hands.

5. My brother likes to play computer games.

За неправильные ответы, кидаю жалобу


Ask questions.

1. We watch TV every day.

– How often …


He does his homework after school.

– When …


In the morning she cooks breakfast.

– What …


On Sundays we go to the English club.

– Where …


I never drink Coca — Cola.

– Who ….

На странице вопроса III. Make the sentences negative? из категории Английский язык вы найдете
ответ для уровня учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Если полученный ответ не
устраивает и нужно расшить круг поиска, используйте удобную поисковую
систему сайта. Можно также ознакомиться с похожими вопросами и ответами
других пользователей в этой же категории или создать новый вопрос. Возможно,
вам будет полезной информация, оставленная пользователями в комментариях, где
можно обсудить тему с помощью обратной связи.

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