Make the active sentences passive include the word by millions of people watched the 2014

1. Complete the sentences below with the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1   Millions of mobile phones ………………………….. every year. (sell)

2   American football ………………………….. very much in the UK. (not play)

3   ………………………….. tablets ………………………….. in your school? (use)

4   Most crimes ………………………….. in big cities. (commit)

5   Rubber trees ………………………….. in cold countries. (not grow)

6   ………………………….. Samsung televisions ………………………….. in Korea? (make)


1 are sold   2 isn’t played   3 are … used

4 are committed   5 aren’t grown   6 are … made

2. Make the active sentences passive. Include the word by.

 Millions of people watched the 2014 World Cup Final on TV.

     The 2014 World Cup Final was watched by millions of people on TV.

 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.


 Rafa Nadal didn’t win the watch.


 Robots made that car.


 Did Suzanne Collins write the Hunger Games books?


 Peter Jackson directed the Hobbit films.



 Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

3   The match wasn’t won by Rafa Nadal.

4   That car was made by robots.

5   Were the Hunger Games books written by Suzanne Collins?

6   The Hobbit films were directed by Peter Jackson.

3. Put the words below in the correct order. (Remember where to put the adverb.)

1   satnavs. / are / Phones / used as / sometimes.


2   Was / Bob Dylan? / Make you feel my love / first / by / sung


3   invented / The wheel / about 5,000 years ago. / probably / was


4   quickly / was / The suspect / arrested.


5   the missing jewellery / ever / found? / Was



1   Phones are sometimes used as satnavs.

2   Was Make you feel my love first sung by Bob Dylan?

3   The wheel was probably invented about 5,000 years ago.

4   The suspect was quickly arrested.

5   Was the missing jewellery ever found?

4. Complete the fact file below with the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets.

COMPUTERS: a short history

–  The first computer 1…………………………… (invent) by Charles Babbage in the early 19th century. It 2…………………………… (not power) by electricity – it was mechanical.

–  The first electronic digital computer 3…………………………… (build) in 1943 in Britain. It 4…………………………… (call) ‘Colossus’ and it 5…………………………… (use) for decoding enemy messages in the war.

–  Businesses began to use computers in the 1950s, but computers 6…………………………… (not sell) in shops until the early 1970s.

–  The first desktop computers 7…………………………… (develop) in the late 1970s.

–  Internet access via a modem 8…………………………… (add) in the 1990s, but wireless access 9…………………………… (not add) to most computers until about 2000.

–  For the first time, in 2015, more tablets and smartphones 10…………………………… (sell) than laptops and desktops. Will computers eventually disappear from our homes and schools?


1 was invented   2 wasn’t powered   3 was built

4 was called   5 was used   6 weren’t sold

7 were developed   8 was added   9 wasn’t added

10 were sold

5. Rewrite the active sentences in the passive. Make any necessary changes. Use the present simple or the past simple.

 Every year, my school holds a competition for ‘best inventor’.


 They give you materials and ask you to design something.


 My school encouraged me to take part this year.


 A group of five teachers make the final decision.


 They test the inventions for usefulness.


 They give a prize for the best invention.


 They gave the prize for the ‘best inventor’ to my friend Jo.


 They present the prize at the end of school ceremony.



 Every year, a competition for ‘best inventor’ is held by my school.

2   Materials are given to you and you are asked to design something.

3   I was encouraged by my school to take part this year.

 The final decision is made by a group of five teachers.

5   The inventions are tested (by them) for usefulness.

6   A prize is given (by them) for the best invention.

7   The prize for the ‘best inventor’ was given (by them) to my best friend Jo.

 The prize is presented at the end of school ceremony.


4 Make the active sentences passive. Include the agent if necessary. 1 Designer shops sell these shoes. 2 We will reccycle more rubbish. 3 Someone stole my mobile phone. 4 They make clothes in India. 5 The author didn’t sign the novel. 6 People don’t speak English here. 7 A lot of fans watched the match.​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


1. Millions of people have bought today’s special edition.

Today’s special edition has been bought by millions of people.

2. They will open a new online shop this week.

A new online shop will be opened this week.

3. My students have written some of the best essays.

Some of the best essays have been written by my students.

4. Everybody can visit the exhibition from 9 am to 4 pm.

The exhibition can be visited from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

5. Hundreds of millions of people use social networks.

Social networks are used by hundreds of millions of people.

6. We will finish the work by noon.

The work will be finished (by us) by noon.


При преобразовании предложения из активного в пассивное важно сохранить то же время.

Пассивный залог образуется с помощью добавления нужной формы глагола to be перед формой причастия II основного смыслового глагола (который еще называют «третья форма глагола»). Время глагола to be выражает время действия.


Тест. Английский язык, 11 класс

Будьте внимательны! У Вас есть 10 минут на прохождение теста. Система оценивания — 5 балльная. Разбалловка теста — 3,4,5 баллов, в зависимости от сложности вопроса. Порядок заданий и вариантов ответов в тесте случайный. С допущенными ошибками и верными ответами можно будет ознакомиться после прохождения теста. Удачи!

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Match the Active sentences to the Passive ones.


The email is being sent.


The email was being sent. 


The email has been sent.


The emails are sent.


The email was sent.


The email had been sent.

Варианты ответов
  • She is sending an email.
  • She was sending an email.
  • She has sent an email.
  • She sends emails.
  • She sent an email.
  • She had sent an email.

Вопрос 2

Complete with by or with and choose the proper answer.
1. The treasure was found __________ two local fishermen.
2. The menu has been prepared _________ a famous chef.
3. The table will be covered __________  a white cloth.
 4. All the books were put into boxes __________ the students.

Варианты ответов
  • 1. with 2. by 3. by 4. with
  • 1. by 2. by 3. by 4. with
  • 1. by 2. by 3. with 4. by

Вопрос 3

Rewrite the sentence in the Active:
The last World Cup Final was watched by millions of people.

Вопрос 4

Rewrite the sentence in the Passive:
They repaired my computer in two hours.

Вопрос 5

Choose the correct sentence.

Варианты ответов
  • The new sofa will be delivered with the delivery men.
  • The new sofa will delivered by the delivery men.
  • The new sofa will be delivered by the delivery men.

Вопрос 6

Make up the sentence.

Варианты ответов
  • This
  • T-shirt
  • should
  • be
  • washed
  • at
  • 30 ֯C.

Вопрос 7

Write passive sentence in the tense given:
One of these games / sell / every minute. (present simple)

Вопрос 8

Choose the correct answer.
1. The rooms __________ every day.
2. I __________ my keys!
3. Martha _____________ a good progress.
4. The bag ___________ in a black cab.
5. Your salads _______________ right now.

Варианты ответов
  • 1. are cleaned 2. have lost 3. is making 4. was found 5. are being prepared
  • 1. clean 2. have lost 3. is being making 4. was found 5. are prepared
  • 1. are cleaned 2. have been lost 3. is making 4. found 5. is being prepared

Вопрос 9

Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.
The teacher has been given him a lot of homework for the weekend.
                       1      2      3

Вопрос 10

Choose the correct sentences in the passive.

Варианты ответов
  • All the students were given the tasks by the teacher.
  • The teacher was given the tasks to all the students.
  • The tasks were given to all the students by the teacher.
  • All the students gave the tasks to the teacher.

Make these active sentences passive. Use a phrase with by. 1) The French team has won the silver medal. 2) A woman was training the guard dogs. 3) People of all ages can play this game. 4) A large crowd was watching the match. 5) The secretary sent a reply. 6) Tow different teachers have marked the exams. 7) A police car is following that green van.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Make these active sentences passive. Use a phrase with by. 1) The French team has won the silver medal. 2) A woman was training the guard …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Make these active sentences passive. Use a phrase with by. 1) The French team has won the silver medal. 2) A woman was training the guard dogs. 3) People of all ages can play this game. 4) A large crowd was watching the match.

Passive Voice Exercises


Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант и переведите на русский язык.

  1. The news programme ( is watched / watched ) by millions of people every day.
  2. The Mona Lisa ( painted / was painted ) by Leonardo da Vinci.
  3. The new cinema ( be built / will be built ) next year.
  4. New pop groups ( are much spoken / is much spoken ) about among teenagers.
  5. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written ) when he was fourteen.
  6. The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
  7. The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
  8.  London ( visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.
  9. The dinner ( be / will be ) ready in an hour (через час).
  10. The dogs (were taken out/ was taken out) three times yesterday.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

  1. Tom always (to ask) at the lessons.
  2. I (to ask) at the last lesson.
  3. Our country house (to finish) next year.
  4. The dog (to find) by my sister yesterday.
  5.  This work (to do) tomorrow.
  6. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.
  7. These trees (to plant) every autumn.
  8. Many interesting games always (to play) at our P.E. lessons.
  9. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
  10. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

* * *

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question (to answer) yesterday. 2. Hockey (to play) in winter. 3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 4. Many houses (to burn) during the war. 5. His new book (to finish) next year. 6. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 7. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.8. Bread (to eat) every day. 9. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 10. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 11. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 12. Many houses (to build) in our town every year.

Популярные сообщения из этого блога


Test 1. I ___ your new bicycle. Where did you buy it? a) like b) am liking c) Likes 2. How ______ oranges should I buy? a) much b) many c) few 3. ___ hungry? We can have a break! a) Is you b) Do you be c) Are you 4. I bought a TV and a chair yesterday. ___ TV was very expensive. a) А b) — c) The 5. Klaus ___ TV every morning. a) watch b) watches c) watchs 6. We didn’t take ______ food with us, we hoped to buy some on the way. a) much b) many c) few 7. If it ____ rain tomorrow, we will go for a walk a) will not b) doesn’t c) didn’t 8. Julia is OK. She looks ___ than Jane. a) more happy b) happyer c) happier 9. They took a bus home ___ the afternoon. a) in b) on c) at 10. Tracy always eats ___. a) her food fast b) fast her food c) her food fastly 11. This is the ___ room. a) children b) childrens’ c) children’s 12. Doris isn’t in the office. She ___ in Washington at the moment. a) works b) is working c) working 13

Economics. General information. Exercises.


1. Read the words and learn them by heart. Make up your own sentences with them.  1. Economics – экономика, экономическая теория 2. Economy – хозяйство, экономика, экономия, бережливость  3. Economic – экономический, хозяйственный

Помогите пожалуйста:
The Passive
A- Rephrase the following sentences by means of the of the passive. Only include important agents.
1. Millions of people have bought today’s special edition.
2. They will open a new online shop this week.
3. My students have written some of the best essays.
4. Everybody can visit the exhibition from 9 am to 4 pm.
5. Hundreds of millions of people use social networks.
6. We will finish the work by noon.

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  • Make text smaller word
  • Make up seven word combinations using the words below to be out of fashion
  • Make text relate to word
  • Make up seven word combination using the words below
  • Make text link in word