Make sentences word take off

Antonym: put on. Similar words: take on, take out, shake off, take over, for the sake of, take care of, take note of, take notice of. Meaning: v. 1. leave 2. take away or remove 3. depart from the ground 4. take time off from work; stop working temporarily 5. mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner 6. remove clothes 7. get started or set in motion, used figuratively 8. prove fatal 9. make a subtraction. 

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1. Before gold, even kings take off their hats. 

2. The plane will take off in a minute.

3. The plane will take off in twenty minutes.

4. First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel.

5. In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.

6. I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.

7. Take off your clothes; they’re very wet.

8. The aircraft is due to take off at midnight.

9. Mike can take off his father to perfection.

10. He asked his secretary to take off 80 copies.

11. Strap in, please,the plane’s going to take off.

12. Tangerines have skins that are easy to take off.

13. I take off my hat to his courage.

14. Her singing career had just begun to take off.

15. How many days did you take off?

16. I’ll take off now, and see you later.

17. The airplane will take off at short notice.

18. The teapot lid doesnt’ take off easily.

19. Take off that jacket — you’re dripping wet .

20. planes, like birds, take off heading into the wind.

21. She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes.

22. I’m so pleased that I’ve been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again!

23. I think boxing will take off in a big way here.

24. The plane will take off once the fog has lifted.

24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

25. You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters.

26. The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.

27. In the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.

28. They are running up the engine to see if the plane is ready to take off.

29. We are cleared by Air Traffic Control to taxi and take off.

30. The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land.

More similar words: take on, take out, shake off, take over, for the sake of, take care of, take note of, take notice of, take the place of, take advantage of, make out, make over, take, stake, take for, take up, take to, take down, take care, take away, take time, make use of, take apart, take turns, take place, undertake, take the road, by mistake, take after, take it easy. 

  [ teɪk ɒf ]  

  1. Взлетать;
  2. Снимать одежду;
  3. Становиться успешным;
  4. Брать отгул или отпуск;
  5. Покинуть место в спешке;
  6. Пародировать.
  7. Анекдот с Take Off

1. Взлетать

Все, кто летал на самолете, много раз слышали фразу: «Fasten your seat belts… We are ready to take-off» – Пристегните ремни… Мы готовы к взлету.
С этого варианта перевода мы и начнем.

The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.

Самолет взлетел в 8.30 утра.

  • В чем разница между Trip, Journey, Travel, Voyage?
  • Фразовые глаголы на тему путешествий

Я проводил ее в аэропорт и дождался пока самолет взлетит.

2. Снимать одежду = Remove clothing etc

Take Off – одежду снимаем, Put On – надеваем.

Комикс с фразовым глаголом Take Off

You’d best take off your hat and coat and make yourself comfortable, Milton. It’s going to be a long, long marriage.

Тебе лучше снять шляпу и пальто и устроиться поудобнее, Милтон. Это будет долгий, долгий брак.

He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.

Он снял с меня мокрые ботинки и усадил у огня.

I’d better take my shoes off.

Если же фразовый глагол стоит в пассивной форме, то передачу, кинофильм или шоу снимают с эфира, а человека отстраняют.

The show was taken off because of poor audience figures.

Шоу было прекращено из-за плохих показателей вовлеченности аудитории.

The detective has been taken off the case, since all the deadlines ran out.

Детектив отстранен от дела, так как все сроки истекли.

3. Становиться успешным = Become successful etc

Логично, чтобы бизнес или кто-то стал успешным, он должен буквально взлететь, то есть Take Off. Заголовки не врут.


Заголовок Forbes с фразовым глаголом TAKE OFF

How Do You Know When Your Tech Startup Is About To Take Off?

Как вы узнаете, что ваш стартап вот-вот добьется успеха?

Her business has really taken off.

Ее бизнес действительно пошел в гору.

4. Брать отгул или отпуск = Not go to work

I’m taking Monday off to go to Moscow.

В понедельник я беру отгул, чтобы поехать в Москву.

Взять отпуск можно также с помощью фразового глагола Get Away.

I’ve decided to take a few days off next week.

Я решил взять несколько выходных на следующей неделе.

5. Покинуть место в спешке = Leave suddenly

As soon as she saw George arrive, she just took off.

Как только она увидела, что приехал Джордж, она быстро ретировалась.

When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.

Когда он увидел, что я приближаюсь, то рванул в противоположном направлении.

6. Пародировать = Copy someone for fun

Maxim Galkin can take off many artists perfectly.

Максим Галкин может великолепно пародировать многих артистов.

It was the best take-off of “Basic Instinct” that I have ever seen.

Это была лучшая пародия на «Основной инстинкт», которую я видел.

A young composer once brought a manuscript to Rossini, who, while listening, every minute took off his hat and put it on again. The composer asked Rossini whether he was so warm.

“No,” said the great composer, “but I am in the habit of taking off my hat whenever I meet an old acquaintance, and there are so many I remember in your composition, that I have continually to bow.”

Посмотреть перевод

Однажды молодой композитор принес Россини рукопись, и тот, слушая музыку, каждую минуту снимал шляпу и надевал ее снова. Композитор спросил Россини, не жарко ли ему?

“Нет, – сказал великий композитор, – просто у меня есть привычка снимать шляпу всякий раз, когда я встречаю старого знакомого, а я их так много вижу в вашем произведении, что мне приходится постоянно кланяться”.

Еще одна история

У Джека Брауна появился новый велосипед, и это обстоятельство не укрылось от мистера Брауна. Между отцом и сыном состоялось объяснение.

“Where did you get this bike?” – asked Mr. Brown.

“It was like this,” – explained the younger Brown. – “Last night, I was hurrying home. It was raining hard, and I was already soaked to the skin. Suddenly, I ran into a girl on a bike. She got off, took off her clothes, and said,“Take whatever you want.”The clothes were wet, so I took the bike.”

Посмотреть перевод

“Где вы взял этот велосипед?” – спросил мистер Браун.

“Дело было так”, – объяснил младший Браун. – “Прошлой ночью я спешил домой. Шел сильный дождь, и я уже промок до нитки. Внезапно я столкнулся с девушкой на велосипеде. Она слезла, сняла одежду и сказала: “Бери все, что хочешь”. Одежда была мокрой, поэтому я взял велосипед”.

  •     Фразовые глаголы с Take
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием OFF

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word take off, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use take off in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «take off».

Take off in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word take off in a sentence.

  1. The strike force began to take off from China Bay at 4:45 p.m.

  2. I thought the Södra Theatre was going to take off and fly away.

  3. It is the only species of loon able to take off directly from land.

  4. Both British bomber squadrons began to take off at 5 pm local time.

  5. As the others watch it take off, the spaceship leaves a rainbow in the sky.

  6. Planes might return with some or all of their load, or not take off at all.

  7. It uses a simple scrape nest, located in a place it can easily take off from.

  8. They take off from water by facing into the wind and strongly beating their wings.

  9. The lower flight deck was greased to allow them to take off with a minimum of difficulty.

  10. Officials at Otis spent a few minutes getting authorization for the fighters to take off.

  11. It took two and three quarter hours for all of the 325 B-29s which were dispatched to take off.

  12. Pollux was badly damaged in the accident and sank, though Elsass was able to take off her crew.

  13. In light winds and high waves they are sometimes unable to take off and they can become beached.

  14. A glider can simply be pushed down a slope until gravity can create enough speed for it to take off.

  15. They were possibly able to take off from water, which would be helped by their small torsos and legs.

  16. McNamara managed to start the B.E.2’s engine and take off, with Rutherford in the observer’s cockpit.

  17. Females make a whistling call composed of two notes of varying volume when perched or about to take off.

  18. Cooper further directed that the aircraft take off with the rear exit door open and its staircase extended.

  19. Northwest’s home office objected, on grounds that it was unsafe to take off with the aft staircase deployed.

  20. He planned to take off at 5:00 am on 23 April 1910, near the Plumes Hotel in the London suburb of Park Royal.

  21. The ability to refuel in flight also enables aircraft to take off with more ordnance than they might otherwise.

  22. Conversely, frigatebirds do not swim and with their short legs cannot walk well or take off from the sea easily.

  23. Nesting takes place in loose colonies, as they nest a scrape found on a cliff face that is easy to take off from.

  24. As the plane was about to take off, the undercarriage collapsed and the plane ploughed into the Marston Mat runway.

  25. The bombers were unmolested by a unit of German fighter aircraft that failed to take off from nearby Tromsø in time.

  26. After setting down briefly on Tenerife, Gonsales is forced to take off again by the imminent approach of hostile natives.

  27. Because of this, Greek authorities do not allow planes to take off or land at night in Zakynthos due to the nesting turtles.

  28. He nevertheless managed to take off and return to base, and Cameron went on to survive the war and become an ace in the process.

  29. Because of the high speeds required for flight, procellariids need to either run or face into a strong wind in order to take off.

  30. As it became clear that the series was not going to take off, fewer review copies were sent out and advertisements became smaller.

  31. Birds normally signal their intention to take off by briefly lowering their bodies before running down the slope to gain momentum.

  32. Alfonso XIII came alongside to take off her crew, ammunition, and other supplies to lighten the vessel so she could be pulled free.

  33. Teammate and coach Toe Blake said the moniker was fitting because «when he would take off, nothing got in his way that could stop him».

  34. Procellariids for the most part have weak legs and are unable to easily take off, making them highly vulnerable to mammalian predators.

  35. The tenth of Furious’s aircraft to take off crashed into her island, killing 14 men and starting a serious fire on the flight deck.

  36. Grahame-White attempted to make a test flight earlier that day, but the huge crowds hampered his efforts, and he was unable to take off.

  37. McNamara crashed while attempting to take off because of the effects of his leg wound and Rutherford’s weight overbalancing the aircraft.

  38. No combat air patrol was being flown, no aircraft were spotted on the deck for quick take off and there was no lookout in the crow’s nest.

  39. He uses his flying machine to escape to the shore, but once safely landed he is approached by hostile natives and is forced to take off again.

  40. Terran buildings are far less limited, with certain primary base structures possessing the ability to take off and fly slowly to a new location.

  41. The couple struggled constantly with finances, and in 1744 Glasse tried to sell Daffy’s Elixir, a patent medicine; the project did not take off.

  42. Light was extremely poor, and Smith’s throttle malfunctioned; he failed to take off quickly enough to clear a blast wall at the end of the runway.

  43. An air raid alarm was issued at 00:24 and 24 aircraft of the 4th Air Regiment began to take off three minutes later to patrol over northern Kyūshū.

  44. Its small wing area means that the grebe is unable to take off from land, and needs a lengthy run across water to gain the speed needed for take-off.

  45. A spinner can be driven as a ground-based vehicle, and take off vertically, hover, and cruise much like vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft.

  46. It was intended to prevent landing aircraft from colliding with aircraft preparing to take off, and stop them from falling into the open elevator well.

  47. Cognizant of the danger, the deck crews succeeded in respotting the aircraft and the fueled aircraft were able to take off before the Japanese attacked.

  48. The crew were assembled on the flight deck to determine who would remain on board to try to save the ship while Legion came alongside to take off the rest.

  49. I headed back to Japan so that I could work with Mr Ohshima and while I was waiting for the plane to take off, I thought, ‘Let’s make a game where we can fly!

  50. The group made a total of 210 operational sorties from 30 June to 22 August, aborted four additional flights, and had only a single aircraft fail to take off.

Synonyms for take off

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word take off has the following synonyms: depart, part, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, part with, get off the ground, lift off, subtract, deduct and take time off.

General information about «take off» example sentences

The example sentences for the word take off that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «take off» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «take off».

Take off my lucky hat?
Снять мою счастливую шляпу?

They can make them take off.
Можно заставить взлететь.

That plane will take off at five.
Самолёт вылетит в пять.

Can’t take her eyes off you.
Не может оторвать от тебя глаз.

Trying learn from my guys not to take off too fast.
Пытаюсь научиться у соседей не срываться так резко с места.

For the Dreamliner to take off, ascend, and maintain a steady altitude, it must do more than move forward.
Для того чтобы «Дримлайнер» мог оторваться от земли, подняться и поддерживать постоянную высоту, он должен совершать нечто большее, чем просто двигаться вперед.

Neal, take off your anklet.
Нил, сними браслет.

I like watching planes take off.
Мне нравится смотреть на взлетающие самолёты.

The helicopter will take off as soon as the flying weather is settled
Вертолёт вылетит, как только установится лётная погода

You never take your eyes off her.
Ты никогда не отрываешь от нее глаз.

Let’s take off, get out of town, and clear our heads.
Давай сорвемся, уедем из города, освободимся от ненужных мыслей.

So the beginning of the flight is actually you jump off a plane or a helicopter, and you go on a dive and accelerate the engines, and then you basically take off mid-air somewhere.
Итак, в начале полета Вы просто выпрыгиваете из самолета или вертолета, ныряете и ускоряете моторы, и тогда где-нибудь в воздухе Вы отрываетесь и летите.

Take off that ridiculous hat.
Сними эту нелепую шляпу.

You take off and land at a local airport.
Вы взлетаете и садитесь в местном аэропорту.

But the fact is that people couldn’t take off because something was going wrong on the Internet, and the router card was down.
Однако факт остаётся фактом — люди не могли вылететь из-за того, что с интернетом что-то было не так, из-за неполадки с маршрутизатором.

I can’t take my eyes off you!
Я не могу оторвать глаз от тебя!

Wilky, take off your clothes.
Вилки, снимай одежду.

Yes, with the final goal to take off, but with initial speed.
Да, с целью взлететь, но с начальной скоростью.

They would take off from Murmansk, Russia, just before dawn, and would refuel over the Faroe Islands before continuing south to overfly the Forrestal.
Они вылетят из российского Мурманска перед рассветом, совершат дозаправку над Фарерскими островами, а затем проследуют на юг, чтобы пролететь над авианосцем Forrestal.

She can’t take her eyes off that sunset.
Не может оторвать глаз от заката.


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The patient must always take off all metal products.

Далее пациентке следует снять все металлические предметы.

When you enter someone’s home you should take off your shoes.

При входе в чей-то дом нужно снять обувь.

Sometimes other good deeds are done, for example, they take off cats from tall trees.

Иногда делают и другие добрые дела, например, снимают котов с высоких деревьев.

We do not know the exact reason, but even with the same sensors, rootless Chinese take off much worse than their branded competitors.

Мы не знаем точной причины, но даже при одинаковых сенсорах безродные китайцы снимают гораздо хуже своих брендовых конкурентов.

Planes can already take off, cruise and land using on-board computers.

Самолеты уже могут взлетать, совершать круиз и садиться на землю с помощью своих бортовых компьютеров.

They could land on the water and even take off, if the force of the wave was 3-4.5 points.

Они могли садиться на воду и даже взлетать, если сила волны составляла 3-4,5 балла.

In carpeted areas please take off shoes.

В местах с ковровым покрытием, пожалуйста, снимайте обувь.

I take off my wedding ring to call Pam.

Я снял свое обручальное кольцо перед тем, как позвонить Пэм.

Located right on the airfield, guests can watch other planes take off and land.

Расположился самолет на летном поле, гости смогут наблюдать, как другие самолеты взлетают и приземляются.

As they say, planes take off against the wind.

По той же причине самолеты взлетают против ветра.

If you start to feel discomfort or notice bruising, take off the ring immediately.

Если вы чувствуете дискомфорт или видите посинение, снимите кольцо немедленно.

You may get a chance to be heard in the crowd or take off your anger on your partner.

Вы можете получить шанс услышать в толпе или снять свой гнев на своего партнера.

This would raise the apparent temperature so high that people could take off their clothes.

Это повысило бы кажущуюся температуру настолько высокой, что люди могли снять свою одежду.

As a mark of respect Nepalis usually take off their shoes before entering someone’s home, temple or stupa.

В знак уважения непальцы обычно снимают обувь перед входом в чей-то дом или место поклонения.

The latter included Karl, who for all his career did not take off more than one current plot.

К последним относился Карл, который за всю свою карьеру не снял не одного токового сюжета.

It happens that the planes take off right above the resting, sunbathing people.

Случается такое, что самолеты взлетают прямо над отдыхающими, загорающими людьми.З.

Whenever Bruneians enter someone else’s house, they always take off their shoes.

Всякий раз, когда брунейцы заходят в чужой дом, они всегда снимают обувь.

As in any temple in Thailand, please take off your shoes.

Как и в любой храм в Таиланде, пожалуйста, сними обувь.

It’s a VTOL craft — like a Harrier Jump Jet it’ll vertically take off and land.

Это ремесло VTOL. как реактивный джойстик Harrier, он будет вертикально взлетать и приземляться.

After more than a decade of work, engineers have built an insect-sized robot that can take off, fly back and forth, land, and take off again.

После более чем десяти лет работы инженеры создали робота размером с муху, который может взлетать, лететь туда и обратно, приземляться и снова взлетать.

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