Make sentences with word until

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word until, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use until in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «until».

Until in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word until in a sentence.

  1. He lived there until 1956.

  2. The bank lasted until 1914.

  3. This series ran until 2001.

  4. He held the post until 1909.

  5. He held the post until 1902.

  6. At Paris, Ky., until December.

  7. N Reactor operated until 1987.

  8. Ayres as an anchor until 1999.

  9. This format lasted until 1993.

  10. The colony survived until 1688.

  11. Several sources state the Jump operated until 1968.

  12. He remained there until he died early next morning.

  13. In the event, the house remained unsold until 1971.

  14. He remained hospitalised for his wounds until 1921.

  15. Hughes led the company until his own death in 1900.

  16. Oliver settled in Sydney, where she practised and taught until her death in 2006.

  17. In 1836 it was sold to the Midgeholme Colliery, and used to haul coal until 1844.

  18. After 772, there is no further evidence of Mercian involvement in Sussex until c.

  19. The skeleton, however, remained in its shipping crates for years until Charles W.

  20. Ten laps later, Kyle Busch took the lead until Stewart passed him two laps later.

  21. Even so, he was faster than Weinman, who did not ship the last of his casts to the Mint until June 6.

  22. The two became friends, and DeBaptiste became his personal servant, staying with him until his death.

  23. These were designed in the 1930s, but were also delayed by the war and were not completed until 1947.

  24. He became a trustee of the Services Canteen Trust the same year, serving in this position until 1977.

  25. Some important deities such as Isis and Amun are not known to have appeared until the Old Kingdom (c.

  26. The Christchurch gasworks was located at the inner boundary of Waltham until its closure around 1980.

  27. Another story is that the actors did not know until the last day of shooting how the film was to end.

  28. From the mid-1920s until his retirement in 1952, Crawford worked for the importers Elders and Fyffes.

  29. The chicks are fed by both parents until they leave the nest, usually 60 to 65 days after they hatch.

  30. Gay’s Record was not discovered among his papers at Columbia University until the early 21st century.

  31. Slow dock services delayed her departure until 11 April and her voyage home did not end until 24 May.

  32. Kilcoby Bridge is missing and from there the canal is inaccessible until it reaches the M60 motorway.

  33. Seydlitz’s troopers pursued and cut down the fleeing Allies until darkness made the chase impossible.

  34. Gumbo is usually identified by its dark roux, cooked until it is a color «a few shades from burning».

  35. He was made Marquess of Dorset; marquess being a relatively new title in England up until this point.

  36. The bill was not immediately introduced into parliament, however, as Idenburg was given until 10 August to comment on it.

  37. Although it did not fly until July 1966, the authors were aware of the capabilities and limitations of the KH-8 Gambit 3.

  38. The original bimonthly schedule continued until the March 1943 issue, which was followed by June 1943 and then Fall 1943.

  39. He continued to serve as adjutant general until 1817, when the voters returned him to the state House of Representatives.

  40. Additionally, using a card combination will cause the first card in the combo to become unusable until the end of combat.

  41. Wrigley’s son Ronald enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in September 1944 and served until his demobilisation in 1946.

  42. The ruling meant that it was possible for the ALP to gain a temporary majority in the Senate, at least until 1 July 1976.

  43. As a result, it did not reach the Jarniewo area, 2 kilometers (1.2 mi) west of Slonim, until the morning of 19 September.

  44. From 2005, two buildings on the site housed the European Police College (CEPOL) until this was moved to Budapest in 2014.

  45. If the weather is unsuitable, for instance a too hot night in the Southeast, she delays the process until later at night.

  46. Antwerp was captured on 4 September but the port was unusable until 29 November because the Scheldt estuary remained in German hands until after the Battle of the Scheldt.

  47. In 119 BC, the government issued the bronze wushu (五銖) coin weighing 3.2 g (0.11 oz); the coin remained the standard currency in China until the Tang dynasty (618–907 AD).

  48. Up until that point, I’m a bit of a whirlwind.» The blue-and-white palette was, according to Donwood, the result of «trying to make something the colour of bleached bone».

  49. It was not until the end of the century that Carl Franz Anton Ritter von Schreibers from the Naturhistorisches Museum of Vienna started to look into this animal’s anatomy.

  50. The Brains deal was extended in June 2008 until September 2009, with «Brains SA» appearing on Wales home shirts and «SA Gold» appearing on the team’s yellow change shirts.

General information about «until» example sentences

The example sentences for the word until that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «until» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «until».

Similar words: jauntily, hunting, accounting, tile, still, utilize, utility, hostile. Meaning: [ənˈtɪl]  conj.1. up to the time that or when; till: He read until his guests arrived. 2. before (usually used in negative constructions): They did not come until the meeting was half over. prep.3. onward to or till (a specified time or occurrence): She worked until 6 P.M. 4. before (usually used in negative constructions): He did not go until night. 5. Scot. and North Eng. to; unto.. 

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1) Call no man happy till [until] he is dead. 

2) Until all is over one’s ambition never dies. 

3) Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 

4) But bombs are unbeliveable until they actually fall. 

5) Don’t whistle until you are out of the wood. 

6) Call no man happy until he dies. 

7) Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 

8) The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught. 

9) We know not what is good until we have lost it. 

10) Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 

11) The education of a man never completed until he dies. 

12) Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today. 

13) We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. 

14) Do not halloo till [until] you are out of the wood(s). 

15) We knows not what is good until we have lost it. 

16) Wait until the paint has completely dried.

17) with his homework until his sister helped him.

18) She doesn’t normally arrive until ten.

19) He was in the pub until closing time.

20) Simon waited until the laughter subsided.

21) Bide still until you feel better.

22) Wait here until I get back.

23) True friendship is like sound health.The value of it is seldom known until it is lost. 

24) True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. Charles Caleb Colton 

25) True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it be lost. 

26) A man can fail many times,[] but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 

27) A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 

28) The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it. 

29) The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. 

30) I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don’t fight them, I wait until I am ready. 

More similar words: jauntily, hunting, accounting, tile, still, utilize, utility, hostile, aunt, hunt, mount, country, hunter, county, count out, count on, account, counter, amount to, discount, voluntary, account for, volunteer, run through, counterpart, on account of, on time, in time, entity, accountability. 

до, не раньше, до тех пор пока


- до определённого времени

until the present — до сих пор, до настоящего времени
It rained until four o’clock. — Дождь шёл до четырёх часов.
The exhibition is open until June 30. — Выставка открыта до тридцатого июня.

- не раньше определённого времени, в предложениях с отрицанием

I had barely heard of him until that evening. — До этого вечера я почти не слышал о нём.
The show doesn’t begin until nine o’clock. — Спектакль начинается только в девять часов.
It is not available until tomorrow. — Получить это можно не раньше завтрашнего дня.

- брит., шотл.до определённого места

You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change. — Вам нужно доехать (на этом же поезде) до Манчестера, а потом сделать пересадку.
Perry was leading the race until the final bend. — Перри лидировал в гонке до последнего поворота.


- (до тех пор) пока (не)

not until — пока не
They worked until it got dark. — Они работали до темноты.
He walked slowly until he was out of sight. — Он шёл медленно, пока не скрылся из виду.

- после того как; прежде чем; преим. в предложениях с отрицанием

He did not arrive until the concert was over. — Он пришёл (только) после того, как концерт окончился.
He didn’t reach the station until after the train had left. — Он пришёл на станцию уже после того, как поезд ушёл.
It wasn’t long until we heard the front door open. — Прошло немного времени, и мы услышали, как открылась входная дверь.
Often years pass until experiments give the expected results. — Часто проходят годы, прежде чем эксперименты дают ожидаемые результаты.

- до того что; так что

He gripped the iron bar until his fingers were white. — Он ухватился за железную перекладину так крепко, что у него побелели пальцы.
He ran until he was breathless on. — Он бежал, пока не стал задыхаться.

Мои примеры


to mix flour with water until you get a uniform mass — смешивать муку с водой до получения однородной массы  
to stay over until Sunday — остаться до воскресенья  
valid until recalled — действителен до отмены  
till / until the cows come home — разг. до бесконечности  
life until discarded — срок службы до списания  
until further orders — до дальнейшего распоряжения  
to spot smb. $100 until payday — одолжить кому-л. стольник до получки  
until you are blue in the face — до посинения  
continue calling until — продолжать вызывать до  

Примеры с переводом

Wait until I come.

Подожди, пока я приду.

The ticket is valid until March.

Этот билет действителен до марта.

We played until it got dark.

Мы играли до темноты /пока не стемнело/.

Keep going until I tell you to stop.

Продолжайте идти, пока я не скажу остановиться.

He did not write to us until last week.

Он не писал нам до прошлой недели.

I ran until I was breathless.

Я бежал, пока совершенно не выдохся.

Until recently, Anna worked as a teacher in Japan.

До недавнего времени Анна работала учителем в Японии.

Stay here until the danger has passed.

Оставайся здесь до тех пор, пока опасность не минует.

He waited until she had finished speaking.

Он подождал, пока она не закончила говорить.

Up until last year, they didn’t even own a car.

До прошлого года у них даже не было собственного автомобиля.

Stir the dough until it forms a ball.

Размешивайте тесто до тех пор, пока оно не образует шар.

Brooks’s comet may be visible until the end of the year.

Комету Брукса можно будет наблюдать до конца года.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Jailed since January, rapper Kodak Black, 20, will remain behind bars until September.


You can warn me that I’m too generous, my arms are too wide open, too inclusive, as you draw your circles smaller and tighter until at last you’re the only one standing inside, alone.


In the parent-child vs God-human metaphor, I think we are comparatiely in the position of children for the duration of our lives, until finally we see face to face, and know as we are known.


«The joint release shows that carbon pollution will actually rise until 2030 under Christy Clark’s plan, and that by 2050 carbon pollution will still be 41 megatonnes (Mt) higher than British Columbia’s legislated 2050 target of 12.6 Mt. This is an embarrassing failure by Christy Clark’s government.


Given that their «solution’to Alberta’s deficit includes putting off capital projects until some later magical date, their plan for orphan wells is likely a mantra «now is not the time…»


You can’t experience the freedom crypto provides until you can obtain cryptocurrencies.»


McCallion takes over as CFO on Tuesday, and Hele is expected to stay at MetLife as senior adviser until September.


Daily +5 guarantees 5 % growth in addition to the market step-ups for up to 15 years or until your first withdrawal.


Typically, each contract on the futures «curve» is priced differently based on the number of days until expiration, as well as a number of other factors.


It was not until the late 18th century that William Wilberforce and others finally embraced abolition.


The prospect of a city designed by technologists, at least as a thought experiment until now, has made some nervous, urbanists especially.


Country Report Angola Up until 2013, Angola’s GDP, buoyed by booming oil revenues, grew by an average rate of 10.7 %, reaching an all-time high of 23.2 % in 2007.


But for now everyone is standing pat: The TV guys don’t want to give up their bundles until they have to, and right now they don’t.


Most business owners are more than willing to discuss adopting new technologies, but they’re reluctant to hit «go» on a project until they can be sure of its worth.


«A lot of investors, up until recently, have been buying on the expectation that valuations canjust keep going up.»


The growth investor and author of the still-popular Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits tried not to sell his investments, which certainly helps when you buy the likes of Motorola in 1955 and hold until 2004.


Corzine worked at BancOhio until 1975 when he moved his family to New Jersey and was hired as a bond trader for Goldman Sachs.


Researchers say that for many choices, spontaneous decisions — based on letting your thoughts just go with the flow until they alight on something that feels right — can be as satisfying as decisions made with deep deliberation.


It allows you to continually follow up with that 98 % of potential customers who have not yet converted until you get the response you’re looking for.


Many loan servicers will not report a delinquency until you are more than 60 days past due.


They are problem solvers who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, and who stop at nothing until goals are reached.


In the United Kingdom, headline inflation is close to 3 percent on an annual basis, higher than the central bank’s projected target of 2 to 2.5 percent; and in the United States, consumer inflation remained above the central bank’s 2-percent target until May of this year before slipping modestly.


Most investors say they have the stomach for large losses until they actually experience them firsthand.


The formula for these calculations on a long call trade (assuming the position is held until expiration) and a visual depiction of a profit-and-loss graph are illustrated below:


The impact on real estate demand will therefore be delayed until more substantial hikes in 2016/2017.


However, it could happen that our/your bank is slow in processing the payment and the payment will not arrive until the following business day.


Indeed, from 1980 until 1984, they were above 13 percent.


Most economists expect the Fed to hold off on a rate hike until December.


With just two months until election day, Martin Schulz must drum up more support if he wants to unseat three-term Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Earlier this month, a false alarm that a ballistic missile was headed for Hawaii sent the islands into a panic, with people abandoning cars and preparing to flee their homes until officials said the cellphone alert was a mistake.


«The jailbreak community is like an incubator for cool ideas,» says Cydia’s founder, Jay Freeman, until recently a computer science Ph.D. student at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


At the same time, stakeholders will be assured that they will not be subject to the other exemption conditions in the BIC Exemption and the Principal Transactions Exemption until at least January 1, 2018.


While Pai also had the support of fellow Republican commissioner Michael O’Rielly for the $ 17 million deal, Democrat Mignon Clyburn voted against the settlement in May (although the decision was not made public until this week).


I knew I wouldn’t be able to survive long term, so I started saving aggressively and putting about 30 % of all savings into CDs yielding 4 % -5 % at the time, 30 % or so in dividend stocks, and saved up for 4 years until I bought my first property in 2003.


And, of course, Facebook sold ads to Russians, made light of their impact, then apologized for that, declined to release them until forced by Congress, eventually admitting that as many as 126 million Americans saw content from the Russian Internet Research Agency.


Stay put until the all-clear is issued by emergency officials,» which likely would be Monday afternoon, at the earliest.


Christianity used to be a religion of humility and service in this country until the religious revivals of the 40’s and 50’s.


Using a peeler, carefully peel off the thick stem of each collard green leave until you can get it as flat as possible.


But if investors and analysts were hoping for something more substantive, they’ll have to wait until the earnings conference call on Wednesday morning.


For example, every dollar of monetary base created by the Federal Reserve has to be held by someone, in the form of base money, until it is retired by the Fed.


A major part of the problem is that simply saying no to sex until after the wedding is an insufficient ethical system.


Some retirement plans, such as a 401 (k) or Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Account), are funded with pre-tax dollars, meaning you don’t pay taxes on the money until you make a distribution in retirement.


That dispute won’t be settled until later this year, when the National Energy Board rules on whether Keystone XL should be built.


Ideally, traders double the amount invested per trade after every losing trade until they record a winning trade after which the system reverts to the initial starting amount put by the trader.


People have to strike a balance between do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, and being financially secure in your retirement years.


That said, traders should wait until a new short-term uptrend is established before entering new positions.


The raising is «significantly lower» than the last equity issue, and investors said that since the company was burning through $ 400,000 a month, a fresh commitment would give it sufficient funds until the end of June 2018 to attempt a change in strategy.


«Go to all nations (all people), baptising and teaching them… and I’ll (Jesus) be with you until the end of time.»


The reader has to wait for the main subject of the title until the last two chapters as the middle part focusses comprehensively on the earlier life of the two gures.


Some apps contain malware designed to steal information from your smartphone or even lock the user out of the phone until they pay a ransom.


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