Make sentences with word tiny

Synonym: little, minute, puny, slight, small, undersized, wee. Antonym: large. Similar words: let in, get in, Latin, cut in, put in, get into, voting, rating. Meaning: [‘taɪnɪ]  adj. very small. 

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1. Push the tiny lever on the lock.

2. The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.

3. We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.

4. Their cars are shoehorned into tiny spaces.

5. The baby put his tiny hand in mine.

6. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture.

7. Each individual flower is tiny.

8. The tiny window was the only source of light.

9. She learned to swim when she was really tiny.

9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

10. Snip a tiny hole in the paper.

11. Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance.

12. A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.

13. These are good strong toys for tiny tots.

14. We could see shoals of tiny fish darting about.

15. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true.

16. He lived in a tiny cottage.

17. I felt a bit claustrophobic in the tiny room.

18. The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

19. He lives in a tiny student bedsit.

20. The living room is tiny.

21. In battery farms, chickens are kept in tiny cages.

22. She had a tiny mole on her cheek.

23. The tiny village was overrun by tourists.

24. He felt a tiny tremor of excitement as he glimpsed the city lights.

25. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.

26. Why I must be a tiny part of others’ life though I am such a nice person?

27. Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky.

28. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London’s tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.

29. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.

30. Please accept my small gift for your birthday.It is a tiny token of thoughts and friendship.A very,very happy birthday!

More similar words: let in, get in, Latin, cut in, put in, get into, voting, rating, routine, cut into, instinct, distinct, fit into, testing, setting, hunting, burst in, continue, creating, lighting, blotting, assist in, awaiting, parenting, result in, routinely, exciting, existing, shooting, operating. 

крошечный, крохотный, малюсенький, маленький ребенок


- очень маленький, крошечный (часто tiny little)


- маленький ребёнок

when they were tinies — когда они были совсем маленькими

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Tiny black spots freckled the walls.

Крошечные черные пятна покрыли стены.

The computer chips were tiny.

Компьютерные микросхемы были крошечные.

There’s just one tiny little problem.

Есть только одна крошечная загвоздка.

She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York.

Она живёт в Нью-Йорке, в маленькой квартире на пятом этаже в доме без лифта.

The plate had a tiny chip in the edge.

На ободке тарелки была крошечная щербинка.

The tiny fox cubs drink nothing but their mother’s milk.

Крошечные лисята не пьют ничего, кроме материнского молока.

You think that you are a tiny body, while the great universe is enfolded in you.

Вы думаете, что вы — крупинка, тогда как в вас заключена огромная вселенная.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.

She maneuvered her car into the tiny garage.

Linda’s hair sparkled with tiny ice crystals.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

tin  — олово, банка, жестянка, оловянный, жестяной, лудить, консервировать

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): tinier
прев. степ. (superlative): tiniest

Sentences with the word Tiny?



  • «existed over the centuries as a world apart»; «preserved because they inhabited a place apart»- W.H.Hudson; «tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization»; «an obscure village»
  • «a tiny but assured income»; «we can never have completely assured lives»
  • «diminutive in stature»; «a lilliputian chest of drawers»; «her petite figure»; «tiny feet»; «the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy»
  • «speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots»
  • «the patter of mice»; «the patter of tiny feet»
  • «a tiny little child»

Tiny was a British cyclecar manufactured by Nanson, Barker & Co at Esholt, Yorkshire between 1912 and 1915. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That compares to analyst expectations for Gap rising 0.5 %, a tiny 0.1 % drop at Old Navy, and a 5.9 % decline at Banana, according to Consensus Metrix.


It seemed too tiny to have room for feet, Yet must have had a set of them complete To express how much it didn’t want to die.


The two tiny spacecraft will catch a ride on a rocket carrying a record-setting 29 satellites to orbit.


They can become lodged in the heart causing tiny tears and damage to this vital muscle.


The cute little hats have a tiny visor and they can tie on to keep them in place.


Its overflowing storage farms, which can keep the U.S. going for almost five days, fan out across the Oklahoma flatlands like a gigantic checkerboard, and represent the tiny community’s reason for being.


They went to companies like AltaVista and Excite and Yahoo and eBay, which were tiny little startups at the time.


Use a wide straw (like one from McDonald’s) to fill the lung, then feel the difference in how fast or easily the lung fills using a narrow straw (like a tiny one for stirring coffee).


Communities of tiny plants and organisms protect arid landscapes.


Think of those very young men whom we see going off or coming home, hugging and kissing their tiny children.


To prepare your toddler to be a big sibling, you can go to a La Leche League meeting to show the toddler how tiny babies are, and how gently they need to be handled.


So I have to apply all the tips and tricks to make this tiny kitchen function to its fullest and continue creating my favorite dishes without any compromise.


These pills are tiny, about the size of a piece of corn and are so inexpensive, it can be under 5


Beautiful silver bangles with baby’s due date, Mom and Baby dog tags in gold or silver, and necklaces with tiny booties inside of hearts are just some of the choices available.


«On the surface, in an environment of light, bigger eyes are more helpful than tiny eyes.


But I did not know (and it is very new science) that acidification also reduces a form of carbonate necessary for tiny ocean life to capture needed iron.


My point is that the assumption that plants do not feel pain is possibly incorrect, AND you are in fact eating billions of tiny animals with every bite of anything, that no matter what you do, something must die for you to live (except in the case of most fruits or nuts where the plant does not die in supplying the food, although you are eating plant ovaries.


When I first started using wipe solution, I used tiny squares of special soap.


Vegan Tuna 140 g / 1 cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked in water for 6 hours or overnight 1 small shallot or red onion, minced 3 tbsp capers + brine 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil (coconut oil, ghee or butter) 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/2 sheet of nori (the seaweed you use for sushi), cut into tiny pieces (optional)


A large insulated bag to carry stuff, such as tiny milk storage bottles, back and forth to the NICU is great to have.


On the doll’s hair, there will be a tiny braid at the side.


These immature forms of the tiny animals drift with water currents until they settle to form reefs.


For instance, touching different regions of a screen makes the phone tilt and shift just a tiny bit, but in ways that the phone’s motion sensors pick up, Mehrnezhad and colleagues demonstrated in a study reported online April 2017 in the International Journal of Information Security.


Folded down, this tent gets tiny; it’s just 31-inch circle that is 3 inches thick.


With their five-month-olds, mothers typically played face-to-face and coordinated tiny, little interactions at a low-to-medium level of emotional arousal.


Spare a moment, and say a tiny prayer of gratitude for life’s… Read More…


While the tiny galaxy is only 6 percent the size of the Milky Way, it contains about twice as many stars.


And i added a tiny sprinkle of tumeric to give it a yellow color.


Make up a tiny amount of the homemade hair dye and try it on a small discreet strand of hair, leave it for around 30 minutes before washing out.


Teach your tiny tot to be hospitable to guests.


The blanket-soft covers and satin ribbon tags of this book are designed for tiny hands to touch and grasp, with soft cloth and raised stitching in the illustrations.


Millet is tiny in size and round in shape and can vary in color from white to gray to yellow to red.


A god who would in disgust wipe out every living breathing creature on the face of the earth save for a tiny fraction in a boat and later regret his action.


No one present on 14 December 1900, when Max Planck first presented the idea of tiny, discrete «quanta» of energy to a meeting of the German Physical Society in Berlin, envisaged how the concept would come to define physics in the century that followed.


Put the pecan pieces in a food processor along with the coconut oil, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tbls coconut sugar, and a tiny pinch of salt.


Having a safe and easy place to bathe your baby is a must-have since they are so tiny and wiggly!


Crypto assets as a whole are but a tiny fraction of gold’s $ 7.8 trillion worth.


This is obviously a story that will continue to need more attention, especially when the affected New Yorkers live in a tiny town, nestled in the woods near the Vermont border.


While this is undeniably true, it only works on tiny communities where everybody knows each other.


Instead, we need to intensify agriculture and other human land uses in existing areas as much as possible, and encourage as an environmental boon the growth of the world’s major cities that already successfully concentrate today’s enormous human population onto only a tiny proportion of the world’s land.


Quantum mechanics, however, predicts that there is a tiny chance that the pendulum can reverse direction at any point, a process physicists call dynamical tunneling.


Nothing other than genuine dinosaur artifacts… well that is if you consider tiny plastic dinosaurs artifacts.


BRAC (which originally stood for Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee, but now is the only name the organisation needs) invented the idea of microcredit, that is, tiny loans to the destitute.


Fernando will improve his tackling, but regardless he’s still the type of player we need to protect our tiny players like Ozil


when using the actual output from that model, whereas using the simpler approach of E = 1.0 (a la Otto et al. (2013)-RRB- only leads to a tiny underestimate of only 6 %.


Now, contemplate that an estimated 105 billion people have walked the planet, with only a tiny 5.5 percent of that number alive today.


I’ve got a tiny jar of agar powder that I haven’t used in a long time and have never known how much of it to add to anything since the last time I used it in a recipe it turned into something like a superball.


The quarterback reads, thereceiver cuts, and in the tiny win…


One last word: I’ve never been able to get my broccoli to soften in 4 minutes, it always takes me at least 10 minutes, unless the florets are really tiny.


Bree, what you have done with your «tiny apartment» is breathtaking.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Even a tiny cut can introduce enough bacteria to trigger orbital cellulitis.

Даже крошечный разрез может стать местом для проникновения достаточного количества бактерий, вызывающих орбитальный целлюлит.

They came to this tiny island to cleanse their bodies and minds.

Они приезжали на этот крошечный остров для того, чтобы очистить свои тела и умы…

It was a tiny tiny… hare.

А это был маленький… (показывается игрушка) зайчик.

«Minions» follows tiny yellow creatures that live to serve villains.

Миньоны — это маленькие желтые существа, которые живут ради того, чтобы служить суперзлодеям.

However, he says there’s a tiny tiny point.

Но, по его словам, в данном вопросе есть один небольшой нюанс.

Mostly because of the tiny bearing area.

В первую очередь, из-за небольшой прилегающей территории участка.

It’s a tiny apartment going down the highway.

По сути, это настоящая крошечная квартира, катящаяся по шоссе.

Think about those people who live in tiny houses.

Так можно сказать о людях, которые живут в этих крошечных домах.

Google’s device is tiny in comparison.

Это означает, что новый союзник Google выглядит крошечным в сравнении.

Tiny food, tiny liquor bottles, tiny pillows tiny bathroom, tiny sink, tiny soap.

We got tiny lasagna, tiny pizza, tiny pie.

There’s always that little tiny table there, tiny computer, little cramped seats, tiny food, tiny utensils, tiny liquor bottles, tiny bathroom, tiny sink, tiny mirror, tiny faucet.

But the human genome is just a tiny, tiny fraction of all scientific knowledge.

Но геном человека — это всего лишь крошечная частица всех существующих научных знаний.

The idea of finding a different technology had absolutely taken over, and there were tiny, tiny little factories in backwaters.

Идея о поиске другой технологии безусловно взяла верх, и там были маленькие фабрики в глуши.

This tiny little heart in this tiny human being.

They found a tiny plastic fence and tiny plastic animals.

I feel like a bunch of tiny people are holding tiny little lighters to my face.

Я ощущаю кучу маленьких людей, который держат маленькие зажигалки у моего лица.

Well, in there… tiny shampoo and tiny soap.

Even among the 1.2 million species we know about, that’s a tiny, tiny fraction.

Once upon a time, there was a tiny, magical village filled with tiny, magical people.

Когда-то была маленький, волшебный городок, заполненная крошечными, волшебными людьми.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат tiny

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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