Make sentences with word remember

Synonym: recall, recognize, recollect, remind. Antonym: forget. Similar words: member, membership, timber, number, chamber, limber up, a number of, any number of. Meaning: [rɪ’membə(r)]  v. 1. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection 2. keep in mind for attention or consideration 3. recapture the past; indulge in memories 4. show appreciation to 5. mention favourably, as in prayer 6. mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship 7. exercise, or have the power of, memory 8. call to remembrance; keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony. 

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1. Remember thou are but a man. 

2. The remedy for injuries is not to remember them. 

3. We should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received. 

4. If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 

5. We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favour received. 

6. I don’t remember my first day at school.

7. I’ve seen the book somewhere,but I don’t remember where.

8. You wouldn’t remember me. I was in another group.

9. Between us, please always remember me.

10. I can’t remember any more-I must have lost consciousness.

11. I can’t remember his name.

12. Remember to hold your tongue in the.

13. It’s funny how people always remember him.

14. I definitely remember sending the letter.

15. He could remember every trivial incident in great detail.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. I can’t remember her exact words.

17. Remember to put a rubber band round these books.

18. Always remember too little, too much forgotten.

19. This is Carla. Do you remember her?

20. I shall remember that happy day forever.

21. Remember me to the other classmates of your class.

22. I can vaguely remember my first day at school.

23. Remember: Whatever happens,happens for a reason.

24. What I remember fondly has nothing unsaid.

25. To remember, to let go, and to move on.

26. For short, do not remember every detail, every mood.

27. He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 

28. To make your life a sound structrure that will serve others and fulfil your own potential, you have to remember that strength, however massive , can’t endure unless it has the interlocking supprt of others. Go it alone and you’ll inevitably tumble. 

29. That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember

30. Education is a admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. 

More similar words: member, membership, timber, number, chamber, limber up, a number of, any number of, to the number of, Supreme, extreme, a large number of, extremely, retirement, tremendous, measurement, requirement, in memory of, from memory, embrace, assembly, assemble, resemble, embarrassed, fiber, rubber, liberal, remark, remote, remove. 


verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):







  1. помнить

    remember exactly
    помнить точно

    remember the past
    вспоминать прошлое

    remember forever
    запомнить навсегда

  2. запомниться

  3. вспоминаться

  4. помянуть

    remember allah
    поминать аллаха

  5. напоминать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений remember на 1 миллион слов: 16.

Примеры предложений

Did you remember to buy sugar?
Вы не забыли купить сахар?

I don’t remember your password.
Я не помню твой пароль.

I don’t remember what they told me.
Я не помню, что они мне сказали.

I don’t remember how I translated this sentence.
Я не помню, как перевела это предложение.

I remember that day well.
Я хорошо помню тот день.

I remember seeing her somewhere.
Я помню, что где-то её видел.

She can’t even remember her name.
Она даже имени своего не может вспомнить.

I don’t remember getting paid for the work.
Не помню, чтобы мне заплатили за работу.

We need to remember to send Tom a birthday card.
Нам надо не забыть отправить Тому поздравительную открытку на день рождения.

I remember reading this book.
Я помню, что читал эту книгу.

If I remember correctly, you were quite optimistic at that time.
Если память меня не подводит, Вы были в то время довольно оптимистичным.

Don’t you remember my promise?
Ты не помнишь моего обещания?

Do you remember that guy I talked to you about?
Помнишь того парня, о котором я тебе рассказывал?

She wants to know if you remember her.
Она хочет знать, помнишь ли ты её.

I don’t know if you remember Tom.
Не знаю, помнишь ли ты Тома.

I’ll always remember that.
Я всегда буду помнить это.

I remember giving Tom the key.
Я помню, что давал Тому ключ.

Tom can’t remember the last time he took a vacation.
Том не помнит, когда он последний раз был в отпуске.

I don’t remember how tall she is.
Я не помню, какой у неё рост.

Attention swimmers! Don’t stay in the water too long. Remember that in December it freezes.
Вниманию купающихся! Не находитесь в воде слишком долго. Помните, что в декабре она замерзает.

You’d remember him.
Вы бы его вспомнили.

Do you remember when you last saw Tom?
Вы помните, когда вы в последний раз видели Тома?

I can’t remember her address.
Я никак не могу вспомнить её адрес.

I don’t remember inviting you.
Не помню, чтобы я тебя приглашал.

I remember both of you.
Я помню вас обоих.

He was too drunk to remember to shut the back door.
Он был слишком пьян, чтобы не забыть закрыть заднюю дверь.

I don’t remember the next part of the dream.
Я не помню следующую часть сна.

Did you remember to turn off the lights?
Вы не забыли выключить фары?

Tom doesn’t remember his first French teacher’s name.
Том не помнит, как звали его первого учителя французского.

Tom said that he didn’t remember Mary.
Том сказал, что не помнит Мэри.

How to use remember in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «remember» and check conjugation/comparative form for «remember«. Mastering all the usages of «remember» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Crazy. Next time they’re going to remember Iowa, they’re going to remember Ohio, remember.
I remember your arms, I remember dreadful gin, I remember the perfume of your hair.
«Remember, remember, remember, we cannot rescue you during a storm,» he said Thursday before the storm.
» — February 4 tweet «Remember the Obamacare, right?… Remember?
If you remember high school or college, you don’t remember the lectures you had but you remember the experiences.
KERNEN: You remember that — you remember the – that expression.
And I remember — this is how I remember it.
«You’re going to remember where you were, you’re going to remember who you were with, you’re going to remember this experience.»
Those are the moments you should remember, that I remember.
I cannot remember, and I’ve never been able to remember.
Remember the 2015 stock crisis, remember the 2016 circuit breaker.
Indians remember democracy, Hiroshima and Nagasaki remember, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia.
I don’t remember her name, but I remember her look.
To remember why it matters, to remember what we cherish.
Then I remember calling, I remember when they did that.
But when I remember the show, I’ll remember those eyes.
And I remember the stress and I remember the pressure.
«Next thing I remember after her strangling me — I only remember a couple of things — I remember her strangling me,» she said.
I remember Anita Bryant, if you remember, with the orange juice thing when she was … I don’t really remember that that much.
I remember being moved for a bit, and I remember the pain of the actual penetration, and I remember them taking turns.
You remember each other’s phone numbers, you remember each other’s names, you remember each other’s wives in case you get let out.
«You remember them dying, you remember the memorial service, and you remember the image of their final resting place,» Mr. Gibson said.
Then you remember all the pain, you remember the training camps, you remember getting hit in the face, you remember all of that stuff, then all the sudden the thoughts go away just like that.
I remember realizing I would crash, but don’t remember the impact.
I remember AOL was on that one computer … I can’t remember.
It’s how we remember ourselves, it’s how we remember the past.
We remember those decisions; we barely remember his part in them.
I can’t remember the fight to be honest—I can’t remember.
I remember watching Seven Up. Do you remember that documentary series?
Remember the Christmas day «Remember the Neediest» banner across the top?
We don’t remember what they wear — we remember who they are.
If you don’t remember Remember Me, don’t sweat it too much.
I remember making fairy cakes, and I remember it being stressful.
You won’t remember this article, and you likely won’t remember me.
Death. If humans remember they’re animals, they’ll remember they’re also mortal.
«People remember stories much better than they remember information,» Bichlbaum said.
I don’t remember specifics, I just remember that incident itself, yeah.
Remember their hurt and their pain; but also remember their contribution.
I remember that person, but I can’t remember how he felt.
I hope I don’t remember you but I will always remember her.
And, remember, Russia&aposs — remember the hostile takeover in Crimea and Ukraine?
I remember the sets, I remember everybody that was in the movie.
Only problem is that he can’t remember what he’s supposed to remember.
I’d remember us getting into bed but not even remember what happened.
I can’t remember if they did, but I do remember sitting there.
I can’t remember what I did Tuesday but I remember that song.
«I remember this meeting and remember the wire comment,» the person said.
And no one will remember their names but they will remember us.
Sometimes he can’t remember names or can only remember a first name.
Now, she doesn’t remember the date and she doesn’t remember the place.
Well, I can’t remember much about it, but I remember this much.
They can’t even remember to put deodorant on … or remember their homework.
I don’t remember exactly what age, but I do remember it happening.
If you can remember one thing from this podcast, remember Guava Juice.
They remember what their parents told them, they remember being in kindergarten.
But you’re not like those … remember a couple of years, many years ago, there was all that incubator, remember the incubators, remember Bill … Bill Gross.
And I remember when Amazon went out and I remember when Netscape launched.
So, I don&apost remember doing it, but I remember what I meant.
«I can’t remember last Thursday, I can remember the olden days,» Streep admitted.
If you remember the OLPC at all, you probably remember the hand crank.
I remember us walking to the school and I remember hearing absolutely nothing.
Remember … Beetle’s undefeated as an amateur boxer (remember when he fought Big Poppa?)
I even remember calling James and saying ‘do you remember where we ate?
I don’t remember what happened then; I don’t even remember watching him perform.
Before he died, she made me remember things I didn’t want to remember.
If Arabs are said to remember too much history, Americans remember too little.
«I remember seeing Heather in the air and remember her eyes,» Peterson said.
«I don’t remember, I remember summarizing for her what they said,» Ford said.
You remember the kids’ faces, and the great thing is they remember you.
Keller said he doesn’t remember the reason, but he does remember Weinstein’s visit.
I don’t remember that student’s exact words, but I remember our teacher’s response.
I can’t remember what the actual law was, I just remember those words.
People might not remember your beautiful face, but they’ll remember your beautiful heart.
I don’t remember his name, but I remember every detail of that night.
Remember in the early days of Apple, it kills that battery, remember that?
I remember all of the day’s misinformation very clearly, and I also remember this, and I wish I did not: I remember that no one was surprised.
Them he can&apost remember his intent if he doesn&apost remember doing it.
I remember the facts, but I didn’t remember any emotional signatures of my behavior.
He urged other GOP members to remember that, and to remember the Democratic alternative.
You remember what was around you but you also remember what was inside you.
» Relitigating 2016: » Next time [the Democrats are] gonna remember Iowa, they’re gonna remember Ohio.
«I didn’t remember it then, and I don’t remember it now,» Mr. Plant testified.
«I didn’t remember it then, and I don’t remember it now,» Mr. Plant said.
Nobody is going to remember their name, but they’re going to remember our names.
I remember people crying over Romney’s loss, and I remember laughing at their tears.
I don’t remember how it happened, but I remember asking her what we were doing and I remember catching my breath as she leaned in to kiss me.
I don’t remember from that moment between — I just remember getting up after — Q: Do you remember anything about what you were thinking as you just laid there?
«I don’t remember, I don’t remember,» Trump said, mimicking Clinton being questioned by the FBI.
I don’t 100 percent remember leaving, and I do not remember coming home at all.
And for better or worse, people remember, or will remember Gawker for its extreme posts.
I remember them vividly, but it’s not something you want to remember or think about.
«Remember, remember/the hits of September,» is a famous quote that we are absolutely misremembering.
People remember that; they remember the meeting: ‘Was she nice, was she not so nice?
Yet when most Americans remember Wells, they remember her solely as a campaigner against lynching.
Anytime I remember my dream I create a note to remember how ridiculous it was.
As we remember the fallen of all nationalities, we must also remember our shared humanity.
I remember, it was Christina Aguilera and then Britney performed and I remember thinking, ‘Okay.
I will remember the act and the victims, but I will not remember the suspect.
I remember he had the words, like a poem–sort of about faces he remember. . . .
I don’t remember camp, but I do remember growing up in post-war America—California.
«I don’t remember what my mom said, I just remember hitting the floor,» she said.
I remember what we ate, what we wore and I especially remember your unforgettable laughter.
People do remember Max, fortunately, but don’t remember Slide, which eventually was acquired by Google.
Wow, I— I remember, how: I remember the first day I signed up to Facebook.
I remember being there with my mates but I don’t remember any pain or anything.
Because they recognize what I’ve been saying all along: «Remember, remember, it’s all about November!»
I remember in 2000 and … I’m trying to remember the year now, 2004 or so.
He says that he can’t remember and he doesn’t even know if they will remember.
«I remember that part because you remember your perspective of watching the game,» Torre said.
History will remember this period for Disney’s monopolistic muscle; it will also remember Scorsese’s films.
I don’t remember the details, but I remember her face at her follow-up visit.
I remember you were there, I don’t remember I was the boss at that point.
I don’t even remember what it looked like, I just remember it being really amazing.
You remember Tim Pawlenty, who used to be the governor, and you remember Norm Coleman.
I don’t remember anymore because I refuse  to  remember  anymore  because  all  my  memories  hurt.
I remember the punk house in Winnipeg, I remember the dining room we set up to write it and then I remember being in the studio when we recorded it.
And, remember this, remember this, we have gotten, you know, somebody got on television recently and said, actually, this is the first time I can remember, Trump made campaign promises.
These colleagues should be ones whose names you still remember and who would likely remember you.
When we do remember the Ottoman role in the Great War, we remember it not from
I don’t even remember, but I do remember the blowouts and I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh!
Do you remember Sarah Palin, or do you remember Tina Fey’s version of Sarah Palin more?
I don’t remember a lot of the first one, but I do remember it being magical.
If you remember Asimo as anything, you’ll remember it as Honda’s robot that does neat stuff.
I don’t even remember, but I do remember the blowouts and I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh!
If you remember any name from the vote today, remember Senator John Thune from South Dakota.
People remember stuff you didn’t do well, and people remember the stuff you do really well.
People don’t always remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel.
So, remember: $266, eight years … so remember this: eight years, eight years, 23.4 bucks — 271 bucks.
» Bullock then joked, «I was trying to remember my graduation and, oddly, I couldn’t remember anything.
Remember Cool Multiplication TricksTo help you do simple multiplication, it’s important to remember some nifty tricks.
Most people probably don’t remember the Cuyahoga River fires; environmental regulation is why they don’t remember.
When I can’t remember that I  get  enough – I just have to remember to  give thanks .
I remember watching that and hating her, and I remember being convinced that she killed him.
Hopefully, people will always remember, and that they’ll remember this when it comes time to vote.
We don’t remember what we heard or smelled, and we certainly don’t remember what we saw.
So you can remember it for what you want, but they’re definitely going to remember it.
«So you can remember it for what you want, but they’re definitely going to remember it.»
I remember the game, or I think I do, but I don’t remember learning to read.
Callimachi: Does he remember an ISIS guy — does he remember an ISIS guy called Abu Jarrah?
«Thank goodness people remember the photo, they don’t remember the article,» Moore jokingly told Harper’s Bazaar.
Short-term memory: I can’t remember details this morning, I can’t remember conversations I had yesterday.
Perhaps, when we come to remember him, we will remember the character, and not the player.
«People remember where they were when Kennedy was shot; people remember the moon landing,» he said.
I remember being grateful that all six of my children were old enough to remember theirs.
«I remember being here a number of times, but I don’t remember any incident,» he says.
«The Red Tent,» Anita Diamant I don’t remember exactly why, but I do remember loving it.
«It’s actually more normal to not remember than it is to remember your experiences,» Østby explained.
Best for queer women Details to remember: Best gay app that hetero folks also use Details to remember: Best for men looking for a relationships Details to remember: Best for inclusivity Details to remember: Best specifically for gay men Details to remember: So, look: There are plenty of decent apps out there, and even more that are up-and-coming.
«I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind, there was something so special about that place, even your emotions had an echo, in so much space…» RIP.
«They remember the picture of the man standing in front of the line of tanks, they remember the statue of Lady Liberty, they remember voices of the Chinese people asking for freedom and democracy, and they remember the repression of the Chinese government in 1989,» he said.
In ’96 I hosted chats, I remember this, I did these little chats for Politics Now and I remember doing one with McCain and I remember doing one with a couple others.
I don’t remember if I could visualize before this, but then, I don’t remember much in general.
Deporting us to homelands we barely remember or don’t remember at all would be an enormous hardship.
And then I don’t remember what happened, I don’t remember anyway where I’d gone the next day.
I remember going to your kitchen, and they were in the garage, I remember that. Vividly. Yeah.
The past is always better than the present, because we selectively remember what we want to remember.
If you remember Better Place, maybe you remember battery swapping for electric cars as a garbage idea.
I don’t remember my mom’s birthday but I do remember who the lead singer of Switchfoot was.
And all I remember hearing was my mother’s voice saying to remember to breathe and soothe yourself.
So if she really didn’t remember, that’s a problem, and if she did remember, that’s a problem.
Or more accurately, you remember the gimmick, because that’s what you always remember from the New Generation.
I can’t believe I still remember that, yet I can’t remember where I put my car keys.
Who has had access to the garden, and why can’t Toby remember what he needs to remember?
You don’t remember, but they had a thing called Mungo Park, which … Oh, I remember Mungo Park.
Photography can remember for us what we didn’t think or were not able to remember for ourselves.
Most people can’t remember the food, music, or flowers, but they remember the cake 30 years later.
This doubt can creep in because it’s easier to remember faults but more difficult to remember successes.
Whatever you do — remember your customers and employees will remember it when the economy starts growing again.
I can’t remember anymore what anyone said, but I remember that everyone, no matter who, was interacting.
«I don’t remember the moment, but I remember feeling like I can’t miss this anymore,» she said.
«When we go shopping,» Ms. Nicholls said, «we should remember our bags like we remember our phones.»
«I told him not to worry about what you remember and what you don’t remember,» said Cranston, 61.
I don’t remember doing this tennis-champion gesture, but there’s a lot I don’t remember about that day.
«Trump goes on to say, ‘I remember you fondly and I remember the business deal,'» one participant recalled.
«I remember being on that set and I remember him really rubbing me the wrong way,» recalled Bernthal.
I don’t remember when I stopped loving myself, but I remember when I started loving my ex more.
And I remember feeling, about a week later, I remember having this feeling, I felt kind of down.
On Coinbase, instead of having to remember your keys, you just need to remember your email and password.
«I remember her having brandy flavoring and I remember it not having any alcohol in it,» Luckow says.
That you can’t remember the last proper meal you had, but you do remember not getting anything done?
But he doesn’t remember when this discussion, which he does or doesn’t remember, did or didn’t take place!
And, you know, out of all the things I did remember from that night I did remember that.
And we know, as the audience, that we remember the wrestler, and they know that they remember us.
But which one are you more likely to remember, if it’s a password that you need to remember?
I remember the milky waters of Lake Sevan; I remember the green hills, dotted with sheep and mist.
«I remember making a promise to myself, ‘Don’t change, don’t change, remember where you come from,'» he said.
«I don’t remember the details but I can remember the broad strokes,» Mr. de Blasio said on Saturday.
What I remember most about the time following his death is that I remember almost nothing at all.
I don’t remember — could be wrong, but I don’t remember any conversations with him at all about that.
I don’t remember it coming out, but I do remember the Beatles as a presence in my home.
I can’t remember what their performance was about, but I do remember staring up at them with joy.
Remember to sympathize if a customer appears especially flustered, and try to remember that everyone has bad days.
And the seams of our edited memories are silently sealed; we often can’t remember what we can’t remember.
«I remember when she needed her first transplant and I remember when her body was rejecting it and I remember when she needed her second one,» said the 29-year-old Second Act star.
«I’m looking for somebody that when I’m going to my car I’m going to remember their music, I’m going to remember their face, I’m going to remember their personality…I’m looking for that «It Factor.
«I remember some things that happened, but there are a lot of things that I don’t remember,» he said.
I remember taking that pic just so I could remember my beautiful amazing body that just birthed a queen.
I wanted to remember—we are always told to remember—the person who raised us; the person we loved.
Right now, Square services often remember customers’ email addresses, but don’t fully remember payment information to charge frequent customers.
I don’t really remember it hurting but I do remember that I just wanted to get it over with.
Tragedy and loss, and the way we remember — or choose not to remember — certain things to help us cope.
Remember When is a Noisey column where we remember silly music things that once happened and laugh about them.
I remember the time I gave myself to New York, even more clearly than I remember losing my virginity.
In terms of like moments that I remember, I remember Chuck Norris being there and that being very exciting.
«Remember me, though I have to say goodbye, remember me, don’t let it make you cry,» the lyrics read.
Remember Me Yes, Meghan was in the ultra-depressing Robert Pattinson movie, Remember Me, in a very minor role.
And remember back in May when President Trump and House Republicans, remember when they were pushing for prison reform?
No, I don’t remember what happened, specifically, but I remember the ball was bouncing around all kooky and crazy.
Tens of thousands of people attended a vigil to remember to remember Chow Tsz-lok, the student who died.
But both conclusions direct us back to the same recalcitrant question: What makes us remember the things we remember?
«I remember some things that happened, but there are a lot of things that I don’t remember,» he says.
«You can’t remember what you had last Christmas, but you always remember getting your Christmas tree,» he told Reuters.
John Waters doesn’t remember exactly why he first grew his iconic pencil mustache, but he does remember when: 1970.
I don’t remember if it was summertime or not, but I remember what song it was that struck me.
I remember when I was younger, I liked punk, and I remember there was always an element of that.
I don’t remember the occasion, but I remember being squished in the back of a taxi with him once.
Smell the jasmine, taste the molasses And remember to remember me Brother don’t forget me My love, my prize.
But the coat, or rather its depiction, is how we remember him today, if we remember him at all.
«I’m going to remember we were pretty close,» Romine said when asked what he would remember about the day.
«I don&apost remember the impact, I just remember the car coming toward me,» the girl told the outlet.
» In his response email, Koegler wrote, «I remember you telling me about him, but I don’t remember his name.
«I think if you left it off you’ll remember the things that you need to remember,» he said, quietly.
But what we want to remember and what we ought to remember are not always one and the same.
You may not remember, you may say that you don’t remember … but you were awake, you know what I mean?
I remember when we were on that plane, I was drawing somebody naked, and I remember you asking me why.
But, they may remember the events of a day from a decade ago the way we might remember last week.
Future generations will remember this Golden Globes the way Carell remembers his «Fantasia Day,» if they remember it at all.
If you remember Jimmy the Greek, and remember Howard Cosell what he said about Alvin Garrett on Monday Night Football?
I remember, here was …a happily married man of five children, and I just remember thinking how wrong it was.
If I didn’t remember those the way they thought I should remember them, I must not be telling the truth.
And when volunteers struggled to remember, the interviewer told them, falsely, that they could remember if they tried hard enough.
I like seeing curiosity, and remember, the point guards that we remember are the ones that use both hands. Right?
I don’t remember it — and again, this could be my … I don’t remember it as being a total meltdown collision.
I remember going to see it in the theater when I was 14 or 15, and I remember the quotes.
I remember the strong chemical smell, and I remember the burning that signaled it was time to wash it out.
I remember the enchanting, brightly colored boardwalk of my childhood; I remember the cotton candy vendors, the rickshaws, the buskers.
Now, I don’t remember everybody’s palm, but I do remember a few things about Trump’s palm that I could say.
We must always remember the price they paid to create that pathway, and remember that we still travel it today.
If we can remember these things about them, they may be able to remember they are not dead men walking.
I remember photographing it and then I remember looking at an empty cardboard dish with a fork lying in it.
» But the last time I remember listening to it, about a year ago, I remember saying, «God, this is amazing!
Italians won’t remember my name, but they may remember footage of my rescue, which was broadcast on April 6, 2009.
Expressions I know too well from staring in my own mirror, trying to remember myself, trying to remember my home.
If you remember that, you’ll remember that we kicked proceedings off with «Ambience» by Melé and it sounded absolutely glorious.
To heal is to remember, and in time, we can remember without the hurt … I did survive; I am living.
You introduced me, I remember when I was in Japan, to a company called ImaHima, if you remember. Mm-hmm.
I remember some of those victories, but I also remember what a vexing tournament this has always been for her.
» On this particular day, «I don’t remember ever having a row, but I do remember being intensely irritated by him.
Driven Most people who remember the original Civic that Honda brought to America in 236 remember it as a hatchback.
«I don’t remember the impact, I just remember the car coming toward me,» the girl told CNN affiliate KCCI-TV.
From «Watch a Flower That Seems to Remember When Pollinators Will Come Calling»: Can you remember what you did yesterday?
I struggled to remember the name of that restaurant in San Juan, eventually deciding that I didn’t want to remember.
Those of us old enough to remember the 1990s also remember the endless series of accusations hurled against the Clintons.
If people remember me for anything, remember that my band was dope, and I had a really dope live set.
Attorney couldn’t remember day or year While riding in an ambulance after the incident, Davidow, 52, told a paramedic that he didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t remember what day or year it was, the affidavit says.
People remember the beginning and the end much more acutely than they remember the middle slog of any experience, he says.
Through elementary, I don’t remember kids being mean, but my mom does remember me being called names like ‘Connie the Tuna.
Susie McKinnon can remember who she is, but she can’t remember her vacation, her wedding, or key moments of her childhood.
You don’t remember every time you’ve gone running, but you remember the day you slipped on ice and broke your knee.
» There’s one important thing to remember: «Remember not to blow your candle out unless you want to blow away your intention!
«I remember looking up at the ceiling, and I remember feeling like I was dead,» she said on her Instagram story.
The chapter ends with Mr Musk confessing that he does not remember dreams: «the only ones I remember are the nightmares».
They remember their first set, they remember the first time they gave (it) to their child (or) something that they built.
Remember the letter writing campaigns, the comments filed to the Federal Communications Commission (some of them handwritten), remember John Oliver’s rant.
And I remember visiting him, it did not kill him — I remember visiting him and his mother in Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Louis zip code’… I don’t remember exactly how we did it but I do remember having physical books of zip codes.
I remember it the way a criminal might remember a crime, the where and when more accessible now than the why.
Remember bootcut jeans atop square shoes that your uncle who makes you feel uneasy still wears Remember pre-Twitter and Instagram?
He wanted to remember his father for the life that he lived, and that’s how he wanted others to remember him.
You remember, let’s all remember, that a few years ago, Donald Trump was the leader of the so-called ‘birther’ movement.
«I remember taking that pic just so I could remember my beautiful amazing body that just birthed a queen,» she said.
«I’d like to remember Teresa the way I remember her, and I don’t know what’s in the documentary,» the friend says.
Do you ever remember a topic being discussed on a podcast, but can’t remember the episode’s name, or when it aired?
Oh well, I parked it in the «fun night to remember» box and hoped he’d remember me when we came back.
I remember the warm Southern sun heating up the classroom and making me sleepy; I don’t remember the lecture at all.
No. I remember like a look of shock, and then I remember, like, my mom was delayed to pick me up.
She can almost not remember the first decade of Christopher’s life, although some things she does remember and doesn’t want to.
That is, if I remember back when I was a little kid, I don’t remember feeling like I could do anything.
I don’t remember really understanding what was happening, but I do remember my father insisting that we leave the television on.
I remember the debating points vividly, which is to say I remember invoking them in arguments with friends at the time.
Remember the letter writing campaigns, the comments filed to the Federal Communications Commission (some of them handwritten), remember John Oliver’s rant.
It’s always good to remember King’s speeches, but we should also remember this: He didn’t just talk his way to greatness.
They filled the legislative gallery chanting, «Remember, remember, we vote in November» as the Republican-controlled General Assembly session got underway.
Research shows paper notetaking helps individuals remember complex topics better, but it does nothing to help a whole group remember anything.
He put himself inside me and he raped me and I just remember getting up and — I just remember getting up.
Maybe you’ll remember the OnePlus 7 Pro in a few years, but you likely won’t remember the OnePlus 7 Pro 113G.
Remembering becomes a kind of circle — where you’re remembering to remember, but you don’t remember what you’re supposed to be remembering.
I remember randomly watching one or seeing one before the news and at the end of it, I remember really clearly.
If you remember no other rule, or ignore the rest of them, please remember this: Clothes should not be the focus of attention, which is to say, they should not be what colleagues or friends remember after a meeting.
«He’ll never remember this first birthday, but we’ll take pictures of it for him to remember later,» he says with a laugh.
In terms of the Syrian meeting, remember, remember, this follows meeting that Kim Jong Un has had with Chinese and Russian officials.
I was eight so I don’t remember much about it, but I remember being there and getting a bunch of cool shit.
I remember when you came to me, I remember where we were, in some dumb ballroom, was it maybe South By Southwest?
None of us remember what we did as children — we think we do, but we don’t remember it as it really happened.
«No, I don’t remember that and I don’t remember ever dating any girl without the permission of her mother,» Moore told Hannity.
«If you remember 9/11, you remember that we, as a nation, vowed to never forget,» Maloney told BuzzFeed in a statement.
Yes, I remember the dangerous isolation I felt, but I also remember my black futon from Walmart and my wooden dorm furniture.
You remember just how much Spoon means to you; you remember what it was like to hear them for the first time.
If you’re old enough to remember landlines, maybe you remember the feedback loop that turned them from must-haves to luxury items.
I remember meeting him years ago in New York City at Fashion Week, and I just remember his hair was the same.
She couldn’t remember the last one, and she certainly couldn’t remember having been that person who had good ideas all the time.
None of us remember what we did as children — we think we do, but we don’t remember it as it really happened.
I remember the first time I admitted those feelings to myself, and I remember how thoughts of suicide would ease my mind.
But we’ve gotten only laughs out of the con man who couldn’t remember the name he told his potential victim to remember.
Sondland professed not to remember the details of this — and claims he can’t even remember whether those calls with Trump even happened.
I am not sure I remember what was said at the interment, but I remember that police escort like it was yesterday.
I remember packing a sweater that was way too big for me, but if I remember correctly, my grandmother had made it.
But if you remember your teen years at all, you’ll remember that, uh, you rarely knew exactly the right thing to say.
I can’t remember another time I was quite so sick—and both my body and my brain decided to remember it too.
«I did hit the home run, which is the only thing I remember; I don’t remember all the strikeouts,» Davis said, laughing.
«It’s hard to remember that when you’re really happy, and it’s hard to remember that when you’re really sad too,» he says.
» Kalanick continued, «I don’t remember my exact words, but I remember feeling disappointed a little bit, a little burned by the relationship.
I don’t remember her words, but I remember the sensation: the gravity of the shock tempered by Sister Irene’s insistence on forgiveness.
It was just interesting because I do remember, there used to be … do you remember, there was like a zillion storage companies?
He was really very unstimulating, so I don’t remember what he said, I just remember being proud that I smelled so good.
«I’m looking for somebody that when I’m going to my car I’m gonna remember their music, I’m gonna remember their face, I’m gonna remember their personality,» Cardi B said in an Instagram video announcing her role as a judge last November.
NERA you may remember from its arguments in defense of «clean coal,» and if you don’t remember, that’s a good place to start.
Wells doesn’t remember if they talked about the prospects of a job — but he does remember drinking vodka and doing lines of cocaine.
James says she can’t remember the first Burberry outfit she ever wore, but does remember the first item that ever caught her attention.
«I don’t remember the first time I fell in love with Rich but I do remember the second,» Sharman told New York Post.
It’s worth revisiting, not just to remember what an eclipse is like but to remember how small we really are in the universe.
The duty to remember—especially to remember victims lost to political evil—has become one of the most commanding mantras of our culture.
But I do remember always being hungry and afraid … I remember them saying, ‘Ok, you know how you called us grandma and grandpa?
While I saw other movies before or after that had women in them, I don’t remember them the way I remember Princess Leia.
Because if you remember the Sony hack — and it’s hard to remember now because we’re post WikiLeaks, and then everything has been hacked.
And I remember him kneeling down — I thought he was coming to pick me up — and he said, ‘Remember, Victoria: We don’t fall.
I don’t remember the exact moment I knew I wasn’t straight, but I remember every single childhood character that made me question it.
I remember doing the same thing when we were potty training — we put those little potties everywhere, hoping they’d remember to use them.
Those of you who remember Andre Ward versus Chad Dawson will remember that this was one of Ward’s key punches in that fight.
I remember my father, who has worked in retail a lot of his life, selling clothes; I remember he was salah at work.
I don’t remember him wearing a wedding ring when he was married to my mother, though, frankly, I barely remember them being married.
I need to speak about them so that people will remember those who suffered, because we can remember them by talking about them.
I don’t remember any verbal cues to stop, but what I do remember is a significant nonverbal cue: She wasn’t making any sound.
«I remember a handful of times being in person with him and I remember a handful of times on the phone,» he said.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I don’t remember what it was about exactly, but I do remember my grandfather’s expletive-laced racial slur.
I remember specific experiences and situations from that time of my life, but I don’t remember how I got myself into that situation.
While Marshall says she doesn’t remember exactly how she came across in the book, she does remember the impact it had on her.
I don’t remember how I got to the house and I don’t remember how I got home after I was able to leave.
I remember watching in horror and I also remember that almost no one I knew in liberal, progressive Shaker Heights, Ohio, believed her!
I remember eating in the restaurant with my parents; I did not remember the Cheshire’s Anglophilia — every room named for an English author.
Even as a child growing up all over L.A., I remember going to school, I remember not being able to speak my language.
Investors would be prudent to remember, too, that as geopolitical tensions continue to roil markets, remember the emerging variety tends to respond poorly.
But even so, there’s the presumption that Hosts only remember what Ford wants them to remember, as the Man in Black tells Teddy.
Bowen: What I remember about early SA, I remember most of it being Rich just sitting there in his apartment writing every day.
If you can’t remember the difference between flashing yellow and flashing purple, just remember blue is the coolest and red is the hottest.
«I will always remember how much I love holding his hand I will always remember how I felt so loved when he would wake up and kiss me on the forehead I will always remember how I had it great with the love of my life I will always remember I was loved by the most amazing man I’ve ever known,» she wrote.
But this is a moment that will change character and 10 years from now, you’ll be talking about today to your children or your grandchildren, and you will shed a tear because you will remember the lives lost, and you’ll remember the faces and you’ll remember the names and you’ll remember how hard we worked, and that we still lost loved ones.
«I know you won’t remember these walks and you won’t remember these ‘talks,’ but I hope that you’ll always remember how much you’re loved and how thankful we are to have you in our lives little one,» Kruger wrote in the caption.
The real question here is why I didn&apost remember a meeting that has no legal consequences, because — INGRAHAM: Why didn&apost you remember?
«I think it speaks volumes that the way I kind of remember childhood is I don&apost really remember him being gone,» she recalled.
«I remember extending my hand as far as I could, and then I remember him shaking my hand,» Romero reportedly said during the interview.
A few people remember events from even earlier than that, while many others can’t remember anything from before age 6 or 7 or 8.
While I cannot remember what happened directly following this experience, I do remember why it never crossed my mind to report it to police.
«I don’t remember how much I paid, but I remember the experience I had,» he said, adding that most customers think the same way.
«I don’t remember the exact line, but I remember the moment,» he said, trying to recall the first line he wrote in the script.
I remember that, and I remember he got up, early on, and introduced himself, and walked over to Diane, and he said, ‘Hi, Diane.
» Faris added, «I remember looking around and I remember seeing the crew members being like, ‘Wait, what are you going to do about that?
«We are hopeful that the world will remember her — that Pakistan will remember her, like they do (former Prime Minister) Benazir Bhutto,» Azeem said.
«I remember walking in, I remember being so nervous and seeing Tom Cruise drive up in a Porsche, I think it was,» she recalled.
Jeff Sessions couldn’t remember meeting the Russian ambassador, so there’s no way you could remember everything that went down during week 6 in Trumpland.
«People remember mob violence that led to lynching, people remember mob violence that led to people being shot, being grabbed, being mistreated,» Clinton said.
Well I remember, very specifically, I remember one guy came in and he interviewed me and he didn’t look at me the entire time.
I can’t remember the first time that I saw Lupita Nyong’o, but I do remember the first time that she took my breath away.
They will remember which legislators stood up for them instead of for the lobbyists and the wealthy elite, and they’ll certainly remember who didn’t.
Here, the reason why you can remember enough information about a person to write their Wikipedia entry but can’t seem to remember their name.
It’s important to remember where good intentions can lead and to remember that internet businesses already operate under hundreds of laws and regulations, too.
«I don’t remember my exact words, but I remember feeling disappointed a little bit, a little burned by the relationship,» Kalanick said this year.
I remember swinging it back and forth in both hands — I remember it was so huge, I could barely wrap my fingers around it.
But we hope that stuff just disappears, and people just remember the creature’s performance, and remember Sally’s performance, and just focus on that part.
Though sometimes she thinks that they did, that, indeed, that was all they spoke about, but she cannot remember it now, she cannot remember.
I don’t quite remember what we talked about, but I do remember him asking me to sit down next to him on the couch.
I don’t remember what bike I got that day, but I do remember being mortified at my dad proselytizing about the evils of debt.
This would be the first time Yoselyn could remember seeing her father in person, the first time she could remember the family being together.
But Trump would do well to remember the words of philosopher George Santayana: «Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.»
«I remember the first time we talked to the first two families, I remember it being really monumental for all of us,» Mills says.
I remember Scott asked what else I had lying around, and I had that weird «Jennifer» story, that I honestly don’t even remember writing.
I remember seeing him then and he’ll go back and point himself out in the video, and I remember meeting him around certain people.
I don’t quite remember how a carburetor works, but I remember how I felt when I told them and they validated what I knew.
«When people try to remember a previous belief, information that’s available at a moment biases their ability to remember this old information,» Wolfe says.
Jovcic: My sight has never been good—I don’t remember certain objects clearly, but I do remember colors, my parents’ faces, and my sister.
But then the student interaction, you remember your fellow students even more than you remember your faculty, from wherever you went to school. Right.
«People are starting to get angrier and remember our history, remember our roots,» said Jenny Craig, a middle school special education teacher in Triadelphia.
I don’t know if you remember this, remember when you were a kid and the teacher would want an hour off in the afternoon?
«I remember seeing her crying, seeing the towers on the TV and seeing a fire, and that’s all I really remember,» Ms. Colaio said.
In the fog of my brain, all I could remember was that I once had a dog named Sadie, but I couldn’t remember when.
«All of us remember 2016, we remember efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us,» he said.
You might remember him from … Well, he has his own band these days, but you might remember him from his band, the Doobie Brothers?
I remember it was autumn, and I remember feeling plagued by an unbearable need for both intimacy and estrangement, for the queerness of touch.
But I don’t remember ever being particularly concerned about it, and I don’t remember that shared bathroom looming large in the complexities of puberty.
I remember the peak of it was when … Do you remember when Yahoo bought the company that was run by the 17-year-old?
» She went on: «I don’t even remember why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me’… And then I remember thinking, ‘But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.
» She went on: «I don’t even remember why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me’… And then I remember thinking, ‘But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.
«I remember that $3,000 leap better than I remember the first million I made because it was probably more important to me,» he tells CNBC.
I don’t remember the individual steps of my first investigation into a Noonwraith in The Witcher 3, I just remember the surprise and the dread.
Other studies have found that people regularly remember things at too young an age to be plausible—some even claim to remember their own birth.
«I remember writing down … just every little detail that I could remember, everything that I thought would help in finding him,» Schuett told 48 Hours.
This work that I will never remember, that no one will ever remember me doing, maybe even forgotten about a mere week after it’s completed.
» Though Roche says he does not remember the alleged sexual assault Ramirez has described, he does remember Kavanaugh «frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.
«I can’t remember a lot from that age, but I do remember the specific moment of seeing my mom crying on the couch,» she said.
I don’t remember the specifics of the promotion, but I remember that it was a monthly trivia contest run by an online cystic fibrosis pharmacy.
Well, I guess if people don’t immediately remember this person’s enormous role in these hearings, they probably don’t remember very much about them at all.
«Sure, we remember Anne because she’s very important — and we should remember her — but there were also many, many others who also faced this time.»
«I’m getting in the shower and I just remember feeling this heavy weight on me and I just remember bawling my eyes out,» he said.
I can’t remember it now, but I do remember what it felt like: All my gay, teenage self-hate dissolved away in one perfect evening.
» September 9, 2016: In a speech, Trump said, «(Clinton) couldn’t even remember whether she was trained or handling classified information — didn’t remember anything about it.
I can’t remember how exactly I got there (does anyone ever remember how they ended up down a Wikipedia hole?), but it did give me
«It’s important for us to remember, and for parents to remember, that these are just thin containers with boiling water in them,» Dr. Allen said.
Ferrell doesn’t remember when the crew realized this just wasn’t in the cards, but does remember a knock on his trailer door around 11 p.m.
I remember he had packed my vagina with gauze to stop the bleeding, and I remember the next day pulling this gauze out of myself.
I don’t remember us reading Shakespeare in school but I definitely remember my theatre classes always shoving monologues from Hamlet or Macbeth down our throats.
Sorry, you’ll remember … I mean to say more you’ll remember ‘203/’09 when everyone was working as an investment banker kind of around New York.
Remember how we used to have to remember directions to a place, including interesting detours we could take that had started out as a mistake?
I can’t remember how much of a down payment we had, but I remember we were paying over $400 per month just for the mortgage.
I know I am a part of a story that starts long before I can remember and continues long beyond when anyone will remember me.
Before doing so, however, remember to back up all important files, and remember that not all Windows 232.74 apps may be compatible with Windows 22019.
As we remember those we lost on 9/11, we also remember the spirit of unity and togetherness that defined the weeks and months after.
My guess is, a few years down the road, we’ll remember the Jeong episode in roughly the same way we remember the #NotAllMen controversy today.
If you’re too young to remember, say, America watching the moon landing, perhaps you remember watching Mad Men’s depiction of America watching the moon landing.
And that’s about as much as he can remember of it because remember, 2015, 2016, he’s running against 16 people for president of the United States.
Taz Taylor doesn’t remember the name of the first beat he leased seven years ago, but he does remember how much money it made him—$250.
Any fans old enough to remember the previous LA Rams remember Dickerson, who set the NFL’s single-season record for rushing yards with 2,104 in 1983.
But let&aposs just remember, I just think it&aposs important to remember when we talk about the finances here, NATO bases save American taxpayers dollars.
«I remember the Gift Giver clock and sign that they had, and I remember going through with the lights and the bells, something ringing,» she recalls.
While most people remember the automotive executive’s bold move to raise his workers’ wage to $240 a day, few remember that it came with character requirements.
Sometimes he cocks his head at me a little bit and goes, ‘Dad do you remember?’ and I say, ‘No, I know I do, I remember.
I remember that, because I remember realizing, this is a person who knows me very well, and I felt very known at that moment, by her.
You’d think so—but then you remember guys like Jim Carey, Jimmy Carson and Erik Johnson, and you remember that nothing in the NHL is inevitable.
So remember, pay proper homage to your mom tomorrow on Mother’s Day or karma will remember they’ll be no cookies for you when you need them. 
Though I don’t remember what movie it was, I do remember feeling the frustration of us breaking up and having a daughter all in the mix.
I remember listening to this Prince track when I was writing «Wayside City,» I remember thinking that the drums were amazing and trying to emulate them.
If you remember the promos for Westworld, you’ll remember how strange they were—based solely on them, I believed the show was going to be horrible.
«His music is going to live on forever, I want people to remember his name, Bankroll Gambino, I want them to remember it,» Kenney Blake said.
I remember that there was some sort of release that we had to sign but I don’t remember my parents or anyone really caring about it.
So I remember those bad old days from having worked in Africa, but I’m sure that elderly people remember the bad old days from this country.
If you remember the scene in Beauty and the Beast in which Belle describes her favorite book, then you remember the key to the fan hypothesis.
I don’t remember that, but I probably got 85033,000 emails a day at that time, and I can’t remember every single one that I was sent.
Rather than trying to remember that string itself, the person only has to remember the phrase used to generate it if they ever lose their key.
I can barely remember passwords I use for various online bill payments and the NCAA expects me to remember which conference goes with Utah and BYU?
I don’t remember what it was supposed to teach us, but I remember my overwhelming empathy for the egg when I pulled it from the vinegar.
He has… he was diagnosed with Alzheimers and he doesn’t remember a lot of stuff, but you bet your ass he’s going to remember this one.
As we said our good-byes, I remember the wet kisses from our relatives; I remember the sobs and the tearful wishes for our uncertain future.
A: I remember before — as — when he put me on the bed, I remember his shirt was open and I recall a scar on his side.
I can still remember the smell of the wooden benches in that courtroom, and I can still remember the big bright smile on Judge Elizabeth’s face.
I can’t remember how I ended up back with her on that occasion but I remember sofa surfing with friends and sleeping rough during that period.
«All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to interfere in our election and divide us up,» he said.
HOWEVER, I do remember smelling my own farts, and I do remember liking the smell of my own farts much more than other peoples’ vinegary output.
Ms. Hake remembers feeling grateful that her son was too young to remember his father’s death, but also devastated that he would not remember his life.
«We generally do not remember a particular gift that was received in years past; however, we will always remember the warmth of the holidays,» Davis said.
«I remember we did things more dedicated to sexual harassment and consent, but I don’t really remember anything about race,» said sophomore journalism major Jada Page.
I don’t know if you remember Twitter prior to this year, but it was like, there were jokes on there, which is totally bonkers to remember.
You know, there’s what you remember now but also what you remember imagining then, and I remember that even then I had this image of myself as the kind of girl who would be walking on an exotic beach, who would find a magnificent shell like this.
One of the things I discovered from walking around the house with my brother is that I remember a lot of things that happened to him that he doesn’t remember, and he remembers a lot of things that he saw happen to me that I don’t remember.
LIMBAUGH: And remember, in terms of Obama&aposs attitude and what he wanted to know and was willing to know, remember him pre-announcing Hillary&aposs innocence?
Now, remember when Trump raised concerns about rigging the election in 143, remember then-President Obama, October 2016, he just laughed it off, told Trump stop whining.
If it’s tough to remember or you get flustered by work or the next Democrat to announce a Presidential candidacy, remember, it’s easy: just start with «hi.»
I don’t remember what she said to him, but I remember him denying it, shaking his head, and saying, ‘I swear to god, I’ve never touched her.
You may not remember the exact rate for chest compressions, but you can probably remember how to sing or hum along to a crazy-popular song, right?
«What I remember is an older brother who was always there, that’s what I remember, if I had trouble then he was there for me,» he says.
I can no longer remember the art performed that night, but I can remember how gracious and inviting the space, the hosts, and the guests all were.
We remember the price we reached or some agreement we reached, but we also remember how we reached that outcome, and we form perceptions of our counterparts.
Allegedly, he doesn’t remember what happened a month before he attempted to take his own life, and, most importantly, he does not remember listening to the tapes.
The scene ends with her crying out, «Remember me different!» but honestly, I always want to remember Rothwell’s creative genius just as it was in that moment.
MM: I remember first reading the script and I remember going to Warner Brothers to audition for it and I was still so new to the game.
» With Remember This, you can ask Alexa to store important information that might need to be recalled in the future, using either «remember» or «make a note.
If you want the machines to remember something about you, all you have to do is tell the machine to remember what you are about to say.
It knows that most people will forget the feature but remember the story arc — or at least remember the feeling that story arc is meant to evoke.
It was one of the first movies I remember seeing in the theater, but it was also one of the first movie musicals I remember seeing ever.
I can’t remember exactly when the moment was, but I just looked around, and I just remember that at one point, it seemed like so many people.
It was an ad of some kind; I don’t remember what for, but I do remember having a realization: The mass adoption of the internet was real.
When I was in my early 20s, I remember hearing violins on hip-hop beats and I always remember wanting to be a part of that somehow.
Nilay Patel I don’t remember when the Apple II came into our home — and I barely remember getting the Apple ][+ and the Apple //e that followed it.
I don’t remember him performing it—I do remember him doing «Fireman»—but I trust the forum commenters in search of the song that sampled Al Green.
Or a beer ad tugging at the heartstrings of Americans who remember folk music and those who only remember crying over those same horses in another winter.
A memory that is not alive to the present does not remember the here and now, does not remember its true identity, is not memory at all.
So I went to the rally and I remember speaking, and I don’t even remember what I said, but I went because I knew something was wrong.
We should remember enslaved Americans for the same reason we remember anyone; because they were fathers, mothers, siblings and grandparents who made great contributions to our nation.
I remember being extremely drunk when arriving, and I remember almost immediately being escorted away from my friends to what I now know was the champagne room.
It’s about looking back and thinking about what you choose to remember, why you choose to remember certain things, what are the most salient and important memories.
«In order to remember a smell, because it’s so abstract, your brain has to remember everything around it: the place, the light, the colors, everything,» he said.
«I don’t remember exactly when it was, but it was as early as I can remember, so I was probably 2 or 3 years old,» he said.
Even if I don’t remember I have a child, I’m going to remember I had something that was not there, and it’s, like, an arm or something.
I don’t remember what was in style — I think I was about 7 — but I just remember they covered my whole face, and I felt so awkward.
Whether it was sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, I cannot remember, but I do remember it was a Saturday because the mall was packed with people.
Of course, we remember Nixon’s words for the same reason we remember Louis XIV saying, «L’etat c’est moi» — because both are an outrageous assertion of absolute power.
But if you don’t remember Bri as the model from Colton’s season, you might remember her as the contestant who faked an Australian accent to stand out.
Then she (understandably) lost it on him — furious that he didn’t remember her, didn’t remember killing Derek, and that he was still practicing medicine while Meredith wasn’t.
«I did not remember the meeting and certainly did not remember it as one with anyone who had to be included on an SF-86,» Kushner said.
«The risks of relying on a device, you have to remember to charge it, you have to remember to put it on and actually use it,» she said.
LEO: Well, first of all, you have to remember that when Brett Kavanaugh said that, it was when we hadn&apost independent counsel statute if I remember correctly.
Hays doesn’t remember why, which is frustrating for West because he wants an apology, but it’s hard to confront someone about something they are literally cannot remember happening.
Not only could I not remember my name, or who I was, I couldn’t even remember what I was, or even that I was or ever had been.
And Kelsey is this – she’s a tough girl … and I can’t remember specifics, but I just remember gathering, ‘This person is borderline emotionally abusive to you right now.
If you should ever happen to forget that two celebrities once dated (like Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling — remember that?), there’s one foolproof way to remember: their tattoos.
I remember so vividly watching my friends blossom into those adolescent autumns; even more vividly do I remember hoping, praying, knowing that the next would be my summer.
» She added that it is important for women who have suffered miscarriages to remember they are not alone, writing, «Remember this, this one in three walks with you.
Search through articles in a snap If you can’t remember an article name, but can remember a standout phrase, full-text search will help you find it again.
People would remember, they’d have a certain number of blogs that they would remember, they would go and surf the web and they would go to the blogs.
» The winner doesn’t remember who taught her how to dance, but she doesn’t remember a time when she couldn’t: «I think in Puerto Rico we are born dancing.
I mean, I remember them being on telly but I can’t remember why they were on telly» and «No, sorry, I have literally no idea who that is.
«Today, the world comes to the World Trade Center to remember what and who we lost and also to remember what we found: courage, strength, faith,» Shorris said.
At the end of the day, the people dependent on your products and services aren’t going to remember the Amazon outage, they are going to remember your outage.
«When I first came in, I remember looking at my contract, I remember thinking, ‘Oh, if I just save a million dollars a year, that’s good,'» Wade says.
Like Reisinger, Blanton says we remember how people make us feel and when you truly listen to someone, you will make them feel important — and they’ll remember that.
I remember he had a huge bathroom, this weird bathroom/bedroom thing, and I remember him showing me some of the basic riff ideas he had for that.
Why he can’t win it: Remember the episode of Friends when Chandler has sex with Joey’s sister, only he was so drunk that he can’t remember which one?
It’s generally a drag to try and remember a ton of different passwords, so it’s best to use a password management app to generate and remember them instead.
I don’t remember exactly what triggered [writing the song], but I can remember really clearly sitting at my kitchen table and being extremely upset and just writing it.
«It can be very depressing for some people to go back into the past, both to remember how things were and to remember how things weren’t,» she said.
Every Friday on the Point, I run through ALL of the major headlines of the week — just so you can remember (and I can remember) exactly what happened.
«If you’ll remember, remember we had so many — we had so many candidates ahead of us on that stage but she had the one good debate,» Trump said.
James Byford: I remember being a huge fan of Bungie back in 2013, thanks to Halo: Reach, and I still remember when I saw the first Destiny trailers.
«We remember our history, and we remember that the borders of this country closed to us in 1924 with very catastrophic consequences during the Holocaust,» Rabbi Jacobs said.
If you remember something and you say you don’t remember … that’s a violation of the law and I’d say that’s where we’re heading with all the people testifying.
I believe her because I’ve had traumas in my life and I don’t remember when and where exactly I was when they happened, but I remember they happened.
Twelve years later, I don’t remember what songs she sang, but I remember the feeling of that day: in bed, in love, the thickness of the world outside.
If Ms. Warren winds up advancing to the nomination, perhaps we’ll remember it the way we remember Donald J. Trump’s rise in 2016 or Barack Obama’s in 2008.
I don’t remember how I came up with the idea to do «words starting with two letter Roman numerals ending in I» as a theme, but I do remember watching «Dallas» episodes a lot back in the ’80s and I remember thinking VIEWINGS was the best entry in this puzzle.
I don’t remember the talk my mom had with me about my period, or if there even was one, but I do remember the book, What’s Happening To Me?
And here’s where the story gets good: I’m getting in the shower, I just remember feeling this heavy weight on me and I just remember balling my eyes out.
Growing up, I remember the patients who came to their office as much as I remember my father making house calls to help those who couldn’t leave their beds.
As much as we remember tremendous feats of athleticism, we also remember moments of courage when we saw people we admire use their platform to empower and inspire us.
And with the knowledge that humans dream every night—whether they remember it or not—it begs the question: Why do we always remember the contents of sex dreams?
I remember that gig man, and one of the things I remember thinking was we stayed at that hotel and what a shithole the rooms at that hotel was.
I don’t remember most of what happened that day but I do remember some sort of confusing numbers puzzle and a blurry squinted vision of my brother’s face laughing.
«I remember it hurt for a few days, And I remember when it went away, when the pain finally subsided and the swelling went down, I kinda missed it.»
If you can even remember the year 2003, I’m guessing one thing you remember is that it’s the year Disney released a film based on a theme-park ride.
I can’t remember the exact models I owned but I do remember that they were both packed full of functions, none of which seemed remotely useful on dry land.
You Must Remember MansonIn each season of her extraordinary podcast You Must Remember This, host Karina Longworth retells old Hollywood legends or brings new stories to the forefront entirely.
Those who don’t study or remember the past are doomed to repeat it — but even if we do study or remember the past, how do we avoid repeating it?
But I do remember very clearly Felicity’s profound, aching hunger to learn and know and understand, and I remember her confused, fraught, authentic love for both Johanna and Sim.
«I remember going to bed with Raila leading by up to a million, but I remember waking up in the morning and it was all upside-down,» he said.
I remember seeing some of my family, not my immediate family, but cousins I remember them immediately being really different with me when they’d known me my whole life.
«Even if you can’t remember your dream in the morning, I always council people to just write the date and then write, ‘I don’t remember my dream,'» she says.
Some people involved remember this as a move to make it harder for rivals to find employees to poach; others remember it as a direct effort to contain Systrom.
I hardly remember trying to tuck my male parts back; instead, I remember stuffing a sock in my suit to imagine looking like the older boys on the team.
I remember, the piece that I remember that we wrote that he didn’t like was one about his role at CES, where he was the grand facilitator/tour guide.
He said he had been thinking about her a lot, like every day, and every night he would remember she was in his dreams, but not remember the dreams.
Papadopoulos said he doesn’t remember telling Downer about the email claim but does remember making a passing reference a few weeks later when he met the Greek foreign minister.
I don’t remember all the doctors’ appointments that led to Dad seeing a neurologist, but I do remember the appointment where they subjected him to the mini-mental test.
If you can remember the web of 10 years ago, you can almost certainly remember being nagged by some webpage to update your Java installation to run an Applet.
SARA: As far as me and Carolyn goes, I remember our conversation by the pool less so and actually remember a different conversation we had when we were running.
You’re straight-up lying if you don’t remember making your own hilarious memes out of the now-iconic cover on your laptop (remember laptops???) and sharing them on Twitter.
«If I remember an event poorly and you seem to remember it really well, well, I’ll update my memory using what you’re saying, and that’s very adaptive,» Roediger says.
Remember when we had to remember what people looked like without looking them up, when we couldn’t consign the most important things in life to someone else’s hard drive?
I guess he didn’t remember that it is not O.K. to walk in on someone on the toilet, but he did remember that the piano is my favorite instrument.
Now, in the wake of Manson’s death, the Panoply podcast network has released the Manson season of You Must Remember This as its own podcast: You Must Remember Manson.
Some of the mothers remember the moment they learned their sons had been accused as vividly as other people remember hearing that planes had struck the World Trade Center.
When I remember when I was really young, I just remember loving the song «Sweet Love» by Anita Baker because they played it so damn much on the radio.
Generations of science fiction fans remember her for her unusual hairstyle (some remember the gold bikini more, but today we’re celebrating her hairstyle) and her romance with Han Solo.
Even though I can still vividly remember those Italian tiles in my parent’s bathroom, I cannot, for the life of me, remember what that new bathroom even looked like.
So you might not remember where the fountain pens are exactly, but you’ll remember that you grouped all the stationery-like boxes along the bottom left of the warehouse.
«I don’t remember whether I called David or David called me, I just don’t remember, but we got in touch,» Simpson testified about his dossier-related contact with Kramer.
I remember my friend and the promise of New York, and for a few days, at least, I remember to cherish the little moments that make every day special.
Like us, most of our peers have never experienced peacetime — they would have to be nearly 50 to remember that, and most young people barely remember the Taliban days.
I remember when a man came up to my father and said thank you for keeping them out of our schools, I remember thinking, they belong in our schools.
I couldn’t remember to eat or sleep, but for some reason, I could remember that my friend Paul Scheer once told me about a wolf sanctuary he’d been to.
I remember taking care of a patient who wanted to try to use the contraceptive patch because she was worried she couldn’t remember to take the Pill every day.
Remember, however: Everyone — everyone — has a breaking point.
«I so remember … By junior, senior year — absolutely.»
Check it out … and remember … we ALL change.
I mean, it may — topics — I don’t remember.
Remember that we did , which is owned by .
His teammates — he doesn’t remember who — grabbed him.
Just as it’s hard to remember what a popular, dominant political force Clinton appeared to be in 2014, it’s hard to remember how much more marginal a figure Sanders was.
I remember liking it at the time, but of course I also remember loving Vanilla Ice’s «Ice, Ice, Baby» and M.C. Hammer’s «U Can’t Touch This» earlier that same year.
Another reason I grew them so long was that I figured working in an industry where you want people to remember you, they would remember the guy with long dreads.
I can’t remember how far I made it into the movie, but I do remember that I sat through enough that I couldn’t get a refund at the box office.
Whatever it is, it feels like in the summertime with your coaches working on things and it’s always fun because you can remember the plays but you don’t remember thinking.
«And I remember I told Rob, separately, I went, ‘Listen, man, you gotta remember that she’s under 18 and in our country, you can get in trouble!» she says, laughing.
I can’t even imagine having to go through that and having my mother and my father not remember who I am or not remember that I called the day before.
Usually in my classes, I have the students do an I Remember about anything they want, but tonight the assignment was specific: Write an I Remember about your first period.
You’re an old-school Grey’s fan if you remember her first guest spot, you’re just old school if you remember her as Sharon’s nosey mom from My So-Called Life.
More From Tonic: I don’t remember who told me my baby was dead; all I remember is sobbing for what seemed like decades but was probably only a little while.
I remember being in high school and the Occupy movement was going on, and I remember having a lot of friends who had just left home to join this movement.
I remember Tina Knowles, Bey’s mom and I remember being out in the sun and I was trying to shield myself from the sun and she said, ‘Are you crazy?
You might remember Amron from one of their many previous clever designs; I happen to remember the Keybrid and Split Ring Key, both of which I used for a while.
I don’t remember if the bee girl got a good mark for that assessment specifically, but I do remember she didn’t get a very good mark for her other assignments.
I remember when President Bush, with whom I vehemently disagreed on trade policy, on tax cuts for the rich, on the Iraq War – I remember President Bush right after Sept.
Those of us of a certain age might remember the original Lexus SC, an expensive, no-limits luxury coupe that owners an ex-owners still remember fondly two decades later.
My uncle had ruined it and made it more interesting; he had done it so I would have something to remember — indeed, I remember almost nothing else from that day.
Red flags include situations in which you don’t remember where you parked the car after drinking, embarrassing yourself at a party or waking up unable to remember where you were.
I don’t remember his words, but I do remember a white dove that perched on his shoulder as Camilo Cienfuegos, a major revolutionary leader and cohort, stood by his side.
Lots of important career opportunities are coming your way, but this full moon asks that you remember where you came from—and that you remember to tend to your home.
I don’t remember my time in the lobby or walking out of the clinic, but I distinctly remember that family: what they were wearing, in what positions they were standing.
Do people remember the Evander Holyfield–Riddick Bowe boxing match of 4503, or do they remember the guy who out of nowhere paraglided into the ring during the seventh round?
Always remember that, kid» — that the old pro Bebe Daniels gives to the tremulous Ruby Keeler: «Remember that this audience didn’t come here tonight because they want to hate you.
Remember: As you share those memes about songs to sing while washing your hands remember that until very recently children at the detention camps were not allowed to have soap.
And that was the hearing — you may remember this and your listeners may remember this — where Diamond and Silk were held up as the poster children of anti-conservative bias.
«I remember once when I was on that side and we were looking for documents, I remember precisely how long it took for those documents to come across,» he continued.
I can remember, I can remember when Negroes were just going around as Ralph has said, so often, scratching where they didn’t itch, and laughing when they were not tickled.
You may not remember that part of her plan, either, but you probably remember how she wanted to pay for it: She was going to raise taxes on the rich.
Some of the messages the interviewees impart are clichéd — that people should remember those who «fought for freedom,» that civilians should remember these events so that they aren’t repeated, etc.
I don’t know if you remember, I remember growing up in New Orleans, a little kid, and you find little streams and rivers in the bayou and you’re diverting it.
I remember going into the library as a teenager and discovering the New York Review of Books — I’d never been to New York, and I remember being completely blown away.
Or, put another way, it’s a lot easier to remember a time we’ve screwed over a friend than it is to remember a time we blew up a nursing home.
I can’t remember how exactly I got there (does anyone ever remember how they ended up down a Wikipedia hole?), but it did give me occasion to remember GM’s Chevrolet Engineering Research Vehicles (CERVs) — a series of concept cars mostly based on Vettes that spanned over three decades from 213 to 1993.
«I remember driving home and traffic was horrible trying to get to Julie, and they wanted us at the hospital … and I just remember that drive home took forever,» he adds.
I am not going to remember the dark days she had – I am only going to remember the good, the joy, the happiness and the way she just giggled and laughed.
I remember «Sweet Dreams» by Eurythmics as the first song I ever memorized, and I remember Annie Lennox as one of the first androgynous images I ever saw in the media.
When you look back at this time you will not remember what you were working on or what meeting you didn’t take, but you will remember that time with your child.
Sometimes you get to chat with those types of people… I remember this one time when a friend of Kersauson—a painter, if I remember correctly—had drunk way too much.
I can remember so many transcendent moments at his parties and I can also remember seeing others having a similar experience and simultaneously thinking how beautiful everyone looked in that state.
I vividly remember when those institutions had tremendous cultural prominence, and even if internet-troll political movements are more forthrightly awful, it’s useful to remember how dangerous those ideas could be.
Usually [inferences] help us: If I remember an event poorly and you seem to remember it really well, well, I’ll update my memory using what you’re saying, and that’s very adaptive.
«For better or worse, people will remember Gawker for its extreme posts — both the positive ones and the negative ones, but it’s always easier to remember the negative ones,» Spiers said.
I remember turning on the bell, and the next thing that I remember is when I came to my senses I was standing up in the locomotive cab after the accident.
«We tend to remember things that were first, so we remember the people we were with at that time,» said Margarita Azmitia, psychology professor at the University of California Santa Cruz.
I don’t remember going inside her brown apartment building that day, but I remember the drive back to our house, returning to our cul-de-sac in our cushy Indiana neighborhood.
For posterity, here are a bunch of other Remember This functions Amazon suggested in an email to TechCrunch earlier today, Alexa, remember that my niece’s T-shirt size is a medium.
I remember the conversation really well, and I remember feeling like … you know, there’s a point in a business where it’s hard to pull out of what feels like a tailspin.
The decision to commemorate Johnson and Rivera in New York should be understood as part of our collective reckoning with who we remember, how we remember them, and why that matters.
We wanted to help people not only remember the brutal murder of an innocent black boy but also to remember the tremendous bravery of his mother in response to that violence.
I can’t remember the words that came out of my mouth, but I do remember, clear as day, the words that ran through my mind: Who do you think you are?
I mean I can remember the details for when I was four or five or three years old but I can’t remember almost anything that happened in the last 35 years.
«Throwback Thursday Everyday» is for these people that get on Instagram and post «remember when I was doing this, remember when I was doing that…» You know what I am saying?
Surely if we can remember our garage door codes, ATM PINs, office log-in passwords or our smartphone passcodes, we have enough bandwidth to remember a PIN for our credit cards.
I remember the first time I heard the word strobing, and I remember what I did when I heard it: I rolled my eyes and carried on eating my lunch. Why?
«Some of the changes I remember making did not get put in the Washington Post story,» he said, adding later that he did not remember making the specific change in question.
They remember all those boats on boulevards as Houston became a giant concrete bowl full of rain, but in the beloved tourist town where Harvey came ashore, they remember the wind.
Chickenpox I remember as particularly itchy and unpleasant; mumps I remember for the swollen chipmunk cheeks and, as with tonsillitis, a certain amount of ice cream to make painful swallowing easier.
I remember that day; I don’t remember his speech, exactly, but I was someone from black history, and it made me feel like I can do the same thing he did.
«All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our elections and divide us up,» Sanders said earlier this week.
«All of us remember 85003, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up,» Sanders said during the debate.
«All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up,» Sanders said during the debate.
You might not remember who Kiarra is based on her name alone, but you will remember that there was a woman who stuffed herself in a suitcase for her limo arrival.
«I still don’t remember if I discussed sanctions on a phone call with Ambassador Kislyak nor do I remember if we discussed details of a UN vote on Israel,» Flynn wrote.
Just — I still remember the screams — and I remember thinking: Stop screaming or they’re going to keep shooting because they are going to know people are still alive on this patio.
I remember that I had seen that article online, and I went to go look at it online, on the web, and I remember it just being a shadow of itself.
The early seasons of Happy Days were close to something of real artistic value, yeah, but you probably don’t remember them nearly as well as you remember Fonzie’s increasingly surreal adventures.
Clinton, and she said — I remember her smiling — ‘Good!
Remember … I think it was in 240 or ‘240?
» «Remember: We are designed to survive on the Earth.
Shocking … if ya remember the viral video from ’08.
There was that, ahem, dress — remember, it was blue?
Nice prank, sister — I’ll remember that for next time!
» I remember McKay yelling, «We’re going to be rich!
It was … I don’t know if you remember Dan.
I lived there … It’s a nice house, I remember.
Honestly, who can remember — it feels like years ago.
Then read on — just remember to watch your temper.
«Remember, you’re reporters — you’re in everyone’s business!» she said.
For the series’ Season 5 DVD launch — remember DVDs?
Speaking of Pacho — remember Maria, the woman he’d widowed?
And remember, you can’t argue with it — it’s science.
» If he’s not satisfied, remember his catchphrase: «You’re fired!
» Continuing, she wrote, «I will remember this day forever.
Your voice needs air to work — remember to breathe!
» Angela «I want everyone to remember this incident happened.
And then I remember throwing up — in a toilet.
Image: Flickr / Moyan BrennDo you remember your first time?
I remember being impressed by, you know, the collages… .
Remember Zoot Woman / Jacques Lu Cont / Les Rythmes Digitales?
Just remember — negative comments can hurt anybody’s feelings. Obvi.
Very [The Adventures of Pete & Pete] , remember that show?
Remember — it’s always easier to get forgiveness than permission.
» «When we were up there, do you remember that?
Kate without eight Kate Gosselin — you remember her, right?
»  «When you make a ‘mistake,’ remember, those are great.
Now, pants were not allowed on Fox & Friends, remember?
Remember, Michael’s a comedian … so that’s your first clue.
» Kanye’s done the gospel thing before — remember «Jesus Walks?
»  «I remember just, like, being mesmerized by the experience.
«I remember thinking ‘She’s so cute,’ » says Brown, 23.
So, remember — there was no way to break 270.
» (Irad doesn’t remember this exchange.) «And he said, ‘No!
» I remember telling my wife, «This is major insubordination.
» Ms. Monnier said: «I don’t remember the other women.
Remember, also, the words of a global citizen — Bono.
» CNN Producer Cassie Spodak «I remember around 10 p.m.
Season 3 Episode 9 — remember «The Rains of Castamere»?
Perhaps Google’s biggest miss was Jeb Bush — remember him?
Check out the clip — and remember … MARLON SAID IT.
And, let’s remember this lesson … appearances can be deceiving.
Remember, we’ve had quite a — a — quite a run.
» I seem to remember thinking, «That can’t be it.
Congrats on retirement, Gronk — and remember to drink water!
Check out the clip … and remember, chivalry ain’t safe.
KS: They were … you were extremely obnoxious, I remember.
I can’t remember his name — the guy from Texas.
And remember … Kris gets a piece of that pie.
» After Djokovic finished practicing, Pokrajac shouted, «Remember me, Novak?
» And I remember shouting the words «Am Yisrael Chai!
» Snoop Dogg’s one of those fans — remember his «O’MALLEY!!
«I choose to remember him» — her voice trailed off.
Remember … Tyrese went after The Rock for being selfish.
In Darren Aronofsky’s first feature since «Noah» — remember that?
Every recent attempt at bipartisan cooperation — remember immigration reform?
There were many shows — I remember lions, elephants, monkeys.
» People also chanted «Bowling Green never remember, always forget.
Can’t remember if you love or hate Good & Plenty?
Simone would be epic … ’cause well, remember Ric vs.
» Orloff adds: «Remember that no is a complete sentence.
Remember these words — you’ll never know unless you try.
So while some scandals embarrass the N.F.L. — remember Deflategate?
Now, when you get those, you remember I like .
«I remember thinking, ‘You’re really sick,’ » Ms. Gunnels said.
REMEMBER THIS — Comey isn’t constrained by traditional political considerations.
» «We must remember: North Korea is still North Korea.
» I really remember that, and I thought, «Yeah, actually.
Gosh, I think … DC: Remember that old «Seinfeld» bit?
And remember … this is a work trip for her.
Yeah, there was a whole … I don’t even remember.
It’s important to remember that it’s a high bar to charge obstruction of justice, and in particular it’s difficult to prove corrupt intent, but this likely isn’t what the public will remember.
It makes the person he used to be feel so much smaller: «I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark, but I remember so much else now,» he tells Meera.
We don’t remember things as they are; we remember them as they appear to us now, from the distance of years, with the gentleness and ruefulness that accompany the passage of time.
Remember: ‘No’ is a complete sentenceGiven the limit on the number of goals you can achieve, it’s important to remember a piece of advice from Oprah Winfrey: «No» is a complete sentence.
Remember, remember, the third week of January 2018, during which Bitcoin just fell on its face, worth half of what it was a month ago, down over $10,000 per coin in value.
I’ll remember the unbudging stubbornness, the infuriating inflexibility and the fatalistic idealism that have characterised late-era Wenger, with far greater clarity than I’ll remember his radical years as the pioneering Professeur.
Manage Passwords With Siri Instead of having to remember every password you use on your Mac, let your computer remember them for you with iCloud Keychain, which is now compatible with Siri.
«I briefly remember when I was 8 and 10, I would ask my mom about Austin and she would say, ‘I’m sure if you remember him, he remembers you,&apos» Natalie recalls.
So the next time you’re repeating «keys, wallet, and phone» in an effort to remember your essentials before leaving your home, remember this isn’t just some eccentric way to help your memory.
You have to remember the blessings and remember how grateful you are to be here in the first place and understand that some of that is just what comes with the territory.
I remember genuinely believing that men were better and I remember a really distinct feeling of being annoyed by the emotional vulnerability of women and being annoyed by the weakness of it.
«I will always remember every meeting and interaction I’ve had with Jack Dorsey, and I will always remember my meetings and interactions with Mark Zuckerberg — and they’ve been completely different,» he said.
«I just remember having meetings with my friends after school on how to get revenge on Jessica, and on Valentine’s Day I remember just going home and bawling,» Cardon now tells Buzzfeed.
I remember watching the game, primarily because of a specific statistic that was cited in the broadcast, although I don’t remember the exact number and haven’t been able to find it anywhere.
A victim of sexual assault might vividly remember her attacker’s cologne but struggle to remember the layout of the room she was in or what happened in the hours after the attack.
I remember going to LA with Andrew Innes and working with David Holmes (producer), and I remember being incredibly creative, optimistic, and possessed by a beautiful energy and a lot of love.
I remember the city being an exciting place to hang around when I was younger, but I also remember that I wouldn’t want to walk anywhere alone after 11 PM most nights.
In 10 years, you won’t remember that Jordan Clarkson and Rodney Hood ever even played for the Cavaliers, but you’ll remember the year that James couldn’t keep his N.B.A. finals streak going.
He did, thanks to a trade that sent Linden from the one team you don’t remember him playing for (the Islanders) to another team you don’t remember him playing for (the Canadiens).
I remember having to get the ultrasound, I remember them offering for me to see the screen, and offering me a picture, and talking about both the medication and the aspiration option, and I remember them saying that it was really important that I do the follow-up visit to make sure the medication had worked.
Sure, the stock market can be a little scary (most of us remember how bad things got in 2008), but it’s important to remember this is a long game — we’re talking 35 years!
I’m not going to pretend I remember the dawning of rave culture because I wasn’t alive yet and can barely remember Pop Idol, but I try to give credit where credit is due.
When we made the task too hard for things like counting or memory tricks, infants could, like adults, remember up to 3 objects, but, if asked to remember more, they experienced catastrophic forgetting.
» Kačerová went on to say that she «used to tell» Avicii that her son would «never remember a life without [him],» but now she hopes «that he will remember his life WITH [him].
I remember the big launch, and seeing it, and I remember similar words: ‘This is something completely new and different, we’re really redoing this!’ and we were all thinking: ‘Wow, this is hot.
Although I don’t remember hearing many conversations in the industry where what she did was referred to as signs of illness — I remember it as being something no one had a name for.
I remember when I was a little younger we had THE SNAKE… Gosh, it’s been so long, and like I say, I’m sixty-five, I can’t remember the players’ names so well anymore.
I remember looking at it and going … I remember thinking, when I was in my early teens, that you should be able to do comics that were as good as any other medium.
Although I do not remember much, between the rescue workers extracting me from my car and a tree and waking up three weeks later, I do remember feeling very warm and seeing lights.
I don’t remember a huge amount very clearly, but I do remember having what I thought was quite a nice conversation with someone next to me on the sofa about, inexplicably, pork pies.
These enable features like the «remember me» option on login screens and can allow a shop to remember that item you put in a shopping cart four months ago but never actually bought.
I don’t remember the precise moment, but what I do remember is that in 1987 I bought the album Music for the Masses—my first vinyl—and I couldn’t stop listening to it.
Remember, that individual, Mr. Caputo, remember, he came on this program and said, oh, after I met with the special counsel, he said, we&aposll be watching you on TV. Really, Mr. Mueller?
Though I am often somewhat embarrassed, especially when I don’t recognize a neighbor or good friend, the only time that I ever remember being scared is when I didn’t remember my own son.
I probably said something I either don’t remember or have blocked out of my mind because I didn’t want to remember the taunts I hurled at a kid less than half my age.
Those who remember internet version 1.0 remember that Tom was founded during the ’90s internet frenzy by Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa, and listed on the Growth Enterprise Market board in March 2000.
If I can try to remember anything at all in this heaven, it’s to take my time, be present, take it all in, so I can remember everything and live in it eternally.
«If people remember more of their past, remember more of themselves, it just helps with overall mental wellbeing,» Arfa Rehman, co-founder of Virtue, which created the software, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
I don’t remember much of what happened in Trainspotting, but I do remember its energy and attitude — and from this first trailer for its sequel, it feels like all of that is back.
Like I don’t exactly remember my childhood house but I remember how it felt and I like to convey those same feelings in my paintings with really vibrant colors and evocative color composition.
There is no way that, as one individual, you’re going to remember and think of everything that’s got to be done that day, and remember all those boxes that have to be checked.
The White House senior adviser said in July 2017 he «did not remember the meeting and certainly did not remember it as one with anyone who had to be included» on the forms.
I can remember when I got these [ear] piercings to the day, but I cannot remember for the life of me what age I was when I first started going to dance classes.
«Those of us that can remember back to 1968 remember what happened in Chicago, and nobody in either party wants to have a convention that ends up like Chicago back in ’68,» Rep.
We know we went to grade school, and surely at some point had to remember a few things in order to pass tests and graduate, but why can’t we remember those things now?
This study’s participants didn’t remember the sentences played to them, but «that does not mean though that they were not aware or not understanding them, just that they cannot remember,» Andrillon tells me.
I remember it was met pretty well, reception-wise, but I do remember people being bummed we were playing more songs from Lemons and less from the early EPs and Sometimes Friends Fight.
Every time I have gone to Syria and spent time with people afterwards, it’s like, ‘Oh, do you remember Ayman, or do you remember Abu Karim, he was killed like two weeks ago.
«They say, ‘traditional,’ ‘I remember my grandma,’ ‘I remember my father…'» When Jimenez isn’t there—the days he needs a break after working a week straight—people notice; they ask where he’s been.
«Free Girl Now» is addressed to a woman who has just gotten out of a deeply flawed relationship: «I remember when you were his dog / I remember you under his thumb,» he notes.
I remember when Facebook’s attraction was that it had a better interface than Orkut (remember that?), and allowed users to easily chat with friends, «poke» them, and even have fun side conversations privately.
Perhaps a bigger puzzle is the fact that the Gunpowder Plot — and the accompanying rhyme «Remember, remember the fifth of November» — is still commemorated in Britain more than four centuries after it failed.
I remember I wasn’t involved, but I remember the first pride marches—which were really protest marches—and this has now turned into a festival, a carnival, a celebration of people, including myself.
No. Do you even remember it being introduced at all?
There’s probably some crazy one, too, that we don’t remember.
She did not need notes to remember the date — Dec.
They’re small and a good way to remember a place.
Many have lived here as long as they can remember.
And always remember your job is to support, not overtake.
Do you remember what your first words to him were?
«I could no longer remember having a leg,» he wrote.
I remember seeing her picture, and she looked so young.
I remember thinking, ‘I don’t know how she did this.
Remember: The rule of this season is don’t be stupid.
Three basic things, but you don’t have to remember that.
But here’s a screenshot to remember the gaming history flubs.
I even remember the name: it was called The Happeners.
Remember Jan Brewer, governor of Arizona from 2009 to 2015?
Click through to remember the mantra: soak, rinse, and repeat!
Because I don’t remember how I got through that speech.
Remember when Everlane’s oxfords had a 6,500 person wait list?
Remember, much of the world already uses mobile money extensively.
That short term memory loss makes it hard to remember.
I do not remember having seen him in anything violent.
Remember he’s been coming to the park for 30 years.
Remember to hydrate and try to keep your chin up.
It’s possible that they simply don’t remember following the account.
But, seven years later, I still vividly remember that moment.
If I’ve had this conversation before, shouldn’t I remember it?
Remember that time you made them put the iPad away.
Behson urges fathers to remember the benefits of parental leave.
I am supposed to do, I’m not supposed to remember!
Remember when the war in Afghanistan was going to end?
She will remember this for the rest of her life.
Remember the camel coat that everyone was wearing last year?
Remember, these should both be addressed when composing your contract.
I remember hanging out with Jake Tapper at 3 a.m.
So we have to remember who we are negotiating with.
Donald Trump said no lengthy negotiations like my predecessors, remember?
I don’t remember hearing about it for the first time.
«I always remember watching my siblings being disciplined,» she said.
Screengrab via YouTube Remember when Rihanna was banned from Instagram?
And that’s what we have to remember about each other.
You put it on the TV, oh I can’t remember.
Remember when we told you to look at the Moon?
«I do remember really loving that idea,» she tells me.
» He added: «You’ve got to remember who this guy is.
DERSHOWITZ: Well, remember, FBI agents are allowed to be biased.
On Android, a good trick to remember is screen pinning.
You remember the little bindle that hobos used to have?
Remember what I have control over and what I don’t.
I don’t remember what my parents told me that time.
And, remember, for them, Neil, this is all about clarity.
STIREWALT: And there — we have to remember, very lightly comparatively.
Whenever i think of you, I will remember that feeling.
Remember when Steve Jobs introduced the iPad, back in 2010?
The content of our dreams also affects what we remember.
Do you remember specific trips you’ve had throughout your life?
I quickly remember to make my donation to Planned Parenthood.
This is as big a day as I can remember.
But I can’t remember any time anyone actually said it.
I remember seeing one of Maureen Gallace’s painting in 2003.
The business I probably remember most was the coffee shop.
Remember, China is not a friend of the United States!
I remember that I wanted to buy a new scale.
Just remember when you order off menu, there’s a protocol.
«I wasn’t gonna remember it anyway,» McKinnon as Sessions replied.
C., Strzok claimed he doesn’t remember actually composing the message.
I remember hearing a voice telling me, ‘Luke, let go.
What do you remember most about hanging out with Sinatra?
Do you remember what you wore to your senior prom?
Anytime someone says, ‘Bad audition story,’ that’s one I remember.
It’s short, simple, easy to remember and it’s still unique.
People will hardly remember this game for who won, though.
Remember, this is the same company the Europeans are threatening.
I remember these times vividly because I wasn’t actually there.
Pineda said she did not remember Jones or the divorce.
Remember this is the old legal team that sent this.
Remember to share your creations with us in the comments!
She thought the physical pieces would help her remember him.
Remember when Ellen DeGeneres ordered a pizza during the Oscars?
Except … remember that comment about how Jimmy’s personality unmakes itself?
However you harvest your tax losses, remember the big picture.
Then she started complaining about something else, I don’t remember.
Later, Hays makes notes and recordings to help himself remember.
Remember when Samsung launched the world’s first 15 terabyte SSD?
LG: That was like four years ago, remember that one?
» She adds: «I do remember always being hungry and afraid.
Now, remember, the cloud’s going down tonight because of and .
Forecasters and observers alike would do well to remember that.
Remember the Ultrabook that their marketing pushed around certain specifications?
KS: Yeah, they kept dipping it in water, remember that?
Remember that whichever method you choose is set in stone.
Remember how long it took for them to implement search?
Remember, Google is the largest search engine in the world.
Remember this is a state that brought us Ronald Reagan.
If you remember, Palpatine also had an English accent. 5.
Even if you don’t join any, just remember: be kind.
They remember the forgotten, deteriorating below the dry Sinaloan sun.
I always try to remember what these monsters took away.
It was important for the boys to remember their mother.
I still remember how it felt when Dana Fairbanks died.
It wasn’t written in the script, not that I remember.
I remember the doctors coming in and they were sobbing.
It’s one of those insignificant birthdays that you don’t remember.
I mean, remember: when it goes down, it still hurts.
It’s also important to remember that relapse isn’t a failure.
Remember that impeachment and indictment are two very different things.
And remember to «treat yo’ self» on Valentine’s Day, too.
There are certain things about the film I remember differently.
Remember how we told you to turn off your Bluetooth?
Remember the last time you left your phone at home?
Just remember not to get sidetracked by your own problems.
And remember, this is a long game, so start small.
They remember Charlie’s birthday and they reach out to me.
And remember: Be careful out there this Fourth of July.
November will be a month to remember for bitcoin investors.
He will remember this moment for the next 40 years.
So you will remember me and not be so sad.
I remember that Tokyo has Uber, and I hail one.
Just remember to purchase a telescope in the early 2020s.
I remember that struggle too well ($37.81 plus $11 tip).
Remember last year when the Tide Pod challenge went viral?
Halfway through I remember thinking what the fuck is this?
Because remember, when we started Reddit, we were just 22.
» McMillan said, before Perry shared: «I remember, I wasn’t ready.
Remember when Elon Musk said he wanted to nuke Mars?
Remember, those trade deficits are subtractions from the U.S. GDP.
And the days of Ellen Feiss, if you remember her.
Remember that #WomenWhoWork initiative she launched as a fashion designer?
A gig I’d been present at but could barely remember.
When I hear his heart beat, I will remember you.
At the very least, they should remember these candidates’ names.
She could always remember, because Alec dumped her on Halloween.
«Remember that all ICOs are scams,» he writes in closing.
Remember the younger versions of Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy?
I remember when we first met … We spoke some Japanese!
Remember, the one that generated all the problems was 2016.
«He stops, turns around and says, «Dylan, you remember me?
You have to remember, I was a big Packers fan.
For many reasons, this performance will be one to remember.
Choose wisely — it’s what your classmates will remember you by.
Remember they had previously guided to 2100 to 1303 billion.
I remember when I moved from New York to London.
It’s now at 225.8 percent, the lowest he can remember.
Please remember to be respectful and kind to one another.
Just remember to give it a nice shake before eating.
To Peter, Wendy is the girl he can barely remember.
We use it to learn, remember, feel, celebrate, and connect.
Ladies and gentlemen, remember, check out Levin TV on
«From that moment on, I don’t remember anything,» she says.
It’s something that’s called three roses and a thorn. Remember?
Another thing to remember is they’ve both got activist roots.
Remember those days when everyone wasn’t talking about health care?
Remember that, at least initially, this was a hostile merger.
It’s important to remember that entertainment is just that: Entertainment.
This moment, I’ll remember for the rest of my life.
DC: Remember when some experienced politicians were running the country?
Remember that a response does not mean completing their request.
During that time, the family found ways to remember Troy.
You remember that famous pardon with Bill Clinton and all.
And remember, this is a conversation and not an interrogation.
«Remember, airline highway was not blocked by protesters,» he wrote.
Remember when President Donald Trump thought Rex Tillerson was smart?
Remember when Research in Motion’s BlackBerry smartphones set the bar?
«I remember being a bit disdainful of chillax,» she says.
And remember this, the president is in a unique position.
I remember saying, ‘I don’t know what I would do.
Well, it looks like Meizu doesn’t want you to remember.
Remember all those other times he spoke goof to power?
Remember that he lost the popular vote by 3 million.
It’s hard to remember the last big innovation in email.
That was hers from as long as I can remember.
One of the things I remember early on was interesting.
The same type of chunking helps us remember locations, too.
A: If you buy an $89 umbrella – you remember it.
And remember, just because they’re legal doesn’t mean they’re safe.
Do you remember roughly what was said for closing statements?
I remember what it was like when nobody understood it.
Remember the FAA Modernization Act of 2012 I mentioned earlier?
Remember: Yeast loves to grow where it’s dark and moist.
I don’t even remember what we were initially talking about.
«»Do you remember why we created this job for you?
Trump’s approval rating was, remember, unusually low considering the economy.
They’re still a necessity and they’re still annoying to remember.
What was the first thing you wrote, do you remember?
I’m grateful to have known him and remember him fondly.
Remember that first Google Glass video that got you excited?
What do you remember about performing on Saturday Night Live?
I remember the rock that made a deep region shallow.
«I don’t remember what it was about,» Legend, 40, lamented.
«I’ll always remember that game,» James said of his debut.
You look beautiful and everybody will remember it — especially you!
I remember seeing a triangle pattern flying over my apartment.
Hillary Clinton — that was the reset, remember it said reset?
Just remember to whitelist the sites you want to support.
Now remember, budget outlines are merely an administration’s wish list.
«I don’t remember much besides waking up,» Zanca tells PEOPLE.
I remember getting weird muscle cramps because of the heat.
But is Flynn’s claim that he doesn’t remember credible here?
Also remember that sports cheerleaders and dancers make promotional appearances.
If we remember that one thing, we will be OK.
I remember all of it being so new to me.

Examples of how to use the word “remember” in a sentence. How to connect “remember” with other words to make correct English sentences.

remember (v): to be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a pieceof information in your memory

Use “remember” in a sentence

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«I cannot remember his birthday.«
(birthday, anniversary, name)

«I don’t remember much of my dream.«
(dream, childhood)

«I can’t remember the joke.«
(joke, password)

«I remember the time that we went to the beach.«

«I do not remember that conversation.«
(conversation, incident, event, episode)

Used with adverbs:

«I clearly remember how to get there.«
(clearly, still, barely, hardly, vaguely)

«I remember precisely what she said.«
(precisely, exactly, vividly, distinctly)

«I will always remember you.«
(always, especially)

«She finally remembered to call me.«
(finally, suddenly)

«I can remember back to the 1940s.«

«I will remember this forever.«
(forever, fondly, well)

Used with verbs:

«I cannot remember his name.«
(cannot, can)

Used with prepositions:

«She remembered him as a little boy.«

«He is remembered for his funny jokes.«

«Did you remember to lock the door?«

«She will be remembered for her charm.«

«He will be remembered as a great man.«

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