Make sentences with word pay

Sentences with the word Pay?



  • «across-the-board pay increases»; «an all-embracing definition»; «blanket sanctions against human-rights violators»; «an invention with broad applications»; «a panoptic study of Soviet nationality»- T.G.Winner; «granted him wide powers»
  • «when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount»; «We like to plan ahead»; «should have made reservations beforehand»
  • «pay up, please!»
  • «for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent»; «the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies»; «the ostensible truth of their theories»; «his seeming honesty»
  • «her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her»
  • «an attractive opportunity»; «the job is attractive because of the pay«
  • «The old man is only babbling—don’t pay attention»
  • «a bad report card»; «his sloppy appearance made a bad impression»; «a bad little boy»; «clothes in bad shape»; «a bad cut»; «bad luck»; «the news was very bad»; «the reviews were bad»; «the pay is bad»; «it was a bad light for reading»; «the movie was a bad choice»
  • «a bad investment»; «high risk investments»; «anything that promises to pay too much can’t help being risky»; «speculative business enterprises»
  • «interest-bearing accounts»; «How much does this savings certificate pay annually?»
  • «each child was expected to pay for their keep»; «he applied to the state for support»; «he could no longer earn his own livelihood»
  • «he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver»
  • «Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?»
  • «our salaries put together couldn’t pay for the damage»; «we couldn’t pay for the damages with all our salaries put together»
  • «pay should be commensurate with the time worked»
  • «Does she pay you for the work you are doing?»
  • «pay court to the emperor»
  • «the Fisher Act of 1918 decisively raised their status and pay«
  • «derelict (or delinquent) in his duty»; «neglectful of his duties»; «remiss of you not to pay your bills»
  • «give thought to»; «give priority to»; «pay attention to»
  • «he didn’t answer directly»; «told me straight out»; «came out flat for less work and more pay«
  • «he had a drop too much to drink»; «a drop of each sample was analyzed»; «there is not a drop of pity in that man»; «years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet»—Kipling
  • «wages were paid by check»; «he wasted his pay on drink»; «they saved a quarter of all their earnings»
  • «retroactive tax increase»; «an ex-post-facto law»; «retro pay«
  • «He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons»; «Braque eked out his collages with charcoal»
  • «pay one’s formal respects»; «formal dress»; «a formal ball»; «the requirement was only formal and often ignored»; «a formal education»
  • «the formality of his voice made the others pay him close attention»
  • «fourthly, you must pay the rent on the first of the month»
  • «we pay the freight»; «the freight rate is usually cheaper»
  • «His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt»
  • «Don’t pay him any mind»; «give the orders»; «Give him my best regards»; «pay attention»
  • «hourly chimes»; «hourly pay«
  • «it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts»
  • «how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?»
  • «the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends»
  • «I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband»
  • «obstetricians have to pay high rates for malpractice insurance»
  • «don’t pay him any mind»
  • «he was given a month to pay the bill»
  • «now hear this!»; «now pay attention»
  • «felt obligated to repay the kindness»; «was obligated to pay off the student loan»
  • «I paid four dollars for this sandwich»; «pay the waitress, please»
  • «pay a visit»; «pay a call»
  • «You’ll pay for this!»; «She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly»; «You’ll pay for this opinion later»
  • «pay a debt»; «pay an obligation»
  • «the inventor worked for years before hitting pay dirt»
  • «women’s pay rate is lower than men’s»
  • «please pay attention»
  • «Don’t pay any attention to him—he is always posing to impress his peers!»; «She postured and made a total fool of herself»
  • «every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection»
  • «the landlord can evict a tenant who doesn’t pay the rent»
  • «Germany was unable to pay the reparations demanded after World War I»
  • «He signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal»
  • «We took a pay cut»
  • «don’t trust my ex-wife; I won’t pay her debts anymore»

платный, рентабельный, плата, зарплата, выплата, платить, платиться


- платный

pay hospital — платная больница

- рентабельный, имеющий промышленное значение

pay ore — промышленная руда


- плата, выплата, уплата

overdue pay — уплата /выплата/ не в срок
piece-rate pay — сдельная оплата
rate of pay — норма оплаты

- зарплата, жалованье, заработная плата

base pay — а) эк. основная заработная плата; б) воен. основное денежное довольствие
take home pay — реальная заработная плата
what is the pay? — какое жалованье?, сколько (здесь) платят?
in the pay of smb. — а) на жалованье у кого-л.; б) нанятый кем-л.; в услужении у кого-л.
in the pay of the enemy — на службе у врага
holidays with pay — оплачиваемый отпуск
to draw one’s pay — получать зарплату

- воен. денежное содержание, денежное довольствие
- плательщик (долга)

good /excellent/ pay — исправный плательщик

- уст. расплата, возмездие

dislike is the pay for being mean — неприязнь — это плата за подлость

- геол. рентабельное, промышленное, выгодное для разработки месторождение

rich pay — богатое месторождение
no pay, no play — ≅ хочешь веселиться, плати денежки


- платить; заплатить

- уплачивать, выплачивать; расплачиваться

- оплачивать (работу и т. п.)

to pay wages — платить заработную плату
he paid to see the show — он заплатил за билет на концерт
we are paid on Fridays — нам платят по пятницам
to pay one’s servant [one’s tailor] — платить слуге [портному]
badly [highly] paid situation — низко- [высоко-] оплачиваемая работа
to pay a bill [expenses] — оплатить счёт [расходы]
to pay one’s passage — оплатить проезд (купить билет на самолёт, на пароход)

- вознаграждать, возмещать

nothing can pay him for his sufferings — ничто не вознаградит его за страдания

- окупаться, быть выгодным; приносить доход

- поплатиться; пострадать (за что-л.)

he shall pay for this! — он за это поплатится!
he thinks he can get away with cheating me, but I’ll make him pay — он думает, что меня можно безнаказанно обманывать, но я заставлю его ответить за это
he paid for his foolishness with his life — он поплатился жизнью за свою глупость
to pay dearly for one’s happiness [experience] — дорого заплатить за своё счастье [за свой опыт]
it would pay you to be more careful — вам не мешало бы быть поосторожней

- разг., диал. наказывать; бить; пороть

the rascal pays his wife — этот негодяй бьёт свою жену

- мор. уваливаться под ветер

- смолить

Мои примеры


an investment that pays itself back quickly — инвестиционное вложение, которое быстро окупается  
to pay a bill — оплатить счёт  
to give / pay a bonus — дать премию  
to offer / pay a bounty — подарить дорогой подарок  
to pay a man back in his own coin — отплачивать той же монетой, отплачивать тем же  
to pay / make a compliment — сделать комплимент  
to make / pay court to smb. — ухаживать за кем-л.  
to pay the damages — возмещать убытки  
to pay a dear price for smth. — дорого заплатить за что-л.  
to pay a penalty — расплачиваться  
plus pay — дополнительная плата  

Примеры с переводом

It has been paid for.

За это уже уплачено.

Can I pay by credit card?

Могу ли я заплатить кредитной картой?

You’ll pay for this!

Ты за это ещё поплатишься!

I’ll make him pay!

Я заставлю его заплатить!

How much do they pay you?

Сколько (они) тебе платят?

I am well / badly paid.

Мне платят хорошо / плохо.

Crime doesn’t pay.

Преступление никогда не оправдывает себя. (расхожее выражение)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The farm just manages to pay its way (=make as much profit as it costs to run).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

pay away — травить
pay back — выплачивать, возвращать, отплачивать
pay down — платить наличными
pay in — вносить на текущий счет, вносить деньги
pay off — окупаться, расплачиваться, рассчитываться с, покрывать, отплатить
pay out — выплачивать, травить, отплачивать
pay over — выплачивать, переплачивать
pay up — выплачивать вовремя, выплачивать сполна

Возможные однокоренные слова

payable  — подлежащий уплате, платежеспособный, доходный, выгодный
payer  — плательщик
paying  — платеж, смоление, доходный, выгодный, рентабельный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: pay
he/she/it: pays
ing ф. (present participle): paying
2-я ф. (past tense): paid
3-я ф. (past participle): paid

In France, a pays (French: [pɛ.i] ( listen)) is an area whose inhabitants share common geographical, economic, cultural, or social interests, who have a right to enter into communal planning contracts under a law known as the Loi Pasqua or LOADT (Loi d’Orientation pour l’Aménagement et le Développement du Territoire; English: Directive law concerning territorial planning and development), which took effect on February 4, 1995. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You decide to purchase the flat as an investment and pay as long as you can, at which point you will either break even selling it back to the developer, or hopefully turn a profit selling it to someone else at a higher price.


Website: Travelers» login portal lets you access all of your insurance information, pay bills, track claims and more.


Look at the long-term goal for your vision, and don’t be discouraged by the lack of pay or progress you will inevitably experience initially.


He underscored that these local sports networks will still be distributed through the traditional pay TV distributors but didn’t rule out the possibility of a streaming offering at some point later on down the road.


• Boondoggles for bank executives; rather, their employees are salaried public servants (paid by the state, with a transparent pay structure) who would likely not earn bonuses, commissions or fees for generating loans.


— There are numerous operational equity crowdfunding platforms — do your homework and pay attention to the terms they are suggesting, as well as their industry focus (if any).


Performance-related pay remained tax deductible, including stock options, bonuses, performance stock — but not base salary, perks, restricted stock, and discretionary bonuses.


THE WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry has heavily criticised the $ 15 a week federal award pay rise recently granted by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission.


Some financial companies also ask about pay interval and employment (self-employed, student, housewife, employed, etc..)


Lets just say this, using the census data, controlling on 4 digit occupation (NocS), gender and age, there is less than a 2 % difference in average annual pay, between private and public sector workers working within similar occupations.


For parents who want to help their child pay for college, parent student loans can fill the gap between college savings and actual costs.


Instead of hiring more workers or raising their pay, many companies say they’ll first increase dividends or buy back their own shares.


Someone could «bunch» several years of donations to a donor-advised fund into one year, and take the tax deduction, but then have the fund pay out the gift annually in equal amounts.


The numbers show slight upticks in manufacturing employment, the average length of the workweek, and even a 7-cent rise in average hourly pay for workers.


13th month pay is probably one of the things that most employees look forward to every holiday season.


One major question on Wall Street is if the long-term downtrend in rates has now reversed, how will the government pay for all of this new debt on top of the old debt?


Not only is Televisa the dominant content provider in Mexico, with approximately 70 % of the viewership market share, it also controls over 60 % of the pay television market via its ownership of several cable assets and Sky Mexico.


Walmart said the pay increases apply to all its hourly workers in the United States, including those at its Sam’s Club stores.


, that savings portion should be at least 20 percent of your take-home pay.


Glass Lewis» proxy season reviews provide perspectives on the recent proxy seasons in each region, with a focus on insights and case studies relating to board elections, executive pay, ESG practices, shareholder activism, stewardship and engagement, and other notable trends.


But even in states that do implement pay equity laws, there are exceptions, including affirmative defenses that can negate an employer’s liability.


Fast forward and Tusk, who’d accepted his Uber pay in equity and today oversees both a political strategy firm as well as a venture fund, tells us that he’s cashing out his shares as part of the new investment being made by a SoftBank-led consortium of investors who are buying both primary and secondary shares.


And my real experiences in the workplace showed me that pay raises are tough to come by.


Adjusted EPS was also the main determinant of executive pay.


Be sure to compare the cost against the value of each additional guarantee, feature, and benefit — and only pay for what you need.


FHFA chief Mel Watt is nobody’s fool and in particular understands the state of pay to play in Washington.


Instead, pay upfront for 1-2 years to receive a 10-20 % discount on your monthly fee.


Some of the most important cryptocurrency buying and selling platforms valued at billions of -LCB- dollars -RCB- resembling Binance, Kucoin, and Huobi have already launched their native tokens that can be utilized to commerce cryptocurrencies and pay charges.


The Liberal Party announced they would introduce pay equity legislation, increase funding to Family and Community Support Services and reinstate the Charitable Donation Tax Credit, which was decreased in the recent budget.


OptionFair will often have campaigns where you just don’t get a deposit bonus, but also extra pay on winning binary options.


He took this job because of the great pay, but the stress of it is affecting his time with his family and friends.


Mr. Jenkins’s final comment that high CEO pay exists because that’s what intelligent, savvy investors want begs the question — which investors has he been talking to?


Most of the traditional marketing strategies would require that the company pay to produce, create, or host the service.


Because of the cost of a pill, Judy and Gary Pope faced an impossible choice: keep their family home, or pay for medication that would prolong Judy’s life.


The elevator pitch from Guy Kawasaki’s Reality Check is very effective: «My buddy and I have been working in our garage, taking no pay, and with MY SQL we built a site that is doubling in traffic every month.


Businesses were responding to labor shortages in a variety of ways, from raising pay to enhancing training to increasing their use of overtime and/or automation, among other strategies.


Or, the company says, it could mean Uber has to compensate in its pay to the driver for having calculated a fare that isn’t sufficient to cover what the driver is owed.


The proposed $ 100.8 million budget will spend millions on police and fire pensions as well as a 3 percent pay raise for city workers.


Employees at Credit Suisse won’t get large pay increases this year as Switzerland’s second-largest bank is looking to conclude a three-year restructuring.


Local residents» pay did not take drastic hits when entire seasons have been cancelled in the past, according to a 2001 study by economists Dennis Coates and Brad Humphreys.


You have to remember to manually make your contribution once a month or once each pay period.


The monthly gross (before tax) income of all the homeowners on your loan, including recent pay stubs if you receive them, or documentation of income you receive from other sources.


But once you’ve earmarked a percentage of pay for retirement savings, where do you put it?


Despite a plethora of coupon apps and coupon websites available, it still amazes me how many shoppers I see pay full-price in front of me in line, while I pull out my smartphone to access a discount.


It’s a good idea to save and invest enough of your pay to cover six to nine months» worth of living expenses after you leave the military.


Tenants in Mason have the third cheapest renters insurance in the state and pay 5.3 % less for renters insurance than the state average.


Meaning, contributions will come out of your paycheck each pay period unless you choose to stop contributing.


People across the world are using their Bitcoins to either pay merchants, or to transfer it to other Bitcoin traders or exchanges in exchange for money.


Want to learn more how to handle your own investments in less than 2 hours per year + pay less fees?


Mr Moore’s total pay comprised components including a base salary of $ 818,746, equity awards including shares of $ 9.7 million and short-term employee benefits of $ 4.4 million.


Synonym: compensate, give, remunerate. Antonym: own. Similar words: pay out, pay for, pay off, pay up, payment, pay back, taxpayer, pay attention to. Meaning: [peɪ]  n. something that remunerates. v. 1. give money, usually in exchange for goods or services 2. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow 3. do or give something to somebody in return 4. bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action 5. cancel or discharge a debt 6. bring in 7. render 8. be worth it 9. dedicate 10. discharge or settle 11. make a compensation for. 

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1. Pay somebody back in his own coin. 

2. To pay a person in his own way. 

3. Rob Peter to pay Paul.

4. Labour is light where love doth pay

5. If you dance you must pay the fiddler. 

6. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. 

7. Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it. 

8. A pound of care will not pay an ounce of debt. 

9. Can I pay by installment payment?

10. Don’t pay any attention to what they say .

11. I must pay away the bill tomorrow.

12. People used to pay in gold.

13. He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.

14. Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.

15. Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time.

16. You will have to pay for the excess.

17. How would you like to pay?

18. Readers always pay more attention to the headings.

19. I can’t live on my low pay.

20. ‘They didn’t even offer to pay.’ ‘Oh that’s awful.’

21. I begrudge every penny I pay in tax.

22. How much rent do you pay for this place?

23. They are rewarded in pay,power and perquisites.

23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

24. You pay less for the supermarket’s own brand.

25. He didn’t pay the debt and.

26. The job is tedious, but the pay is good.

27. You must pay for the ticket in advance.

28. We pay a yearly visit to my uncle.

29. If one desires to succeed in anything, he must pay the price. 

30. No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

Examples of how to use the word “pay” in a sentence. How to connect “pay” with other words to make correct English sentences.

pay (v, n): to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided; the money you receive for doing a job

Use “pay” in a sentence

How much does each person need to pay?
I wonder if my efforts will pay off.
We must pay attention to environmental problems.
Can you pay me in advance?
He insisted on paying the bill.
He wants to pay off his loan.
Each member has to pay a membership fee of $150 per month.
You must pay attention to him.
How would you like to pay?
I’d like to pay in cash.

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